KIDNAPPERS Instantly Regret It! | Dhar Mann

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happy birthday to you [Music] open them thanks mom you shouldn't have of course you should have it's our birthday an apple watch yes how'd you know i've been wanting one of these oh i don't know maybe because you mentioned it every day for the past month that makes sense what's that big smile for oh nothing just this girl i'm talking to girl i didn't know you were talking to anyone her name's kathleen she actually found me on instagram check her out kathleen.hixson1 yeah and she's trying to meet up tonight so if you've never met this girl before how do you even know that's her or if it's even or her what are you guys talking about i just showed you her well instagram you facetimed her or talked her on the phone no she said her phone's broken that's why she wants to meet up so her phone's broken yet she's messaging you on instagram yeah you have to be careful ronald people aren't always who they say they are can you guys stop i'm 20 years old for crying out loud i can make my own decisions dude the girl you're talking to is a catfish huh look if you remove the one the real kathleen hickson has over 300 000 followers okay so maybe she has two accounts why don't you tell her to message you from this account then fine [Music] hey do you have another profile let's see what she says [Music] she already messaged back [Music] yeah but i got locked out of it oh see that's why she has two accounts happy now but she just posted a picture from that account yesterday how could she do that if she was still locked out i don't know but you're making this way too complicated ronald think about it first her camera's broken so she can't facetime you and now she's magically locked out of her instagram account where are you going with this read between the lines i'm not trying to be mean but girls like her don't message guys like us on instagram wow so that's what this is about you're jealous no why would i be jealous everyone knows i'm a better looking twin yeah right no one thinks that i do see what you're doing now think what you want but i'm not letting you go give it back no give it back no give it back i'm sorry but no if i don't leave right now i'm gonna be late all right fine i'll just uber then wait don't go ronald [Music] [Music] kathleen wait you're not [Music] hey why are you sleeping on the couch oh i'm just worried about ronald i wanted to make sure he got back safe please don't tell me when to go meet up with that girl why didn't you stop him i tried to i even took his keys but he's just ubered instead try calling him siful answer i'm sorry the person you were trying his phone must have died did he at least tell you where he was going oh i should have asked wait you guys share the same uber account right oh yeah so check and see where he went what's wrong it's just face id doesn't really work when i'm wearing a hat [Music] oh he's at the plaza let's go excuse me by any chance have you seen my brother he looks like well he looks like me we're twins sorry i haven't hi excuse me i'm sorry i'm looking for my son we're twins have you seen him no sorry what are we gonna do now maybe we should call the police yeah but we don't know if he's really missing or not i know but i don't take any chances wait isn't that his jacket it smells like his cologne this is definitely his jacket oh my god i hope he's okay his phone the battery's not dead someone must have just turned it off that's it i'm calling the police please let him be okay 9-1-1 what's your emergency it's my son he's missing okay ma'am do you know where he might be no i don't do you have any way of tracking him like maybe he has a phone on him that you can locate his phone is with us [Music] wait a minute wasn't ronald wearing his apple watch when he left i think so why we could track him with the watch oh that's a good idea but how do i get inside his phone you don't know his password no he's never told me are you talking to yourself i'm talking to my son my other son we're twins i see identical twins yes why we once had a case where a twin was able to unlock her sister's phone using face recognition that's brilliant it's not working try now it worked great can you locate the watch yeah one sec [Music] he's at 236 west 9th street police are on their way thank you so much let's go let's go [Music] the cops already here hey watch my jacket it's velvet timothy what are you doing here that's the guy that kidnapped your brother what you that's a little tort that got me fired from my job no he ruined my presentation no wait hold on you're arresting the wrong guy you should arrest him for the presentation why in the car oh watch my jacket it's velvet all right hollywood sorry about that supposedly him and your son used to work together where's my son i need to see him hey mom ronald i love you so much i love you too hey bro we were so worried about you [Music] are you hurt no i'm fine thank goodness how'd you guys even find me aren't you glad i told you to get me the apple watch we're just happy you're okay thank you guys so much for everything you're welcome that's what we're here for and just a word of advice be careful the people who meet on the internet yeah because they definitely aren't always who they say they are take care come on let's go home i still can't believe you're able to wait isn't that kathleen hey kathleen hi do i know you oh my gosh so you are a real person what do you mean uh it's a long story yeah okay well take care wait my notice might seem a little weird but would you like to hang out sometime um no sorry you're not really my type i understand but i'm down to hang