Kenshi / EP 19 - Getting the Gang Together / Ironman

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hey everybody Ottoman here for another episode of kenchi thanks for tuning in so this episode I am going to try to fill our ranks as much as I can with warriors so I can get ready to tumbled I want rod Amman to be tree training on the locksmith training box as much as you can so I'm not going to take him off of that for sure I'm gonna leave him going full steam ahead with that so what I'm gonna do instead is use Cheung here to head to some local spots so I'm gonna turn off his I'm actually gonna switch squads so I can keep an eye on him a little bit easier and I'm turning off his jobs so that he will be running and not trying to return back to town where he has employment all right so what I'm doing here let's take a look at these maps learn where oh yes oh I've been looking for that map for a while now that's good to know so this will show me where a bunch of the southwest locations are or South locations are drifters last Kalon steady cat tune mourn all those places good now what I'm going to be doing with Chun is trying to yep you can see my bags I'm not a smuggler that is always so abrupt when it happens and then additionally I am going to use my fastest it's probably green I'm gonna use green and he is gonna head to shark which is not exactly a safe trip and then beep is going to drop his pants and head to mongrel now both are not safe trips but the purpose of both is to try to get the recruits going much faster to accelerate the my plan to get a reasonable squad together let's see you have nothing because I've already traded with you for the day and what I'll do is I'll try to micromanage them they just have to be faster than blood spiders and frogmen which I believe they are so we will dodge as many bolts as we can Pangu here I'm going to send to the waist station and we can catch up with them soon I am looking for some recruits I'm looking for a few specific recruits basically I think although it's a bit of an arbitrary number 30 or rather 20 combat people will be ideal where I want to settle numbers are important they're all talking to each other out in the distance until I'm much stronger I don't want to get overwhelmed and swarmed by numbers so hot lungs is not gonna be one of my recruits I'm only really after one additional check and that would be rain the giant let's do it quick oh yeah health check mu is going to come on back to town in fact I'll temporarily discipler jobs and have her buy a backpack so she can carry the food herself so as long as I have my two Huibers running north and south I know that I'm doing well and the Cheung is running to ad mag hopefully I won't have to go all the way down to Last Stand for rain I can always just poke around squint eventually she'll show up yeah beep is getting engaged on so let me pause for a second and reload some broken buildings that way I can see inside so I'm gonna buy the wooden backpack and honestly some a big thing of meds and inside her backpack I'm just gonna stuff it full of food and turn her jobs back on alright so mister beep you are being chased by probably a bunch of hunger bandits or dust baños yeah pretty much the same thing a little bit more armored to put pretty much the same thing I wonder how much these dust bandits want to be led into a beak nest a beak fig nest probably not much so beep is still on his way to mongrel nope and a gorilla ah two gorillas lucky for me gorillas move at 15 speed and beeps moving at 24 I even through beeps pants away just seed move a little bit faster green is down here in the swamp actually he's making pretty good time to shark and this is I'll swing by mud town first this is all for recruiting purposes I'm just hoping I don't lose anyone by making the trip it's a little perilous but worth it in the end if I can get the recruits I'm looking for and rata months back here just training up his lock-picking which will come in handy soon his lock-picking can train up to 20 on this box burn here and wekki I'm just gonna call him lucky cuz I don't know what to call him are just about Bern is just about maxed out on these dummies I don't really have anything of added value for him to do so dummy whacking is fine for now that sounds sounds like a weird activity dummy whacking so here we are at mag a very imposing looking town in true shek style not only am i swing by the bar to see who there is to recruit which is over here these two buildings I also want to swing by the armor Smith to see if I can't pick up some additional armor so as you can see Chung here has a thieves backpack and a wooden backpack on him oh but before I do that green here is being chased lucky for me I'm already in mud town I'm not exactly sure what was chasing him but it's about to get killed bunch of swamp ninjas yep ooh not cool silver shade absolutely we'll recruit you buddy done he is a hive prince so high for insas are pretty good at science first aid thievery stealth that kind of stuff they are yeah and he's a he's a unique character so how fast is he he is not nearly as fast as Green it's also just about naked so give him your katana and see if there's some food now back to Chung brain the giant will stand out because she's big so all these little skinny shacks here they're definitely not rain now I might have to if I don't find enough or if I don't have to find the people I'm trying to