KENYA | Trip of a lifetime
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Channel: MrBrynnorth
Views: 1,094,957
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Keywords: kenya, magical kenya, visit kenya, kenya travel, ben brown, visual vibes, kenya visual vibes, masai mara, great migration, wilderbeest, lake bogoria, flamingo, gh5 travel, landrover kenya, road trip kenya, africa travel, road trip, nairobi, camping masai mara, kenyan tribe, river crossing, african adventure, mount kenya, lake nakuru, lumix gh5, kenya film, land rover kenya, land rover road trip, trip of a lifetime, kenya trip, africa trip, africa 2018, kenya 2018
Id: gTEXJsw62iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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