Kigali Street Food in Rwanda!! East Africa's Meat Paradise!

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put some of that habanero on there oh i can't wait to regret this and to be safe i'm going to cover that with an avocado alright the ultimate bite all at once here we go [Music] good morning and welcome back to rwanda today we are in the capital kigali here it is raining like crazy this is not an unfamiliar sight here sometimes it will pour for 20 30 minutes sometimes it goes all day it looks like an all-day type of rain right now today my plan is to experience the street food of this city street food here is very different than other places mexico they've got tons of street food actually out on the street same with vietnam but here in kigali it's a little bit more tucked away you have to go to street side shops maybe some outdoor market but it's not just out on the sidewalks like you see it in other places this morning i'm following aminata she is the owner of a shop she's a cook and we're gonna see her buy some food here at this market she's gonna take it to her shop she's gonna cook it up we're gonna try it out then we're gonna try as many other shops and as many other local foods that we can find i'm not sure what's in store so let's find out together let's go right now we are making sambusa with mary hi mary hi so you might be wondering what's the difference between samosa and sambusa and i think it just only depends on where you are i think the closer you are to india probably gonna hear samosa the closer you are to east africa you're gonna hear sambusa i know when i was in minnesota and i tried some somalian food and the somalian version it was called sambusa there right now she's making the vegetable version the filling there's peas there's carrots there's onions there's garlic tons of spices salt it smells incredible can i do that and chili too the filling is almost done soon that's going to go inside the wheat wrapper [Music] aminata is next to me she's showing us the delicate process of stuffing the sambusa what she does first she has kind of like an edible glue here made from wheat flour and water it's very sticky and it's gonna help it stay closed when it eventually gets fried inside here she makes a cone of happiness she stuffs it with all the different stuffings that have been cooked already [Music] tucks it in folds the flap glue it up and dan is ready to fry [Music] right here i have my sambusa freshly prepared freshly fried usually if you were getting these on the stream there's a good chance somebody might be making them at home and then bringing them out even yesterday i saw somebody by lake evil he had prepared a bunch of these and they just kind of hang out all day so it's rare that you get to eat them hot it looks incredible it's petite it's small i could probably eat seven of these let's go for it it's very satisfying especially when it's fresh and hot like that the vegetables are so well cooked together and it makes its own unique kind of veggie mash really hot but you need to embrace the hotness and there's such a blend of different spices here i taste cumin i taste the chili powder salt the maggi the local folks they love the maggie it is like an allspice i asked them if it was cheating they said absolutely not that's normal and good it's kind of like um vietnam has msg here they have maggie when you get to the corners you can really taste so much more of the bread you can see it's flaking crispy and still steaming hot usually the price for this is about 20 cents pretty good deal for a buck you could really fill up on a bunch of sambusa so this is kind of my breakfast for today but we have a lot more street food to find let's do it [Music] boom we are kind of near the walking street like hanging hangout night time area this is an area where vendors have been kind of approved to cook outside rather than just being located randomly all over the city this is a restaurant where they prepare something called pouchette very popular local street food all this is goat meat and they've taken every single piece of protein and they're cutting it into little bitty pieces that is going to go on a skewer and soon it's going to be grilled up this is the intestinal version this is one of the most unique preparations i've seen for goat intestines in my life he's kind of taken it he's wrapped it with some different types of leaves he's got layers of stomach intestine different internal organs it's just like a rope of different random innards this is ready for the next step the boiling and eventually it's all going to be grilled up and i'm going to try it out right now we are in the grilling station the bruchet has been brought here and i was wondering why the heck are they grilling inside until i realized we're not technically inside take a look up that's a rooftop that's a wall of another building that's a wall of another building and then they just kind of built a floor here anyways just cuz so we're technically outside and we're grilling outside here you can see the grill going what they do is they take the goat and marinate it with a little bit of ginger some soy sauce and then they intersperse the meat with some onion they put it on the grill it takes about 25-30 minutes and then that is ready to eat [Music] all right boom i've got 10 skewers right here a lot more than i need and i also have this what is this a giant thermos full of sake no it's just green tea this is like a common thing people would have here