Blender 2.8 #0.1 : 25 New Keyboard Shortcuts #b3d

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Great Reference! Thanks!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OblivionGenesis 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2019 🗫︎ replies


Love this.

I'm having a hard time with clashing shortcuts and add ons.

Solution, no add ons. :P

perhaps a compatibility vid? :)

thanks for the great content.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ImMortalL1ght 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Looking forward to future 2.8 tutorials.

Right now I'm just learning to use 2.8 by watching your 2.7 tutorials and consulting google whenever I encounter a discrepancy between the two versions XP

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JakeDoubleyoo 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Now I'm happy I didn't pick up Blender until now.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Onehandisbroken 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is Colin and this video we're gonna be looking at blender 2.8 beta shortcuts it was about a month ago today that blender 2.8 beta came on the scene and with it came a bunch of new features and new keyboard shortcuts for us to get used to it so in this video I want to go over new shortcuts that are in this version of blender that you might not be used to that have changed or been added to blender since plent 2.79 there are about 22 new shortcuts and we're going to go over them a rapid-fire so let's go ahead and jump in of course if you like this video over learn something go ahead and click on that like button below this video it really helps me out and click on that subscribe button if you want see more videos like this one and blender and intact and click on that Bell icon to be notified whenever I upload a new tutorial and check out my facebook page at slash born CG on that page I post sneak peeks and previews of what I'm working on next you might have noticed that at the start of this video I have a new intro animation created a blender 2.8 and rendered in the new Eevee render engine but the music for that intro was created by Nicolas of the band lazy saviors here's a sample of one of our tracks [Music] their new album the reciprocity principle is out on iTunes and Amazon now check it out I'll put links in the description area below so let's go ahead and jump in I will note that in this video I'll be going over keyboard shortcuts as if you had left all of these quick setup settings on the blonde or 3.8 beta splash screen alone that means that you're using the blender shortcuts and not be old but are 2.7 shortcuts you're also using a select with left click yes but this effect what keyboard shortcuts you have available to you of course and you're using the spacebar to play and it does not matter what you're using for your theme but I'll just leave it at blender dark so number one is the spacebar if you press the spacebar now umberto 2.8 you get the play animation feature up under this used to be alt a on your keyboard in blur 2.7 and before but now I'm gonna go ahead and press the spacebar again space bar is now play and pause alt a will do something totally different we'll get to that in just a sec number two is control shift space of course and under if you press the spacebar you play and if you press the spacebar again you pause but what if you want to play backwards or play in Reverse for that you would press control shift space and that plays in Reverse it's just a handy keyboard shortcut I don't use a lot but it's there for you number three is f3 or the function 3 key on your keyboard will bring up search before in bug 2.7 and before if you press the spacebar it would bring up a search window well if the spacebar is now the play and pause feature they've moved the search function up to the function 3 key which is actually the industry standard in lots of other programs the function 3 key I'll press it right now brings up the search window and that's how you can search so if want to know how to or you can't rember how to insert a keyframe you can type in an insert and there it is insert keyframe you can start here with the f3 key number 4 is shift space for the tools quick menu or pop over over your mouse of course 10.8 has this new toolbar with all access to all these tools and of course if you press tab to go into edit mode you get different sets of tools same if you're sculpting or something like that well if you want to quickly access one of these tools without having to move your mouse all the way over here and slow did you compress the shift key and the spacebar together and it'll bring up a popover which lets you quickly select from any of the tools that you currently have in your tool shelf of course if you're in a different mode like edit mode you have more options and they also appear if you press shift + spacebar you get them here you'll notice that there are a bunch of keyboard shortcuts that you can access these tools with as soon as you bring this up and so you can press you know shift space and then em and that will bring up the measure tool so again that Shift + space number 5 is a and alt a for selecting and deselecting in previous versions of blender if you press the a key on your keyboard with your mouse in a 3d view port window you would select everything in your scene and if you press a again it's actually like a toggle to deselect everything but now I'm pressing it deselect and it's not working or a again and it's not working that's because the a key is select only if you press alt a on your keyboard it deselects so now a has a single function and alt a has a single function this is more in line with other tools on Bunder like hide if I select an object and press H on my keyboard it hides an object and if I want to unhide that object I press alt H it's more in line with that so a is select and alt a is deselect but number six is a twice AAA and what that does is it kind of solves the problem of having to memorize that new a and alt a keyboard shortcut if you have something selected I'm gonna select this cube and you double tap a it'll actually deselect everything really quickly so now you had that same keyboard shortcut you don't hunt with your thumb to press the Alt key if you don't want to if you select something and you want deselect everything tap a twice and everything will be deselected number seven is the tilde key the tilde key on your keyboard is a little squiggly key that's from right