KILL THE ENDER DRAGON! 1v1v1v1! in Minecraft Bed Wars

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III get it I listened I think I think I'm why in my life all right we are live I think I we I am I am two minutes late hey uh hold on hold on little Stuart ritual I got popcorn look I got popcorn I always have weird food don't I need sometimes sour skittles other times popcorn is two other times it's lime juice huh I get it we're late we're late just you need to make up for me being late just get it out of your system spam cringe just BAM it spam it yell at me I get it okay so let's do our ritual we're gonna start our music you ready for this ready for the ritual oh no let's get it in welcome back to the live stream today we're playing bed Wars as you can tell by the title I have an idea I had an idea earlier today in bed wars we're gonna try to take down we have Ambro Craner and we have Qian this time we're gonna see if we could take down the Energizer you can top my skin is different I am now I am nicknamed and it gave me a random skin of whoever the Freak this guy is no clue so we're gonna try to take down the Enderdragon that is the goal and what the reason why we're late to live-streaming were three minutes late just just spam hashtag blame AM brew if you see them on Twitter you see them on any other platforms hashtag blame AM brew but uh okay let's do this let's unmute and okay real quick before we unmute guys again um quick sellout moment it it hit the like button down below if you still enjoy these random live streams we try to get 247 likes I don't know I know I've been live streaming a lot lately but like I said before I don't know live streams are a lot of fun like like I said just being able to look over to the right and see what you guys are saying and interact with you guys I don't know it's fun I actually really enjoy it so yeah we'll see I might keep doing it I might not who the Freak knows but okay so I'm gonna mute I'm gonna mute app Hey hello is anybody here doing it low hello Craner when I say kyun hey he's talking what I did not expect him to talk yo I got entitled my stream something else I got it tightly like Kia kids real boys thanks most I have never heard can't talk before so can you're gonna sit here and tell me you have never talked on your microphone except when we're live in front of 15,000 people oh hey guys it sounds like Kermit I like it okay hey Kermit the Frog here speaker are you guys gonna party oh yeah it'll be lovely a party's invite am brew okay alright peace dude are you guys ready to go in you guys ready to go in okay okay I'm going in bed wars solo yeah okay so here's the plan for this I a kid a crater yeah did you guys go in is that a girl version of me I mean I'm yeah I'm into lobby yeah yeah go back to lobby that was a girl version of me what the heck was that I never want to see that again okay I just invited you Craner and akheon okay oh okay I can't then right now yeah okay you guys in so Craner and Keon both know the rules for this am brew what we're doing this round of bed wars we're gonna try to us for we're gonna try to make it to the very end and kill the ender dragons we're literally going to try to murder the ender dragons are you ready for this I'm ready we show anybody a lot of what I heard I got it I got it hold on hold on I got to turn up discord you guys are really low for me are they stream Oh are we going to stream can you guys hear crater and old amber and kid I Oh are we oh my god give me this is a child okay we're in we're okay what color are you guys I am currently dream I am NOT red I am NOT ready I mean okay okay you guys not green I am NOT red not red pink not a pink pink hey kid so if you hold tab you can see already yeah Qian is pink Wow I am Ruby amber is white oh do you don't have to just say that out loud man everybody knows did what color he is come on man you just need you Joe just great you're gonna get us bad from YouTube what is wrong with you every white everybody well I'll try to fix this out you guys sound really low to me really nowhere guy the Chet only freaked out about kyun I'm here to honest the only one in that picture we did I gotta see little now let's can dude you can't mess with Ken yeah key initiative is to chain that's for sure oh I don't have enough iron I'll just get that yeah let's get that okay you know but he'll like everything is possible now that I've heard Kia's voice I feel like I can you tell me there's no more middle daughter no kid no literally like how long have we been like doing things with kyun especially it's been a long time yeah uncle years like it has been a long time and we have not heard his voice but now when there's like that a lot of people watching he's like out of mind hey you know why 2024 thousand people in my stream how many years in amber okay so I would own it to only play let's turn on the mic Kim your big life values need to be re-evaluated wait who is blue is anybody blue dye no games oh well in a blue which one you talking about blue not aqua okay yeah aqua aqua aqua man is a horrible hero we're not talking about him Wow dummies names very good it goes right in how is he good if he's in the water comes in the middle if he's in the water if you had the water I guess Aquaman you'll beat you dude that's the whole point not remain he's growing watered you I got a simple fix for that you don't go in the water and you win most of the planet is made out of water so technically he's all pee okay that's true that's true yes you got me wait so Aquaman