Cont: The Spirit of Premature Death|| Apostle John Kimani William

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[Music] foreign [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign is foreign foreign yes me me oh my [Music] you are holy holy what is [Music] foreign you are [Music] yes hello me [Music] is power oh my god our destiny jesus will give you praise [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] receive my worship follow my worst air here is [Music] receive my worship [Music] is [Applause] follow me is [Music] here is [Music] is oh is i give you give me we give you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] glory we need your neighborhood foreign we give you [Music] hallelujah holy name [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you cheese [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh oh oh [Music] foreign [Music] where [Music] oh [Music] we foreign my two hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me let's foreign hello [Music] hallelujah hello is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] do [Music] hallelujah hey hallelujah hey [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is worthy of our praises amen glory to god thank you jesus [Music] god bless you apostol shimon and the team na pamojanawatu mishi what our mango to leopamojana wow what i'm about to call nawao katika radio kartika tv kartika social media no academicia janna nan inge pender to ender columbia the spirit of premature death now it goes without saying that there is a spirit of death that is hovering of our nation africa and even in the nations of the world this is our domain the highest heavens belongs to god but the other he has given to man and when he created man he said let us create them in our own me image that they may rule and have dominion over the earth and i believe one of the main reasons jesus came is to restore our dominion our rulership here on earth som pendua there is a way you can change your life there is a way you can change your family there is a way you can change a city there is a way you can change a nation there is a way you can be able to rule on your nisa to take power and authority now enough in the mighty name of jesus gianna tulliona in the book of exodus 23 25 our lifespan the bible says worship can you give us new king james version yes so you shall worship you shall serve the lord your god and you bless your blood and your water and he will take sickness away from the middles of you no one shall suffer miss college or barren in your land i'll fulfill the number of your days now to counter those number of your days they were written in the book of psalms 139 from verse 16 and in your book they were written the days fashioned for me or ordained for me when asiata there were none of them if there is one thing that is guaranteed in this life it is death but one thing about me praise the name of the living god for it is appointed for ramana to daiwanza and after deva is judgment days five courses of premature they may not be exhaustive there may be other causes let us look at five courses of premature death praise the name of the living god number one course of premature bibliomy wickedness praise the name of the living god if you read the book of ecclesiastes uh chapter 7 and verse 17 717 muhabili the bible says do not be over wicked and do not be a fool who i die before your time do not be over wicked and do not be a fool why die before your time can you give us a new living transition the bible says on the other hand don't be too wicked don't be a fool why die before you are tired so happens there is something that can cause somebody to die before their time there is a appointed time but there are things that can cause people to die before their appointed time and number one is wickedness and number two or they have been used together you can be a fool we know the bible says the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom so number one when you fear god you are wise and there are things that you are not going to do because of the fear of god in your life so number one sign of foolishness the bible says that a fool says in his heart there is no god even if i do whatever i do no one will judge me and when i die i will just die that is foolishness because you are a living spiritual living in a physical body this body is like a suta it is like a tenta what to come up on i know that very soon god is going to take me away from the tenth of this body when you are over wicked over weekend command or now peter kiosk is on the five team of the five uh fasting of the 524 inaudible the sins of some people are obvious reaching the place of judgment ahead of them the sins of others trail behind them they reach the place of judgment ahead of them and even before you get to the judgment seat you are since it in the book of romans chapter five um and verse 12 of her if we can read very quickly razimatu aquaman therefore just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin and in this way death came to all men because all sinned in your family there is a lot of wickedness the bible says do not be over wicked praise the name of the living god and the bible also says do not be a fool not to be honest number one wisdom causes people to fear god but i also believe the akwamba the bible says when you are a fool you can also die before your time he nico manisha kwamba there is a way you can avoid the spirit of premature death even by just taking care of your body and taking care of the diet that you eat there is a way you can eat into your death um praise the name of the living god and one of that principles and bio the way your inaudible is wired the appalachian manual which is the word of god in a