next to your one key on your number o on your keyboard if you press it with your mouse in the 3d viewport you get a new pie menu which actually lets you select what view you want to see your 3d viewport from it's will only work again with your mouse in this 3d viewport but now if you press the tilde key you can go and see your top view and it will automatically switch by default to the top or third view and then if you will orbit with your mouse wheel press down it'll go back into perspective so the tilde key it's a really handy keyboard shortcut especially for our beginners to be able to quickly go into the view of their choice but of course it's a pie menu which means that if you press it's key and then you immediately quickly swipe with your mouse without pressing any mouse buttons to one of the directions it'll switch into that direction automatically so I'm gonna actually press escape on my keyboard I'm gonna press the tilde key and then immediately swipe to the left and it'll actually go to the left view in my 3d viewport so 1 2 3 I pressed the tilt key and I move my mouse quickly to the left and it automatically went to my left view this works for any direction and it works pretty naturally if I press the tilde key and swipe up it goes to my top view if I press the tilde key or tilde key and swipe down it should go to my bottom view and what else is there well I can go to my back front camera to the bottom left and view select that's really handy so again that's the tilde key for the different views that you can have in your 3d viewport window I'm gonna keyboard shortcut that brings up another very handy pie menu is the control tab keyboard shortcut that brings up your modes options so if I press control tab on my keyboard with a mesh object selected it it'll bring me up the different modes that I can go into for that object of course a mesh like my cube has object mode and edit mode kind of the two basic modes but meshes also have weight paint vertex paint texture paint and sculpt mode so these are easily accessible with control tab on your keyboard number nine are the 1 2 and 3 keys when you're in edit mode of a mesh if I press tab to go into edit mode of this default cube if I want to switch quickly between the vertex mode edge mode and face select mode that's now the 1 2 & 3 keys on my keyboard you can see that up there change press 1 it goes to vertex select mode I can select vertices on my mesh of course if I want to go and select edges I could press 2 and then faces I can press 3 and I can select faces let's 1 2 & 3 in edit mode number 10 is control space to maximize your current editor window if I have a mouse in the 3d viewport window and if I press ctrl and the spacebar it'll maximize that single editor window in blender to be almost full screen it'll maximize it to take up most of the viewport but I still have my file menu I still have my toolbar at the top I still have my tool shelf of course because that's part of a 3d viewport I press control space again it'll bring back all my other window so control space will maximize any editor window that your mouse is currently in so if I want to bring up my outliner went out for some reason to make it full screen or almost full screen I can press control space I know my mouse is in that window and it'll make that maximize and same keyboard shortcut again to unmask my zit number 11 is ctrl alt space to a full screen any window that your mouse is currently in if I press ctrl alt space on my keyboard it'll actually make that editor window into full screen mode and again ctrl alt space well unfold screen that window this is different the last keyboard shortcut control space or I still have my file menu and the tool bar if I press a control space to unmask imide bat window and I press ctrl alt space that will actually get rid of that toolbar and I can have a true full screen mode for that and every window that I'm currently in and as always if my mouse in some other window and I press ctrl alt space it will full screen and that different menu so it's not just or that screen so it's not just the 3d View window it can be any window editor that your mouse is currently in number 12 is a shift on any of the function keys on your keyboard to switch and other window types if I have a mouse in the large 3d viewport window and I want to switch it into any of the other kinds of windows that I have access to of course you can do that manually with your mouse by clicking on this little menu in any of the editor windows and you can change to any other kind of editor window but there are keyboard shortcuts for this so if I press escape or just move my mouse over that and I press shift and f1 on my keyboard it'll switch this window because my mouse was in this window to a file what is this called it's a file browser window so let's keep on going with a mouse in this window still if I press shift F 2 it brings up the tracking or movie clip editor window shift and f3 brings up the material or shader editor node editor window and I press shift F 3 again I believe it toggles between the different kinds of note editors because in letter 3.8 the node editors are now three different types we have the shader editor the compositing editor which are both nodes as well as the texture node editor those are all three different no dinners that are all shift of f3 so they toggle through those three shift f4 brings up the Python console which I never use shift f5 brings up the 3d viewport shift f6 brings up the graph editor and I press it again I believe it switches over to the driver editor which again are separate windows now graph editor and drivers shift f7 on my keyboard it brings up the properties window shift f8 brings up the sequencer window or the video editor in blender and of course you can switch between the sequencer the preview or both so you have a video editor here shift f9 on my keyboard it goes to the outliner window which is the same as up here shift f10 brings up my UV image every window and I believe shift f10 will toggle between the two different modes we have yeah and the icons I'm not familiar with them yet we have the image editor window and the UV editor window which are now separated in a newer release of the blender beta if you down a little debate a few weeks after it first came out you'll notice that we have now two separated windows out there both shift f10 shift f11 on my keyboard brings up the script editing window and shift f12 brings up the dope sheet and I believe if you press