KICC Life Class LIVE | Decoding The Scriptures for Wealth Creation - 4 | 28-06-2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] that God arise these enemies misconduct horizon [Music] [Laughter] hello hello everybody this fine Sunday morning welcome to our online [Music] awesome awesome you're an awesome God and we worship you this morning we give you all the praise my god it's awesome he kept on keeping a tamale hide me from my god so heals me when I'm broken straight where I've been treated forever he will somebody [Music] he's home he's home ladies he can't so uh so you're my Oh [Music] like my god so awesome so awesome we give you all the glory Lord this morning you deserve the glory you deserve the glory oh that's why we worship you we bring on our worship to you this morning here's our worship here's how and I will not be shy Oh yes here's my wish Oh it's [Music] you [Music] ha see [Music] we the hello and welcome to the church without walls KIC see a church of excellence where champions are raised and dreams are fulfilled this is this week's news in brief K ICC is reopening we are returning to actual and virtual sunlit services so join customer fee for services on Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 12 noon to 1 p.m. please note you'll need to allow 1r gap to a lot for people to vacate the property to sanitize the bony onto a lot we put back into the property the venues are TRC for the land of wonder and k ICC prayer city an on Sunday evenings join us from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the ICC prayer city booking is essential and you can visit KR CC dot org dignity for more details k ICC is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for the health and safety and protection of all our members are stewards volunteers contractors staff particularly children young people and vulnerable adults we confirm or will comply with all government rules and guidance and will mix the requirements developed from these when Church reopens prior to opening GRCC churches we will carry out risk assessments for all areas of activity we will conduct a deep-clean of old church and office building indoor environments we would train our workers and stewards in safe working practices including updated providing Uniting guidance who would provide a suitable isolation area to care for persons showing vivid Uniting st. upon reopening ARCC churches we will require appropriate social distancing in all areas of the facilities guarantee availability of soap and disposable paper towels in all washing areas we will provide hand sanitizer stations but all key points in the buildings and around the campus we will implement enhanced daily cleaning procedures and ensure all our relevant staff have appropriate PPE we will display Claire notices explaining the new procedures and we will ensure safe occupancy levels of all facilities and areas what we expect from you is to please be responsible for your own social distancing in particular from those who are not in your family or bubble please follow the instructions from peacekeepers and OSHA's god bless you Noah's Ark Food Bank is still in full operation so if you or anyone you know urgently required food supplies you can contact Noah's Ark Food Bank via their email address which is Noah's Ark Ark AICC org dot u K or you can call o seven nine zero nine one two five zero six nine or you can call o seven four three zero seven seven nine two two eight hey kids so the latest edition of Eagle's Nest news is out now and it's all about coding so you can ask a grown-up to log on to ki CC dot words the e K or the ki CC church app and you can download your latest issue today enjoy it's the last three days of 30 days of fasting and prayer the dawn of a new day come and finish strong and join customer fee as we continue to develop on using the too powerful weapon of fasting and prayer to enforce God's promises the service times for the next three days will be 6 p.m. on Sunday the 28th 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. on Monday 29th and chooser the 30th and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday 29th and Tuesday the 30th join us via YouTube ki CC online by K RCC church app or on Facebook at Matthew a Asham aloha on our website KR CC dot org WK I searched on Instagram Matthew a similar word dots official or on Twitter much a Chuvalo smoother if you are being married between 0 to 10 years you can follow Kings Way young couples ministry on Instagram follow us at YC ministry and fill out the simple registration form on the Instagram bio each receive updates and meetings events from us the new newsletter for miracles healing and breakthrough testimonies is out today so you can download your copy from the KIC CF in three easy clicks click on the menu click ki CC materials and click miracles news letter join ki CC warriors our young adult ministry for our online services via Instagram so this is on the first and the third Tuesday of the month our worship night is every Monday at 8:30 p.m. and a prayer meeting is every Friday at 8:30 p.m. see you there if you're a teenager aged between 13 to 18 years of age you can join the new tomorrow T&T online surveys of a Sunday at 1:30 p.m. this is via Instagram at TNT at GRCC live streaming of GRCC services is an ATM for life class on Sunday and 11 a.m. for the service you can join us by at YouTube ki cc but ki CC app on Facebook Mastan a Ashima llama on ki CCTV sky channel 5 9 0 or by our website ki CC dose of the UK forward slash I checked or via Twitter Matt assume Aloha if you're near 2k ICC or you have a view about how we can serve you better or if you have just accepted Jesus as your Savior or even your first time of attaining a chaos CP online service who would like to hear from you unlike to give you a special to RCC welcome please go to pleat the relevant thing we do look forward to hearing from you for more information about ki CC or any of this announcement you can colors on Otero eight five two five double zero double zero follow key ICC on Facebook Twitter and Instagram download the KIC search app or you can visit chaos CC dot org dot uk' as pastor Matthew has been praying for us for the dawn of a new day we pray that that dawn brings you fresh hope and new endeavors enjoy your new season and enjoy the rest of the service god bless we call you holy this morning call you faithful this morning we call your righteous you I call you home babies hold on call you babe [Music] holy holy righteous Roger hallelujah father you're faithful you're holy the glorious your powerful your modern words can describe nothing we have in our mouth can compare to who you are you are so awesome you're so magnificent what a privilege to be called your children your sons your daughters well this is the day you have made we would rejoice and be glad in your presence we thank you for the brand-new day and we thank you for all you have for us today eyes are ready to see yes I'm ready to hear and our mouths are ready to declare your goodness in the land of the living we give you praise we'll give you a horn Oh bless us in your word let your name be glorified Jesus name Amen praise the Lord welcome to this morning service wherever you are around the world I trust the Lord to bless you to minister to you in the name of Jesus we consider ourselves blessed to be one of those who saw the last Sunday of the month of June God kept you by his mighty power God upheld you by his mighty power you must never take these things for granted but rather you must celebrate the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and what he has done for you this morning I'd like to continue our teaching on decoding the scriptures for wealth creation and I am believing God that you will be blessed the word of the Lord would encourage you strengthen you and impact your life if you've not been with us during our teaching I'm just gonna introduce the whole package again to you and you need to get the messages it is really really a blessing when we say decoding the scriptures for world creation we're talking about a code even your phone has codes if you receive a what sup message it is encrypted from the sender to the receiver what's up is one of those messages that are encoded so that even your service provider the telephone company cannot really read the can radio text but they can read yo what's up because that was coded well now this some nations have the