Kids Acting Like Adults

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happy day i'm good and kids eh they think they're people when i was a kid i used to pretend that i had a busy schedule i used to pretend that i had to watch what i ate i just like look at stuff and emulate it and i just think it's the cutest thing this one i'm not sure if it's the cutest thing or if i should be worried this is a girl just getting glam and she's sitting there on her phone like a kardashian about it just taking it for granted while she plays her little farm game i think i don't know how i feel about that because i'm genuinely jealous i feel like she's gonna know what she's doing from an early age i'm kind of glad that i didn't know what i was doing but at the same time every time i look at pictures i'm like i wish i knew what i was doing any tissue give it to her oh he's already spiteful [Laughter] wow how rude what did you do did you prank him what is it oh it's a prank why would you do that much better he says yes positivity don't get it on his face the kid's been through enough this kid is like are you serious like you're really playing a poopoo prank on me right now grow up oh my gosh he's emoting the exact same way that i would well i mean mine would be laced with a lot more profanity here we have a kid doing what we all do graduating wearing the little hat and everything i didn't get to wear a little hat and a little gown when i graduated preschool oh does she get to do a speech what is your full name and what do you want to be when you grow up a witch me too me too girl some dreams never die i always wanted to be a witch too because i just wanted to ride the broom i didn't want to like do the whole cauldron thing and eat like i just like the idea of having this broom fly around in it go wherever i wanted i would rather have a broom than wings i just i want the broom here we have a kid taking his little medicines what is that a puffer oh my god the disbelief in the kid's face before he screams the how could you do that what is going on here this this oh my it's just it's terror moments like this make me realize how weird it is that my parents got my ears pierced before i really knew what was going on i probably did the same thing the old look at this this is the cutest nice what is your name carlson harris what a name carson harris that's such a cute name such a cute suit this kid is looking sharp he's got good interpersonal skills he's making good eye contact might be looking at the phone right now being like what are you doing with that very observant how old are you and you're doing good yeah three years ago this kid didn't exist and now he is giving the firmest handshakes on this side of the continent [Music] shaking your hand off he is closing deals this kid is a real estate agent he sells 15 million dollars a year and we're so proud of him the thing that i thought was very interesting about this is the range of facial expression i didn't think that a kid would be capable of doing that thing you know the emoji that's like the kid did the emoji perfectly some things are innate there are some things in life that you can't teach and thank goodness for that i told my son his mom was slapping me and this happened hey mommy hit me mommy hit me huh why do you hate me why he walk off like he the ass oh they're just like us this kid is already a ride or die loyalty okay you learned it at a young age hey mommy hit me mommy hear me he died he didn't even pause he didn't think he didn't even like peek his head in the door to try to assess the situation this kid knew what he was doing this guy is walking away chest out just so proud it's i i dealt with it i love that here we have a kid just thinking daddy's tools i didn't trust that first few seconds that we saw there i think that the mom was like i'm filming i got a cover for this kid and be like flip that thing over you're supposed to hand it from the handle this kid really is thinking about it i remember like it was yesterday when i held my first pair of scissors i wanted to run with the scissors in a way that just um probably wasn't the best it's a really good thing that mama here is supervising very responsible here we have a baby experiencing morning breath for the first time me too they are just like us i cannot stand morning breath it gets me so so bad it's not something that i can just kind of like oh who cares we're all friends here no i can't i'm this kid you're never too young to be a hype man look at this kid he's like let's get it bounce let's get it the dog is just fully i think that the dog understands the language i feel like if there was an adult here that was like bounce bounce come on the dog would just be like sitting there guarding but you can only really let loose around a few friends he really is friends with this kid how cute is that oh my goodness he's doing handsprings soon the dog is going to be doing backflips the fact that both of these two think this is totally casual is so interesting to me man i need a kid i asked my six-year-old to hold his baby brother while i made lunch now this is just the cutest oh what why does he look like he just got off of an eight-hour shift and he's like finally love you yeah that's just the sweetest thing here we have a little kid being uh scared by a filter kids be getting frightened by what their faces actually look like or with filters on just like we do the fear in her face like even though she's warped and it looks like she's smiling like you can tell that she is not having that oh so here comes the aeroplane this kid is like oh my god the way that the kid looked at the camera i was just like get a load of this idiot like come on it's 20 21. we can't be doing this here comes the airplane stuff anymore look at that sidearm oh these are really things that i thought developed over time this kid came out of the womb like yuck i just think it's really cute how little babies are capable of loving dogs as much as we do like i mean obviously i feel like the kid's just potatoing right now but look at that they're both chewing on their little bone they're both sleeping together the kid probably feels so safe this is the sweetest thing ever they're like raising each other it's really interesting and it makes me want a golden retriever but i don't want a kid so i don't know what to do i really hope that this dog lives forever this is the kind of stuff that you frame this is what matters good on the parents for capturing this ladies and gentlemen i present to you baby houdini welcome back to another fatherhood breakdown check this out baby houdini's about to pull off the escape of a lifetime the big sister is watching the dad is about to leave the kid unsupervised look at this kid's face he's just waiting he looks around and here he goes bang easy he is squeezing through this is calculated he knows what step to do step by step he's not doing anything out of order he's done this before you know the big sister snitching maybe this kid is like a savant of sorts because when i was a kid i didn't even think about escaping i was just and just sat there cancer can be very smart like adults but kids can also be very absent-minded and dumb like adults he's looking for his muffin apparently he didn't look everywhere the timing oh my god you couldn't have scripted that timing better this kid is fuming did you take my muffin meanwhile he takes the perfect bite right when he pops in a frame that was too good nobody is exempt from overestimating their abilities this kid i feel thinks that he could jump a little further than he could when i was younger my friend lived by a dugout and there was like something like this that you could jump over i made this exact mistake and everybody laughed at me so much for so long and i got so mad because they weren't helping me they didn't feel sorry for me my shoe and my sock were absolutely soaked like my day was ruined we were so far from home and from where i could go and like put dry clothes on and oh my goodness i was in such a bad mood and i feel bad for this kid hopefully there's a change of dry clothes or they're close to home when your husband thinks you're taking the kids to run errands so he can rest but really you just needed the extra hands and look at look at this kid he dances about as well as i do absolutely superb it's really hard to explain to a kid you know if you dip your head in water you can't breathe under there but i guess kids come out of the womb right so they're strangely comfortable with water this guy i think he's a little too comfortable with the fact that his head is submerged like she is chilling i can't believe how much she's chilling she's like yep just like the womb i've done this before i love it here this is what i was meant to do this is an olympic swimmer in the making well guys that's all she wrote i actually really enjoyed these videos please make sure you check out the creators that were featured in this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,090,137
Rating: 4.973012 out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, kids acting like adults, kids being weird, kids being funny, kids being hilarious, hilarious kids, funny kids, kids like adults, funny kids say, funny kids say the darndest things, kids say stupid things, stupid kids, dumb kids, cute kids, tiktok compilation, tik tok compilation, funny kids tiktok compilation, cute kids compilation, tiktok, tik tok, tik tok reaction, reaction
Id: xWxQKq2-56k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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