Kids Meet a Black Belt | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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- Okay now I'm gonna yell like a tiger, and punch it, okay, are you ready? One, two, three. Ah! (whimsical music) Hi. - What's your name? - What's my name? Okay, I'll go first then. My name is William. Nice to meet you, Crystal. - Nice to meet you, William. Are you a karate master? - Not master. The master would be shihan, and then grand master would be soke. - And what are you? - I'm one of the sensei. You know what's a sensei mean? - No. - It means teacher, it's just a Japanese word. So I'm one of the teacher at the karate school. Do you know what karate is? - Yeah. - Kind of. Yah. - No, I mean what it means. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - But that's a good kick though. Karate means the way of the empty hand, or self-defense with no weapon. - Yeah, like doing this. Or tighten flat, or like this. - Oh, choking? - Careful choking. - Careful choking, I like that. - I go to karate. - What color belts do you have? - White. - Okay, that's normally the first belt. Do you know what's the next belt color? - Pink? - Is that your favorite color? - No. - I'm just kidding, no there is no pink belt. We have white, red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, green, brown, and then black belt. - Are you a black belt? - Yes, I'm a black belt. Most of the time it takes close to 10 years to practice in getting a black belt. - How long did it take to get yours? - Four years, about. But I practiced like a lot. (clapping) - Bravo, bravo. - How old were you when you started? - 14, about 22 years ago. - 22 years ago? - Yup. You're right on schedule. - Yeah. - Why did you start karate? - To learn how to protect myself. 'Cause when I came to America I didn't speak very good English, that's kind of how I got bullied. - Where did you move from? - I came from the Philippines. - I'm a Filipina. - Oh, you are? Awesome. - Mhm. Do you like weapons? - Yes, I do. So the weapon that they practice is bow, sword. - Tasers? - Taser, I don't have those right now. Wait, wait, let me ask you this. Have you seen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? - Mhm. - Who's your favorite character there? - Michelangelo. - That's the nunchucks, right? - Yeah, nunchucks. - Would you like to see one? - Yeah yeah. - Yes, please. - And waboom! - Awesome. Here is the nunchucks guys. So when you use it you hold it like this. Then you swing it that way, yeah. Or the other way, doesn't really matter. Alright, yeah. Oh. Oh. - Can you show us something cool? - Don't hit us. - Yeah. Do you know Bruce Lee? Wah! - No. - Oh, okay. So I'm gonna go like this. - That's so cool. - Yeah. - So it's like hip, hip, and then back to the shoulder. That's armpit. (laughing) One. Yeah, hip, that's it, nice. And then you go wah, like Bruce Lee. You know who's that? That was pretty awesome. Most of the other kids don't know who that is. - Do you fight other people? - Yeah, sometimes I do. We will do a karate tournament. But we're not really trying to hit each other. You get close and not touch. Wah, oh. You almost jumped out of your seat there. - Is it okay to punch a bully? - Sometimes we ask the student if that's okay for to your parents to do that. To me, it's okay if you have to protect yourself. But you might check with your parent's first. Yeah. - You can show us what are you moves? - I can show you one of the karate punches, I'll try not to hit the chair. Or karate kick. Whoopsie. You're gonna go this way, put this arm to the side and then you're gonna twist it like that, and then you're gonna punch this way. Yeah. And then pull it back, and then lay with punch, pull back really fast too. Yeah, just like that. Man, you're a natural. And then sometimes in karate class they get super loud. They will go like this sa! Like a tiger. - [All] Sa! - But now when you yell it's more like a tiger not like a little cat. (laughing) Sa! - Sa! - Yeah, just like that, that was pretty awesome. - Can you show us your blocks? - One of the blocks? So let's say I'm gonna punch you like this on your head, that's how you block this way. - Oh. - Then I punch down here you block this way. Yeah, that's how you need to block. - Can you break wood with your hands? - Yes. - Oh, can we see? - Yeah. You want to hold it? - Hiya! - One, two, three. Ah! - Wow. - Ah! Whoa. Can you do that? You want to try? - Ouch. - You're gonna hold this Hand back like that. Punch like so. Are you ready? Awesome! - Ah! - Sa! - Nice. - Sa! - Oh! - Sa! - Oh! Big dude. Putting this thing together. Sa! Nice! - Sa! - Push through. One more time, ready? One, two, three. - Sa! Yeah! - Yes. - Can everybody do karate? - Yes, sometimes some of the best karate student I have are the girls. - What? - It was nice to meet you. - It was nice meeting you too, Austin. So let's stand like this buddy. Okay, ready, one, two, three. - [Both] Sa! - [All] Sa! - [All] Sa! - Excellent. Awesome job, you guys. Hi and thank you for watching Kids Meet a Black Belt. To watch more video, click here. To subscribe, click here. Thank you and (speaking foreign language).
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 4,952,764
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Keywords: karate, school, Kids Meet, Kid experiments, InterviewsHiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, fun, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, what’s in the box, Cut, Watch Cut, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven and Carolina
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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