powers to read what's up of course some governments so the code is a systematically arranged and comprehensive collection of laws regulations and rules of procedure but also a code is also the conversion of a message into a hidden system of communication for the Purple's of secrecy for the Purple's of secrecy so that as you sit there with a person they can receive a message and you didn't know what it says you just saw a group of letters but they have been taught how to interpret those letters and the Bible is a book which when God gave his people particularly the Old Testament God encoded messages for the blessing of his people and the Jewish people from our teacher in the previous four three or four Sundays the Jewish people learned how to decode what God had already encoded in the Old Testament and many people have missed out on that opportunity to be able to understand particularly the church will literally read on the surface we do not try to see the message encoded by God and a lady called Lisa keister said religion is an important foreign world wealth accumulation a factor that hasn't received a lot of attention she studied and noticed that the reason Jewish people prosper around the world is because of the understanding that in the book in their hand the Torah the Torah is another word for the five books of Moses the Torah is the word for the all of the Old Testament they recognize the messages were included there by God and they decoded it and caused them to prosper everywhere you turn out of 400 people quoted by Forbes to be the wealthiest people in the world about 170 three of them have Jewish roots amazing out of 25 biggest hedge fund companies in the United States of America about 17 were founded by people of Jewish origin consider the fact that out of 7 points as a sample sees the other day apparently the population of the world has jumped to seven point nine billion some people have been busy man they've been very busy particularly during this lockdown they've been very busy and 15 million people are Jews so Judaism is the most important element in human history according to david gallant ah for those of you who were not with us during the previous days when we were teaching i was just giving you some introduction for you to see why did these people prosper for example is a kiss - arigato religious influence on wealth she found that conservative protestin that is people like us Pentecostals charismatics at the low end of money accumulation why because all we teach the people is to just fly away to heaven we do not remind them that while you are on earth God can prosper you jesus said to Peter in this world you will have a hundredfold and in the one to come it's an alive study speculate that this could be due to their low education achievement a literal Bible interpretation literal Bible interpretation means John baptized Jesus in water and you didn't see anything in it or for example the ex ante when I preach to our workers I've been looking at a story of Ruth you know some of the simple statements Naomi made to Ruth were very powerful she said to Ruth as she was going to meet this millionaire bachelor man wash your face what does that mean what your face is modern use what that means he puts aside your more whiteness put aside your pain of the past put aside of trouble of the past but literal interpretation will have just a wash your face means wash your face so the swimmer said the reason the church struggles in finance is because of this approach leading to conclusion tomorrow money accumulation is not very important that's what the conclusion our community or even preaching of poverty as a virtue as a result there's a challenge and a lock and I gave you statistics last week for example the United Kingdom the big divide of course there is prejudice outside therefore which determines how a person is employed but you see if you always wait for employment to create wealth it will take you forever to create wealth because when I fix your salary that's all you can get what does that mean say for example if I were a man who was paid 40,000 pounds a year it meant that it would take twenty five years for me to ever have a million pounds put in my hands it would take twenty five years not forty thousand pounds a year but whereas I could have a business that brought that to me in one year so many Christians who view poverty as virtuous busy I belief on that on the idea that Jesus lacked money but Jesus had finance anyone with a significant amount of money is usually able to effectively manage it and we see this because Jesus money the money I mean Judas managed the money for Jesus we also share during this cause of teaching that there are false views about Jews did that us that have made people to think oh they prosper for these false reasons one some say spread by anti-semitic persecution they say Jews only evolved by natural selection to a race of money-making geniuses this is not true rather it is because they took the Bible interpreted it followed whatever it said like today will be teaching on how the Jews are pro tied and giving to second false theory says Jews cheat in fact the 1971 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary defines the word Jew as a verb meaning to cheat and over reach in the way attributed to Jewish traders which is not true again because you see there's something about society we tend to react to things we want but we do not realize that if you react badly towards a thing it never comes to you if I want to see healing in my ministry I cannot hate Benny Hinn he is one man in this modern times who have worked in that grace more than anyone we know if I want to see the grace for wisdom in my life I cannot hate dr. Mack Murdock I have never seen anyone with a river of wisdom like him you know no flow in the grace of prayer I cannot hate past why dear boy I don't know anyone who has spent 36 hours non-stop in prayer in this recent time or who has spent 60 days and fasting non-stop or we're done 40 days without food regularly like yes done I have never met anyone whatever you hate does not continue so if you hate people prosper you cannot join them the third lie about Jews the Jews secretly network and devotedly advance one another's interest hmm this is true and false true in the sense that for some reason if I practice in Jew the Book of Leviticus already taught them what kind of bread to eat what kind of meats to eat it has to be kosher bread and kosher meats and unless he has a kosher section it means a Jewish man cannot buy from Sainsbury's he has to go to kosha beaker and the kosher butcher and a kosher this and the culture kosher that in fact let me admit to you that even within a community when we have children most times you invite for circumcision if it's a boy because already they practice it and we come from a culture that does that even apart from the Bible so when we had a son here in the United Kingdom it was a Jewish man who came to do the circumcision and he became oh if we went one of the two happens it's a long time it's 35 years now so number four some will say the high average intelligence of Jews accounts for their physical talent no Jews are no more intelligent than every other person well they say the grow of intelligence and they said that in every Jewish home books later the whole place and most of it has to do with what challenges their children to succeed you will may not find TV television a large one in a Jewish home where you will find so many books so today let's look at the fifth of our teaching which is the Jew and the spirit of giving remember again we're doing this correlator study because for many reasons the Bible the Old Testament I was given to us was decoded and the books of the Jews the Talmud and we are looking at how this Jewish people practice the Old Testament they even now wrote over a thousand years their own books called the Talmud withdraws from the Old Testament they practice the word is the reason for their prosperity and I pray that you will bless you so what is coded in the Bible is decoded in their book for example Deuteronomy 1425 say then you shall exchange it for money I'm buying the money in your hand and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses in other words stick the tithe take the offering to the place God has ordained for worship look at the decoding once money should always be ready to hunt this isn't a mood Bava metzia once money