out with you if you want to that is really yeah of course here just give me your number but you just said i'm not your type you're not we're identical twins well personally i think he's the more attractive one sorry call me sometime oh i will see ya [Music] what did i tell you [Music] saw the meeting go what was that honey did the meeting go well sarah sarah why are you yelling i'm literally right here you know the rules no phone's at the table what's the big deal it's 20 21. everyone uses their phone while they eat not in this household they don't you're so annoying excuse me come on just put it down for 10 minutes sweetheart this is family time yeah family time with a family that i don't want to be a part of where are you going if i can't use my phone at the table then i won't eat simple as that okay i don't i don't know [Music] mom uh give me a second i thought you weren't talking to me i'm not uh but i need 40 for what okay for something i i just need it but didn't you get your allowance on monday did you already spend it i've only got 20 bucks left but that's it you do realize my 100 allowance isn't a lot of money right all my friends get way more than that and there are a lot of people who don't get anything okay so i'm sorry but you're gonna have to wait but mom sarah i am not gonna change my mind whatever honey my sister's on the phone she wants to say hello oh how nice ah hello yeah hi cindy it's five o'clock wanna watch the new darman video um i'll watch it later well we won't be taking the test today because the three of us have a basketball game what do you mean the game is tomorrow not according to that one hey dad yes annie can i have 40. uh did you ask your mom uh yeah yeah uh she was about to give it to me before you came down no okay then yeah here you go thanks dad you're the best yeah why did you just give that to her what do you mean she said you're about to give it to her i cannot believe you just lied give that money back to your father right now i wouldn't have to if you guys weren't so mean to me we're not trying to be mean to you but the worst i don't want another dumb lecture okay going to my room oh come on sarah sarah [Music] what see you guys later hang on hey where do you think you're going to hang out with ashley and morgan on a thursday night i don't think so you know you're not allowed to go out on weekdays i don't have school tomorrow so technically it's more like a weekend sorry you're not going anywhere honey you can see your friends tomorrow night what no my friends are already waiting for me i have to go we gonna say something jeff sorry sweetheart but you know the rules oh i'm sick of all your guys's rules well as long as you live under this roof you're gonna have to follow him well maybe i won't live in this house anymore how about that sarah i'm serious one day you guys are gonna wake up and i'm gonna be gone just watch [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 17 for this top was such a good deal you should have bought the jeans too i tried to ask my parents for my money and they wouldn't give it to me they're so strict they wouldn't even let me come here that's why i had to run away i thought about running away before two but i can never do it same i never made it past the driveway my mom's here i gotta go so all right yeah what are you gonna do i don't know i was thinking maybe i could spend the night at your house uh that'd be totally cool except my uncle's visiting and he's using the guest room oh okay what about your house you know the first thing my mom's gonna do is call your mom you're right okay well i guess i'll just figure something else out are you sure you're gonna be okay yeah i'll be fine don't worry about me well in case you want to go back home at least you only live a few blocks away that's not even an option i'm never going back there all right well call us if you need anything good luck bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey little girl you lost or something you want to come with us uh no i'm okay um do you guys know any cheap places to stay around here there's a motel up the street it's like 29 bucks a night come on we'll take you there that's all right thanks [Applause] hey hey get back here it's the only money i have a little advice never pull out cash around here please leave me alone don't worry not here to hurt you hey look at me oh gosh you're my age so what are you doing out here it's my parents they were driving me crazy so i had to leave can understand that how long you've been out here for about two weeks wow i've been here two hours and i'm already struggling what made you want to leave i guess you could say for the same reason you left you see my parents were always being so mean and had all these rules they never let me do anything and made me feel like i was a prisoner so that's when i decided to run away i wrote them a note grabbed my backpack and took off in the middle of the night at first i was happy about my decision but it didn't take long for things to start going wrong [Music] over time everything got harder and harder i ran out of money i had to sleep on the street and i'm constantly surrounded by all these dangerous people so you see now i really regret my decision not a moment goes by where i don't think about going home oh my gosh i'm so sorry but if you don't want to be here why don't you just go back home i think about it all the time part of it is i live far away don't even have the 18 it'd cost me to go back home the other part is i don't even know if my family wants me anymore hey hey don't cry all i can say is don't make the same mistake i did i regret my decision so much i love you honey love you too