some tea some meat and then some chapati right here i'm gonna try it without the chapati to begin with [Music] pretty well done on the end part the middle and the back very nice juicy super salty i love that they're using soy sauce i didn't know anybody in africa really used soy sauce i thought that was more of an asia thing it's goat so it tastes a bit goatee i gotta say the room we went back there usually in a dark back room like that you'd expect to see people counting money or weighing drugs but these guys were just chopping a goat into tiny little pieces the type of behavior i've not usually seen before i'm going to put this into the chapati not enough though more a double stack back-to-back meat try it out [Music] i don't know anybody in their right mind who doesn't like chapati it's very delicious i love it washed it down with some green tea so we're well into the day the problem is i really want to eat those intestines because they look gnarly but they take a long time to prepare they probably need to boil for another hour cool down eventually they're going to put them on sticks like this so i'm going to try to come back later in the day and then try out that incredible braid of random internal organs until then we got to find some more food [Music] welcome to kimirongo market this is very different from the other markets i've been to so far today this place is packed with action it's like a giant open-air warehouse on the outside there's nice sunlight there's fruit vegetables produce people very eagerly selling whatever they can they have some fruits here i've never seen before it's called a tree tomato let's find it [Music] i'm in the fruit market right now with claudette claude ma mo malo here all kinds of fruit mango oranges but then there's this the tree tomato this is a new fruit for me take a look they're like dragon eggs oh yeah they oh thank you they look a little bit like an eggplant or something it's a very unique fruit i'm going to try it right now she cuts it in half take a look at that you can see there's some goo there are some seeds in there part of our preparation here she cuts it up like you might cross cut a mango on the inside it looks like it suffered a wound on the beaches of normandy hold on let me get on your level claudette can we eat together oh it's sweet it's tart it's tangy there's some slime and then there's the black seeds once you've eaten all the seeds and goo you can actually peel out more of the soft fruit so guys i don't have any better description words sometimes it's melanie sometimes it's super tart and like dries your mouth out sometimes it's really juicy it is like 10 different fruit experiences inside of one fruit it's also a little tomato oh it's like a tomato had intercourse a conceptual intercourse it's important with like a cantaloupe that's what it is you agree yes yes on to the next book [Music] we've come to lillian's house for our next food i'm very excited this is called akka benz we have the pork here it's been boiled already she's put a ton of spices on there turmeric paprika beef flavoring chicken flavoring we're combining different animals essences and putting it into the pork and she's gonna put it in the oil right now [Music] a violent frying of the pork oh it smells incredible here's the problem we had to come to somebody's home because there are restaurants and bars who make this dish but they will not let you go into their kitchen to see it being made i think they're hiding something but here all is transparent all is in the open you can see exactly how the dish is made from beginning to end we've got some boiled pork here that's also being roasted well well done on some of those i think i'm distracting you too much it's a unique dish because pork is not super popular in rwanda but it seems like everybody knows this dish in particular and right now she's putting some sauce a beautiful marinade on top of the roasted pork the meal is almost ready we have a lot of separate different types of ingredients they're all going to go together on this platter this is like a local salad called kachumbari you can see there's delicious green bell peppers tomatoes onions carrots a little bit of cucumber which is unfortunate lime salt and then maybe something else in there but it looks quite fresh and delicious and it's a chili sauce here i almost got deceased it's little but it's potent like me this is very cool so many different options here right here fried yellow bananas oh oh it's really good i believe the heat has brought out even more sweetness and the oil has done something magical here there's that but there's other types of bananas here too this one was a green one that's simply been roasted but smoky starchy more like potatoey it's not as good as the first one here another sweet yellow banana cheese has plantain that has been grilled [Music] what doesn't even taste like a banana that's so bizarre what's going on it's like 20 tangerine that has such a weird taste to it here try it does that taste like a banana [Music] she or he said no it's my wife so that is the fruit section i'm dying to try this meat i've been in africa now for two months most dishes are beef there's tons of goat there's mutton but fried pork like this it reminds me of something i'd find in asia i miss asia i haven't been there for seven months i think i'm going to enjoy it here we go [Music] there's normally gonna hit my lips when i know it's crunchy slightly dry but i think the fresher you eat it the