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if you have your Bible let's go together we do not have this verse for the screen but if you have your Bible would you open it together with me to Isaiah chapter 22 verse 21 Isaiah 22 verse 21 I want to speak today about keys to breakthrough and then we're gonna have communion keys to breakthrough or you can call it the key of David Isaiah chapter 22 verse 21 I will dress him in your royal robes and will give him your title and your authority he will be a father to the people of Jerusalem and Judah verse 22 I will give him the key to the house of David the highest position in the royal court when he opens the door when he opens doors no one will be able to close them when he closes doors no one will be able to open them he will bring honor to his family name for I will drive him firmly in the place like a nail in the wall he will give him great responsibility and he will bring honor even to the lowliest members of his family we see eventually in book of Revelation where the reference is made to this verse that I will give him the key of David he will open nobody will close and whatever he will close nobody will open I want to make a reference today in this message three chapters of the first of Chronicles chronicles chapter 13 chronicles chapter 14 and chronicles chapter 15 these three chapters show in the life of David I genuinely believe three keys that could help us unlock certain doors in our life I would call them the keys to break through or the keys of David chronicles chapter 13 deals with God's outbreak against souza chronicles chapter 14 deals with David's victory over Philistines and the battle that he eventually had when God told him to wait don't go fight them wait until I move ahead of you you're gonna hear the sound of me walking on the trees then you go and then chronicles chapter 15 deals when David took the ark and he brought the ark into Jerusalem into his Royal City and he was dancing and doing all of the crazy charismatic things and his wife didn't like it that's chapter 15 and so I'm just gonna dive right into it I believe that the first key is the key of holiness is the key of holiness it deals with 1st chronicles chapter 13 and my word on that is don't put the ark on the cart don't put the ark on the cart David what he does is he takes the Ark of God from this this family that has had this Ark for a very long time and decides to bring into his city chronicles chapter 13 and philistines long time ago when they captured the ark they did not know how to carry the ark in a better way the way they carried their gods is they would put oxen Tigh oxen to a cart and put their gods on the cart and so they did exactly the same thing with the ark is they put the ark of god on a new cart and they had you know the cows go and deliver the ark to israel and israel ever since then adopted the same kind of a methodology of how to transport the ark of god so this time already Saul is gone so probably a hundred years or so David has become a king and David decides to bring the ark and instead of taking the ark as God commanded that the priests should carry the poles of the ark on their shoulders they would built a brand new card and puts the art on the card and have the oxen carry the ark and as they do everything is fine until oxen stumble and Uzi who was one of the sons of the guy who had the ark in his house the other son was helping in the front who'sa is helping in the back and Uzi is reaching out to help the ark from falling off the cart and as he does that the Bible says the Lord broke out against who'sa and who'sa died it's very interesting the exact word is used in next chapter when Israel goes to war against Philistines and it says the Lord broke out against the Philistines see before you experienced a breakout you'll experience a breakdown but the breakdown is God who is mad against the devil is equally mad against sin see will love God's passion and indignation against devils and demons but we must understand is sin is Devil's cousin sin is they're all child and God does not like sin God hates sin and God hates the devil God breaks out against the wrong worship or the wrong transport of his presence and the same way God breaks out against the Philistines the first key that I could I believe will unlock most of the doors in our life is the key of repentance is the key of holiness is it's not mixing God and sin in one little pie believing that if I put Jesus on the top of my mess and the top of my sin I magically get blessed many times we are free from the Philistines grip but not from their influence it was Philistines idea to create the card now they don't know better but Israelites knew it better that that's not how you worship God that's not how you transport the Ark of God see the world does not know better they're not Christians they're not they don't have an allegiance to the scriptures they don't have an allegiance to the holy spirit so for the world when it comes to dating when it comes to marriage you know you have to test the car before you buy it means you have to live with someone before you marry them that's the normal and you should never be surprised when the world does worldly things that you should that should never be shocked you if I love something it makes it right for me whether it's homosexual whether it's other relationships because for the world what the rule is love and if I love the horse that means I can marry the horse if I love the laptop I can marry the lap