should always be ready to hunt one should always divided his wealth into three parts can you believe this from the beginning you are taught as a Jewish person to divide all your income into three parts number one investing in other words a thousand years before Robert Kiyosaki was born everybody knows Robert Kiyosaki as a man who taught us that when you make money you save before you spend what our parents taught us you spend before you save but you see before Robert Kiyosaki the Talmud had already been teaching the Jews for over a thousand years invest 1/3 inland invest in merchandise and keep it ready to hunt I remember ready to hunt was what the scripture says about bringing it to the house of God Deuteronomy 14 22 to 25 gives us a bigger one he said you shall surely tight all the produce from what you saw which comes out of the field every year you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God at the place where he chooses to establish his name the tide of your grain your new wine your oil and the firstborn of your herd and your flock so that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always if the distance is so great for you that you are not able to bring the tithe since the place where the Lord your God chooses to set his name is too far the way from you when the Lord your God blesses you then you shall exchange it for money I'm buying the money your hand and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses so it teaches them to bring the tithe in the world crystal study found that Jews invest early in life they invest in high-risk they're invest in high return financial assets I'm not a financial adviser I'm teaching the Word of God what I'm showing you how the many of the reasons why people remember Ocampo is not because they don't earn but because they don't have a habit of multiplying what have been put in their hands many do not realize that in their lifetime they have handled so much money but because it came in trickle they did not realize they could multiply it so the Jewish man has been taught in the Torah and in the Talmud to invest 1/3 of Jews followed this part only 7% of protest ants and only 4% of Catholics followed the investment with most conservative protestin that is charismatic Pentecostals Excel for KLCC maybe well past Matthew teaches it and some other charismatic Pentecostal churches who teach the people to learn to prosper to increase most conservatives end up with zero attitude to investment and conservative protests and you said to trust God and not invest you see when you invest you are not lacking in trust in God even Jesus taught us that a man had three guys k15 talent one to talent a 1/1 talent there was investment talent there was not bility to think it was it was a financial instrument it could be gold certainly they didn't spend paper money in the days of Jesus paper was invented just before I think the First World War when money lost its value so they just print people on put in our hands that's what an odd idea to explain and we think we have money but we don't know we have paper and the government can decide to print as much people as they want and put it in your pocket man you think you have money but your people but you see mr. father shows from a study they invested in financial asset accounts for much of the Jewish for for much of the Jewish world it accounts for their wealth advantage because they keep investing they keep buying property they keep putting in stocks in various places they they keep buying stocks and shares they know much about stocks and shares we know so much about sports you watch to people when when the tube one is written the son of mirror the other one is written the times the one was written the time several times is on the page trying to check what's happening with footsie and he's seen what's happening the stock exchange and a certain group of society are reading and they are so stuck on what's happening between Liverpool and learn district or maybe was a walk over I don't know how he walked it up a Liverpool won anyway I had to text my friend Bishop Judah Bismarck is a die-hard Liverpool man and when I texted myself congratulations a plasma I'm crying here proverbs 21 / 17 since pleasure lovers will suffer want he who loves wine and oil won't get rich that's the challenge the reason for fraud is pleasure-loving pleasure love and because the guys who do the fraud the moment the money comes what they now do is live the life they've always dreamt of even if it was a few minutes and so they love the wine or they throw the words of 50 Cent's around get rich or die hard try and you listen from the scriptures you don't need to die hard trying if you apply the Word of God decode what the Bible is saying about world creation you can create it and then it becomes for generations glory to God one man called David iron honey hedge fund manager said a penny saved is better than a pound earned because the pound earned is no proof that I am blessed it is the one that stays for generations to come that my children will rise up and thank me for and my grandchildren will rise up and thank me for you know one day my children or grandchildren may not be impressed by the name of the designer clothes I wore nobody feels bad wearing nice things in fact you feel like you belong but you see if you make create if you create the future great for others they feel bless one of the statements which I shall read for you later you find a Jewish man who said I found the tree my garden and it not because I planted the tree but because my father's planted it and I am working for my grandchildren to be able to find a tree from where they will also eat that is thinking generationally save to meet future needs in Genesis 41 verse 35 Joseph told them that famine was coming but before the famine there were seven years of abundance they should got all the food produced during those good years coming up and set aside grain under the supervision of Pharaoh to be used for in the cities and they should store it listen wherever you are this morning every human being have there are seven good years in the world of investment in in the stock market it is called the bullish season when an investment is awesome when the stocks are getting high that's the bullish years we all have our bullish years you have your bullish years but listen it will not always be there will be the bearish years when it's a bearish season the stocks go down things go down by middle but towards the end of March almost all the stocks and shares of the world fell because all markets were closed business was not done anywhere and some people panic sold etc etc etc there will be bullish years but then they'll be bearish years what are you doing with your bullish he is buying the latest car listen if you put your money in the latest of things and you did not put something and stuff for you for the future you will have to face that future in tiny 23 sees how long will it take for this tree to bear fruit or this was the one I was referring to 70 years replied the man the wise man the sage then asked are you so healthy a man that you expect to live that length of time and eat its fruit but the man answered I found a fruitful world because my ancestors planted it for me likewise I am planting for my children what are you planting for your children because if you ate with all of your hands you lived for today and you live for yourself sometimes it's not just for children but even to touch it lives to make impact some of you study not on scholarship are you boasted and give testimony of the scholarship but it never occurred to you that somebody set up a system for you to go to school free on somebody else's money and you have never thought of really making impact you've heard of things like Kings University you've never even phoned to say can I create an endowment it may not be much money I could put something there that maybe is for whoever is gonna be professor of economics in that University you see many will go to school as Rhodes Scholars Oxford Cambridge and other University Ross Cecil Rhodes I know okay some of you be angry because it took all the wealth of Jocelyn Zimbabwe and Zambia and turned it into a world tour on school for people yes Ilana's what they now know as Malawi I think now listen but least somebody got some opportunity some scholarship what are people getting from you one of the 613 mitzvot is not to borrow with