Keith Moore - Thanksgiving Victory Pt.12 Give Glory Give Place

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our text in first corinthians 15 57 says this now but thanks be to god which gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ thanks be to god which gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ look at second corinthians the second chapter and the 14th verse second corinthians 2 14 says now thanks be unto god which always causes us to triumph in christ thanks be unto god who gives us the victory thanks be unto god who always causes us to triumph we've called we've titled this series thanksgiving victory is there a connection between thanksgiving and victory these two verses it certainly is and notice he's not just giving thanks for something that happened that had happened has happened he's thanking god for the present and the future isn't he thanks be unto god who gives us give that's present and future and then here thanks be unto god who always causes us to try that's definitely future always not just right now but tomorrow and the next day and next month always causes so in this case are we thanking god for something we haven't seen yet we haven't failed yet well that's faith but it's much more than that as big as that is it's still much more than that some years ago in a time of waiting on the lord the master spoke to my heart i don't mean to heard an audible voice but inside me i was in a room by myself in the floor praying and getting quiet before a service and he spoke to me these words again not audible but inside me and every child of god should be hearing from the lord if that sounds strange to you it's because you need to make some changes every child of god should be hearing from him not talking about hearing voices but he's on the inside of us the big thing is you just have to learn how he communicates that's the big don't try to hear voices don't try to see things don't try to feel thing goose bumps hot flashes cold flashes we're not talking about any of that vibrations no no no the bible said the spirit his spirit bears witness with our spirit that's how he communicates and if this is new to you we've got entire series on the subject multiple ones back there just yeah again no charge means no excuse find out get caught up it's one of the best things you could ever learn in your life how many agree learning how to be led by the spirit is just right up there at the top of things every human being ought to know and he spoke to my heart keith would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive from me would i like to know how to increase my capacity to receive from him did you know we're only able to receive of his will according to our ability to receive that is the limiting factor the bible said the israelites turned and limited the holy one of israel he's not limited in himself and his will for us stays the same but just because something is his will doesn't mean we automatically enjoy it didn't jesus tell people more than once according to your faith be it unto you well then how are they going to receive it according to his power according to his ability according to his will no if that would have been the case he would have said that how are they going to receive so if their faith is limited it's going to limit what they receive if their faith is increased and their ability to receive increase they can receive more of what was god's will for them to have all the time and this is what he's he's telling me and asking me would i like to know how to increase how to enlarge my ability to receive from him well i didn't have to think about that two seconds yes yes and please yes yes and he spoke these words to my heart cultivate a lifestyle of thanksgiving so many times what the lord says to us is too simple for us we think oh that's nice yeah be thankful we all know that thank you jesus not what he said and again and again people have already heard the answer but they didn't esteem it they didn't respect it they thought oh yeah i know that yeah no you must not or he wouldn't be telling it to you right especially when the lord tells you something again and again get a clue right it's not because he wasn't sure if you heard it or not he right it's because you didn't hear you can hear but not here i know uh i mentioned back years ago when i fell across the bed and said lord i know this is not your fault that we're so broke all the time he began to teach me one thing he did is he led me to the little book of haggai just two chapters in there and he led me read that little book i don't mean to heard a voice but it just come up in my heart so i read it and he'd leave me read it again i'd read it again a couple of days had passed we could read it again i'd read it again this went on for months read it again after a while it's like wow read it again what is this 25 times or something well what does that mean [Laughter] can you see and not see hear and not here and so i read it again and oh glory to god one time i read it and i thought ah ah ah and i wrote in big letters up at the top matthew 6 33. seek ye first the kingdom of i saw it it clicked because he was talking about through that chapter you're running out you're coming short and you're not putting the lord's house first and you're building your own house and you're saying it's not time to be i'm going to not saying you're not going to do it you're saying it's not time now and he said that's why you're coming up short that's why you're investing and coming up short well it was answering the thing that i was crying about and hollering to him about it it was right there so he said to me cultivate a lifestyle of thanksgiving and i i stirred up with it some and and i began to thank god more and and remind myself to thank god but i'll be honest with you i realize now i just barely saw the edge of it barely we're coming into some revelation of it now and i'm seeing that thanksgiving opens up your spirit thanksgiving is