Kenshi | A System to Survive | Let's Play Kenshi Gameplay Part 8

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eyes east from morning to dusk east is all rust hilt can think about the hub and squint have been a bastion of hope for rust hilt Ruka and Hobbs but deep within the belly of his very soul rust Hilton stirs uneasy he did not start to wander the wastes to settle down as an ore miner for some town who regularly chastises him for being the race that he is no rust he'll still feels the echoes of his parents screaming for vengeance in his dreams East look beyond the hills to a small settlement perhaps out that way they'll find some new friends but just as likely our enemies in wait to kill them or enslave them or long-forgotten technology from the ancients that they could use or sell possibilities that's what lies east in the end it doesn't matter rust hilt must know [Music] this is all our friends can think about and it's all the only thing I can think about as well what lies here in this tiny settlement that's been my goal for a while and will be the goal I believe for this particular episode or at least recording session to get ourselves in a particular situation where we feel comfortable sending at least a couple people out that way the question is what exactly we want or need in order to feel comfortable heading out that way so we got to start with the basics Russell Luke and Hobbes are doing what they always do planning planning what they're going to be doing when they head east or how they're going to do it and the first thing that comes to mind is money they have a source of cash it's ore and it's just outside the city walls and it's pretty safe to go about that way however it's been tedious to grab what they can and then sell it after they get their backpacks full the constant need to pay close attention to everything that's being done in order to make enough money if there is only a way we can automate it and then an idea strikes well we did just do a bunch of research and that research is going to allow us to store some things so what we're gonna want is maybe to store copper it's only going to take one iron plate to do it but as long as we have a place to store copper I'm told we can start actually automating the process of mining an exciting prospect for all of them now well you'd have to dedicate one of our three friends here to be doing that but it's something we can make we can we can kind of make work so if we confirm that is there anything over there yeah okay there it is I don't know if we have any metal plates right now iron plates rather but we have some money I know you're not many building supplies hobbs is just mad that we even thought that we were gonna put anything there without having any building supplies but i mean we have some money and we need to be buying those supplies so let's see if we can grab ourselves some metal plates from maybe the closest general store we'll only send out as of right now stilt to do it and the meanwhile Ruka and and Hobbs can kind of just keep doing what they're doing if we can get this up and running and automate the process we might be able to send Hobbs to be the one to take care of its as he has the backpack that will allow him to stack as needed as far as I know that's how it's gonna work anyway so we'll take a steel bar and that took us a lot of our money about $800 800 cans that's kind of insanely high gears robotic components all things that I'm very eager to mess with at some point but for now for now we can't really worry about that too much we have to kind of take things one one step at a time so no building materials wait it needs building materials iron plates do not just buy our employees I just bought steel bars got it well that's not what I was looking for I need iron plates can we get any iron plates is that something that we have available to us in squinter is that something we have to make a trek for iron plates armor plating that's not what I'm looking for iron plates there we go that wasn't actually that expensive the iron bars were a tad bit more expensive but we can actually throw those iron bars into our storage little keeping pile here that they call organized and rucas currently guarding but isn't all that organized now we have to figure out if automating this is exactly as we'd like it to work so let's go and speed things up a bit and we're gonna get a little excited inside I'm a little excited deep down because this could be kind of neat so I'm gonna take hobbes and bring him over here now how does this work max capacity a hundred so we have to add jobs so if we hold the shift key when giving an order so we'll say Hobbes I want you to mine here and then when you're done hauling the storage copper okay is that how it's gonna work I actually might have him sneak the whole time as well because it'll help up Epis stealth and them in the meanwhile ate some dried meat so we are gonna need some money that's gonna be the big thing but if this is all it's gonna take we could be good what if I do this okay that didn't up he's he's gathering one where are you going it's he off to stack it yes okay so he's gonna grab one at a time and do that I feel like that's a poor decision now it's just an it's an it's an interesting like question of mechanics will he grab it when it's fully stacked I think we let him go for now I think we let Hobbs kind of do his thing I'm gonna let him