Keysight vs Siglent Deep Memory

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hey guys what's up Eddie aho here with kiss and so today what we're gonna do is I'm gonna take a question or a comment from the fried meal you had a great idea that I did a comparison for deep memory that is kind of a weak point on the key site it's a hundred thousand points it's what they give you compared 14 million points on the siglent so this segment has seven million per side if you use two Chandler's if you only use one channel you get 14 million my GW instead I get 10 million per per channel up there so on all four channels you know I'm a big fan of deep memory I think it's a game changer in today's scopes but this key site does offer a lot of cool things bode plots one of them a generator output the siglent for a lot less money has a lot of deep memory I kind of suspect it if they put the deep memory in this scope they may never sell any of their expensive scopes because this scope could do a lot of stuff if it just had the deep memory - without the deep memory it does it still does a lot of stuff but I think they wanted to drive people into their you know $20,000 scopes I don't know I'm not a marketing guy but there's got to be some reason they kept the deep memory out of this when they packed it with everything else so let's jump in this video and I'll demonstrate ye or what deep memory does for you okay guys all right thanks for watching hey thumbs up subscribe that all helps Channel let's jump into this thing alright guys so we got this keysight and the sigma this power both up and they're doing the self-check turning on their lights that kind of thing so I think this is six beyond Amazon there abouts this about 360 it looks like cygnets up key site is right behind they both come up pretty quick not a big deal I don't think cuz you really want to scope the warm up before you start using that but anyway there we go they're both up from running okay let's just make sure they're set up the same way DC coupling bandwidth off fine off invert off bolts 10 X skew off okay let's check this guy out okay DC bandwidth off course just off 10 X 1 mag bolts d skew off and verts off so you pretty much both have the same selections they're both all off all right so both scopes probes are in channel 1 and 10 X position and they're on the compensation of the keysight scope all right now let's see here just a couple things about the scopes a 7 inch screen 8 inch screen they both have these menus that don't go away the keysight's a little bit wider but anyway yeah it kind of just takes up room I it's too bad that you can't push a menu off neither scope allows that ok now I cut this cardboard out that's roughly the size of that 7 inch screen it's so bit crooked I cut off a little corner here but we come over here and we put it up here I'll put it down here and you can see that 1 inch difference which means that you have this extra border and this extra border with that 1 inch now if you look at the usable screen for your signal this thing here this guy here fits just about inside that so you know that's that's the difference between a 7 to 8 inch screen all right besides that the keysight has features that the Signet does not has a 20 Meg generator output and it has a bunch of demo signals that come on this compensation output I think the reason they put them out on this and said the generator I'm guessing is because in case you didn't get generator output option maybe I don't know but anyway all those signals that come with the education version come on this compensation thing okay both are two channel scopes they both have individual controls for the channels and the scope probes for channel one and two are right below their controls which are great they both have external trigger out right here the calibration compensation for the cygnets right here they both have the USB and the keysight does not have the generator the the let's see the generator coax output would be right here it is actually in the scope hardware wise but you can't enable if you didn't buy the scope with it and I don't know if I've seen one of these SDS 1202 X that came with it but the buttons are here wave gen decode and digital but these don't work they didn't come with the scope or actually the decode did come with it so you can't do your bus decoding with this scope but it doesn't have the waveform or the digital the digital logic analyzer output right here and the keysight also does because it has the generator also does bode plots which is really cool so there is a difference in the price but you know the keysight does come with more now the signaling has deep memory that's what we're gonna show today all right we're gonna show what the difference of deep memory is okay so what we're gonna do is first I just want to hit Auto setup on both scopes let's see where's the auto scale right here and they both come up they'll just go pretty quick and they both have that default mode which is also nice both of these buttons are kind of recessed so you don't get them on it by accident okay now there's this signal okay so that's just look at something this is that one kilohertz wave see up here it says 1k and the if you can see that says one kilohertz so it's a 1 kilohertz square wave 50 duty-cycle halftime off halftime on so that's 50% 50% on 50% off either way you want to say it now what we want to do is come or to the siglent and let's just spread out the time base here now the trigger arrow is here and right there the T so what we can do is just spread this guy out and you can see how the rise time we can kind of calculate that here let me just go one that's one microsecond per division and let's just say it starts here and ends here that's about two divisions two microseconds okay and do the safety on the on the segment there's one microsecond there you go okay but what I want to show you is that