Killer BEE Mod in Among Us

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so today and among us we must save the queen bee from the evil hornet the hornet can sting us to kill us feed us to the queen bee and send out his hornet nest guys stick around for my turn to be the imposter we hit the map with an uppercut and also if you've ever been stung by a bee before hit the like button below the video hit the subscribe button let's do this all right everyone be [Applause] the horns quiet get the hornet wait no that's not the same wasp here give me that always don't get pimple give me that exp idiot where are you going where are you going to me oh i stole it from biffle oh guys look at this map though do this there's like we have to we have to protect the queen bee you see she has a health bar right if she dies from the wasp attacking us we have to heal the queen i am the queen i am the queen look i'm the queen i'm the queen bee how this works we have to fly around the map as a bee i have a level meter in the top left like check this out whenever i get this flower there we go you see i'm getting pollen you see up top above my name as i'm getting pollen this is how i heal the queen when her health starts to go down if her health reaches zero she dies to death now as i increase my level i start to grow watch i'm gonna grow as a bee watch look i just grew now i'm level two look in the bottom left i have all these abilities since i'm level two i can now speed boost hey sigils hey come here boy so i have this tainted pollen and i'm gonna put it right the queen oh what just uh what just happened we are big enough we need to revive him we need to revive him so i need to level up i need to get to level three and we get to level three i need to get level three okay i'm level three i need to go hill uh schedules i got him i got him i got him okay so i'm gonna dump him in here dump him in here wait no crap it didn't work wait get away give me your exp thank you pat thank you okay so now that i'm level three as you can see in the top left and it'll look bigger right oh no look at the mini map there's a high there's a high move washed by a hornet hive we have to go break it down get it boys break down the horn and it's destroyed why did you feed the queen bad food biffle huh feed the queen bad food before so if we can figure out who the imposter is oh gosh no no no no the hornet's got me who are you say your name oh no help help my imposter just then why the hornet just had me no no no no no no no and dudes as always listen if you've ever been stung by a bee hit the like button below the video i've been stung it's a bad story okay let's keep it also keep giving us more mod ideas and hit the subscribe button how we win this game there's a mini game i might show you i'll probably show you that one on the imposter how we win is we get all of our tasks complete devil i'm gonna need you to thank you and i'm level five oh no where is it it's over on the bright side go get it break the nest oh henry's dead too isn't he now that i'm level five i'm fully leveled out i have something called be army check this out i can click this i'm going to go ahead and do that task i'm sending b's out look this is doing this task right here and complete mini game okay okay if you can't talk uh oh if you can talk say foot oh henry's clack okay so you can see our scores on the right hand side right those are all our scores henry is henry's owning right now whoever gets closest to the center has the highest score and they win who's gonna win who's gonna win oh okay so we gotta line it up dead center here we go here we go here we go yeah don't mess up all right so henry gets to choose somebody to die oh no oh whoa it wasn't nico hello god [Music] every time he clicks he gets three oh guys guys it's stun him get him stun him stun him wait wait no no no staggered stagger says stun him stun him pat you need to stun him next everybody go get your test done keep him stunned here stop him you need to stagger your stunts stagger your stuns stagger your stun it's zod it's zod stagger your stuns stagger him stop him stun him no okay last task oh we're almost done we said it finds out we need to find zod and stagger stun him the entire time stagger stop him stand up stop him stop him stop him stop him stop him get [Music] [Music] here we go we got it boys [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you wanna fight you wanna fight you wanna fight me you wanna fight me okay i will fight you okay i gotta task are there any dead bodies i don't see any dead bodies on the dead body list there's no dead bodies oh give me that exp i hate you no fact fun fact speeds fart i just oh he's the imposter he's a buzzer don't tell anyone okay so boys i am the horde let me zoom out make sure i need to i need to level up as so how this works like i said you can see my levels in the top left whenever i hit the transform button i get abilities right but i don't have all the abilities unless i start to level like check this out i'm level two and i just got speed boost right and the more i level up the more abilities i get now check this out the i have like five or seven i don't remember different kills i every time i kill someone it hurts the queen i can also put down this hornet nest right check this out i'm gonna put this hornet nest down down here in the library i'm gonna put it down here