Khalid ibn Waleed - The Sword of Allah: Mark of a Hero - Yasir Qadhi | May 2011

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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh hamdu lillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasulina where Ali he was happy he woman wada am a burden the person that has been assigned to me today is the person that every single young Muslim grows up hearing about and that is none other than Holi dipnet Waleed Khalid ib'n Walid it's just general that the OMA has ever seen the greatest military genius after the Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu alayhi wa send them that the world has ever witnessed and I only have around 20 minutes or so to discuss the life and times of this great and legendary man and so I'll try to summarize what I think are some of the most important facts that we need to be aware of about hot and imminent Walid a lot of us don't realize that Khalid emanuelle he did not begin his life as a military warrior in fact his life was more akin to growing up as a prince why because his father was the chieftain of one of the tribes of the Quraysh now a lot of you are really confused about correlation banu hashim and what not this is something you need to understand Quraysh is one large tribe it's composed of lots of sub-tribes parishes the large one of the largest tribes at the time and it's composed of many sub-tribes the most famous sub-tribe is that of the Banu Hashim and that's where the profitsystem and his ancestry comes from the manual action but there were other sub tribes as well of them is the sub tribe of an Arab the doubt from which the O minus T came and of them is the sub tribe of the man whom assumed from which how did ahmet what it came so there's three main subscribes lots of others there's three main ones the Banu Hashim the Benoir up the down and the bottom of zoom and each of these has their leaders so that the leader of the band Hashem was Abu Talib when abu thought of daddy was Abu Lahab the leader of the band one of the sons was Abu sue yeah Abu Sufyan whose ancestry and whose children became the Omega dynasty this is Abu Sufyan and then the leader of the Banamex zoom was the father of Holly liberal Walid and his name was Al Waleed al movie era so al walid nanmura the father of god it is the chief of the tribe which means he's the wealthiest the most prestigious the most influential so he's one of the leaders of the city of Makkah and in fact and what is the name of Allah Allah revealed many verses in the Quran about and wanita primavera Allah revealed a number of verses specifically for the father of Holly the middlee and before I even get there again this is first information saying that you should know when you look at the opponents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa generally speaking they can be divided into two camps the enemies of the Rasso system can be divided into two camps the first group are those who even though there were his enemies they were in some sense still noble and they didn't stoop to let's say cheap tactics they didn't resort to mockery or sarcasm yes they disagreed but they retained nobility within them and the best example in this category is Abu Sufyan Abu Sufyan was the noble opponent he was an enemy he hated the process him in the beginning eventually accepted Islam but he never stooped to cheap tactic he never smeared the profit system he never slandered he didn't go to that level he wasn't of those who would mock when the process none would pass by he wouldn't raise his eyes you wouldn't make sarcastic comments there is an element of dignity and nobility the second group of enemies were those who did resort to such tactics and foremost amongst them is umayyah IBN khalaf and obey abdullah bit and and may have no heart and obey and his brother and one is not this one is another one in these four or five abou jihad of course is the most famous example these group of people not only did they oppose the profitsystem they resorted to tactics that are simply demeaning for example this group was the one who said let us throw a dead animal onto the process when he's in prayer go to the the the trash go to the garbage pick up a dead animal throw it on the process of his brain this group whenever he would pacify they would make some sarcastic remarks they would joke about him they would spread slanders and evil about him if you notice if you categorize the group's into these two it is amazing and it's a point of benefit to learn that none of the people of the first category were eventually guided to Islam those who opposed him at a demeaning level those who would mock and be sarcastic those who would taunt him none of them were guided to Islam all of them met their fate mostly in the Battle of butter and some before and after the Battle of Badr when every one of these stalwarts every one of these opponents met their death of course the most famous abugidas you know the second category of people by and large allah subhana wa tada tada and this shows that those who had manners allowed even though there were opponents they had an element of sincerity they had an element of nobility in them so even as an opponent they didn't resort to cheap tactics and that shows that they had some good in them and because they had some good in them allah subhana wa ta'ala eventually guided most of them to islam and of course the primary example here is abu sufyan and his son maria and juve even water him and so hey they've been amber these are the people yes there were enemies in the beginning but because they had a little bit of nobility eventually allah guided them to the south now why do i begin my talk with these two categories i want to point out that of