Sabre back here looking at these waveforms here okay what we can do is we can use the zoom feature and we can zoom in and now I'm zooming in on this feature here let me go to the okay that's one microsecond right here it says one microsecond per division in this window this window appears one millisecond okay so you can see all these cycles we have up here now if we just see something funny happening on that cycle we can zoom in and look at that edge and then we can kind of move this over and look at this edge or this edge or that edge so we can look at a bunch of cycles and choose one to look at I mean okay that's what I want to see and and that's what we're seeing here you know these we're seeing the same curve right okay now let's go back here and go to one millisecond so we see this waveform right here okay okay there's one millisecond same way for both screens let's go back to here there we go there's that right time okay now this go to zoom over here now look at that it's kind of bouncing all over the place I can stop it and see how jaggedy it looks okay I can take off run again this is just bouncing all over the place sale jagged it just doesn't have enough it's not getting enough capture points in this cycle that when we zoom in on a segment that we're not getting enough you know data points to get a nice clean edge so if I turn off the zoom let this guy run and then what if in silicon one-millisecond let's go to two milliseconds that's two milliseconds per division and what you might be looking for something happening maybe you know there could be some squirrely thing going on and we just want to zoom out so we can pick what wait for us we want to see now if I hit the okay if I hit the zoom now you can see it's really acting up now now you can almost see how square it is the data point here data point here data point here okay one here one here so you kind of see I mean kind of see house you know square you know like data point data point data point you know it's like that coloring book when you're a kid maybe the you know colored by numbers you get so many data points as connecting the dots okay so that's two milliseconds per division so now we zoom out it looks kind of square again because you know there's enough data points where it looks square when you do that it's just a problem when you try to zoom in and maybe you want to see what the waveform looks like zoomed in like that you don't have enough data points do it that's that's where deep memory comes in guys so we can run this thing let's turn off this so you can only imagine if we wouldn't say ten milliseconds right that looks okay right now let's zoom in on that edge look at that okay now over here let's do the same thing let's go to 10 milliseconds okay you know what I'll go to 100 milliseconds now it's it automatically goes into roll mode when I start going too much time so I turn off the roll I have to wait for it capture of you know screen okay now if i zoom in it's starting to look a little bit digital now that's five microseconds if i zoom in on that all right so see right at this point I'm trying to go less than five microsites and it won't let me it says that's my zoom limit based on the points so I can't get to this point where it's doing that but you can see how smooth is okay let's go to exactly the same screen that is to the two milliseconds I'm sorry that was 10 milliseconds let's go to 10 milliseconds okay there's 10 milliseconds now I'll zoom in again and this window down here's 2 microseconds per division so let me go to 2 microseconds there it is looks pretty nice right there's 1 microsecond looks fine I can see a little bit of a square wave ish chakras thing down here but that looks pretty nice compared to that right so for this one let's go backwards and see how how we have to go ok let's go down to there's 1 millisecond and it's it's kind of not that great if I stop it you can kind of see it it's almost but not quite it's kind of chunky looking and that's 1 millisecond per division if I go to 500 microseconds let's see what that looks like now it's much better so 500 microseconds per vision up here so that one two three four five waveforms I get a nice one microsecond well actually has two microseconds get a one microsecond curve if I stop that I can still see where it's not totally smooth but it looks okay that's five hundred my that's one two three four five waveforms okay look at all these and I still get a nice waveform so that's ten milliseconds if I went to save five milliseconds I mean look at all those cycles and I still get this really nice waveform so that's deep memory guys okay now just to show you one more signal and have a little fun with the educational functions of this scope provides oops sorry hit some button up there let's go to the help menu and we'll go to training signals and it tells you to hook your scope up to this compensation which we've done okay so then I'm going to go over here and I'm going to scroll down to amplitude modulated sine wave that's pretty cool signal now just for fun okay now we've got that capture on both scopes okay just for fun let's hit Auto setup I'll both see what happens pretty close to the same thing right pretty close now over here you can actually see all the different modulated amplitudes so you can see you know where we're getting a lot more data actually captured it looks kind of the same when you first look at it but now by the way because we're not getting this picture because it's because we're capturing all these gradients it's not quite as sharp right it's not quite as bright compared to this one in the camera to my eyeball here it looks a little bit not as bright as this one but it's it doesn't look as bad as it does on camera on camera it doesn't pick up as well so you know what what I in do is I go display and I can turn on color gradient now you can see the color gradients here so you can see that