The Heaven Experience - Jesse Duplantis

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it is just the most amazing you get a glimpse of heaven you just don't want to come back to the earth but the earth is God's taste I didn't say this the other day but I saw mountains with snow on it you know and the Lord told David to take me about the way of the mountains as we go home and the first thing I thought I will we get cold yet you have all the elements of what you see here but the temperature is the same you're not cold and you're not hot you're just nice but one thing I love about the place that no humidity is wonderful I come from New Orleans and it's a humidity city the fragrance you could smell you smell the Lord has a different fragrance from any fragrance I've ever smelled in my life I wish I could describe it to you but I've never smelled that type of fragrance anywhere and when I was immediately there you can smell the Lord as I was going out coming back leaving that planet I could smell the Lord it's just I don't brother Copeland asked me but it doesn't have an essence of roses and it's a sweetness smell I can't really explain this if you wanna I was sniffing all the time just you know you just smell and I mean even the people have the fragrance of God on them and about the flowers you're talking about I went to step and I didn't want to been in it but when I stepped they went through my feet and they kept moving you don't yet you don't damage there's nothing dead there everything has brightness and light you know everybody that I've talked to this went to heaven they always talk about gold streets and that is there that's beautiful but the thing that fascinated me was just Jesus and the people and the place that God and God has the the taste is the same he created the earth but I was never uncomfortable the only thing that happened to me in that time about five and a half hours I would get weak and that's why I thought and still do today I can't prove that Paul said I don't know whether I was in the body out of the body but I was he said eat this type of food look like a fruit to me and and it was real sweet tasting so you can withstand the glory of God and I would get strength you know as as it would flow through my body and the angels let me explain it I seen some with wings massive wings beautiful but there were some that didn't have wings angel that talked to me was blond headed here and he had kind of long hair am I not talking flowing hair but it was over his ears I mean I just checking him out in fact I looked behind him he said what are you looking for I said I don't see your shadow he said there's no darkness here they told me I asked that several time there's no darkness here and I'd keep walking is such brilliant and if you can see the shadow I don't know if you can see it but Mahama and he said well you look what he said I told you God is light in whom there's no darkness no shadow of turning that old song he's just waiting in the shadows didn't it that get it that writer messed up I know that fun fact whoever did but to see Jesus is the most amazing facet the three people that fascinated me more than any other was naturally there's no one can compare his robe his closes it's more brilliant his essence comes through his clothes his hands are soft he touched my shoulder his hands are soft and when you look into his I love people said what was his features of his face I've had people have asked me if he had a beard I don't know the glory of God what you see is love you see love in a physical sense he looks right through you can't hide nothing you can forget that hide and stuff because he looks right through you and they just said you just want to you want to hold him you want to grab him I believe that's why yes the tea ball was wanting to latch onto it and but when he did turn his head I noticed the color of his hair this part of it here which I thought was white like mine you know cuz but it was the glory of the Lord but his hair was light brown was a brownish in here not just looking he looked he he know the thoughts I was checking it out I could tell he just looked at me what are you gonna do I didn't say that in the tape but you know those little things you know the fragrance of the Lord the flowers I saw colors I've never seen before you know I've saw blues and reds and greens that I that the Earth's greens are nowhere near heavens green because see in every green grass or green place there is some brown somewhere but that's not there in heaven it's green yes beautiful gorgeous all manicured I am a I love my yard me and your people are you know really we have trouble at times you know people think because I love a manicured yard I don't want a weed I want the edging perfect I wanted to look like carpet you know and I take them out with their machinery say this is how you do this and my dad I'll be talking to him he be walking with no stop and pick up a weed he said boy I just the weed I'll say well I don't know what to see the weeds but the place is so manicured but the love of Jesus the three people that fascinated me more than anyone I stayed with David for about three hours and that was phenomenal