an act of faith that gives god a right to get in your business so many times you know i think if folks could they'd try to hire people to do their thinking for them there's all kind of folks they try to get other people to do they're praying for them there's people who get mad they think that's what they hired the preacher for was to do their believing form no there's so many things nobody can do for you james turn there real quickly 5th chapter that's great that we can help each other at times but a whole lot of times you don't need help you need to do what you know you know if you're laid up you can't cut your grass i might come cut your grass for you might but if you've been healed up for six months and you're just laying up on the couch watching tv he was drinking iced tea and say brother keith would you come cut my grass well no why can't you cut your own grass right i mean if you're sick and laid up we might wash your clothes for you and drum and that kind of thing but man if there's nothing wrong with you you can do your own washing right and the same thing is true about praying and believing you're supposed to do your own praying and your own believing and in fact grow up to where you can help people that don't know how and get them grown up where they can help other people right if all of us stay babies our whole life and trying to get each other you know try to hire the pastor to do all our praying and believing for us well that's not going to work that's where a lot of people are at that's why so many things don't happen but james are you there james chapter 5. verse 13. james 5 13 is any among you afflicted do what let who pray him him pray who's afflicted they are who's going to pray they are the one that's afflicted is going to pray you know on the other hand nobody is as interested in this as you are it being you that's afflicted in your money and your stuff and your marriage right is any merry what didn't say if you can sing it just said let him sing everybody can sing everybody can sing right but i don't say dave i'm mary sing no if i'm married i ought to do my own singing right and if i'm afflicted i ought to do my own praying we're reading bible and out god's done things for me i want to do my own thanking shouldn't i i shouldn't stand you know with my button buttoned lip while my spouse does all the thinking did you hear me or my preacher does all the thinking or my friend no no let the redeemed of the lord say he done something for you you best open your mouth nobody can thank god for you like you and besides that god doesn't tell us to praise him and thank him because he needs building up or he needs to be encouraged or he has a feeling of insecurity sometimes and likes to know we believe in him are you kidding it's us that need to do this for us we when we open up our hearts and in real faith and in real humility and real gratitude thank god it does something to our insides that we haven't even understood it qualifies us for the grace of god it is an act of faith how many know when you're hurting in your body and you're saying thank you lord for healing me that's faith you're not walking by what you see you're not walking by what you feel you're looking at a pile of bills and no idea where the money might come from and yet with a smile on your face you say lord i just thank you for meeting all my needs i thank you for taking care of me and you genuinely mean it that's faith that's faith and how many know with grace and faith that's the victory that overcomes the whole world all god needs is a way into our life and he's more than enough to fix any situation turn with me over to the book of psalms let's begin in the 34th psalm i had the privilege of ministering at brother kenneth hagin's ministry for a number of years and at the healing school for a number of years and we had uh classes in the morning sometime they might not have been 10 15 20 people there in the morning and several hundred in the afternoon every day monday through friday and uh i remember uh more than once in the morning it was just me and i'm young and green as can be you think i make mistakes now uh but you know the lord he makes up the difference did you know that i know one of the first sermons i preached there i felt so inadequate and i was and they asked me would i speak on a thursday afternoon and i was used to saying yes which is a good thing to get programmed into because the lord had told me this is my ministry directive help brother hagin three words and that was my ministry directive for 20-some years and i'm so thankful for it and so they they'd say we need somebody to greet people i'd go that's me brother hagin needs help reading people well he didn't know me at all and he didn't need to not at that time uh we need somebody to clean up and arrange the healing classes that's me we need people to talk to folks after the service about being saved or getting back to god that's me and so they said we need somebody to play and sing i didn't want to put up my hand because i was [Laughter] but i thought well i i gotta i got at least be willing so uh i i told them yeah i and they picked me i thought you got to be kidding me i mean there were people there that had degrees in music and people that could really play and really sing and this is where i was at i'm having to try to remember where to put my fingers [Music] and i've always had a good ear so i could hear everywhere i'm missing it [Laughter] and i'd look out and i'd see some of these guys that could really sing and play in the crowd and i'm thinking boy they're thinking is that the best brother hagin could do but it was part of my training too i needed to humble myself did you hear me and be willing to do what i could do and you know he helped me and he taught me i began to learn chords and progressions and learn how to begin to give me songs and you know it's not just expertise that gets the job done it's the anointing and god can put his anointing on all kind of