Keylogging Software Introduction

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hello again as you know I am Eli the computer guy and today's class is keylogger software introduction so a lot of you guys have been wondering about key logger software even wondering about how to use it you've been wondering about why it can be a bit of a scary thing and I figured hey what the hell I will do a class on it so the essential idea behind key logging software is this is software that you install onto a computer and it will track everything that gets tight into the computer so if somebody types a username in that will be grabbed somebody types of password in that will be grabbed if somebody types a search query or a paper or a document or any of that kind of thing all of that information will be stored so that it can be viewed later or depending on the software it will be stored and then it will be sent out it can either be emailed out or FTP it out or basically somehow move off the computer to a remote location so that you can essentially spy on the computer so the classic idea of this key logging software is that it was able to grab text anything you typed into the computer it would grab write you know that that's the classic idea of keylogging software back from about 2000 now as things continue on as things progress not just due to computers and such advanced but also this type of software so nowadays not only does key logging software grab text that people type into computers but it also can grab screenshots it can grab chat messages going back and forth some of it can grab video it can email all of that information out there is a lot of functionality to this key logging software now so there's different ways to do key logging but this class today I'm going to be showing you key logging software so this is software you download and you install onto what I will show you today a Windows computer now when you're thinking about keylogging software key logging software is one of those things that there are a in different versions of so I'm going to show you a particular one today but don't feel like this is the only one out there there's a zillion versions of keylogging software now the one thing that I'm going to warn you about is when you go to use keylogging software you have to be very very careful about who you trust to create your key logging software so any hacker where their two cents can create a key logging software in an evening building keylogging software for people that study computer science is no big deal so the question then has to be is what additional functionality is within the key logging software that you do not know about so if you go out and willy-nilly download keylogging software some from any website on the Internet install it onto your computer you may find out that some hacker created that keylogging software and now not only are you spying on the computer but somebody else is grabbing all of that information too so this is one thing that you have to be very careful about again when we talk about honor among thing thieves we talk about honor among hackers what you have to remember is that it doesn't exist right hackers love to hack other hackers the only thing better than hacking a noob is hacking another hacker hacking a bite a wannabe hacker so if you go out there and you you download and install keylogging software onto a computer from a source that is trying to spy on your information you may have just compromised your network you have may just you may have just caused lots and lots and lots and lots of problems for yourself that will be really really really really horrible in the future now the keylogging software that I downloaded installed basically I want to see that I want to downloads and I installed it on to my lab computer it seems to work very well whether or not there's any nefarious bits I have no idea I don't really care because again it is on my lab computer now you're gonna be asking me Eli Eli what keylogging software should I use well we're gonna go into that at the end of this class but basically I am NOT going to give you any recommendations on any keylogging software because I personally really don't think you should be using keylogging software anyway uh but but I am not going to put my name on the line for keylogging software if you want a good email client Outlook is great if you want a good web browser chrome is great but as far as what keylogging software you should download and install onto your computer I'm staying the hell out of it just realize there's a lot out there go try to find something that you think is legitimate so let's go over to my lab computer so I can kind of show you what's going on because as with all this stuff once you guys actually see it it's a lot easier than most of you folks think so again as I talked about I just went to download comm so this is download and honestly I just searched for keylogger so one of the ones that came up is the system surveillance Pro now one of the things I will tell you that I was kind of surprised about this keylogging software all used to be free it was all free but now actually some of this stuff gets kind of pricey so this has a nice free trial that's why I'm using it but if you want to buy it it is then $40 so if you want to play around it has a nice fully functional 7-day trial uh but if you want to buy it it's $40 and from what I saw that seems to be about the about how it goes most of the decent keylogging software is now is is 40 to 50 dollars it's definitely not not free stuff so I would be worried if you do download free stuff what additional goodies you get before the freeness remember I keep telling you guys I'll say it over and over and over and over and over again nothing in the world is free the question is is how do you pay for so I would rather pay with my credit card than uh in ways I may not realize so basically I just went here and what I'm going to be showing you today is this system surveillance Pro so basically