course this is a spectrum it's not you can't categorize somebody easily into 1m2 and there's a spectrum here and a few people fell kinda in the of the spectrum and all those who fell in the middle of this spectrum was the father of holid Alwaleed until mafia and when he did mahira already didn't mahira never went to that level that Abu jahil did he never stooped to that level nonetheless he had in him cry he didn't resort to sarcasm no that was too - but he had in him Gibbon arrogance pride of what of his ancestry we are from the tribe of Banu masoom we are the leaders of the flesh there is rivalry between the Hashemites between the Umayyads between the panama zoom so each one is is rivaling for the greatest the biggest for achi if you like the greatest flora she tried so he is the leader of one of the sub tribes and he had in him that prestige that I am the leader of Banu masoom how can I follow a Hashemite profit how can the prophecy have come to another sub tribe it wasn't that he resorted to slander it was that his arrogance got the better of him and he was one of those who said why was the Quran revealed to somebody from the Banu Hashim why wasn't it revealed to one of the two great men he considered himself the greatest man in Mecca Holly's father he considers himself the greatest man in Mecca and he said the second best tribe is the tribe of fifty and thought if so he said why didn't a lot use me or the leader of thought if and Allah revealed in the Quran walk all alone a newsela had no Quran wada raju dominica why didn't Allah reveal this for on to one of the two great men of these two cities meaning thief and Makkah he's the first great man if anybody thinks he's a great man he's got an ego problem right and Holly's father had this he goes I'm a great man why would a lot choose this youngster of course how his father is probably around 30 years older than the process in him and so he's thinking why would Allah chose this man from the Hashemite when I am here so Allah revealed in the Quran they said they meaning hottest father they said was in the Koran given to one of the two great men another incident that shows the nature of a 20mm aware of hadiths father another incident that shows his nature is that he was one of those who when the prophecies and began preaching he wanted to negotiate with him a peace treaty and he went to him multiple times goes look you're dividing our community up you're saying things that are blasphemous let's try to reach a compromise so one of the compromises he said was let's alternate religions one day I'll follow your religion what did you follow our religion right let's reach a compromise now you you detect a sense of no matter how foolish it sounds nobility because he doesn't he doesn't want bloodshed he goes let's compromise one day we'll all worship Allah and then tomorrow you worship our idols Allah revealed which surah all of you know this would Allah reveal which surah holy are you her calf alone because of what he's compromised applies saying there is no compromise for totally I can't be a Muslim for a day in a Christian er or an idol worship for the next day there's no compromise let condi no come on Eid another and again I'm just showing you this time understand the household that Khalid is being raised up in this is his father one of the Chieftains of Correction yet another compromise or this is in a compromise this is an agreement called hot his father and when he didn't alehrer convened the Council of all of the leaders of Quraysh who had rejected the process and he said look we need to take a firm stance here we don't agree with his message we need to have a unified voice what are we gonna say why should we say about this person one person said let us say he that that Muhammad SAW Salam has gone mad he's gone crazy Allah neither madera said we all know the symptoms of a madman he is clearly not a madman somebody else said let's say that he's a fortune-teller he's a kahin he's a sorcerer and what he said we all know and others are like he's not a fortune-teller somebody else said let's say he's a magician he's a sigh so on what he said we all know what magicians are like he's not a magician somebody said they say is a liar said we've known him for 40 years he's never told a lie notice there's an element of truth in all that what he does say he's not stooping to that level then his people said to unworried look you are our leader you're in charge you tell us what we should do so he said let me think a few days let me think a few days give me some time he went into his house and he paced back and forth in a frown scowling nobody witnessed this other than a loss of Hanna wa tada and Allah told us in the Quran his privacy in his house what he was doing he's walking back and forth and deep thought and then he said to his people look the only thing I can think of is to say that this is some type of magic some type of magic I know it's not the best but we have no other alternative Allah revealed in the Quran an entire surah talking about this incident which surah is that certain one death a very good certain mood death cell where Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says Vernie woman Halak to Waheeda which I'll do the who man and mom do that woman who'da leave me alone from him whom I created all by himself I created him alone leave me alone with him and I gave him money and I gave him sons this is a reference to hoddan abilities and his brothers in certain what does fear Allah as reference and cognitive Natali I gave him sons one of his sons is caught it so you can say that Allah mentions caught it indirectly in the Quran how do you know any so Allah says in the Quran about him I buy sell buy sell from I'd borrow a stud but he