things right and so then they asked me they said well would you come speak on thursday well brother hagin's speaking there and so he was there monday and tuesday and wednesday and thursday keith's going to be there keith who nobody knew me i didn't hardly know man and i thought they said well would you come and i said yeah i'm used to saying yes yes yes yes yes would you come we need you to speak uh he's gonna be out yes and then i thought oh no what did i say what did i say i i can't do this and i i got literally in the closet little bitty closet i crawled in there and i'm saying oh god i got to call them and i was just going to call them and tell them no we've made a mistake and and i really are not up for this and the lord said you he spoke to me he said you better pray and ask me first and i thought well i better do that so i i literally crawled in the closet and i'm praying and carrying on and and i thought i can't do this these people are sick they need help they don't need me messing around and i can hardly put two scriptures together and they're used to hearing him and he's talked to the head of the church personally and i'm still trying to find the books of the bible and [Laughter] they don't need me in here and i can't be practicing on these people got serious problems they they need somebody that knows how to help them and i carried on like that for an hour and finally ran out of gas and split her to a stop and got quiet and that's when the lord had an opportunity to say you know it's amazing if he could just get us to shut up sometimes it's the truth if he could just get us to be quiet and listen sometimes it took me an hour for him to get a word in edgewise that's not good is it and uh finally he said this to me he said keith do you remember the story about the little boy's lunch and the loaves five loaves and two fishes i thought yeah he said you feel like you don't have much and compared to somebody that's been walking with me for 50 years been in the word you don't have the knowledge you don't have the wisdom you don't have the experience he said but i can take a little and do a lot with it man that made my day brother i how many believe it's true he five loaves and two fish fed thousands of people he said you feel like you've got so little but you stand up there and be confident and you give thanks for it and thank me for it and be confident and watch me i'll multiply it i'll multiply what you got and i'll meet the that's what we were talking about earlier isn't it it's supernatural so i studied and did what i knew to do but brother when i stood up there where brother hagin had been yesterday i felt like i had one sardine and a half a cracker i thought i can say this in three minutes and then what am i gonna do and these people are sick they need to be healed this ain't play time but you can't think about that that's you focusing on you you'll never get anywhere like that but i shook that off real quick because i knew what he told me and i did what he told me to do i i held up my little sardine and half cracker and i said lord we thank you for this bountiful provision how many know that's faith that's faith lord we thank you for giving us utterance today and i started out by faith and he brought illustrations to my remembrance and brought verses to me next thing i know we'd gone an hour and people were sitting there like they had gotten something to eat and i thought this is a miracle these people don't know what a miracle this they have witnessed a miracle today this is like the loaves and fishes well the reason i say it is because he can do something with you don't tell him you can't do something he can take a little and do a lot with it if you just give it to him put it in his hands and step out by faith thank you lord did you find psalms 34 psalm 34 and verse 3 what does it say oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together do what magnify the lord with me now hold your place right here let's go to two places in the new testament let's go to luke 17 and romans 4. or they'll put it up on the screen for us either way and let's establish a truth luke 17 and then we're going to romans 4. luke 17. is the story of the ten lepers who were healed and then one of them came back and gave thanks luke 17 and 16. verse 15 says one of them when he saw he was healed he turned back and with a loud voice glorified god how many believe he really was leprous he really had an incurable disease and while he was walking down the road to do what the lord told him to do it all left him it all left him in a moment of time or a few minutes time whatever the case might have been did it really happen you believe it really happened does the lord still do things like that today yes he does yes he does and this one when he saw he was healed he turned back and with a loud voice i like that don't you come on think about it these ten men stood afar off and they cried jesus son of david have mercy you know sometimes people get loud and are persistent when they need something but then when it works out they forget about it they're gone how many know you ought to be just as loud thanking god as you were hauling for help if not more so only one of them came back so prior to this situation jesus was you know uh in a certain place or going down the road and they are hollering at him have mercy on and he he told them go show yourself to the priests and as they went they were healed and so he's doing something else maybe he's in another spot by now and then we hear somebody else jesus thank you ah thank you jesus ah that loud somebody say loud am i reading the bible now that would disturb some church going folk today now wouldn't it but i reckon if jesus would have wanted to correct him he would have couldn't he had said you need to be quiet you need to be quiet in my presence because we're holy no apparently jesus enjoyed this and like in fact he wondered where the other guys were didn't he this should have been a bunch