find I will settle for sort of non-unique Recruiting's I already have with Voth I think I think Don I don't think he's unique in any way but Chun if you're running all my errands for me let's have you buy some meat and it seems like I am destined to go to last and so I'll have Chun start running there luckily the deserts down here are a lot safer than these swamps or definitely safer than the the the fog islands so all right Ron amount despite the fact that I want you to train a lot I still need to make a buck so let's do some trading I did just hire silver shade so I will need to keep my my wealth up and I think I have some old armor and I no longer need yep perfect well went from three thousand to twelve thousand it's a bit of a difference silver shade I'm gonna have come home beep is about to go into the fog islands now the trouble here is if you get attacked and let's say knocked unconscious you'll be eaten you'll be eating real quick and that's not not a fate I want any of my people to endure ok let's leave mud town for sharp there's a lot of different people that we can hire at shark and as you can see our squad is starting to fill up I need four more people because I am NOT including Chum here he is going to stay in town hell yeah our basis doctor a speeding time up a little bit I think of all the people that I am currently micromanaging in separate places the person in the most danger is probably beep I do have actually let me set shade to passive - it's a cool name silver shade and silver shades stats are not terrible despite being a really good in the sciences he doesn't start with any science stuff he's a so the lore behind the hive princes are nobody's ever really seen the Queen she sends out her Prince's to act as the government I guess not government I mean we're talking you know we're talking more hive but act as her authority and that's what the princes do and then you have hive soldiers it's much like an ant colony in a way hive soldiers and hive workers so beep is not a hive prince obviously and they all have their different stats so let me look up the differences real quick the princes are good at the sciences whereas the so they'll have a bonus to science and field medicine the soldiers only really have a bonus to attack they're just sort of attack drones and then the workers have a bonus to Dax and athletics and farming and engineering and laboring and stealth and toughness and turrets and yeah the the soldiers are probably the least interesting the princes have these small heads what this isn't a prince silver shade is a prince so if I look at his uh we're currently loading his own right now yeah so if you look at his head down here he's doing while he's swimming Prince does have the little little Peapod head I don't know how to call it and then beep and green are workers these soldiers have wide sort of hammerhead shark looking heads but beep did make it to mongrel all the way in which is good we're after we're here to recruit someone who's insane I think you all know who it is Oh perfect this outlaw is a hive soldier let's check another buyer it's not to say that I won't recruit them anyway I'm just trying to get to the arbitrary twenty mark I feel like that will be enough I might as well while I'm down here look at some blueprints or up here I guess it is sort of north have a lot of people in a lot of different spots one of the things about this game is it requires a lot of memory so the more areas that you're currently in the harder it's gonna be on your computer's memory so if you don't have a lot of memory it's something to keep in mind will buy a little food Skinner hmm where are you in Wayne the other bar I think I'm gonna check well I'm not gonna check the armory just yet you can always have it's safe to stay in Montreux you know I'm not really in any threat while I'm in here so I can stick around and wait I haven't checked this bar though now looking at the overhead map Cheung is closing in on Last Stand and the other guys are already in shark silver is halfway out of this swamp so let's check in on our shark visitor and we'll see about hiring any unique sand shark I'm trying to fill the squad with uniques first because they sometimes have stories or at the very least personalities and those can kind of shine through which is why people love beep and win wing and some of the other some of the other sort of more unique recruits Gustav in bar thugs lend holy pacifier okay it's also Wow I don't know it's about bar time people should be showing up to these bars soon here's another bar the dancing skeleton that's I believe where I recruited lucky or whatever his name is I should just decide arbitrarily what I'm gonna call him silver doesn't look like he's moving anymore now it's cuz he's swimming swimming is a lot slower but luckily there's only swamp turtles nearby it's not gonna get into him killed I also have to be mindful of not sending a high BER necessarily into like a xenophobic area like the holy Empire I wouldn't want to send them to blister hill for instance because I might not be met with immediate you know they might not immediately attack me but they think about it oops tubs hay stubs there's another unique recruit he is a little crazy but he's got insane sword skills alright I'll give him his five cake cats so he starts off with some decent stats at least they're not zeros across the board and lucky for me he also has wooden sandals