shift f12 again it'll toggle between the timeline and the dope feet so let's the shift key along with any of the function keys on your keyboard number 13 is control and the tilde key and that will show or hide the transform manipulator in your 3d viewport window or am I talking about here well if you're using one of the mover rotate or scale tools you'll notice that you get a little set of handles whether they're arrows or circles or hoops or are a little aligns with squares on them these are called transform manipulator gizmos and if you don't want to see them on your screen because I maybe get in the way of what you're doing you can press control tilde on your keyboard and that will hide it and if you press control tilde it will show it you can do the same thing by going up to the overlays a menu at the top and you can unselect active tools that will do the same thing or you can actually hide all gizmos and that would include things like that little display up here and all your controls but you might not want to do that you might just want to hide the controls that you're currently working with on the object that you have selected so if you want to hide just that active Tools gizmo again its control and the tilde key on your keyboard that toggles it back and forth number four tina is all to see on your keyboard and that will toggle x-ray mode if you're looking at a mesh and you want to not just see the surface of the mesh but you want to see through the mesh to the other side you might want to press alt Z on your keyboard to enable x-ray mode yes you can do that by pressing this little two square button up on your menu you can just click it that will disable or enable the x-ray mode but again alt Z on your keyboard will do that for you with a keyboard shortcut number 15 is alt shift Z on your keyboard to enable or disable overlays in your 3d viewport if I press alt shift and Z on my keyboard it turns off all of those overlays on my screen if I press alt shift and Z again on my keyboard it brings them back so at the toggle yes you can do this again by pressing this little overlap circle button next to overlays and that'll do the exact same thing but alt shift Z does the same thing with a keyboard shortcut number 16 is shift and the tilt key to enter fly through mode I rarely ever use this but if you want to go and kind of zoom through your scene like you're playing a video game well you can press shift and the tilt key on your keyboard and then your mouse becomes kind of a controller in like a first-person shooter kind video game and you can look around your scene but as with like a video game you can press the W a s and D keys to move around so the W key will move forward and I believe if you hold shift it'll let you move fast so now I'm moving really quickly through my scene if I just stopped that and point to me in the other direction you'll see I'm pointing back and I can press W or shift and W to move quickly of course if I want to move left and right I can press a and D and s will also move backwards also with the shift key and I believe if you press Q and E they move up and down in your space so that's the shift and the tilt key on your keyboard you can press escape to exit that mode and you can press shift tilde and you can move your mouse around just like that number 17 is control H to isolate objects by collection which hides an entire set of collections except for the one that you're currently in to demonstrate this I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to add I'll press shift a on my keyboard I'm gonna add a monkey to my scene and I'm gonna use the move tool and move it over I'm gonna press M on my keyboard just to move the selected object into a new collection so the M key brings up this new move to collection menu it's a popover menu and I'm gonna select new collection I'm gonna name this monkey C for monkey collection and I'll press ok so now I've got two collections in my scene I'm gonna press shift again I'm gonna add in ecosphere I'll move it over here and I'll press M on my keyboard again with that ecosphere selected I'm gonna make a new collection I'm gonna type ISO C for the name of that collection so now I have three collections I've got all these starting objects in the first one that's just name collection I've got a monkey see a collection and in echo C collection if I'm working on let's say at the cube and I don't want anything else to bother me that's not in the current collection just my default collection I can press ctrl H on my keyboard and I can say hide objects by collection and if I select collection it'll actually hide the other collections and I press ctrl H again I can bring them back really easily or I can just click these eyes really easily so what control H does is when you bring it up it'll actually let you say which collection you want to keep on the screen by clicking on it so if I want to keep only the ecosphere collection on my screen I can press ctrl H and select it and it'll isolate that one I can unselect or click the eyes again to bring the other ones back up number 18 are the number row keys on your keyboard to again isolate collections the number of keys on your keyboard in blender 2.79 and before used to isolate layers in your 3d viewport well layers are gone but now if you press the number row keys in your keyboard not the numpad keys but the ones at the top your keyboard they will isolate collections by order in your outliner window so if I mouse over in the three viewport if I press the 1 key on my keyboard it will isolate the first collection in this list if I press 2 it'll isolate the second one 3 isolates the third one and so on and so forth so the member keys are very helpful if you're managing a large scene with lots of collections number 19 is the C key on your keyboard to make a new collection now you might be thinking to yourself the C key isn't that the keyboard shortcut for circle select and yes it is if you tap C when your mouse is in the 3d viewport window you get that circle on your mouse and you can scroll up and down you can circle paint things and it's not very good anymore because you now have this key up here or the selection active tool up here so I'm going to press escape instead if you wanna make a new collection if you put your mouse in the outliner window and then you press C on your keyboard it just makes a new collection and then you can double click on it and then you can type a name for it 4th collection and now you're free to add any objects