dad [Applause] breakfast is ready oh oh someone's had a good mood this morning i just love you so much oh honey oh i love you too okay go take a seat i can't believe i fell asleep on the couch last night oh you look so comfortable i didn't want to wake you up i'm surprised you're not on your cell phone if you want to use it it's okay to be honest i feel bad about yesterday no it's all right i would rather just talk to you guys is this the same sarah from yesterday what changed let's just say i realized a few things [Music] well on that note i talked to your dad last night and i realized something too i shouldn't have questioned you it seemed like you really needed it so here's the 40 dollars really [Music] actually that's okay mom i don't need it anymore well i've never seen you turn down money wow okay i'm so proud of you honey well let's eat castle's waffles hey what are you doing here i came to give you this what but i thought you lost all your money yeah but um i returned something that i bought i appreciate it but i can't take your money oh please i insist so that you can go back home take it thanks but i don't know i'm a little bit nervous what if my parents don't want me back are you kidding come on they're your parents of course they do there's not a second that goes by where they're not missing you i'm sure you really think so [Music] maybe you're right thank you so much i'll never forget this you're welcome [Music] good luck [Music] sasha honey come quick sasha's here i missed you so much oh wow my baby girl look who's here oh my god oh my god oh my god please don't leave us again like that okay don't worry i never will oh omg your dog is so cute can we pet him sure he says king that's an adorable name we're gonna get a dog soon yeah but our mom says that we have to save up and pay for him ourselves oh i'm sure you guys will have fun in no time hopefully yeah um i'm so sorry but i really need to go you guys take care of me too bye oh my gosh doesn't even want a dog even more yeah well if we both get jobs this summer and save up we'll get them in no time we just have to wait or we could still one we can't do that we never do something like that oh i totally have to post hey hey check it out [Music] layla look i found a stray dog um [Music] how do you know that she's a stray do you see a collar because i don't today's my lucky day i'm gonna name you queen you can't do that i'm sure she already has a name and i'm sure she belongs to someone don't be so dramatic now come on before someone sees us that stealing besides wasn't the plan for us to get puppies together danny are you listening to me could you please just stop i'm tired of you being goody two shoes all the time look it's the same dog i told you she belongs to someone no queen belongs to me her name is layla and how could you say that imagine how worried sick her owners must be i don't want to talk about this anymore 1701 birch street i know this address it's only a few blocks away we can still go no queen it's my dog now finders keepers what are you even saying she already has an owner look what does mom tell us if you're an honest person it'll always come back to you so please let's just do the right thing no the owners probably don't even care about her he or she is the reason why queen is lost in the first place dogs get lost all of the time are you even hearing yourself right now i don't have time for a lecture come on queen we're going to your new home don't just leave danny so what are you gonna tell mom huh the truth that i found a stray dog layla isn't a straight i'll get you some water come here queen do you want some water queen here you go queen come here if you call her by her real name she might actually come come here layla come here get some water you see whatever why isn't queen drinking her water what's wrong with her she's probably sad and she probably misses her owner alyssa danny mom you won't believe don't ruin this for me hey mom guess what i found hey honey what is that dog doing here i found her on the street sweetheart she probably belongs to somebody oh you poor little thing are you lost do you know where your owner is i'm her owner clearly no one wants her so can we keep her i don't know you don't know where she came from come on let's just quiet no idea well can we keep her well i thought you and alyssa were gonna save up and get your own puppies together we were but we found queen on this street it was like she wanted to come home with us and we couldn't say no to her so can we please please please keep her please is the cutest little dog all right danny we can give it a try but if we find the owner we're gonna have to give her back okay yes thank you so much wait what is this hey give it back wait is that a dog caller she had a caller all along it says her name is layla i can't believe you took the color off of layla just to act like she was a stray danny is that true i you knew she had an owner well it is we saw a missing dog flyer on our way here it even had laila's address on it but danny ignored it and threw it away explain yourself young lady i'm so sorry mom i saw the puppy and i just couldn't wait anymore and when it went so bad i am so disappointed in you we'll talk about this later but first we have to get layla to her rightful owner i think i remember their address it was on the flyer well great let's go come on leila and don't think you're getting out of this you're coming too ugh okay you explain this me mm-hmm wait why me why can't we just leave layla on the door layla oh hi you're home i'm so worried wow thank you so much you really have no idea how much this means to me i can imagine me and my sister don't have a dog