which will make it really easy for me to send them back to squid they'll be a little bit faster on his way and as I said before I can always leave especially Huibers because they don't eat often they don't eat much they're pretty easy to feed I can leave them up here's one wing I don't have enough money for one wing at the moment to recruit him so I am going to hop back to run him up and make some quick cash I have a lot of moving parts here and given that is an Iron Man dead is dead playthrough I will say I am running a huge risk but it is all in the name of pushing the what's called the needle forward for you guys so hopefully it pays off alright silver still moving he's leaving shut okay so beep was the one up here let's talk to another insane person oops he is trying to sell himself as a four hundred thousand cats well we'll just say I could get ten for the that price I'll say okay ten thousand and he says never five thousand and he gets hired out for five thousand now the advantage of him is he is she starts with really good combat stats so that will help we are currently in mongrel so for him to run back he has a run speed eighteen now unfortunately for me fog men also have a run speed of 18 so I probably ought to get him some shoes some shoes that will make him faster than the enemies because if he gets caught that's real bad he'll be eaten I will have just spent five thousand on a dude who is fed to the flagman but it's pretty easy to buy really cheap sandals so do you needn't worry hmm you know I'm also gonna buy the drifters boots I don't know if I'm gonna get the plated long boots I could go to the great library but I've done that in the past and I've also not gotten the stuff I wanted off of the great library as well alright so beep you're gonna follow wing wing and win wing you are going to run like your life depends on it down to somewhere safer and they're both at the moment set the passive so they should not be engaging anyone while running and when wing is a little bit faster so it says +2 but that's bogus he's really just plus one but we should be able to outrun anything bad at the moment I don't think I have enough money for rain the giant I think she's 7,500 if memory serves but that doesn't mean I don't want to spot her because I can always go and sell some stuff back at squid set some random check check Warrior Chun you don't need food all right there's no one here I don't think I'm coming back here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just poke into ad mag and squid until one of those two people have rain rain has even a chance to be in squid so if I can avoid running all the way to last stand that would be ideal because it's kind of far which kind of sucks it'd be funny if rain was here the whole time it's like oh yeah you looking for me you went to the end of the continent Here I am so our squad is now up at 19 I need two more to make 20 because I'm not including Chung in it but at this point I've recruited wing-wang who was probably the most important rain would be the second most and then from there really any random will do okay we don't have rain in screen at the moment at least not that I can tell I can do is poke into the armor Smith I am rebuilding my meshes at the moment there we go anytime the house doesn't load you can just rebuild your message meshes and poke your head on in there so we have drifters boots wouldn't be a terrible thing to get Shrike to crank some out there is a high-grade helmet I'm gonna buy and I can afford one of these pants I'm gonna buy the high-grade one as well so now we're broke we have a little bit more armor for outfitting everyone which is good that's what we need just because I can hire out a large squad that does not mean that large squad is in any condition to fight most of the people you can hire start with low stats and I actually really appreciate this and I'll explain why I appreciate it because it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you level your guys up if they all started it like let's say a thousand obviously that's not a real starting point but let's say they start it like a thousand you know when they get to a thousand one big deal when you start at zero and you get to 50 that feels like you've really done something which is pretty cool just looking around I don't think I'm gonna spend those books just yet but I will send I will just keep training I do have my Penghu off at the weigh station to buy stuff in bulk looking at everyone here they're not even that far out of mongrel I haven't had green leave the swamp yet there's it why is that what there's a blood spider just like sitting there not being messed with at the moment I don't really have any money to buy or recruit anyone else like Gustav in here despite having terrible terrible terrible stats his Legos spend 5,000 it's like for what your bounty cuz you suck I think not I think I think we have enough check anyway plus rain I'm gonna get rain eventually so we need one more just one more you can see the guards fighting blood spiders over there who's in here some stone rats since she blend these are all so random people as far as I know now if you know of a comprehensive these are all mercenaries a comprehensive list of unique recruits a lot of the times the nots own unique recruits are really obvious because you talk to them and they don't really have much to say you know what would be good I think that was maybe