so what would it what is the percentage of the world like is it like seven it's like three-quarters yeah so at about 85 so 75% water so literally Aquaman is 75% the best hero safety 75% Opie and 30% sake the person sucky you need to really evaluate your math 75 and 30 does not equal 100 minor no no yellow you stay away from my face yellow I can tell you right now I can tell you right now with a very firm grip that if you if you go close to me Oh Mary oh yeah yeah but did I just I just ninja blues fed right behind them have you already killed Abed Ian you need a shot I already killed blues man he was either standing by the diamonds I've snuck behind him in a destroyed his bed yeah xbz man how do you sleep in i men i exactly i I don't I that's it my god what are you cello Ian are you good are you what are you trying to say what you good you good my man I'm good my I'm good my dude okay enemy okay so so we have Qian pink of course cans pink shell figure more craters you guys oh my goodness yes crazy dog back no I'm good are you gonna you're gonna lose your bed don't lose your bed I'm good I'm not losing my bed home he got murdered by so we have we have a simple task for today don't die don't die unless you die to the Enderdragon that is a little fly don't die unless you I mean it kind of makes sense you killed by the ender dragon don't die unless you like a guy what what Craner I am NOT going to I am NOT going to crime stuff I am NOT going to question your extracurricular activities okay I will not question your extracurricular activities stuff let's go it off with my braid tube a bit amber are you good uh yeah no I let's go to hear some guys B's taking your okay k give us quick acacia get the keys don't team with me can't do not key with me but do not kill me but place donkey sorry mom it does sound like the frogman he sounds like Kermit the Frog I love it it's not a bad thing though at least he doesn't sound like Craner you know let's say daddy this is true if you sound like crazy your muscle just delete your YouTube channel wow-wow-wow seviche savage killed this guy now what a hole what color am i again well come over my on water what color by is you ride a bull did you use an ender pearl okay I'm ready I'm a bandit okay I need one more mo what is Swit this guy holy crap he didn't die guy you need to kill him my dude I knowed it okay okay okay hold on can I make this jump crater are you good good Kermit calm down okay Tian are you actually streaming right now no okay okay okay I ooh a Kin Kin Kin here's the deal the next time you stream with us you have to stream with with a webcam oh let's do data get so many views I mean yeah I know free quick we can't face reveal dude I want to get all those views man keep an eye on it brother up Duke and honest honest honest scale a Qian on a scale of 1 to 10 how hot are you I live in that's good I like it I like it oh good no you do not kill me like that sir oh I've got to get rank guys you need to help me against this err yellow guy my guys crater please don't die good are you good crater please be honest with me good now I'm just gonna calm down I'm not gonna try to fight any battles I know I can't win ok ok ok was anything please just remember the goal of today just remember the goal of today is the destroyed stayin alive stayin alive ooh stayin alive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] chuckles hey are you okay grater grater stop singing the grater grater substation help you subsea stop saving every time every time you sing every time you sing a baby kitten dies stop it oh no okay look you gotta make it work repent those evil eyes about me okay okay we are good we are good we are good oh it was close everybody is spamming cringe in the chat everybody is standing cringing the chat because of your singing I got some cringe no it's not because of my singing it's because of yard go ahead make something up not singing you just burp it is burning decrement greater I would never okay okay hold on let me do that how okay okay okay so we have greens base okay that's you yellows but okay is yellows bases yellows base protected uh it has recently so I mean not really really try to take this guy down his name is crazy for polka mean or something crazy like thank I oh my goodness the wonder screening with that guy this is going back and forth he says know why but I do have an idea emerald grab the emerald how can somebody just go find this guy kill him in this pot okay okay okay you gotta chop miss that's why I'm not killing him guys it's not because I'm a bush okay you should kill him my dude okay hold on let me can't my guy I just fell off the s your name my bed blow whose why Penn who's white and Bruce a brew didn't know ever if you're cheating on it I blew me up in the air amber we need you are you day know your show like okay so why I'm not gonna die but I'm saying like I've been trying to give this guy his bed by him twice you dig it knocked off like he like wit nowhere hit him twice you didn't get knocked off okay that sounds like bad excuse me man he's aqua who is aqua it was it's creeper place guys we have to win this no good one I'm really trying here great who is greatest pokemon guys really throwing me off my swag you know oh here's yellow the hog anybody read anybody read I'm right I'm right I'm right I'm right hi my name is drag and dropping I am red okay okay drag and drop Lee that's really your name hey Jackson going for yellow yes I am yes I am I told you okay no we cannot team we cannot team not seeming we gonna