Dealing with Altars||Apostle John Kimani William

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[Music] bowing her it's all we've come to do [Music] take her [Music] so we've come to do cut the crowns [Music] we so we've come to do the ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we were [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Music] bye-bye [Music] Oh [Music] see [Music] [Music] what kid [Music] move it - cool - of your day Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] one [Music] Oh [Music] Kathy [Music] [Music] 20s [Music] whereas your job of it I'm goona [Music] [Music] boom [Music] to [Music] - nah quit too [Music] [Music] so now push you [Music] majima leader polite coicou twice ever who made you near my no longer so I say my dear [Music] boobity no Lee [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man what they need [Music] whoo-hoo [Music] [Music] so Judy [Music] my booty [Music] now [Music] so I said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so does ever what she [Music] where she ever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I said [Music] Plus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as to what she you [Music] the [Music] [Music] - Nikita [Music] become one here was hurriedly Yaya [Music] huh come on do I need [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] I'm sorry Tony [Music] Oh referre [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah to Nicole Wow yeah [Music] Jumma how come we get come my way Ivana joy my boy hakuna Mungo minge nakama way to Nagina la cosa gweal a tunnel in Regina Lakota big we ot to our flat my words to kiss a Mocambo Bonham not a malarkey una dama lucky manga way to Gattaca temple a to kacica my share to moon where to katika gem easy - ha - naman going in the ill away - nah copy chemical fire granny moon a stylistic azoty now tukufu receive all the praise and glory in Jesus name who dares to get up oh Jesus Jesus your name on my be lifted I say Jesus you lift your name on high your name on her feet Jesus believed your name your name or not believe Jesus your name yes yes sir Taco ain't no lie to you [Music] we newlywed [Music] [Applause] we only wear one [Music] believe that really Yasu taco ain't no what you who lied to me - I - yes [Music] yes what you you know I do [Music] just sort of combat yeah [Music] but yeah right tada [Music] ah [Music] get the shot [Music] oh Jesus don't name your name [Music] [Music] ah [Music] bolita we live way [Music] to leave [Applause] yes [Music] the hey vato fellow he's upon me never ever so I am Maui [Music] [Music] he's upon me [Music] the party [Music] I am he's our party look he's about my life I am my wiener either I am Oh Oh [Music] why are we to [Music] [Music] I am marina I am marina nedovic Oh [Music] hi Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] we give you praise our God we give you glory we magnify your Holy Name in Jesus name Amen god bless you worship team mihari poppet Oh bleep oh no Carrie bishop when your lunch hour year - yes equally oh and Sandy Cohen given all fertilia chromatin da Facebook YouTube where I do wha TV no ceremony or take a tagine are soon upon GM Konaseema hallelujah Amen god bless you mega panda nicho query CACCI nico Peyman goes oh why do Julio - quadratically miniature warfare and declaration my journey to become singie yuck Wamba mangu alakazoo dia can is a lackey leeway a militant church leeway Nika Nisa amber Oh Lina Chua copy gana Vita nanny Vita vehicle oh ho na kaho kunam I knew how to Ibiza quindi erotica my shaco , how agency yaku pagane spiritual warfare - a Macumba moon boo ha cuckoo cydia Watoto aqui y Hawaii copy Ghana hata waka te whanoa Israel were again Chia happy Cunha Madhubala Bucky because they were there to train them for battle paper mangu consumable he is a man of war an attack on away when a militant attitude wave a nakama Simba was Babu Simba you de anaconda Yakko and the lion is a king of jungle you cannot be able to take Dominion if you are not a fighter in your life you must be a fighter in a fighter who knows how to fight spiritual battles now any imodium borrow equal frickin a spiritual fire near a memo cool Aloha now future agencia copy ghana it is in the area of dealing with orta's never gonna panic Wan Jia Yu Jin BAE ho white earring with altas was popping in ena opana na Cobra naina Itachi hakima Navajo quaza bava kamma dunya he Khun na shaytani a me to me Affinia Watteau nee madaba who you in Reverse aza na madaba really in you America Rio PETA madaba who hyah Jana - Mika cafeteria Nguyen Anya wangi hottie Massoud alter the princess of demonic exchange una khuddam - Ayesha Maserati rocket America are in Tokyo giri oniy Ramon BIA where initial job hey Gibby aah gasps Emma I am a victim mimi nakama - what way - Nina Fijian gano ha ha pastor Bobby Awami Gianni na hoona say mommy - chuja come on a minute Raja a coop among guava bozzetto that is in the book of Judges chapter 6 in basta team jj6 fattiness Emma Barza Gideon reap ride even Lord is with us why I saw this happen to us where are all his wonders what a what a 20m sidewalk amenability Ferrari trade-off when the age of the Lord appeared to Gideon he say the Lord is with you mighty warrior verse 13 but Sam Gideon reprise if the Lord is with us why has all this happened to us where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they say in order Lord bring us up out of Egypt but now the Lord has abandoned us and put us into the hand of Midian the Lord turned to him and said go in the strength you have and save Israel out of medians hand am I not sending you through camara hidden eternal go to pass 25 verse 25 also so Gideon Putin oughta to the Lord there encored it the Lord is peace to this day it is done in Ofra of their busy right that same night the Lord say to him take the second bull from your father's hand the one seven years old here down your father's Horta tube and cut it down they share a pole beside it then do what then build a proper kind of an altar to the Lord your God on on the top of the hate on the top of the head using the wood of they share a pole that you cut it down over the second Bull as a burnt offering attacks miv yes Valley semaa one our dunya he knew a level like kidney one our famiiy Hawaii karna sakuni Mambo tuna Paso Acquia Chua Quan sebab one our dunya he who killed a Kiwanis eásá they know about altas okay Nicole Frannie Bashara Vanina - Akane - madaba hooyah Judas Oconee qua madoka Kwame recommend Okkadu Casa Casuarina Aloha Julia madaba back in Oklahoma you may find somebody who has been the church for many years la kini Herrera we julia maha-baho nogen see an away Zaku deal na orta's ambasa Xena finish my Aki I'm gonna be enema beardy peony where an issue char kway teow