Kicking off the Summer !!!

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- With a lot of kids around and a lot of picky palates we had to fix something that we knew everyone would like which is why they went for Stouffer's macaroni and cheese. And today we're going for the party size because we have a lot of bellies to feed. We're cooking our macaroni and cheese on the grill today for the first time. Ooh, that looks so good. Look at it bubbling. Oh I am so excited for this, this looks delicious. (upbeat music) - Here it comes. - [Kids] mac and cheese, mac and cheese, mac and cheese, mac and cheese. (yelling) - This video is sponsored by Stouffer's. (upbeat music) Well we know that summer is officially here when the backyard is filled with kids, there's laughter, there's giggling, and there's lots of chaos. And since our backyard is currently full of kids it means we're going to have some more little bellies to feed for dinner tonight, which means we're going to grill out. With a lot of kids around and a lot of picky palates we had to pick something that we knew everyone would like which is why we went for Stouffer's macaroni and cheese. And today we're going for the party size because we have a lot of bellies to feed. We're cooking our macaroni and cheese on the grill today for the first time. This is super convenient because when everybody's outside it's easier for us to be outside while we're cooking so we can keep an eye on the kids. I've heard that grilling your mac and cheese creates a unique flavor and also a crispier texture. Now I like my mac and cheese pretty much any way. I like it creamy and I like it crispy. So I'm just excited to try it a new way. I thought the paint was supposed to stay on the easel? You girls have a lot of paint on you. (screams) Colin, you are covered with paint. - I'm gonna put some on my face. - Wow, buddy. Now I'm really glad we're cooking outside so we don't have to bring these paint covered kiddos into the house just yet. That'll have to wait till after dinner and we'll figure that out when the time comes. (intense music) - Okay so the Stouffer's mac and cheese has been on the grill for 30 minutes. I took the lid off and I'm going to give it a quick stir. And when I'm done here, I'm going to let it cook for an additional 15 minutes to finish up. (upbeat music) - We're pairing our mac and cheese tonight with hot dogs and baked beans. (upbeat music) It's going to be a comforting meal that makes everyone happy because we can always count on Stouffer's to satisfy everyone's tastes buds. Plus it's quick and convenient when we have a lot of kids running around who are working up an appetite. Who's ready for mac and cheese for dinner? - [Kids] Me! - All of you. - [Girls] Yes. - Are you ready? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Maya I think you would eat mac and cheese all day everyday. Specifically Stouffer's mac and cheese. - I want some. - You want some? I see you're changed. You're not quite as blue anymore. Time to check on the grill master and see how it's coming. (upbeat music) Now let's see the mac and cheese. Ooh, that looks so good. Looking at it bubbling. Ooh I am so excited for this, this looks delicious. (upbeat music) - Here it comes. - [Kids] Mac and cheese, mac and cheese, mac and cheese, mac and cheese. (yelling) - I'll eat all the mac and cheese. (upbeat music) - Alright who's gonna get the first plate? - Me. - I want to. - Oh, how about Clark, let's feed our guests first. You got some blue hands Clark, my goodness. (upbeat music) Caroline. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Extra mac and cheese for me. - Coming right up girly. (upbeat music) - [Kids] Best mac and cheese ever. - That's a big plateful you're getting there Jason. - Yeah, I like my mac and cheese. - I can tell. (upbeat music) As we're all sitting here enjoying our mac and cheese I noticed something interesting and that's created a big debate. Do you eat mac and cheese with a fork or a spoon? - I eat shell mac and cheese with a spoon. - But then normal mac and cheese with a fork. - Yeah. - Annabelle do you eat mac and cheese with a fork or a spoon? - A fork. A fork. Jason, what about you? - A fork. - A fork. - Of course. - What about you guys, fork or spoon? - Obviously a fork. - A fork. You're a spoon, I'm with you Clark. I am a spoon girl with my mac and cheese. I feel like with the spoon I can get more of all the creamy goodness and get more on my plate. So I'm team spoon all the way. What about you? - Spoon. - You do spoon too? (giggling) - I'm, I'm with you Colin, spoon all the way. (upbeat music) What are you making Clark? - A cheese mac and cheese hot dog. - A cheese mac and cheese hot dog. That looks delicious actually. What do you think Maya? Thumbs up. - I'm going to try it