TEEN CHEATS On Test For An IPHONE 15, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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oh I'm gonna be in big trouble [Music] I got an A minus on my English test you did thank you Alex weren't you supposed to get your chemistry test back today how did you do I did very fine just fine this food looks incredible Mom thank you so much for making dinner for us like I can't wait to just dig in around the bush what'd you get on your test just bring it here so we can see it since you did so well Carter we've got a big surprise for you a surprise oh it must be the new iPhone 15 oh my gosh I'm never gonna get it from unless they find out that [Music] let me see you've got an A it's amazing son so tell us that you did just fine this is incredible I just I I don't know I'd want to surprise you guys that's all speaking of surprises I heard you talked to Carter does that mean we're getting the iPhone 15. oh we're going to Palm Springs to visit your grandmother for the weekend grandmas you gotta be kidding me if I knew that I would have just fail the test Alex what Grandma's is so boring and you guys both know how long I've been wanting this new iPhone I'm sick of this old crappy one okay well this is what we can do if you get an A on the next test we'll get you one how does that sound [Music] it must be Janice and her daughter it's supposed to be bringing me something by did you just go [Music] hey hey I just wanted to bring over some bread pudding that I made since I know how much you love it oh that's so sweet why don't you guys come in I just made some pot roasts there's plenty to go around yeah yeah come on in and next time I gotta get home to look up some tutors for Daisy She Gotta See on her Chem test you don't have to tell them everything they're our friends it's fine anyways we'll let y'all get back to dinner enjoy well wait if Daisy needs help then maybe Alex could help her he just got an A on his chem exam he did yeah and I'm sure he would love to help isn't that right Alex um [Music] okay I always get choked up on this what's the difference between endothermic and exothermic oh that's an easy one um endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that absorbs heat from its surroundings resulting in a decrease of temperature of its surrounding environments and an exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases heat in its surroundings resulting in an increase of temperature of the surrounding environments wow thanks I gotta say I had no idea you're so smart Alex oh thanks boy I know a thing or two it's just can you just give me one second dude when you're doing your get out you're cheating just like you probably cheated on your last test no I didn't now go sorry about that going the UFC fight's about to come on are you watching it oh yeah yeah I can't wait to see who's gonna win between Strickland and megum Magnum yeah right that's right I know I always uh mix up the name for some reason I didn't know the girls watch UFC though yeah well my ex used to be a fighter I guess you could say I have a type that's crazy because uh I actually used to fight oh yeah I won a bunch of competitions and stuff oh really I can't believe I didn't know all this stuff about you Alex you're actually pretty cool well you're not so bad yourself anyways I'll see you at school tomorrow I'ma go punch the bag okay bye bye you don't watch UFC and you couldn't even fight to save your life what are you still doing here man I told you to leave my room just be careful okay you know what they say lies are like quicksand they're easy to step into but hard to get out of imma put you in quicksand if you don't leave my room man geez Louise man [Music] this is everything [Music] okay I know I already asked this but what's the difference between endothermic and exothermic uh the uh first one um increases the like the temperature of the outside right and then the second one it decreased the overall temperature sorry but now that's the opposite reminder endothermic reactions decrease the temperature of the surrounding environment as well exothermic reactions increase the temperature sorry you're not gonna believe this the printers are working now it's unable to print out any of the exams oh no I know some of you study really hard for this oh man it's just a shame Dr Mike I was really looking forward to taking the test too oh we're still taking the test but instead of doing written tests we'll do oral presentations and I'll email you all your grades Alex since you're so excited you can go first why don't you come on up now you want me to um you uh you want me to answer in front of everyone now don't be shy come on up sure yeah [Music] oh oh my gosh are you all right try not to move I'll call the nurse no no that's okay are you sure yeah yeah I don't want to stop you guys from taking the test to you guys go on ahead honestly I'll just grab myself later that'll be fine I'm fine yeah all right um uh let's start with Daisy then come on up oh yes dear Alex I'm writing to let you know that you received an A on your last exam good work [Music] yeah great work feels better Yours Truly doctor [Music] and son [Music] she'll never knows from a.com emails of a daddy to you perfect mom and I can believe this I just got an email from Dr vayic and this out I got another a okay okay oh I pressed with Alex thanks thanks so so yeah anything you want to give me well you earned it so here you go yes oh my gosh thank you so much Mom I'm gonna have to use my old crappy iPhone thanks it's Daisy um we're going to the movies mom can I borrow the BMW please can't be seen in that little rust bucket please thank you how's your ankle oh it's uh did you do something to your ankle no no I I just he tripped and sprained it really bad I mean he couldn't even take time upstairs I couldn't even take the stairs but um I'm as you can see I'm I'm I am fine now so it's not even a big deal so I thought it was your right ankle I was it was but I was just showing her that both of them are fine so I'm good mom that was a fast recovery I'm sure you're used to getting her all the time because he used to fight who used to fight uh mom um I'm trying to hang out with Daisy so if you could just give us some space um okay uh shall we oh [Music] all right give me one quick second it was the nicest car I've ever been in I can't believe that it's yours you know like I was telling you I used to be a fighter back in the day so I made like a bunch of money and stuff no big deal yeah yeah [Music] hey um I'm gonna use the restroom you mind getting me a popcorn yeah yeah can I have um two tickets of Barbie please it's just something funny yeah Barbie let me guess you used to play with the Barbie dolls growing up too huh he probably still does Barbie and Ken problem hey bro I saw a guy like yourself score girl like that anyways huh it's got to be this new shirt that'll be 19. seriously [Music] there's your change yeah thanks enjoy the show little guy [Music] how can I help um I was wondering is there anything that I can get uh for like dialing like a small popcorn Alex hey Dr Vine what are you what are you doing here I just came to watch a movie oh how's the ankle a lot better actually yeah thanks for asking great so then you can go ahead and take the test you missed tomorrow oh uh it's actually still not perfect you know yeah and much to the doctor so ah yeah maybe maybe we should wait another week all right um hope it heals soon let's see it's there oh the cheapest thing we have is 375 so it's looking even afford color I'm back did you get the popcorn um I know I didn't Oh I thought that you could the odds so um tell me um what is a girl like you doing with a guy like that hey watch it I hope you know he's an MMA fighter ah Daisy let's not is that right he's supposed to be tough bro tell you what how about we go outside and we see just how tough you really are no that's really not necessary you can take both you clowns I wouldn't mess with him if I were you really well let's see about that [Music] why aren't you fighting back oh stop [Music] yeah that's right you better run what happened thought you were a fighter ah I am I here yeah I'm fine I'm fine what are you fighting you've never been in a fight in your life I thought he was a professional fighter Alex no why would you think that [Music] why are you even here Mom what you left and took your new iPhone before I could activate it and you left your old one at home and since you borrowed my BMW it took me a while to Uber over so you lied about the phone and the BMW what else did you lie about don't ever call me again great thanks Mom you completely wrong I was just telling Alex I hope his ankle gets better so we can take the exam he missed exam he missed yeah he took a bet spilling class so missed the test so you're telling me that you didn't email him saying that he got an A an a you know if he did that'd be a miracle considering he failed the last test failed the last Alex you are in so much trouble young man huh I can explain wait till your dad finds out you're gonna give me that phone back too we go to Palm Springs to see your grandmother you're not just staying for the week you are staying for the whole summer no I don't know why it's horrible there please please Mom don't make me I tried to warn you lies I like quicksand they're easy to step into but they're hard to get out of oh neither that quick time they need to get into it oh okay guys she's bringing all this time guys eyes I'm serious I can't walk hi [Music] today [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 7,149,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: TmbUuijALis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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