He RAN AWAY From His SUPERHERO Family! (A Roblox Movie)

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that is enough ah if it isn't the Gladiator here to save the day no I'm here to put an end to you Omega oh man Omega isn't going to stand a chance against my dad oh my gosh I'm trapped someone help me oh no there's someone stuck inside but Dad has his hands full I've got to help him Tyler no okay where where is this guy oh this is bad I'm done for wait there he is don't worry I'm here to I'm here to save the both of you Gladiator come with me now wa thanks Gladiator come on dad I could have obviously gotten him out of there you are in serious trouble Tyler I'll see you at home oh great Tyler what has gotten into you lately first you tried to stap a bank robber last week and now this I told you no superhero stuff without the proper training come on dad someone was in trouble okay I was just trying to help them you ran into a burning building and I had to rescue you yeah you distracted dad and now Omega blue is still on the run I knew dad was busy that's why I used my powers to help them it's not like you have any real superpowers anyways shut up Jax I can read mins okay that is a superpower Tyler you know the rules no using your powers against your own family I didn't do it on purpose okay I can't control it and this is why you aren't ready to be a hero yet then train me like you did for Jax it's not easy Tyler training is tough dude and he's not ready for it you might never be a hero fine better not get in the way of the real heroes can't stand being in this house being told what I can't do all the time you know what that's it I can't do this anymore I'm running away and honestly it probably won't even notice I'm gone well this was a dumb idea Tyler running away from home I guess this is better better than staying in that house I'm just a joke super to them with dumb Powers I'm not a real hero like they are dad is Gladiator the biggest and strongest superhero of the city my mom is Miss marvelous she's super strong and fast my brother I can absorb energy and send it right back attacking him and then there's me all I can do is read mines and that's it they're right maybe I'm not a real hero what was that hello is someone there aha wait what I swear I heard something let's find out huh nothing now that's just huh what what the mom dad oh thank goodness he's awake you feeling okay kid uh yeah I feel like I got hit by a bus my head's killing me well your brother found you knocked out in the woods what were you doing out there I was just ah ow I was just running away why on Earth would would you do that I'm sick of you guys treating me like I'm not part of the family what Tyler you're our son you don't treat me like it you guys let Jack do superhero stuff and you always keep me out of it it's only because you haven't learned to control your powers yet and your powers aren't like ours it's not going to be easy but there's still Powers dad and I'm ready for the challenge hey stop reading my mind look I'm sorry I I can't control it if we let you train with us will you come home I promise just get some rest dear we're going to go talk to your doctor h no not again H just go away oh man now that was weird so they're finally letting you do some superhero stuff that's what they said John this weekend I start my training dude that is so sick my best friend is going to be a real superhero finally hey keep it down dude secret identity stuff remember oh yeah yeah my bad I can't mess this up my parents will never take me seriously or let me train with them again I know how bad you've wanted this man you'll be fine ah ow are you okay yeah don't you hear that noise I don't hear anything I don't know I guess it must just be a headache that's all hey I'd like a large iced coffee please yeah sure thing and you better not mess it up this time I swear okay here you go sir it's perfect e is everything all right no This coffee's terrible it needs sugar well sir you didn't ask for sugar do I need to does it look like I'm someone that doesn't like sugar make it again be better at your job you dumb kid hey I'm not a dumb kid did you just attack me what what no no I don't know what happened yeah right I hate this place and I'm never coming back dude I saw that did you do that I I I don't know dude I think something's wrong hey Dad not now Tyler some new super villain calling himself the Reaver was spotted in town I'm trying to track him ah ow Dad this is important what's wrong I think there's something wrong with me we've been over this son there's nothing wrong with you no not like that okay I'm serious I keep hearing this weird noise and it goes right through my head H okay come over here when did you start hearing the noise at the hospital after I got hit by that lightning hit by lightning you never told us that look it wasn't a big deal then okay okay I mean I survived looks like your powers are growing they are yes this must have been something to do with the lightning strike maybe it's accelerating I need to run some more tests I need your help Dad don't worry son I'm here to help you dad there's a bus that's stuck on the bridge in town it's going to fall off won't these bus drivers learn how to drive let me come with you no stay here yeah we don't want you getting in the way again Jack's enough all right let's go we'll talk when I get home Tyler I know I can help them and this weekend I'll show them Tyler the test I ran came back inconclusive I'm not so sure about this I am Dad don't worry I can do this all right all right fine first round is a simple sparring match with your brother yeah give ret your best thought little bro okay then you asked for it all right and begin dude you know better than this yeah but I'm not just going to give up whatever suit yourself all right take it easy boys it's just training just give it up dude I'm not giving up well then use your powers to fight wait you can't cuz you they're lame they're not lame oh no JX Jax are you okay uh he's okay he's just knocked out but what on Earth was that I I don't know you could have hurt your brother what is wrong with you I didn't do it on purpose okay I didn't even know I could do that you