too. - You're going to try it too. Alright. Two mac and cheese hot dogs. What about you Addie? - I think I'm gonna try it. It looks good. - So what's the verdict, Caroline. - It's really good. It's a little messy, but other than that it's delicious. (upbeat music) - This is my favorite part of the mac and cheese pan, the corners where it's a little extra crispy, so, so good. - I want some more mac and cheese. - More mac and cheese please. - Yes. - Be sure to check out the link below to learn more about Stouffer's delicious high quality meals that everyone love and that are great for bringing friends and family together. (upbeat music) I just realized that we have all of these wonderful neighborhood kids over here with us today and I have not introduced them to you yet. Now you've probably seeing quite a few of them in some of our videos in the past, but just in case you haven't I'm going to go ahead and let them introduce themselves. So I think, you know, this little kid, it's Colin. Say hi buddy. Whoa! Now Addie. - Yes? - Who's with you? - Caroline. - Caroline. And then we have Maya and who's behind Maya over here? - Clark. - Clark, say hi Clark. - Hi. And then who's over here? - Annabelle. - Annabelle. (funky music) We are so so very thankful for each and every one of these neighborhood kids. And there's more than aren't here today that we are super thankful for as well. Because when we moved here geez almost three years ago now from Arizona here to Nashville, we had a tough transition for the kids. They really missed their friends back in Arizona. And we had some tough moments where I think the kids truthfully wanted to head back to Arizona because it seemed like home to them. And these kids have played a big role in why now we fully feel like Nashville is our home. And it's where we're supposed to be. Once these neighborhood friendships which are so precious to me were established our kids had more smiles on their faces every day. They were pumped to run outside and meet their buddies after school or on the weekends. And pretty much every day we have one or two at a minimum neighborhood kids in our backyard in our home over for dinner. And we wouldn't have it any other way. (upbeat music) So Jason what is this crazy contraption that you're putting together in our yard? - A foam machine. - A foam machine, like that makes? - Like foam, foam. - Like foam. - Yep, foam. (laughing) - So we love adding all these crazy fun things to our backyard, to our playroom, to our house because we know it just brings in more kids. And we love having all the kids here because we have so much fun together. So yes today we have a foam machine and we're going to bust it out for the first time with all the neighborhood kids. And I, I don't know what to expect but I'm really excited for this. (funky music) Hey kiddos, who wants to play with some foam? - [Kids] Me! - You do? - [Kids] Yeah! - Let's do it. Have you guys ever played in foam? - I have once at a hotel. - They had a giant foam machine at a hotel so Caroline it will be your first experience. Are you excited? - Yes, I'm very excited. - Clark and Annabelle, have either of you ever played in a big foam pile? - Yes. - You have? - No. - Are you excited to do it today? - Yes. - Are you excited Clark for your first time? - This is gonna be only my second so. - It's going to be fun. - This is gonna be my third. - Is it, oh my goodness, how fun. (gentle music) (yelling) (laughing) Where's Colin? - He's in here. - Where's Colin? Is he in here? (yelling) Oh, there you are. (gentle music) - Oh my goodness, one jump. (yelling) (laughing) I'm going in. - Go in and it feels tickly. (yelling) - What is it? Oh, it's everywhere. - [Girls] Go! (yelling) - Well I think the foam machine is definitely a hit. Wow. Whoa, what do you think Jason? - This is amazing. (laughing) - I think it's safe to say that the foam machine is going to be a regular feature in our backyard this summer. Everyone seems to love it. Is it gonna be a regular thing this summer? - Yes. (yelling) - We're so thankful for Stouffer's for helping us kick off a wonderful evening of grilling mac and cheese. I think this is a great start to our summer. Thank you for watching Tic Tac Toy Family. If you haven't already done so please make sure you subscribe. We'll see you next time. XOXO. - [Kids] XOXO, bye! - This video is sponsored by Stouffer's.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 638,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, vlogging family, Addy and Maya, Jason, Lucy, Addy, Maya, Colin, parents, moms, mom vlog, parents vlog, stouffers, mac and cheese, macaroni and cheese, mac n cheese, dinner time, outdoor dinner, eating outside
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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