Killzone Shadow Fall Chapter One

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foreign side buyers that swept held in surface [Music] reducing it to nothing more than a lifeless Rock in the days that followed an uneasy truce was negotiated and a settlement was reached we were to be given refuge on another world Vector Home of those responsible for helgen's Destruction was given over to the survivors [Music] okay move it out come on Lucas it's time to leave can't take everything just what we need [Music] listen I know this is tough but we don't have a choice we have to get to the wall we'll be safe on the other side I'm gonna look out for you I need you to do the same for me okay you're going to be my second in command let's go coming dad Hey where's my second in command [Music] this way [Music] come on we're gonna be okay Lucas this isn't forever so we'll be back inspector this is our home and it always will be I want you to remember that okay I don't make any noise stick to the Shadows come on Lucas get in here we have to be quiet right here don't move until I tell you I won't get snout as long as we're smart we'll be fine okay Dad that was found three things need to give up okay we're clear I'm one of us who are you what the hell are you doing here now yes black man [Music] this way thanks is this your kid I'm taking him to the wall looks like you're going to need some help you're a shadow Marshall aren't you why are the hell gas doing this to us there was an agreement we were guaranteed saying passage out hey buddy I don't like it any more than you do but until you get to the wall it's their rules like I said you're gonna need some help you can get us to the wall safely look the south crossing is closed and we're gonna have to take the long way around we've wasted enough time here already what's your name Sinclair I'm Michael Killen this is my son Lucas we're gonna go back outside I want you to stay close to me and don't make any noise okay you're doing great trusting you dad's a smart man kid let's go oh don't dump your stinky belongings on the road the door is jammed something's locking that door there's a hole in the roof one of us might be able to squeeze through drop down and clear What's blocking we need to move it's too late to turn back down he's the only one small enough to fit through there come on CE you get up there I want you to stay out of sight you know when you go straight for the hole okay sure seems like a good kid he's always had his own way of doing things over here Focus we couldn't have done that without you foreign [Music] no I'll take care it's okay it's just uh what are you doing take no chances no I didn't sign up for this but for my help this is it worry about your conscience when we're on the other side come on we're not far from the wall stuff just up again there's still a lot of danger wait here when I check things out you hear that Lucas we're almost there I've got to be careful this way foreign Lucas stay behind me wait wait we were promised safe Passage please got my son with me we're unarmed hey stop stop we can't do this this is our home too oh what's wrong with him why is he moving oh damn it what's gonna happen to me no looks like you're gonna have to stick with me come on we'll be okay once we get to the other side of the wall come on well done Lucas you're the youngest Cadet ever to be admitted to the shadow martial Academy proud I know if your father was here he'd feel the same way all our people want is to be kept safe that means taking the fight to the hell guest it means crossing the wall no matter what they do still Vector over there one day you're gonna get it back for all of us the shadow Marshall program is honored to have you Lucas you know where you have to go and you know what happens if you get caught you're let out on the wall in Chains on the back over your head parade it you're mocked and then executed you have no idea how sickening this is to us foreign forced to live here alongside the people who destroyed our planet then there are people like you Lucas Kellen judging us treating us like we are the criminals this war or protect you forever Shadow Marshall will March through it and take the rest of your city try it it won't be as easy as the last time by the Supreme command of lady heroesari and the accordance with statuate of the peacetime convention we hear my sanction the release and exchange of detainees and for them to be returned all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign they're not seeing what I'm seeing the Intel speaks for itself they don't read well Minister we're gonna have to convince them I have to go excuse me welcome home Lucas thank you sir it's good to be back the men might appreciate what you did but it wasn't smart you're too important of this operation God damn it you're too important to me I had to sir getting captured was the only way those men were getting out alive luckily we had someone to trade was she codenames Echo Chancellor of assari took a keen interest in getting her back besides the fact that she's a half breed we've got nothing on her [Music] let me show you something [Music] I take it you've seen it negotiations broke down days ago the government's running with it playing out options when do we start relying on politicians That's my boy look I know I'm asking a lot after everything you've been through but your help they're on the brink Focus one wrong move and this all blows up in our face whatever I can do sir [Music] [Music] it was a recon mission across the wall infiltrating military Communications troop movements and Logistics we need hard evidence then we can strike what happened and we don't know two hours ago we've heard nothing since I need you back in there contact me when you've located the crew and retrieve the Intel the hell gas nowhere there so at this point it's damage limitations we can't leave any traces I'm trusting you to clean this up do what you do best
Channel: Gintama10
Views: 30,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KILLZONE SHADOW FALL, PS5Share, Shadow, Fall, shadow fall, killzone, Killzone, PS5, Playstation, gaming, game, video game, Video Game
Id: 1uZitdqbEmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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