clearly have no control over yourself or your superpowers I'm disappointed in you I I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry wait no Tyler stop dude what's up looks like you just saw a ghost look I was training with my dad and my brother and something went really wrong what happened I don't know I got mad and I started fighting and I sent Jax flying into a wall whoa I thought you could just read mines I did too but my dad said my powers are growing oh this is sick man no dude I almost just hurt my brother I don't even know what my powers are growing into yet well whatever happens I'm here for you man ah there it is again uh hey buddy you good voices just so many voices it's too loud I just need them to stop ah no John dude did you just attack me no it it was an accident I'm sorry I'm your friend what is wrong with you my gosh he's really losing it I think it's just best if I stay away from you for a while wait hold on dude you need help no I need to run away again for good this time what on Earth is happening to me this is bad just like Mom and Dad said it's just too dangerous maybe I'm not meant to be a hero at all that's where you're wrong Tyler huh Tyler uh who's Tyler I know who you are well I don't know you wait what I can't read your mind I'm new in town the name is Reaver and I've been looking everywhere for you the Reaver you're you're the new villain my dad's been looking for but I'm not here to hurt you Tyler I'm here to help you yeah dude I don't need your help just leave me alone your powers are evolving Tyler and I bet you can't control them but I can help you with that no I'm all set thanks I'm not giving you a choice now come with me no he is strong this is going to be perfect I need somewhere to hide fast okay I just got to stay here and wait for that creep to give up looking for me there's no hiding from me Tyler I need to lose this guy just give it up you can't outr me leave me alone come with me and I can show you what you're really capable of leave him alone Reaver Gladiator no don't inter Dad no time to end you for good don't hurt my Dad wow you're so powerful you have no idea well neither do you but we'll find out soon enough Tyler Tad you're okay I am now but son I think we need to talk I did more tests and your powers are growing way too fast for you to control hey that's not fair why are his powers growing but mine aren't J this isn't about you okay it's about your brother trust me it doesn't feel good not having control over your powers or knowing what you can do okay I'm scared I know you are and that's why we agreed to send you away wait send me away what are you talking about we have some very powerful superhero friends who might be able to help you but why can't you help me I'm not sure if I can son this might be out of my wheelhouse as a family we agreed to send you away for your own safety for my safety or for yours Tyler please no it's okay you all don't think I have what it takes to be a hero you need to get that out out of your head yeah be careful Dad don't make him mad or he might fling you across the room too look I'm sorry about that man I'm sorry that I heard you but I didn't mean for that to happen if you're really sorry you'll listen to Mom and Dad and go get help I just need to leave and never come back I know you guys don't want me here Tyler please it's all right Dad I get it so you don't have to worry about me messing things up anymore all right you kid the rent is $2,000 a month think you can handle it for sure and I have the first oneth right right here actually I love cash sweet untraceable cash well I have my own place now far away from Mom and Dad and Jax oh not this H I hate these Powers oh Tyler huh what was that you want your powers to go away that's so sad who are you the name is Shadow I'm a friend a friend of my parents of course they told me you're having a hard time controlling your abilities no I I'm fine doesn't look like it please just leave me alone okay if you want I can help you with your powers or I could take them away from you you can of course I can I've helped many superheroes with their powers it's kind of my thing if you can take my Powers away will that just turn me back to normal of course it will if that's what you want it is fine then help me please good now come with me what is this place this is my base it's safe here don't worry ah you really can get rid of my Powers right of course I can but you must know once I do this they're gone for good is that what you really want I think so yes well then stand on the Sun in circle yeah okay not creepy at all or anything just shut up kid embrace yourself this is going to hurt it'll hurt with the power of black magic wait what I shall take your powers away and give them to me huh no wait Shadow enough your tricks won't fool me leave him alone this isn't over yet it's only the beginning you stopped him why that was Shadow a very dark and evil man and who are you I'm Celestia and I think I can help you your parents asked me to find you and help you luckily I got there just in time listen I'm not meant to be a superhero like my family okay these Powers I have they're they're just a mistake they are definitely not a mistake trust me superpowers are a gift it just depends how you use them uh what are you doing I'm scanning you so my AI can help us figure out what's going on you're AI hey Athena you got anything yet yes I think I do wa your computer talks pretty cool huh my brother made her for me so what do you have for us Athena the scan shows that Tyler had several psychic barriers in his mind wait what psychic barriers yes vental blocks placed in your mind to keep your powers contained but now they are broken they must have broken when I got hit by that lightning see you had these Powers all along but someone tried to suppress them on you any idea who no no idea wow so these Powers weren't a mistake these powers are yours Tyler they've always been there let me help you you seem like a nice person I don't want to hurt you by accident like I did to my brother and my friend I'm super strong and I have super healing you won't hurt me one bit okay then just please help me cuz I'm going to need all the help I can get so