in California somebody's going to Supreme Court to marry their laptop I don't blame him because why can the man marry a man and a man cannot marry a laptop in the world love is God if you love it it makes it right and I don't blame the world for being worldly Phyllis since created the car to drive the presence of God that's Phyllis since but see when that creeps in into Israel and Israel does the generation of the generation and it's interesting God is silent about it until oxen stumble loser dies see the problem with many of us sometimes us now you us is the Bible says in Romans chapter 12 verse 2 it says the first one is just present your bodies and then it says do not conform to the world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind that means that transformation in my life the door of transformation is waiting to be unlocked by the key of do not be conformed now I know 50 years ago that meant do not use makeup do not clap do not use other instruments than organ and wear long dresses and do not go to a movie theater being would only fifty years ago men you know if you were earrings if you were eyelashes it means you are conformed to the world but God deals with more than just the physical appearance God deals with the lifestyle and certain habits and methods that we many times borrow from the Philistines and we put Jesus cherry on the top of our card and expect God's blessing on their life for many people it's that it's the idea of that we live like the world but on Sunday we go to church there's a Jesus on the top of my card and therefore God is gonna bless me but that is not you're not going to experience breakthrough because God and sin cannot be friends in your life the Bible says he who is the friend of God has to be an enemy with the world the enemy of the world does not mean you go around burning trees burning parks the world is not in the nature it's not the streets the highways the world is not the people the world it's the way the people outside of the Covenant with God the way they live the way they raise the children the way they treat their spouse the way they treat their hurt feelings the way they treat the presidents that they don't like the way they treat their debt the way they treat their finances their employer the way they treat their mouths and their attitude it's a lifestyle that they they just simply they build the card of a certain lifestyle certain mindset certain method and many times what has happened in the world we come to church when you get saved when I get saved we come to church we bring the card with us that our family has passed on to us and then we put Jesus on the top of the card and it works until your oxen stumbled until you stumble and typically when the oxen stumbles their just stumble but in this case Musa dies and you see people come to church sometimes maybe you found yourself coming to church coming to the kingdom of God and you recognize that you have since you start coming musa died may be a particular relationship or a particular thing with your finance so particularly you said i thought that this is i come to god and god's is gonna take care of my all my problems and god wants to help us to have breakthrough but we must understand this secret god wants to be on your shoulders he doesn't want to be carried on the sin in our life some of us may say well vlad you know jesus took care of the sin on the cross and god is a good god i reject everything you're saying I understand where you're coming from I grew up in a morgue in the more God sinners in the hands of angry God kind of a Christianity I in the people and this did not mean they did not mean we're bad they just simply they've experienced how God is severe against sin and sometimes in being severe against sin they combined sin and sooner together and they would just severe even against people and in those of you who know me from long ago you would always find out that in my messages even if you go on YouTube you find out there was there's always this at this this thing would come out and I tried my best for it not to come out but it always came out that the the God hates the sin and the sinner until years ago this revelation of the scripture that we all know that God so loved the world the mess in the world that God so loved and the verse in Romans I think chapter forget which chapter is where it says that through abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness we reign in life those verses in a in a metro in Kiev those two verses literally were like explosives in my heart it blew me out at the point I saw the goodness and the love of God almost like I got born again again I started to understand the love and a goodness of God but that does not you have to understand God's love and goodness doesn't make God unholy we have this idea like one kid was reading the Bible and he said God did God gets saved in the New Testament because the Old Testament he's so mean kills everybody and then you get to the New Testament you see God got saved along with the rest of us he's so nice he's so kind he loves the children he doesn't want to hurt people he tells people don't go killing around but in the Old Testament he did the opposite and we have this idea sounds kind of weird there in the New Testament God God a version two of himself can a nicer cut there were edges around a little bit you know more presentable no no cross didn't change God cross revealed them if there will be no anger toward sin there would be no need for Jesus to die if God