semi-akuamba you are not supposed to eat for 50 years every day three times a day [Music] if you are a fool you are going to die before you are tired so what am i wearing a foundation your nutrition not diet now how take care of your body it is very important to observe them they are things do not be a fool and you die before your time can somebody declare i refuse to die before my time in the mighty name of jesus uh praise the name of the living god we refuse to die before our time in the mighty name of jesus there is a way you can declare the bible says in psalms 119 i will not die but i will leave her and declare the praises of the most high god you can make a declaration now semi premature deva is not my portion number two cause of death is a demonic forces forces of darkness premature death that was surrounding him and surrounding his family praise the name of the living god i hate your protection in the book of ezekiel chapter 13 if we can read from verse 17 to naveza kuana some of the forces of darkness the bible says now son of man set your face against the daughters of your people who prophesy out of their own imagination prophesy against them and say this is what the sovereign lord says who to the women who seal magic charms on all their wrists and make veils of various lengths for their heads in order to ensnare people will you ensnare the lives of my people but preserve your own you have profaned me among my people for a few handfuls of of body and scraps of bread by lying to my people who listen to their eyes look at this you have killed those who should not have died and have spared those who should not live praise the name of the living god how about to know nakamba they are using a magic charms witchcraft they are people who are struck from demonic altars people who are not supposed to die and they die this is the bible that you have killed people who are not supposed to die that means that because everyone who died they died before their appointed time why because of the attacks of the enemy every arrow of death directed to my life i refuse it by the blood of jesus in the mighty name of jesus them that raised demonic orthaza to ensnare souls in the mighty name of jesus uh hunting for the souls of man and women and children we bring down their altars we destroy their power in the mighty name of jesus the devil is crafty he can cause people to die and that is why you are supposed to be a waker in the spirit generally say my combat kunawakatu you are awake in the spirit you are a fighter you are a warrior i can tell you today there are people who arrive but if it if it were not of salvation and being awake in the spirit of vietnam we we we have watchmen in our family people watching they can spare the lives of many people praise the name of the living god they can destroy those snares because you see these people are ensnared we can destroy the snares of the enemy because directed to your life to that so that you die before your time praise the name of the living god you always is and the gator of heller shall not prevail the gates of hell are the powers are the imaginations of the enemy demonic orchestration from hell munguari because the work of the devil is to stealer to kill and to destroy i destroy every snare of the enemy against my life against my family in the mighty name of jesus can you declare i destroy every snare in the spirit liama against my life by the blood of jesus let every snare be broken tonight in the mighty name of jesus we refuse this spiritual premature hovering of our nation in the name of jesus even in the nations of the wilder in the mighty name of piazza to our people die we shall live we shall declare the praises of the living god hey maganda because kenya is a springboard of revival in the mighty name of jesus christ they come again another cause of premature death is almost the same but it's very unpredictable in either demonic cycles or patterns maybe at a certain age maybe at a certain event of life the bible says in the book of matthew 22 and verse 45 matthew 22 and verse 24 45. let's lead this story 22 for 25 25 the bible says now there are seven brothers among us the first one married and died and since he had no children he left his wife to his brother then the same thing happened to the second and that brother right down to the seventh yeah these seven brothers all of them when they married they died and you see if they were dying at marriage it was very premature and if all the seven brothers while the queen are the same wife or the same woman that means you commanding the lady for that years now we were in fact the woman is the one who died last so there was a voice in this family because the woman did not die and that is why we look at our family backgrounds even when we come together as a husband and wife my wife praise the name of the living god is just when you hit that age you're 45 years straight sicknesses [Music] they seek the lord reason to me you who pursue righteousness and who seeker the lord look to the lock from which you are cut to the quarry from which you are healed parabolic raking you can't really explain rook to abraham your father and to sarah who gave back to who gave birth when i called him he was batwan and i blessed him and made it and made him many sonic the bible in the book of peter says yakumba we are leaving stones so when the bible says [Music] so it's not going to take for granted patterns especially when we are in christ the bible says lift up your head or you get all you ancient gator that the king of glory may come in the lord god might in battle he only commanding me i refuse her to die like others are in my family in the mighty name of jesus praise the name of the living god who is in you praise the name