una Paso hoo-hah guató bad Mswati mangey ki duniya ke na kotoba mo omoi c'mon be apana bone own agenda maha-baho mihari Kuna mandible Megan a manga Columbia Kwanza poem or mad Abajo yabba bussaco yaabari bardic weeaboo MOA knee genkai madaba yes I was then uh toy monday a pyramid apart nevada a kitchen afonya heave Oh OSU Jaguar key Oriana kana quak quak OA Israel yo t Taksim Ezequiel Kuna mathewchow en la kini Wommack and amis wha nah madaba super suburbia maybe the few people who mean require some basics on this teaching yeah madaba nee nee nee nee nee AHA Jagan Ning appendix Emma Kwanzaa we need to understand that every Kingdom needs an order the kingdom of darkness has reached Volta alters the kingdom of God requires altars because an Horta is us is a seat of spiritual power Jonnie upon do Komachi katie chang boo-boos akhira happened you're the connection between the spirit alia and the physical or the natural IAM Xena katana so every Kingdom need an otter and the strength of an order determines the strength of the kingdom if you're Ulta is strong the altar of the enemy gets weak Keira harmony Tajima da ba na madaba a lien on oovoo do Hawaiian a tewara sunrise acute otama haru-kun Ahmedabad na can easily majang gua because as a charge buuuut with elaboration is an aorta at mathira khan issa nian Horta because Cunha Watteau an agenda - Karissa c'mon Yuma - yeah afonya rituals a key beanie so Mahalo poly you may be surprised it is a charge but the Beeman's are at work raivo Ganesa Lena pass Walker genuine - or Yakama mahalia opportunity ha it is not about the physical building that makes the difference right now here token a cathedral but there is a spiritual building in this place what makes a difference is not the physical building it is a spiritual building never wore to re Co Jenga mother bahu Noir - about their spiritual builders they know how to raise artists not just to build a church cosmogony thoracotomy in a number in a Turkish mm embalming guillotine attack which is weary ago suburbia wakati lucky me konami to Gadjah Mada there's a true story or equal work Anissa nakum is a uhm gradually Cana Pico transfer Kwanzaa Babu Kieren Walker as imam chunga Changa Kufa a mimosa wah wah - jami aqui na ko kya naam yoga demodulate uma poly nakayama yoshiaki Nachum iocai Kwanzaa Babu Iroquois Mona Namie Amuro historia Nakao akattak Acharya come baaaack Amitabh tuwana namu guacamole Chien doto a combination Mahari ami jenga camisa handsome hari om chung ganas de mama qpd kunam - Alibaba mihari poly Naadam we are in alia Qureshi wakizashi noir owari kujaku jeguk Anissa they did nothing about dealing with that piece of land knock wave oh yo Dom nakiri chief okra panic Aparri Satania Requena que - Mia who died damn Urata Mishka mundo y wakati area nepali acha to Papa suburbia materially awawa Dana said blood that was shed Nevada a combi c'mon be among go to Sammy na Meroe REO Tebow Donohue Sica so ta-da movie Oh yawn dokie it was simple Azad nyesha darisha Kanawa contigo una vez a couch oku ha ha - amber non-economic otoko Ragini y una bad Alicia is Talia llaves Ozzy quaffable trio hekima Akira nagawa cathica generation ear - mangu ah - sigh ba tu cabeza Co Patricia Momoyama Faneca calvess Ozzy novice Ozzy Catechism easy to critique amici Nakata kata fo na Keeravani on a Tajima da ba na ma rebellion on gufu do ma hua Jana Mira que Camino esta Cosima Kiribati Oh Fanny madaba away none gufu number one every alte resume even a priest knock Attica eula priest ambient taqwa no room category madaba it otega mia madaba go Kazama debajo citta timaya commitment na dedication they are the priest who is having because it is a priest who is assigned to serve in every other like now I can say I am the custodian of this altar in there other priest amber were to know do Munna Wow Thomas I see - no Papa mogea tuna fuga pamoja now commitment here to fill eternity taco Tecate foo ver tu nidito accountant 'mon dieu ET bitte meine Kuya Madaba Rio like now I was looking at so many testimonies ambassador wat to America Muji I'm gonna fire some of these things they don't just happen but there is an ortho nervous of connecting I my shock of my booming and Hananiah who karna and a bodega Kagura he see in this nation Kuhn Ahmedabad and bio hatha why to talk Amitai fire engine mother bow at ishutin now on a Kuja category mad about hot our family warmer kucik Atacama da ba ang he wears a quirk ooh - Poli do you always a cotton Khufu Zack when Dakota wada so when you are eating around una wat when i chew I chew a mother bow would to come a Barack when you read in the Book of Numbers chapter 22 what katyayana wanna wise Riley I can't a video economy food no one I in the air how can say my ha ha ha - come aniconic Jessie see Teresa now Janet we saw marijuana mom where is Emma muna po and Evita haka mama do you agree the priest acquiesced mommy that is a pasta when a navy tonight IG a spiritual person because the Vita pickin a spiritual angle Navi Kona physical and that is why in Exodus 17 when Moses saw their malachite re-appear Joshua wear and appear another physical white Remini panna cotta camera ma me paganel a spiritual novena Sameach a team asana you a Meccano joshua nacinda akka wakka mikka no cheney joshua an achiever why because battles are determined by what is happening the spirit alia and we cannot be ignorant nagura Barack a barrack in the book of numbers 22 Ali muita Barham 22 verse 1 a cookie our hani then the israel traveled to the plains of Moab and cupped along the Jordan across the across from Jericho now barracks on of zippo so that all Israel had done to the amorite and more was terrified because there was so many people indeed more was filled with the dread because of the Israelites the mob I say to the elders of Midian this hole is going to leak up everything around us as an ox and it leaks up the grass of the field so Barack son of zippor was the king of mob at that time sent messenger to someone Barak son of Beor who was at paid or near deliver in the native land Barak seed a people has come out of Egypt they cover the face of the land and have set on next to me now come and put a curse on these people because they are too powerful for me perhaps then I'll be able to defeat them and drive them out of the country for now that those who bless our place and those who can cast hopper - no no no peace of mind number zero 22 23 Wootton how the beauty went seven okay Horton's one in Ramallah bahu one at wada be who won a cherry pop where anyone away Israeli Barak happening family the Elliot working on Ghazi soon Apple you know Jam Brahma Baba who Noir - Kwame akka vomiting ma a dhama de Bahia shaytani Amaya qumu iike a Safeway in one hopper to Nanak Wamba bara kalyana one is ready video Olivia now Cindy non gufu Akana wifu