would share he would change for Jesus not for us when Jesus had a sin on his life and said father you forsaken me I've never done anything wrong but the sin of these people on me you turn your back against me please if God would ever change it would be for him but he didn't cross did not make God nice God was always loved and that's why he provided the cross but God was always holy that's why there was a need for the cross because somebody say Amen and so we must understand the deception of sin is that I can combine sin and now again I'm not referring to saying you fighting sin you praying for to be free from your your struggling I'm talking about a lifestyle you condone a lifestyle that is contrary to the scriptures but you justify that that kind of a thing in your heart you know that this is the Lord's convicting you it's according to the scriptures your mama's been telling your telling you about it some of your leaders been coming say hey come on we've gotta help to get out of this issue that you are in and you keep endorsing the deception of that is that I tied I pray I go to church so what that the Ark is on the card God is pleased with me because look at you my life is better than yours that's a deception the sin is very deceiving sin is very deceiving it's like these two sisters went to shop in in Mexico across the border from California and as they went to and they they were shopping for clothes they bought some clothes and as they were walking by they saw in this little puddle of water this abandoned small Oh Chihuahua so compassion you know we're Americans we're more compassion for the animals than probably people from other countries so she they quickly took this little chihuahua hid it in the trunk covered it so the Border Patrol wouldn't see it and they got through America they took the Chihuahua you know into their house that Chihuahua was shaking and shivering and and they decided to take that Chihuahua with them into the bed because you know to keep it keep it warm the next day they took the Chihuahua to a Hospital to say hey could you check this it seems like this Chihuahua is very sick a doctor the pet doctor asked him where did you get this Chihuahua they said well we went in Mexico he said you know it's a Mexican river rat it's not a chihuahua but it looked like Chihuahua it barked like Chihuahua we liked it like we like a chihuahua and that's exactly how many times we treat sin we see something we like it we're like this is good it feels good it makes me feel good everybody else is doing it and we blame it we close it and everything and God comes and says listen that's not a dog that's a rat and you gotta throw it away can somebody say Amen I really want to just encourage you with one thing today guys do not wait for your oxen to stumble for you to kill the card do not wait for things to start going crazy for you to remove the sin out of your life many people wait until sin catches up with them for them to start dealing with the sin and as long as everything is fine see God does not want you to wake up to him when you get a trouble in your life God wants you to wake up to righteousness and holiness when he speaks there were many people in the Bible like city of nineveh jonah comes and says hey guys in three days you're gonna perish somehow Ninevites did not see fire coming from heaven they didn't see another army attacking i must somehow conviction who God came in and they said we're not gonna wait three days and see if we get destroyed to call on God we're calling in God right now and the Bible says they repented and God postpone the judgment same thing happened to a hab Elijah comes to a happens this listen you took the vineyard from this men of God you killed him your wife gets fabricated story about him that he cursed God in you and now you're enjoying that vein if you say you're dead man in this vineyard hisses dogs will lick your blood he says you you're finished and Elijah walks off mad they have instead of executing Elijah it goes to his house he starts crying to God says God have mercy why because he gets convicted the words from God not by the trouble by the words from God and something happens God tells Elijah look I have humbled himself he says I will postpone the judgment and the worst king of Israel God still had mercy he did not wait until everything bottom fell off and under his feet to start bringing his sin to God and repenting the best way to repent is before you get caught people who say well so once I get caught like prodigal son and eat with the pigs and my life is shattered then I will really repent learn from David when everything went wrong it was the died David didn't repent David says I don't want to have the Ark of God in my life most of us when we mix Christianity and sin and it catches up to us something happens we actually get distant from God not closer we think God is the problem instead of sin because of deception of the devil deception of our sin I found out this in marriage and I know this about Christian life once more secret if you live a life of repentance God will always be gracious to you if you ever reach that point what you think you're above repentance the Bible says we need to repent to get into the kingdom of God and whereas we continue a life of repentance means changing our mind we grow in the kingdom of God if you get married you will know this thing people don't fall out of love they only fall out of repentance for many people it's like a house you know the spouse or something is wrong