but Abraham is the first person you're gonna meet that's his job he still got you know as Abraham's but you meet him he does hello I thought how you doing I mean it's amazing and when you try to do things for people they said no we're servants here we're here to serve you the music there's music in heaven that I have never heard physically on the earth there are sounds there that I've heard here as the anointing in the praise of God but there is music there that I wish I could describe you can when you get there and sing a song when that band plays you boys are gonna have to sit out for a few days I'll adjust when a player is but there's music the music literally comes like out of the ground it's in it seems like stereo quadrophonic alter it just it's everywhere it's perfect you can hear the separations I noticed that because I'm a musician the different separations horns sound like you've never heard before and you know they sound like words it's the only way I can explain that they sound like words when they blow them horns instead of just hearing the horn wah it's it's after the music is speaking the praises of God you can hear praise in words you also hear the music but it's coming out in words and things like at the throne wouldn't you have a man of the the the thing that I get touched when I think about this because it I just I want to get out of here i I've had it with the planet I have I mean do you want to die no I want to go in the rapture that flag without a plane is wonderful I've done that before once it the energy the massive power of God no one can speak and describe Jehovah in terms of his strength and of his power and the sound is most to me it sounds like if he would just accidentally move he grow out the universe yet love is emanating and his eyes and I didn't see his you can't I can only get up to about right here of him and but he was sitting in a his hand actually yeah it was his left hand cuz the Lord Jesus is in a form on his right you can see to yet there one explain that that out of that massive energy and light comes Jesus in a bodily form but the thing that I notice is that Jehovah the Father I could sense that his eyes is on his son at all times and Jesus's eyes is on us the eldest a25 always wondered who then boys were you know I've always thought is it twelve in the old twelve in the new but what happened was I saw there's chairs in this nice chairs I'm talking I thank you lord Leslie I've never said this before I love tapestry fabrics I'm in the fabrics now my wife's tech took me enough of them stores I can I'm in the fabrics now you know so if I come up to your day and touchy you suit it system I'm in the fabrics that's the nice suit for the Copeland's just I'd say they were gold and they're the arms were in tapestry fabrics now it was in prints on that but but the prints of the fabrics speak that's the only way to explain that is so vibrant it's God's handiwork he's got good taste the most amazing taste if you want to look at that type of thing but the robe of Jesus I cannot describe other than a massive role but look like of diamonds just Oh flowing through it and the finest fabric it does have a goal cent year here beautiful it's about that wide and it I hope it goes down his leg here and because when I fell at his feet the fringe I saw and this gleams colors is flow it's his essence it's his glory his virtue coming through him he goes literally through his clothes and somebody heard me say this I thought he would give me the greatest revelation I thought son this if he says I have something to tell you I brought you here for this reason I thought me I'm a Cajun boy what do you want me he loves me he cannot help himself he true he loves me I and I just thought he was gonna give me something you know revelation and he said go tell my people I'm coming and I said something dumb I said they know that and he well I thought so and he said no he got a little Stern he wasn't rebuking me he said no I could see his concern they don't know that I'm coming go tell them tell them that's what pushes me so much to preach so much people I'm you know I'll be preaching tomorrow night I mean I'm gone I don't stop I'm going all week I preach it because you don't realize how quick he is coming you don't understand how fast he can do something and the people that I noticed brother call the place isn't the only word I can excrete it's kind of like an opera everybody's moving fast moving fast there's something up they know this thing is about ready to take place if they're bustling they're ready and people are waiting to see us in what the colors in the our colors there is a color there that I have never seen before in my life it is beautiful and it's the color of my drapes in my home see I'm in the fabrics dance that kathy has taught me that and the furniture is phenomenal in my house it is phenomenal it's the handiwork of God the carvings now I have seen some beautiful furniture in my life 18th century 19 beautiful carving but I have never seen this there's not a scratch there is no dust there is no dust and I'll tell you how I know that I love a wonderful for you I'm in the fall yes if I go on your house you