Keith Moore Faith for miracles Pt 5 How faith comes

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mark 917 the story is is told here we've gone into some detail about it how that Jesus went up on the mountaintop with the three disciples and the glory of the Lord was manifested in his his clothes and his person became glistening white whiter than any snow whiter than any natural white and there appeared to them Moses and Elijah who had lived many many many years ago on the earth and talking with them and they talked to him about what was about to happen with him and then the Father God spoke out of heaven and they all heard it audibly and said this is my beloved son listen to him and so then when they came down out of this amazing glorious experience there was a people in turmoil down at the base of the mountain with the disciples because the religious leaders were mocking them making fun of them ridiculing them because of their failure to get a boy set free who had had all these seizures and all these problems apparently they had prayed for him and did everything they knew how to do and to no avail nothing happened and so then when Jesus got there the father of the boy came said master I've brought to you my son who has a dumb spirit let's read on down verse 23 from here until 2:23 he said he takes him and tears him and foams and nash's with his teeth he Pines away he's in an awful condition I spoke to your disciples that they should cast a mountain they could not and and jesus answered him and you can tell he's looking not just to the man but to the whole group down there and he's saying o faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you so what what's the problem down here not only with the disciple but with the whole bunch faithless faithless now there there's a problem that someone other people church-going people have got it in their mind that all of us are doing pretty good on faith but for some reason we're not seeing and getting as much results as we'd like to and we're trying to figure out what that might be the cause of that but we're faith people so faith couldn't really be the problem that much we're sure we could use a little more but but basically we have a lot of faith and that's simply not true I said it's simply not true we've given a lot of scripture to show that we're going to go over some more what was the problem here faith what faith what less faithless now we went into detail last time the disciples came after this situation after Jesus ministered to this boy they came to Jesus privately and said why couldn't we do that because they had been doing it and if you put Matthews account with this one and also with Luke his answer to them was because of your unbelief that's why you couldn't do it and then he went on to say this kind comes not up but by prayer and fasting and we talked about the connection between prayer and fasting and having faith and he you know some people have taken these verses and and developed doctrines that are not accurate and so they say they say well you you you have to pray it out or you have to fast it out no Jesus didn't pray it out nor did he fast it out he cast it out if it would if that have been what he's talking about then he would have done this differently he would have said come on guys let's kneel down here and pray we're gonna have to pray and fast until this boy gets delivered that's not what he did right no the praying and fasting helps them rectify their situation of unbelief and we see there's carnality involved they were arguing among themselves who was going to be the greatest and he talked to them about how that is a worldly mentality and the more worldly we are the weaker will be in faith I said the more worldly we are that you mean all of us the weaker we're going to be in faith the more we think like the world and the world is proud and selfish and self-centred and unbelieving and fearful and doubting and so even though we're in the world we don't want to be conformed to this world we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind and so we need to draw near to him and let him draw near to us and we need to hear his words and be in his presence right and put our flesh under and pull out of all this ungodliness and worldly nough stand if we do our faith will get stronger I said our faith will get stronger and then what was impossible will become reachable it'll become receivable do you see this Saints so many have just formulated new doctrines they well what would happen the same thing with a lot of people today if I had prayed for somebody and they didn't receive or somebody else did so there's a lot of people say well see that proves that it's not always God's will maybe God there's some reason why that person has that disease or has that thing we don't we shouldn't question the will of God well that's not what Jesus said I said that's not what Jesus said what did Jesus tell him the reason was why they prayed and got no results unbelief right unbelief well why are we gonna let theologians and scholars tell us something different than what Jesus told us if that was the reason then it's the reason now hmm oh but is there a cure for unbelief if you can get your unbelief cured you can get your body cured if you can get your unbelief fixed you can get your bills paid come on are you with me but we must not go around pretending can't keep reading this he said faithless generation you can tell it's irritating to him well what a what a a drastic change coming out of the glory into this and he said verse 20 they brought him to him and straightway when he sign me the spirit to him and he fell on the ground wallowed foaming keep going he asked his father how long is it ago since this came to him he said of a child oftentimes has cast him into the fire and waters to destroy him if he can do anything have compassion on us and help us so this is a case it's been this way a long long time