Killer Fabricates Home Invasion Story Too Complex for Him to Remember | Richard Dabate Case Analysis

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well this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Richard dabate just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Richard dabate was born on July 29 1976 and lived in Connecticut he went by the name Rick he met a woman named Connie at a party the two started dating and eventually married in 2015 Rick and Connie lived in Ellington Connecticut and they had two sons ages nine and six at some point Rick started having an affair with a woman named Sarah in July 2015 Sarah told Rick that she was pregnant before moving to the timeline of the crime let's hear a word from today's sponsor Factor resolving to save time this New Year 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60. now moving to the timeline of the crime on December 23 2015 at about 10 16 a.m the Connecticut State Police received a phone call from a security company that monitored the home of Rick and Connie the company said that the Panic alarm had been activated for the residents five minutes earlier at 10 22 am Rick placed a 9-1-1 call and requested help moaning could be heard on the line First Responders who arrived at his house noticed that the right side garage door was open inside the house they found Rick lying on the floor one arm and one leg was zip tied to a folding chair he was transported to the hospital but only had minor injuries and was released the same day the police found Connie's body in the basement of the house she had been shot once in the stomach and once in the back of the head she did not survive here's what happened according to Rick this is the story he gave the place that morning Rick prepared for work as Connie prepared to go to the gym Rick put his sons on the bus at 8 10 a.m he left for work sometime between 8 10 and 8 30 am as he was leaving his wife was looking for her exercise shoes presumably she was going to leave shortly about 10 minutes after Rick started driving to work he realized that he forgot his laptop and needed to return home to get it at the same time he received an alert from the security system so he thought he would check that out at the same time Rick arrived back at his home sometime between 8 45 and 9 am he walked into his house and heard a noise upstairs he thought that his cats had triggered the alarm maybe the cats were reporting a cat burglar it's not clear Rick walked upstairs to investigate as he stepped into a walk-in closet he was attacked by a large man wearing camouflage and a mask the Intruder who Rick said had a voice like Vin Diesel threw him around demanded his wallet threatened him and produced a knife so a lot was happening in a small space in a short amount of time the attack was fast and furious about a minute into the attack the garage door opened and Rick's wife Connie entered the house later it was determined that her exercise class had been canceled which is why she returned home so quickly Rick yelled for Connie to leave but she ran to the basement instead this is where the couple stored one of their firearms the Intruder pushed Rick downstairs and chased after Connie into the basement which was Pitch Black Rick heard his wife say I have a gun get out of the house he then heard two gunshots the Intruder must have somehow taken the gun from Connie and shot her the Intruder then turned his attention back to Rick grabbed him and used some type of pressure point maneuver on him the Intruder zip tied one of Rick's arms and one of his legs to a folding chair during this physical altercation the intruder attacked Rick with a box cutter and a blowtorch Rick fought the intruder with his free arm and leg at one point he burned the intruder's mask with the blowtorch Rick managed to get to the kitchen and activate the Panic alarm and reach his cell phone and call 9-1-1 the Intruder must have left out of the house through the basement door the police did not believe that Rick was telling the truth they think that he murdered his wife Rick staged the crime scene to make it look as though an intruder was the Killer but there was no intruder Rick was arrested on April 14 2017 his trial started on April 2022. he maintained his innocence and testified on his own behalf Richard debate was convicted and sentenced to 65 years in prison now moving to my analysis some people believe that Rick is innocent they accuse the police of developing tunnel vision and not properly investigating the Intruder story let's take a look at the evidence both for and against the idea that Rick was guilty starting with the inculptory factors there was no forced entry into Rick's house in the master bedroom closet where the Intruder supposedly was there was no evidence that anything was Disturbed Connie had been shot to death but had no defensive injuries it did not look like she had been in a struggle the murder weapon was a Ruger 357 Magnum Revolver which was registered to Rick he had just purchased it about two months before the murder Rick had the alarm system put in at around the same time according to Rick both the gun and the alarm system were purchased in response to an incident that he and his wife had with a contractor who was hired to remodel their bathroom but claimed that they were being harassed by this contractor he said the contractor broke the windshield of his vehicle the police investigated the contractor he had an alibi and was cleared as a potential suspect Rick's wallet was not found far from the basement door where the Intruder supposedly exited a police dog tracked the scent from the wallet back to Rick who at that time was inside the house receiving medical attention the dog handler had the dog track the scent again the dog once again went from the wallet directly to Rick who was now in the back of an ambulance I get the impression that if dogs could talk this one would have said seriously get the hint Rick stated that he opened the garage door to get in the house when he returned to get his laptop if Rick heard Connie open the garage door when he was with the intruder why didn't the Intruder hear the garage door when Rick entered only a few moments earlier it makes no sense that the Intruder would murder Rick's wife but then zip tie Rick to a chair and attack him with various objects Rick was having an affair at the time when his wife was killed his affair partner Sarah had become pregnant with Rick's child she was due in February 2016. just two months after the murder occurred Rick referred to Sarah as his love nugget which may have been his attempt to boost the sales of anti-nausea medication Rick told Sarah that he was getting divorced but he had made no plans to do so and Connie was not aware of the affair or divorce Rick initially told this complex story to the police about how Connie wanted a child but could not get pregnant due to medical