kept on walking around he had a scowl on his face and then he said in had that unless a renewed on the Quran is some type of magic that has an effect and again we could go on and on the one interesting point again about Al Waleed Ibrahim Avira but what he didn't remove hero was that person whom the Prophet SAS and was deeply engaged in conversation with hoping that he'd been become a Muslim he could see in him some good so the prophet saws was really close in his opinion because only alanya in Mullane in his opinion the professor was so close to convincing and what he to accept Islam when sticks were heard in the background tap tap tap tap a blind man walking and he heard the prophesies and preaching and rejoined his a Muslim is a new Muslim he comes tapping quickly to the profitsystem and he asked some questions and this is now what we need and the blind man is not even a karashi he's a he's a servant he's a mullah he doesn't have royal blood and Alwaleed scoffs and sneers these are your followers thanks but no thanks and he walks away so the profit system has debate it was so close he thought he had he literally caught him on the hook and gonna pull him in and here comes even owe me Maktoum and so he can't help but feel a little bit frustrated and a little bit hurt an exasperated I was so close you had to come now and so he frowned and he turned away and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala revealed from above the seven heavens a bursa what a well and Jarmo wild rica lala who yasaka oh yes doctor Overton Park with the cross and many thousand are as for the one who was arrogant and he thought he didn't needed you for antenna hoot asada he was the one you were paying attention to what a man and Jonica yessuh as for the one who's coming running and rushing to you well who I and he wants to know he wants to learn that is the one you want to get stay away from anyone to turn away from no priorities and Allah Azza WA JAL informed our prophet system that the tea is for those who accept the message who want to listen to it and not because their nobility of blood so this is al aliy the father of holid the one for whom a bursa wa ta'ala was revealed because of so funny the third one is of course grew up in the lap of luxury because this is his father allah says we gave him plenty of money and a lead died before the Battle of bed that he did not participate in the Battle of Badr and so how did himself was so not present in the battle but it is said that he was traveling somewhere else to do business so he did not participate but his older brother did participate in the battle of badr and his older brother was taken captive and taken to Medina and ransoms were sent out that there's a ransom for such-and-such and the highest ransom for all of the people in the mercy of our prophet SAS at him he didn't assign one figure to all the people if you were poor you had a lower ransom if you were rich you had a higher ransom and of course the process anew each in every household personally so he assigned a figure depending on how much money the family had well when he has the son of animal Guerra he assigned the figure out of all of the captives and that shows us who is that one he didn't reveal that the highest ransom was for one group of people amongst them was this son had his older brother so he was given a ransom of four thousand dinars that's a massive amount of money four thousand dinars so how did himself came to Medina with the bag of money how did himself came to Medina and he handed the money to the prophets at him he took his brother now his brother has been a captive in Medina for around three weeks he's been a captive for around three weeks in Medina and you know in Medina they didn't have any jails jill's is not something that was invented by the process emits a very cruel and unusual punishment isn't in his own way Gio's were not invented there were no jails so what did the prisoners of war do the prophecies that I'm told the Sahaba every one of you should take one prisoner of war and house him as a guest in his house so the prisoners of war were treated like guests and so hard his older brother was a guest in the house of one of the unsought for three weeks we don't have any details of what he saw but we can imagine the life that he must have lived seen Islam so as soon as the ransom was paid holla take him and they started walking away they spent the night outside of Dina when hearted woke up his brother had disappeared because his brother walked back stealthily he didn't want to embarrass hearted because thought is just eight four thousand he didn't want to embrace Islam then because people would have accused him you're not truly a Muslim after the ransom was paid he secretly went back to Medina and he accepted Islam and he became one of the main Sahaba this is Hollis older brother so this is the first time that Islam entered the household of al walid IBN mahira Hadid went back even more angry humiliated frustrated he's just spent $4,000 of his inheritance trying to rescue his brother and this is what his brother does to leaves him after he's paid the money I mean you could have just accepted Islam and saved me the hassle of spending a fortune to get you out but then people would have always doubted why are you accepting Islam is it to get out of the ransom so he allowed the ransom to be paid and then he went back and he accepted Islam so this produced an amount of both hatred and in a curiosity inquisitiveness why brother embrace this religion after he was a prisoner of war after he was fighting him at butter so this created both the hatred because he felt let down and a curiosity and inquisitiveness and therefore in the Battle of hood he decided to volunteer his