nobody can help it's a seeming incurable unfixable impossible thing and with men even the best in their field there's all kind of things men can't fix is that right it's just just a fact but when men tell us it can't be fixed what they should say is we don't know how right because the truth is there is somebody that can fix it it it actually can be fixed hmm he said but this man says if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us and in verse 23 jesus said if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes come on say that loud all things are possible to him that belief said again all things are possible to him that believes one more time all things are possible to whom to him that believes to him that believes to him that believes and the men said what straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord I believe help thou mine unbelief so many times people are in this situation we've been in this situation again and again and again the Lord will meet you where you are but not where you're pretending to be and you've got to get real with you there's no need and acting like you're in faith when you're not playing games pretending that you are now the scripture go with me the first Timothy if you would first Timothy one and you'll see in the beginning of first Timothy also the beginning of 2nd Timothy he talks about faith and he uses a descriptor a word describing a type of faith in 1st Timothy 1 in the fifth verse 1st Timothy 1:5 you believe in with me there's some really good things you and I can get to it first if we stay hooked the Lord wants us to have manifestations it's not like we're waiting on God to decide to do something he's been ready he's always ready what's the hindrance unbelief now notice he said the end of the commandment is charity love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and the faith unfeigned everybody say faith unfeigned faith unfeigned if you go to second Timothy 1:5 that's 1st Timothy 1:5 go to 2nd Timothy 1:5 you see a very similar thing he said when I call to remembrance of the what unfeigned faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother you now see I know a lot of people say Eunice and I'm persuaded that in you also he said this this faith was in your grandmother this faith was in your mother and I'm persuaded it's in you and what kind of faith is unfeigned faith now the word what one says like one place where the word fain is there in second Peter 2 it's from the Greek word we get our word plastic from plasto's plastic meaning artificial are false is there a plastic faith is there and this word here in 2nd Timothy 1:5 unfeigned it's from the Greek word we get our word the root word hypocrisy hypocrisy which means a stage player an actor a pretender is there a pretend faith there has to be rest he wouldn't talk about a unpretending fame means plastic phony pretend unfeigned of course would mean not not it's not pretend faith it's real faith it's real faith and it's just it's just a fact that among so many church-going folks there's a lot of pretend there's a lot of funniness I don't know people might not like to talk about it but it's also learned somebody that had phoney faith taught other folks and so they got some phony faith too you know the big problem with phony faith you can go on and on and on and you make a good show and it looks kind of like faith and it sounds kind of like like well if it I'm a know if it's phony you know I talked about our first home that Phyllis and I had and if you've ever heard me talk about it we talked about the genuine imitation leather sofa what does that mean plastic it it had a a cowhide print stamped onto it to make it look like it had some grain but it's not leather is plastic right but it it looks like leather especially from a distance but the closer you get Ana closer you examine it especially if you sit on it for a while you begin to realize this is not genuine leatherr that's exactly what he's talking about here there is something that looks like faith it sounds like faith especially from a distance and especially to those who don't know much about faith theirself either but it's not real faith it's phony it's pretend now why would that be what's going on with that can you see this man when he cries out Lord I believe and what else did he say is he trying to pretend to Jesus that he's got more faith than he actually does no how many think that would be an ignorant thing to do is he not gonna know where you are what you're doing you might be able to con some folks but you can't kid God about where you are and what you believe and what you don't we can either act like we're super spiritual and pretend like we got all this faith and get nothing or we can get real about where we are and get something even if our faith is not where we'd like for it to be even if the miracle we get is not the most spectacular thing you've ever heard still it's better to get something than nothing is that right it's best better to have a victory it's better to make some progress than to just pretend try to kid try to con you're believing with me on this is there a phony faith there's got to be else why does he keep talking about unfeigned if there's unfeigned faith there's got to be feigned faith which is phony pretend now go with me please over to the book of Romans over to the book of Romans we go to the Romans the tenth chapter please we got into some detail last time showing scriptures that reveal that not everybody has faith Jesus talked about great faith he talked about little faith and he talked about no faith let me remind you of a few a few verses you don't return to these but just listen second Thessalonians 3:2 says not all men have faith the NIV says not everyone has faith Deuteronomy 30 to 20 talks about he said there a froward generation children in whom is no faith mark 4:40 jesus said to them during that storm there on the lake he said