naka to harass you amazing when you are doing well in your life you can be attacked from demonic orders let me summarize by saying because netiquette wigwam be' that in the satanic world altars are very important for releasing Casas agonist people off on eboshit on e una Domini madaba sana qua qua teria Ronna jia Watteau allegiance of such taciturn stand before the Horta to cast their enemies in order to weaken destroy and hinder them that is what Barack wanted he wanted to weaken to destroy and to hinder now you can see one afonya you idiot there are people go to witchcraft otters once we'd hear when Tina was he funny Kim once we're even you know a sequel promoter was his radio engineer Thomas apart Ava toto were funky Michelle where is it were fine you arrived Munakata Maria Juana hajima Papa had the courage occur on Ishita nan him to a manga quantum Cooper now Imzadi comedy D&E a magnum rifle I mean fine you a bully because of demonic altars and so if you want to get you a divine destiny you must address the issue of altars so tonight's exam a combi waffle P anata is a spiritual military base it is a place of dedication also it is a place of worship what win at Madaba who dedicate Watoto l wanna dedicate to Tajiri well one and our now Buddha moon we are come a very well - Nikita haha we can dedicate our businesses we can dedicate our children and we can worship our God we can give our sacrifices to God name a semi-coma the strength of ánotá in a who a determiner commitment Yawara pleased a morula priest a Adamo pal a 'no Pia the kind of sacrifices Connemara bagua maha at 11:00 on venom boozy Connemara bahu bahu Tarawa human sacrifice yeah Nutella Watoto yeah Nutella wah-wah - a bow an idea it was strengthened the element about so anata is determined by the types of sacrifices that are offered there thank God he give us an altar in Gora Gora and he sacrificed his only Son Jesus in order to free us from the classes that have been uttered against our male it arrives our businesses our financial lives and our destiny the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 10 Hebrews 13 and verse 10 the Bible is telling me that we have an order from which those who minister at the table have no right to eat the high priest carries the blood of animals in the most holy place as a sin offering but the bodies are banned outside they come and so jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood the ropeway is telling me that we have an order the alternate was raised in Gora Gora was an altar for our deliverance in there is why when we raised our church altas we connect with the work that was done in the cross of Calvary because the same way the blood of Abin speaks even the blood of jesus speaks better things for us because they are voices that speak from the artists that is why Parham was supposed to speak from the Horta and least classes the blood of Jesus speaking better things than the blood of Abel and that blood is here today that that blood may speak to you alive so the first sacrifice that we acknowledge in the altar of the church is a blood that was shed in the cross of Calvary there is no greater sacrifice the devil can offer because that was sinless brand that was offered for entirety so that me and you can be delivered from every cos of the enemy that is why when he was crucified on a tree he became a curse for us and so when we reach our warfare because I have same data and Horta is a spiritual military base nimma hariyama hamakom bora who annaroo schewe to Napa gana Vita Nagar go to Napa Ghana to Keanu Wolfram one gufu Zack Ozzie young zaraba anata is a prince of divine reinforcement to destroy spiritual boundaries that have been set by other artists every man however educated they are doesn't matter how much money they have we require spiritual reinforcement that is rotten ominous EASA economy biryani apisa nama gali Nannini locky jnanis Emma I need reinforcement on a resin a formidable yeah Kabira a mockery ombak wanna chew a tndhe Tirupati yo mofos Kwon soo ah bueno our dunya in Europe were thinking about to be a Shiraz algae Manuka Winky no Amanda berry sauna into a lot of brains Zak Reza Papa tango vu the qualification are you America not sincerity Matua to agency yeah we invoke the Horta that was raised for us in Gora Gora in the cross of Calvary and we connected with the power of the blood of Jesus and we are also supposed reichian to rise and destroy their artists that have been raised by our fathers the artists that has been raised in the land one of the major assignments of the children of Israel in the land of Canaan is that we were supposed to destroy all other artists in the land diminution gawa tonnage Korea Quadra he see Okinawan Jamaica in the neighborhood an awake Akiba no no naka modernity America wider Natick Anakin be here madaba Joaquin River juan somavia shaytani ATAG and amis erato italy butcher me eat a Fugazi Maserati and so as a Christian you have an assignment I remember a testimony by one of our members she is a teacher how we do Mariana kapa Nakuru area you a cornucopia Ganga Wahine naka say masasa happenin on Anita Hama a cancer good afternoon ba a kind of the numa hoppity Numa a combi mundo Barbary Namba in from bream Langone patent Yamaha repack wish mom wok ammonia Lucy Coe a Columbia Sita quita West rock a mimic wheat away cooter okay because she was running away go to acquire Manabe lagrima Bakuman be apana co-editor oka Zaza Kansa rambha Atkins upon fungal the battle became Lynn one kikuchiyo secret a column KU some kalamata nana Amba and a fungal by what they were we D ha to come up with go commands Aquino c'mon boy a Pumbaa Nandini Nandini worry hammer that means he's your caste define you on a pasta nappy shop this is the authority of a believer and iga wa i'm a moon woman's idea here come over to ours rocky and we have dealt with many artists we have been able to silence them now I'll come to miss you up wanna my I remember McQueen Takata kimochi I remember a catechin in solitude equal Pallet Town there was a time we fasted for seven days and when you are dealing with altas and all these kind of powers I'm also gone through the city and then we made a prayer walk to cut em bear that following week to the pommel is a Mountie can joke and Yvonne Chaka Khan Chaka boom obviously Nannini Tarawa vos giving in Akutan to America to DA generator 100g went in American yoga work an EMBA here do kazillion Mauritania Kozma Benicio can't you hammoudi bomb or physically ransom on Sesame meaning Allah tawba Moy physically were pendra spiritual warfare is real dealing with orta's is a lil na la CIMA to Tamia maracas and by Yeshua Yeshua akka to Padilla we must take responsibility and deal with this demonic artists was a bomb to me Patti one goofy now I can to come