got a beautiful tomato for yay my taste sets the mood of your house when you walk in you know sets the mood and I have a table there I just say I'm gonna put this on I have a table there that is 24 karat I call it 24 it's pure gold legs and it's in of cabriole edging on it and this beautiful piece of inlaid inlaid wood on top of attached with gorgeous pictures of angels carved into it it's in my father you got to see it it's it's not and I realize the dust I I went by and I put my hand like this and the I just because I touched it and I did this in fact sometimes Jody cleans my house sometimes she says you got your white glove out that because I'll go and danger said there's no dust here it was just beautiful and why cuz dust cuts in the things and destroys thing there's nothing that destroys that is that dust in the terms of there's Earth but it's not dust like we think of dust yeah these things are the most amazing thing the throne is you you don't you come it's so big and so vast when I met Abraham it seemed like I was it seemed like brother Copeland was a thousand miles away from the throne but you could see it everywhere you look you can see it the light is whoa but it's light like you've never seen and in the midst of this light is great color just going up just going oh I mean it's beautiful it's in sections now I didn't get in an elevator to go I just got to those sections I don't know how I got to go up I just didn't think of getting into an elevator and going to the next level you you you you just you move my thought in a sense you're walking and you think and you there yet you see people bustling the families Oh Kathy used to tell me listen I want to go to heaven but I want to live with you and I thought well thank you that's very nice you know you know people say that well you do your families are together but what happens if you married a man you love they passed away and then you remarried fell on you and both of them make it and that could cause a problem you understand but you don't need to worry about that cuz see God is above that that's all beyond that the children sing there were several children played little harps love things and Jesus would come and sit there they would have praise services brother Copeland all over there and for theatres all over in this paradise all over and they're singing praises and if you'll do this and it's gonna happen because it happened all the time if you just I if you just go and something so build you go glory to God and then they people around you everybody starts praying if you say thank you Jesus I mean it it causes the praise service you're just gonna praise God all the time constant you can't say that word you can't you cannot say any type of phrase dealing with God without causing a instant burst of praise from angels from people I saw some creatures that I cannot explain I've never seen things like that mother other I can't describe them to you I never seen nothing like that I don't know I did see animals and different things that they but I saw some creatures that's the only way I can say that I wanted to ask the angel but I felt like in my self I shouldn't they didn't tell me I just knew not when the talk or not to say something I I guess that was I don't know how to explain them but when I stood before the throne of the law fell down you will not I don't care who you are you don't believe in its falling down and God you are gonna keep you're gonna be on your face and have you will not I don't care you are gonna bite that you won't hit the ground you cannot stand in the presence of God you cannot there's no when when he speaks it's it's a thousand waters that's another thing it ripples you gonna hit the angels you hit the ground you hit the ground I mean in you and then you try to get up and then when Jesus comes out of if I might explain that hi comes out of Jehovah and that bodily form then you can stand your feet then you can come up to it and touch it but you're not gonna you can't walk up you just you're not gonna make it up the steps there steps you cannot you gonna you ain't in the process of the Father you cannot you you can't and I mean I was oh my and I had my hand like this I could not I was literally and with my hand over my face like this that angel gave me some of that food he said eat this so you could withstand the glory of God and I saw him do this several times himself you get around Jehovah Yahweh and which is Jesus but there one yet there three it is the most amazing I don't I don't mean this in a rude since your relatives miss you but they want you to go there there's nobody said there's no hurting I was interested in the children I saw some children of other races but I didn't see a lot of have adults can I say that yeah of Oriental persuasion but I saw a lot of children and I asked the question where the adults and all was told me we saved the children they did not teach their children about Jesus I don't understand that in the fullness but I didn't see a lot of people of other and the Lord's let me say this I saw children God don't lose no babies I have that's the most amazing thing children just just rush up to him I understand the scripture