Cody Rhodes: 3 days before AEW's first show, pyro, Double or Nothing, wins & losses record

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The part at the start where he talks about how DDP keeps saying he can’t believe this is happening. It makes me think about how for years whenever people talked about a new major wrestling company, nobody believed it would happen because it was so unlikely. Everyone said you’d need a billionaire to fund it, you’d have to get a primetime spot on a major tv network, and you’d have to have a good enough amount of talent available to start it all off, it seemed so unlikely to everyone even a year ago. And now all this has actually happened, it’s insane how lucky we are that all these things have come together and we’re actually going to have a well-backed alternative with the opportunity to thrive! I’m so exited for the future man!

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/wittybrits 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

R/sc only cares about the pyro portion of this interview.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/mad1lchemessengelato 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like how he outright answers direct questions. He didnt dodge any question which was asked. Will there by pyro? Yes. Will goldust retire after your match? Yes, etc.

Very refreshing to see without any avoiding questions with shit answers like alot of general interviews which take place

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/TheGougConsortium 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

When I hear wins & losses record I just think about early Evolve and I shudder.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Genking48 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m really excited for AEW overall, but I’m even more excited for when they get to the point where every single interview doesn’t involve “We’re revolutionizing, no one thought it could be done, me, Nick, and Matt, crazy that we sold out in x minutes, etc.”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh wow what a statement you may be the first person who said it like that damn damn I just hanging out in Cody Rhodes hotel room yeah thank you for making this happen no thank you and we if if you can't tell there's a great view yeah but we had to turn the couch around but it's magnificent Miami whoo you're living the gimmick though you are in the best hotel in Miami with the sinner view - yeah do you have the best view that maybe will show you after but yeah you do have the best view a good view roger goodell is next door I think like in the room next door I think so Wow yeah I mean you heard him kinda created that you know I heard a voice on the balcony it sounded a lot like him and I saw him last night so I'm gonna say it was them was he yelling about some teams no okay friendly guy oh yeah I kept saying I'm a big fan and I don't think he meant I understood what I was saying like I'm an NFL huge fan and it's frickin Roger Goodell that's cool it's obviously very timely that we're talking not just because double or nothing is on Saturday but yesterday was three years to the day that you were asked for your release from WWE oh wow yeah did you ever imagine when you asked for that release that any of the stuff that you've done in the last three years would have happened no and you know I like you like have like an idea as to like what your goals are the things you want places you want to go yeah I probably had 10 different things in mind and none of them included this situation we're in now and that's how unprecedented this situation is now and it really is like the more people you know like yourself who know about wrestling this is crazy it's only gonna happen hidden here and now so yeah trying to kind of soak it in and enjoy it and just be in the zone from the Turner up front and that TNT announcement ITV and the freaking UK like man it's good it's good time man are you able to step back from it and kind of realize the magnitude of what this is so it's not it's not missed on me in terms of how big this is but I just want to ride the high and so obviously like there's an epic gray I'm due for an epic crash I don't know what it is some sort of scandal something who knows but but it's just it's keeps going and me and a DDP has been a real good mentor to me and he is that every day is like I cannot believe this is happening and he was on TNC and millions of viewers with WCW and seeing it happen because I told them you know like heads it's a real thing you just stay tuned yeah I don't think he'd I don't think anyone believed us until actually TNT put out that first to tweet with the fire the very Nitro asked fire so we're all in the van and we're like getting like pumped up to go to this media and I was tying Matt Jackson's tie and then brandy just randomly goes Oh TNT tweeted like we never had we never got to control it they just did it and it was such a good cool thing to see that they supported it I was excited yeah well they should this is gonna be the biggest show on their network I think this fall I hope so I hope so I'm I'm really looking forward to you know cuz one of the things sitting there at the the Warner media up fronts it's actually really educational because they're talking about the multi-platform use of not only your your viewers directly on the network but your viewers on the streaming service your viewers with bleacher report like and driving them to kind of keep the the wheel going was really exciting and up are like in line with what we already do like as disruptors we went from disruptors to kind of being in the system ourselves and it's perfect I'm excited about it how long do you