of other noise coming from them which is what we're talking about earlier nobody can do your thinking for you but you he come hollering jesus thank you ah thank you for they said who what is that that's one of those guys one of those lepers that came while ago jesus thank you oh thank you lord for healing me is this good is this a good thing and verse 16. he loud voice he was glorified in god verse 16. he fell down on his face at his feet giving him thanks somebody said glorifying god and giving thanks does this go together glorifying god and giving he was glorifying god and then he came on in and fell down and was thanking him this is the thing i want us to establish because it gets bigger from here thanksgiving is glorifying god amen and thanksgiving is magnifying him when the bible says magnify the lord how do you do that i'm not saying this is the only way you can do that but i'm telling you from the scriptures boldly this is one of the biggest ways i've seen and a powerful way to glorify god to magnify him i don't know if we've seen what that means what does it mean to magnify it means just what you think just what a magnifying glass does it makes it bigger right what you're seeing gets bigger and here's the great truth see the lord asked me that question keith would you like to know how to increase in large we could say magnify your ability to receive from me maybe i could say that another way we want to increase god's working in the situation how's he going to work in my life according to my ability to receive so there's a direct connection when my ability to receive from him is increased then his involvement in my life is increased it's enlarged what can i do to initiate this it almost sounds too simple but it's true and it's powerful i'm going to show you other scriptures that just say it just as plain as it can be said did this man glorify god did he give him thanks as part of it yes he did and then jesus said weren't there ten cleansed where are the other nine there are not found that return to do what to give glory to god save this stranger how was he giving glory to god thanking him thanking him thanking him thanking him was he giving glory to god by thanking him for healing him yes he was isn't he acknowledging when he said thank you lord for healing me isn't he acknowledging that he did it when he's saying thank you lord for healing me isn't he saying lord i didn't earn it i didn't deserve it if he did he wouldn't say thank you if he worked for it if he earned it that doesn't marry to thank you thank you means you didn't have to do it but you did you didn't know it to me it's not because i lived right and perfectly it's not because i knew everything and did everything just right oh you did it because of your grace because of your mercy thank you thank you thank you that gives glory to god and it magnifies him go to romans 4 please romans the 4th chapter our great example of faith in our father of faith abraham 18 against hope he believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations verse 19 abraham romans 4 19 being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he's about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb let me say this another way he didn't magnify his body and her condition he didn't glorify how old he was whatever you magnify whatever you glorify you give more place to in your life it is allowed to work more you get this and actually put it into practice and remember it oh it can save your life it can save your baby's lives it can save you from going under financially the enemy is a defeated foe he's been conquered he's been stripped he's been brought to naught is it true then how is he still affecting so much death and destruction and stealing and killing it's happening all over the world huge scale including god's people how he works through deception and he gets people to use the spiritual forces that should be helping them against herself he tries to turn faith into fear meditation into worry instead of magnifying god magnify the problem and millions see no connection between them thinking and talking the problem all the time and it getting worse because it is so prevalent all over the world people think that's just the way it is that's just normal and it's spiritual forces that they should be using to come out the enemy is getting them to use it against their self magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together somebody say magnify say it again magnify magnify something happens to you things around you tell you that you're sick and it's bad and you're not going to make it you've got a choice right now don't you i said you got a choice what are you going to magnify that's your choice do millions of church-going people magnify the disease they'll talk about it night and day they think about it night and day and what happens it gets bigger and worse and the more you talk and the more you think and the more you focus you're magnifying it what if you magnified the lord what if you thanked him night and day for his healing power what would you be see what was he telling me you enlarge your insides you open your yourself up your spirit up your mind of your life up to me you give me a bigger place to work it's sad that millions of good you know people that love the lord but they have effectively shut the lord out they don't believe in healing they don't believe in miracles they won't even talk about them magnify the lord is healer they won't even talk about it but i'll tell you what they will talk about it they're an expert on the disease they know all the latin names they know all the latest research they know if they talk it they think it continuously and it is ruling their life they think about it when they wake up in the morning and all day long there's hardly a time goes by they're not thinking about it and involved in that you can't do that very long until you begin to feel sorry for yourself now you're in serious trouble spiritually and