Cloud Networking Introduction

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hello again as you know I am Eli the computer guy and today's class is cloud networking introduction so this is one of those cutting-edge concepts that's actually kind of sort of been around for a really long time and people are throwing out a lot of buzzwords that actually make a whole hell of a lot of sense when you actually start understanding the technology so I figured hey why don't I do a class on cloud networking kind of like cloud computing everybody thinks they know what it is and almost everybody is wrong it's not that it's it's something else it's something else very very cool but but it's something else so we're talking about cloud networking there are two things that you have to understand what they do there's there's two concepts that people are talking about so there the first concept with cloud networking is an infrastructure concept so basically when I talk about an infrastructure concept what I mean is actually networking virtualized computers networking a virtualized world so get out of thinking about cloud computing for a moment cuz when people start thinking about the clouds they start thinking about all kinds of wacky wacky wacky stuff well as we've talked about before in the cloud computing and virtualization classes virtualization is a single component of cloud computing so when we are talking about cloud networking most of the time what we are talking about is networking for the virtualized environment that is what we were discussing that kind of infrastructure so that's that's the first thing people can be talking about when they talk about cloud networking is basically how do we network at this virtualized infrastructure the new thing that's coming out with cloud networking the latest and greatest the coolest the sexiest all of that is actually a service that is now being provided by some companies that you can pay for and actually connect computers all over the old and have them think that they are on the same land so basically the cloud computing service is think about an uber VPN service so with Virtual Private networking the the service that you would buy you would connect from your computer to the service providers VPN and then go out to the Internet well with cloud networking what they do is instead of forcing you just out to to the Internet what they do is they become the hub for a VPN network you connect to the with a VPN your buddy connects with a VPN your sister connects with a VPN and your employee connects with a VPN and now because you are connected through a VPN you can all communicate with each other your computers can communicate with each other basically over the VPN so when we're talking about cloud networking we're talking about two different critters that again like I say most of the time and Technology computers all these buzzwords get thrown out and everybody gets confused because everybody's saying the exact same words and meaning completely different things so let's go over to my whiteboard so I can kind of start explaining to you this concepts so that it makes a little more sense so okay so we're gonna go over and this is my little digital whiteboard here so let's go back to the beginning to the beginning right and in the beginning we had computers and all these physical computers were out there and all these physical computers in order to communicate with each other had to connect to switches and routers so there was actual cat5 cable running from these computers and servers and print servers and everything else two physical pieces of networking gear and that allowed them to communicate with each other right that's that's that's the old days that's like 2002 way back when right then we started getting into the whole virtualized thing right what if we can virtualize sir so instead of having one physical box have only one server what if one physical box could have 10 servers or five servers or 20 servers right we were virtualizing we were turning servers into instances within a virtualized word world so then we create our little cloud and cloud is actually built of servers generally using a type 1 hypervisor and on that we have instances of operating systems right so these operating systems are sitting in the cloud as instances well realize in technology even even though we make jokes about things have been happening magically the fact of the matter is technology is not magic there's always an underlying something that's making things happen so even though these computers have been virtualized they still at when you first create them don't have any way to communicate with each other right because even though they're on the same box there's no way for them to communicate so originally back in the old days we had we have NAT and virtualization or bridge connections so what happened is these these virtualized computers would use the network card of the physical box they were on and actually have to communicate out to physical routers and switches to have the communication between all of the different instances within the cloud so basically communication would have to go out and then have to go in and out and in and out and end so if this instance wanted to talk to this instance the communication would actually have to go out of the physical equipment and then go back into the physical equipment to make that happen over some kind of NAT or bridge connection using the the network card of the physical piece of hardware now that's a real pain in the butt so nobody really liked to do that and so what they decided to do is they thought what if we could avert utilize networking equipment right so we've worked virtualized servers we virtualized pcs what if we can virtualize networking equipment so now we have the cloud we have all these instances within the cloud and then all they do write a router or a switch is basically it's an operating system within a piece of hardware so they just virtualized that hardware so now you have a virtual switch and you can have a virtual router and you kind of a virtual firewall and all that and now these computers within the cloud can connect to the virtual router a virtual switch and virtual all that so that they can communicate with each other so now all of these can computers can can communicate with in the cloud and they never have to go out they can do it all internally now the question you're gonna be asking is it gotta be saying well eli why would you do that I don't I don't understand why you would create an internal virtualized Network well it's mainly for security right with routers and firewalls and switches the more the more layered you can make a network the more secure you can make it so you can have I don't know let's say your Active Directory server here and then you can have a router here you can have your your your web server here so when communication comes into the cloud it's able to get to the web server but the Active Directory server is behind a router so you can kind of do all of that kind of fancy stuff within this cloud networking environment is it's very useful again like like you have to be thinking and when you want to really do security when you really want to build infrastructure you have to think that these devices these servers these instances you know these are not things that you're going to put up one day and take down the next right when you're installing a server that should probably have about a five year life expectancy and when I say has a five year life expectancy it really pretty much is you install