in their relationship and they quickly go changing a spouse that's like me changing a house because the light bulb went out no you change the light bulb not the house and so you change your heart you repent and when you live a life of repentance now there are exclusive situations where I'm not referring to every situation but for most of us here today in our finances in our family and our walk with God if you don't fall out of repentance you will not fall out a breakthrough and David was the king God was pleased with him but in this area David wasn't right and we see chapter in Chapter 15 David says guys what we did was wrong now we're gonna change we're gonna bring back the art and so as a Christian as a pastor as a leader you have to and I have to learn one thing if you want to grow you gotta repent repent this is not always coming to the front and crying big big tears repentance is realizing man this is not right and I'm gonna change it through the grace of God and she's the same because somebody say man let's put our hands together for Jesus Christ the second key is the Holy Spirit in chapter 14 David goes against the Philistines and he inquired of the Lord and the Lord said go Philistines came again and David inquired of the Lord I love that about David he did not go on the basis of assumption of the previous victory he said god do you want me to go and god says ah no this time I don't want you to just go I want you to wait I want I want you to go around and you're gonna hear the sound and when you hear the sound this particular sound he says no I have went ahead of you I am involved and then you shall go I believe this speaks of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is like the wind of God and then when God came and broke through the enemy David says God broke through like the water and Jesus says in John chapter 7 he says to those who believe in him that they will have the Holy Spirit and it will be like a water flowing out of their innermost we see that in in one of the prophets that God says when the enemy comes in the proper translation says the spirit like a flood will raise a banner against him and he will conquer him the Holy Spirit wants to be the strength inside of you to overcome sin and to overcome the devil the Holy Spirit but there is a key it's a very simple and very awesome key here is that before you work with Holy Spirit you have to learn to develop a habit to wait on the Holy Spirit to wait on the Holy Spirit now waiting on the Holy Spirit is that when you have to set your time during your prayer time during your devotion time where you calm your mind you calm your soul and you just lay your your soul before the Holy Spirit and wait on him the Bible says those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength when Jesus told the disciples about the Holy Spirit he says the first thing he says wait for the Holy Spirit he didn't just say go work with all the spirit go fight with the whole spirit wait about the Holy Spirit and he will come in there is a part that we as Christians have to learn is we have to learn how to wait and we have to learn how to fight when we go in fighting without waiting we're just running on our own and when we wait wait wait wait wait wait and don't ever act with the Holy Spirit we end up like that person on a traffic light who the green light came up and it's been a minute and they're still waiting for confirmation of the Secretary of Transportation to give them a sign from the government that they can go it is kind of awkward it's kind of weird God wants us to wait and God wants us to act God told Joshua when you're gonna enter the Promised Land the first City Jericho walk seven times seven days and don't say a word be silent seven days of silence and then on the last day on the seventh day on the seventh time is you're gonna pass the city open your mouth and shout seven minutes of shouting after seven days of silence from many of us it's the opposite we shout for seven days we recognize it doesn't work or like okay let me find out what God really wants to do here God wants us to live a life where we learn in silence and I understand for some of you this is strange you're like glad you need this message yourself because the only thing you do when you get up as you scream that's here I don't do that in prayer when I'm alone with God or before the service when I sneak in into the room out of shout I listen so when I get up I can scream and I can shout why because there's a time to wait and there's a time to war but see your war is empowered by your weight as you wait on the Holy Spirit as you set yourself before God whether it's in your devotion time and you say Holy Spirit so much trouble is going on when I just rest and I just wait i silence myself the Bible says Jesus was silent before accusers but then when he opened up his mouth on the cross and he cried out the Bible says that the veil was torn apart the reason why many times our cry is weak is because it's not been preceded by the silence when you take time to silence yourself before God when you take time and it's not just your mouth because you can silence your mouth and your thoughts but silence your thoughts and David says like a weaned child my soul is within me quiet soul when you quiet your soul something begins to happen the Lord then begins to empower your child because they empower your prayer can somebody say Amen the third key and that is worship when David worshiped and that we see in chapter 13 of Chronicles in chapter 