services at a high level in the Battle of all hood he wanted to do more than just be a foot soldier and so and he was well known again it's understood we don't have to mention here that harden had already established his reputation as a warrior he's already established a reputation in the arts of war and riding a horse and the bow and arrow and military genius at this age at this at this time of the incidence is probably around 25 years old 25 years old brothers and sisters who are 25 or older what have we done this is not even a Muslim now at this stage but the elders of Mecca know his reputation and wallah hey this shows what maturity is that he spent his life in something that is useful for the community he has a track record and so when Abu Sufyan is now the new leader of Mecca when Abu Sufyan says we will gather an army the likes of which Makkah has never seen who's gonna volunteer 3000 people volunteer Abu Sufyan now has to choose leaders of every squadron he takes leadership of the entire army and then he chooses two main leaders firstly reclaimer the son of Abuja reclaimer the son of Abu jahil Abu jahil the process and called him the frown of my Ummah Abu jahil is the Pharaon of my Ummah nari crema was his son so he chose a crema as one of those two warriors and the second Khalid the Sun Oven woody the paternal hero these are the sons of the main people of the Quraysh they have blood they have lineage they have power they have strength to her bravery they have skills the two main leaders of the army were a crema and called it and you all know that what happened in the Battle of Fulford I don't need to reiterate it here suffice to say that even a crema did not do what Connor did even in crema who was older than him by at least 10 years and much more established did not do what Holly did then what he did positive not what he did the amazing thing of keeping his army intact keeping his unit intact you see the armies divided two squadrons into units right when the Quraysh fled or heard you all know the story that the prophecy was it was winning and the four eyes turned their backs and they fled and his unit did not flee he managed to keep his squadron intact and while he's going back slowly he's still monitoring the situation he was the one who spotted what happened on the hill this is holly the one he imagined you're running for your life but his mind is abuzz what can I do now is there any way he sees the opportunity he takes his small unit his squadron and he goes and he attacks from the back you all know the story and he attacks from the back he himself charges up on that little mountain and he kills the ten archers out of the 50 only ten were left he kills all of them and then he leads his unit to hunt down the profits of a lot of money he would send them to try to kill him I want you to understand this point how did nobody in the history of the OMA is the only leader who inflicted a damage and a loss upon the Prophet SAS on him and his contingent the only leader Holly the mid woody and he's trying to hunt down the prophets of cinema he's sending squadrons here and there five people go here ten people go there let's get rid of this once and for all nobody ever managed to inflict this type of loss on the Muslims this is a military genius of haughty the net Walid and when the rumors spread that the Prophet system is dead no it can't be him I know it he has this internal instinct even though the rumor is spreading and Abu Sufyan wanted to believe it isn't it true and how did saying no it's not I'm positive this is military instinct he has it in him that whoever was killed it couldn't have been the proper system he was killed alone who was killed was Muslim women remain and the profitsystem had gifted him his coat of armor before the battle so Moosa died wearing the coat of armor of the profitsystem and the guy who killed him assumed that it was the Prophet system but how did knew better how did knew that the process him could never be by himself so he already is thinking ten steps ahead and he said no we're not done yet and to make a long story short one second we have to move on how did understood that the profitsystem had managed to escape this time and he did not pursue him any further and he let the matter go and Abu Sufyan made the announcement that we're gonna meet again the year after this and then of course future events took their way the point here before we move on as I said harden already is the only military commander to have achieved semi success it wasn't a full success but to achieve some type of success against the prophets of Allah I said amend the Muslims and yet Allah Allah subhana wa tada eventually guided him to Islam so it was in the Battle of orchard were hard it completely established his fame where he basically was promoted to the ranks of a fool what we will call now of a four-star general where he established his credentials in the Battle of Woodman similarly in the Battle of the trench the only semi successful attempt to kill a few Muslims once again caught it was behind it because the battle through the trench was a tactic that the Arabs had never seen before they'd never seen a trench dug they didn't know what to do once again hardly did a tactic we don't have time to mention it now but once again thinking as they sat outside the box this is a new tactic he's never seen it he manages to think of a ploy think of a plot where he calls some Muslims out and then he attacked and there was a little bit of a skirmish but nothing major could be done was harder than it would lead even greater in military genius than the prophecies and of course not we can never say this and Allah Azza WA JAL wanted to prove that the military genius of the Prophet system could