why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith how much faith did they have out there that night no faith it's not a fact that they didn't use it they didn't have it because of choices they had made and in Luke 8:25 the Lord said to them where is your faith where is your faith luke 18:8 says when the Son of Man comes shall he find faith on the earth when the Lord returns faith is not going to be plentiful everywhere throughout the population faith real faith is precious beyond words and it's rare listen to second Peter 1:1 he talks about like precious faith and first Peter 1:7 says your faith that's more precious than gold that's this tried by fire it'll be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ that this is almost bigger than some folks dare to believe the master is going to praise people's faith he already did it when he walked there didn't he didn't he sir when a couple of kiddin a you didn't see this all the time but a couple of occasions he said now that's some great faith I hadn't seen faith like that through this whole nation right and he remarked about it and he made a big deal out of it why because faith pleases God always has always will but not everything that people call faith is faith so we need to distinguish the phony from the real don't we anybody besides me and here interested in some real faith real faith you know one way you can tell it's real faith it works it gets results you get answers things happen glory to God anybody excited about this besides me we're making progress we're gonna get rid of the junk right and get the real are you ready set out I pray this with me everybody in Branson everybody here everybody on the Internet release your faith right now pray it out loud father God open my eyes my ears my heart my mind show me the difference between fake faith and real faith I ask it in Jesus name I believe I receive I thank you for it amen hallelujah glory go are you expecting that then that was some real faith right there can you see that thank you lord in Romans the tenth chapter Romans 10 and let's begin up here about verse eight or so Romans 10 and eight he said what saith it the word is near you it's close to you even in your mouth well your mouth is closed knowing it can you find your mouth is it closed right here and your heart where's your heart at well it's in here that's not telling about your blood pump in just a moment we'll see that you with the heart man believes well you can't believe God with your physical heart any more than you can believe God with your lung or your kidney your heart's the core of your being you know you understand this people say the heart of the watermelon that's the core the heart of a Pinetree the heart of an oak that's what he's talking about it's close to you in your mouth in your heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach you know Paul was a faith guy huh where the faiths been around a long time keep going if that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will have a miracle in you you'll be born again you'll be saved is it true you already know how to get a miracle anybody in here born-again I want to know how anybody in here you receive Jesus huh and you were born again you've already received a greater miracle than any physical healing you've already received that so don't let anybody tell you you can't receive a miracle you already have you're a new creation from what you used to be on the inside that's a miracle I said that's a miracle you and from hearing a child of dark hissing the devil to a child of God and a child of the light nature of the enemy to the nature of God himself God's your father you're born of him what a miracle I said what a miracle and you received that didn't with your faith how'd you do it you believed it in your heart you believed what you believed what you heard about Jesus and you confessed his lordship with your mouth and you were saved and you are saved said out loud I already have believed for miracles I can believe for miracles I can't I've already done it and I'll do it again and again and again I know how it's not complicated verse 10 for with the heart man believes unto righteousness now this as every word of this always is so significant what part of your being do you believe God with what not your head you don't believe God with your head you don't believe God with your intellect you don't believe God with your emotions or with your desires you believe God with what your heart and again that's not your physical blood pump obviously that's the core of you being the inside you believe God with your heart set out loud with the heart man believes now as your heart the same thing as your head no it's not we're already beginning to discern phony faith because these other things are not not of the heart not real with the mouth confession is made unto salvation keep reading the scripture says whoever believes on him shall not be ashamed who will this work for whoever whoever will do it ok who you are where you come from what your background is or isn't if you're doing it'll work for you it'll work for you whoever believes on him shall not be ashamed keep meeting down here for a few verses now there's no difference between the Jew and the Greek the same lord over all is rich unto all who call upon him glory whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved is that a miracle yes it is yes it is how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed answer that for me if you they can't they won't so they have to believe in order for there to be a calling is an action you're not going to have action until you have believing and how shall they believe in him in who of whom they have not heard answer that for me they can't they won't you can't have believing before you have hearing are we talking about real faith and we told my how to have real faith how to get real faith how to have real faith we already see real faith has action