Man Disappears After His "Manly Wife" Beat Him with Truck Tool | Brenda Bratschi Case Analysis

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H this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Brenda rki just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Brenda brki was born on November 21 1963 and raised in Coward South Carolina this is a small town 20 minutes south of Florence Brenda grew up on a family farm where she learned how to hunt and fish by the mid1 1980s Brenda had been married twice and had a son and a daughter Brenda had various jobs including working on a hog farm hanging drywall painting houses and working as a bartender people who knew Brenda described her as extremely masculine more so than men who lived in the area she kept her hair short never wore makeup and routinely dressed in camouflage clothing the kind of attire used in hunting one acquaintance said that Brenda had a hard look about her in 2004 Brenda met a man named Randy Delan brki when he visited the bar where she worked in Florence County Randy had been born on October 1 1950 so he was 13 years older than Brenda originally from Tennessee Randy married sometime around 1970 and worked in Florida as a police officer he gave up that career to become a master electrician in 1990 Randy divorced and moved to Coward South Carolina to work in a paper mill he purchased 22 acres and placed a trailer on the property Randy spent a lot of time drinking beer hunting and fishing perhaps due to their common interest in the out doors Randy and Brenda were highly attracted to one another they started dating right away and within 3 months they married Brenda lived with Randy in his trailer the couple would frequently hunt and fish together in the area now moving to the timeline of the crime on October 21 2004 Brenda called 911 from her vehicle and said that her husband Randy had tried to kill her according to her Randy had approached her with a gho in his hand acting in self-defense she used a wooden tire Thumper and beat him a tire Thumper is a tool typically carried by truck drivers by striking a tire with the tool and listening to the sound a driver can determine if the tire has low air pressure the tool was not designed for checking the air pressure in a person's head but some people do carry them for self-defense a few minutes after Brenda supplied her story to the police Randy also called 9 911 he told the operator that his wife was trying to kill him he didn't know what happened but she just kept hitting him Randy explained how he had retrieved a firearm and was planning on shooting Brenda if she entered his trailer he said quote if she comes in I'm going to kill her I'm going to have to help myself I'm afraid of her unquote Randy was transported to a nearby hospital where he was treated for severe injuries including a skull fracture in the Hospital Randy supplied a detailed account of what happened he said that when he finished work that day he went to pick up a prescription but his debit card was declined upon further investigation he learned his checking account was empty believing that Brenda could help him straighten out the situation with the credit union he went home and picked her up as they were driving to the credit union Brenda complained of stomach pain and asked gry to return to the trailer Brenda went into the trailer presumably to use the restroom as Randy waited outside his vehicle Brenda used a different door to exit the trailer approached Randy from behind in a stealthy Manner and attacked him with the tire Thumper Randy said that Brenda was swinging the tool wildly he managed to retrieve a garden hoe that was next to his trailer and he used it to fend off Brenda when Randy entered his trailer Brenda fled the police did not know who to believe Brenda was saying that Randy attacked her but Randy was saying the same thing about Brenda there were a few observations that led the police to believe that Randy was probably the one telling the truth for example his checking account had been emptied through a series of small cash withdrawals Brenda had been losing a lot of money playing video poker and Randy had been severely injured yet Brenda only had a small cut on her thumb Brenda was charged with assault and battery with intent to kill she was facing up to 20 years in prison after Brenda was released on bail Randy was fearful that she was going to kill him he contacted an attorney and started the process to get a divorce mostly because of the murder part it would appear as though Randy moved on quickly from Brenda he found a new lover named Susan he also remained socially active with his friends despite the sense that Randy had put Brenda behind him he was still concerned that she might once again attempt to test his pressure so to speak he even created a makeshift alarm system for his trailer he thought that maybe Brenda had been trying to sneak in there on November 26th 2004 which was the Friday after Thanksgiving Randy had plans to go to a turkey shoot with friends after working a night shift he left work just before 7:00 a.m. when his friends arrived at his trailer to pick him up for the turkey shoot there was no answer at the door the next day Randy failed to show up at a friend's house is scheduled he also missed work he missed work on Sunday as well Brenda and one of ry's friends both reported him missing the police searched ry's trailer they found his work clothes and his lunch containers therefore they believed that he made it home from work on Friday November 26 several witnesses spotted ry's Isuzu Rodeo SUV at the dwit bluff boat landing on the great PD River about 15 mil e Beast of coward it was first spotted on Friday inside the SUV the police found Brenda's Blood on the steering wheel steering wheel column gear shift and dashboard the day Randy went missing a man who lived near the boat landing saw a person walking alongside the road this individual was later identified as Brenda she told him that she needed a ride home to coward the man and his mother gave her a ride they dropped her off in a neighborhood near ry's Trail as if all this did not look bad enough for Brenda one of her friends saw her leaving ry's trailer on either November 26 or November 27 the police thought that maybe Brenda was involved in ry's disappearance but there wasn't enough evidence to arrest her Randy had been under a lot of stress lately maybe he went somewhere remote and brought an end to his own life it was also possible that Randy wasn't dead perhaps he simply left the area to live a Renda free existence over the next few years nothing happened with the investigation into Randy's disappearance Brenda had been facing an assault and battery with intent to kill charge after the tire Thumper attack