Kenshi - Expanding the BASE [Experts hate this TRICK!]

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welcome back to a brand new episode of kimchi fasten your seatbelts there's gonna be breathtaking action in this episode involving beep the funny-sounding Twiggy our beloved sensei as old as the world blade will remind us sharp as a katana bummed out the muscles from Brussels and of course all the rest of the team will we prevail against those stupid s cannibals once again in this episode find out now I've sent out B back to the hidden forest to the one special town the ghost town since there are absolutely no residents here but a lot of useful items we can loot without any bad conscious of being caught our people are starving back at our base so we need food and maybe some vegetable seeds so we can plant our own stuff in the future the thought of being independent would be soothing so let's see beep how about you're gonna check out that bar I feel scared stop being such a [ __ ] and Grandpa some food already here check out what's inside those barrels Oh see that's a jackpot holy [ __ ] so much food there is at least a couple of food pieces in every single one of those containers that's amazing but what the hell beep why did you take so much food of you for this little expedition there's no absolutely no room for the stuff you just found I just don't want to stop if that explains why we have a food shortage at our base and why did you take the iron plates with you I'm done with you get Grogg and the meat reps and let's just move on oh there there's another village on the map right here that's not very far from where we at right now beep there might be some merchants we could sell off the grog and the iron plates for a for a little bit of cash you know oh it would be nice to be able to afford some mercenaries some buff dudes you know that can protect our base so I don't have to worry about coming up with all those crazy ass tactics to keep them cannibals from killing us up again you know beep don't take it too serious I really like you I do but not because of your brains but way more because if your crazy ass running speed of 33 miles per hour boy you're as fast as an African wild dog guys look at this this place is freaking amazing three iron resources and a copper one all nearby that's simply a perfect spot for an outpost and down here are even more holy [ __ ] dude Oh beep what the hell is this place where are we that must be the village Oh God that's a freakin cannibals village are you [ __ ] me they have cages and [ __ ] and we'll run straight into them oh man well they look chill for now and beeps faster anyway but holy hell why would you put a cannibal village into this game that makes no sense are they developing a kind of society here what the hell but hey wow they have some chests here must be the loot from the victims the ones they've killed and eaten hold on let's see if we can sneak beep in there for a peek porno they notice the smell okay we got some time they got to Cappy Cappy that looks just like the one Van Damme lost during the Great slavery we will take that and this biggest sword Oh some cats here always handy and some cargo pants for beaver now get the [ __ ] out of here be fast run will happen my little African wild thought okay cool thanks guys now it's marked as in cannibal village that's great let's get back home check out what the other guys are doing why are you guys swimming did I miss something come on out out of the water guys God hmm the map indicates that there are enemies at our base that's strange whoa holy [ __ ] that must be those amphibian cannibals I've heard of all right green fast get into position shoot everything you got nice they're getting scared idiots they're spreading all over the place oh I feel bad for them now they aren't even trying guys come on now at least give us some action I think they're drained from the half-day swim trip they just did that made him lose all the will for a fight oh no I see what they are after the cannibals are getting a snake for later okay feels so awkward seeing them all around the place like like little ends giving me like an itchy feel finally they started fighting oh yeah with each other of course Oh beeps back and everyone's so happy to see mr. Van Damme I've got something for you whoa looking good that brings back some memories right mr. Van Damme thank you beep look at all the food guys that will give a nice big feast for maybe a couple of seconds then it's all gone again beep sorry but you gotta have to visit the ghost town once more again soon it seems like the fighting is finally over [ __ ] now they have to swim all the way back from where they came from have nice trip how about we will start to furnish things up a bit here with our newly built storm house I know our people need some beds to sleep in they are also pretty useful when someone got injured they will heal up way faster while resting in a bed maybe some interior walls corals some privacy a nice looking table and a shelf of course we couldn't live without a cooking stove perfect they will start building as soon as there's enough materials available I think it wouldn't be in bad idea to have to iron resources somewhere inside of our base you know if the walls would go around it somehow so our people don't have to swim all the time only for some raw iron let's see [Music] now that's what I'm talking about that looks perfect I've also decided to build the gate here so it'll be easier for us to go in and out or if there are merchants visiting they won't need to swim anymore look at Beebe he got a lot of grog from all the ghost town visits I think it's time now for him to visit the float some village I know for sure there are some merchants there we can sell all the grog we found for a good price and with a little bit of luck they will also have some plant seats to sell guys I won't lie I love this place even though there are cannibals banging their heads against our walls 24/7 it feels super cozy around here and I think we got just the right amount of people here I mean the right amount for all the things that need to be done for a base to grow and flourish am i right guys god damn finally how much research the knowledge of the mountable crossbows the ultimate instrument needed to convince those stupid s cannibals of the existence of a harpoon up their asses I hope that will teach them a lesson you guys think three mountable crossbows here are enough for now no I think we'll need some up here too look at that who needs a car if you can have a beep he's already at the float zone village men you're fast hi brother need something whoa since when is beep your brother did I miss something I can't recall ever doing anything for those floats on ass faces all right show me what you got brother but first let's sell all the grog we found from the ghost village holy [ __ ] we just made like 10 thousand cats that's what I call business oh and this guy's selling green fruits but hey why they so big what help that green fruits as big as a quarter of beef chillax man I hope 10 of them are enough for now enough to get the farm going yep ten are enough great now we can finally produce our own [ __ ] here at our base it's the first step into independence hey it's dead accountable inside of our base what the hell and where's he running off to oh I get it he's after green green is sniping all those cannibals passing by at our base he's just doing it for the fun you know and his 1 cannibal got a little bit angry about it guys stop him nice green I don't know how you just shot behind yourself but great job oh I see now this cannibal belongs to the blood rivers clan I should remember to take a look at that piece of information more often this might give us an tactical advantage someday some of you guys mentioned in the comments the stuff at the Armory ruins is pretty worthy I must have overlooked it or thought that was just junk I will try selling those next time we'd be visiting the float zone village thanks for the tip guys in order take hunter outside of our base fisting those cannibals a good night's sleep come on guys the world's so big why of all the places right in front of our base oh the Tech Hunter got down fast random get his gear whoa look at that crossbow holy [ __ ] what is dead a rare extreme long-range weapon for snipers that's some next-level [ __ ] right here thanks for everything man whoa what in the name of God how are the big things out here in the middle of nowhere right near our base come on guys this is not right this is not cool this is freaking [ __ ] man yo chill with the cannibals man why so many of them out of the sudden ah you know what guys I don't want to deal with that [ __ ] anymore here I think that's for the next episode alright hope you guys enjoyed this video leave a like subscribe and favorite this video if you think it was cool it was right and not freaking [ __ ] Joe our discord follow me on Twitter and as always the biggest thanks goes out to my lovely patreon supporter you guys rule man you're the best thank you all for everything hope I see you next time and have a good one bye [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Paganacho
Views: 22,375
Rating: 4.9498153 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi game, kenshi gameplay, kenshi let's play, paganacho, paga nacho, kenshi funny gameplay, kenshi van damme, kenshi lets play, kenshi roleplay, kenshi cannibals, kenshi base cannibals, kenshi cannibal plains, kenshi base, kenshi base building, kenshi basebuilding, kenshi new base, kenshi best base location, kenshi outpost, kenshi base building tips, kenshi trick, kenshi expanding base, kenshi expand outpost
Id: _0HADb3tqrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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