how do you feel honestly I have to say I feel like I have better control now good and do you believe you're a real hero yeah I do you did it all on your own Tyler you've now mastered telepathy telekinesis your psychic energy blasts and now you can even influence other people's thoughts I wouldn't have been able to do this without you Celestia thanks oh don't thank me this was your parents idea my parents right now I just need to give you a superhero name I was thinking what about mindblade or the Sid those names are very bad wow thanks Athena I got it you should be known as eclipse eclipse huh I think I like that good now I think it's time you head back home I heard there is a very powerful villain in your hometown Tyler you need to go and help your family to stop him you're right it's time for me to go home and show my family the hero I really am well home sweet home help what is going on here dude you took all the money now please leave oh no it's John and that blue creep I need to stop him I think it's time I use my new powers okay I'm using my telepathy to make myself invisible I think oh man man this better work dude you know you're a terrible villain right shut up Normie if you say one more word I'll knock you into next week I don't think so huh where did that come from no wa you saved me you okay John Tyler is that you yeah man hold on a sec just let me take out the trash all right boys uh take him away oh my gosh you're a real hero now yeah I am and my name is eclipse so hold on you can make yourself invisible you can read minds and now you can fly too yeah man training with Celestia really show me what I'm capable of this is so sick dude man I'm so happy for you thanks man I just hope my family is too I know they'll be super stoked to have you back man I don't know last time I saw them it didn't go so well no dude trust me they're going to be happy they need you right now they need me why would you say that well after you left that crazy villain Reaver he's been on the loose and out of control my family hasn't stopped him yet no they tried but they failed he keeps beating them your mom and dad haven't been seen in weeks where did they go how should I know all I know is that the Reaver is making things worse for the city and that idiot Omega blue said he's working for him now oh man that isn't good I need to go home and see what's going on good idea man and good luck hello is anyone home hello get get out of my house you freak h ah dude what's your problem it's me Tyler dude is it really you yeah man it is oh man I'm so happy you're back dude really man I missed him so much I was worried sick about him of course dude I wanted to say I'm sorry I was being a jerk and being really hard on you before yeah man you were kind of brutal but I know I was wrong you're my brother and I love you man well I love you too dude and I'm back now I got some help from this great superhero Celestia oh man that's great yeah and Hey where's mom and dad anyways John said they were missing that's what they just want people to think they're out trying to get help from some other superheroes out there that guy Reaver is tough to take down yeah I heard but I'll call them I know they'll come home to see you good cuz I have some questions to ask them they should be here any minute now Tyler you're back oh we're so happy you're home and look at you new suit huh yeah my superhero name is Eclipse now Celestia helped me out a lot oh good I knew she would be able to help you look I need to ask you guys something what is it Celeste and I found out that someone put mental barriers in my mind to keep my power suppressed wait what yeah and when I got hit by lightning they broke wa uh well I guess that makes sense do you guys have any idea who could have put those in my mind no no idea dude oh no oh no what do you mean oh no we know who put them there dear who was it it was us what when you were born we knew you had incredible power more power than we've ever seen before so we had a friend who was a powerful psychic and they helped us put those barriers in your mind as a baby you guys did that to me you kept me back now hold on no you guys didn't want me to get this powerful you never wanted me to be a superhero did you that's why you never trained me never believed in me we did it for your own good for your safety made me feel worthless like I was a mistake like I didn't belong we're so sorry dear it's too late for sorry now I'm out of here my own family blocked me from my power they made me feel so small so worthless how could they do that to me so you finally found out the truth huh what's it to you Sparky you and I we have a lot in common I don't think we do yes yes we do you should come with me and I'll tell you everything I have a better idea you come with me and I take you straight to prison you know you remind me of my brother and I hate him enough talking let's fight no Tyler don't dad not you again Dad no goodbye Gladiator for good stay away from me my family in my city don't worry kid we'll talk again real soon dad wake up please wake up Dad so how is he well the doctor said he's in a coma well he can just wake up right I mean he's dad he's a superhero doesn't work like that dear your father doesn't have super healing and we don't know if he'll ever wake up that jerk Reaver did this dad was trying to defend me and he got hit instead of me he felt terrible about what you said he was going to find you and talk to you I don't want to hear it right now Mom well you are going to hear it your father and I knew you had all the power while you were young it would have overwhelmed you consumed you something bad could have happened to you you're probably right your father did this to protect you that's what he always does protect us it's who he is well I'm not going to stop until I find Reaver and make him pay for this Tyler superheroes do not seek revenge yeah man it leads down a dark path you can't come back from look I'll be fine I need to do this for Dad well you don't have to do it alone dude we're family let us help you I will but for now just stay here with Dad and keep him safe I know Dad was tracking this Reaver guy but it looks like he's got nothing on him who oh