in the library right here check this out there goes the hardest now the hornets [Music] look at the awareness watch the damage hurt the queen take down the queen dang it they broke my horn at nest it takes three of them to break down the hornet nest so what i have to do now check this out we already saved the queen i have this beast thing i have this beasting on pat watch this watch this watch the damage of the queen he just stabbed him in the back of the head with my stinger and that did five damage to the queen the queen will die okay let's do a b mound and let's go down here okay so as i take people out the queen dies but they're healing the oh let's do this here's what i'm going to do here's what we do what's going to do i'm going to put poison pollen oh here i'm going to place down the hornet nest here sigil's going to come grab this poison the next time he goes and feeds the queen she is going to get angry and kill him wait hold on i'm gonna help i'm gonna help i'm gonna help i'm gonna help her feet save the queen [Music] [Applause] i'm trying to heal oh no hold on hold on let's go over here over here let's put it [Music] they're currently doing a mini game crap i don't want to do the hardest thing she's at 78 health right now so that's the other kill if i poison somebody's pollen they go feed the queen poison pollen she gets mad and eats them okay let's do another poison pollen there i just gotta start loading up ability oh i need to level up more i'm only level two oh no people got the boys and fallen yes let me do this i'll do this no put me down no no no no no no no no no no no i just said my queen i need to send my please go please me go let me go oh i forgot about this i'll be gone i'll just get out of just please put me down please okay i need a level oh hold on let me untransform untransformed i forgot about this combo crap i need to start doing this whenever i'm this state right in the non-imposter state when i sting people with my bee sting i mark them i need to mark people i oh wait biffle just died oh no we need to heal the queen feed the queen feed the queen heal the queen i also have that mini game i want to do the minigame is broken okay let's go up here feed the queen oh boy that just steals the queen boy we out here hey listen i'm gonna need to i'm gonna need to go ahead and sting you there you go go ahead and sting yeah so now biffle and kate are marked i once i mark everyone this will be fun okay let's do this let's go okay kate's marked what's mark biffle's marked uh zod let's mark the side let's spark exactly let's talk hi zod oh get wrecked idiot okay i need to just keep stinging everybody i'm currently level four i need to level up once more let's go invest this going missiles put down another nest just to get people going and i'm a level five just got poisoned he's gonna go feed the queen and die okay i need to get level five there we go now i'm level five now that i'm level five check this out there's zod let's go over here on invis untransformed i need to start stinging more people hello pant hello hey i stung you sorry gotta go this is perfect okay so here's what i'm gonna do i need to keep stinging people i need to keep marking people henry i need a heart hi henry sorry i got mad my stinger got mad [Applause] wait can you talk can you talk i'm gonna go yeah oh you didn't die yet hey i stung you what do you mean yet wait we all die eventually we're bees we live for like 40 days that's it what yeah but i a queen okay okay we'll go go feed the queen then what's wrong here here check this out check this out check this out check this out you know how you're a giant sweat right yeah [Laughter] one people oh you want to get that lead every click i do counts as three can't keep up with me no every time clicking catches three and i beat son oh he's dead oh that's too bad oh let's do b army who's coming who's coming this way hello i am hello i am hello army wait i got to stick more people zod stung okay let me mark sigils i got to march hello hello is anybody can you hear me oh no zod's dead where did yeah yeah that just happened that just happened okay does anybody else need marking oh i forgot i got the mini game too oh should i do the mini game oh should i do the minigame hold on let's go this way hi hello loaf hello or can you talk or you die did you die no i'm alive okay give me sorry i think i have everybody marked you see they all have that poison effect okay hi henry he can't tell anybody that it's because he can't talk oh i love this so much okay now that i have everybody gathered here hey boys hey hello now that i have everybody here gathered let's uh let's have a meeting shall we [Music] [Laughter] did that kill everybody on the map those four they're dead is everybody up oh they're dead is everybody dead wait what happens if i call a minigame right now can i even call him any game where's the where's the minigame can i i can't even call a minigame because there's nobody alive oh no um all right well i guess i'll put this right here um and since everybody on the map is dead my hornet nest is now on a zero cooldown [Music] take down the queen the queen is dead guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button that's how you do it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,324,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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