Kids Try Shellfish from Around the World | Kids Try | HiHo Kids

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- Look at this, guys, it's moving! Ah, ah, okay. (upbeat music) - [Producer] Shello! - Hello. - [Producer] Shello, catch my subtle hint there? - Shell-o? - Jello? - [Producer] Shello. - Shellfish! - [Producer] Yes. - What, I got it right? - Yummy! - I don't know what it is. - It's fish covered in shell. - Clams? - [Producer] Yes. - Mussels? - [Producer] Yes. - Yay! You don't have any. - Oh my gosh. - You know what this is? - It's a bib. (upbeat music) - Whoa, what are these? - Hmm, can I eat this? - [Producer] This is an oyster. - Oh, yeah. - We should open it right here. That is the oyster's mouth. And then if we open the jaws, we could get the jewels. - And I'm gonna just crack this open. Yeah, this is hard. (whimpering) - How do you open this? I'm going for the hammer. (pounding) - Open sesame! (pounding) Pretty please! - Do you want a hand? - [Both] Yes! - Please. Okay. - Hey, I'm Dan. - Hi Dan. - I'm gonna teach you how to do this. - Okay, uh huh. - You wanna hold it up like this because you don't want to lose all the liquid in here. - Mmhmm. - You want to very carefully insert this tip in there. - That's what I was doing, I was close. - And you want to twist it, don't lift up. Twist it 'till it pops. - And just, there you go, and just kind of wiggle it until it's set. - And impale it. - That really stinks, ugh. - Three, two, one. (slurping) Whoa. (slurping) - Ugh, shell. - [Producer] Did you eat the shell? Are you okay? - It does not taste good. (wretching) - Good at the beginning but not good at the end. - Tastes slimy and really bad texture. - That was really good, tastes like the ocean. (slurping) So good. (laughter) - Oh, lobster, oh my God! - [Producer] This is not lobster! - Oh. - When we go buy crab I look for the fattest one. You wanna get all the meat you can get and usually when they're in the same tank they'll be the same amount of money and they don't weight it so always get the fattest one you see. - Suck on it. (sucking) - [Producer] You got some in your pocket down there. - It's a good thing that I have a pocket. And this wonderful bib. (laughter) - No words. Oh, woah, what is this? - Is it chewy? - Yeah. - Okay, I'm gonna puke. - It's not okay that I couldn't bite through it. It's a little bit disturbing. - [Producer] This is a type of clam. - I want my crab back. - [Producer] Have you ever heard of a geoduck? - A geoduck? So it's like, gooey and it's a duck? - [Producer] Would you like to see a live geoduck? - Sure. - [Girl] Geoduck. Even though I don't know what it - That's a geoduck? - Looks like poop. (laughter) - [Producer] All right. (laughter) - Please stop. (laughter) - [Producer] What do you mean? - Please stop, oh my gosh. - [Producer] It can't move. - I'm not touching that. - [Producer] Why? - I'm not. - Come on, come on! - No, I'm not touching that. (laughter) - Look at this. Guys, it's moving. Ah, ah, okay. Ooh, it's shrimp and octopus? It's so good. - You know, I'm getting ready to spit it out. (laughter) - Yes, lobster! Where's the meat? - [Producer] It's in there. - Look how big that could have been, all that meat, it's gone! - Hello, baby! - Oh my gosh! - [Producer] Have you ever held a live lobster? - Mm mm. It better not take my food. Hi dude. - I love eating you. (laughter) - Will it move? - [Producer] Uh huh, it's alive. - Hey, everyone your lobster wants a hug. (laughter) - What's up, brah? Brah, brah brah! - [Both] Thank you for watching! - Say bye to Bobby, Joe. Bye! (laughter) - [Both] Thank you for watching. - Kids Try! - Thank you for watching, bye! Shell ya later!
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 1,928,639
Rating: 4.8561893 out of 5
Keywords: PL2etPlnTb9sVxgqJsqelbBfixN-mwrA3d, PL2etPlnTb9sWYqZ40D6G36Exbkz--5ENd, Kids Try, Food, Kids, American kids try, Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids videos, children, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, kid friendly, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, kid activities, games, experiment, kids play, fun, toys, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, kids fun, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven, Carolina, Shellfish, Around the World
Id: EsXJki9Vx44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
Reddit Comments

Well... That was horrifying.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/YourVeganFallacyIs 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
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