Top 10 Places To Visit in Tanzania - Travel Guide

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what's up guys my name is Ryan and I just returned from an adventure of a lifetime exploring an incredible country at Tanzania and I want to share with you my favorite places and experiences so here's my Tanzania top 10. [Music] [Music] located in East Africa near the equator Tanzania is one of the best countries to visit in all Africa from going on some of the world's best safaris to the tallest freestanding mountain in the world Tanzania has so much to offer me and my buddy Ellis van Jason spent two weeks exploring the wonders of Tanzania and I can't wait to share this video with you now to get to Tanzania we flew into kilimanjaro's airport and got picked up by our guides Eddie and Fahad with Safari goats and started our Tanzania Adventure the first place we went was Lake Natron now to get here it was a long five-hour drive on dirt roads with Incredible Landscapes we saw giraffes zebras and wildebeest on the way there when we arrived to Lake Natron we paid a fee to the local tribe to enter the area and then we headed to our lodge where we stayed in these tents in the bush after we settled in we headed down to the lake and I was just absolutely Blown Away by the scenery here now Lake Natron is known worldwide for being home to one of the largest Flamingo populations it's a Salt Lake and has been called the deadliest Lake on Earth mainly because not a lot of animals can survive in these salty Waters but the flamingos flourish as they are protected from most predators and feed on the algae in the water it was just the most epic place with the flamingo flying and the surrounding scenery at the end of the day I experienced one of the best sunsets of my life the clouds turned into this cotton candy color and I got this insane shot of the wildebeest just walking around I mean this place is truly amazing after Lake Natron we decided we wanted to Summit the volcano called odono lengai with a height just under 3000 meters it's known as the Mountain of God by the local tribes and after climbing it I totally get why it has that name to begin the hike we started at midnight I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into but it ended up being one of the hardest hikes of My Life The Climb was literally straight up the side of the volcano and was crawling on my hands and knees towards the end because it was so steep but right around 6am we made it to the top and the Sun started to climb Over the Horizon and I just couldn't believe my eyes I was standing on the volcano's rim and the crater was absolutely huge it had this black bubbling lava inside and it's said to be some of the coldest lava in the realm now Not only was his creator amazing but I was just blown away by the surrounding views I could see the landscape extend forever as it was being kissed by the Golden Light Of The Sun It's A View I'll never forget the volcano was just so loud you could hear the Earth groaning and it sounded like a thunderstorm after resting for about 30 minutes I got some strength and hiked along the volcano's rim to Alice and his brother sarin as I walked through the other side I got one of my all-time favorite shots as I was standing on the volcano's Rim overlooking the scenery below it reminded me of the quote in Lion King where Mufasa says the Simba everything the light touches is our kingdom it was one of the most powerful views I've ever seen in my life after I headed back to the other side of the volcano and Ellis was getting the craziest SUV shots down into the lava of the crater I were just this dark bubbling mud and it was such a spectacle to see our guide Elijah recommended that we headed back after spending about two hours on the top to avoid the midday Sun the Trek was beautiful on the way down when we reached our car it was about noon so it took us 12 hours in total even though it was one of the hardest physical challenge I've ever done it was hands down one of my all-time favorite travel experiences now afterwards we're gonna head to Arusha now if you're flying into Kilimanjaro airport Arusha is the closest big city and it's just looking about 20 minutes from the airport I was really impressed with Arusha it's this decent sized city that is super Lush with fairly cool temperatures there's a lot to do in and around the city one really cool place near Arusha is the napuru waterfall it's situated in the Maru forest and it's located about 30 minutes from Central Arusha now the area up here is amazing it's a lush rainforest full of giant trees and beautiful vegetation to get down the waterfall it's a relatively easy hike that only takes about 30 minutes the trail is absolutely beautiful I felt like like I was walking into the garden even down there the last part you stroll through this Stone Gorge and then you reach the waterfall I was just surprised how tall it was when we were there the current wasn't too strong but the Falls is much stronger during other parts of the Year Ellison is fpv drone into the waterfall and got some of the coolest slow motion shots flying through the water droplets if you're in Arusha I highly recommend coming here for a nice day trip after we're gonna visit Mount Kilimanjaro this may be the most iconic place in Tanzania in all Africa located in the northern part of the country right next to the Kenya border Gita Manjaro is the highest peak in Africa and is also the tallest freestanding mountain in the world with an elevation