out to me fungal - America machina China madhu by how fight with Anna Morgan a carrot raw cotton American fungal Unadilla Mambo mijito katakana Jaco katakana Miyako kata kimochi una a Shakya una an air possible you are fortified by the power of the Holy Spirit ER and so today we are here to rise a canister Oh the demonic artisans that have been fighting fighting our destiny in the mighty name of Jesus if we don't deal with Arthur's camisa highly well Aquino III earring there are people were peas preparing for 2022 raising demonic artists strengthening those artists offering sacrifices in those artists because they know that they need spiritual reinforcement yet was idea because Manabe in ashika kilowatt in a control what I was given a story by one one one pasta qua nice Italian same agia triada Kenya Aki nee nee da cunha Samos economy muchas cosas Guinea Sansa NL Iroquois Oh Cowan H amimoto Aleppo Tessa Namba kaiba repo a Buick at a photo a caucus Akana waka tangles ik @ ik ik e GG when a ritual Humberto a fish Amma attack Iona to Tom when their occupation waka en de couleur agenda waka ama Juanita acacia acacia noon we are Sakura a California man wotty Bravo capito you know a Kiowa to Ottawa kgg now akatsuki aqua Senta uno no you na dokyun wat wat opieop iboga de nada pasta Hakuna Matata zoella Bo Guang Mei Epona you know very peculiar acafellas Erica Sasaki Nannini agus a Maori Arriba Nambe Anza kuranes knock Iike a consequence in pecan ELISA require a few geography Nene because Bob Canadian move one by removalists Sansa comma MacEwan you ofan know Aneesa one actual Queen woman about white a Wotton a new-born and Cynthia - gee Quinn you ahmedabad not we toois to a jazzy mechana say yet o nosso boy to D so Melanie no Yakama oke taka mucho kueh Molly yamato when young gufu resume funky Kwanzaa bye moochy way Mariotti what to our TV ransom a Kwanzaa wooden goofy now Hawara ransom illimitable and bio Yashica automatic a borrower to a neurologic way DC now are to enhance a Pangolin Aquatica because human beings are spirit beings and they can be controlled from the spirit area because you are a spirit being there is a way you arise can be affected from the spirit alia now once upon a Baba who nananana how in the Ray be a shock remember Cheney marriage even chica Namib Oh hiya Janna panic erotica or him when were horny see clearly pyramid robbery and IO began on Assisi Rossi my aunt cookie do not point give me a haiku me pyramid above I'm Edwin a salty in Altoona NER been a semi-coma Ezekiel Akata Billy a Cosima da Jerusalem or Apostoli wha Kickapoo choco haqeeqat wa they kill chapter 16 if you read from verse 4 16 from verse 4 of ezekiel on the day you are born what a 20 verse 1 due to his ablution Karaka the word of the lord came to me son of man confronts you solemn with their detestable practices and say this is what the sovereign Lord says to Jerusalem you are ancestry and bad why in the land of the canaanites your father was a nama right in your mother a he tight on the day you are born you are called was not cut know I washed with water to make you cream no I Europa Minnesota horrible cruising mucho Jerusalem you nanana na anata wa asila Yaka Yaka Nani Vario Abu Domingo Mangini now repose allah wa amma acaba Zasa mecca noni wah wah Nawaz Larry he tofu choco haqiqa kata that means we are not disconnected from the artists of the foreign gods that were being worshipped in the land that means to not open yet kimochi to Nabokov Gemara by Omegan a yachty a Miami where he control yaki manipulator wannabe azshara in a manipulator jammy natsuna India Paris to knock a taquito they are available in twin way mother Bauman Guinea lands image attorney and a cot ekitoku camera by of Abbas Zaki Wan Jia Yahoo er rip oh yeah we are Gosha enough bad day I knew it mother Bao main gimmick kill ammonia way to to Kona history a year to win a trip Rococo a Ganga Wagner to reach America when general kuda prytaneum Bonnie Parker Vanya Vito kakuzu kovitch Rivini Nina mafia Nina new area Nene Soraka scissors ot2 nodule una Nerissa post Oh Nicolo fikriye Mabuhay Ibaka teeny paçoca yacht Alicia do locky nice a Macumba coat o de ikita la raza Miroku gia reinforce Amma ask Ali walk with Hawaiian force yes ooh a nanny nary a hoody well you're more mini a kowambe mo-chica katakana naurangi watashi wa Kweli now query it our way Kahuna how are me a meaning like anybody on our Miyako Nara monetize they are things you need to deal with them as you receive the teaching so when you become a believer as you a thought the Bible says work out your salvation with fear and trembling what does working out means Nagiko partying ganga know how wealthy food wha-hoo salmon in Accra chapati receive a window in fine year cars equator part otherwise you kill a Kiowa and I ready quicker so working out your salvation the command ship Wamba your salvation has been provided for but there is a piece of implementation working it out taking power and authority breaking the Covenant that were made by by you our forefathers that were made on your behalf what were you pathetic Amato what were you in you are malleable were Kappa Tiana the beam he Jami is chic America Frannie Randy mama boy Aaron Sasha who and o'ciock Anusha now 7e mikata cassava Bimini humid kaypea Nana Mae party I assume I am Nina kata Madonna your tea Yanina yoshua Yaya see a chewy yo tell me nyah Pooja yeah they refine your cornea by and you're telling a ricotta nanny nyah Pooja ransom Oh patty a una - ah okay and now amber only required Macaulay one avenging wrath similar patty acquit notice what here is Akane not the fukusa uno am B&E Renoir Amano am BIA Iroquois knee Mario breathing an image in the KC Ando Ken now I can wing he or quit notice y cuando Otto and Bauer make our Mohali what makes you play nearly Denny come around high queries the uber colombiano Israeli hot hours it around or mera module meet around okie-dokie Togo muta cap on Kazakh movie a movie yuck America Narasimha to you agency he America who levy way to come a villain review SMS we communicate about your movie to patio now Giamatti aquatic America it is to deal with the demonic artists hot Ezequiel a oh really oh there are people woke up to go to demonic altars to offer their sacrifices some of us where we live in our neighborhoods they are demonic artists that have been raised you don't have to fight with them physical battle but some of these things we need to take action do a prayer walk some cuca tangles a malleable resume young cookie comic utas a jericho amazos requesting a waiver to yawanawa israel catechol general su christo.pas pendra the Simha - cat eye to on gaza hot akattak a tyfa here e na madaba yatta yatta shaytan - no no are to analytic atomic Amelia Warren psychopathic was Amelia Mahavira to town verse