Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks: WWE Cease and Desist Letters, Omega vs Jericho, The Elite, more
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Chris Van Vliet
Views: 127,575
Rating: 4.9301233 out of 5
Keywords: kenny omega interview, kenny omega chris jericho, omega vs jericho, the young bucks, young bucks interview, superkick party, young bucks cease and desist, kenny omega, young bucks roh, the elite interview, being the elite, the bullet club, bullet club interview, too sweet, chris van vliet, omega interview, kenny omega new japan, kenny omega ring of honor, ring of honor interview, wwe, tna, roh, ring of honor
Id: Xcw9dcwfAPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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