it you do all the configurations and then like once a month or whatever you come in and do updates and that's about it you don't touch with you don't mess with it you don't do any of that kind of stuff well one of the ways that you can make security much better on your network is by putting in networking equipment to segregate your network so things like viruses can't very easily migrate through it so if you want to really harden if you really want to protect your your database servers one of the ways that you can do it is you can put them on a segment of the network that's only connected to the rest of the network with using a router with a firewall and then within that firewall you can say I only traffic's on these ports coming from these specific web servers to be able to access the the database servers because one of the problems in the real world is somebody downloads of virus and then that virus can automatically propagate out because there's no firewalls there's no segmentation it can just go out and cause all kinds of havoc well if you have lots of firewalls if you have lots of routers if you have lots of segmentation you set it up properly then it it doesn't allow that to happen so imagine like you have a building so when people think about having buildings that people think about protecting buildings they think about the lock on the front door they say they they think about how solid that front door is they think about what kind of lock is on the front door and that's all they think about so if somebody is able to break through that front door they gain access to everything that's kind of like a virus or a hacker in the modern world well what you really want to do if you do security properly is you want to have lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of doors inside your facility so what if they break through the front door and then they go in when they're about to go into the next room they find out the next door is secure so then they have to break through that door and then they go in and they see all these offices but every office has a really secure door so they got a bash down those doors right a certain point even if the cops aren't called they're just gonna get tired of breaking down doors and they're gonna go home because it's too hard versus imagine if you have a building you only have one secure door they break down that one secure door and then they have free roam through the entire building they can just come they can pick up this computer they can pick up this TV and they can pick up whatever they want well that's what we're doing with this virtualized environment and this cloud networking is we're laughs you were able to very easily make far more complicated Network infrastructure to make everything more secure so that is the initial idea of what cloud networking is is basically within the virtualized environment see of the instances of servers you have the instances of desktop computers you have the instances of whatever operating systems are going on and then what they have done is they have virtualized networking equipment and so as far as the computers are concerned they seem like routers they seem like firewalls they seem like switches and so what you can do is you can create very complicated virtualized network infrastructure so that certain computers only talk to other computers on specific ports and with as with everything once you start virtualizing that that is a lot less expensive than actually buying the physical devices you know if you want to buy even the lowest end Cisco routers like five hundred dollars you know if you want to buy thirty of those it's going to be very expensive purchase first is simply virtualizing creating router appliances which would be a lot less expensive so that is the initial concept of what cloud networking it is it's virtualized networking equipment in order to connect computers and servers within a virtualized world so let's go let's go ahead a little forward to start talking about what what service is being sold for people when they are talking about cloud networking let's go back over to the to the whiteboard so I can explain this so basically when we're talking about cloud networking now when we're talking about the service we have to go back a little bit to understand what everybody's talking about so basically the new services now are essentially based off of VPN virtual private networking so back in the day what VPN was is you have a building and in the building you have your land right and everybody that's connected on the land a local area network they can all share documents and they can they can print to a shared printer and they can get to the intranet and they can do all of that stuff and they're all happy campers right we are in the building we are special the problem is is what happens if somebody's outside of the building that still and needs access to stuff on the land but they're outside the building you know this is in Baltimore right and this guy's in San Fran but he wants to print to a printer on the land or he needs to be able to share documents to reach the email server so what are we going to do so back in the old days that's when they created the idea of the VPN the virtual private network so you have your LAN then you have what's called a VPN server on your LAN you can figure this you can you're out or all of that then this guy he's sitting down at his little laptop computer which has a VPN client he then connects to this VPN server and once he's created the connection it now appears to all computers as if he's on the local area network so he can access shared files he can access the email server he can access the intranet so forth and so forth so that is the idea now the big thing though with VPN and why VPN is still being used and why the technology uses are growing larger and larger is that this is a very very very very very secure connection essentially this connection is a double layer of encryption so your data is encrypted and then it's put in a tunnel of encryption and it's very very very very secure so essentially VPN connections are very secure and so when when Bob here connects to the local area network at his office he doesn't have to work worried about things called man-in-the-middle attacks so somebody can't try to get into the middle of this data stream and grab any information because it has the double layer of encryption so this is very important as people connect to their their lands using the VPN if they are at a cyber cafe if they are in the library they use any kind of open Wi-Fi connection they want to be using a VPN to connect to the local area network because it is it is secure so since that technology is secure you know things have gone on there's more and more road warriors more and more people that go to their little cyber cafes and they want to be able to use their computer they want to be able to go to the internet and they want to be able to log in and do banking and all that kind of stuff so they're sitting there at the cyber cafe the but the problem is is if they connect to the internet using an open unsecured connection other people at the cafe or other people on that open connection can actually read the information that city bends being sent back and forth to the internet from your computer so we had a class on subterfuge where this one little application anything being sent in the clear anything being sent unencrypted Oh for a Wi-Fi network they can grab your usernames your passwords and what website you're logging into so if you sit down to the cybercafe