mine and in the meantime we need to get some more food so also we should be able to sell from here I guess okay he wants to haul it so it's basically somebody mines in somebody hauls so if I was to say haul copper to Ruka Ruka would run out grab the copper and then run it back we're gonna bag check imma find with that go ahead and showing my gear yep so rucas gonna stand over there and then every time there's a copper she runs out and grabs it I don't know if that's how I want it to go I I'm I understand the the thought process there but what if I just throw it onto him I can't see in my own house cuz there's nobody there I have to have somebody in the house okay why is this all down a floor please there we go so Hobbs we'll have you do that so now the question is how will this work once it's all stashed up will he just grab all of them maybe umm well we're gonna run into the bar let's slow things down a bit I know I tend to run things up pretty high speeds but the reason is is just a lot of down time in between we're just gonna buy all your dried meats I think I'm just gonna buy you out and I need to trade so you have some we'll give you three and then I need you to trade I heard a yelping like dying fighting happening nearby he's still he's still mining away he hasn't picked any of it up yet but for now rest till to grab some food he's gonna run it out to Hobbs while he's mining just to take care of him we all know he's out there breaking his back for us right now as we see if this is a viable way of making some money I'm kind of hoping it is but I do need to send him give him some food regardless so let's go ahead and send him a couple pieces of dried meat it's not gonna be great we might even want to look at fighting some goats if they ever come by again there may be the garu I think is what they're called anything that that walks by and we can drag into some some guards we might be able to scavenge a little bit off of their bodies that way so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a moment here and we'll well I'm gonna keep playing a little bit and will phase out here until I am good to continue I waive some personal guards set out here but I wanna I want to see if this is gonna work the way I think it's gonna work where he's gonna run it in at five so I will see you on the other side of this little experiment all right well it actually seems to be working he is he's mining up to five ooh he's mining up to five and then bringing all five into this little storage area so I need to figure out a way to easily sell this that's my next wonder but for now Hobbs is actually heading out and it seems as if a few nomads actually over here I don't know if he can do anything with the nomads but there's the nomad pack beast as well seems to be fine the nomads don't really do anything and then there's a goat that belongs to the nomads this is what we want to find if we can find a herd of wandering goats we may be able to kill them and mind them for food however this thing is horrifying to call it a goat might be a bit high praise but what passes for a goat here in this in the wastes is a different per and we've got a bunch of starving bandits this could prove very very dangerous a pack of nomads is crossing paths with a pack of starving bandits both heading into squid the starving bandits at any moment could just strike for food they are very unpredictable and usually they're only wandering around looking for food and the nomads are gonna have quite a lot of food as a squint as a whole but not a concern of rust hilts as he's gonna make his way out and grab some steel plates cuz we're going to do Oh interesting what we're gonna do is try and get a stove up and running now the rust plates have been expensive and food is becoming an absolute priority so I think with that being a you know how low we are on cash and needing needing to be able to at least get an oven up and running I think what we're gonna do is see if we can get rust hill to break in to this store here and if we can we will be able to maybe steal a couple of things or at least one thing all right slow it down ooh I heard a growl but we're alright we're gonna run up here and see if we can get this lockpick even if we can't it's gonna be good for our skills he's turned we're doing it right behind his back as he's watching the hungry bandits walk by we are no longer a focus pack beast was in the bar nomads probably made a stopover there move in to see if we can get this not particularly thrilled the idea of stealing right now though it's a matter of making food easily more easily accessible one of our biggest issues is scarcity of food regularly we don't have as much food at our disposal as we'd like so let's swing in here quiet and see if we can grab anything so let's pause and see what we've got looking around him he's looking for steel bars and immediately we actually have one we're gonna go over there and grab that while we can hopefully ideally before we get murdered okay the other thing I'd like to grab is maybe a first aid kit the leather is interesting but not particularly needed dried fish for food okay just some basic basic basic stuff stuff that's gonna cost us a lot monetarily that's just sitting out in the open again it's not something Russell likes to fall to pray to is stealing but there's little he can do when it's it's this needed so let's grab this last thing and let's get out of