get diamonds I'm rich in me okay okay we're going in how do you already have full diamond diamond you freaking cheater meg Meg beater I just got off with a stick dude I know he wrecks yo don't mess with that dude dude I appreciate you trying but he's really good man he's killed me like five times he gets into your head and then he just mad at you man my guys out of a turtleneck sweater I know bro exciting chuckle bet Oh who got aqua bed I killed aqua clock nice nice okay okay I'm gonna rush the center again okay I'm EXCI I'm actually terrified of this guy I do all we have to do is survive until the end get geared up wind life man hashtag hashtag I want to win life man guys are you guys great no gray it's not us his name is galaxy beat yeah grand yellow our luck wait Qian Qian's okay what happened Kim mMmmm no Q how did you say anything broken you gotta speak words you got it we don't even we don't understand you're Carmody speaking frog right now guys just guys treated nice yo what's up homie yo uh Dan Dave what happens - my friend I have no idea Wade sure you died yeah are you are you spectating us yeah okay okay what I want you to do what I want you to do is be our eyes in the sky you be our Eagles you will be our Eagles you are are the football players okay so green ass poo was Green Green is Craner Green is Craner okay okay Oh grace coming towards me kid yeah you gotta tell me these things damn yeah you gotta tell me these things okay with my arch nemesis man we're gonna go yes okay I killed him I killed him dead I think we got an agreement me and him I think when our friends I think my body's we shared some golden apples and then we agreed not to kill each other that's really no crater please don't crostini team acute band please don't rather resident that constantly die right now bite bite my homie yeah I got you I can't stop now dude it's implanted in my brain just quit I don't like killing people but what is he saying okay he got on you out you know he's called you out what does he say is he gonna kill me now I'm a girl you know you steaming is done with this guy cuz I just knocked him off the edge did you okay destroy his bad Detroit bad no I can't do this really strong I'm scared you know me I'm a I'm a little guy I can't do much I just I say a lot of crap that's what I do I don't I don't I'm not I'm not an Elfa you know no I get it you're not enough I get it what are you a crane are you late but place people in chat scene are you late alright guys I mean I need to confirm or deny if you really I mean I told him to spam hashtag Blaine and brew I didn't do it actually did to I said I said whatever you see am brew on any other social media is just a hashtag play man brew oh okay so I fix I usually that makes it house you feel like I would get this let me grab that there we go okay okay okay so I have TNT I just needed ender Pro yeah that's what I'll do that's what you love me gonna be farm some emeralds I'm gonna farm some emeralds for some TNT so the only beds that are left uh-huh is yellow no look right no what is going on with me man I I keep clicking the wrong thing yo what is going on now why am I not dying why am I not dying great are you good I did you I'm just absorbing right now like I pressed upon puns and I kill myself like I was so close to killing this dude and now he just said I honestly feel bad he's mocking me okay he's making fun of me bro you know Lana I can't help but allow that because I apparently suck today today is I'm pretty sure that was that's every day yeah it's gonna kill me it's gonna be nice can I get sorry crater sorry don't don't get mad don't get mad at me we're friends used to it I became somebody whoa all right well are you going to be good against into dragons or now let's see I don't know I was questioning that earlier I don't know if ender dragons would be good against or our goals would be good against any Dre do you want to testify oh yeah I could buy some right now I'm shy I would test it yeah I would test it I'm gonna test it but first thing first thing we need to test it or die okay going on this game man so the first thing we need to test right is killing these people okay uh I've won lights usually yes I'm in yoke elin no create amber you stay back you stay back again I don't want you to die I don't want you to die yeah I should be alright I don't want you to pull a key in and die you know what you don't really key in yeah got it okay no they Gian actually died I'm so good thing he akin is actually out of the game yes I'm not out of the game so real nice oh okay where's yellow oh girl humming yes crater you just got knocked off Oh is friends with the dude okay okay I'm going in I'm going in I'll go ahead drinking bit drinking me a [ __ ] pot gratia watching this disappointed yeah here we go oh I see an end above it I mean I better man plan do my plane while [ __ ] tomatoes Shep sure you could get in you know here we go Dugan where is he where is always right there he's right there killer no my students so good my good is he's so good dude I'm telling you he's my East I can't they're freaking he should join us Quixote team let's recruit him you know what my iron golem just sat there and watch me die he was just like a hey he died pretty good I go Mia you should train it better I need to play pokemons go everyday you I think that's nice Jodie plays so much Pokemon I think that's why crazy for Pokemon he knows how to train his Pokemon that's why the iron golem didn't hit him secretly the iron going with his I don't like it yeah I