suffer not the children suffer the children come to me for such as the kingdom of God for and in my mind brother cope and I always thought that we'd all being from 21 to 30 years old that's my was my religious thinking you know you just grow up but what happens is those children are brought and taught the things of God there was a center in a building that I was not allowed to go in off and wondered why there was a great moving in and out of this building and I asked and that's when I think I asked wrongly he said you can't go in there and I knew not to ask again it wasn't a reprimand you just know but when Jesus comes to you while he's walking towards you you he's speaking to you and then you can hear him he don't have to verbalize with his mouth I mean you can hear it like some people call telepath it's not bad it's something better than that he can speak to you I saw women I saw men of all different sizes now I'm not talking fat and skinny you don't look at that you don't think of that you see the glory of God but I didn't know this height I didn't notice height there was some very major angels big big massive huge then there were some I didn't see any as short as me but that I saw just oh I don't know you know less they're just third-class angel I don't know no that's just a joke but what I'm saying is they are I didn't notice that sighs Paul the Apostle is not a very big man and he was sitting down and he was teaching now in my mind I didn't ask this question why would he still be teaching and the Lord did tell me this that I and I have not fully understand this and I've asked him about it since he said you'll know when you get here he said you will not stop being an evangelist when you get here he said that's yes that's what I thought but everybody I see around here say you know in my mind you know he says there's worlds you're not there's things out here you know not of but what you're doing here is only preparing is your preparation stage of what you're gonna do there I'll never forget that I don't have the fullness of because I don't I'm still thinking in my mind of meetings and you know like I'm doing now and things of that nature ladies and gentlemen you don't want to miss heaven brother cope and you may not have been there physically you sure sound like yeah I believe your spirit has because when you talk about it it energizes my spirit I thought Kenneth must've went last night yeah because when it's talking about it energizes it touches your heart I'm being but I'm trying to be as strong as I can not to break and it's not the break of sigh it's the break of love it's just such a preciousness laughter like I've never heard in my life people laugh with the laugh of the Lord there is joy there that no one on the earth is of experience there's no barricades to that when you praise God when you lift your hands up it's no there's nothing here there's no hinder it's there but one thing I do know you have servanthood in your custody I didn't finish the 24 elders I didn't see any of them cuz I'll let you know because I've always wanted to know some I know they said twelve no telling and you never you got a lot of different things and I asked where were they he said they are service they are serving the people and people serving them family I spent to go on a picnic another lady asked me she said would you like to see my house I said yes ma'am I don't know she is but I walked in their home it was beautiful gorgeous my home has a water fountain out in the front with a gold eagle with the water coming out of his mouth and his hands and his wings spread and I love Eagles Cathy knows I collect those thing I'm it it is beautiful I tasted the water now here's the thing I drank water I believe it was the River of Life what else could it be because them trees on the side I saw them people underneath them trees my neighbor him gave me a cup and I thought well since I drank that why don't I just wanna you know whole not age no more in my mind you know and the Lord said don't worry about that you were just thirsty I gave you a drink I met your need everything is met everywhere the man I want to meet this man in dinner when I had been there seemed like 10 minutes the apparatus that I came out of to there seemed like a ski-lift car that's enclosed but I didn't see nothing in front of it or nothing behind it as I was sucked out all of a sudden I was moving at a phenomenal rate of speed I mean I knew I was hooking it I was moving I mean I couldn't feel like oh I didn't hear any engine I mean it's mmm I mean but you know you're moving and I saw seem like stars and lights passing me you know but I was sitting down and that angel was smiling at me and when that door opened he did this and I'll be honest that you don't run out as fast as you think you do I just went what is I just kind of walked the list when I walked out there was Abraham and he smiled at me he said come here yeah you don't know what to do he said I know I went he said I understand understand and my father I'm the seed Abraham put his arm around me he said the Lord desires to see but we're gonna show you some things first and I said you know you my father and it said it's not