wha namu green bikini wagon and a comic Aboudi yamato a yakuza euro NCAP Wapiti a gufu Wawa pedir manto de manos de Torquemada bomb resume to casa keepo catta Cucina escrito some memorable higher your tale that we are Mia Wamba hayatun gaza Kenya Hyatt on Gaza jam easy to Hyatt on gossamer xiangu me Nakata ce qui le Oh Nina cat ekitoku whoa manga wanna know the mangu come on about your tea and barium a cherry ooh Connie sue area kannada isha karthika scene ras reason kala Bagh and Ababu she rica Buganda Barbosa Rica bag and ARIMA Syria Rica bag and Arab abortion Rica bag and ARIMA ZT begin de over and above the house of worship the artists were raised in the New Testament there is a dimension that Jesus brought to us of raising and Horta within us of you becoming a spiritual altar becoming a spiritual powerhouse in the book of first Peter chapter 2 and verse 5 first Peter chapter 2 verse 5 the Bible says you also like living stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ harperman require Anna to Phoenicia Wamba - Anna where Zaku Peppa madaba and away Zaku a number yaki Rojo because ever say sir you are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ that means I'm gonna say masses in my way lui Natuna Jaguar spiritual house that is right in a resigned a mihari what was the quarry wa Google's a mundo come a vida Philip a review and a Samaria ma pepper Janna piacere quantum abuhami he was a spiritual house in fishin's chapter 2 and verse 22 the Bible says a in officience 222 and in him you two are being built together to become a dwelling in which God leaves by his spirit I have said an author is us is a Sita of spiritual power that means there is an altar God built in the life of every believer and that that the believer becomes now a theta of spiritual power and that power can be exercised to destroy the works of the enemy to destroy other artists so together corporately we are being built that is our laser a cooperator spiritual artists we come together the way we are here today the way this church is here today the way this ground has been set apart to become appraiser of corporate worship by remember there are human beings who are involved who are priests because in the New Testament we are priests we are Kings priests that we may offer sacrifices acceptable to God kings that we may be able to exercise authority that has been given unto us I declare declare that you are a spiritual powerhouse in the mighty name of Jesus and by the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit are you able to make declarations and destroy the works of the enemy and bring down all tazza of demonic worshipers in the mighty name of Jesus and cut the corner or the enemy disconnect yourself with every other artists trying to manipulator to control your destiny try to control your city try to control your nation in the mighty name of Jesus may God help us to understand this dimension in this very short time because we are going to pray in the mighty name of Jesus there is a keen coordination in the book of second Kings and we see three kings going to fight him and they were they they ran out of water and then they called a righteous second Kings chapter three and verse fifteen second Kings 3:15 but now bring me a harpist while the happy so spraying the hand of the Lord came upon a Russia and he say this is what the Lord says make this very full of dishes for this is all the Lord says you'd see Nathan Nate you see neither weed no rain here this very will be filled with water and you ikot oh and your other animals will drink this is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord he will also hand over more up to you let us jump to verse 26 because of time verse 26 when the king of Moab saw that the battle had gone against him he took with him 700 SWAT men to break through the king of Edom but they failed then he took his firstborn son who was to succeed him as king and offered him as a sacrifice on the city wall the fre aganist Israel was great the weedy tree you only turned to their own land Harper to Narnia comba if you can take your time to read the whole chapter mangu I met Aman I became OMB apana naturopath Iowa Kovu but Tabitha magic Melissa Nanette apotheon at home for Norma be McConnell Moyna lock-in wa khatim fond memory Leona - Indra I request firstborn son Akama kata-kata as a sacrifice where is why I'm saying as a believer when you are ignorant of Earth Kanawa to engineer our coach asana and they know how to raise orders between sama bad I won I was very worried Xinhua continually on American anakena be naquan sir Babu had a comma economy nor echidna be Julia my shaco here quanta machine de Nieva Zulu Chuy there is a press for you to fight for that prophetic word solitude to come to pass there is a place for you to carry you across there is a priest of sacrifice the purpose is in the book of first Timothy chapter 1 and verse 18 Huna poor and a man be a tamale anima be a t-midi my son I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you so that by following them you may fight the good fight when any Poornima be a Timothy here combi high ammonia be a Menon wah hyah tatemiya kamikochi resume GOP ghanian NO doto my own o haughty Miyako otherwise had a common among women ena hideaways academia SAS an aeration in a Buick weary heart waa waa waa waa waa waa be at the body enemy column when Ragini Borna how to potty on WA Nakata Babu a ritual gyoza etiquette Iike mother bow quarcoopome Toto a key this was time of the evening sacrifice not worry what we told a periodic and you if you need a background story what equal enough what idea who you found me ba-ba-ba-ba and a poor condo comma air from near moja now be to singing rock in here to walk into the apartment Abajo that could portable were penguin lastima to to AGC hot assist you in a way he accompanied a move to the Pew what about wherever you catechol farmer visa they are ready to give anything they are ready to give their children like a new kid secure manner who can do a fun dance if you taught now are you technical inferno agiza Wendy they can go for days of fasting to strengthen their position and the aorta Nikolina soma is yokohama it is in the youtube Yamaha Jericho new easy cool mukuru waka TL equal mu is e an ayah and a pig wa so I kinda cambium with EMU in Guinea me me no naka Manitowoc Nita watchin Anacostia Weezy come on me away mooching gonna pee when I'm nagging Kootenai Cooper a comma Hariyama puta tengan ouzo acapella comma Holly Coquina he that is another part what Katya dipper aqua key to Jaquan Szombathely patois I refer to a damn una Cara Bosch Cooney we can say me Missy I could you Adama me Missy coefficient a videographer Yamanaka Mejia a cam you are Queen Giannina he's akuto Panama Tonga Yamuna is a coffee up