of 5895 meters what's great about Kilimanjaro is that you can hike it without any technical climbing gear basically just walk to the top the track takes anywhere from 5 to 10 days depending on the route the longer the Trek the higher chances you have to Summit because it allows your body to acclimatize through the high altitude and low levels of oxygen while while we were there we went to the part Gates and hiked in the rainforest at the bottom I was just so Lush and beautiful inside there now as you scale up the mountain the scenery changes into totally different climate it goes from a lush rainforest to the Heather and Moreland Zone than the Alpine desert and as you reach the summit it's the Arctic Zone I wasn't able to climb Kilimanjaro on this trip but I plan to summon it when I come back I know it would be adventure of a lifetime another amazing mountain to climb in Tanzania is Mount meru it's the second tallest mountain in the country with a height of 4562 meters it's a Dorma volcano and takes about three to four days to summon now many people might Overlook Mount meru but if you want to experience less people and have a more affordable Adventure compared to Kilimanjaro Mount meru is worth it now similar to Kilimanjaro you're gonna hike through different climate zones but some is just absolutely amazing up there you'll get an amazing view of Kilimanjaro in the distance it's easily one of the most underrated Summits in all of Tanzania afterwards we're going to visit the usum our Mountains located about six hours drive from Arusha the usenbar mountains are one of the most beautiful yet undiscovered places in Tanzania my buddy Jackson Groves hiked over 80 kilometers through these mountains starting from Le choto and ending in matai and I'll link his video in the description below if you want to explore the usamara mountains you'll most likely start in the town of lushoto if you decide to do a hike you can hire a local guide to take you through the mountains or if you're really adventurous you can do it yourself on your Trek you might run to local Wildlife such as monkeys or the shy chameleon the one place that has incredible Viewpoint near lushoto is the irente Viewpoint it offers a just spectacular view of the Lush usambar mountains another Scenic spot is near the town of Mambo and it's called the realt Viewpoint and just offers some phenomenal views of this special place in Tanzania afterwards we're going to venture off of tanzania's Mainland to visit tropical Zanzibar located about 25 kilometers off of tanzania's Coast Zanzibar is an archipelago made up of two main islands if you love crystal clear waters white sand beaches and just tropical Vibes you'll really enjoy Zanzibar now the best time to come here would be from June to October when it's outside the rainy season when I imagine Tanzania I certainly don't think of incredible beaches and Tropical Islands but Zanzibar has it all I wasn't able to see Zan's bar this trip but when I come back I want to give Zanzibar a visit after we're going to venture to Lake manyara National Park it's located about three hours drive from Arusha the National Park is home to this huge Lake that boasts all sorts of animals one thing that I thought was really interesting about lake manyar is that it's home to tree climbing Lions we stay just outside the park at this place called megambani campsite it was this Haven located high up in the valley and it had this pool that had a phenomenal view of lake manyara afterwards we're gonna head to the angorogoro crater when it comes to a combination of Wildlife and natural beauty and gorogoro crater is one of the most impressive places in all of Tanzania the crater is over 6 16 kilometers wide and is the biggest Intec Caldera in the world inside the crater there's basically every single Safari animal from Arusha it's about a three hours drive to nagorogora's Gates once we were there our guides paid the entrance fee and we headed into the conservation area after the gate there's no pay Rose to keep the habitat wild for all the animals we even saw an elephant just chilling on the side of the road now just 10 minutes from the gate is this Lookout Point it offers one of the best elevated views of the entire crater I mean the area is just massive and it's a while to think that this was once an active volcano you can drive down to the crater you send about 600 meters to reach the floor and you'll find all sorts of animals living there it's truly a Wonder for our final destination we're going to visit the Serengeti National Park when it comes to the African safari the Serengeti is easily one of the best places in the world to see all of Africa's wildlife and its Glory from millions of wildebeests running during the Great Migration to Pride to Alliance relaxing on the Rock Island the Serengeti is The Lion King in real life to reach the Serengeti there's a few ways you can go about it you can make this six hour drive from arucha which is what we did or you can also fly into the serenera airstrip now I'm not going to light this Serengeti wasn't cheap every day it costs a good chunk of money to be in there but it's 100 worth it as for lodging if you're on a budget you can stay in a tinted campsite and on the luxury end there's a ton of options we see that the Four Seasons for a couple nights and I had to say it's one of the coolest places I've ever stayed it's situating this just green Wonderland full of trees and so many animals when you arrive to the lodge you'll enter