faith without works is dead in this instance the action is calling but you're not going to act if you don't believe and you're not going to believe if you haven't heard hmm and how shall they hear without a preacher huh can you can you can you hear without a preacher are you sure you know I had a friend of mine one time who was getting his doctorate in divinity and I don't have a doctorate in divinity I'm not knocking that at all I'm just saying I don't and he was getting his and he and I were friends who went way back to teenage years and I was asking him at one point about some of these things and he we were involved in a project where we were getting a lot of books of brother Hagins into some other countries in their languages and he challenged me and asked me why weren't we just sending Bibles and I really didn't know exactly how to answer him or there she's certainly not going to say they want a brother Hagins books is more important are just as important as the Bible so then why would you hmm but put the verse back up there did it say how shall they hear without a Bible how shall they hear without a Bible he see that there's a lot of people who tell you all I need is me and my Bible in God I don't believe in organized church and organized religion will not agree with you on that one I believe in church but not man's religion and all I need is me and God and my Bible I'm closer to God out in the woods or out on the beach at sunrise or sunset communing with with nature I can hear from God so much better no you can't you can hear from God yes you can but not everything you need you cannot get everything you need from God by yourself because he has chosen to give you things through other body parts and if you won't receive them he's not going to change and adapt to you and say well forget about that I'll just give it to you directly anyway not going to happen now I know not everybody believes this but if you'll study the Scriptures you'll come to this conclusion there are a lot of things that don't come to you directly from the head they come to you through other body parts from the head and God has ordained it because he wants there to be this connection and fellowship between you and these other body parts they're supposed to be unity because together we can get so much more done than apart hold your hand up it move it why can that hand do that huh why can't well it's got to have blood flow and it's got to have nerve flow particularly why is this hand doing it instead of this other one or instead of my foot because my brain I said my brain is directing this hand and fingers what to do but is it coming from here wirelessly Wi-Fi if you will through to my hand is it coming from the head to the hand directly no it is not it's coming through the neck it's coming through the shoulder it's coming through the upper arm is coming through the elbow and the lower ice coming through the wrist what if the hand says I don't need shoulders I don't need neck I don't need upper arms I don't need elbows and I sure don't need wrists just me in the head just me and the head that's all I need that's all I need me in the head what if the what if the the hand and the wrist have a complete falling out and they won't even communicate with each other anymore they get offended at one another is that gonna be a problem for the hand yes it is because there's a lot of stuff that comes to the hand through it's coming from the head but it's not coming directly from the head to the hand it's coming through other body parts that's one of the reasons he told us don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together that's why you need to be in a good church that's why you need to be on these service teams you need these connections you need these friends is that right you need this fellowship how many of you have gotten things from the head but it came through other parts that came through other people you know you did you know you did when you got saved filled with the spirit all these other things but put the verse back up for us how will they call on him in whom they have not believed tell me the answer they won't they can't and they won't how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard they can't and they won't how shall they hear without a preacher do you need a preacher hmm why didn't you say Bible like I told you I was a little bit stumped when this guy's this theologian friend asked me well why are y'all sending these books why don't you just send Bibles we need Bibles won't you misunderstand me but we also need the gifts that God has given to men didn't the Bible send Ephesians he gave the head on high has given gifts to men apostles prophets evangelists teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the building up of the body of Christ so we all grow up and come into the full measure of Christ's maturity are these gifts necessary why because of the anointing I said because of the anointing you're not going to read the Bible with the same anointing that somebody's going to preach it to you with yes you can get things for yourself you should be getting things for yourself directly from the Holy Spirit directly out of the Bible on a daily basis certainly yes yes yes but you won't be able to get it all that way God has ordained that a number of things we're going to get through these ministry gifts well let me ask you have you ever read a portion of scripture three times five times ten times twenty times fifty times and then somebody preached it to you and you thought whoa whoa wait a minute that's been in there all I thought why didn't you get it the previous 50 times why didn't you get it because it didn't come to you in that anointing until through that ministry and in that it didn't the Bible saying first John to the anointing teaches us the anointing teaches us of all things now this is very significant very significant in discerning real faith from phony faith