the Lord let me read some things he said in you my son I said you know I thank you for being you what else can you say you got to put yourself in my position what else you gonna say I mean you're not gonna come out with some intellectual wonderful thing to say you're gonna say what Mark James said when he saw your boots Wow that's about all you can say it's beyond words and then we walked around I saw the the thing by the coconut I'm interesting it is not the gold and I saw that and that's beautiful Micah but I was interested in the people and I tell you something I mentioned that in the Lord said so am i I made this beautiful forevers he said but I'm in arresting you he said I'm interested the people that are gonna live here he said because really the beauty of this place is my body it's you his beauty is you you know now the gold streets of he's got great taste I'll tell you what I after I got back I thought if the media ever saw where Jesus live they would have anything they would have a fit I never saw one mobile home I know and there's nothing wrong with mobile homes I like I've lived in I was raised up in I didn't see one Shack I didn't see one homeless person because everybody's at home I didn't see any sickness any disease I never saw a frown there are smiles and singing encompasses that city music is constantly not one frown there is the patriarchs look of great age brother Copeland yet they young looking because I got close to mouth check and receive you know and Abraham knew I was looking at him excuse me that's okay I said I wanted to know these people live thousands of years ago but the light of the law not his clothes how do I explain it if you know the patriarchs and the people that have done great works of God by their clothes you see the difference I saw gowns I saw robes then I saw wonderful like uniforms I saw angels in military uniforms and you seen the people there's a man there I don't know who he is still don't know head on one of the most beautiful but prettiest robe looking clothes I've ever saw and I asked that any who's that man he said he died for Jesus Christ nobody knows him the one is wrote about him but he has an apostle of God and it's through his ministry many many people were turned to the Lord Jesus Christ I said who is he he said don't need to know that you'll know that then the word that you'll know all what happens is when you get in heaven all is there you know all but it's gonna take eternity to walk through all I didn't see my mother I know she's there they tell you the truth I didn't even ask and I don't mean that I wondered about that sense I'm here why didn't I I weren't allowed to see my mom or my grandfather I don't want to say it with my mom and my grandfather were probably the two greatest people in my life I didn't see him I know they're there I won't if the Lord let him take a peek at me I don't know but I was so enraptured every time he saw some I wanted to just stay here I was constantly urged by the range come on come on I said let me look at this I saw the names of the Apostles on the gate that is amazing to see their names in grey and they literally shine they're not neon you can see their emblazon and honor is given to people that have stood the test and believed and trusted and stood on the Word of God great honor yet there's no jealousy there this man that came out when he feet he hollered I made it I made it I mean he was so excited they immediately took him everybody starts heading to that throne first thing you want to do is get to that throne everything else but you had that urgency but I saw as people walk some stopped and turned and walked and went underneath the trees of life I literally saw people brother Copeland take leaves and it seemed like they were smelling them but they had gowns on their gown was totally different then some other I saw some come out of that apparatus I came up with a wonderful robe straight to the throne I mean bypassed everything shook hands of Abraham and I heard him say the Lord God Jehovah awaits thee boom man and they were ushered blessed God I don't know who they were but I won't one of them ropes take off huh I want that to happen to me and then after all that you everyone seemed to have a job in mind if you're not sitting down laying around with angels dropping grapes in your mouth it is a place of great work that's the word I could say yet people are or having fun now I know the media won't like this but God said they're giving the desires of your heart I saw a person's home and when a beautiful home that I've seen it's in the city and they asked me would you like to come to the country they also have another place I said you mean you can get another place and that person looked at me but kind of like a shocked look he said all desires are met here all wants I never heard the word need because it's wants and desires you he I said you mean you got a place beside this he said yes I love the country in the Lord knew it so he built me another place I think would you like to come sure man I'd like to go check that place out yeah why not and it seemed like as you're walking all of a sudden you there everything perfect the seasons the