here let's sneak on out if we get our bags checked we're in a lot of trouble so restaurant needs to make it home quietly don't check my bags while I'm going back home alright put that down beautiful and now we should have two steel bars I'm sorry I need iron plates not steel bars okay cuz I'm dumb that's fine we're gonna stash stash stash - and I'm actually gonna stash that there and I'm gonna keep this food in my bag temporarily put that in there that in there I'll even put the no dachi in there I don't think I'm gonna be using it anytime soon well we grabbed some things that we may need at some point anyway let's look at tech real quick so the big thing for tech that we want we want tech level two we need a small house for that we're not gonna be well are we in a small house is what I'm looking for a shop counter so we need for building materials for a shop counter a shop counter will allow us to what sell things if the build if the building in town is open to public visitors and customers will come to buy things is that what I'm looking for here right I'm not quite sure if I'm gonna be able to auto sell copper but I have an idea instead of having him hauling it when it's full why don't I have Ruka where where where's my house why don't I have there it is Ruka automatically run it back and forth so Ruka will go and grab it all stash it every single time and then hobbs will continue to mine back and forth back and forth back and forth now I don't know if this is the right thing to do but I think it'll actually help for Ruka it will be whoa whoa whoa Ruka needs to talk yeah smuggling checks open your bags yeah yeah go ahead Veruca it'll be good because it will be strength training meanwhile hobbs is gonna have some mining and labouring training all the while and this can kind of be our back and forth run always getting copper kind of deposited over and over and over again and in the meantime rust hilt can kind of run over here take what he can grab and we're gonna go sell it and make some money and with luck we'll be able to restock our food supplies and this is gonna be kind of our the way we're gonna be prepping I think a lot of there we go our our journey we're ready to start a journey except there's nothing here the what happened let's double check it again I'm not quite sure she doesn't have anything on her yeah it's not there I don't understand okay um that's that's I don't understand looking for protection fragile flat skin who you callin fragile the fragile flat skin wishes to prove me wrong interesting uh let's see I all sudden this guy at the bar I remember seeing him before I mean I didn't talk to him and I missed him as I'm chatting with him he's actually having a conversation with me which is good because most most mercenaries don't tend to have a conversation they mostly just say how much so let's see what he says haven't got any skills mashek Warrior Flats can do you really need to ask uh that doesn't tell me how skilled you are or I lose the attitude and maybe we can work something out I changed for no one either hire me or you walk away and in a latter case you'll die a fool how much you charging anyway six thousand cats I will enjoy the challenge of keeping a fragile flat skin alive I hear you people get killed very easily and this supposed to make me feel better do you want to be protected or do you merely want your ego stroked because a Scheck does not do the latter uh I'm have enough money just a talkative just a talkative Merc nothing special unfortunately all right we need iron plates to get this thing up and running so that's what we're gonna be looking for here spending some time here in check but it's actually doing us some good I have to admit so we just want some iron plates they're not expensive we only need two of them so let's go ahead and swing out this way how's Hobbes doing as far as food you still got some food Ruka also got some food rust he'll let's swing him out this way the hero of our show called story so well yeah we actually have a stove here that we're gonna put together and with the stove I'm hoping we can actually start making things I'm really eager to see if we can get some food regular food stuffs going but the more things rustle starts putting into their house and the more he realizes a lot of attention needs to be paid to them as this technology does not serve itself more I realize he may need to bring on a fourth hand a fourth mercenary maybe it'll be one that sticks here and just goes back and forth while him and Ruka go to the east and wander out that way and see what the world has to offer or maybe that's who rust it will take east with him while Rukh and hobbes remain safe he wouldn't want his friends to die on his choices of course but that's a decision that he's not quite ready to make as they're still not entirely done setting things up we also need to set up some training dummies as well as a training lock-picking we now have a cooking stove input/output cue dried meat cooked veggies rice bowl rice weed and water green fruit and just in raw meat pretty basic food a plain two staple food nutrition of 25 but 10 rice weed feels like a lot green fruit we can make ourselves some cooked veggies not still not quite as easy as I would like it to be unfortunately for us but still there's still the need to set things up the need to make this place run at least a little bit better why don't we take all of this