yet but we really want one well layla is more than just a dog to me you see a long time ago my wife and i went to the hospital for a standard checkup we had no idea that we were about to get some really bad news the doctor came in and told us my wife had cancer it only had a few weeks left to live we'd never cried so hard after that the symptoms started my wife couldn't eat any food and was throwing up all the time all she would do was lay on the couch and cry that is until i brought layla home laila gave my wife so much love it was the first time i had seen my wife smile in such a long time so you see leila is more than just a dog to me she helped my wife and i through our hardest time oh my god i'm so sorry sorry for what i don't know um your wife's passing oh no thank god no no no my wife is is still with us is everything okay yes yeah come here come look layla's home oh we missed you oh we were worried sick about you it's all thanks to this nice girl oh i couldn't take all the credit uh it's because of my sister my mom too would you excuse me thank you so much my husband laila and i and well layla's pups really appreciate it layla has pups [Music] god you want to hold one really cute you can hold one too really oh my gosh this one is so cute what is their name oh they don't have one yet we were gonna let the new owners name them we don't really have the space to keep them so we were gonna sell them but i think if you want each one of you can keep it if it's okay with your mom that is seriously oh my gosh always wanting a puppy well hold on uh the agreement was for each of you to work in to save for your puppy so i'm sorry but i'm not buying them for you oh no no no no it would be no cost you brought layla home yeah they're yours free of charge just promise to take care of them and bring them around once in a while to visit are you sure yeah yeah i've always believed that if you're an honest person it always comes back to you this is your honesty for bringing back layla coming back to you wow that is very generous of you too so mom can we get them please please please well all right thank you so much thank you and we promise we'll bring them by to come and visit no god bless you guys god bless you too bye bye today has been the best day ever thank you so much mom you're so welcome i hope you learned your lesson i did and going forward i will always be an honest person so what are you gonna name yours i was thinking we can name them prince and princess what do you think oh i love that come on guys this is kristen your new babysitter make sure you listen to her hi you better be on your best behavior young man he's got a bad track record you're now his third sitter the other two quit are you listening if this doesn't work out with kristen we're just gonna have to send you to boarding school what no way i'm not going there well you better be good then please don't hesitate to call us for anything don't worry i do have a pretty special way with kids i'm sure we'll be able to find some way to get him to listen well if you do you'll have to teach me and me all right well here is 40 to order some food for the two of you well thank you ready yeah oh a few house rules no shoes no alcohol oh please no having any friends over of course not i totally understand thank you okay see you elijah we'll be back around ten bye bye [Music] what are you doing you're not supposed to have your shoes on in the house [Music] is that alcohol you can't be drinking quiet twerp now this is how it's gonna go you're gonna do what i say and we're not gonna have any problems got it i don't know who you think you're talking to now you listen to me you heard what your dad said unless you want to get shipped off to boarding school you be quiet now sit down yes they're back i'm telling you wait no give me one [Music] who are you uh is kristen here hey babe hey it's you come on in you can't have anyone here my mom said no friends allowed oh chris isn't my friend he's my boyfriend get lost but i said scram should i take off my shoes no this kid's parents have only been gone three minutes he's already driving me crazy that sucks here you go with an extra pump just how you like it oh thank you you have no idea how badly i needed this [Music] wait i have an idea even better nice anyways i just came here to bring you that i got to get going love you wait you wouldn't happen to have you know anything a little bit harder than alcohol not with me but i do know where we can get some perfect i need something to hold me over while i watch this brat let's go where are you going you can't just leave me here by myself and why not if something happens to me you know how much struggle you'll be in ugh fine do you have a cell phone no give me your tablet why i said give it to me or you're not coming with us okay here what can you need it for anyway so you can't record anything parents told me how sneaky you are come on i said come on okay i don't see him where is he he should be here any second can we get some food i'm hungry shh i don't want to hear any more complaining there he is who are we even meeting can you have him come to your side of the car i don't want to talk to him why not you already know i have a criminal record i can't take any chances okay so you're fine with me getting in trouble there you looking for something yeah um yeah whatever this will get us hey that's the money my mom gave you to buy food for us you keep quiet hey what's with the kid it's just someone i'm babysitting ignore him and you decided to bring him here a savage there you go thank you did you just do what i think you just did you better not say anything are you kidding when my parents get