Introduction to the Darknet

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I don't know what to do with my hands.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/areeyesee 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

He enunciates his E's with his mouth way too much.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2013 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/acehunter 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

hey i learned PHP from eli. he is awesome although sometimes he talks for like 3 hours but then again people around here are generally pretty used to that

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CTHULUTAUR 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

too hairy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2013 🗫︎ replies
hello again as you know I am Eli the computer guy in today's class is introduction to the dark net so I've had a lot of questions a lot of like inquiries from my fan base about the Deep Web and and the dark net and tor services and all this type of stuff so I'm slowly now going through and trying to create classes to explain all of these things to you I have been talking about a lot of this especially in my daily blobs and other things and I have found one of the problems with many of my fans is that you don't understand that many of these things that we're talking about are in fact separate concepts so the Deep Web is a specific concept the dark net is a specific concept tor or free net are specific products or services these are all different things that that vaguely encompass the same realm so this is something that's very important for you to understand so as we talked about in the introduction to the Deep Web class the Deep Web is any web page that is not indexed by a search engine for whatever reason whether it's the robots.txt file tells a search engine to bugger off that you don't want the website to be indexed whether the website is some kind of content management system where it requires a login username credentials to get past the initial screen therefore the little little Google spiders can't get past or if it's part of something called a dark net so we're talking about a dark net basically this is a cluster of computers that are meshed together in order to create a network and in order to be able to access those computers or those services you have to have special software installed onto your computer so if basically these web services that are out there Google cannot simply be able to go out or yahoo can't simply go be able to go out and index because you have to have some type of software on your computer so the darknet is a very very specific concept within the larger idea of the Deep Web so when we're talking about the NARC darknet basically we're talking about one of two products although there are other options out there generally we are talking about tor and more importantly or more specifically tor services there's also something called free net which allows you to do the same thing that we're going to be talking about today basically those are the services that encompass what the dark net is is considered so many times when people are talking about the dark net they are in fact talking about tor services they use those words interchangeably when in fact they're not tor services are a specific product the dark net itself is more of a concept an idea so we're talking about the dark net the essential definition of a dark net is in order to access the dark net you have to have some kind of special software installed onto your computer so the dark net anything that comprises a dark net it has to use the tcp/ip protocols it has to be theoretically internet accessible but you have to do something special in order to get into it so the first thing is is although it uses internet technologies to maintain itself and to do the communication you have to at you have to add something else in order to be able to access the information within that dark net the other main concept with dark Nets is that it's supposed to try to maintain your anonymity so when you go on there it's supposed to try to maintain your ability to stay anonymous so in normal I pee traffic and normal network traffic um nobody cares about whether or not you're anonymous you may care but the original it the original creators of tcp/ip the original creators of the internet didn't care the more communication that goes back and forth the better for them so when we're talking about TCP IP packets tcp/ip headers what's important to understand there is that contains a lot of identifiable information that basically points back to you so if anybody gets a hold of that packet they can gather information and be able to track back to you well in the modern world you know the modern world of anonymous people want to keep their anonymity so they don't want to be tracked back so the big concept with the darknet is when you go onto the darknet when you use a dark net that you should be able to maintain your anonymity so the important parts is it uses normal internet and IP and all that technology you have to install special software in order to be able to access it and it's supposed to maintain your anonymity and again this can be done in multiple ways there are multiple different products out there in order to create darknets again the most popular is something called tor and again there's also free net which is a lot of people additionally use now when you're talking about tor basically the initial idea for tor was that you would be able to route your data traffic through multiple different computers that are all connected into this tor network so that you could bypass filters in your country so if you were in an autocratic country where where they didn't want you to be able to watch or The Daily Show you would be able to be able to connect to the Tor network and it would route your communication through a hundred or however many computers to get the so that you could access networks outside of what's being blocked and also by routing information through this massive network it would keep your anonymity so if you go to or if you go to a website the information that that website would be able to glean from you would not be personally identifiable it would be part of this whole mesh of the tour so the original idea with