the gates and then you'll be greeted by a Maasai warrior who escorts you to your room he was telling us how sometimes animals will jump up on the boardwalk which I thought was so cool now the room was absolutely amazing and from the deck I could see animals such as zebras cape buffalo and Impalas I think the highlight of the Four Seasons is its pool area there's this water hole in front of the pool that attracts the wildlife I remember seeing this picture of people in the pool with elephants in the background and that's what made me want to come here now since it was the rainy season a lot of the animals didn't need the water as much but during the dry season I guess tons of animals come to the water hole to get a drink overall what I loved about the four seasons was just how integrated it was with nature whether you were walking to your room or just relaxing on your deck you're bound to see some animals so if you're looking for a place to say I definitely recommend the Four Seasons now one activity you should consider doing is taking a hot air balloon Safari we went with Serengeti balloon Safari and we woke up at 4am and drove to our launching site they were filling up that balloon with hot air and I just couldn't believe how big it was they told me it's the third biggest hot air balloon model in the world now to get in the hotter balloon the basket is laying flat on the ground and you jump in as a balloon fills up with air the basket slowly rotates to the upright position in total it held 16 passengers so it was really huge once you're in the air it's the weirdest feeling because it's absolutely silent up there except for the sound of the fire heating up the air it was the coolest thing just looking for animals on the Savannah we saw some hippos and lots of other Wildlife at the very end of our tour we got pretty high up and could see an incredible 360 view of the Serengeti after we descended and we light it in the middle to Savannah we celebrated with some champagne or mango juice with the captain and then we had a luxury full English breakfast in the bush I mean honestly it was an amazing experience and if you can I highly recommend doing it while you're in the Serengeti now my all-time favorite thing to do miss Serengeti was going on game drives every day we'd wake up and be out from sunrise to sunset witnessing so many incredible moments one thing that I thought was so interesting about the Serengeti was that it had different areas with certain types of Landscapes and Wildlife for example there's this one place that had short green grass with termite mounds and that's where we saw a majority of the Cheetahs there was also these fast planes and that's where the millions of wildebeest and zebras were one of my favorite features of the scaringetti was the copias there were these Stone islands and there was almost always Lions on them just imagine Pride Rock from The Lion King but this was real life now one of my favorite experiences was just watching these two lionesses play near copia during sunset they had a bunch of cubs who were hiding on top it was truly magical just watching them Frolic and play in the grass now since we were there during the rainy season we had these massive thunderstorms almost every day they meet for some of the most epic scenery but it's also a little terrifying when it starts to rain and you're deep in the bush and have to try to not get stuck on the muddy roads one time we went to see this line that was chilling on top of a tree and there was this massive thunderstorm that was coming in we underestimated how bad the storm was and almost got stuck and had to spend the night in the bush our guide Eddie is the best driver in all of Tanzania and he got us out safely as we were driving back to the Four Seasons we escaped the thunderstorm and found self experiencing the craziest Sunset of the trip there was this Fireball in the sky with huge just lightning bolts just striking the Serengeti and to make it even better there was a herd of zebras just grazing in front of it I mean I seriously can't believe those conditions we got it was the perfect way to enter time at the Serengeti well that is it for my Tanzania top 10. it was easily one of my favorite trips I've ever been on I'm just itching to come back now special thanks to our tour guides Eddie and Fahad from Safari goats they made it the trip of a lifetime and I didn't have to worry about the logistics of the trip such as where we're gonna eat or sleep and it made everything so much more enjoyable I'll link their website in the description below so you can book a trip with them it's not sponsored or anything I just had an amazing time and I couldn't recommend them enough also huge shout out to my buddy Ellis van Jason for bringing me along the trip he's one of the world's best fev pilots and it was incredible to witness him in the field he's made some phenomenal cinematic videos of Tanzania and I'll link them in the description as well let me know where your favorite places in Tanzania in the comments below you can find me on Instagram and Tick Tock at shirley.films it's Ryan and we will see you later [Music] foreign
Channel: Ryan Shirley
Views: 780,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tanzania, Tanzania Travel Guide, top places to visit in tanzania, tanzania africa, tanzania serengeti, where to visit in Tanzania, Tanzania Travel
Id: piQGmbBbE2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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