you just download this you install it and once you've installed it you get a nice little control panel so this is the control panel for system surveillance Pro now the thing with system surveillance Pro is you once you install it you can make it so that there are no desktop items icons and that it does not show up down in the lower right hand corner for the four little tasks thing down here right now I have that running you can see it there but you can make this completely hidden if you want to basically what you do is you go up to tools you go to settings and then as with all this stuff it gives you lots and lots and lots of options so do you want this thing to auto start when the computer starts up yes or no what users do you want to monitor so if you want to monitor your kid but you don't want to monitor yourself you would go through here and you do all these checkboxes now here's the big one here here's the big big legal thing and this is one of those that this is this these two stupid little checkboxes are probably the most important and configurations in this entire software and you guys are going to poopoo them but poopoo them at your own risk right these are the warnings these are the checkboxes that say do you want to tell people that a keylogger is being used on this computer so display SS Pro warning message on startup so what this what happens is when the computer starts up it will display a message that says this computer is being monitored right do you want that message to pop up the next one is is display the SS Pro icon in the system tray so that that's this little icon here so if I uncheck both of these it means that this will work in stealth mode and people will not know they are being monitored again this is a huge legal question here if they know they're being monitored and then they do something stupid you are most likely in the right if they do not know they're being monitored and they do something stupid you you could theoretically be in the right and legally not so we're gonna talk about that at the end of this video but be very careful here I'm telling you right now these startup warnings here you guys think this this is nothing this is stupid these are literally the most important configurations in this entire piece of software but then pass that and we get login options um we get screen snapshots so how often do you want to take snapshot of the screen so not only does this track the text but it'll actually show pictures logging schedule when do you want it to log do you wanna log during the morning do you want it to log during the evening so you can actually set times database options help you with the database to work security and accessibility keystrokes websites web blocking blah blah I am alerts all this stuff here the nice part the cool part that also is you actually have email delivery options so with all the logging like with the screen snapshots you can actually email out these pictures so email snapshot every so many minutes so if I want to be tracking my kids computer during the day I could literally have it snap a do a snapshot a screenshot of their screen let's say every 10 minutes and email to me so I can see whether they were looking at math websites and where porn websites or Corgi websites all that stuff is here that's one of the nice cool pieces of functionality with this once you set these however you want to set these then you can just do okay from here you know you've got things we can look at reports so so you can actually do multiple computers we can say what what username we want to take a look at activity date so on and so forth this gives us some information so it says keystrokes so right now tells me in Google Chrome I did 62 keystrokes and notepad plus plus I did 25 keystrokes and Windows Explorer it at 12 websites visited it shows me the websites that have been visited and program activity we can now go and we can kind of drill into this so if I click on the keystrokes this will show me what keystrokes were put in for different programs so for Windows Explorer so lab PC this computer user lab in the application Windows Explorer we can go down here and we can see at 9:25 at 2:15 basically I put in gggggg time stamp 925 up to 25 so about 10 minutes later you can see I put in notepad so within Windows Explorer those are the keystrokes I did and here's a picture over here of what I was doing if we go over here to Google Chrome we can see all the things I plugged into Google Chrome so at 2:15 I put in cute Corgi dogs that I did back to max backspace backspace backspace and then I put in Corgi then at 2:17 I put in puppy so this is actually tracking all the different words I put in puppy pictures cute puppies at 1421 we can then go over and at notepad plus plus here I put in hello you sexy Corgi and so basically as I was saying this this logs everything that you're typing into the computer and gives a nice little timestamp beyond that it will then go to websites so it will show me all the websites that were visited we can do cat messages so if the person is using some kind of a like aim or instant messaging it will track all of that it shows what programs were used so you can see were they were they using word 2007 or were they using World of Warcraft or Diablo you can even do file events so if files were used and then here's the cool thing is those screenshots so these screenshots is a it's taking a picture every minute so we can see at 9:25 or at 2:15 this is a screenshot at 2:16 at 2:17 at 2:18 you can even play through this so I can hit play and it will go through and it will actually play all the screenshots so I can sit back with my beer and see what it is my kid was doing during the day so this is all of the stuff that this key logging software is tracking and so it will be tracking all this as long as it's actually monitoring so right now if we wanted to stop I can just do stop monitoring and now that will stop monitoring but the cool part is again late say this gets keystrokes it gets