because keep reading keep reading let's read this again how are they calling him in whom they have not believed help me out they can't and they won't how shall they believe in him in whom they've not heard okay they won't you got to believe before you're gonna act on it and you got to hear something before you're gonna believe some no getting around this and how shall you hear something that brings faith without a preacher you need that anointing I said you need that anointing on the ministry of that word to quicken that word to you so we'll just stand on the word it's a big book there's a lot in here are you telling me we're just just pick any any any of it is good are you sure just pick and it says and so and so begat so and so and that is your deliverance Scripture are you sure about that is that gonna bring the faith you need to get out of debt and get your baby healed if the Lord said it was then it would but no it is not just randomly and indiscriminately picking a verse keep reading how shall they preach except they be sent now that's just as true as the rest of it somebody can call their self and just decide they're gonna be a preacher somebody can go to school and get degrees but that doesn't mean they're anointed and that doesn't mean you'll get faith from hearing what they're sayin some so called teaching and preaching is actually faith robbing if you listen to too much of it it'll rob you of faith know you you're not gonna get faith from hearing preaching and teaching unless someone actually is called and sent and anointed because it's not the human being that's bringing that faith to you it's the anointing I said it's the anointing and no man or woman anoints themself you can't how will they preach except they be said as it is written how beautiful or the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things hallelujah I know I'm your preacher a lot of you but are you thankful for your preachers oh I'm thinking about my preachers right now I'm thinking about the first time Phyllis and I heard anything on being redeemed from the curse heard about walking by faith heard about by stripes we were healed I grew up in church but I hadn't heard that and if I read it I didn't get it right but they preached it under the anointing and for the first time in my life I saw it I saw it it went off in me hallelujah like a roman candle and I thought glory to God this is real I don't have to live like this we can be blessed we can come out we can be healed we can get our needs met I can find the will of God and do it we can find the plan and fulfill it well what is that as faith faith came to me faith came to her from what from what how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things brother Kenneth Hagin mister reefer Hagin in heaven now they will always have a place in my heart throughout eternity their feet are beautiful to me how many of you feel the same way brother Kenneth and miss Gloria Copeland their feet are beautiful to me they've been doing what they do for what four plus decades and glory to God beautiful I said beautiful why cuz I wasn't gettin it how many I'll be honest and say yeah I wasn't getting it I was not getting it until God sent them across my path and sent me across send us across their path and I begin to get it I begin to get it up again I begin to get what I begin to get faith we'll mountain-moving world overcome in god-pleasing faith I know I'm shouting it's exciting it's big it's real I said it's real so that's why we weren't just sending Bibles a lot of them had Bibles they weren't getting that out of the Bible for themself they needed this come on can you see this you know you need a Bible you probably need 25 and you how many know you need to read your chapter every day every day you know I'm not saying anything negative about that but is that enough no you need more and you don't just need more you have more God has given us has any given us he gave gifts to men and he's ordained that we our faith come through these instruments to keep reading keep reading verse 16 but they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah says Lord who has believed our report now you know even though it's anointed you don't have to believe it you can't shut it down you can say no I don't go for that I don't go along with all that but verse 17 how do you get real faith how do you get real faith so then this is the conclusion of all these things he said write the summary so then faith comes everybody say faith comes now now you see come cometh is in italics there and it's not in the original text right here but it is in Galatians I'm going to show you in just a moment so it is a fact and a truth that faith comes you might say well that seems unnecessary no it's necessary just hang with me faith does what faith comes how does how does it come by what method by what means it comes by hearing and button it that would have been enough if that's all we're saying faith comes by hearing why not just put a period right here no he's reiterating what he just got through saying in these previous verses and hearing by the Word of God now most of your modern translations don't have that they have the word of Christ which is accurate and Christ means anointed in the whole we've been talking about this whole time how does faith come by hearing not just the mechanical mental hearing but what kind of hearing hearing by the word of the Anointed One look these things up for yourself don't just take my word for it it's the word of the Christ I believe I have some other translations right here I can read to you now all of this floats together the the faith comes not just cuz it bounced off for your ears but it comes because of the anointing is it possible to hear and not hear oh yeah yeah how many times jesus said him that has ears to hear let him hear well why would he say that a lot of people had these things on the side of their head what's he talking about faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God how'd you place there and go to Galatians three how'd you place here in Romans we're coming back there Galatians three and twenty three now now cometh was added by the translators in verse 17 there but here it's in the text I just want to notice these phrases Galatians 3:23 before faith came before faith did what came what does that mean faith came skip down to verse 25 but after that faith is come what does that mean was there a time when faith wasn't there and then what happened faith came and it was there this should be obvious but I want to reiterate it was there a time when you weren't in faith about Jesus and you weren't in faith about being saved you weren't in faith about your name being written in the Lamb's Book of Life but what happened what happened you called on the name of the Lord you confess Jesus as Lord of your life why because you believe something why did you believe something because you heard something how did you hear it consumed that somebody by the anointing preached it to you right and they were able to do it because they were sent anointed and when it happened faith wasn't there but it came I said it came it came because you received the word you believe the word you embrace the word and faith came into your heart from that anointed word it wasn't there and then it came and it was there and that's one of the big reasons you're sitting up in here tonight right because elsewise you and me you'd be somewhere else doing something else and the same way faith came to be born again is the way faith comes for everything whether it's a healing or your bills be getting paid or whatever it it works the same way forever thing listen to back back in Romans now Romans 10:17 and we'll read a couple of translations to you the wisht translation says Romans 10:17 so then faith is out of the source of that which is heard and that which is heard is through the agency of the word concerning Christ English Standard says faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ the NA s new American Standard standard faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ that's an accurate literal translation how does faith come not by praying for faith not by people laying hands on you and giving you some faith that's not how it comes I said that's not how it comes how does it come it comes by hearing and not just the sound of the words bouncing off your eardrums it comes by the word of the anointing the anointing the quickening word and when you know you've heard from God and the light comes faith comes when the light comes faith is there when you know you've heard from God faith came with it now you got genuine faith I think sometimes people have tried that they've gone too quickly to the standing part standing in faith they've rushed to it too quick you you are not able to stand in faith until you have faith and how do you get faith too many have rushed past the hearing the anointed word part when you've got a impossible situation when you've got something that nobody knows how to fix what do you need you need a miracle you need faith in God right because to those that have faith those that believe nothing's impossible right so how you going to get faith how you gonna get faith here's where many have made a mistake you don't have faith just because you want something you don't have faith just because you desire something you don't have faith just because you need it you can't have faith just don't not on that basis Salo how do you get faith you have to hear from him I said you have to hear from him not just somebody reading the Bible hmm not not just you putting your eyes across the page of a book you have to hear from him for yourself you got to hear from him I said you got to hear from him you have to hear from him for yourself and when you have heard from him for yourself about that thing faith comes faith comes many have decided I'm just going to believe this I'm gonna believe for this I'm gonna believe for the other and they really didn't hear from God and so they stand and they stand and they confess and they confess and it doesn't come to anything because it's not real faith we talk about understanding the go with me to Matthew please don't let this be too simple for you it's very important Matthew what did I tell you a chapter 14th chapter Matthew 14 let's look at an example of real faith seeing the impossible is this a fairy tale this book that we have here huh or did it really happen did you really happen really happened Matthew 14 there was the miracle of the multiplying of the loaves and the fishes the feeding of the multitude five thousand men beside the women and children and in Matthew 14 22 Matthew 14 22 straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea is that true I said is that true you know a lot of people don't believe that they'd laugh at that they mock that but is it possible by faith now Jesus is doing this as a man now we know he did it as a man because another man did it right who was definitely not virgin born so my Peter who is definitely not the Son of God whose mistakes are recorded right and yet he did it so we know Jesus did it he walked on the water as a man Rikin how he did it he did it by faith is it possible do all things become possible by faith Jesus went to them walking on the sea somebody needs to say I believe it I believe it I believe it just like it says it verse 26 keep going when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled and they said it's a spirit a lot of folks today say it's a ghost and they cried out for fear which is enemy of faith number one and you believe with me we're gonna get into this later because this is one of the big if not the biggest enemy our faith has is this right here being afraid fear and they cried out and said it's a spirit and they were afraid and this straightway Jesus spoke to them and What did he say be of