already tamed by him I don't like this kinda were you going I mean there's nothing we can do is to fake in Minecraft kill this guy got a killer ski gotta kill this guy straight from straight from a kill straight from a kill yes oh that was goodness guys killed about me and back you up bro I just I just got them dead I just got them dead did you get him did it I got him dead well that's a great guy oh that's okay okay yo David no okay no so they can't the only person way yellows on the game so yellow and gray only ones that are with us correct we have to kill them all right - Ted why does that girl keep calling you and knock it I seriously feel like that's just hate I don't know no you know stay away but yeah those stay away yellow you stay away right now I've got to call your mother and tell her that you spend all your time playing Pokemon go that's rude craning I shouldn't do that what no who's that oh that's Amy I knock tomorrow nice enough guys don't cross team don't get bad well my aunt use without straw Stephen dude don't get fancy listen to cross team it's just it's just a team crossing that's what we're doing but no it's not that no no no definitely not no whatever he says it's not on my behalf I do not acknowledge and confirm everything he says so uh okay here we go okay your lawyer I forgot yeah that's right hey I think he's here somebody just there in the front I got it bad I got his bad guy and he's eliminated my life tell him GG that was I feel bad for that yeah I wouldn't deny dude that was good I like that that was fun okay okay now there's a great video game okay green base I'm gonna take out green space taking out green space no that's mine get away dad don't look guilty okay so he is it crosstie me if I say try to eliminate gray is that cross teaming or no what am i just informing you guys oh man you are just informing us of your next plan as long as we don't count the lawyer here that's fine yeah you are the warrior here oh yeah am brew haha how are the paperwork's come on I still have gets like you soon yeah that's got a little foot yes 30 days p.m. to camp I get to read those papers are you here for his Lear it is ready you guys upset kyun he randomly turns into a villager I like it you always said only Osler flowers - no it's great it's great as well I'm base right now yes I guess white on his face but this guy knows what he's doing you know okay okay soak and am brew I need you not to die so be careful not to die what about me what Gregor I don't care what happens to you yo figured jerkface jerkface oh thanks you you're you're able to respawn am brew has one life he has he is a cat in his bed yo you baby right yo you you suck it you guys I just recorded no bed challenge you know I'm kind of used to that you know Oh grab that oh I have 16 diamonds I triggered grease trap I want some still alive now I'm not dying as much when that Pokemon guy is not it's not on the server anymore who he was tough man okay I just bought that what what type of Defense's does he have amber oh uh gray is um is dead right now go or are you getting this bed yeah I'm just doing it oh all right so never I don't find him whoever killed don't they ever don't die please don't die amber who's dying I'm watching is anybody after me no you're good once a brew kills this this gray guy it's all over huh it's just us three and we have to gear up for the ender dragon every week now seaman it's only us three right that that's when we just have to do things together with rice right I don't think we can get banned for cross teaming against ender dragons feelings yeah and the Dragons don't have feelings yeah so it's only us three poor porky and respect rip Kane in the channel step guys okay so here's what I want to do what milk where did you [ __ ] this bush just ambushed me did you get murdered by a bush uh yeah other things they're gonna kill you you choose to die from a bush yeah oh that's a good pot dealer I'll give you that much but you're still freaking dumb did you die you see guidon he died it to a bush he got ambushed get it but you know man oh that's your mace I'm sorry we said in my life all right crater it's on us we have to really do this together we have to destroy it ender dragon man this is easy peasy lemon squeezy get a bunch of golden apples get a bunch of arrows get a bunch of ender pearls so we have to we have to build a base - we have to build protection and I what I want to get I want to get some water to surround our base so what if we fall off we can swim up right Ian what if we built it like way down near the void is that a good idea is that a bad idea no that gives us less time if we if we build up it would be better because that gives us more time to catch the water oh yeah okay we should say we build it up well let's build it up in the center of this island okay good sounds good to me I'm just upgrading all of my crap right now I need a bunch of amp damn golden apples okay I got a bunch of em oh yeah also fireballs maybe a lot of those I think those are good you think those will help him I think those will help a lot I think they do a lot of damage to be honest yeah okay okay let's grab those dead uh am brew and Qian uh hi hey hi hi sterling how you guys doing yeah I'm really light hit I just laugh so hard from that joke a bush joke are you kidding me dude because I died it immediately thought about getting ambition I'm not even mad guys I'm not even mad but honestly we use up the bushes that you won't see them coming I promise how did you die to a but like what happened