never be matched even by Khalid and this was proven in the incident and the treaty of hudaibiya when literally there was no Abu Sufyan there was no ha nan Walid was assigned the contingent holiday what he was made the full commander the Quraysh made him the full commander your job is to attack the Muslims coming for tomorrow your job is to basically prevent them do a little bit of fighting and let them run away were not going to allow them to come to Makkah so hardy the new what it is now the full military commander and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them again you all know the story if you don't then you need to read it up he outwitted Khalid he outsmarted Khalid because Allah wanted to demonstrate that you can't beat the profitsystem in anything and so the Prophet SAW said I'm outsmarted thought it and he was able to bypass the entire contingent basically he fooled Holly the Delhi and Hadees they really went somewhere else thinking the processor was there and the professor made his way all the way to nab a-- and that's when the treaty was enacted so nobody could beat the prophets of allah send them in any matter and especially in the matters that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala blessed him with it is clear that throughout this time Khalid was battling between a hatred and an inquisition as we said inquisitiveness a hatred of the religion for having broken away the the barriers of Makkah for having caused an entire revolution and he's also thinking why are these people so successful what is the loyalty why is my own brother fighting on that side and it was with the treaty of hudaibiya when the prophet saw some outwitted haunted that this had an impact on him and it appears that he realized that there's a divine blessing that the Prophet system has this is not human what I did haunted was so sure that he would attack the profitsystem that he would win over for the Christ he was so sure that that loss it gave him a sense of there must be a higher power working on the other side something is wrong this is not possible I'm the best warrior I'm the best fighter and so after the treaty of hudaibiya he began thinking of converting to Islam and he approached his closest friend reclaimer the son of Abu jihad because they're both leaders Abu jihad and worried so their sons grew up with the type of bond and friendship that nobody else can have this is the exclusive elite club right this is a rich boys club of the Quraysh right so his his his close friend is a climber and so he wants to test the waters what would happen if I wanted to convert so he goes to a Clemmie and he says don't that something is right with the message of Islam with the Prophet system that's why he's so successful don't you think that his message resonates with the truth I read crema the son of Abu jahil could not believe what he's hearing would you convert after all that we've done would you convert to his religion after all the wars that we fought so hard it kept his peace didn't say anything more but remember the alarm bells go running off he runs over to Abu Sufyan who is by now the de facto leader of Makkah he runs over Davos yawn and he says I believe that the Sun Oven woody it might be converting college this is the great warrior might be converting Abu Sufyan calls him and he begins rebuking him how dare you do this how could you do this and harden does not respond he doesn't defend himself so it's clear that he's thinking of converting Abu Sufian in desperation pulls his sword out meaning I'm gonna kill you I cannot allow you to convert to Islam this is just too much of a disaster for me and at this point in time Eric creamish shifts his loyalties and he says would you kill him for this I mean would you kill him sure we don't agree but you're gonna kill him because he wants to change his religion Hardin saw the situation was so tense that same night he did not sleep in his house and he took his horse he took his weaponry and he rode out in the middle of the desert to run away from Makkah and to flee to Medina to accept his Sam and on the way there there's only one main highway let's say right in those days they had their ways to get from Medina to America from Makkah to Madinah on the way there he met one person and then a third person you meet three people all of them have the exact same intention and that is they want to secretly convert to Islam and these three people these three people were the last three people to convert before the conquest of Makkah and this is important why because Allah says in the Quran liest eromine-kun men unfuckable cabinet FATCA were part and the two are not the same those who accepted Islam before the conquest versus those who accepted Islam after the conquest they have two different levels those who accepted Islam before the conquest of Makkah have a higher level and those who accepted it after the conquest do not have that level so Allah wanted to confer that honor on a final group of three people word as high up as Abu Bakr Umar Uthman and Ali but they weren't as well like the other category and that is after the conquest the final three people who converted before the conquest of Mecca number one Holly the dead Walid number two humbly blood house the famous politician as we call him how many brows and number three earth monument what hell these were the three people who converted before the conquest of vodka and it was in the same year it was in the same year that the profitsystem assigned him battle roles immediately the profitsystem sent him out on expeditions however in the beginning he didn't give him positions of leadership why he wants to test the waters he wants to see are you a real convert or not right because this is the Sunnah