in your scene to it so again the C key your mouse has to be in the outliner window for this to work to make a new collection number 20 is shift M on your keyboard of course if you select an object in your scene and you want to move it into another collection you can press the M key on your keyboard but one of the cool features about collections and one or two point eight is the fact that you can have the same object instanced or reference pardon me in other collection so you can have the same object in multiple collections how do you do that well right now my monkey head is only in the monkey C collection if I hide it it's gone but if I select the monkey head and I press shift M on my keyboard it brings up this new link to collection a pop over menu and I can select let's say another collection this fourth collection for that item to be a member of so if I acid know if I hide this fourth collection it hides the monkey head because the monkey head is part of both the monkey I see that number two collection in this outliner window and the fourth collection and you notice that it hides this entire monkey C collection because it's the only object in that collection if I were to let's say I select that collection and add another object to it let's say a cone and I were to select the monkey head and press H on my keyboard it would only hide it here and this entire collection because again it has only that object in it so shift m on your keyboard will let you instance or put any link objects into multiple collections number 21 is the f2 or function to key on your keyboard if you press f2 on your keyboard it'll bring up the file context menu pop-up menu and what this lets you do is very quickly open a file or make a new file from wherever your mouse currently is in the 3d port so f2 will let you make a new file or open a different file but it'll also very quickly let you a link or append other three objects from other under files into this blender file I'm not gonna demonstrate that but here it is it's the file context menu it's kind of a quick version of the file menu and some the most common things you can do with files right at your fingertips again that's f2 on your keyboard number 22 is f4 on your key word number f3 is search but f4 on your keyboard is the window context menu and here you can quickly make a new window again you can have multiple or at least two windows in but if click new window now it brings up another blender window that's great I can f4 is kind of a quick shortcut wherever your mouse is to this window menu if I press f4 I also get a new main window option I could also split my window into so it's kind of anything to do with the view or layout of blender on your screen number 23 the period key on your keyboard is now the keyboard shortcut to change the pivot point of your selected object or objects right now if I were to have two objects that I'm working with I'm gonna press shift a on my keyboard and add oh let's say I UV sphere and if I were to move that over if I have two objects selected of course I can hold shift do that I can just shift and click on something the gizmo on my screen the transformer manipulator tool will be in the median point between those two objects in the middle but if I don't want that to be the case I can press the period key on my keyboard and that will bring up a pie menu let me select where I want the pivot point to be the default is median point and yes you can change that I'm gonna press escape on my keyboard the menu for this is up here you can still do it this way but again the period key is a keyboard shortcut it'll be handy for you if I might change the pivot point to the active element that means the last or most recently selected objects of multiple objects in this case I selected I think the cube laughs I think let's see if I try that again yes and I press R on my keyboard it doesn't rotate from the middle point between those two that's where my gizmo is if I move it you'll see my cuticles right there let's say if I press the P key what else is there well I can select let's say a 3d cursor and now if I tap R on my keyboard it'll rotate around wherever my 3d cursor is that's great so that's the period key to bring up that pivot point pie menu number 24 control page up and ctrl page down will cycle through your work spaces in your current file if you have an extended keyboard on your computer that means you've got the extra mower pad and the extra little buttons like page up page down home things like that on your keyboard this will be handy for you if you want to quickly move between your work based tabs you don't have to move your mouse all the way up he'll talk and click on them you can press control and page down will go to the left so I switched from layout to modeling and I press ctrl page down again it'll go to sculpting UV editing whatever I have up at the top it'll kind of go through them one by one and it'll loop back at the beginning again control page up will go in the opposite direction it'll move left and cycle through all the active workspaces well it's a very handy one control page up and page down last up number 25 is the W key to rotate between your different selection tools on your new toolbar and left hand side of a 3d viewport if I press the W key on my keyboard it will rotate between the box select tool the circle slack tool which is great it kind of replaces the C key on your keyboard and it's better you should play with it the W key will also let me get the freeform selection tool just like that the W key again brings me back to my basic selection tools left click to select things and it'll bring me back to the box left tool but me box like things this is great you'll use them all the time that's the W key it cycles between all three different selection tools in the new blender toolbar so that will be for this video thanks for watching if you like this video of course click that like button loads video on YouTube it really helps me out if you want to see more videos like this one in blunt end in tech click on that subscribe button as well and click on that Bell icon to be notified whenever I upload a new tutorial of course check out my facebook page at you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 72,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, tutorial, lesson, 3D, model, modeling, modelling, beginner, eevee, blender 2.8
Id: l8NqCUqJGy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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