as I jumped on a really narrow like platform and I jumped I got clipped on by a bullish so it pushed me to the side which maybe missed the bridge but how did you not see the bush it's always rings I'm sorry just to pee it out of nowhere dude oh alright crater it's on us it's all up to us you iron golems to really want to see if that works yeah I have one iron golem I'll probably buy more okay but how you talk to them they always in the air I don't I don't know it's for it's for science craner's for science well you don't care about science man we need you to actually do this how dare you how dare you how dare you how dare you whoever you ever can say how dare you the loudest is right how do you wanna you wanna don't know that no no no no no no no no please don't crater I was kidding just you win no you know you win you win you win you win okay you win okay hey calm down I'm not gonna okay ah crater can we get ladders is there a way to buy ladders yeah if there is yeah yeah it's always been into Gabe yeah is it I don't ever buy him so I don't know yeah are you little newbie I'm a newbie okay okay can you grab can you go grab ladders I'm gonna start building the platform right here I don't know what they tossed but I can check it out okay sure so let's build a platform here but SS we were saying before we got into this it's gonna be way more difficult because Jake is connect see kill and stone now and they couldn't be fall so that's why that's why I'm just making making it out of wool since it doesn't matter they can destroy it anyways so that's what you are buying the the ender dragon buff no don't buy the other boy that would be so bad he'll be the worst idea ever you just got killed by bush you have no say in this why you getting this out of wool dude I just said why because they can destroy anything so it doesn't matter oh yeah okay what about obsidian they can destroy that - no but they can destroy that - hey no hey the cleaners I didn't know you I didn't know you could grow a mustache and family difference we look so ridiculous dear with this [ __ ] look like I look like a weird Mary oh okay our beds are gonna be destroyed in three minutes so crater if you have any suicidal thoughts get them out now damn what is jumping to kill you next okay so joke about that I'm sorry yo what about okay but if we make a very big base but it has light and crêpes on the layers so they have to like punch through a lot of wool in order to get to us is that right before we cool it will but we also have to keep in mind we want to shoot at them while they're flying around no but we can still do that it's just a very very thick window right okay you did you do you build your base your I'm gonna go get more I'm gonna go get more I have a bunch of wool actually what about water yeah yeah I have water I have water as well I have water as well get the thing about neutral items is that when I swoop down they like destroy everything in their paths I mean they destroy like three layers at a time right and that's what the waters for yeah yeah well they destroy water sources as well um right but they mmm so if I were you my bullet water on the ground maybe right they get the pills are the best thing we can really buy to be honest right yeah still so us probably both of you would be pretty good I thought I just need a trench on Interpol's so if I do this yeah they get the pulse on the best dude yeah I have a bunch of ender pearls I have two so far but I have nine emeralds right now let's see well stinky and her dragons are probably flying up in the sky right so means they're gonna be coming down to swoop you so they're gonna be hitting you you have depends on where they come from this is good if it's our crater if only if only our teammates didn't die hey dude I'm I'm actually so nervous to fall down now just because I made so much fun of April I wanna I wanna also be in that category you know okay okay I'm going down or going down so am I better than am Prue now that I died yeah yeah you are you're totally better dude yeah you died you died you died to a player he died to a bush oh yes I died more like off a flank PvE stuff like I even players I die more to like natural environment that to national players and it's also does that make you better or worse I think makes you for changing where is that okay your enemy was even moving okay I have three buckets of water down I'm gonna place more on a place more are you gonna get eaten with a we just randomly what do you just want me to spit water randomly on the island right yeah and and my thought process is like if the ender dragon dives down right here where I met and destroys all that it has all of those chances to create something falling down to the void yeah oh is you guys only need two buckets of water you guys to make an infinite water source oh wait can we can we do that on the possible in Vegas its natural of its natural mechanics oh we should using that let's try it let's try it I'll grab the two buckets of water and I'll try it am brew if you're if you're lying to me I will have shitty I'll have can sue you I don't wanna buy them so hopefully it's okay infinite water source embed lures this is all science testing okay here we go okay we can literally place water everywhere now owe me a little I don't want a lawsuit on me there I mean I feel lucky you're lucky I hear I hear Kim is the best at lawsuit okay okay I got scared do not fall down now Ian if you do not pull an Ambu and fall down I'm gonna try not to get ambushed like a wounded amber got