but what he didn't mow hero I mean Allah has revealed five six verses in the Quran about him this is the son of what I believe let me test is he truly true Muslim or not so the Prophet system sent him out just in a few months after his conversion not as a leader but simply as a foot soldier simply as somebody a private in the Army in the Battle of mota in the Battle of Mactan in the model of Mokpo the Prophecy's l'm assigned three commanders one after the other and he said if the first commander dies you take the second if the second dies you take on to the third and he didn't assume that the third would die the Battle of Mukhtar was a really difficult battle it was neither a victory nor a loss it was similar to offered but perhaps not as severe as Wofford it was not a victory for the Muslims but neither was it a a loss the Battle of Malta was a very very dire situation and all three of those whom the prophets ISM appointed died one after the other and when the third one died there was no leader that the process were appointed and so the Sahaba looked amongst themselves and they saw the warrior Holly the benevolent and so they said you need to be our leader he said I cannot do that the processes didn't appoint me they said we have no choice that three whom the process is appointed they're all gone you weed so they unanimously elected him to become their leader and so Hadas immediately regroup the army he immediately slipped them up into different contingents and he managed to save the bulk of the army he even though they were facing imminent destruction it was gonna be a complete if you like victory for the other side this was the Romans so they were not used to battling with the Romans the techniques the armor the web everything was a hundred notches more than they were used to and so hard it managed to save the remnants of the army and bring them back it was neither a pure victory for the Romans nor was it a victory for the Muslims and when he returned this was that point in time when the profitsystem crowned him with his famous title and he said it you are the unsheathed sword of allah saiful la Alma soon you are the sword of Allah that Allah has achieved even though this particular incident Cana did not win but he displayed a military genius that allowed the majority of the army to return home and thus was officially launched the career of the greatest military commander in the history of Islam after this point in time his conquest and his battles reads like a stellar list of all of the greatest battles of Islam from the conquest of Mecca the prophecies have appointed him as the leader to the attack of thought to the incident of her name and then after the death of the Prophet SAW said him hard it was the main warrior the main leader whom Abu Bakr unleashed he was called Abu Bakr's right-hand man he Abu Bakr unleashed him against the Wars of Rinda and he was them in person who was in charge of the Wars of read them and he unified the the the early republic if you like her the early state of islam and then of course the greatest battle that hearted is known for the greatest battle was the Battle of Yarmouk was the Battle of Yarmouk and through the Battle of Yarmouk all of those similar battles allah subhana wa ta'ala opened up the Byzantine Empire for the Ummah the Byzantine Empire re the Roman Empire the strongest Empire at the time Cardinal Walid was that military commander who was leading the very first and the greatest victory and after the Battle of Yarmouk it was just a domino falling one after the other Damascus Syria for the slain all of it you know after this it opened up the way for the Muslims Syria Palestine Jordan when did all of these lands come under the territorial of the Muslims in the time of continuity and I'm gonna pop up as the Haditha it was solid if nan Walid whom allah azzawajal chose to have this great honor to and yet mook if you like was the culmination and if you study the story of holland it is as if allah was preparing him for your MOOC slowly but surely for the last 25 years allah was preparing for that great battle and we don't have time to talk about the details of that battle suffice to point out that the byzantine empire was the mightiest Empire in the world and it was the most well-equipped and it had the most military might and it was solid through his tactics by the blessings of Allah who managed to inflict it was it was a given the leaders of the Byzantine Empire were joking that this is what you sent us you're worried that this group is gonna inflict a disaster on us it was a joke that the Arab Bedouin could defeat them and were it not for Allah and then Allah choosing coordinate with E it would have been impossible for that type of unprepared army and and unschooled and untrained in the ways of of Western Wars and and not wearing the armors the sophisticated armors that they had nonetheless it was Honda's tactics and how distinct and determination that allah azza wajal s the ummah through and hard it became so legendary that truth be told people so he began to be a little bit shaken they began to view Harden as a good luck charm they began to view harder than some type of mystical powers because he never seemed to suffer any fate and any defeat and so there was just this aura around Holly that was in fact against the principles of Islam so when Roman heard of this he realized that Thole is more important than military conquests Valley ilaha il-allah that removing paganism and superstition is more important than this and so when he heard that the people were beginning to put hotted in this supernatural position in this mystical aura he sent a letter to the army where he said Allah so it is the one who gives him victory and battles win our one not