interest in other words to learn to save rather do you honor me 23 verse 21 for example says to an outsider you may lend that's interest what to your brother you are not to learn that interest so that I do now your God will prosper you and everything you set out to do in the land you are entering in in order to take possession of it again here it is teaching people even your investment have a user-friendly one for your brother your sister make life easy for people who are close to you then it goes on educate yourself and plan ahead before making investments never rush to invest without prior research and deliberation other words don't you say Oh pastor Matt you taught the subject this morning Oh let me just see we stocks and shares will I buy you need to get people to train you to teach you what you've got to take a step you've got to make a move you got to do something so I don't want to lose money life is risk there will always be risk around you the smaller the risk the smaller the return the bigger the risk the bigger the return but there are people who can always counsel you advise you train you they can teach you what to do there are those who will help you manage it and tell you they'll charge for a fee and do it on your behalf simply speaking this is financial diversification it is wise to invest in seven or eight different types of investment put your money in various places so that there is an increase if this trim is doing well and this one is drying up at least one is bringing blessing into your life you're necessary or trance of divine name always leads to poverty made our m7a some people just think if I just keep praying if I just keep praying our prosper but that is not true you've got to learn the principles that lead to wealth creation take the step priya is good but do the right thing then also do not act in this Hana sickness in dishonesty Mishnah 13 verse 11 wealth gotten by dishonesty Sheridan Smith diminished but he the gatherers increment Ali shall have an increment in other words to come from here trick him from there you bought this house when he was a hundred thousand then you waited you had tenants there you waited ten years fifteen it didn't mean that you went and drew everything you need to blow in one big big massive party how about blessing your children how about helping them own their own place so that your children did not start life swimming in an ocean of red ink many of us found life started in an ocean of red ink deliver your children from swimming in an ocean of red ink and I pray for you that God will prosper you bless you deal honestly with people deal with customers honestly treat employees fairly pay them on time this is how God wants you to operate don't delay payment of wages past the agreed time if you have financial struggles like many people did during the the shutdown let the employees know and carry everyone along and Leviticus 19 verse 13 says do not oppress or rob your navel specific specifically you are not to keep up the wages of a hired worker all night until morning not all a man take care of him don't hold people's things you want God to prosper you do the right thing the Talmud teaches that both hard workers and lazy workers profit if walk all week yet do not work on Sabbath however they're also hard workers as well as lazy workers who get deprived due to working as well in other words learn to serve the Lord keep the deeds that belong to the Lord to him worship God come to the house of God serve the Lord on that day make his name grades on that day in Deuteronomy 14 22 it's coded every year you must take one tenth of everything your seed produces in the field I have a shine issue I can't understand the churches who are sin or we should not tithe it is the Old Testament oh really oh really Genesis Old Testament or New Testament do you believe in Genesis do you believe in the account of creation in Genesis so why do you believe in the account of creation in Genesis Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2 do you believe in the antediluvian era the flood of Noah Genesis chapter 5 6 7 8 all really you do do you believe in what happened after the antediluvian era when chapter 9 from the three sons of Noah people spread across the world the Hamitic sons of Noah covered Asia and Africa the the gia fatigued sons of Noah covered Europe and Semitic sons of Noah covered the whole of the Middle East do you believe all that but then what is your problem one come to chapter 12 and one of the Semitic sons of Noah produces Abraham and Abraham brings tithes so you believe all to chapter 11 and chapter 12 but when you got to Abraham who broke the tides and I don't believe in that let's jump that what's the problem some will say what's the law which law and the law of Moses between Abraham who brought tide and Moses there are 500 years man 500 years 500 years or thereabout for 30 years of slavery and forty years of travel in the wilderness that's for 70 years so there are almost 500 years Abraham brought tights we believe Isaac brought that because his son Jacob Genesis chapters 29 to 32 and 29 or 30 when he encountered God in an open field so Wow this is the gates of heaven and bring him my tithe to this spot and our coldest place the house of God beth-el so if you believe in Genesis and we have this account of those who brought the tide before the law what's the problem people forget about that what is the time the tide is to the Jewish man the symbol of me it means abundance prosperity increase overflow the tithe is tenth the tide is the first thing that opens the womb God said everything that opens the the one is mine the opens the birth canal is my first city first son first everything that's why he took Jericho when he said Jericho is mine you keep the rest of the cities now because God wanted Mercedes and BMWs in Jericho God don't ride in a car or the donkeys of Jericho when God took Jericho he was because is the first and it must be set aside to him so when people say they don't believe in the tithe because the Old Testament it is Old Testament then it means are you picking and choosing which book you believe in the Old Testament if you do that then you are a liberal theologian who is saying the whole of the Bible is not inspired yeah there are laws in the Old Testament that have been nailed to the cross what yeah they lost that point to the coming of Christ those ones he nailed to the cross laws that are contrary to US laws that says unless we paid penance for our sin we cannot be seen but then Jesus now came out fulfilled those wants you fulfill those ones so the Jewish man till tomorrow every Jewish person you know even the ones who don't go to the temple regularly they ensure they don't play with their tithe yes every year you must take one tenth of everything your seed produces in the field and at I need 90s give tide so that you may prosper and become wealthy so if you combine all my teaching on investment with a spiritual principle of tithing then you prosper of course you cannot prosper just because you type it neither can you prosper something just because you invest it but when you bring the spiritual and the wise action of investing you have a double action that brings about the blessings of God Deuteronomy 14 22 repeats the same thing in taking every year you must take one tenth of every thing your field produces in the field Talmud Shabazz says tied so that you will become rich in action times the number ten was considered the number of increase and tithe is an old word 4/10 1/10 1/10 the early Jews became the richest nation in the world because of their tithing and like I told you today they are still the blessed people Abram gave a tenth of everything he collected from the three men who attacked Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 14 20 and plus B el elyon who handed your enemies over to you Avram Abraham gave him a tenth of everything tense of everything - I need 9a like reported earlier sis ties so that you will become rich this was how the Jewish person was told from when he was a baby if you tithe you get blessed invest and tithe serve God go after the blessings serve God go after the blessings and when you look at their community here in the United Kingdom go to Stanford heels go so gold is green you don't see some outward show of wealth that broke people many times will do broke people like to show what they have but these people they know the a blessing