ambushed by a bush okay in the pearls and buy a gun Scott lucky nose I got the vials yeah buy a bunch of arrows I need a bunch of those too I'm just placing wool everywhere dude okay okay I got a ton of wood it will do you want some of mine yeah break bring wool to the center we have nine minutes to do this dude nine minutes I don't really need timers for anything actually that's so weird if you have time is given to me I'm gonna upgrade my armor okay here here here yep there goes your they cover off the middle the water be oh yeah they should cover the middle and it cool can you that's a good idea some places where you can't build I'll try you have any wool or did you give it all to me I gave it all to you yeah dang it all right here I'll throw you a stack wait I'm not mad my base okay come to the middle whatever you're done grab a bunch of em yeah bye-bye a bunch more wool I'm gonna build I'm gonna build this platform longer dude the ignition works if we can just if we could kill both ender dragons and just really out in history dude we could literally like on this server forever Michael taking my place 1s stole why you should think about this Ian because like we'll go down in history right bruh a brew was with us in that story and you'll always be noticed again got ambushed by bush hey guys you know hole are you jumping LTS like a secret location down there um there are no secret locations in the void an brew we don't we we don't take advice from you but do you actually know though have you researched that you about wolffian I take someone I'll cover up the center cover up the center patch oh yeah Ed's I miss I got I got seven diamonds do I have 29 diamonds okay so cover up the center okay let's do that try just be very careful come up Amy's right in the center right and that will just put water over at all yep before you try this ocarina I would make sure to put water on the outsides of it so in case you do fall you swim upstream I'm not an April I'm not gonna die I did I meant if you die Craner I will literally unsub from your channel Oh still yes I am subscribed to your channel and I will unsubscribe from your channel if you fall are you sure a lot of line I know I well I won't do that mean I wouldn't do that to you now I'm kind of scared okay okay one okay yo I'm just spreading the water further than Bertha man this is scary stuff bro okay okay I'm gonna buy more ender pearls luckily there are no bushes around buy more ender pearls I'm gonna buy a bunch of golden apples so I don't mean to get what the point of this is this is like a big safety net yeah like that that huge Center was just a huge hole but now since we covered it and put water over it if any of those blocks get broken we can swim in it good yeah it just increases our odds of survival may the odds forever be in your favor holy games right there okay we're okay here's the infinite water source let's grab that grab that grab that okay I'm just gonna keep spreading water dude keep spreading water six minutes steel six minutes we have to be prepared middle is almost blocked up homie you need to stop spreading water over here man okay spread water that's that did not spread you well okay there we go it's spreading dude here we go guys this looks really good oh okay I need more Interpol's I think that's the number one thing I'm missing a holy cow fall into pills but a possum that I'm doing really good okay I have five under pearls okay maybe I feel like we should have at least like 15 News Yakko bye boys you just keep buying more we have sick five minutes okay I very five minutes it's not a lot I know some scary up I don't even like doing this right now please a shift key do not fail me right now okay that's all protected that is all protected dude if we take down these ender dragons I will literally poop in my pants don't do that that I don't want to do it I don't know how to what if I don't want you to poop your pants with me here that's right you can talk me through my struggles I don't want to talk you through any kind of poop related structures okay I got six at the post now we're good we're good sheep like ninety yogging say yeah it's lit its lit my man okay let's put that there just I'm gonna suit my ministry surround all of the tree with water so we need more water crater crater we more water in this one you just got side and I was so sure that you went died or something oh can I go silence do ya like oh just okay put that there mm I don't next we'll go yeah cause this is one emerald yeah whatever for a water bucket but remember we have the infinite water source over there - yeah so you really know five minute okay uh try to stay away from like little center here where the void is because only one layer so if I so here we go it's anywhere near that it will it will completely remove the wall there so try to see okay I'm gonna go grab more water going to grab more water so we pour better to make the most damage so what if I boss do a lot of damage oh yeah I give fireballs as well give fireballs as well dude a fiber fire they work on in a dress I don't know we we have never tested it to hit people with but yeah they work okay I bought the emerald bow and I figured that would do a damage but well the emerald bow and the gold bow do the exact same damage yeah but do you think entertaining to me to knock back I don't know oh yeah it might actually help a little bit with the knock back to maybe mmm who knows I mean who knows I never tested it me you know just as much as about in the dragon seabed walls as I do man