less dry it's going to be even here check this off i got some meat stuck to a piece of bone oh yeah the seasoning is very nice it is a multitude of flavors and i like that even though it's a pig she put b seasoning and chicken seasoning it sounds like that's against the bible probably but she's doing it blasphemous as it might be that is excellent right here this is boiled and then roasted there's a nice piece nice amount of fat in there it looks juicy more roasted and crisp on the outside a little different flavor overall i do slightly prefer the fried one pork cooked three ways super seasoned it is a joy to have some pork right now here in africa but that is still a bit heavy a bit oily and i think the way to cut that is with this local salad this is kombariachi i've never said it right once try it out fresh tomato green onion habanero it definitely has some kick a little bit of cucumber but as soon as you're like ew cucumber then the habanero punches you in the face and you forget about that i'm gonna cool myself down with some avocado this whole platter right here 12 that's pretty good this could feed a small family what i want to do next i want to take another piece here i'm gonna put some of that habanero on there oh i can't wait to regret this and to be safe i'm gonna cover that with an avocado all right the ultimate bite all at once here we go love it excellent so this is akka benz something i've not seen in any other country i know it is pretty unique here in the country of rwanda there's not a ton of places where you can get it and like i said very few places will you be able to see how they make it but today we got to peek behind the aka ben's curtain and i am not disappointed from here we need more food [Music] it is now night time we've come back to the place we were previously serving the brucette we had the kind of just normal meat version very boring compared to this this is the intestines that have been all spindled and braided and wound up they boiled it for a long time they put it in the freezer for a little bit so it will hold and stay firm as they do the next step sir take it away so what he's going to do is basically cut this beautiful braid into medallions those medallions are going to get stuck on a skewer and that's going to hit the grill in just a little bit if you look inside you can see different layers of fat stomach intestine some of the vegetable that was in there all of that just almost like a sausage made out of braided internal organs he's going to continue working on this and then soon that's going to hit the grill and we're going to try it [Music] out this is the only street food area it seems that in rwanda it's kind of part of the culture that you eat inside every time you've seen us eat or cook outside it's been usually upon my special request because of lighting issues so this is kind of a new thing they've got this walking street no cars allowed people come here they hang out they get some street food and they actually eat outside they have a menu but it's a very limited menu but a fun place for people to come and hang out which leads me to my next topic this it's not like i'm against intestine the only thing that throws me off was the smell of the room that we were in as they were preparing this to be fair instead of a cutting board they were using like a desk like your school teacher had you'd be working and they'd be grading papers in the corner imagine instead of grading papers they're cutting up a whole goat that's what they're doing on that desk every day multiple times a day cheers [Music] your body all right what a relief i didn't know what to expect that might be super gaming i thought it could be a bit funky but i think that fire has cleansed this animal of any badness that might have been there it's got a little bit of goaty funk but overall it's good it's fatty it's juicy it's smoky from the charcoal i kind of like it i can see why you might want this you know it's a different kind of texture and a different experience than just eating the protein itself get some chapati there we go i'm feeling naughty with my chapati cheers you guys say i'm impressed truly in my heart i was like this is going to be a disaster and it's pretty dang good this is the end of our rwanda series what did i learn rwanda is a fascinating country very safe very clean many many hills and a huge diversity in approaches to cooking street food not every culture not every country is a street food country i love street food but here you have to be a little bit more crafty you have to be like a detective to go around and find the street food type food when i came to rwanda maybe i knew what people had heard about rwanda in headlines or in the news but coming here it is a very unique beautiful and interesting place i think three days was not enough in the future i would love to come back and learn more but until then cheers that is it for this one thank you so much for watching sorry i got my mouth full of different types of intestines and organs i will see you next time
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,651,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noom, noomfluencer, besteverfoodreviewshow, befrs, streetfood, foodreview, foodblogger, foodandtravel, yummy, foodie, nomnom, travel, sonnyside, sonny, foodgasm, foodporn, foodandwine, seafood, food, delicious, travelchannel
Id: Zt4EjzoQ59M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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