Ken Jeong Answers the Internet's Weirdest Questions

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hi I'm Ken Jeong and I'm here to answer the Internet would you rather be filthy rich in 1900 or poor now filthy rich in 1900 so thank you I'm not here to explain I'm just here to just give one answer now you can't pay me and I mean this would you rather have everyone to naked all the time or everyone clothed all the time I so there's no in-between you got it bro yeah spoken like a true scientist you know what I mean there is a world where if everyone's naked all the time there would be no stigma of being naked and then you know you can shower you can you know use the bathroom and do it yeah so everyone naked all the time it's you know it's just there would be a world where there would just be no labels cutting that out um which fictional character would you love to be the [ __ ] out of I mean you're not real right I mean you're not everyone here at the office causing nothing but a [ __ ] phony so I think [Laughter] hey I'm sorry I'm sorry can we go back hey I'm sorry no that was uncalled for I said I was sorry I'm sorry I'll change I'm sorry okay [Laughter] okay your mom and girlfriend switch bodies only way to get them back to normal is to bang one of them who do you have sex with I said I was sorry I said it was I mean I feel if I say girlfriend I'll somehow offend my mom I don't know why hey sick question you get a sick response oh my god my girlfriend because my mom would somehow bump on that now would you rather always have the hiccups or a headache that's a great I think the hiccups headaches could man get a headache constantly it's it's yeah I think it's just too much so hiccups I think sir medically you couldn't be more wrong yeah yeah I think yeah I mean okay what is the fiercest animal what you think you could take in a fight a honey badger everybody knows that my family knows that honey badger like the fiercest animal I mean you seem like like I think I could I just said that what did I stutter I just said that I think I could take a honey badger yeah no you know hey have honey badgers ever gone to Duke I mean I don't think I'm like a smart man do they ever go to med school none I figure out a way I'm smart and I'm from Hollywood so I know these things that mom girlfriend how dare you how dare you you
Channel: Answer the Internet
Views: 542,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ken Jeong, barstool, barstool sports, kfc radio podcast, comedy, internet, entertainment, answer the internet, barstool answer the internet, kfc barstool, feitelberg barstool, feits barstool, feits, feitelberg, john feitelberg, Ken Jeong stand up, Ken Jeong movie, weird questions, hypotheticals, weird hypotheticals, dumb questions, stand up, ati, ati barstool, stand up comedy
Id: fEhmUhhOQ18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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