and go sell these raw irons that we've kind of just been sticking with and let's go ahead and sell these and then we can go buy some more steel plates so we can get everything properly set off the ability to practice lock picking and bring anybody who has low low skills in fighting would be good would be nice for us so let's go ahead and do that I think we're just going to buy out all of his armor plate or steel plating because we seem to be needing it a lot more than anticipated and I'm okay with that so we'll just go ahead and spend our money and again we're just trying to make as much money as we can as we do this and it's actually working on nicely Ruka going back and forth has been great with Hobbes not really doing much else unfortunately but with Hobbes out there just mining away I imagine his his stats have gone up quite considerably slit his laboring is that a solid 48 now his strength hasn't done too much Ruka going back and forth his has Earl athletics now going up to 35 almost at 35 and her strength has gone up to 20 so while it's it's laborious obnoxious work it is paying off for all of them and now we have a way to Train lock-picking and then we can come up here and get this training dummy up and we are out of iron plates now so we need more iron plates but we only need one so not a big deal and now we come over here and this will let us train up to ten lock-picking which doesn't really help us because we're at 16 it will help Ruka and it will help hobbes but we can actually swing over and I think whoops I hadn't mean to do that but that's okay we'll see what we can actually see him work on it and he pops in here and actually starts training which is fine to have him here because we actually need to trade him some food anyway so let's go ahead and send him some food that he can stack up on ya and you can just sit here and train away to his heart's content this will get him up to a lock-picking of eight if we want Oh might as well let him let him hit that eight mark there you go and we can just send him out and he's gonna go out and do that and I rust he'll can take all of these and we can go sell him before he wants to automatically put them back like he weirdly has been wanting to good to see you again good to see you too sir I'm here to sell off all my copper because it's worth not a great amount but enough um let's see maybe we can get some more steel plates from the armored armory and weaponry manufacturers here worth checking in seeing if we can do it because they have armored face plates Oh interesting kind of expensive but armored face plate would be nice to have to protect ourselves but I can't genuinely feel ok buying it when we still have other things that are not finished within our homestead before we worry about that there's a little Inn slash bar over here see there's anybody who wants to chat with us that we haven't spoken to before 9 tuck to nines I think we've already you looking for work ok I guess not flat skin the city isn't for you run along worthless shrimp before you get trampled on bring it on my dude I'm ready I'm ready to fight nothing couple more dried meats for now and then there's just this person hmm you look it for work now that was a flat skin don't make me laugh well that's why we have root guy I guess she could talk to him even if she is dishonoured she might be able to get through and then in here I don't think we can buy anything from meeting her but let's see does he have any confiscated goods to sell no I don't really need to head up there and free anybody the last place is the weapon manufacturing area we could also think about if we really wanted to go hardcore we could also buy the second longhouse if we if we can figure out an industry or that could use both not quite sure that's what we want to be doing yet though our characters here not quite ready to be throwing that out the wall or out the window rather wow man nothing all right well we may need to wait for morning for them to get there restock then not a big deal we have two point four thousand we actually have a nice flow of stuff coming in the other thing I want to see is smithing we might want to start some smithing I don't know what we need but be able to make some some basic armor maybe that'll that'll be worth it more I just don't know what the requirements are to to making some of this stuff so while we can make these armor types I don't know if they'd be any good but it might be better than just scratching or pulling armor off of dead people constantly all this farming we can't really do yet we need a book all right one book is what we need we have a book in here no I don't think we have a book over here no but we know that there are books to be bought and while there were books to be bought in the hub I think we're gonna make a trip I'm gonna let rookin Hobbs keep doing what they're doing let's make sure they both have some food they do I think Russell it's gonna date make a day trip to squint or rather to uh to the hub or the bar outside the hub because I think we might be able to find ourselves books out there so let's get to rust hilt who's quite fast we can have him sneaking as well I think we're just gonna have him head off to the hub keep working on a stealth keep working on this athletics along the way you know go ahead I know I'm fine and we're gonna make our way back that way as we've been doing quite so quite often wandering assassin