it's not that it can't be healed it's not that it can't be fixed when peter took jesus aside we've been reading about it in matthew 16 and he said lord this shall not be to you the margin says pity yourself what did jesus say what did he say one of the strongest responses you see in the whole of scripture about him man he wheeled around he said you get behind me why this is dangerous business he said you're a danger to me he said you're tempting me tempting him to what what tempting them to sin that's what temptation's about but the sin of what now here's something i hadn't thought about to this degree i hadn't i've thought about i hadn't said it quite like this is it a sin to pity yourself it obviously is is it a sin to feel sorry for yourself obviously jesus said you're tempting me to what the phrase in the margin is pity yourself so then it's a sin to pity yourself i know a lot of people haven't thought that way after all who wants to feel sorry for yourself who wants to hold on to that that's not the right response i was looking for who wants to be down and depressed and sad and be a victim nobody should want that you should want to be free from that you should want to get out of that if you believe all things are possible to him that believes then there is no such thing as incurable there's no such thing as impossible right if you believe greater is he that's in you then anything that could come against you then it's possible for you to come out of this thing better than you started amen but what you cannot do what you must not do is magnify the problem why did that first generation of israelites perish out in the desert why did they perish in the wilderness this is a clear picture of this isn't it what happened they sent the spies out right they checked it out they saw it they came back some of them brought huge bunches of grapes and had to take two men to carry and they came back and they said oh it's a good land like the lord said oh it's a land of milk and honey look at these grapes look at this but but oh there's giants in the land and i mean they're big and tall as oak trees and they got iron chariots and they got these massive walls and i'm telling you they will run over us they will eat us up like grasshoppers we are nothing in their eyes what are they doing what are they doing what are and see even if people don't say it that's what they're thinking oh this cancer is a terrible disease it'll eat me up it'll kill me i'm nothing in front of it then you're done for oh this is too much money i where in the world could i ever get this much money ain't enough time and it's too much money well you're magnifying the need you're magnifying the debt you're magnifying the amount what are you not doing you're not magnifying god you're not glorifying him you're not being thankful and do you understand what we're talking about you can't think about how terrible this disease is and how bad a shape i'm in and how unfair it is that i'm not very old and i have to die right now you can't think about that three days until you're going to start pitying yourself you're going to feel sorry for yourself and if jesus thought this was dangerous if he wouldn't even entertain it for a minute we ought to be on alert and unaware that when we anything tempts us to feel sorry for ourselves man we ought to jump up and say get behind me satan no i got nothing to feel sorry for myself about i got a healer i got a healer i got a need meter i got a protector i have a mighty god and he's more than enough more than enough let me let me say this now i hope you'll have to hear with the right ear on this if somebody said well what if i tried to do all that and i died anyhow you would be fathoms better off as opposed to wasting your last few days crying and feeling sorry for yourself what if i died believing god you don't want to die any other way healthier no when you slip out of this body and you go to meet him you want him to say boy i know you just believe in me come on up come here come here i knew you was standing the best you knew how there were some things you didn't see i'm going to tell them to you right now but yeah at that point you won't care you're like i wouldn't go back no way no how. but if you believe god and stand you won't fail you'll overcome he always causes us to try always always always all i'm saying is there is no downside to believe in god or attempting to believe god or doing what you know to do it is a win-win win win win situation but you have to discipline yourself we're not in control of everything that happens around us or everything that happens to us have you found that out or not well let's let me have you ever had some stuff happen to you that you didn't want to happen to you well if you could have prevented it you might have but you're not in control of everything that happens around you or even to you you know what you can be and are supposed to be completely in control of how you respond to it and what you focus on and what you magnify you can be no matter what's happening you can be in total control total control you say all right i'm not looking at that it's there it's yelling and screaming for my attention but if i magnify it it'll just get worse it'll get bigger in my life anything you magnify gets big do you if you don't like it now you sure won't like it when it gets bigger what do we want bigger in our life help me out what who do we want more involved in our life oh friend can you see it it hurts my heart i can see men and women of god all over the planet tonight they are grieved they are hurting they're crying their eyes out till they can't cry anymore why won't god help me they say they've prayed they've begged and they don't realize all even what they're calling prayer all they talk about is the problem they just keep telling god the problem over and over and over and don't realize they're magnifying that and in their eyes god is a far off and he's very little involved in them and they in fact