of the living god i refuse every demonic psycho and partner to overtake my destiny in the mighty name of jesus if my father died at 50 i refuse to die at 50 in the mighty name of jesus if my mother died at 55 oh my god you must tell the devil you are not going to kill me there in the name of jesus even if your grandmother died at 65 you can tell the devil that is not my persona in the mighty name of jesus balancing for a son so there are forces of darkness that lie low and they wait for an opportune time to work on a pattern we have seen even testimonies but between one one month and one year unapologetic these things are still happening in our time you cannot take them for granted praise the name of the living god they could be ancient you know is a question but i want to tell you they can be broken these evil patterns are they can be destroyed praise the name of the living god the bible says that jesus in the book of karashian chapter 2 and verse 14 he took her everything that was written against azah and he nailed it on the cross of calvary having canceled the written quarter with its regulation that was against hazard and that stood opposed to other he took it away and narrating it to the cross if you read in the new living transition the same scripture says he canceled the records of the charges against us and took it away by narrator to the cross some of these things may happen because there are charges that the enemy has already written against your family against your brother are gonna charges but the bible says the good thing is that when jesus died praise the name of the living god by his blood those charges that were written they were canceled praise the name of the living god but the same way you confessed salvation and you are saved the same way you must make declaration against those records and you declare they are canceled in the mighty name of years otherwise you could be born again and some of these things they are still happening in your life and family the same way you confessed and you are saved the same way you need to make a declaration that every uh uh uh every case that the enemy is having all the charges are written against my broad liner i take them at the foot of the crosser and i declare that they are canceled from today and the spirit of premature death is not our portioner in the mighty name of jesus may god deliver us that we may live our full lifespan in jesus name because of time number four cause of premature death is natural disasters natural disasters kunambo ambaya hufanika they could be frauds they could be large strides there could be tornadoes natural disasters although we know that things don't just happen there could be forces behind them there could be forces of darkness it could be god's judgment because of sin and wickedness but we know that natural disasters causes the loss of lives prematurely and it's very unfortunate when they are natural disasters even children as young as one year they die old people they die natural disasters they can sweep over the land praise the name of the living god even pandemics like what you are dealing with today yes it could be orchestrated but you see what confidence doing in the nations of the world natural disasters causes premature death and finally so that we pray number five is wars when there is a war in a nation a nation rising against another nation or even one nation rising one group rising against another like what we saw in rwanda the genocide that killed over a million people that's a big number of people they went as far as killing children who are unborn up here even though they were in exile at columbia you must pray for the city jeremiah 29 and verse 7 where i have taken you in exile because in its peace and work for the peace and prosperity of the city where i sent you into exile pray to the lord for it for its welfare will determine your welfare they work for the peace and prosperity of a city where god had taken them in exile they pray for later for its welfare will determine the welfare brethren the welfare of this nation the peace of this nation will determine our peace will determine our welfare and that is why we we need to join our hands together and we declare that in the mighty name of jesus this nation there there there will be no bloody shed in the mighty name of jesus there will be no genocide in the mighty name of jesus we are not going to see people dying prematurely because there is a there there is a walk that is going on in our nation in the mighty name of jesus sometimes when a nation is fighting with another like what we see today in some of the nations people die and destruction of property and suffering foreign natural disasters when there are people who are watching uh and crying to god for mercy because mercy triumphs over judgmental people who are praying and rebuking the storms of the enemy praise the name of the living god why don't you go before the lord until god i repent the wickednesser that opens the door in the mighty name of jesus to pre-punch you at either the bible says do not be over wicked and die before your timer if you want to rebuke this spirit in your family won't you take the sins of your family won't you take the charges that are written against your family in the mighty name of jesus the charges of abortion are the charges of worshipper and bowing before other gods are the churches are of wickedness in the mighty name of jesus rika maganda every accusation of the enemy over your life over your family yesterday i prayed for mercy because master triumphs over judgmental recovery we repenter even as a nation my father we come before you and we pray for your mercy we pray for mercy because massive triumphs of our church mentor reika [Music] oh my god