no way John thanks for coming dude man this place is sick you can't tell anyone about this got it got it so what do you need from me I need your help tracking this Reaver guy hold on hold on do you want me to be your sidekick yeah sure man oh sweet okay let me add this thing the best way to find a villain is to follow the emergency channels you know hospitals police stations that kind of stuff and luckily for you I can hack in almost anything and I'm already in sick dude do you have anything uh not really just the normal stuff no super villain attacks or anything like that I need to find him he's out there he can't just disappear have you tried using your mind reading maybe you can find him that way it's worth a shot keep your eyes open I have a communicator on my suit if you find something just let me know of course dude that's what Sidekicks do I've got your back why did he want to meet us here I don't know but I bet it's important yeah better be thank you for meeting me gentlemen he didn't really give us a choice yeah what's the big idea the Gladiator is dead very impressive you've been going after that guy for years yeah like you you're sure he's dead right of course he is my quest for revenge is now complete without him around we can do whatever we want not quite oh what do you mean his son has unlocked his powers and he become very very dangerous who cares about some dumb kid we can take him down you can try but his powers are far beyond yours even mine that is for now for now I'm going to use his powers to my advantage with your help sh sh and Omega you'll lure him here and I'll be waiting for [Music] him okay here goes nothing come on he has to be somewhere uh what's up John I got a ping on the emergency channels looks like something's happening at the jewelry store let's see huh not exactly who I was looking for but this will do how great look kid I don't have time for an autograph okay where's Reaver I yeah I don't know anyone named Reaver what the I know you're lying tell me where he is now yeah fine I can take you to them all right just stop throwing things at me it's annoying show me the clipse wait oh no now there's two of you yeah and you need to leave my brother alone Omega yeah forget this oh no a great here goes my only lead of finding where Reaver was we've got a bigger problem dude it's Dad Dad what's wrong you need to come to the hospital hospital now the doctor says his condition is getting bad how bad is it apparently his vitals keep dropping his brain waves are getting weaker I guess we could lose dad forever no no there has to be something we could do yeah I was thinking in I want to try something like what what is it read his mind maybe try to talk to him and get him to wake up I don't know I can try all right thanks dude Dad it's me Tyler please please just just wake up do you see anything is he still there he just keeps thinking about the fights we had and what I said to him he must feel really bad for lying to you but that means he's still there he should feel bad I'm his son he should have helped me I think he did man in his own way yeah I know I'm sorry I didn't see that Dad I know that you knew what was best for me oh my gosh look his vitals are going back up yeah maybe but I don't know how long this will last instead of going out there to find Reaver maybe we should just stay here with Dad and try to wake him up yeah that's a good idea I'll try to help him again Dad it's me Tyler please just wake up oh boy Reaver is going to lose it when he hears [Music] this there he is Where Have You Been did you find Eclipse yet oh yeah I found Eclipse where is he at the hospital trying to revive his father what I thought you said Gladiator was dead oh no he's not dead he's in a coma and that dumb Eclipse kid is trying to wake him up no I thought I got rid of gladiator for good if that kid wakes up his father we are in serious trouble our plans will be ruined I guess you're not as strong as you think you are Reaver a no one is more powerful than me especially not Gladiator or stupid family this is really personal to you isn't it my whole life Gladiator put me down and now it's time I end him shadow go after them I don't think so what I'm not messing with gladiator or that new guy Eclipse you're on your own ha fine I think it's time I finally finished this come on please dad just wake up we need you oh no oh no what's wrong he's here so your father is alive huh barely thanks to you then get out of my way and let me finish the job pick on someone your own size loser you're not getting anywhere near our father mother wait mom boys you need to be careful with this one he's just some dumb super villain mom we can take him together he is not just any super villain this is your uncle what our uncle I guess the truth is finally out there thanks Samantha this can't be true he's one of us he was until until my brother your father decided to kick me out of the family because I have too much power for for him you were Reckless you wanted more power and would do anything to get it you hurt your brother that's why he kicked you out mom no Tyler Tyler please help she's knocked out dude just like Dad just take her inside let me deal with Reaver be careful bro my plan it's been Ru who's there I know that's you my dear nephew now you know the truth you know uh you and I are a lot alike We're Not So Different we're nothing alike yes we are don't you see it I see a mad man who needs to be put away for good your father he held you back like he did to me for years and that's why I unlocked your powers what the lightning strike in the woods that was me I wanted to show you your true potential do you have any idea how much p pain you caused me to my family we're the same Tyler join me and we can show our family how powerful we really are you're no hero and you're not my uncle and now it's over not yet yes it is Dad you're awake because of you son I heard you in my mind and I had to wake up I'm so proud of you
Channel: ShanePlays
Views: 912,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox Movie, Roblox Animation, Roblox Story
Id: 9ew93n2gMKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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