website to get chat messaging it shows you programs it shows you file events and it shows you screenshots it does all of that and it can even email you this information so again if you if you're going on a business trip and you're worried about what your kid is doing or your fiance is doing you can you can you can take a look at what they're doing now this is going to be the big thing because again everybody talks about key loggers and I get these questions back I get so many questions about key loggers almost to the point kind of scared of doing this class but it's a technical it's a technical product so you guys shouldn't know how it works but you guys have to be very very very very very very careful about using this key logging software so there was a debate on my face on the Eli the computer guy Facebook page about asking for help installing keylogging software onto somebody's computer and I was very surprised I was very shocked about how many of my fan base thought installing keylogging software on computers they owned was absolutely a-ok I had administrators saying if it's a computer on the network I am responsible for it is a okay for me to install keylogging software let me disabuse you of that notion at least in the United States in the United States legally we have something called expectation of privacy or the question of what is the expectation of privacy of the user of a system if you are an employee even if the boss owns the computer the question is as the employee what is the expectation of privacy that you have to use that computer now this is very very very important understand if you are going to be using keylogging software in a business environment you need to go talk to your lawyer you need to go talk to your lawyer long before you install the first piece of software on to anybody's computer because every jurisdiction every state and federal law has different laws about what you are able to collect even from employees even from systems that you in fact own if you violate those laws if you find out that your employee is looking at porn during the workday and then you fire them because you protect keylogging software on their computer they in fact can come back and sue you because you violated their rights I know a lot of you guys think that's a joke and you think that's a laugh but that really really really really really is true so again in the United States and America um if you are going to be using this key logging software the first thing that you should be doing is going and talking to a lawyer because you have to be careful about this stuff um I know a lot of people don't feel that they will be taken to prison or that they will be sued or any of that for for for using software like this but the reality is is not that using software like this when the end user doesn't know about matter the question is not whether or not it's illegal it generally is illegal the question is is whether lawyers currently know enough about technology to sue you or to take you to court as with all things lawyers are becoming more educated about technology and computers and they are going to more and more realize that they can just take a boss through the wringer over using software like this so make sure if you're going to be using this in a commercial in a business environment that you go talk to lawyers and I would say you make sure all of those warnings are there basically legally it's the expectation of privacy if the employee had an expectation if they felt that their communications were private that is usually what Trump's all else so if you are going to be using this keylogging software put warnings everywhere put big guys signs you know put a big 8 by 8 sign on the wall of your business saying all keystrokes will be tracked on this business seriously that this is a very very very important point because also remember if you are the administrator for a company it is not just painful for the company to lose a lawsuit it is painful for the company to even get into a lawsuit so the question is is you think that employees are screwing around on their computers and that is costing the company a couple thousand dollars every month that is very painful if you use keylogging software you fire an employee they then take you to court it may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight that court case even if you in fact win at the end of the day so be very very very very careful with the key logging software from the commercial and from the kid and so I know a lot of people out there think about putting key logging software on their kids computers again be very careful with this with kids it's most likely I'm not a lawyer most likely it's not as much a problem with the whole league out we get the legal issue but you run into a trust issue um you know it's kind of one of those weird things everybody in the world is up in arms and screaming about the NSA um tracking their communications and yet those same people seem absolutely a ok with tracking all of their kids communications I hate to remind people that kids and teenagers are in fact human beings just like you are and if you are completely pissed off about somebody doing something the chances are they are going to feel the same way I would be very cautious with Lea using this key logging software because you might create far more problems than you're trying to prevent as a technology professional having dealt with a lot of end users and parents and kids and all that kind of stuff I really do feel at the end of the day there are better solutions than key loggers for for trying to deal with things with your kids again something like OpenDNS using that on your network to prevent them from being able to go to porn sites entirely putting up what it's one of those things psychologically putting up walls and putting up fences does not irritate people to the same degree as spying does so if you put up systems on your your home network that prevent your kids from going to porn site the chances