that is why it is important to have people [Music] [Music] [Music] call upon the name of elona call upon the name of the lord for whoever shall call upon the name of the lord will [Music] [Music] [Music] why should you be over wicked and die before your timer reika maganda why should you be a fool rika maganda for the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom again caught up on the name of the lord in the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are these signs that we see written in the water in our nation we need to call upon the name of the lord in the mighty name of jesus we need divine intervention in our nation now that the lord is going to fight the battle for rasa that he may rise against the camper of the troublemakers in the name of jesus for he is the mighty god for he is the mighty deliverer let us call upon the name of the lord and pray for mercy [Music] [Music] [Music] those who are not supposed to die they will not die in the name of jesus [Music] christ [Music] [Music] receive your [Music] [Music] upon the name of the lord [Music] [Music] are going to aborted their brands are not going to prevail in the name of jesus this is honor the church is praying the church is calling her upon the name of the lord and as we call upon the name of the lord god is going to deliver the destiny of kenya in the name of jesus from every evil agenda in the name of jesus christ [Music] upon our nation in the mighty name of jesus every city every town every villager every church every gathering pleaser we send [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to die before my timer in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] christ fight for your destiny fight for your sword fight for the soul of the nation in the name of jesus fight for the sword of the national and declare that kenya is not going to war that kenya is not going to experience a blood shadow in the mighty name of jesus in the coming generation [Music] [Music] and the purposes of the nations are is our god is our god in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let god rise up let god arise over kenya in the name of jesus let our enemies let the enemies of our destiny hes the national in the name of jesus be scattered we pray for the welfare of kenya we pray for the peace of kenya we pray for the prosperity of kenya in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] christ [Music] [Music] let us take the battle let us take the battle where it belongs the spirit of death must stop ravaging our nation up ravaging our people in the name of jesus or older in the name of jesus we stop you now we stop you now we stop you in our churches we stop in our families in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus christ we stop you among the clashes in the mighty name of jesus we stop you among the body of believers in the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] i feel the power somebody received the same grace in the name receive the spirit of a warrior the spirit of a fighter in the mighty name of jesus continue this battle must continue we must take this battle where it belongs against the flesh and blood authorities powers principalities in the mighty name of jesus let us take the power that battle where it belongs to the name of jesus christ [Music] we stop the spirit of death you are not going to ravage our families our churches our people our nation in the name of jesus is a speaker miscarriage to the womba of the enemy in the name of jesus miscarriage miscarriage of every planner of every evil agenda miscarriage miscarriage [Music] [Music] whatever he has conceived it shall not be called to the full time there will be a miscarriage we command abortion of every planner of every snare of every imagination of every orchestrationer in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we are border we are bother every agenda of the enemy in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ hey [Music] our master arise our savior [Music] sudden death is not your portion in the name of jesus [Music] everyone under my voice i declare you are free from the spirit or premature deva in the name of the father on the vasana and of the holy spirit be set free from this spirit i declare in jesus name you shall leave her and declare the praises of the most high god in the name of jesus you are going to fulfill are full of life spanner in the mighty name of jesus all the days are that were ordained for you in the name of jesus you are going to live in the name of jesus to fulfill the purposes of god in our generation we celebrate the victory of the lord we celebrate the deliverance of the lord foreign [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] foreign she oh [Music] is yes [Applause] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is yes yes [Applause] foreign hey is everything is possible [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] was [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh yes is you are oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] there is power there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain break every chain break every chain break every chain there is power there is power in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] there is power in the name of jesus there name of is there is power in the name of jesus make every change break make every change [Music] break our reach each is [Music] every is broken [Music] you
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 22,607
Rating: 4.9269404 out of 5
Id: bfb2VfpSaX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 21sec (7221 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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