but the state could not proceed without Randy other than Brenda he was the only eyewitness it appeared as though Brenda was either extremely lucky or she was a killer but there was no way to know which one because Brenda was married to Randy when he disappeared she could have moved back onto Randy's property it was hers he had owned the property outright her only liability would have been the property taxes in a strange move which would also turn out to be very costly Brenda decided not to move to the property when the property taxes were not paid the land was sold to a new owner on July 16 2009 the man who purchased ry's property was having the trailer removed when the workers dragged trailer along the ground a blue tarp under the trailer became visible a human skull was spotted roolling out of the tarp the police were notified they found the skeletal remains of Randy inside the tarp on December 7 2009 Brenda Broski was arrested in connection with Randy's death her son Frankie was also arrested he was charged with mis prision of a felony this offense which is rarely used involves concealing a felony that someone else committed Brenda unwisely agreed to be interviewed by the police initially she denied knowing anything about ry's death but then the police told her they had arrested her son for murder this of course was a lie they did arrest him but not for murder at this point Brenda agreed to share her story with the police here is what she told them on November 26th 2004 she was driving and Randy flagged her down and asked her to go to his trailer she went went back to his property but did not enter the trailer as they were standing outside Randy told her that he wanted to work things out with her I guess it was time to put all that attempted murder stuff behind them when Brenda said that she wasn't sure about a Reconciliation Randy produced a pistol and had a crazy look in his eyes they fought over the gun it discharged and Randy was killed Renda put his body under the trailer drove his Isuzu Rodeo to the boat landing and threw the gun in the river she would have reported the incident to the authorities but she was afraid they would not believe her because they did not take her side in the tire Thumper attack in June of 2010 Brenda was indicted for murder and burying a body without notice her trial started on April 16 2012 3 Days Later Brenda was convicted on both counts and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of PL the charge against her son Frankie was dismissed now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one as I mention when the police were interviewing Brenda they lied and told her that her son had been charged with murder this was clearly a threat designed to put undue pressure on Brenda to confess the judge ruled that Brenda's statement was inadmissible which was the correct decision this wasn't the only time that the incompetence of the police jeopardized this case they also missed ry's body under the trailer not long after he went missing they searched his property the police claimed that they looked under the trailer but did not see anything they did not smell anything out of the ordinary either and cadaver dogs did not alert to anything it's unbelievable that the police would not physically search under the trailer for Randy's body his body was there the entire time item number two even when excluding the statement that Brenda made to the police the evidence of her guilt was compelling for example she was facing charges for assault and battery with intent to kill she had allegedly taken money from ry's bank account she left his SUV at a boat landing on the day he went missing around the same time Brenda was spotted at his trailer she was later charged with other offenses related to taking money which were unrelated to Randy when Brenda's statement to the police was ruled inadmissible she was highly confident that she would be found not guilty during the course of the trial however Brenda wasn't feeling quite as optimistic when the jury was deliberating her defense attorneys approached the state and suggested a plea deal Brenda was willing to spend 25 years in prison the state took the plea deal to Randy's family members but they rejected it they really wanted Brenda to be in prison for life ultimately she was convicted and received a life sentence it's not all bad news for Brenda she was eager to serve 25 years now she will get those 25 years and more item number three what do I think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion this case is straightforward Brenda tried to kill Randy because she had been stealing money from him and gambling it away when she failed to kill him she was released on Bond on November 26th 2004 Brenda waited for Randy in his trailer while he was at work when he came home from work she killed him using a firearm and placed his body under the trailer one of the most amazing elements of this case is how Brenda never returned to ry's property it just doesn't make any sense at all she had escaped Justice no one knew where Randy was Brenda had achieved her objective now she had all the time in the world to make sure she remained free Brenda had two options one return to the property live there and pay the property taxes this way she could leave Randy's body under the trailer two destroy his body completely or move it someplace where it would never be found by anyone if she was worried about the police spying on the trailer from a distance she could have cut a hole in the trailer floor and retrieved The Remains without ever going outside Brenda was caught due to her low conscientiousness the same impulsive irresponsible and Reckless nature that led to her gambling and committing murder led to her getting convicted now moving to my final thoughts the case of Brenda br can be summarized in this way a manly Maiden married to a Meek maintenance man meddled with their meager means making the man mistrustful mimicking bowel movement Misfortune she manufactured a murderous moment but momentary Madness muddled her movements and she missed the mark the next month the man went missing Myriad Moons meandered by manifesting his mangled remains beneath his metallic mobile manner maintaining her mulative mask the Miss muttered a mendacious monologue of self-preservation miserably moaning for Mercy she met her match a mandatory measure of many monotonous meals in a maximum security monstrosity those are my thoughts in the case of Brenda Broski please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 71,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yIFrlNI9nu0
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Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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