14 we see that him fighting against Philistines chapter 13 we see who'sa dying and I'm learning a lesson in chapter 15 we see David taking the ark now on the priests shoulders and David begins to worship he begins to actually more correct way David begins to praise David begins to go and starts to dance he uses priestly garments some people said he danced naked that's not in the Bible it's just says he removed the kingly robes and he used the simple clothing that the priests wore and he started to dance like a child like almost like a priest before God David wasn't a king he saw himself as his child he saw himself as as one of everyone else of God's children and his wife Micah who had a theologia logical degree in craziness she was sitting on the window and she wasn't a worshipper she was a window watcher there's a calling like that that exists in hell window watcher Satan hires everyone who doesn't want to worship says hey I'm gonna give you a calling in the church it's called a window watcher watch and criticize that's exactly what she did she's sitting there and you know what she was offended by she sister and she got so furious why you're a king and you're acting like a foolish child she said this is I'm embarrassed for you how dare you do that you worship God that's not worship that's a childish thing not foolishness she said it's interesting because in that phrase the Bible doesn't refer to her as David's wife it refers to her as Saul's daughter because she wasn't reflecting the worshiper she was reflecting a people-pleaser who was her father see when you worship or don't worship this is where you really show whose nature is operating in your life the husband Jesus or table the father or pleasing people pleasing or just just that that thing were we we had so caught up in the dignity of us instead of the divinity of God see David was worshiping the divinity Micah was worshiping her dignity because for her it was more important how I look than how God feels I know nobody here has this problem we're gonna talk about the people who are outside of our church right now but how many times even during our worship experience though I do not believe that worship is only what happens on Sunday morning first 35 minutes but how many times even when the camera is placed on people you know I closed my eyes during worship for few reasons I don't want to lose my worship because of how other people not worshipping they put the camera on people not like Lord Jesus I thought everybody you sense that presence of God and you're like man and the glory of God is here until you see our person is standing like literally they've never been in a building before never seen people before and the weird part is it's the people that are Christians it's not not new guests you've seen you guests come in who don't even know Jesus and they listen to the words and they understand the words are there for a reason to sing them out they sing them out they try to even join inside and understand fully but I join in and you see many times Christians and you're like how could you do that being washed by the blood being filled by the Holy Spirit why do you care about how your face is and how God's heart is at the moment I understand there's Slavic people here maybe Hispanic and others maybe you grew up in the churches we're expressing your worship what's wrong I grew up like that we're raising your hands during singing was discouraged showering was prohibited other instruments than piano and the guitar was seen as being the worldly and people were obsessing with the way we express our worship instead of who we worship and that's what Michael was doing she wasn't against worship if you would ask Micah so do you hate worship she says I love worship I just hate the way David does it I love worship I just hate the way hungry generation doesn't loud why on Sunday morning for people jumping up and down which God are they're worshipping because my god he's offended by that I wonder which God are you talking about that because the god of David somehow didn't curse David for being expressive but locked Micah's wound who's God am i worshipping because the god of Jesus when kids Jesus Hosanna Hosanna and the Pharisees the dignified ones say Jesus quiet them down tell them to shut up and Jesus says I can't do that if they are silent or rocks are gonna have to take their place I want to tell you something today I don't want no rock in Tri City or this building to take my place I am the worshipper and God will feel worship from my mouth can somebody say Amen my hands used to steal but now the Bible says without wrath we lift our hands to God and worship Him my feet used to walk in the wrong paths but now they feet they stomp the devil and they worship God and my voice it used to be lifted against other people but now it's lifted to lift up the name of Jesus Christ I want to challenge every person I want our church this is one thing with our team we're praying for for the spirit of worship to capture our church because we agree even with a worship team that a lot of our people in our service and this is to say with the grief in their heart they have not tasted or experienced the beauty of worship how awesome it is and you may say my blood they don't sing my favorite songs last time I checked worship wasn't really about you it was about God but I don't really like that worship leader but it wasn't really about you it's about God it does God like to be worship the question I have to ask when you come and you