we used to worship someone Finsbury Park you're driving along maybe on some midweek days particularly on Saturday the whole or Stanford hill from there baby - from cradle to grave everyone is dressed for church simple dressing looks all style but don't joke with them they probably own one family owned on one whole street while the people who shot the street for parties owned nothing tithing is a qualification for wealth according to Rabbi driver the Chevette Rahim tells us that the process of tithing is like partnership between the donor and God you are partnering with God next slide you're partnering with God to sustain the world you're partnering with God so when I bring my tithe I'm partnering with God Walker what I walk away from determines what I walk into many who do not tithe do not know how they hinder themselves how they hinder the blessing the day you begin to learn for money not to have power over you and you conquer it then you find out whatever you conquer has no power over you anymore it has no grip some things are difficult to conquer never do funny things to conquer I remember the first I decided I'm no longer taking coffee he was like dying man it was like I'd read this book that said every time you took coffee it's really I mean the world of coffee doesn't want to hear this is a multi-billion dollar business but this guy really analyzed it and said your body sent soldiers to come fight all those chemicals that me that I would poison your body and those soldiers as they are fighting us when you feel high now once the battle is over and the soldiers go to rest that's why you feel like the coffee's gone down you took another one they go to I said no I want to live long and as you can see is working for me 20 years ago stop drinking coffee man it wasn't easy how about when I decided not to eat rice anymore I slept right I walk I smell everywhere so then I realize that almost everywhere you go all the food everywhere them what else do you want to eat but then one day you get to a place where it loses its power over you you need to reach a place where a certain amount loses its power to control you have you noticed that when you reach a certain amount you want to give to the Lord some of you your hand shakes because you haven't conquered that level when you reach a place where you have conquered that level you'll now find that in strange ways from strange places God is able to prosper you proverbs 10:22 says the blessing of I do now is what makes people reach by the windows while just joining us all our scriptures most of them have been taken from Jerusalem Bible cjb was Old Testament translated into English specifically for the Jewish people the blessing of Adonai is what makes people rich and it doesn't mix solve with it john d rockefeller was a man who builds America before the Second World War bridges was a very first man biggest and steal biggest in oil john d rockefeller was a Jewish immigrant boy his parents are coming too into the United States and he was probably five or nine and didn't have much education while he went to primary school his father died he had to go to work from the age of nine and learned everything by the time he was 14 he knew how to help people whom he worked for to copy the things they wanted to write and that's how he grew and studied the wealthy man from there he also took off he became the wealthiest man in his days he typed more than half a billion dollars in his lifetime some people didn't like him his critics criticized him for giving so much to God next slice is he offered he offered critics of his tithing a standard reply God give me the money God gave me the money every time you feel that your power give you give you you are making a mistake the Mishna says the Mishna says in collusion 82 a pray to him to whom all wealth and property belong because every craft contains potentialities for both poverty and wealth same thing two men are doing one man ends up for another one handsome wealthy neither poverty know what is due to craft but all depends on merit so you pray to him from whom all blessings and property belongs the Shabbat 119 a say the wealthy married well because they give tithe as it is written a certain sir which means give ties so that you may become wealthy in other words after you've done your part of learning the power of investment and then you play your part of sewing what belongs to God how God multiplies it is a mystery to you but the same thing is the mystery of even seed we saw in the natural you take a corn you put it in the ground if you don't put it in the ground it remains the same you put it in the ground the corn has to first die after it dies then out of his death a resurrection comes a resurrection comes a new life comes out after a period produces itself itself a multiples and multiples and multiples the times the size of the seed often determines the size of the harvest and the size of the seed often determines the length of the harvest there are some seed you plant it took two to five years before it took ground and began to produce by produced for 40 years the ones that produced within three months tend to live for only that for five months and they are gone so listen I believe you've been blessed today Malachi 3:10 says bring the whole tenth into the storehouse so that there will be food in my house put me to test is a denies the vote I do not serve our means the Lord of the Sabbath see I want open for you the floodgates not the windows as King James puts it a flood gate is the front from a window see if I will not open for you the floodgates of heaven we pour out for your blessing far beyond your needs a flood gate is what you used to lock out flood from coming in on the River Thames we have the thames barrier which was built somewhere around 1985 I hope I remember very well it was built to lock out the sea because East London is technically below sea level and if there were to be some serious rising of the sea high tide it will flood East London but I've been locked out so that it cannot come but God is seen instead of locking out this blessing I will open the floodgates and flood your life with favor blessing break through testimony well we did not get to in to verify our teaching because I first spoke and not just one more slide I love this one too I'm it nine against it until your lips say there enough you know Malachi says a blessing beyond your needs and the time it is actually the decoding of that verses that God wants to so bless you on - you say wow I have enough I leave Oh Scottie Erebus I pray that the day of I have enough oh come on your life now you look around you and there is no need that was not met physical needs spiritual need emotional need your ability to bless people will multiply every dream every aspiration you've ever carried will become reality God will cause you to walk in on common fellow uncommon blessing uncommon testimony on common grace on common open doors the area of your struggle become the place of your strength area of your struggle become the place of your testimony the area of your struggle or become the place where God favors you God bless you God increases you and God gives you an use your testimony I declare and decree that in this season of your life God wipes your tears God shuts the mouths of devils God opens your eyes to great things God makes you walk in the van and the value of abundance may the word you have received today not condemn you but bring you into everything that God has for you this we declare and we believe it to come to pass your eyes will see these things you hands will handle them your mouth will testify I prefer everyone who I've heard this teaching today as you begin to take steps in creating the future of blessing for yourself and your children your grandchildren and generations to come you'll not fall into the hands of people who work for you not fall into the hands of thieves and fall into the hands of liars Gogol order your steps into the hands of those who will direct your part and help you to make the right decision for your life and you will come back and bless the Lord for him for what he will do for you Jesus will give you praise we thank you in Jesus name Amen well I'm sure you were blessed this morning I was so blessed and they're watching I'll probably like to encourage you that in the next service I'm not just gonna go into that investment part I started where I'm just gonna do tithing