Key & Peele - The Telemarketer - Uncensored

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[chatter on TV] [phone ringing] Hello, this is Gavin. (Colin) Hi, Gavin, my name is Colin Valenti. I'm calling from Master Travel Incorporated to tell you about an exciting limited-time offer, exclusive Las Vegas getaway. Can I have a few moments of your time to tell you about this new package? You know what, I would love to, but I just don't have the time. [phone beeps] Hello? Hello? [disconnect tone] Hm. [touch tones beeping] [line trilling] [phone ringing] (Colin) This is Colin Valenti, Master Travel Incorporated. How may I be of service? Hi, Colin Valenti. My name is Gavin. I think we just talked. Did we get disconnected? (Colin) Yeah, no--I mean, yeah, I hung up on you. Why would you do that? I mean, are you even-- Are you even allowed to do that? (Colin) Were you going to buy the Las Vegas package? Well, I mean, probably not, but that's not the point. (Gavin) The point is-- [phone beeps] What the hell? [touch tones beeping] [line trilling] (Colin) This is Colin-- Yeah, Valenti. Listen. (Gavin) I don't know what crawled up your ass and set up shop there, but you don't get to hang up-- [phone beeps] [gasps] What? Oh, my g-- [line trilling] [phone ringing] (Colin) What the fuck do you want? What is your deal, huh? (Colin) Um, you don't want the Vegas package, so I don't want to talk. I did us a favor, wasting our time here. (Gavin) Stop, stop, don't you dare hang up that fucking phone, okay? (Colin) Why shouldn't I? Why shou-- What if I wanted the Vegas package? Wha--you know what? I want the Vegas package. (Colin) Sure you do. [phone beeps] What? You motherfucker! Oh, my God! You son of a bitch. [line trilling] (Colin) Come on, man, let it go. Fuck you, man! Fuck you! I want five fucking packages! Right now--you know what? (Gavin) You know what? Where's my wallet? This is my credit card number, right here. Okay, listen. Get fucking off me. My credit card number is 0074-5403-0098. The expiration date is 12-20! And then--and then the-- oh, yeah! The security number is 084! So run the damn card right now! Right fucking now! You run it right fucking now, asshole! [suspenseful music] (Colin) Thank you for your business. Well, I hope you learned your le-- [phone beeps] [gasps] [screaming] These new call scripts are really great. Yeah, I know, right? [phone rings] What the fuck do you want, Kathy?
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 22,205,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Key & Peele, Jordan Peele, Keegan Michael Key, Key and Peele, telemarketer, keey & peele, Key & Peele episodes, Colin Valenti, advertising, phones, rage, comedy central, comedians, comedy central comedians, comedy, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips, hilarious videos, key & peele telemarketer, key and peele telemarketer, movie trailer parody, what telemarketers are like, funny phone call, annoying phone call, phone scams, prank calls, annoying calls
Id: gMrNQbW5Am8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2015
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