information you know where the bright lines are is where you're getting more waveforms and so you kind of see how it's being modulated right and you kind of see how it's kind of jump around a little bit it's actually triggering pretty well oh that's pretty nice okay now I'll tell you what let's let's go zoom out a little bit I mean look at that that's pretty cool look at the gradients now that's two microseconds per division let's try to duplicate that over here that's two microseconds per division you see how you can see that different amplitudes because this is being modulated the amplitudes being modulated some sine waves are this low summer this high but over here you don't really see that detail okay now that's let's zoom out a little bit farther there we go back to that signal see if I can trigger that usually the trick is is you come up here somewhere with the trigger and then you have to go to delay and that kind of ordered the hold off here okay let's do the hold off thing and that usually helps that usually helps trick zero in on that trigger at least I think let me give them I want to get a few more cycles by the way okay I'm changing the the color on this for the persistence but okay let's go this hold off that's that's getting pretty close I guess it's still a little bit jittery right there we get some time on this hold off see if I can get that a little bit less jumpy if I push it in I can get numbers up here let me just go to one millisecond I'm just curious if that would do it that was nineteen millisecond so that was by accident I kind of hid an extra number in there for that that's locked in pretty solid okay now that's come we're here this is one millisecond per division let's come over here yet one millisecond okay and we'll do the same thing to trigger bring it up and then we'll go the lay let's get the menu up here the hold off I'm sorry and let's try that now when I push this in it doesn't give me that pop-up menu that this one gave me so but it does turn a lot faster it has this accelerate turn when I start turning so wow it's just like boom so that's nice but you can see the difference what right like there's a picture right there okay now what we want to do is zoom in on the waveform now you can see how chunky does now I can zoom in this one and look how smooth it is so one microsecond down here one millisecond up here same thing here one millisecond one microsecond so that's what deep memory does it gives you more data points to collect so that you can reproduce when you zoom in and so if I want to move this zoomed in portion around the screen and look at things I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to see this nice sine wave now you can just imagine this is one two three four five now in this screen it's a longer screen this one has this one has ten grands cross here and this one has 14 grids so we actually see because a longer display they decided to give more grids so you can actually see you know instead of one two three four five verse you see one two three four five and you get an extra couple so even though I get an extra couple so I got even that much more data up here I still can zoom in and collect a very nice sine wave so that's one millisecond let's just go to five or let's go to milliseconds just to kind of show what two milliseconds does look at that chunky thing now come over here and go to milliseconds and then zoom in still perfect sine wave so that's our deep memory guys okay let's just go one more step to really illustrate the point one more time let's go to five milliseconds so we got a bunch of cycles here turnout this guy five mils no there's five and then we'll push the zoom in and push the zoom in still perfect sine wave and look at that thing so you know sometimes when you're looking at a waveform you want to see many cycles because you might have certain cycles that have issues and so you want to zoom out so you can see where the issues are and then you want to zoom in so where you don't have beat memory like this you would just you know you just have to spend a little more time trying to capture it so you can find it but as with deep memory you can come out look at the big picture and you can zoom in and not worry that you're losing points so you can have confidence eager your measurements are you know a real now what I want to do is I want to just zoom in on the screen just so you can see a close-up of the screen of all the data points you know and I'll just point those out to you so you can see the difference of the screens okay okay so on the key site you can see it says demo mode that's this cool educational thing I'm gonna push the help menu see the training signals getting started I hit the training signals and then I come down here and it shows all these cool training signals I just want to show you that but here just turn these guys off for a moment so here's your acquisition this is what the home screen looks like tells you you're where we're sitting here I'll hit the zero position it zeroes it out if I move this up and down you can see how that changes this shows x 10 position DC coupled and it shows channel - even though I don't haven't turned on which I'd almost rather have that just turn off because it makes me feel like I have challenged you turned on same up here's channel 2 channel 1 shows 1 per division so if I change this you see how that half of all changes with me and here's my one microsecond zoom in here's my five millisecond window up here so if i zoom out see there's my five milliseconds when i zoom in it goes one microsecond that's down here one microsecond per division here's a aatul acquisition mode and here's a trigger position and up arrow for that it shows me that basically it's telling me I've got an edge trigger plus I'm triggering on the positive going edge and I'm triggering on channel one and then down here shows me my two channels again I don't