Keyboard Shortcuts in blender (Node editor only)

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okay first things first since this is a video about no shortcuts pretty much everything I'm gonna see it's not gonna be true if you don't have node Wrangler enabled so go to add-ons in the Preferences alright so how do you get to the node editor you could go here or here rather and click on shader nail editor but you see these shortcuts here so just pressing shift f3 will get you there as well so how do you move around hold it down the middle mouse button will allow you to move around so okay first let's talk about some organizational shortcuts if I have this and I want to move it I can click and drag but I can also press the G sometimes it only works if you press the G G is for grab if you have multiple nodes selected then you want to bring them closer you can press s to scale it or maybe X just get out only along the X axes or sy to scale it along the y axis if you want to for example bring all of these on one line you can use rotate to try and bring them together like this then maybe select all and s along the x axis and then just like that there on one line and now if you want to have them equally spaced you can press shift equals which will space them out nicely like this okay um let's rotate this around and then scale them along the x axis bring this back here yeah so how do you select nodes um there's multiple options you can just click and drag for a box select you can press B to do the same thing and then if you hold down middle mouse button while dragging instead of using your left mouse click then you will deselect I'm the same for circle you can also hold down little mouse button to deselect and if you press ctrl alt you get a lasso select okay so sometimes you want to group things together but not in a node group then you can press shift P which adds in a frame and if you press f2 you get to rename something so let's change this to frame you can see it has an even if I want to change it again I can press f2 just like that now if I want to for example remove these nodes from the frame I can press alt p just like you would do in when on parenting something and then you can press Delete or X to the lead the frame right so one other thing is for example if I want to combine these two for example this and the viewer I can press F although it doesn't always work if the corrected time but in this case it connected here then to the delete is I'm holding out control and then my right mouse button which deletes these the connections just like a cut tool but for example so right here I'm holding down alt and then right mouse button to connect them I'll explain more about that later so if I want to add a reroute node you can hold down shift and then the right mouse button which adds in reroute and then this one you can see if I click and drag it's only going to try and add another connection so you have to press it you need to move it around so I talked about a node group so today to get a node group what you can do is you select some nodes that you want in your group and you press ctrl and then G and it adds a node group and then you can press tab if you have the node group selected to go and out of the node group and for example if you're out of the node group and you decide that you don't want this no go press ctrl alt and then G to remove the node group just like that great so how do you add node maybe the most important thing is shift it just like in the rest of blender you can see here it search for a node like I don't know mix RGB or something but you can also navigate the menus which what I usually do so another way to quickly add nodes is for example duplicating which you can do with shift D which duplicates node you can also press control C and then control V but this is less it's slower and usually it doesn't work the way you expect it to and for example if I want to combine these two there are multiple options for example if I press ctrl shift and then right right mouse drag it's going to connect them with a mixed shader just like that which is really useful if you're combining two colors or something like that if I want to combine these two I don't want to combine it with a mixture but just connect a node I hold down alt and then click and next you can see it gets red but let's say I want to connect the normal instead and then to the second node socket I'm pressing ctrl Z here to undo you can press ctrl shift and then drag and I meant sorry I'm at alt No yeah alt shift and then drag and it becomes blue and then you get an option okay I wanted to go from the normal to the color like that all right let's see what else so let's say I need to have 5 texture coordinate nodes what I can do is duplicate it and then if I have hold down press shift are it's going to repeat my last action and for example by box selecting and pressing sx0 they're going to make sure that they are all aligned if you press any of the rotate stuff the rotate grab our skill you can also hold down control so let's see and then it's going to try and snap it to the grid now let's say I want to combine all of these with um I don't know something like a multiply like a mix multiply you can press alt and then the multiply key sorry ctrl alt and then the multiply key and then it add it combines them all together for example if you want to combine this now with I don't know a math node like the math node and then set to multiply you can press control shift and then the multiply key but maybe I don't want to multiply key I want to change all of these to be divided instead you can press alt and then divide and it automatically batch changes it to divide or maybe I press alt coma or alt semicolon events on the keyboard shortcuts I mean it depends on the keyboard layout that you have so what I suggest you do is just press ctrl alt and then starts spamming keys on your keyboard to see which Keys do what and the same for ctrl shift and then it starts spamming keys now most of these shortcuts can actually be found when pressing shift W under the node Wrangler context menu the rappelled shift node type is a really useful one shift s so let's say I want to switch this node type I can press shift s and maybe I can change it to something like a texture checker texture just like that now right now these nodes are all collapsed and the way to do that is to press H so H toggles the collapse and if you want to move the unused note sockets you can press control age this helps you clean up for example all these take up a lot of space because if I press H and then control H as well you can see that they take up much less space and then I can scale them down with sy and then this is quickly coming a lot more organized so and maybe if I want a bit more space I can press shift equals to space them out nicely like that I'm trying to remember if I miss some things ok so right now the top one is going to the top one and the bottom one's going to the bottom one I press alt s it switches them around just like that and probably the most important thing that no regular offers is pressing ctrl shift and then left mouse click we'll connect this node to the viewer so if I switch this to Easi you can see it is giving the result of this one now they give me the result of this one and then the result of this one which is a great way to view the results right now this node so it was a new so I couldn't control shift with if I press ctrl H and then I can control shift click again and in the latest versions of blender for example if I group these all together with ctrl G you can now also press control shift click inside a node group which didn't work before and then let's say I tab out of the node group and I add in a new texture for annoyed texture and I now do this then you can see that the viewer node socket here was automatically reviewed removed so those are some of the shortcuts that I use there are lots of other shortcuts I've probably missed some important ones yes just as a side note I found this really funny I was looking through some shortcuts and I press ctrl shift shift G and it said select group but using this crashes blender but maybe not in the latest version and most of these shortcuts can be found in there the key map you just search nodes you can probably find most of the shortcuts that I was talking about and a lots of others so yeah that's all yeah so I did miss some important ones which I think it's worth it to add them here so again that for example add in a texture maybe an image texture well not an image texture because I don't have an image ready so let's say usually how this works is you need to change the mapping for this you can press ctrl T this will automatically the texture coordinate node and a mapping node and then you can change I'm pressing ctrl shift and you can change it like that something like that and if you have a principal shader so shader and then principal psdf press control shift T and it's going to open up the file browser like this and for example if I go to textures something like I don't know floor I select all of these it has all beedo normal and roughness it's automatically going to add the correct notes just like that and then I get the correct output really quickly so that's some important shortcuts so maybe I don't for example if I don't want the mapping node said of deleting it and then manually reconnecting you can press control X to delete node and another way to remove the node without with leaving the connections in tactus pressing alt and then clicking and then dragging and now if I press alt P I can remove it from the frame and then I still have the mapping node so I don't need to add it back again so yeah that's all
Channel: Wannes Malfait
Views: 2,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, nodes, math, shortcuts
Id: Wi8iV68Q-WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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