I've never tried this yeah only senior-level try this oh dude I am filling up this entire center island with water man you know what this is actually kind of beautiful I feel like we made odd here you know yeah this is art this is this is Allah let me say so you said god this is odd-eyes this is a dance okay okay man really man okay I thought we've all of at this point you've known me for two years I have an accent okay great I'm sorry forgive me I do forgive you because you are my boo don't ever say that again why not come on man okay we're going okay we have two minutes at bay because that means poop in my lake which you know so you know Bay means poop in your language yeah literally yeah that is terrifying so don't ever call the Danish guy a girl Beibei you're literally calling them attorney yeah yeah okay no you know no you know okay so what's the next plan we got water everywhere Billy nobody else D are the wolf platform we have up there big it build it bigger okay I'm just placing water everywhere dude so we have somewhere swim if we get knocked off can you go back to my base grab the iron the excess I think that's quite a lot of iron is there yeah I'll go do that okay how do you want to build this do I just build a roof on an hour like what what's your plan here I don't know I don't I don't plan things I just do things sure should we have a roof of no I don't know no no don't do a roof and the reason why that gives us less aiming power if we have the rooms flying here with us man and what some would say they can do that anyways because they can just break all the blocks remember gosh dang it on the light game - James I don't either smell okay oh yes yes I'm minutes four seconds until via okay we're gonna go okay I'm getting nervous I'm getting nervous whenever I get nervous cookies whenever I get nervous up hey okay okay okay please okay okay okay okay okay hi we're going for seconds 50 seconds Ian what if I won't I ain't my room why did you buy me I didn't know I didn't know okay forty seconds okay okay hold on hold on we got some water let me grab some water just water yes you guys need to get up there you guess yeah unites all right now you're the mayor she needs to get up there now dude that's me I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going meet you up there homey okay going going going going idea I need to become Michael Phelps I need to become Michael Phelps I need a swim faster okay okay okay 20 seconds didn't make it whose idea was the water whose idea was the water it was your idea net Michael Phelps within me Michael Phelps okay we're here okay [Music] here we go Oh Oh kill them okay giggles yes everyone's I do I'm gonna put one down putting one down there we go that'll kill you brighter better okay kill crater don't come down here don't come down here oh I hit him I hit him dude up doing damage to him just keep hitting uh hit the red one hit the red one okay yeah life art also if you hit them they kavithai go away from you Craner kill my iron goal and kill this iron golem it was a mistake okay okay oh okay are we going for the green one or the red one eat a Golden Apple eater go back right there it go for the red one whenever I go there go get back you super jackal will over everything I were to everything you want okay don't you guys see them cheap ways yes I can't can you I'm going close see if I can up his energy we got the gig I will cook we need to keep them away dude keep them away keep away keep away no you guys have to fellas the eyes in the sky you already you shot me that's why I didn't want this roof it's so hard to shoot him okay okay make sure your ender pearls are ready they already okay now you guys are good right now the night Michael choice yo they're coming towards their might not know that he's going down okay they're flying away dude F chillin chillin okay comes ready Here Come friend here comes red I just doing a lot of damage job but I can't see their health bar is it none to chat no I see no I read I read I shoot him in the head you Sherman head ok Sudan in turn around it's not coming at you yeah yeah that's why we got to shoot them instantly dude here comes right here comes right ain't he greet me with him yep buzz him though oh we got a weekend we scared him away oh sorry guys good on arrows yeah I got plenty I have our stack and a half oh well is that gonna happen yes but I have enderpearl so I can go get her get up get up get a get her Fran get him dude ok there be really rest now I know game ends in seven minutes Here Come sugar ok I got this guy got green got green ok Oh doing this beginning I'm starting to think they know I hit wins I don't know we are doing really good dude Oh [Laughter] oh my gosh he loses he almost ate my face green yo can anybody see how much lows they are dying no I can't Oh God we don't agree Oh everywhere okay my finger fingers are cramping up tied on my hands are sweating I don't I don't like this okay bread coming bread coming I shot a lot okay Green coming in on how to wipe off the hand where it is right others find out right now yeah about you okay yeah they're not after you yet one to the right John have they just kind of forgotten about us yeah they did oh yeah I guess they forgot oh hey Joe guys with good oh here he comes here he comes Jay coming from the bottom he's coming from the bottom okay oh yeah dude the green ones this leave you guys alone oh wait yeah okay so uh okay we go here okay are you rebuilding nice nice good I should probably do that too okay okay I need your ears are