and they said Akkad how the Jewish one approaches is giving the worst day that said a cart managed to give particular to charity to church its interest in the Hebrew and Arabic language so close when I was a Muslim we use the word SATA cut which is the word for giving particularly in terms of first thing you see they I'm doing a lot of SATA cut so the Hebrew caller said are cut and we're gonna be sharing more about giving and tithing that's your way to walk I will see how it is encoded in the Bible so we can decode it for our own blessing praise the Lord well let's practice what we've been teaching I want to serve the Lord with our tithe with our offerings with all that has blessed us with and I want to walk in obedience the Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice and when we obey God we give him access to give us bread through obedience it's like the law of gravity once you walk in obedience you set the law of favor in motion you set breakthrough in motion you know if I draw something up I don't need to fast and pray for it to come down as long as I'm on this planet you come down you come down if I were outside space you take forever I love reading anything astronomy I was just reading but someone went to space recently to repair their space station the mirror on the jacket fell off by two seconds to do only one feat because it is very slow there where they are we'll see here you don't need to pray for things to come the same thing when you walk in obedience there are things God just begins to make happen in your life favor testimony increase breakthroughs open those supernatural testimony I'm going to encourage you this morning those of you who are from a bro who abroad all around the world apart from the United Kingdom you heard this teaching your same posture Matthew thank you for blessing me I want to show into chaos CC I like to encourage you to do so I like to encourage you to do so a lot to encourage you to do so so those who are abroad you can use the details on the screen capture it use your phone to capture it go to your bank give them the church I burn a bank account I burn numbers swift code and all these details and you'll be able to transfer the chaos CC and the next one is for those who are look alikes of you who are abroad can do people people is global so those of us who are here in the United Kingdom you had the teaching this morning I'm sure I stirred up your heart always remember God has your best on his mind God wants you to increase he wants to favor you so use the salt code the account details PayPal those who are doing offerings who wants to give up to 30 pounds in offering you can use cases you can text it with your phone those are given much more than that tied offering etcetera paper GRCC you can go to the kiosk CC website and you can use the details there you can also call the church number some of you have also have been under and I mean you just you've given your bank instructions to just send regularly let's do so let's be blessed of the Lord this morning as you give to the Lord please don't go away as you get closer at a time when we will open the buildings for worship we need to give you more and more information and we don't want you to get information from secondhand third-hand because information gets corrupted sometimes with the person not intending to do so so make sure you stay with us until the service properly closed by for the moment let's give to the Lord let's give to the Lord with excitement let's give to the Lord nobody see everybody hey never getting all of his love wherever you are you have your credit card your iPod your phone whatever you use to make your offering available I want you to hold it in your hand as a point of contact and make this confession with me Lord us to bring our offerings we believe you for better jobs raises bonuses finding money money finding us receiving increased incomes royalties dividends inheritances checks in the mail gives us surprises Jesus name Lord bless your people this morning let today be the poorest they will never be change our financial realms their financial levels silence the davara for their sake we curse the hand of the enemy we curse the hand of the Devourer lobato ciara last year's last month's lost days and weeks lost opportunities risk word the word says job 42 verse 10 and God bless the end of job more than his beginning gave him threefold what he had lost let there be more than three-fold restoration an unusual restoration and uncommon restoration testimony beyond measure thank you Lord Jesus name Amen man praise the Lord couple of announcements bring service to a close like to encourage you this morning remember again the 11 a.m. service make sure you join us make sure you don't miss it make sure you don't miss it and make sure don't miss tonight's evening search tonight's evening service is about your hands God is about to bless your hands the power in your hands the power in your hands there was there was a rock in the hand of David and that introduced him to world conqueror Goliath and brought him to limelight there was a rod in the hand of Moses and God permeated that rod Exodus 4 verse 17 the power in your hands and at the end of the message and now we're going to pray that what your hand only will be later on in this season will be amazing there was a young lady she was a slave in the House of Neiman and there was power in her hands there's several people in the Bible like that there's power in their hands there was a woman who died and the only reason the people cried for pizza Teresa was that the brother clothes hands have made the power in your hands don't miss tonight's evening service is gonna be just powerful and amazing well first of all want to take the time to celebrate all those who have worked very very hard on Noah's Ark Noah's Ark is the ICC's answer to meeting people's need bringing relief just like Noah's Ark relieved the world animals and the family of Noah from the common destruction we bring relief food and help people before the pandemic was started and much will be making available food and all kinds of provisions to families every week we have touched the list we have toys a hundred families 100 to 400 families so you gotta pick up schools hotels so we'll give the report for what happened up to yesterday Saturday we've been coming up here every week for the past a twin and collecting on average 10 bags to the family food way people are just over the moon brilliant they can't thank us enough the food has been full of luxury items as well and sometimes when I've dropped the bag moves right back with my people yeah and God's children we've gone through the bags and they've seen that a few treats as well which has been lovely this has affected everybody you know people that follow in people that are self-employed people that actually chill Deen people that got relatives that are poorly so it met a greater demographic of people think think usually the people that use the food bank regular this is a friend of mine that put my name's down some really really appreciates it gets it thank you very much for this and those two special paintings of Noah's Ark by the kids at pilgrims school I told them to put it on the screen that way of saying thank you I think this is a real good beautiful capture no exact the middle of a troublesome water no exact floating was a big thank you to all of you not just in your ties in your offering some of you have even made specific and sale use this for Noah's Ark you can see those families lives that have been touched and impacted I will pray God's blessing many of them you could tell from their heart that the prayer the prayer for you is just so strong the lady from pilgrim school said they had thought they will come and pick a few literally - thanks or they overwhelmed by the bugs and bugs we give them every week and this week drops were made in nehrim farm and south one state one state is London elfin and calcium salt is broccoli broccoli broccoli where is broccoli huh South London Heartland does near Croydon neolution o ganden Bexleyheath Deadwood Walthamstow yeah when two waters talk a sec for the first time in three months and two days on we're on Thursday or Friday I've been there until this week pass plumsted leighton Sydenham first grade force hill wow this is quite a drive Victoria Dock Wow somebody lives in Victoria Dock I needed our relief I thought that was the error for