Keith Moore's Trip to Heaven

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back in 2005 I believe it was May the 21st or so 21st my my father my dad went home to be with the Lord and the way it happened it troubled me when it happened those of you that have been in the church since then you know you heard me talk about it and what the Lord how the Lord ministered to me ah always real close to me to my dad man he he was a buddy to us boys me and my brother he he taught me how to fight taught me how to eat ice cream taught me how to get rubber and second gear in a Mustang how to pop a wheelie how to shoot firearms you know important stuff and we were our family just had a we had it we had a great time me and my brother him and mom my mother's here today would you stand mom wave to the crowd thank you mom anyway mom and dad's very supportive of us in the ministry from the beginning from the very beginning thank God didn't have some of the struggles a lot of people have even though other folks might have thought I lost it they didn't even if they didn't understand they stayed who believed believed in us prayed for us and so uh they saw the he saw with mom the started this church here and some other things and we were able to take them with us to a meeting that we were going to have down in Florida and they were going to come be with us for that we can be in the meetings with us so he and mom were in the plane with me we were going down there now he had had a real fear of flying and he didn't like it and so I didn't push it for years I you know it was a big deal to me but he didn't want to do it but he he's not the kind of guy and just let something whip him he he said you know this thing was not going to beat him and he wasn't going to miss out on things like that because of a fear and so he he told me he was going to go and I thought well okay and and so we we went and on the way down there as we were flying over actually very close to where the new church is in the air several thousand feet he died and I'm flying and he's in the back and it seemed like it took a half a day to get that plane down on the ground and landed and meet the ambulance but I had to fly the plane and he's gone and the next few three weeks actually I it troubled me it bothered me he wasn't that old and I thought God you know there were things I wanted to do and we wanted to do and plans and we didn't have to do that flight did I miss you did should I have said no you know don't don't do it don't go and you know how that kind of thing I cried I prayed I was troubled I was vexed and I was confident he was in heaven but I don't like missing it I don't like being robbed of anything down here and if you were around then you know that I mentioned at one point that God ministered to me wonderfully and that grand that grief left me of what I didn't tell you is that the way he ministered to me is he let me go see my dad and I didn't know if I would ever tell that but while we were in this series now the Lord prompted me a number of weeks ago tell it it was so precious to me I didn't tell it and didn't really want to but I'm telling you this morning and I didn't realize - two o'clock in the morning this morning that it was exactly to the day seven years ago that this experience happened it was the the tenth of June 2005 it was three weeks after my dad went home in the morning I was waking up and I left here glory to God I said did you did you body go I don't know I wouldn't say that but I know I left here and I went somewhere and the next thing I knew I wasn't here any longer I was in this huge and and some of these words I'm using are not adequate it reminded me of a mall like a shopping mall but it I don't think there was any shopping going on but it reminded me of that but it had no top it was open air but the reason it reminded me know how I can a mall there's activity there there's something going on here and there's something different going on in this spot something different going on in this spot that's how it was and there were people all over the place doing things there's activity there lots of it and I almost didn't tell this part but the Lord prompted me to tell it so I'm telling it I had some kind of a cycle maybe I shouldn't call it was cycle like it was bigger than a big bicycle like a big swing or something was bigger than that but it was smaller than like a big Harley motorcycle and it was sleek never saw anything like it ever I hesitate to use the comparison but it's the only thing I've ever seen that looked like it did you see the Terminator 2 and the new and improved Terminator that was like that liquid chrome that's what it looked like it looked like it was made out of liquid chrome very very sleek and I'm and I wrote that that whatever it was down this big Thurl way and there were these these pockets of activity mall like that may not be the best word all over and I knew my daddy was there I just knew it and so I ayah turned this way and I went this way and went on down here and I saw him words can't describe seeing a loved one that you know is gone I hollered daddy and we ran and embraced and the the comfort is tangible it's it's like a liquid you could feel I mean the moment I grabbed him and hugged him there was no grief in me anymore none it left me after the experience I I went into the kitchen and I sat down I looked for some grief I couldn't find any knowing there was there was nothing none because it was so supernatural and when I turned him loose and I backed up and looked at him and I'd never saw him like this his hair was jet black shiny jet black and course you know for the past many decades his hair had been a lot of it was gone and and and what was left was real white and gray his hair was jet black and he talked about looking like a million bucks that's not a high enough figure he he looked like maybe he was in his 20s he looked at me I'd never saw him down here where he looked like that and they'd get up again he helped me with this what happen this Thruway this big wide almost like a road that went down the middle of this huge mall like area and so at that point he and I he and I were like this we were like that we stayed this way the whole time and we walked down through there thank you daddy it's a wonderful to see you he said it's a wonderful to see you and I can't describe but I wanted to tell him about all the things that had happened in the ministry and the work of God and he wanted to know I didn't think about till later we didn't talk about one natural thing nothing about a house or car and not one thing all we all we were interested in was what had happened and here's something that I don't understand but time was so different I was telling him about things that haven't happened yet as of this day a lot of stuff and it was like I was visiting him not from where I was that day but from the future don't ask me to explain I'm still pondering it it was a interesting sensation is like you and more than one place timewise you were there but you had been there and you also had been there and we were just ecstatic you got loved ones up there huh there that they're in good shape you should not be concerned about them we kept going down through this Thruway and there were people doing things and we came by these two guys over here and one of them said brother key I stopped this huh another guy said it's brother key I said hey listen haze great to see you left and so me and dad turned over there and they were so nice and they were so respectful and one of them said he'd you started quoting things I had preached he said lifted to the guide kind of twinkled his eye he said if it's not quite it's not right some things I had preached before and the other guy said man that helped me so much when I was on the earth and they started naming things you said men that encouraged me that helped me that helped me get through this that helped me do with that how many I believe what we do down here affects things and will be remembered in too don't you think you'll remember things that helped you you think you'll forget it now you go remember and people that God used to help you I was just I was so happy they near me and they remember that it is it blessed me so much and so dad now we're all hugged up and and we kept going down through that through way in and we're talking just just talking fast as you can about this has happened and that had happened and the other happened and things in the work of God and the kingdom of God and finally I begin to tell we're getting to a place I couldn't go any further and boy I didn't really want to get there but I looked at him for the last time and just like that I was gone and next thing I know I was back at my house but the comfort it's in me right now it has net it it never left me is tangible and I believe one of the reasons the Lord would have me talk about it is that he would minister that comfort to you and to anybody else that'll hear and receive this look with me in first
Channel: Z3 News
Views: 191,398
Rating: 4.7252126 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Moore, heaven, visit to heaven, trip to heaven
Id: FCtm8zySHuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2013
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