issues he knew Sarah wanted a baby Rick said he did some quote-unquote untraditional things and Sarah became pregnant But Connie was fine with the pregnancy data collected from the security system a Fitbit that Connie was wearing and other devices indicated that Rick's timeline did not make sense on the day of the murder Rick activated the Panic alarm at 10 11 am and called the police a few minutes later he claimed that these notifications occurred not long after the attack started but his wife arrived home at 9 23 am Connie's Fitbit last recorded movement at 10 05 am which meant that she was home for at least 42 minutes before she was killed this is inconsistent with her walking in and being attacked immediately the security system last detected movement on the second floor at 9 35 A.M but according to Rick's story it should have detected movement several minutes after that Rick's story kept on changing a few examples he changed the time that he woke up in the morning he initially said that he was pushed downstairs by the Intruder then he said he tripped he told the police that he only heard the gunshots then he said he saw his wife get shot after that he claimed he didn't know and Rick initially said that after coming home he went directly upstairs however when he testified in court he suggested that he went online and relaxed for a while before going upstairs prior to the murder Rick made a number of internet searches that didn't look too good for him for example deadly over-the-counter combinations fast untraceable homemade poison and tasteless poison easily available he also searched how to use antifreeze as poison and where to purchase ricin 12 days after the murder Rick canceled the Alarm Monitoring contract with the security company I can imagine a representative at the security company saying sir are you sure you want to cancel you're the victim of a home invasion just 12 days ago Rick responds with something like well a lot of good it did the system didn't catch me I mean the killer whoever he was moving to the exculpatory factors unidentified DNA was founded the crime scene in places that appear to corroborate Rick's story for example the DNA was found in the master bedroom closet on a box where the gun was stored in the basement on the gun itself inside of Rick's shirt and on the door out of the basement Rick's Affair partner Sarah did not pressure him to get divorced she was willing for them to go their separate ways if Rick wanted to keep his family together when considering the evidence do I think that Richard debate was guilty yes I think he was guilty in reality and guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt one could argue that his guilt is almost undebatable moving to the next section what do I think happen in this case this is just a theory my opinion Rick started having an affair with Sarah and eventually envisioned having a life with her when she became pregnant Rick was forced to make a decision he had to either stay with his wife Connie or he needed to leave her Sarah was fine with either decision it was up to Rick he decided that he definitely wanted to be with Sarah but wondered if there was a way to do that that didn't involve leaving his wife and going through a messy divorce maybe something could happen where his wife could leave him permanently Rick was aware that the police would be looking at him as a suspect if his wife suddenly died he explored various homicidal options to find one that would increase his chances of escaping Rick may have been reluctant to dispose of his wife's body after the homicide because that would be too much work and he could still be convicted of murder even without a body he searched the internet for information about poison maybe he liked how that method didn't necessarily involve blood and gore ultimately however poisoning was too complex for Rick he probably thought about trying to make it look like his wife brought an end to her own life but once again he ran into logistical and technical issues for example Rick didn't know anything about Firearms bullet trajectory gunshot residue or anything like that he told the police he didn't even know how to clean a gun Rick decided that if his wife died mysteriously it would be difficult to hide the fact that she was murdered therefore he gravitated toward this idea of staging a home invasion Rick thought this was the safest homicidal option for him he started planning the crime a few months in advance Rick knew he could decrease his chances of being caught if he framed someone else for the murder he also needed an excuse to buy a firearm Ricky Used a disagreement with a contractor to satisfy both of these concerns he broke the windshield of his car to make it look like the contractor was harassing him and his wife he then used this fabricated attack as justification to purchase the firearm as well as the alarm system Rick may have needed the gun for his plan but the alarm system was definitely not his friend it's not clear why he thought that getting the alarm system was a good idea maybe he thought it simply reinforced the story that he and his wife were afraid on the day of the murder Rick said his plan in motion he somehow lured his wife to the basement and shot her twice he then threw his wallet into the backyard mildly injured himself zip tied himself to a folding chair and called the authorities Rick was not able to keep his story straight or align it with all the various data being captured by the alarm system cell phones and his wife's Fitbit when he testified in his own defense he tried changing his story to match with the timeline data but it was too late now moving to my final thoughts Richard debate was an unusual killer in many ways he had no criminal record no History of Violence and it does not appear as though his wife Connie was aware of his infidelity there was nothing Connie could have done she had little or no warning that anything like this was going to happen for example there was no reason to believe that Rick would have broken his own windshield without realizing this deception the gun purchase did not seem suspicious Rick was lost in his own fantasy world he thought that his infidelity would lead to happiness and he vastly overestimated his ability to fabricate a crime scene as part of his home invasion Rick created a fictitious bad guy with a voice like Vin Diesel this highlighted a compelling analogy just like Vin Diesel Rick was not capable of delivering a convincing acting performance if Rick wanted to choose an actor with a distinct voice James Stewart Sean Connery or Jeremy Irons would have been far better selections those are my thoughts in the case of Richard debate please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 85,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MvJVcyia_Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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