you right now I owe ya loot I have a little over a stack I see the sky where our eyes in the sky I know okay okay bro we need to get up there I'm doing InterPro I do an enderpearl I do an enderpearl it's gonna land it's gonna it's not gonna land okay eyes in the sky eyes in the sky eyes in the sky then I find are you exactly please tell me - dude if I mess this up I do thank you madam you guys gotta be faster I'm up on my platform you know hurry up on here dude distract them this Canyon okay these are literally the worst eyes in the sky ever crater greater you watch the green dragon I want women with eyes like these who needs blind people come on let's do this I'll watch the red dragon kids watch the debris dragon red dragon stories you guys now okay oh oh back I'm back a fool no no please keep them away from me crater where are you crater where are you I'm going up the ladder okay come up the ladder oh hey hello hello do you have any arrows I have less than a stack yes I'm dropping that with okay jeez do you still have any yeah I have a lot okay good you're good oh we got one we killed one George Dyson I think you'll agree we did it this server will be ours we will own this server we no crater be careful crater you need to be careful dude okay you you cannot ok ok you're up you're up here be a ripper okay oh dude we have a crap-ton I have like 5 stacks oh no I still have 5 stacks as well yeah ok oh dude I bought is the only thing I've been doing all game is buying arrows man aren't you happy about that now Ian yes granny you are a genius we can do this we actually managed to kill the detention dragon dude I know what's not a Dragon spawn when you get we will take over this server will be killed both Oh a game in two three minutes dude it does it does I don't know what that means it means that the game is broke no I know that but I don't know does that mean we does that mean we own hypixel at that point I think so dude it's gone again get him nice shot nice shot I'm up here dude I'm actually shoot from his own height we're looking we killed both dragons dude yes G what does this mean what look at my man tower bro oh ok so we have 2 minutes and 30 seconds left I can do what this is your yourself Ettore server um I don't know we did it man like the only thing that's left is two of us there no there no more dragon should we kill both dragons I'll be the first youtuber sexy do this I'm not sure so I don't want to make that claim I'm simply asking what other dragon dude keep killing a crater game killing them okay I'm coming to you bro I want to celebrate this victory with you owe me but I want to see what happens once the timer goes down okay to stay alive that this is easy magic crater you see bro Raider come over here Gordon okay nothing happens when you're in this water maybe it's because of the water how low do you guys break the 8 right yeah hit the egg dude I've never seen this I [ __ ] dread Brera I've seen a lot of people try to do this but I've never stood I don't know holy crap okay with what a minute through baby on your bathrooms yeah we got to get up on the bus a good idea with the water man the water really saved this game right now okay I just ender pearl I made it okay I'm here I'm here nice oh here comes their coefficient work okay we have a minute left I want to see are you over through it that went into the void Craner come on oh you're the tree oh hey what's up bro no this might be good - I get another ankle okay we actually kill to end a Jenkins mixing we killed to ender dragon 1v1 result it's back okay so science is confirmed you can kill the ender dragons but they come back but I want to see what happens after 30 seconds yo hello what we actually did this bro only the two of us man we just bonded to the mace we have taken over this server crater we have thought we just get your own eye pixel right yeah I'm pretty sure that was the rules in hypixel they were like if you kill the ender dragons you own I fix it yeah that's some way yeah I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere okay okay we go games over here we go we just want it for some reason amber ooh came in first wait a second Wars red it says I won but I'm in first - no we actually killed two and attractants I haven't seen that being done before we actually yes we actually killed two ender dragons dude that was actually amazing that was sick I like that well played Ambu Kim I'm not gonna say well played to you but Craner well played but honey you have to won't play me it's sitting at first anyway students for now I'm gonna end my stream Craner and i amber you guys still gonna stream yeah I wish you a million I'm gonna join April for another game but turn off my stream okay so I'm at Empire I hope you guys have enjoyed if you have of course hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button for new to any of our channels and Def Jam I guess we're gonna go join am brew watch them die again this will be fun won't if you get in post Wow that's pretty
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,150,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, SSundee, Bed Wars, Ender Dragon, Egg Wars, no friends, alone, 1v1v1v1, FFA, Sky Wars, Minecraft (Video Game), PG, Kid Friendly, minecraft videos for children, kid videos, minecraft videos for kids, kid friendly gaming, crundee, Minecraft Vanilla, Minecraft 1.11.2, Final Boss, Kehaan, Crainer, Crundee, Ambrew
Id: 2XdX8qN3NJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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