the posh guys instead surely and sorry well it's approval eight now listen this thing I've taught many people it's it's I mean we just crush this coronavirus and say this thing must not see Christmas as the Lord lives and I hope you are shouting immersing them in your house can you believe this has led to 45 million unemployed I mean in the United States of America and in the United Kingdom people who have lost their job approaching six million British economy has been affected by about three to four trillion pounds what is a trillion I just have a problem understanding this conspiracy theorists say is because I want to plant 5g and then you destroy the world Jesus man just some simple logic doesn't make sense also take this time to say that the 30-day fasting and praying of GRCC we bless the Lord for results for impact today is the 28th it will end on Tuesday but I wanna do something very special if it ends on Tuesday it will have meant that the more evening glow and they don't Monday but one is something on the first of July we will have one extra evening glow so the morning glow remains evening blue is going to end on the 1st of July the morning glow remains evening glow is an end on the 1st of July so tomorrow morning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday the morning glow continues continues continues 6 a.m. to 7 but the evening glow will have Monday evening glow and the last one will be wetness the evening glow July 1 I want to do something special I like you to send in your testimony I will read your testimony you don't need to write your name could just write your initial then I'm gonna prophesy over your testimony everyone one by one radio testimony prophesy over you so you didn't send in your testimony you didn't get that blessing so if we are 10 testimonies sent 50 testimonies sent I read each one prophet saw a person read each one prophet saw a person and I'm sure they'll put some huh there's a whatsapp number for you to quickly snap on your phone now send your testimony through the what's up or through email I think what's up my judge is so far so easy for you send a testimony on Wednesday evening glow radio testimony pray over you read your testimony provide for more testimonies I can tell you during this 30 days I had some visitations of God blessing upon blessing favor upon favor supernatural surprises I mean surprises couldn't touch my phone but as I was driving back from God by just a tap-in I looked and that's all I saw and a lot I don't get blessed every every other day praise God and then I also reached out called my pastor the man from whose church I was called to ministry three days at that sentiment the other is four days on like that and he told me was on a mountain praying and as he came back to town boom his phone rang and he begins to pray so please send me your testimonies for July 1 is gonna be a special one special special you know we've been doing testimonies in the evening globe so July 1 is gonna be a special testimonies to take the testimony and we read it please never take anything the Lord has done for granted if it's a headache tango like to announce the International gathering of Champions we're looking forward to I GOC gonna be awesome it's gonna be powerful the speakers who bless us they are ready we are ready and the world is ready many people are registering from around the world please do not take for granted go online and register and get your evidence of registration yes it is free we should have charged 25 pounds or more but we're making it free this time but we're encouraging you to register for several reasons then when you register you're able to get the products for 40% less than other people would have gotten it so take advantage and let i g OC bless you this year it's gonna be powerful is gonna be awesome it's gonna be great and the hand of the Lord will be stretched out in Jesus name our men like to take this time to talk about the coming opening of our time and coming opening of the church building following the directive and the announcement of the government from Saturday the 4th of July it means that buildings will open for worship so what we want to do on the 4th of July KIC I wish I would just go back to that you know the pandemic I've decided in lumo which I'm going back to that once the pandemic is over man I love that pasta Marty I see their demon demon demon so we will be having services actual and virtual actual and virtual firstly on the 4th of July which is a Saturday if you are a Walker in chaos si si we would like to have a workers training on-site today 12:00 noon only walkers here and every Kovac 19 compliance will be applied please don't forget you don't come and start hugging anyone this is our hug and KIC see that's a hug if you don't do that you do it namaste so you see they hug yourself Oh namaste Saturday 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. workers training and Sunday July 5 service is only for the workers service will hold both in prayer city and in whole street prayer city and in whole street please everything keeps changing and you need to stay with us because of the nature of the season in which we are it's a new normal instead of the three services we announced for morning services when the building opens we're changing it to two we're changing it to two we're changing it to two we're changing it to two services I hope you got me we send the information out you see that's the reason why we wanted you to go online register IG OC so that when we are sending info out we have your details why are we changing it to two services we found that out our hygiene tunnel which you walk through very good one user-friendly the chemical has been tested to be the one that agrees with your body agrees no and it's it's it's benign this order less you walk through it no issues but it takes about two hundred people to walk through in one and we have only two fixed and prayer City so it means four hundred people would have walked through by the time we're starting service if we say the service is 90 2:10 we beg you to come by 8 we beg you to come by 8 we beg you to come by 8 that is walk us on the 5th but all members when you are coming on the 12th all those who worship in class is a whole Street or prayer City that 9:00 a.m. service please come by 8 or even earlier so that you will have walked through the eigen tunnel and you are seated we've already said that yes I wish the camera will turn so you can see that we are actually already following the cove in 19 compliance and we are showing how the seats will be it's 1 meters plus the Prime Minister said one meters plus thank you thank you thank you so 1 meters plus 1 meters plus no camera that's ok ok so you can see the CETA already already 1 meters plus for those who are when a wife will put your seat together what God hath joined together let go V 19 not put asunder so husband oh why we can sit together and so from the 12th we will have limited service for children we're doing all we can to accommodate as many as 60 Plus 38 98 children the ones who are not accommodated in children's church in that because children's church must be covered 19 compliant kovat 19 compliant the children so those you know who do not fit they're coming to the service and be with you in the family in the service so if you will give you the details of where you can book your seat you have to book your seat before you come yeah this is like flying now but flying into new levels you have to book your seat will make all the details known to you by those who are workers when you come to the raining you will book your seat for Sunday v you book your seat for Sunday v for those of you who are coming to service on the 12th will open the platform for you to book from Friday the 10th so you can book your seats to be in service on the 12th all those who are 70 and above we want you to still shield at home because we be running virtual service anyway all those who were told by the government to shield to the end of July we want you to shield at home we believe that every day you will get better so prc's have gone every Lent one of the reasons for that one ah when the service ends by 10 I'm pleased if you come by 9 the service will have started kosher service starts 9 and 10 is 1 our service building must be empty within 15 minutes because we will use a fogging machine again for the whole building from 10:15 to 10:45 everywhere will be