think until we find out the date of your launch how long your show is if you guys are gonna be live all that good stuff that's really likely the show's going to be two hours okay yeah that's that's the sweet spot in terms of the schedule we'll find out probably in the next few months for sure and it'll be in a great spot to you know to be in primetime on TNT where man we worse they've really set us up yeah and now you've got to go and the big thing we want to deliver is the bell the Bell and the sports centric in his that my phone it's okay house totally come on text her in the middle of the freaking out don't do that what did you said oh my god here at all he can know yeah we should find out in the next few probably the next few months another thing that's really cool is you'll be able to find out you know / market where we're gonna be because we're gonna go all around this isn't gonna be something that's just station so she won't have a home base like impact how the impacts it oh no man this is a touring this is a touring brand we're wrong I mean we're really no opponents ending going all in on the concept of it and each it's so special because we're not doing a live event system so when we come we're bringing our absolute best from match quality to star quality boom and it's gonna be live on those when you're giving away a lot of yeah there is a like did Tony already say I two hours live there we go yeah and III are we gonna see a belt maybe on Saturday that I belts a championship so in a weird way I always understood what Vince like meant when he was like oh they're not you know belts hold your pants up like I got it but I I've said title I've said championship a few times in our little circle now and everyone's really adamant that we say belt mmm so it's like it now we're pushing back against it okay cool yeah I think on Saturday there's the chance there is the chance that you might see the greatest World Championship title that's ever been created and there's also a chance I might have showed him a picture of it before this interview he might have got a sneak peek I saw it who knows how much can I say about how awesome it is just how awesome it is yeah just our it's it's it's really great I everyday they kind of you know the progress shots have been cool and I'll be able to to see it I'm not guaranteeing it will be there Saturday that was a wing I saw that but but I'm excited about it and we're actually the battle royal the stakes of the battle royal getting that opportunity to potentially wrestle for the World Championship to wrestle for the World Championship it's just every match has you know high stakes placed on it good stuff this seems like kind of coincidentally the perfect week for you guys to be launching wrestling fans are very upset with this final let's find out whose taxes okay who is so disrespect you where is that sucker it's over here somewhere let's find out who did it and then read them out loud let's see what let's see who Edison D well that could be important that wow we don't know where you're from now we don't know where the phone is gang Wow hang in there guys okay stay tuned well stay tuned bedsheets we're gonna show all this - I it's over here it's over here it's over here is it in the trash no way that would be a clear sign I've lost my mind it is over here though it's over here or is it outside guys we're so pleased wow we're close as a behind the curtains maybe is it in this couch yes oh we found it guy found it we found it okay already that's a lot of text yeah we're gonna read them all okay let's see who we got here we're gonna read them all okay all right wow that's a lot the guy who makes my boots they've been delivered they've been delivered which means pay me great uh Mandy said that you got about 20 minutes okay that's me yeah Nick Jackson I've heard of him can you film like just like five seconds of you traveling to Vegas I'm gonna get everyone to do it and it'll be cold open for Mondays BT now you know wow Nick's furious okay yeah and then Jeff the team - Road Double or Nothing are we doing noon Eastern or noon facin okay go you know what I'm gonna tell all these people what just go with your heart you know when they ask questions that's my new answer to questions that seem like is just what is your heart telling you the best thing about that is you just read those texts and didn't respond to any of them well I'm gonna get back to him where I was I rudely had to interrupt the interview no I haven't got back to Zack Ryder sent me a text like three months ago I still haven't got back to watch this yeah I just doesn't have a question mark like if it's not really pertinent we're good and I'm gonna film that stuff for Nick yeah for sure what she well yeah but it is like the coincidentally the best week because the wrestling fans are like they they're fed up and with what happened at money in the bank with Brock and this 24/7 title it's like you have the best timing for this I only saw a picture of the 24/7 Seidel and then did the this isn't meant to be facetious in any way I'm curious as I didn't watch did Brock climb the ladder yeah he was not officially in the match but he did climb it he climbed it and then like it was you could tell he was kind of nervous and he thought he was on the run he needed to be on was like I ain't crying climb up one more rung 8 foot 10 or 12 you know I don't know probably an age but say you've wrestled before yeah yeah in an eight-foot ladder in an arena looks great in a stadium it's gotta be 10 or 12 otherwise it gets super small Wow which means that the bump is just oh yeah well you saw the belt would you think of it there 24/7 yeah you know yep we're talking about such a nice one sometimes what is it