I Bought a Sig P320 Piece By Piece 😁

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all right so I picked up another Petri 20 and as you can see I didn't go the traditional route those of you that only p320 you know what you're looking at those of you that don't you probably don't know what you're looking at I have my reasons for going this route as opposed to just buying the gun itself but I didn't want to go through it in this video because I didn't want this video to be too long but one of my short reasons for going this route is I ended up with a slide that was just sitting around collecting dust not being used so instead of just buying a gun and then switching out the parts I just bought all the parts now typically I'm a p320 fanboy you know I'll just go ahead and say it I'm a p32 any family the p320 is one of my favorite guns typically when I buy a p320 I typically you know change of a change of the change a lot of the parks anyway so rather than just buying the gun changing parts and then having a bunch of parts left over I just I was I just went about it this route I mean take for instance this gun here I changed out the barrel you know and then this gun changed off the grip and I changed out the slide you know and I have I have two other guns - two other p20 s and then before you know it you got you know all these parts left over and I have I've had several frames I had so many frames so many group seat grip frames that I had to get rid of some of them I had to sell some of them but anyway this is what I did so I'm just gonna you know just in case you know if anybody wants to go this route as opposed to buying the gun I will go through each part and unbox each part and sort of show you what you would need to put this gun together but because of YouTube's gun policy I can't assemble anything on video and besides I'm gonna I will you know kind of clean some parts and and oil and oil most of these parts before I put it together anyways that's gonna take me a while I just don't want to film that so stay tuned I guess and I will come back and I will show you what it looks like so stay tuned alright so the first thing I want to unbox is my grip frame now when it comes to the p320 you have a lot of choices and so I chose to go with some box here I chose to go with the original compact small grip frame and when I say small there's a little you can see that ass on there that means smaller now in each frame that sig makes they have a a large medium and a small and the small seems to be the most comfortable one you know for my hands I mean even though I have sort of medium to bigger hands the small grip frame is really comfortable you know it's just a really comfort is just a really comfortable grip and this is this is why I like the Piedra tween in the first place I love their grips on the guns that they have now you don't have to go with this one you can go with an X grip you can see I have a X carry grip an extra X carry grip now I could use this because you know the these slides are the same size exact same size it's just this one it has a 17 round and this one here is also the exact same thing this is a small original compact grip it's the exact same grip this one hasn't been the laser cut I've had this is CentOS and since I had this one sent to a custom shop and laser cut and he did a very good job on that so but yeah and also in order just to make this more fun I added a laser on this in a Crimson Trace laser from the reviews and stuff that I read Crimson Trace they just seems to have one of the best lasers out there I don't really mess with lasers that much but I've always wanted a good laser this is a green laser this is actually a very expensive laser to the green laser they also have red available now the thing about this particular laser is this one is actually made to fit this particular gun so you know they do have like Universal fit laser you know like rail-mounted lasers or you know or something like that so but and also you can also get say they make a grip frame with an integrated integrated laser and I've heard a lot of bad comments about that so I decided not to get that one and but I decide I just decided to go with this one I think this one looks really good so yeah here's the box for the Crimson Trace so I had to send a warranty card in now they do offer batteries for life so as long as I own this laser they will send me free batteries for this that's another reason I went for the Crimson Trace so there you have it with the frame that's the frame I'm gonna use the grid frame I'm gonna use so there you have it for that one they now move on to the next people so my second piece that I got that's gonna be on this gun is the pro cuff slide now this is a slide I had for a long time it is I did use it and it was on that gun I mean I probably put less than 200 rounds you know through this slide and I took it off the gun and just put it back in the box and it's probably been sitting around for like five or six months you know so it's basically a new slide now was it a really big fan of the stainless and I might I had you know planned on selling it but then I decided not to sell it now this one is for the 3.9 compact you do not have to get this slide you can get any slide you want you know as long as it fits you know the frame the frame that you're using and the barrel but uh yeah I've had this for a while so I you know again I wasn't a big fan of the stainless which is higher I acquired it so so there you have it with the slide that's a slide I'm gonna be using so the next three parts are sig factory parts you know of course I mean of course