have child to turn on but it still shows me the settings which really reproduces or replicates the information here that's why I really wish this window would just disappear when I'm not using it so I get a bigger screen and this acquisition this one mega sample per second they could put that up here down here or something but yeah I just wish I could hit the back button and get rid of that you know okay let's look to oh and then here we have the date down here all right let's go siglent and take a look at that okay in this segment it shows that you know the triggering here five milliseconds the one millisecond zoom it shows a z4 that delay is zero and so it does kind of give a little bit more information what the numbers mean and by the way here's a trigger point on this and there's the reference for channel one here's a trigger position for the the vertical trigger and again I'm stuck with this menu and I'm stuck with this you know border but I've got my frequency counter up here and I've got my samples per second and my currently I'm at 1.8 million points where I have up to 17 million points and again a little more information actually says edge shows me the arrow kind of a waveform l the level so again a little more information channel 1 DC and then here's an information for channel 1 here so 1 volt per division down here just shows what you know menu I have chosen so if I push this come back to that so we're the keysight gave you some information down here it was kind of a repeat of what was here they just have it here and down here is just the menu that you're stuck with and this particular scope has it shows one mega ohm impedance if that's what you're looking at this guy right here actually has a 50 ohm as well not very many scopes come with 50 ohm but this guy actually underneath this button I can push see it says 50 ohm or I can go to one mag and that's what that one M is okay that's kind of a neat thing on this signal let me zoom out on this 1202 X hopefully you can see that I don't know the lights kind of bright 1202 X but the X - II 7 inch screen same sizes of Sigma or same sizes at keysight and it does not have the 50 ohm impedance either but you do get 1 million points on your FFT and there's a few other things but anyway this isn't about that oh and in case you're wondering what this plate looks like without the color turned on see here's the color gradient on persistence is off you can turn on persistence - and then it fills in some data there as well you kind of see the persistence changing here but anyway so I just want to show you that was not on color and Grady is if I turn it off it looks you know more like the keysight although you get more gradients as far as graying and brightness if I come out zoom mode and you change that you kind of see what I'm talking about there ok just go back to keysight real quick ok so just so you can see what I'm talking about all right guys I think that's will do it for this deep memory thing ok guys I think that'll do for the deep memory talk so hey guys what do you think did you learn something about deep memory I hope that was a good demonstration and I hope you can see how you know I haven't that bird's-eye view lots of psychos and they still been able to zoom down like a hawk and sin you know the details is really handy and deep memory game-changer today's scopes now the keysight this this particular scope has educational signals you know things come out in this comp pin that wow all the different signals you can choose to help you learn how to use a scope and practice using you know triggering on hard to trigger signals there's a guide that helps you walk through this kind of stuff really cool educational scope lots of neat buttons ergonomics are awesome very got robust I mean the Scopes kind of heavy scope really cool scope like the generator on the output to ten megahertz function generator and you know lots of cool things on this scope really neat FFT bode plot analysis lots of cool stuff but no deep memory so deep memory that's for a signal it comes in this guy does not have a generator does not have some you know can't do the bode plots not like this guy can I'm sure there's ways to get work around that but anyway it does have deep memory so thanks fried meal thanks for asking the question and ask him for demonstration I hope that was what you're looking for and you guys anybody has any questions they want to see some comparisons want to see something on this keysight scope i think i have it for a few more days before i have to return it so let me know alright and for that matter if you want to see sometimes siglent the GW inch neck now by the way just to let you know on this sigma this is the SDS 1202 X there is the X - II which looks a little different 7-inch screen like this guy does not have the logic analyzer put here but neither does this that did not come with the option but anyway it does have 2 1 million points FFT which that's another thing I want to demonstrate as FFT another demonstration on that 50 I've done deep memory once before a long time ago hopefully this is better one anyway hey guys thanks for watching subscribe thumbs up that helps the channel and we'll see you next time let me know what you want to see ok thanks guys
Channel: Kiss Analog
Views: 9,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDUX1002G, MSOX1204A, MSO1204G, MSO1104G, MSOX1104G, MSOX1204G, Keysight, Keysight MSOX1204G, Keysight Osilloscope, EDUX1002A, Keysight MSOX1204G review, kissanalog, kiss analog, Keysight DSOX1204G, Keysight DSOX1000 series, Keysight 1000 series, DSOX1204A, DSOX1204G, DSO1104G, DSO1104A, DSOX1104G, DSOX1104A, keysight vs tektronix, tektronix vs keysight, rigol vs keysight, rigol vs tektronix, tektronix tbs1000 oscilloscope, rigol 1000z oscilloscope, deep memory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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