shinobi thieves they're fine those are for us hey you know what screw the sneaking go the same Trek Russ tilt has made so many times over the hills pasts Quinn a little off the beaten path but it's it's come known to be safe he's made this Trek many many times and it's much faster to do it this way than to follow the roads pre-death than to follow the roads predestined by by regular travelers most say the roads are the safest way to travel but this has proven much more beneficial for rust hilt don't put oh in well seems we've found a bit of a problem I hope we're not being attacked it doesn't seem to be hungry starving bandits only about three of them and I'm not quite sure where they're going oh there's quite more quite a few more than three but rajala says yeah Russ still it's fast I think he's actually gonna be faster than them they do catch eyes and that's about what do we think about 10 to 15 of them yeah they gave up pretty quickly Russ tilt is way faster than they are he's made these treks along the wastelands numerous times his legs carry him quite far even with weight in his backpack he is a a man to be rivaled when it comes to trying to catch him hand over your food and you won't slaughter us well good luck good luck I don't think he'll be slaughtering Russell at anytime in the near future Russell just kind of says nothing dot dot dot not particularly threatened by these fools and now that he checks and starts to sneak he realizes they've lost him they're shouting into the void hoping their threats out in the open will cause Russ tilt to cower and give away his position maybe shout out I give up I give up but no they can't see him and Russell knows that if anything he's been been come quite adept at running away and here we are home away from home our second home the hub let's set head in here and see if there's anything worth grabbing we could always check the shinobi thieves as well and see if they have anything worth buying heft huh oh yeah eptas got no skills at all yeah I'm not gonna buy her for nothing stone nothing here for stone ever needed help smoothing things over at the hounds you know where to find me all right good to know excuse me sir do you have any books for sale books is what I need you do actually you do you have some good food too I think I'm take the books from you will even take a food cube I can't afford a food cube because I just bought all the books I am broke all right good enough let's head back to squid and this these journeys are our I don't know oddly satisfying to make it's really enjoyable for me to be able to go from one town to the next and feel like these journeys are they're still dangerous but being able to make them successfully making them isn't is really enjoyable for some reason it feels like in a weird accomplishment especially considering our start here in the hub and how how far we've come I granted it it probably doesn't feel that far for people watching you know eight episodes in and we only have a house and some other other belongings but there's been a lot of time put into that the amount of time I've had to put in to get to where I am is substantial and you're only seeing a fraction of the amount of work I have to do but it's really kind of cool to feel like we've made progress now I'm actually gonna stop here not stop the recording but stop Russ still here and I'm actually gonna load his backpack up with some copper and I'm gonna have him run back to squid with a backpack full of copper and the reason for that is a mostly physical training Russ still still stressed out frustrated that every time he gets into a fight even though he picks fights with groups of ten he sees them weak and in malnourished and figures he could slash them once each once or twice look good like a true wasteland Samurai and win but he keeps failing he needs to keep training so he's gonna get his he's into a little strength training on the way back to the hub it's gonna kind of drain him a bit but I think it'll be worth it I'm gonna fill his bags with some copper until he's at about maximum total weight until this is about heavy and he needs to he's gonna be moving a little bit slower we'll see mining now serves a dual purpose it makes money and it is the crux of everything that Ruka Hobbs in rust hilt make but there's a secondary benefit to mining one that I feel like rust hilt has forgotten or ignored and that is the pure strength training that comes from carrying heavy objects this coming to mind rust Hill takes a quick detour time to load up his backpacks pretty much full he's got a lightweight being carried it's not a you know incredible amount of weight his strength is actually much higher than I remember being in nineteen is real good and look how fast he can still run this is at normal speed even with the backpack full of copper ore and that's quite a lot of money that he's gonna be making at least quite a lot of money for us our goal moving forward and obviously our party's goal in turn is to just prepare for the trip East that is everything that they are doing right now they've kind of become a colony of ants three ants only but a colony of ants nonetheless all so that they can prepare to head east but we don't know what the wasteland holds traveling past this little bubble that we've created for ourselves proves to be nothing but dangerous with the amount of bandits out there but we have to know so I think the goal