sass akka wakka mikka baby acuna me Barda a Capri Omaha Rico couch Oppo Kunak achieve Kangas okishima can do a sec ooo tato poly a meze komui do me batty to Shingo hakuna key to an Acura I'm a car - bali bali kuta - I gotta live a cappella match bad iuck erotic aura in imagining concussion I can't do Endicott Luca Polly supermarket in the chikuwa paisa only the MU chana can go and hakuna matata hakuna a kinda a kind Iroquois Nene quad Sofia pessimal deepest inner compass icon Foucault LED and the p1 gufu and basses in him say idea and now is equip a salsa beat up when Akana a kurudi got a manager who are pasted on economy to manana Zaza Canberra and rocky knee bar they work a chief Ronnie la CIMA will not return my TM totem Chang that's how an attacker coupe Hashanah was a baboon attack acquaintance a kinda a cow Anita sansara cause Bob when a she could acquire trams another photo ladies were pregnant now attack you are a Watoto and a new heroine appear iike it is a huge sacrifice and data walk a config America Chaka a gasps Emma C C well C and Athena are we talk about nuuma - gamelon gonna kill Mary moot rocket o'ciock one sitting room a come on be upon a eunuch Aida Maga know who are Kathie Lee on element because IRA come to Mumbai G mu easy a cast oka a canoe agency Akuma is a moose - corny Koo - Koo am so photo a bank in in booty um ooh - ah - ah - he Vinayaka she comes Oh Katya bang yeah cottage itokawa period - um noggin c'mon be a chunga misako resume became igano a kinda Sasakawa kiss - atif identify an inner ear obedient a in tyranny a Katanga Nicoise tina tina repo Rudy was Bob Cousy antennas do summation a consequence iguana p1 since I can say my in mahogany hiya Yashida do you are cut off thumb to me shoe among a camembert at our poker testimony on tape Durham a talk about YouTube these things are little earthers are there they are they in our country you know Otto Anatomy Ahmedabad angry anyway see when tyranny wanna see aza Reagan even Fanny Bashara vengan require a Maserati engine a bikini control Michi Kinesis in okay whatta qatif wazifa Nikki way okay terrific you wanna pencil County from Yakko pensive Ronnie satanic amazonite Anna Pastor Bob economy rebellion Ariza nanu Yokosuka Mooji Anna Jerry Bowie millionaire unihoc wanna challenge a zombie azshara pecan original original vitaminas Asia resume twin okay Naruto Ghazi mother Marathi Miami - Surya hot Academy Gaea - tuna classic it over Jackie quando Saddam is crystal now where's our on Tecate foo connie Saburo es su re Takakura Jenga Alice Emma Marengo Yakuza mo i oughtta see mama Matthew 16:18 Moran we're cozy Mooney Gani near Ahmedabad mihari mihari Yvonne a work visa Janna Fonua because ma Marengo Requena mihari pecans so their operations in a fan you appalling narcissistic attica dunya he michellephan Iwamura ba ba a now control where is why sometimes that aqua kyon go seek accompany Fran a monopolist Agassi you are to arrive you are say over with certain orders constable Cunha Mashhadi yummy Fonua casa aramara bomb but jesus said I will build my church and the gates the imaginations their consoles the purposes of the enemy shall not please hey Rika Buganda Araiza a war-cry in this ratio of meeting us that we may rise a canister there are tazza of enemy beginning with our eyes are he the mighty name of Jesus can somebody pray this prayer he'll say Oh Lord I call upon your name and today I renounce every caponata that which I know and those that I don't know that I made or the tuam ADA on my on my behalf ah every agreement are in altars of the enemy i denounce today I break those Covenanter I brake for sacramental he the mighty name of Jesus ER and I declare the corner of those artists are is cut over from my life are from my family in the name of Jesus the his way was doing on ilonggo Kyoto gonna pity Costa Babu in his walk at the condo only in Kazakh to come igano physically own a petty but in the dreams who know no enemy to my icon a pet a pet initial ah yeah my god yeah no is a queer kid or a mama gonorrhea mom where Quinn jeez I gotta Mambo Mayo near T Shaytan v2 , he saw ransom own inimitable amber and a frittata Miyako Jana Nina at my echo Barham an equal in ramen about yahoo artificial yak wasreally r1o isolated was he killed cat economist ow we Raisa a Calista every order that has been eraser to hit us to our divine destiny in that city in that villager rise again is every order that is hindering us the the satyr the charger to prosper he the name of Jesus we must become a militant Church and if you do not listen to that message Yanis we go to my YouTube account go to my Facebook account yo Amba map NZ y among go Network Aneesa um borrow name irritant carnism borrow Rena Chua copy Ghana Vita nine feet above you to La Paz occupy gonna be a Kwanzaa era to Patti guru laghima to gia Wamba um when guru connemara bio minge-y on Io tewara who Kingi at kaneo Rotom they are altars they are priesthood of darkness what do annum to makea shaytani catechin your lady who on a phonemic a Farah I remember some few years back I saw in the family TV Mugen Ciao Bella Mia KOCO Ariana Koshu de nada Konaseema ki rasoi video Alec wanna mukha walk younger eh ooh I wanna to piranha it is Ileana 0p owatta moon west where the quaint area jammies LZ Fujiki piacere Zhou Zika west coast we do not oppose ala Kazam a combi shaytani Anatomy Ahmedabad Nakata cow FAL move akiza maripony ah muy Masana naquadah bomb our annual value akiza one ayah to Mia capito Matusow neuron quattro fish' Kuwahara naquadria can we pray together as we come to the end of his lunch hour nacho tendría que shiatsu Bui rocky Nyanza come on Bob wanna know more the iguana Nina vu Yamaha no yo TMI - wha quani Appa Hangu yo tendría Fania Yanina Chu hacia chewy was the swamp cameras osawa keep your name waka ama baba who Barbizon waka ama da ba who ce qui le unnie navantia makan anima Kapadia no matter polyphonic appear azhagu Kappa diakon agana guam be iguana kira macabre economy debajo tan Gaza Magan ohm yo fan wa wakachiaeru see waka Nina Menino IP NASA those artists are icicle disconnect are my Rifa and my destiny from those artists are in the mighty name of Jesus are in the mighty name of Jesus are he the mighty name of Jesus Rekha Buganda nina Fujiyama ghana your tale yo fatwa Rekha bag and Abba Rekha bag and Amma katha Kamala bahu ya Kabira rangu mother bow Moochie Madame au lait - Rekha bag and Amma Rekha bag and Amma Rekha bag and Amma Rekha Buganda I declare I have an order of alarm of God by the blood of Jesus our by the powerful spirit ah Gila mighty name of Jesus our he the mighty name of Jesus [Music] oh my god that our ship team always a coochie Habba Habba Habba catchy way to Nadu train delay ekishu azubu e la ki netic annyong be not a Canadian group Osaka ballsy muhuali