good cheer it's me what don't be afraid how many times have you read this in the Bible when an angel came on the scene when God spoke to his people when Jesus spoke to people how many times again and again don't be afraid don't be afraid fear not fear not now if it didn't make any difference where they were or not why would he say it what I need you say all guys crawl you won't - I'm gonna take care of this for you it don't really matter what you do I'm the son of God I'll do this hmm did it matter whether they're full of fear or not why because it's only through faith that we see these miraculous things huh and if the Lord can't get us out of fear we're not going to see it we're not gonna have it because we're not believing verse 28 Peter answered and said Lord if that's you tell me to come out there to you on the water that's pretty good I said that's pretty good if it is you this dark out there this stormy when's the last time you saw some human being walking across the water they are shaken man but but if it is I got to get in on this huh you got to remember they travel with him every day they with him they're in services with him right then knowing much more as a man than as the Savior Lord if that shoe bid me come to you on the water I won't stop right here does Peter have faith to walk on the water huh huh huh no absolutely not easy walking on the water no why is he still in the boat I said why is he still in the boat he doesn't have faith to walk on the water you don't have faith for something because you want it just because you want to do it does not mean you have faith to do it just because you need to do it does not mean you have faith to tell me how faith comes faith comes by hearing the anointed word for that situation for that area Peter don't have faith in verse 28 to walk on the water he does he well he's still in the boat right when did Peter get faith to walk on the water that does faith come huh if faith comes what does that mean that means it wasn't there but it came and now it's there tell me how faith comes according to Romans 10:17 how does faith come how does faith go how's Peter heard anything right now verse 28 that would cause him to have faith to be able to do this no so he cannot have faith to do it he wish he won't he can need he can speculate but if he tries to get out and walk on the water right now he's not gonna be able to even a little bit why how do you get faith come on help me friends how do you get faith faith comes by hearing he hasn't heard anything that would give him faith to do this and I assure you you're not gonna walk on the water without faith right when did it get faith come on help man when did Peter get faith to walk on earth verse 29 verse 29 Jesus said come come on do you suppose there was an awning on that word huh was there any anointing on that word when he said come on come Peter heard it the anointing came with it and what else came with it come on what else came with it faith to do what faith to come to Jesus on the water came to him and now he does have faith and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water somebody say he walked on the water come on say that loud he walked on the water did that really happen did that really is this a miracle I mean so y'all were fools for believing that you're a fool for not believing you'll find out eventually I believe it I said I believe it I believe it I believe it so what about me having faith to walk on the water there's a lot of water around here I mean we a little pawn right back here huh do I have faith to walk on the one now here's some folks think you will let's see let's see how much faith you got preacher and see that's part of this phony faith because the truth is you don't have any faith unless you've heard from God I don't have any faith unless I've heard from God faith in God is based completely on hearing from God I would have to hear from him about it in order to do it if he told me to come if he told me to do it then I could believe it right and act on it but otherwise if I'm trying to show somebody my faith then they gonna find out that there's nothing to it it's a bunch of phony stuff somebody trying to pretend trying to I now come on is that what the enemy tried to do with Jesus when he said if you're the son of God do what turn these stones into bread what's wrong with that is he the son of God yeah is he is he a man of faith yes is it possible that those stones could become Brent yes then why not do it why not do it according to Jesus now listen carefully according to Jesus he couldn't do it this is all I can't accept that whether you don't accept the Bible because Jesus said I can of my own self do nothing I only say what I hear him say who is saying turned the stones into bread not God so how can Jesus have faith in the father about this and he takes him up on the pinnacle of the temple and tells him throw yourself off because it's written you got scripture for it although a lot of folks they said they had scripture for something but it wasn't real faith though yourself off has he heard from the father about jumping off of this thing he then should he jump off it and neither should you you have to hear from him sit out loud I have to hear from him say it again I have to hear from him I have to I have to I can't just pull something off the top of my head Sam won't believe this oh you can but it'll come to nothing and it'll be funny it looks sound like faith to people that don't know but it's not real faith now go with me to our beloved mark 11:23 and 24 in closing because I know some of you been thinking about it if not you would be soon one way or the other mark 11:23 and 24 one reason we know about this verse and they're familiar with this verse is because of our beloved brother Kenneth E Hagin or as we sometimes lovingly called brother dr. dad who as a teenager was bed fast there in North Texas at the age of 15 16 some of the best doctors