are that will cause far less animosity between you and your child then spying on them to see if they do go to porn sites kind of get what I'm saying again that's between you and your kids but oh I have to say keylogging software is about the worst way in the world to deal with a truly truly truly just just believe me on that then the other the final thing so we got the commercial I'm going to use keylogging software in the commercial world basically don't but if you do go talk to your lawyer put up some big sides with your kid the final one is with spouse this is one that you have to be very very very careful with so a lot of people believe that they can spy on their spouses or their fiance's this is again when we go back into the legal realm it is illegal to spy on another adult when they have an expectation of privacy even if they are your spouse or your fiance or your girlfriend boyfriend so on and so forth if they are an adult it is a felony offense to spy on them to install this keylogging software onto their computer and then track what you're doing now most of the time again most of the time in the real world this thing doesn't get the court cases but what you have to be thinking about is if you're thinking about divorcing your spouse if you're thinking about Bream issues against somebody if you have an abusive relationship again you know they're there there's a difference between between people who trust each other and one person does something a little dumb and people who really don't trust each other and really want to cause as much pain as possible there have been court cases spouses fiance's lovers so on have been sent to jail for installing this software on to again their spouses or other people's computers so as far as adults are concerned out in the real world again even if they are your spouse don't do it it is a felony offense those are my thoughts on it so this keylogging software yeah there's lots a lot uh there's almost no reason that I would use keylogging software in the real world again doing this class is one of those things it's a real piece of technology it is something that you have to worry about especially a security administrator um so I it - um but really honestly there's almost no reason to use this in the real world it's just all kinds of bad for everybody involved if you are worried about your your employees or your kids going to porn sites or gambling sites or any of that kind of stuff use proxy servers use firewalls use Open DNS use something else key loggers are just a nasty nasty nasty nasty tool that just really shouldn't be used about the only reason that I would ever use a keylogger honestly the only legitimate reason I can see for using a keylogger is if I wanted to literally install it on to my own computer because I thought somebody else was using my computer with unauthorized access so basically if I thought you know the janitorial staff was using my computer to look at porn at night or the janitorial staff was trying to hack into my computer then I may install a key logger so in the morning I can come in and I can see if anything was done at midnight because obviously I was home and asleep so if I see somebody who's trying to access my computers then I can know - due to fire the candidate Oriole staff that is the up yeah really that's about the only reason I would use this keylogging software otherwise I would stay the hell away from it so the keylogging software whether you're using Windows whether you're using Linux whether you're using iPad or any of that there's lots of software that you can download and install most of stuff's nowadays actually surprisingly cost a bit of money the big thing that I'll warn you is is buy or install from a vendor that you trust because again hackers like nothing better than to hack want to be hackers so the last thing that you want to do is install this key logging software onto your kids computer and then have all kinds of nastiness happen because your kids Facebook account gets cracked your face Twitter your your kids Twitter account gets cracked YouTube account gets cracked all of a sudden you're looking at key logs uh for a computer that has been compromised and again it's just all kinds of nastiness because that's something that can really happen a hacker could literally put something into that keylogging software you download and install it onto the computer and then they start remotely controlling that computer and so the hacker is now using your 13 year olds computer to go to porn sites you then see the computer goes to porn sites your kid gets smacked and it's really not their fault at the end of the day it was you you end up smacking your kid because you screwed up and that really that is like the moral lesson of the real world so get realize seriously this is keylogging software don't use it the only other type of keylogging that wouldn't want the other types of keylogging that you will see in the world just so you know about it is they do have little devices that you can put on to keyboards so what this is is this plugs into the back of the computer and then you plug the keyboard into it and then it will actually track all of the data that goes from the keyboard so it will track all of those keystrokes those are little devices again they normally cost about thirty or forty dollars you can actually buy them off of so that is a different type of key logger and that is out there you so you should know better so as you know I am Eli the computer guy in this class was key logger software introduction as always I enjoy teaching this class I hope it was useful I hope it was valuable now now please please don't don't use anything I said please please now they now that you're understand key loggers don't use them I'm telling you you think it's a joke it's not a joke
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 82,908
Rating: 4.8356867 out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2013
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