is to properly buy enough food and have enough food for us to move out that way maybe recruit one more person which is gonna take some money saving anyway and to maybe make some better armor for ourselves with some cloth research once we're freshly equipped with better at least slightly better armor maybe have another person and we have ourselves a bit of a bit of a place to call home I think rust till it's gonna grab one one of his friends and head east Russell has to be the one to go though he has to know what's out there there could be the answer to all of his problems it could be a settlement with rare things to buy it could be a settlement of people willing to join it could be as a settlement of people wanting to murder him or it could be an abandoned settlement filled with treasures from ancient times or more modern times but still treasures lie about I don't know I'm excited to find out I'm very excited to find out but if anything then one thing I learned before starting to play kenchi was better to be safe than sorry so we're gonna do it this way we're gonna be safe we're gonna be careful we're not gonna overdo it and we're gonna see what we can make happen here so let's head into this area let's sell the copper that we brought oh you're moving because you have copper on you and your clothes so let's just sell all this off right now make ourselves a good hunk of cash and now you're you don't even know where you're going you just want to head out well let's go ahead and swing it back this way and we now have books that we're gonna go ahead and throw into our research bench and while Ruka and hobbes continue to do what they're doing we are going to do a research for basic clothing can we prepare to build more and better clothing for ourselves I'm curious how much they've stacked since we've been gone 17 that's quite good Ruka is gonna keep doing her thing let's run over here are our mission to the hub was a success I'll put that in there and we'll open up our tech and we want to do cloth manufacturing followed by cloth types and hats and headgear and basic weapon smithing I think we'll do all of that all of those basic things and have rust he'll begin to do the research here Ruka let's have you take everything that you can we'll go ahead and have you sell this off before you run back out and grab the copper no no don't move okay I gotta get you to do this and we'll go ahead and have you trade sell sell sell get rid of that get rid of that and now Ruka can go though guess I'll just let Ruka keep carrying that thing that that sword is so cool I know it's not great but it's so neat Ruka where you going heading back out okay habis is still doing his thing laboring at 50 for his strength needs a quite a lot of work quite a lot of work but I think one of our better options too is maybe to get a bodyguard for for Hobbes at some point have someone stationed out there to protect him while he's doing that we've been attacked by bandits multiple times in that one spot we've been lucky for this particular session because we haven't been attacked but it certainly is something that we need to think about so you guys saw food hookahs going through a ton of food right now because of how how much she's she's doing some work so again let's go ahead and grab some food from the bar no no in chat I know you don't like me but make do grab four of those for now a little something to munch on some food for Hobbes has been out here for days and days and days on end he is not moved from this place hasn't slept only eating whatever food is given to him dried fish mostly but it's not like that's it's not like you can complain luxury food is hard to come by but for now it's working out nicely let's see cloth manufacturing is finished can we actually do research can we actually do industry cloth bench 3-iron plates but yes we can why don't we put this upstairs there is no no indoors on the upstairs so never mind I don't want to do that confirm that so what do we need we need three iron plates and I don't think we have them but let's take a look if steel bars so three iron plates is again not a huge a huge buy especially since this this store has been you know replenish is overnight wherever they end up getting them that's fine I'm not gonna question it but I need them we need three of them here's five we'll take all five and we'll swing back in and we'll get that built that's fine always harassing us men always harassing us I know they don't like us because of who we are but come on be a little kinder to us we're trying to make an industry out of you in your little town and all you want to do is harass us constantly one day we're gonna move out of this place Quinn one day you're gonna regret that you were cruel to us we've done nothing but try to be good every time we try to be good any time we try to do anything good we get punished for it rusted loses his family Ruka gets her horns cut off hobbes god knows what Hobbs is doing before he was just being a criminal in the hub just rejects all of us rejects and constantly kicked into the dirt telling us we're worth nothing even though we do everything in our power to prove that were worth something all right we need fabrics now and the output can be nothing right now martial arts bindings interesting we can make ourselves martial artists I have such an interesting idea for a future playthrough and then Kenji if people want you know as