sanitized again and then we start allowing people to come in probably from 10:45 until until 12:00 noon when the service starts Savi starts 12:00 noon ends 1 it's gonna be exciting I don't know about you waiting for over 3 months to have church so let's look forward let's get excited it's more like going inside a plane I'm booking your seats but when you're flying you're excited much more when you have coming to the house of God David said I was glad when they said let us go to the house of the Lord so look forward with excitement even if you can't shake your brothers or sisters a great joy to be able to see one another have fellowship with one another rejoice with one another we can now with the one metres gap we can sit close to 900 in one service and prayer city well at 868 on the ground floor where I'm standing and the gallery in front of me at 68 the overflow Hall will be used for your children so please be clean your mind let me repeat again actual service here or ho Street virtual service continues in your home you come you arrive as early as possible go through the hygiene tunnel so that you are seated by 9:00 a.m. service starts 10:00 a.m. service ends 10:00 a.m. a service ends 10:15 we start sanitizing the building for the next service every corner sanitized we finish sanitizing another service - 12 noon will finish 1 p.m. evening service goes through the same method evening service - 6 p.m. so it means you come five to go through service starts 6:00 service ends 7:30 it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be great it's gonna be powerful and took you to enter why not just feels like the day of down the road when we had to hope for services in a small building py2 queue for the next service and queue for the next service but I want you to look forward look forward with the excitement look forward and believe God that you will be blessed you the favorite is going to be great all the workers please remember the announcement if you are walking you over 70 please keep shielding just stay home others will do the service and yourself some departments may not be functional but we still want all the workers to come so if we need to put in another department we'll let you know I'm sure you get all these announcements clearly many of the things I've said will eventually crystallize and writing and put on our website some things are already there we'll add some more for clarification for clarification and the two services that the two buildings prayer city and whole Street will be holding service at a party person it means that when it's when the service starts here nine it starts in whole Street nine I've been one building now you see me now you don't I may be in whole street I may be impressed city but I've been one of the two buildings the chances are that are being one building for the first service another building for the second service both will have the same message same time so these are the informations what to expect I've already told you your health and safety is important to us book you'll see that at an actual service in other words you do that from home you do your booking then we'll put the layout of how prayer city is you book your sit there please don't cooperate City on whole streets because once you book somebody loses the seat you want to be impressively you booked the seat I'm gonna be in the whole street you booked the seats and you wanna be in the whole street you booked the seat these are the various things we want you to do they'll be hand hygiene we'll have something for you when you come it has the hydrants on out it's no big deal it takes your temperature zoo just pours out something that's very good it's a vapor and you walk through it is like I told you extremely safe takes a temperature check we may we may not give out face masks to see how it goes let me just say for the moment you may not like this but we have to abide by it until the government feels it is safe for the moment when you come only the worship team on the platform can sing I know you don't like that one but I see Israel blessing but at least you were able to come so the people on the platform will be able to sing you can dance coronavirus will not take dance away from your leg and I can't see yeah you can bring your own tissue paper if you wanted to after you sign charge on you wanted to clean or if you sneeze you have your own TV paper social distancing physical contact are to be forbidden just great people the best way you can using the lift please all those young men and women live the lift from older people and for those who are disabled it will only be one person one person unless they are a couple who came together one person and then you come in through the front the main sanctuary we beg you we beg you we beg you we beg you that you do not invalidate our instruction you come in through the front door that you go out through the exit doors to the car box even if your car was parked in front still follow that system and walk around good exercise for you man I mean when the service is over here nowadays I walk around four times that is not counting the fact that I mean this we can play golf every day from Monday to Friday so good exercise for you coming through the front door you go out through the exit doors through the back doors very important I be a waiting room for anyone whom within the temperature was high we leave the person to be in the waiting room for a short while and handle that if they need to go home if they need additional care nothing embarrassing if there is ever any temperature that was high temperature high means 37.5 giving off ring it's gonna be more like you are giving now at home you will most of us will sit down we'll give up offering with our credit card with our phones etc if you need to give with an envelope we may just create a system where as you are going out by the door there's a box where you drop the offering there will be a box where you drop the offering if that changes we'll let you know yes and then like I told you clean the premises after each service immediately it's ready again for the next one we do hope you understand that SEC wants to be the best in fact we have judges who are calling us to know which chemicals they need to use how do they need to do it you have no choice when you're Big Brother you have to show the example so let's be a blessing not just our own congregation but the greater body of Christ and to those who look up to us let testimonies go from us we've been praying a lot let us be part of the result you must appreciate in a while on one hand with no singing yet on another hand let me let you know in some parts of the world some governments have not allowed more than 100 100 people 50 people so the church is just didn't bother to open Ghana most churches are now open because the government is only 100 some other countries so major cities have not opened but we are given the permission to have as long as we are Co vid compliant and we're gonna go astra my whatever i takes the hygiene toner was not required we went that extra mile so that you will enjoy being here you will enjoy the fellowship the words even if you waive that somebody's enough it's enough so until we see you in the next service and also in the evening service today the power in your hands remember the morning glows remembered evening glows the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine will you give you peace bless you're going out and coming it increase you favor you lift you beyond measure with the hand of the Lord is so great on your life Jesus name Amen love you have less back to this ministry as we have streamed into your home's your life wherever you are please do not keep the beauty the blessing and the power of this message to yourself like share our social platforms let people know about the ministry let people know about what you have received let others be blessed get online all the various platforms and if there's a platform on which we are not let us know we'll be there god bless you richly we're glad you watched today's service for prayer call o 208 v 2 v double taxed to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 7,640
Rating: 4.911602 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life
Id: DTdn_sJsKV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 58sec (4618 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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