with tor is it was supposed to keep your anonymity for going to normal websites if you were going to if you were going to bank of america com if you're going to Wikipedia if you're going to anonymous we love anonymous comm you know if you try to go to those sites the original idea was it keeps your anonymity there well then they came up with the idea of something called tor services now it's very important to understand that when we're talking about websites actually within tor itself these are called tor services so what they decided what they came up with is instead of always routing all the all the traffic out to web sites in the normal internet that you would be able to create and host websites on your own computers at home and then through the power of tor people would simply be able to be redirected to you so basically you can use a web browser you can connect to tor and then you could use a services address to go to the specific website that you want to go to now why this is powerful is because since you're in the Tor network and everything it tries to maintain your anonymity even the web servers themselves maintain the anonymity so if you're trying to do a black market website if you're trying to sell crack if you're trying to create the next Wikipedia you can actually set up a website that the entire world can get to but the system itself that routes the information to that website will try to maintain your anonymity so that is why this is very very very powerful so when people are talking about the dark net this is what they're talking about they're talking about these tor services or the services that you can also get by using free net so these are websites but they are all within the Tor cloud so you can't go to Google and go to like black market comm and get to one of these sites basically you have to have the Tor software installed on your computer then you can open the browser then you can go to one of these services addresses and that will drop you on to the site once you're dropped onto the site though we are then now talking about standard web-based technologies HTML javascript PHP whatever this a standard web server it is simply connected to the Internet using one of these services so let's go over to the computer for a second so I can show you a couple of things just to give you a better idea of how all this stuff kind of works so basically again whenever we're talking about the darknet the two things that we're going to be talking about is either tour so you can find taurat torah or Freenet so again share chat browse anonymously on the free network again these create their own networks within the internet now what I'm going to be showing you today is if you go down there's a lot of different things you can download and use use with tor but what I downloaded and use today is something called the tor browser so instead of installing the full suite onto my computer basically this is just a web browser that you can install on your computer and use the Tor network so once I I installed the tor browser as we can see here this is tor browser it's basically just a Firefox derivative and I've come to one of the directories they have in tor so this is one of the Tor directories what you will see is this is the services address up here and you will notice it looks absolutely and utterly nothing like a normal DNS address that you're used to you know not blah blah blah blah blah blah biz blah blah blah dat info no whenever you set up your web server on to tour and and connect the services they will automatically give you one of these these services addresses so you don't really get to say what it is and it will be a whole mess like I say that's DPP mfx aacu blah blah blah blah blah so just remember when you're going to be using these tor services you're not going to get nice human readable addresses so so with a lot of these things once you find them bookmark the hell out of them because I don't know about you but I'm not going to be able to remember this then now if you go down basically this works like like any other web browser but it's all within these services so I clicked on this little black market link over here and if we open this up we can see this is a different services address and it's for this black market reloaded I'm not gonna log into any of this stuff because I don't I don't want to be on the NSA's radar but this is the basic idea behind the darknet so when I'm going to these websites this is trying to maintain my and anonymity and also I can't find any information out about the web servers unless I try to hack them myself so so normally if we were on the normal web I could do a whoís search or I could do a lot of ways to try to find out who runs this website or where the server is located again within the darknet within tor that functionality isn't there but really that's that's all there is for the most part for the most part to the darknet so the darknet is simply a network of computers on the internet that uses a standard internet type technologies that basically are meshed together you have to use a special piece of software to in order to access them and they try to maintain your anonymity that is what the dark net is sometimes is a tour service sometimes as a free net sometimes there are a lot of other pieces of software there's a lot of other specific services out there the idea behind the dark net is that this overall methodology anonymity separated service using normal internet type of technologies and that's that is the dark net for you we are going to be doing more classes on tor services and some other things but I figured this would just be a way to clear some things up so the dark net is a component of the Deep Web tor is something that uses that basically the dark net ideology but these are all entirely separate things and so you just should keep keep that in mind whenever you're going to be dealing with this stuff so as you know I am Eli the computer guy today's class was introduction to the dark connect as always I enjoy teaching this class and I look forward to the next one you
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 595,123
Rating: 4.7880793 out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy
Id: _91AYoH5dTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2013
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