cognitively one heed from now on cottage will be a soldier in the army and no longer a military commander and this shows us rumors understanding of the Ilah in the law no more did not want any type of superstition any type of of paganism decreed back in and he wanted to make sure that the OMA realized that our success is dependent on Allah and not on holiday what is and indeed after this the armies continued to be successful and this shows us rumors understanding as we said of la ilaha illaallah Hadi in the 21st year of the hitter on his bed not in the army not in the battlefield and it is said that when somebody came to visit him he began crying and he said look at my body and he pulled up his sleeves and he pulled up his hello he said look at my body look at my arm look at my back you will not find one inch one finger except that there are scars and there are marks of war and yet here I am dying like a coward on the bed he was hurt that he didn't die the death of a Shaheed he said I spent my life fighting I spent my life waging jihad and yet here I die like a coward the bed and he was hurt and traumatized but one of the visitors explained to him the wisdom why he had to die on his bed and he said to him yeah ha did the professor said him called you a las unsheathed sword April lauded misrule and it is not befitting that this sword be broken in a battle because it is the sword of Allah it is not befitting that Allah sword be broken in a battle defeat for Allah sword and the only way that a lost sword is going to be broken if you like is by a natural simple beautiful death I eat the sword retires and it's not broken so Allah chose you to do what he did and you became safe along and now Allah wants to retire you Allah wants to put the sport back in so he's taking you away in this manner and this is a beautiful gem a beautiful wisdom of why hardly the man Walid died on his deathbed even though he was the greatest warrior in the history of our Ummah to conclude the main point I want to derive for us here in this audience of course there's lots of wisdoms in the stories of God the main point that I want to derive is the fact that Khalid ib'n Alwaleed at one point in his life had a sword unleashed walking around in the battle of ultra trying to kill the greatest human being who ever lived trying to murder him and yet this person the same person Allah chose him and Allah guided him to Islam and allah azza wajal esthe him with iman and he became not just the best the best of the best how do we gain anything from here brothers and sisters don't look at the past and what you did and what you have done don't look at who you are now look at what you can become well llahi none of us can ever do something as bad as what hoddan was fine to do none of us can ever do something as evil as what hada was trying to do and that is to kill the messenger of allah isn't that true isn't that true you cannot do a sin more evil than that surely if allah could guide hot it in that manner and if a lot could choose him and if a lot could make him who he was well then surely you and i surely all of us sitting here whatever our sins whatever our past whatever we've done in the past if we have that sincerity if we have that trust in allah like Hollett did that he wanted to embrace the sun flee from makkah and go to medina if we turn to a loss of anna wintour allah allah will turn to us if he could choose somebody that khalid surely me and you can also be chosen and we can also go not to the heights of God it because you had with him the prophet of Allah but at least we have those footsteps at least we have that parable that example is there and therefore brothers and sisters that conclude I point out never lose or in a loss mercy never lose hope in Allah Smurfs II never be pessimistic about who you are and what you can become never because Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala can choose anybody for anything and if we could if he could choose conative that would mean the one who killed the archers on the Mount of water the one who killed many Muslims in his life the one who tried to kill the Prophet Muhammad SAW said him the only human being who successfully attacked the Muslims ever in the history of the Ummah the only human being who successfully led a campaign against the army of the Prophet Muhammad SAW cinema if Allah could choose him and bless him and guide him and make him somebody who had such a profound legacy well then will la he me and you we can also have that type of choosing if we turn to Allah as the professors that have said whoever comes one hand stand closer to Allah Allah comes one arms-length closer to him and whoever comes walking to allah allah comes running towards him so let us make our own decision and our own determination that we will choose a lot on the religion of allah and let us turn to allah subhana WA Ta'ala and let us think long term life I didn't do what he did and let us ask ourselves what I do and what legacy can I leave for this great Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah why they he was send them which is that Google local clever which said I wanna take him what I meant to Allah he what mother Cathy
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 167,414
Rating: 4.8663282 out of 5
Keywords: yasir, qadhi, official, islamic, scholar, khalid, ibn, waleed, the, sword, of, Allah, greatest, warrior, military, genius, muslim, ummah, companion, caliph, khalifa, conquest, makkah, conqueror, rome, byzantine, empire, abu, bakr, omar, khattab, muhammad, islam, medina, mecca, quran, hadith, true, modern, unity, truth, may, 2011
Id: mZ0hO4GFoOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2012
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