they're getting mad at him why he's not more involved with them why he's not helping them more and it's as simple as this oh magnify the lord with me oh i think we're making some progress tonight oh magnify the lord with me somebody said well let me tell you don't understand how much money we need you go up that's enough that's enough just stop right there we ain't even going to talk about how much money we need how many times you need to say it we heard it we know you know what we're going to talk about for the rest of the week the rest of the month the rest of the year we're going to talk about how big god is how easy it is for him to bring this money in a million and one different ways come on come on and we're gonna thank him and we're gonna praise him and we're gonna magnify him night and day and night and day and he said he would always cause us to try he said him and there's all kind of things we'll try to pull on you and get you look at this be upset about this cry about this feel bad call and get on the phone with somebody for two hours and see if they'll feel sorry for you friend that's how you can die early and young do you understand if jesus saw self-pity this seriously and this this danger if anybody could have been able to handle it it would have been him but when he wheels around and says get behind me satan you're a danger to me you're tempting me to pity himself you need to be on high alert you need to have your pity scanner on at all times people bless your heart how you doing you go well you need to jump up and go hey i'm the heel of the lord i got the greater one on the inside of me how much that you can't afford you can't afford 10 minutes of sitting there thinking about how hard it is and how unfair it is that's how you go down what you do then what tell me what are you what are you doing when you talk about boy you talk you talk about a bad disease oh that's one of the meanest ugliest nastiest things and you know eight out of ten that get it they're gone and man that was so and so he got it and boy he was dead in three days and so and so what are you doing what are you doing the devil eats this up oh he likes it he's like tell it again took it oh man he got so sick and his brain fell out and [Laughter] didn't he just died mid-sentence he's trying to eat some cornflakes and fell out of his chair and see the thing now we're laughing and some people think oh oh your shouldn't be like yes you should be laughing at destruction and that famine thou shalt laugh and see that's what the the devil oh he don't like it he don't like it when you laugh at cancer he's like you better be scared of cancer you better be oh you better be scared of aids oh you better be scared you go jesus took that he took that and he bore it you know we got to have ten thousand dollars by the end of the month ten to the well it's obvious you have great respect for that 10 000. don't you and in your mind what is 10 000. and the more you talk about what happens you're magnifying the need and so the need will have more and more place in your life oh can you see it let me tell you what the lord told me again now keith would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive from me if my capacity is increased and i received more of him what's the result i've got more of him in my life i got more of his healing i got more of his wisdom i got more of his prosperity right i got more of him you get enough of him in your life you haven't got any problems right i mean when he comes in enemies devil's run disease leaves abraham didn't consider his own body he didn't consider sarah's body he didn't stagger at the promise of god through unbelief but he was what verse 20 he was what he was what doing what giving glory to god now from other scriptures what do we know that is a big part of that is thanking god let me prove it to you from the psalms go to psalms now 69 like we said earlier this says it just as plain as you can say it psalm 69 did it work for abraham could he have magnified his body how old it was sarah how old she was could he have magnified that i know i'm taking some extra time and i may sound redundant to you but i know you you logged this registered on your brain several minutes ago but i'm not just trying to get it in your brain i want to get it in your spirit so that you may come up off the bed tonight and go huh magnify the lord i'm going to magnify the lord and you actually begin to do it you start talking about how big he is and how somebody tells you about how somebody died you tell them about four people that got healed somebody tells you about somebody's business went under you tell them about these that opened up other businesses right right you ain't bragging on them and you're not bragging on this church you're not bragging on you you are bragging on the lord you are boasting in him you are magnifying and enlarging him what is cancer before the lord our god what is aids before our almighty god what is a million dollars or a billion dollars in debt before the lord almighty what what is that before him it's nothing before him but if we magnify the problem it gets bigger and bigger until we become obsessed in our thinking all you got to do is look at people's faces you can tell you can tell what they've been thinking on because if you think about the right thing you get joy when you think about it [Laughter] am i right am i right you you think about the right thing you break out in the song am i right somebody said i get joy when i think about i get joy when i think about i get joy when i think about what he's done for me what the lord has done for me [Applause] what about when you think about how bad it is you get down when you think about it right what bad things have happened to others what bad things have happened to you how it hurts how it feels you get down your strength gets small the disease gets worse the need gets bigger the faith gets smaller and you're the one making the change can you see that