flowers are in Blooming they turn and look at you now I didn't see eyes but you walk past a flower and it it turns ice all I can tell you I know I can't explain that it's not weird it's just so much life in that place there's so much life there now here's my opinion I have never told us to anybody because I don't want people think I'm a fruitcake in a flake I often wondered how God was gonna get us off this planet in the rapture I know he does it but there's so much life is so powerful nothing can hold it and when he shouts and when that ain't when Jesus show that life will grab you where you are there's nothing can hold you it is the most powerful force that'll pull you to life life goes to life and that's how you gonna do it that's my theory in a sense how do you even get everybody at one time without causing collisions and things he's God brother cook but the life substance pools just pulls you you constantly you're taking deep breaths every time you breathe and you are breathing you breathe the Lord you you breathe his essence his life is everywhere and when I came to myself the first thing I noticed was the smells of the hotel room I was in I want then I realize there's death there everything around me is decayed there was no decay now that just some of it I could say some things that touch your heart and you'll start crying but the Lord led me in this direction I could say you don't want to miss this place if Heaven is so glorious hell must be so deathly so terrible there's no words explain it I can pray it in tongues I could describe this place in tongues because it's a heavenly land can you imagine what hell would be because the degree of Hell in death is the same degree of heaven in life yes Lord I'll save it and then I'll turn this over to you and I said it the other day I never truly understood he will wipe away all tears I mean I understand it in a sense of theology I study that I've greeked it out I've gotten the Greek words the definitions of winning the commentaries back from you I don't know how many trying to understand but this the Lord spoke this to me he said the saddest day of my life is yet to come I thought that was strange I said sad how could you be sad he said I'll tell you I will have to wipe tears from eyes as well as yours when I have to tell my own creation who I died for who I would I'd do anything and have done everything for depart from me the Lord will have no pleasure in that he will be crying he will stand and have to speak that I hope he doesn't have to speak it to you I hope he doesn't have to speak it to you it will hurt him greatly ah you don't understand that hurt if he could he died for you again but you can't crucify him twice he did it right the first time the Lord were hurt and when he said that understand the statement sigh in his spirit when Martha said I know he'll rise he'll be raised in the resume in the Bible said he meant when he spoke that to me he's omnipotent he can see this he went I felt the Lord's pain but I couldn't grasp it it hurt me so bad how much more it hurt him don't let him say those words to you please he don't want to say that that's why he loves the prostitute that's why loves the homosexual why he loves the murderer I don't know never could understand how I could love a rapist he don't want to say those words he has the power that change you and I feel the leading of the Spirit right now to ask you if you don't know Jesus if you come up here and give your life to God you'll never hear those words depart from me you were here the words well done pray this prayer with me and everyone in this audience repeat it Lord Jesus I asked you to forgive me of all my sin I confess my sin before you this day I give you my life now give me your life wash my sin away never to be remembered against me anymore from this day life will attract life I speak this with a heart I confess it with my mouth that the Lord Jesus rose from the dead that I am saved that my name is being wrote even as I speak the confession of redemption and faith in my life from this day forward Lord I am a new creature I have many things to learn but the Holy Spirit will teach me things I promise you Lord that I will speak to you on a daily basis then I will fellowship with you and minister to you as you are ministering to me Lord Jesus I thank you for bringing me back to where I once was that no longer will I play Church a planet religion I will be a son and a daughter of the Lord I will leave this building tonight a new creature my family will see it my friends will see it and the Lord Jesus a season I thank you this day that I am saved now Lord is a personal word start building my house I thank you that hell doesn't belong to me I have just got my real estate in heaven I thank you Lord I pray this prayer to the father in the name of Jesus amen and amen give him a hand clap wasn't that easy [Applause]
Channel: God He Reigns
Views: 238,273
Rating: 4.7524843 out of 5
Keywords: jesseduplantis, heaven, experience, closeencounters, god, king, lord, believer, funny, jessie, trip to heaven
Id: uvKF4nuVWQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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