all of these are sick factory parts except for the laser but you're gonna need a barrel now when it comes to the barrel I decided to go with the what at first I was gonna go with an aftermarket barrel but then I decided to go with the cig barrel because a lot of times these aftermarket barrels they can sometimes they can be have a kind of a funny fitting and that can sort of calm out caused a malfunction sometimes and I just for now I am going to get an aftermarket barrel but for now I decided to go with just the sig factory barrel so yeah this is a nine-millimeter as you can see on there it says nine millimeter nine by nineteen so this is for the 3.9 compact but yeah I will be upgrading the barrel not that I need to I just want something that looks more you know more accustomed because I always do you know like a little bit of custom work to my gun but not you know I don't want an all-out custom gun you know I just sort of a few things here and there just to make it mine and then we have you're going to need to take down pin take about take down pin I picked this up on eBay brand new for like 14 bucks and this is a cig factory takedown pin now they do have aftermarket takedown pins which I have one of my full-size gun which is the gas pedal takedown pin so and then of course you're going to need a guide rod gun can't work without a guide rod this is what this is how your slide comes back I guess I share brought a knife so I can open this but this is this is a brand new guide rod that I picked up I don't I can't remember where I picked it out but it's a brand new guide rod for the compact so and then the main piece is you're gonna need your FCU unit so the FCU unit on a p320 is the is the modular piece and I guess I should've brought or not hold on let me go get a knife okay so the FCU unit which is which stands for fire control unit on a p320 is what allows the p320 to be modular so the trigger the trigger mechanism which is what this is just sets down right into the gun and then you add your take down your takedown pin so you can also pick up other frames like they are they I mean they have they have rifles now that you can buy that you can just you know put this right in or carbines that you can buy and then just put this right in and then you have a working gun but the thing about the FCU unit this is what you have to fill out the I think out 16 I think it's called the sixteen thirty nine or something like that I filled out yesterday but as you can see this has your serial number on this so this is the gun when it comes to the p320 this is what you have to do your background check when you buy this you have to you you have to send this to your FFL so you can do your background check and you have to go in and fill out your 1635 just like you would for any other gun this is what I did for this yesterday when I pick this up so I'm gonna get all this stuff I'll get this cleaned and oiled and then like the slide and the barrel and stuff like that I'll get a little bit of oil on those and then I'll get it all put together and I'll come back and show you how it looks so stay tuned for that okay so here is the final assembly now I did get put put together and everything works like it should I mean I haven't shot it yet but I do plan on taking this out and putting you know just completely abusing it and putting hundreds around Stuart so I mean everything works as it should John's empty empty magazine so there you go there you have it that's the fine little some be fine final assembly if I can get my words out so the laser works I got some extra batteries coming for the laser now I know a lot of people think lasers aren't gimmick you know and stuff like that and you know and they have no use on guns but I kind of disagree because I mean I've used lasers before and I and that's one of the reasons I disagree because based on you know what I've tested versus what people say is there's no truth to it so but again you know being a p320 you have all sorts of options when it comes to grip and all kinds of accessories now even aftermarket now there seems to be more aftermarket parts you know available for the for the p320 so there you have it later on I might change the grip later on I sort of like I kind of like this uh polymer 80 frame love the polymer 80 frame absolutely love it that's the one this right here this setup right here is how this gun is going to stay so this is my other my black version of the pro cuff slide now one thing I do love about these pro cuff slides are the sights on them the sights on these things are extremely easy to see day or night these are night sights and they glow you can easily see these things in total darkness you do not have to change the sights on these unless you want like some rays suppressor height sights which is why I'm never probably never gonna put a red dot on this because because of the sights set to low I don't like red dots on guns that you can't that you can't use the backup sights so I mean if I were to put a red dot on here I would have change of sights so so there you have it awesome awesome it's pretty awesome next you can buy all these parts like this and put a gun together you know easy you know some other guns you can't do that because you have to have tools this one you don't need any tools to put this gun together so there you have it thanks for watching
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Views: 125,958
Rating: 4.8814702 out of 5
Id: b1tzFLBKPn4
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Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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