beauty is in the eye of the beholder it is yeah beauty is in the eye of the beholder there it is well Nick look great yeah he does Nick look great he's been doing that DDP yoga who hasn't been doing it so this lifelong friend mentor helped me considerably him and dusty were tight I was in the original DD DDP our Yoga for regular guys book I've never done the current program really I'm just the whole I'm the last holdout he just sent me a link so I can do it I'm actually I'm actually gonna do in the future when I have some more time because I've been doing a lot with the actual TV show I host and these interviews I'm into 90 days doing DDP yoga every single day for 90 days to see the transformation what's your goal there the goal is to get ripped that's a and be flexible I can that's a pretty fair goal but you can touch my toes yeah but I think I've really his Dallas ever done the thing where he puts he grabs his foot and holds that yeah yeah even impressive used to do a lot of meetings and stuff and I thought you know not every crowd is for this some crowds are for it he's the best I love him when we talked last time we talked a lot about how you were just Cody and Ring of Honor and you're like but I actually do own the last name yeah Rhodes and you're like but I have a good relationship with w/e and I don't want to mess things up do you still have a good relationship with them I would think I do but I'm it it's dawning on me I likely don't if any if that makes any sense I would think we were still you know I learned a lot there I had a great time I'm you know I met my wife I also I got a rustle some of the best taker was still pretty active I got to be in there with taker Sean was active gotta be in there with Sean and hunter himself but yeah I don't know maybe maybe I'm not too overly you're the enemy now oh wow what a statement maybe the first person who said it like that damn damn they're bringing true now we were kind of always the enemy me and my family we were like the kind of like bastard family of wrestling and dusty you know he he always was an individual he never really fit into the corporate structure he did great there and they really took care of him but I think we were always kind of the enemy I just maybe rattled the saber a little bit more and caused a bit more disruption but hey that's all good well now it all comes full circle it double or nothing yeah with Dustin is there's been some talk a is this a retirement match I would think this is his last match I would think it is now it's not been stated it's not and we're not putting some sort of like element like that on it and because that's his decision and his world and one of the big things about this match those really now-or-never people wanted this match at the time they wanted it you know three three years ago I think three four years ago at WrestleMania yeah they wanted this match actually a lot more than I wanted it oh wow mainly because it was time for us to go our separate ways we're solo acts and we had a really great run as a team and I loved all that but it was time for us to go our separate ways and now as we got to this event that's kind of a fell into place the way it did there's so many elements of it that are real and that's a really great thing to to bring to the screen and it beams across but I would think this is his last match but by no means is he have that pressure on him you know I just he is getting older and he's actually said himself he'd like to slow down so we'll see when I tweeted out that I was gonna be interviewing you you retweeted it so thank you for that tell ya man you retweet your friends appreciate that all right that's a yes it's the truth though man I like that man I check you go to that verified followers who's following ya and yeah you gotta gotta get your friends a lot of people were asking about hangman is is he's still gonna be part of double or nothing in some way so he's still full gear ready for sure he had it in him all along you know it was in there he's still full gear ready he won't be weighing in a star cast instead at star cast we're gonna have Sami Guevara and Kip Sabian weigh in but I think hangman's I know for a fact they'll be in Vegas he is doing star cast and he'll be at double or nothing what he does there is mystery hmm well as we look ahead how much TV have you guys planned out written now like are we talking six months a year what you know none no no actually we got a pretty good bearing on on I'd say six months to a year exactly that because long-form storytelling is good in every medium whether it be the film TV whatever it may be it's you to know and then to work backwards we've got a good what would I call it like syllabus outloud syllabus uh-huh you're like a college professor yeah there's like a syllabus to what we're gonna do but one thing that Matt Jackson is really good about pointing out is some stuff just catches fire and one thing we want to do differently than any other wrestling that's out there is can't deny something when it catches so if something catches we're gonna we're gonna push that we're gonna promote that if an individual catches we're gonna push that we're gonna promote that and that all starts at double or nothing so I mean there's this is a there's a lot of guys on this show who are so so talented and if you cover the indie scene you've been around it you've probably seen some of them but for people who are just jumping on board maybe they heard jim ross was gonna be part of the show or chris jericho and they're just jumping on board who i think there's they're gonna really take away with some new favorites men and women i think a lot of people are really hanging on to when you said there's no heels or faces