home i'm singing like a condom and they're not gonna believe you unless you want to spend the rest of your childhood in boarding school you'll keep your mouth shut thank you babe we can go now of course can you make me something to eat i'm starving make it yourself i don't know how can i at least get my tablet back then no no leave me alone i'm watching a movie yes mom and dad just wait so i tell them about who are you wait is is this force oh you ordered pizza i'll take that no i'm not here to deliver hey babe i missed you oh i've missed you too i'm i'm dave kristen's boyfriend look if you want some pizza i no that's not for him that's for us i thought the other guy was your boyfriend they're both my boyfriends chris gets me starbucks dave gets me food i get the best of both worlds and they're okay with that yeah right no if either one of them found out about each other they would both dump me which is why you need to keep quiet what at least let me get a slice of pizza oh my tablet back already come on no sucks [Music] and here we are folks we have a pasta for the messes and a steak and potatoes for the gentleman thank you enjoy oh no it's the babysitter i hope everything's okay i'm just gonna take it hello mom elijah yes mom it's me you won't believe this the babysitter she's crazy she's walking around with her shoes on she has two different boyfriends and she even used the money you gave it up by drugs elijah i'm not falling for any more of your tricks let me talk to him listen to me son you better behave because we're not playing around anymore no dad let me swing the hang up hello that's your side oh i can't believe this hello well you should probably get going babe his parents are gonna be back any minute go away elijah okay but i just wanted to let you know that there's someone here to see you you're right i know what you're doing you what are you what are you doing here what do you mean elijah said you wanted to see me babe who is that uh no one just give me one second some guy just call you babe what who's in there uh i was watching tv i don't know why you close the door who are you who am i i'm her boyfriend who are you boyfriend everyone's just calm down because i can i can explain all of this there is nothing to explain you're both her boyfriend well that's not true don't touch me it's not a joke she said she uses you for starbucks and you so bring her food so you're not only cheating on me but you're also using me i thought you said you'd love me i'm out of here have a good life kristen right behind you brother this relationship is over can we can we like talk about this you guys you guys you did you use my phone to call chris and tell him to come over i might've oh you just wait until your parents come home in fact no i'm calling them right now okay hope you're going to tell them your guys over and that you buy jokes with their money like they would believe anything you had to say they already know you're a little liar i'll just tell them you made the whole thing up and they'll ship you off to boarding school where you belong okay sounds like they're already here you're doomed mr and mrs milner ah i'm glad you're back hey kristen how was everything i hope he wasn't too bad right i wanted to call you several times this evening but i didn't want to ruin your night out so elijah hey oh my gosh what's wrong what did you do that's a good question well first he stole the food money fascinating and then he tried to hit me and then he's bad on me elijah is that true i've heard enough you're going straight to boarding school in the morning young man oh my gosh i think he's lost it truly that was good real good and you almost got away with it except you didn't think about one thing what are you talking about now you've met your match you see i am so sorry i really didn't expect this [Music] kristen took my tablet so i couldn't record anything that happened but what she forgot to take was my watch i was recording you the entire time what elijah it's not appropriate it's not nice to record people without their permissions son yeah maybe you're right but it's a good thing i did because here take a listen hope you're gonna tell them yet guys over and that you bought jokes with their money like they would believe anything you had to say they already know you're a little liar i'll just tell them you made the whole thing up and they'll ship you off to boarding school where you belong you used our money to buy drugs and you had boys come over to the house look at the time it's getting late i should probably be going oh and you know that whole thing about my fee consider it on the house don't even worry about it oh no you're not going anywhere you have to answer some questions we got a complaint that someone will be carrying illegal substances on them i don't know what you're talking about so i'll just look inside her purse you'll find everything you need in there no is this you're coming with me wait what no i'm a good babysitter no you're not thank you officer wow i am so sorry about that honey i can't believe that girl was so deceiving i'm so sorry we didn't believe you son it's okay i understand now can we please get something to eat i'm starving of course you deserve it anything you want [Music] honey there's a lot that can happen on a lawn drive great a flat tire that says there's no service why did some car just pull up behind us there's a guy that just got out what if he's a killer what do we do
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 7,389,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: zzkODzlRe3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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