a good example you know there's sort of one-liners there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with having just another soldier lend however seems to not be I'm making fun of her and she's pissed I called her a meathead all right it's time to leave a rather time for the guards to beat her up she I provoked her into a fight this is kind of fun well I'm not breaking the law right now so she's part of the stone rats and committing crimes there was a lot of stone rats in here committing crimes I think I'll just watch I'm here on a recruiting mission so not other than interested in getting cut it's pretty funny though and ribs here I think was a prisoner of the stone rats which is why she's following me she thinks I'm a fog man because fog men are like mentally ill Huibers that try to eat you yep and she thinks on my talking fog man yeah she wants to fight me it seems that's not very nice uh let's follow and head them back towards Quinn I think I think we've done well actually let's see the aftermath of this fight I'm kind of curious how many of them are unconscious a silver shade is really close to joining us ooh but he just got a growed right as I mentioned his name probably about bone dogs or bandits yeah some Oh red sabers while we're dragging a group of red sabers out of the swamps you don't usually come into this zone surprised a little bit a little bit not much all right they are still fighting Stubbs you're insane you want to get in on this and I could go ahead and steal this stuff and it's has some cell value I'd be stealing it from a stone rat and I'm kind of okay with that so let's steal the clothing that is worth most this is one way to get outfitted pretty quick is this their leader blend yet here she is that armors kind of junk her armor is actually not as good but nice helmet I'll even take tuna dachi this is funny antagonize you into a fight profit from the fight all right Stubbs you got your inventory nice and full stone rats all these other stone rats seem to be more or less unconscious at this point these shirts are pretty nice not that a hybrid can wear them but you're worth a pretty penny got caught stealing one of those stone rats are conscious because otherwise they wouldn't have cared the guards certainly don't care if I steal from a bunch of stupid stone rats and I can probably immediately off sell it because this merchant is exactly a stone rat merchants oh oh no they care oh wow you have the same name as the skeleton yet user better now at the moment I'm really encumbered and heavy so not not wise to go marching through a dangerous swamp let's check in on our fog island friends silver shades definitely made it all the way back home the fog island friends are just out of the fog islands so they're a lot safer too let's take a look they're in drag now and win wings actually running a little bit faster too i silver shade hey you are you my little hyper Prince friend is going to find a nice little note of ore and join me as I am slum lording everyone up its prospect he's standing on some iron is this true is it at the top of the mountain or something now there's also bandits like standing right no no no no their 100 Guardians any interesting prospect one more time the iron is a little bit further out okay that makes total sense all right this is copper resource Wow that's small that is hard to spot I'm curious if there's a vendor anywhere in town that I can sell this stuff probably a thief fence if I could find one nope dear gambler worst case scenario I send someone that has a carry weight down here and steal it but if one thing I wanted to show is if I piss off a faction oh the stone rat still don't really care I guess I enticed them into the fight but I didn't really do very much fighting per se I kind of just let them get beaten up so I'm gonna stand around for another day try to figure out how to offload this hot hot stuff before we leave can always drop it but I'd prefer not to if at all possible now while I'm thinking about it let's check in on our food barrel oh yeah we still have plenty of food anyone starving I don't know why I even bother click uh Griffin is a little hungry doc is still moving to add mag because he's recruiting just because it's nighttime that's fine we'll move them up into AD meg then beep and win Wang are mostly out of the woods they're still beak things and stuff but as long as you're running fast they should probably generally probably leave you alone all right let's speed time up a little bit Oh but alas I am speaking of time really out of it we were well over a half an hour not that I mind but I'm gonna try to keep it to roughly half an hour format give or take you know 5 or 10 minutes extra so yes I am trying to get a crew together so I can start base building definitely next episode I'll have the crew together for sure if I can't find rain I'll just hire a few randoms and get going I'll outfit them the best I can in the least amount of time possible and then we'll have some fun base building so if you enjoy this let me know through a like or subscribe drop by stop by discord if you if that tickles your fancy and I'll have to catch you all later thanks for watching and adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 23,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Let's Play
Id: Pu73X-NjiYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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