god doesn't change he's the same everywhere all the time with everybody and he's not saying okay i'll heal you no not you i don't i ain't got over that last deal with you [Laughter] yeah i'm gonna do a miracle for you and your finances i just feel like it right now and no that's you now you need to learn a lesson and see you people may be thinking about yourself god's not fickle like that he is the same all the time everywhere and he's no respecter of persons but he's not moved by needs or by begging or pleading or pulling what moves him same thing he talked about in matthew mark luke and john he'd say oh i hadn't seen faith like that not in all israel and the man left healed his kids left healed miracles happen right bless people's hearts so the people already been in here tonight they should have been in here tonight and you know why they're not here well my old rheumatism is acting up and it's just been so bad this week yet i can't see they're magnifying rheumatism and missing answers and you can just go all the way down like that well our money's tight you know and i you know ten dollars is ten dollars so i i'm gonna need that for something else i can't afford to drive over there and go there listen you better do what the lord tells you to do because he's your source and there's no amount of saving you can do that's going to meet all your needs right got to believe god somewhere sometime and sooner is better you need to spend what he tells you to spend and you need to give what he tells you to give and you need to do with a big smile on your face and say hey there's a lot more where this came from god can are you kidding how easy must it be for god to get a thousand dollars to me how easy we can't even begin to understand how little that is to him how easy it must be did you find the song psalm 69 what did abraham do hmm his name receive the name the lord gave him get up in the morning look at his old face and say father of many nations yes you are he'd go out and they'd say hi mr abram he said abraham yes sir of course he's the boss had everybody calling him father of many nations what did he do he wasn't weak in faith he didn't stagger and waver at the promise he didn't look at his body he didn't look at her body what did he do what did he do he was strong in faith doing what giving glory is he magnifying the lord is he glorifying the lord and what happened to him i'm telling you i don't know if we realize what a miracle happened to him and to sarah god had to change her body on a molecular level he had to turn the clock back on her didn't he she be i mean she became her organs became young and were healed and restored glory to god god anything's possible to those that believe if god could do that to her he could sure fix your kidney or clean your blood up or restore your lung army how easy must it be for the one who creates planets to tweak your little body how easy but if we magnify the problem we cut ourself off from that grace somebody say not me not me i'm going to magnify the lord i'm going to glorify god not the problem psalm 69 are you there verse 30 69 and 30. i will praise the name of god with a song i think it needs to be some song writing going on all through this church you don't need to bring your song to me now i'm not talking about that i'm talking about he is the one who gives songs in the night he he gives uh i mean he'll give you something to help you stay in a mode of thanksgiving and faith all the time right i don't know what style you like doesn't mean god's got he knows all styles you might get a a rumba [Laughter] my stuff is being paid off my stuff is being paid off [Applause] paid off paid off my stuff is being paid off thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you lord it doesn't have to rhyme it doesn't have to have the right tone does this verse apply to use what i'm saying right here read it read it does this verse apply to you read it out loud for me help me out i who who i will praise the name of god with the song and i will magnify it says it exactly with thanksgiving can you magnify god with thanksgiving yes anybody anywhere on the planet in the darkest corner of sin in the worst poverty the worst famine or disease imaginable the least little most uneducated weakest soul can look up from that darkness and begin to say god i praise you i thank you that you're bigger than this i thank you that you're almighty and by your grace you'll get me out of here you'll bring me up immediately god has an opening into that person's life oh come on can you see it they begin to open up see it begins with you your spirit the power to change your life around about you starts in you [Music] and you begin to do that and your spirit begin to open up a little bit to him so that you can praise him and magnify was through that same opening that you praise him out of he's able to flow back into that same opening so ever how big you can open up to thank him and magnify him is how big of an opening he has to come into you and give you grace and strengthen you and open up your mind and show you how to think and what to say and what to do and faith come up in you and you'll begin to behind this and you'll begin to loose that and you'll begin to be encouraged and how many believe there ain't a devil in hell that can hold a man a woman like that there's not a disease there's not an amount there's nothing that's greater than the lord our god so i will sing to him i will praise him i will magnify come on stand up on your feet i will magnify the lord oh lift up your hands lift up your voice lift up your prey come on magnify magnify magnify thank you thank you thank you oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you oh thank you oh thank you thank you thank you
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 376
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: _AYXrvO1nFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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