season 2 after this is all done I'm not gonna spoil it though but I have some cool I have some cool ideas for some interesting stories I think we could tell here in Ken she just - I'm just up wait your whistle a little bit mmm I'm sure Dean loves hearing me just doing that alright we need to keep researching because the clothing types is what we want because it's gonna allow us to build other things so let's speed let them finish that hats and headgear and then all of it let's get all of that researched alright I think we're going to swap out actually now that I think about it let's get rid of this and this and I want Ruka to be the one to do this and I want Hobbes to be the one that does this I want him storing now back and forth and I want Ruka being to one the mind swap it up a bit I want his his stats to start going up his strength desperately needs some training so I think we're gonna go ahead and just do it this way it's gonna be a little bit slower with Ruka doing it but in the meantime we can actually go ahead and have him do all of that slow things down I want to make sure he's not putting it away I'll have you go over here and go across the street and sell it consistently inflating this market with some more iron more raw copper than they ever need but it's working see this is why he needs to be training look how slow he is go over here we're gonna sell it hey Hobbes how's it going okay all of it beautiful was there anything we wanted out of them a bull backpack isn't necessary I thought he had a thias no bee backpack but we can go grab a shinobi backpack elsewhere he actually has books why don't we grab a few more books and throw those into the research bench for now I didn't realize he actually had that many books I'm just dumb and a map of the sheykh Kingdom why not let's have him crack this map now yeah alright and that does add areas to the west the great fortress The Last Stand and AD mang well we're finding some interesting spots on the map not bad spot just interesting ones all right let's have Hobbes running here throw those books into the research bench let's get as much as the s of the basic research that's done as we possibly can and now Hobbes can kind of do his own thing there he goes I love how automated it can get all right back in the tech weapon grades we might as well start getting that researched training is done a small house I think we'll eventually need actually let's give it a small house fabric measure if we can make our own fabric yeah that's probably good indoor lighting all this other stuff is stuff for when we actually want to set up a proper settlement so we're gonna get all that researched but we're not gonna be able to really put a lot of it to use for a little while not until we are done um with with with this town basically all told no combat this episode either that's very surprising usually we see a ton of combat but it's it's a quiet few days here in the wastes the sheykh Kingdom has been has been like lead quiet there's this bandit camp over here that that rest he'll still wants vengeance on tempting - to fight them but he's kind of torn here's here's why he's torn he can either go out there grab them and pull them back to the garden have the shek ruin them and there's a there's a satisfaction there you know they they die they he can see can watch them die it'll be quite like the show but he also could just train to the point where he can take them and he can take personal vengeance on them for the the horrible beatdown they laid on him his first moments within squint made him worry that squint was gonna be way more dangerous than the hub when reality it's a lot safer but our first impressions weren't quite that it's tough it's a tough decision and one that he's gonna have to make the one he's gonna have to make another day hours spent on a machine teaching himself everything his parents were supposed to teach him how to live in the wastelands how to build things in the wastelands how to survive and make a life in a world that wants nothing more than you to die hours spent mining the same node as the Sun rises and sets sleeping outside eating whatever provisions and get your hand on well one of your friends runs back and forth to take what you've mined and sell it for money it's not as exciting as it once was but it's also not as dangerous the East is still out there beyond the hills a settlement still calls and while the three of them prepare themselves for that trip they can't help but feel slightly satisfied for all the hard work they've done has made them more progress in 48 hours than the past 20 days in the wasteland alone it may not seem like much but the future continues to get brighter for our heroes [Music] you
Channel: Mathas
Views: 102,391
Rating: 4.9502807 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, lets play kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi lets play, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi let's play, kenshi 2018, kenshi steam, kenshi guide, lets play, kenshi rpg, let's play kenshi, let's play kenshi fr, let's play, lets play kenshi deutsch, kenshi playthrough, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi pc, kenshi 1.0, kenshi full, kenshi part 1, kenshi alpha, kenshi review, kenshi let's play 2018, kenshi let's play 2017
Id: 0c8ZAyW_WVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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