say but I don't really feel good what I'm not feeling good you're not singing about your feelings you're singing about God's goodness the same God is good all the time you don't have to feel good to tell him that he is good amen it's like you don't have to be great to compliment somebody who is great it's about God it's not about us it's about worshiping him it's about acknowledging him I stumbled upon a verse in in the Old Testament that in second in second Kings chapter 17 verse 15 where God said we become what we worship it talks about the Israelites who worshipped idols it says and they became like those idols that convicted me so much the Bible says they became dumb they became mute they became deaf they became useless like the idols remember this you become what you worship if you worship God you become like God if you want to be more like him there's a key worship you because whatever you worship you become some of us we worship trucks some worship money why because the moment they talk about it their eyes light up their mouth goes on in the church glory the moment you talk about business because that's really your heart is engaged and this is not to convict us but this is to remind us say hey this is not because oh if my style of worship is like that it's not always the style it's the spirit behind it your spirit of worship has to be expressive I've always talks about expression of emotion you become what you worship and then God says that because they didn't worship Him in second Kings 1725 it says that the Lions came and devoured people I genuinely believe that worship shuts down many of the attacks of the devil but God gives us garment of praise instead of spirit of heaviness when you feel least likely to worship at that time worship God more than ever before when you feel least likely to give him praise when you even feel maybe so down you said like I can't even lift my hands because of so so many things that are going on you must understand that there will at that moment it's putting a duct tape over your mouth over your hands he wants to tape you up once in our service I did it to error as an example when I taped him up completely every single thing and he couldn't move and he felt quickly being on the floor and that's what the devil does many times to church so that he can quiet me down quite my hands bind my feet by my heart and so that I can stand up but if in the midst of that I push through push through push through push through the more I worship that tape goes on the devil the Bible says that God uses the praises of babies to silence the Avenger God puts a tactic on the devil when you open your mouth and if sometimes God looks at the adults in the same order to spiritual God says let me get the babies and shut up the devil and silence him why because the babies because the babies they have this simplicity you saw what Ileana was doing in the morning here no theological decree she just knows one thing if there is a beat I got a dance if there is a beat my hands have to go up and we understand if there is a God he's worthy to be praised and I will lift him and I will praise Him can somebody say Amen there's a story and when I finish in this there's a story that I like so much I used to mention this story every month and a half or so it really helps me with tuning worship to get into praise and worship it's about an old mule it's how a guy had a well that was completely not used and he had an old mule he wanted to kill two birds with one stone wanted to get rid of the well and the mule so he had this magical idea to throw the mule in the well and cover it with dirt kill him you'll get rid of the well and so that mule already you know how sometimes animals they already feel when you're trying to get rid of them and so the mules start feeling that already and brought the mule and just dumped him into that well and took a shovel and started to throw third over the mule and the mule there in the well knowing he's rejected knowing no one wants him he's about to die he had two options one is given and realized well my end has come they trying to kill me what can I do - is what the mill did is instead of crying self-pity he would shake off the dirt and stand on it the more dirt came in he would shake it off and stand on it shake it off and stand on it until the owner threw so much dirt that the mule walked out from the well the worship is an opportunity when the devil threw stuff on you for seven days shake it off and stand on it so when you walk out from the service you walk out from your well you walk out from your situation you walk out from your problem can somebody say Amen how many of us we're gonna be worshippers how many say when they're gonna worship I'm gonna worship as well I'm gonna worship with the angel someone to worship with with with Saints I'm gonna worship with my family we're gonna worship God in Jesus name Amen
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 29,940
Rating: 4.887073 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, motivational speech, youth drama, vladimir pasco generation savchuk, hungry generation pasco, exorcism demons, hungry generation, good news church, vladimir savchuk, miracles sermons fire, ukrainian church, russian church in usa, holy spirit, worship, exorcism, how to be free from drugs, stories of changed life, inspiriting messages, music, power of worship, holiness
Id: 7jOb9zhk2V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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