paw patrol Ipoh minute an gasm goose iguanas desuka joohyuk or nakama Kuna manipulation EOT our destiny opt Amanda bahu razzuma boo boo hisses even chicken Larry's way miss Emma Paula heavens get we are building an international auto CEO to me Jengo CEO Kieran building nests appropriate Center brands Americana mohali ambato panitch angwa nahi kima i Akira eating booze amundo Zika do mihari para catechol generally so many partying opportunity Gattaca hiya mommy if you want to send a sacrifice a sacrificial offering today - Mia catacomb Lima Guam on maha-baho and bio kunam jangayya buona notte in armenia combi our lives will never be the same again so through this prayer if you want to give us a crucial offering some people have been giving from the first day even before I save it there are people who have a revelation that you combine you a prayer with you are keeping right Cornelius lead back America Cosima ma am Bianco NASA Daka the music Wamba so Maquoketa socio katika wing Giada be ho rahe Mike Attica where Sawako Kiran Bhatt University Thalia Tina cupola Keveza Bonham conservable moon Guanaja way Sokka you can also pray and ask God what is your will in this season of prayer what am I supposed to keep up in the mighty name of Jesus and I and I and I give you our numbers you can use them anytime to give you a sacrificial offering as you believe Konaseema Mary palitana Jenga since it took on a kinesin Zuria co-op idea to magenta man de Bahia can easily to the creepatin éamon de Bahia mineral crystal Nemeth about qua Algeria taifa nama tyfa mahalia boppo what Winky want a cootie economy iguana now create a Java Hakeem allow canticle generally so Chris or so Corrigan away so a mama ganapataye you can use our people numbers a good to Masonic iock oco-2 sahih Z anytime through this prayer as a you can decide today you can decide tomorrow the remaining days I send you a sacrificial offering you can also use our m-pesa numbers come out come Bali you are outside this country uno a circle - Mia number Z to the emphases zero seven one seven nine the Beaufort three per for a misers in EMS opportunity to be a comma pre-ride zero seven eleven 112 112 zero seven zero six 26 26 26 our miniature a geographer be who who no okati winger image - new album AO Kuang geo - Yahoo chica wah - what - Emily ow the height atomic up easily was about Hayashi - cuota be like an appearance in Mozilla debut define Ecosse am bio in omelet a 102 Khufu ransom appear Madaba reali yelena man data Yaqui Zakopane casi la empire Jana Nina - no asa kwanghee Monaco now even equally but the question is do you have that assignment we have that man data we have what it takes up to be able to bring that kind of the river answer in the mighty name of Jesus ah I wish I could be able to read some of the testimonies that we have been receiving iguana so Mia watching badge where - subbu - yah - a bow mangu Amiata Maria who Anthea superior to the answer mohombi hyah Mambo an by omen when attend our Menominee akuaba hitaka mocha party Nadia poker Simon wok attend a cat occasionally su na - amoeba moja as they invite the worship team and I want to believer that we are going to say Reza every order of the enemy that has been speaking our Achilles our arrives on in the mighty name of Jesus he Madaba us awkward maroon Afeni Kasim I don't want you to either Iser this message our deliverer is Jesus Christ our source of the river Anza is a crosser of car Valley is corbata very pious where is Emma who ever want to be my disciple Rehema a baby miserable guna mihari pay - a map Oh Nima coup d'etat mapuku sacrifice mariposa tuna funda now the pasta - no Reza could pour because the Bible says Kiva and shall be given unto you a good mission whose clothes sparingly shall reap sparingly these are kingdom principles not a common Sita - Meera in account of it way they remain to be true and God will always honor his word if we exercises one by faith but also we must also exercise the Word of God with discernment you cannot go to every detail in Halle offering you a sacrifice to them you must offer your sacrifice is a with the discernment that I'm offering my sacrificer in the right crater and this is a source of deliverance the work of God is being done here this is a true order of the Most High God and it occur in semen data it carries the anointing it Clarence aggressor - Brynner the difference in my life are in the mighty name of Jesus what a mighty God we serve ah yes ah a mighty deliverer may God arise Ready's enemies be scattered riccati memoir attackers welcome wha no Israeli who the mystery key to check Kwanzaa a teacher who mu kopi tiam Musa Nemeth about your tea yo a mystery because you know he didn't worship they believed in many gods because who you moon when Isaac Mattia Watoto rocky Nia a security officer who you knock you party a paisa like me away the KU pikir money that is why those who worship many gods it is because one God is for this purpose another God for this purpose Santo an economy booming he recognizes it economy moja rah rah rah Isaac ah wah Jaco a vaya con away so work with Nara or take a mile tonight mama mia not gonna whisk so Ocotillo T mu nu an attack on board ready MA cuckoo cuckoo samaarambhaam and bio yummy Waseca motika ce qui le Oh may God arise and charge every demonic aura that has been holding Kenya back that has been holding you right back that has been holding your family back may God arise I sent judgmental I send a fire of God upon every demonic cult are resisting your destiny fighting your destiny hindering your destiny I send a fire of the Holy Ghost he'd imagined him of GS a-- to consumer their artists of bala and their priests to de he the mighty name of jesus ah yes hey your Ibaka Tamar hey Arabic otama somebody see me go to Raisa arise my god ah aki-nee Sabri Alta fighting my destiny he during my destiny weakening my destiny arise my god ah weakening the charger arise my god ah weakening my business are weakening my Korea arise my god ah arise my god ah her eyes my god ah shatter a maganda iconic order Nakata ki tofu mad about your tale Janna linear Messiah who now Mucha Mercado aqui na honey boo boo boo such a naughty boy Elsa watchin yeah Leo kata Ksenia me t yeah Leo katika meet oh yeah oka Kabaddi hinari buh buh buh sake hinari boo boo boo sake Benari boo boo boo sake yeah Leo cotta c'mon you buy a ghurabaa banana boo boo boo sake hey hey hey yo T yeah no idea what okati Fuu what - a mango was CA del casar easier there what was he funny keyword mean I on opium take a timer hey katana hey Katara take a timer hey Katara hey Katara take a timer hey Katara take a timer Kenya Jota where you are nemu 'i'm a Kabira how to tell you our number oh yah - REO Kufa - Nakata - Nakata milk we ababa say - hey rocket ama hwacha hey