and you log into Facebook they can grab your username and password you grab them to go into Google Twitter so same if you start getting start dealing with data with your your bank account they can grab all of that information because if you just sit down at the cyber cafe and you connect to the the open connection that is not encrypted data so so basically anybody with the right technology software can read it so what they came up with was a VPN services Virtual Private networking services so what happened is you have these companies that offer of VPN services things like there's a site called tunnel bear so you pay them like five or ten bucks a month what happens then is your computer connects to their service over a VPN a double encrypted VPN right double encryption and then from their secure servers you then access the internet to go and do Facebook or Google or whatever else if somebody on the open Wi-Fi network tries to read what you're doing it won't be able to work because again you are using now double encryption so the only time the data is not encrypted is when you're going out of this the VPN service provider servers out to the Internet now if somebody was here they could technically do something but but you are hoping you're hoping that their servers in their internet connection are secure so basically this is the VPN service so when we start talking about cloud networking so it's important to understand this when we start talking about cloud networking and cloud networking as a service because that's essentially what we are building on we are building on the VPN services so remember originally originally way back in the day what VPN allowed you to virtual private network is your computer out in the outside world could go back and connect to your LAN but the idea there was you had a land so you have a hundred computers on your local area network and you have one or ten or twenty people out in the outside world that are going to be connecting then we came up with this whole VPN service so that you can access the internet more securely then the question has come up is is is the way people are doing business is is changing dramatically a lot of businesses a lot of companies now a lot of times don't actually even have office space they may have 10 employees they may have 20 employees basically all working from home or all working from the Starbucks so the question is is what happens when they're no longer is a LAN at all right you know we come at it from the idea that when you work for a company the company has an office that the company has servers the company has an internet connection and you would be connecting to that well in the modern world it may not be so you may have a rather a decent-sized company that actually doesn't have offices and the employees again work from wherever they are but the thing is the the the basic need to be able to share data the basic need to be able to share files and do printing and all that kind of stuff maybe has not gone away but the central office has so that is where the modern cloud networking comes in so basically you have these services and you know in the cloud and they have their servers and what happens is all these people that are part of your company they connect to the service with the VPN so basically their VPN into the service the service then knows you guys are all part of the same account so it will then route the data between you guys so if you have a shared folder on computer one and computer five wants to access it computer five connects to the service computer one connects to the service and then the service would then make it seem as if computer one and computer five are on the same network so everybody's computers you know four three two they all connect to the service using the the N type protocol then the service allows them to see each other so the link to the service is secured and then you're able to share data that way so this is what a lot of times people are talking about now when they're talking about cloud networking basically think of it as like hosted VPN service when the LAN doesn't exist right so most of the VPN services that have been out there now all what's doing is providing you a secure way to connect to the internet this is providing you a secure way to connect to other computers again from the same company so that you can all share files and share whatever it is that you want to do so so that's the basic idea of what's going on so there's a lot of different companies out there doing that kind of stuff right now this is this is one that I was told about we're probably gonna do a review and play around with it later but you've got this Pertino and essentially again the concept is VPN what specific technology they use I'm not quite sure but that is what they do so they all all the different client computers connect into their cloud network engine and then they can all see each other and they can all interact with each other so you can have a computer in France a computer in Great Britain a computer in San Francisco and a computer at Beijing and as far as the computers are concerned they will be on the exact same land with a really really really kind of piss-poor slow connection but but it will seem to be as if they're on the same LAN how you will use that while UI you will use that again as I talked about you know technology it's as much an art as it as a science so so you have to figure that out you have to figure out if that is a good solution for you and then if it is you can go for so again the big thing though when we're talking about cloud networking we're talking about multiple different things everybody's using the exact same word to talk about different things and that therefore it can make everything really really really confusing for everybody involved so cloud networking the essential idea of cloud networking really really really really truly is a virtualizing network equipment so as I've talked about before we have virtualized servers we have virtualized pcs the the core concept of cloud networking is that we virtualize the networking equipment the routers as switches the firewalls all of that kind of stuff and we maked them it's definitely a physical router we now have an instance of a router instead of a physical switch we have an instance of a switch it's having a physical firewall we have an instance of a firewall again that allows us to make really really really really gorgeous beautiful art like if you if you use cloud networking properly you can do some absolutely amazing things that there's no way in hell you would have a budget for normally but it gets a little complicated you got to make sure you know what you're doing again that's really what we're talking about with cloud networking there's also this cloud networking services essentially basically what it is is is a VPN where you take out the local area network so again in the past the VPN allowed you to connect to the land so now we just take out the layout entirely and have everybody connecting together with a VPN again pretty cool pretty nifty pretty neat whether it's something that you specifically need but that's the idea of what's going on so as you know I am Eli the computer guy this was cloud networking introduction as always I enjoyed teaching this class and I look forward to see at the next one
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 48,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy
Id: U7h2Pharcas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2013
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