anymore what a dumb thing that's we what i like i like fixed it like three times to and no one those tweets don't matter the one matters i didn't mean the constructs of bad guys and good guys goes away they exist in every form of storytelling what I meant was there's this date you almost have to be a wrestler to understand and that's the worst thing to tell somebody but there's this dated outlook on heels not even baby faces just heels is where we can't turn the clock back bully ray is a great example of someone who you know really tries to be a heel but also if I google bully ray there's a image of him holding a cat at the Humane Society because he's a great person and he likes animals and and he's also a radio host on busted open so it was more of a like a play on some of these young idiot wrestlers that are oh I don't sign autographs cuz I'm a heel like that's just you don't even know what a heel is you're not really a heel or a baby face until you're into your run if that makes any sense yeah should I have tweeted that absolutely not because even my explanation now doesn't make sense to people good guys bad guys will have all that I just don't use the terms and believe me everyone around me also they use the term so I still get it I get it I know what it is I know what they're supposed to be nobody likes good guy bad guy or I say protagonists and antagonists not see everyone very Spielberg ask if you can hear you literally when I say it you can feel people rolling their eyes like oh here he is I don't know how much you can talk about the wins and losses mattering but sheriff obviously a lot of question marks around that does that mean that we're gonna see a win-loss record will that you know go into whether someone's the number one contender how is that gonna work well so one of the things that Tony really brought onboard was kind of the analytical outlook on wrestling and he's covered it he's been such a fan such a hardcore fan of the business wins and losses matter in any competitive sport if that makes I think that makes perfect sense they matter in any competitive sport now what we are isn't just sports it's also entertainment it's it's this whole other thing it's pro wrestling but the concept of guys wanting to win matches and women wanting the won matches because that's who gets paid more and that is actually real isn't that confusing so when you look at the fact that wins and losses will matter and you asked about like you know records we really want to take a deep dive and Tony has I mean he does it for baseball he does it for football he does it for all these sports with his outlook on analytics and and by the numbers I think that's a really cool concept when I read the press release that we put out for firm warner media coming to tnt I felt like it was almost like Trek like Trek babble it came across as something that I think people got hung up on really it's just wins and losses will matter there's not gonna be 5050 5050 booking and it's when you commit to something or somebody we're gonna go forward with that I've only I'm only more vague I'm getting more vague as we appreciated that though how are you gonna be able to balance being an executive in the company I'm not but also being a worker in the ring I'm not one of the things is gonna take over right so I'm I have just my rest thing he goes my wrestling you guys really gotten in check I feel like I have a real good open mind I'm a hundred percent aware of like you know that's a self-serving I'm aware of it the other side of things I'm enjoying the executive side so much it sounds so strange but like the idea that I have an office and my poor assistant he yeah yeah this is what's a real deal all he would take he would be terrified his name is Michael cool re he's not technically my assistant he's an associate producer oh there you go yeah but he's a bet he's the best and to be able to have somebody like that with you and be able to talk and plan and then get with Tony and talk and plan and I don't know what it is but I'm just obsessed with writing emails and and the organizational aspect of this maybe because I never had a job which is always a wrestler now I have a job and to be able to talk with Keith Mitchell you know executive producer a Keith Mitchell and go back and forth there that stuff really excites me and it scares me how much it excites me because at the end of the day we'll all be judged by is it actually my bell the bell in ring so right now I balanced it but we've had six months to prepare for one show when we go to week two week that will really be the challenge but I'm young we don't have children yet we just have the dogs I think I can do it yeah you could have been the best executive for the last six months no one would know this though because all they see I had of course you have been yeah but all they would see though is what we're gonna see on Saturday yeah and then that's I totally my mom you know who's like really mean but beautiful wonderful woman but but she's like really Stern about the industry she's actually always like oh you don't you you're only as good as your your last match and that is the truth like you that's what they remember the last outing you had and she'll be watching on Saturday and I can't screw it up just she'll let me know have you popped your mom yet I know it's very hard to get her to I got her it all in okay she hasn't watched anything since sent her every link to culture city cult Brandi got this they got a partnership with culture city which double or nothing is the first sensory inclusive show ever so autism PTSD people with sensory you know ailments to be able to provide them a cheat sheet and headphones and glasses they get their bags from culture