katayama tuna tataki tofu tuna tataki tofu pay Yamagata hey Yama cutter hey Yama cutter hey Mikasa parama kata hey Yama kata hey Yama cotta terracotta mother bio piana now Artemis you among go yellow fish akinesia maha bua jessebella yen i Oh Marisa what to miss you amou go pee Rama kata Parramatta Parramatta hey Rama kata Parramatta pee Rama kata we desist you will assist you we desist you lead assist you Hydra Sita iris ISA every orator fighting again is a ChaCha fighting against the men and women of Laura is Lisa every Horta fighting my destiny fighting my family fighting my ministry he the name of Chile's ax make order riser and cause for these are Casa to be scattered by the fire of the Holy Ghost the God who answered by 5 is my redeemer is my god is my god pray pray pray pray wherever you are there is a release of power they are in a series of greater heat the name of Jesus are he the name of Caesar me pack away Kiawah to malleable Barack are equal attacker away k1o is ready me pakka the gaza nakata queer jeremy pakka Nakata quick you'll be so easy Nikita Nikita Nikita me otaku Mineo Kucha me patottie narubu nyah EBU meet efika for me pakka yet you GU yeah kioku that Kotaku anyone that's a Turkish lira that Kotaku sweetie were not otaku Sophie saw that Qaddafi saw that Qaddafi saw Nakata kuba delecia wa ha t my uncle Hakeem I am good Hakeem I am GU happy my uncle hachimangu that guitar who you are what if you are GU Kathy c'mon Abajo yo fam me what is ax hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Nigeria Baraka sang-gu Nigeria my destiny help us he'd imagined him of Jesus now cheerio leave younger make katayama Rekha bargain Dhamma lekha bag and amar Lake Wobegon dhamma on manitoba key table with your job 2015 rasam andrea topic a mambo Aliotti a mushy karateka mother Maria came job 2015 ah the Bible says he shall for meta brassy material 40's Verona in the name of Jesus are the Bible says he will speak out on the reaches are he swallowed our God will make his Tomica firm with him Appa this topic of the enemy is the artisan that he has razor mafia Sasha Assyria wa to Algeria Mali Algeria Algeria church hotel ipoh Vanessa church Atacama Shakira lamentable yo far no agiza what - area for miteta hey Arabic otta hey Arabic otta hey Arabic otta hey ya baccata hey Arabic oughtta the power fear to Fatima z2 [Music] he miacca Chimaera Zima 21 speed my pacaya team Iroquois Rika bag anima Shaka maganda bokkeum go via copy on Evita porque anime a copy on Evita Bhavana from Guam Atika what a womman Baba who yo fan you akiza Gattaca Gina a Sioux warrior Tech wah-wah zingy karate Misawa CLE will wazifa Nikki will was him to makea Mungo cat occasional Sioux warrior go fish wa nani mo Shuja Nawaz area now Acharya Nigeria Nigeria Theresa Rocco katika Michi Mao panda sorry miss Lilly WA Kosovan a mega church is a goosey Vanuatu miss you a Koopa anoa'i be a chinois Cooper Kosovan of your goals II wanna wanna the Samoa compromiser to Nakata kazutaka Brianna Nomura bahu yellow farmer Giza now gobos agiza pune tataki tofu tuna tataki tofu Munakata key tofu greasy degrees [Music] Griese degrees say lava sulabha cinnabar no know what to be she went UN oveja Mossad porque aneema me pakka under a veil wat wat Chile will resume at watch a comma Mukwonago carnivalism Juanito a tuna nugu rasa MOA to ottoman what Rita - ah - Mickey wha Chile will receive a pencil at which a ransom America say - zj r a Samoa Teja watch a kata Capilla Shailaja - Cathy Kachina a sue katika Gina a su katika Gina a sous-vide a woman to me about what she killed a senior Kenya but meant to me a monobrow yaki shaytani prosecutor Geneva Kenya tuna tataki tofu - nari bukuvu sahayam honorable hey hey hey and we decree and declare the nose artisan of Dragon in the name of Jesus are they are coming down they are coming down they are coming down they are called perishing their culture that he knows created the heavens and the earth they must perish from the face of Kenya from the sense of Nakuru or you gods who did not created the heavens and the other perish now perish now perish now from the face of Kenya heat the name of Jesus are he the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus are he the name of Jesus are he the name of Jesus parish now gruza I inherit as a loser our economy bruza our business our attorney Moshe as ax in the marketplace are easily Moshe we break your power we break your York [Music] mighty deliverance night a dairy Bonanza my cherry valance my cherry blossom in this season of prey Laura I said mighty rivers wanna watch over you Tasha what the Potawatomi Buganda no attack a typhoon Rina see fukui he the mighty name of Jesus our financial ah Vittorio kusuda Aquino ah wanna Google Circles you are Sookie how a tiny immune goo is your power that winnable Emma to make whether in the name of Jesus okay anemia mangu Mari paw patrol impo tuna point real Kumar Buddha wanna continue interceding now continue disconnecting your iPhone your family your ministry with every other Orta kotaki tofu Kotaku Naniwa Kotaku dovish wa cartilaginous ooh now Chiana mashallah about manga no idea Waldo ie boo catechol jammies ow well do ie boo tactic amici cuando llegué katikut alpha Zaza where Nicky do need a new car Harry mama novelty yaku's media now the Gaza not windy Ivana mother bahu Yahoo she be hoop Academy ecclesia sooo hot Attica you my heir to hot kimochi way to heat the mighty name of Jesus are receive the grace of God as you make a visa declarations are the Bible say tha you show declare a finger and it is o come to pass in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] jeez [Music] oh geez break every chain break every chain every turn break every chain break every chain break every chain there is he Jesus [Music] yeah [Music] red cabbage [Music] [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] every cherry tree [Music] yeah that's it [Music] [Music] there is power in the name of Jesus [Music] yeah the name of Jesus there is Bo the name of G [Music] break a premature to break every chain break every chain to break every chain ready preacher every chair play can be every chain [Applause] to play cabbage [Music] so Negro mango Gina is so Negro man who needs a couple G nihilo remaining in s Cena needs I'm capo Gina Hilo remaining in escena we go [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] oh man [Music] [Music] yes [Music] as you [Music] [Music] many a couple Tina [Music] so to Nicole [Music] Oh [Music] it's a Cortina
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 97,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -z7USmM94qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 10sec (7150 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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