city which is the people of culture city are unbelievable and they do this for concerts and different sporting events and now to be able to do for wrestling and they have a room that people can go to I just visited the one in State Farm arena in Atlanta just awesome but that was something my mom was really I think proud of the fact that her her daughter-in-law had had it crude that partnership and that's the last pop I think we got from her since you since you were part of the announcement on January 1st what's been the one question that people keep asking or tweeting you Oh since the first part like since we realize aw is a company what's been the biggest thing it goes back and forth it so it's usually talent base oh yes because yeah every talent ever you're recommended the yeah you can't because then you would be in another situation like another wrestling company is now where they have all the talent in the world and they don't have the time even though they should but you know if that makes any sense like yeah there's so much so that's what name do you get asked about the most it just it depends on the day yeah so like the last few weeks Sasha banks has been a lot of Sasha banks in the early stages a lot of CM Punk if Randy ever likes a tweet of mine a lot of Randy Randy's the best man they don't realize I think Randy just likes that stuff just to stir stuff up yeah which is great cuz he's the best dude he's earned that they don't realize that you guys could be friends possibly well that's the other thing that's like the coolest part about this is the element of recruitment isn't like recruitment anywhere else the boys in the industry and that includes the women so we'll just say the girls the boys the girls the locker room has now banded together more than ever they banded together because it's not just this I hate saying this but there's it's okay to have corporate individuals involved in wrestling I totally understand they bring an acumen and skill set to the business that the wrestlers and the cowboys and pirates that we don't have but when you have too many and it becomes overwhelming when they're sitting up in first class and the you know Cesaro is walking to the back of the plane that stuff's unacceptable and I forget that was his name Jorge Barrios who shows up I like to WWE events a year and he shakes your hand he had taken a single bump how are you getting paid millions of dollars it's just you know this is a terrible thing that I'm bringing up but and I don't mean anything I'm just saying that it's great to see the locker room come together Matt Jackson always was really big on the locker room and that was something I learned from him and I like and you know there is no recruitment anymore we're all friends we know each other just like they did in the late 90s when they knew each other and the rising tide and the competitive nature of this it should be good for everybody in wrestling uh I want to be respectful of your time I'm sorry George by the way we never had any heat I just didn't see at the live events a lot people are very interested whether there's gonna be pyro or not at double or nothing yeah there is there we go yeah but so you say that and I don't more run a pyro company so I haven't seen their rehearsals well any pyro is better than no pyro honestly it's got to be big pyro because if you do like sparklers which are cool but if you do those it's like you want rockets you want like like the big mortar bang that scares you to death you want the big stuff so we'll find out I'll probably this evening because I'm gonna go I'm gonna go over there this evening and I'll see if they can blow something up for me so we've seen the card I'm excited I'm gonna be there yeah are we in store for some surprises too I I think what we have ready to go is the best wrestling show ever I really do it's a wrestling show by wrestle herbs for the fans it's 100% fan service it wouldn't be that if there weren't surprises there you go Cody Rhodes hell yeah man thank you so much thank you sorry George there's the view we talked about if I touch it here look at it yeah yeah look at that take it in I got the bet I got the best view at the NFL owners meeting you should be an NFL owner and maybe maybe I don't know it seems very stressful thank you for taking the time to do this oh hell yeah thank you guys for watching this if you don't already please subscribe as we enjoy the view here Saturday double or nothing and we got a TW TV coming and the fall TNT this is an exciting time to be a pro wrestling fan yeah Saturday and Double or Nothing very exciting time pay-per-view bleacher report live fight internationally ITV check it out I've been saying this for a while but Saturday is kind of like a line in the sand there's gonna be like this is gonna be this gonna make history May 25th is gonna be like before that is pre aw and after that is everything that came up so I want to talk to you after Saturday's okay hopefully we actually made history because that would be personal I hope you're right isn't that the goal yeah all right thank you thank you man and thank you
Channel: Chris Van Vliet
Views: 387,917
Rating: 4.9492302 out of 5
Keywords: cody rhodes interview, cody rhodes aew, aew, double or nothing, all elite wrestling, cody rhodes wwe, aew interview, double or nothing ppv, double or nothing free, dustin rhodes, tony khan, tony khan interview, cody rhodes vs dustin rhodes, being the elite, bte aew, aew championship, aew belt, aew battle royale, hangman page aew, hangman vs pac, aew predictions, aew vs wwe, wwe interview, chris van vliet, chris van vliet wrestling, wwe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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