in the country said he had to die could not live nobody in his condition had ever lived past 16 years of age and when he started getting close to that age he went just the way that they said he would he lost ability to move he was paralyzed couldn't bed he was born with a heart defect he in addition to that he had an incurable blood disease and so if one of the things hadn't killed him a couple of the other ones would have they no hope no hope impossible but as he said as a Baptist boy reading grandma's Methodist Bible he got some light he describes it sometimes as maybe like the light that would come through a keyhole just a little bit of light on mark 11:23 and 24 and verse 24 in particular therefore I say unto you jesus said what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them and he begin to he begin to to think could this be true I desire well body I desire not to die as a teenager but to live and have a life I desire to live and not die could it be true could this be true and he sent word to preachers and pastors to come he wanted to ask him about this and most of them never came and the one that did come he couldn't talk his his tongue and throat was paralyzed and he was trying to point to the Bible and trying to tell him does this mean what I think it does does it mean I can believe I receive and be healed but all he could get out of and couldn't enunciate any words and so the pastor took his hand and took it in his and Pat it and said just be patient my boy in a few more days it'll all be over and he said when the pastor left he said it was the light was shining bright outside but it was dark and no all his hope was gone but somewhere another as days passed and weeks passed he was prompted to go back and look at it again and it was hard for him to do in his condition but they helped him and and he he began to get get it in his mind and heart that this is true this is true I I couldn't believe I receive I can leave I receive and so at one point he was saying father lord I believe this I believe this even if you told me yourself you're not believing I'd say no that's not true I'm believing and he said something came to him and said you you believe as far as you know does that sound like the condition of the man I believe what help my unbelief now see some folks would take that and so now it says what things soever you desire so that means anything I desire anything don't take one verse apart from all the rest of the Bible it has to go together I said it has to go together do you still need to hear from him in order to have faith yes you do yes you do because what if I say well you know I desire somebody else's house and money I'm gonna believe I receive it it says whatever I desire brother Hagin said he had a guy coming him one time asked him to agree with him that another man's wife would leave him and he could have her and he was married himself well it says what things soever you desire don't think you don't take the scripture away from all the other scripture it has to flow together jesus said if you don't abide in me you can't marry any fruit but if you abide in me and my word abides in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done to you do you still need to hear from him let's talk about brother Hagins miracle it wasn't just technically mentally claiming mark 11:24 that got him off that bed he heard from God he believed mark 11:24 was true and real and right and stay bed fast for months and months and months still are y'all with me does anybody remember his testimony when did the miracle happen when when did the impossible that men said become possible for him well he was frustrated he said Lord I believe I believe you said believe you received I believe I receive a well body but he's bit faster I believe I receive a well body but he's bed fast week after week month after month and finally in frustration when they he told the Lord Lord I I'm believing in you said and if you came here and looked me in the face so where your problem is you're not believing he said I'd say no Lord I'm believing I am believing and it's when the Lord said to him you believe as far as you know and then come on are you listening says the Lord said to him now you believe you're well he made an adjustment about that and he quit being frustrated I'm gonna know God is never your problem come on get a revelation you are not waiting on God he's not holding out on you come on tell me what the problem is over and over and over and over again unbelief unbelief unbelief he made an adjustment he would see he he wasn't believe in anything was happening because he didn't see it because he didn't feel it so if the Lord said to him you believe as far as you know why is he so frustrated because of what he doesn't see doesn't feel but he said the Lord spoke to him now you believe you're well he said I do now he's not waiting on anything he made the change he's not waiting to see or feel or hear the doctors report come on are you listening to me now you believe your well he said I sure do yes sir I do he said well people or to be up this time of day huh has he heard from the Lord well people ought to be up this time of day get up get up isn't that what happened over and over in the ministry of Jesus he came in what would he say rise get up get up take your bed and go rise as you believe go your way right now when they heard that could they have faith y-yeah they've heard it the anointed word has brought faith to them see he believed in the truth of mark 11:24 for months and months and was not healed but when he made the adjustment in his heart and the and and the Lord told him get up can you have faith to get up now I said can you have faith to get up when did Peter get faith to walk on the water when the Lord told him come on come on you cannot separate faith from a living personal relationship with God you can't separate faith exercising faith and walking by faith from being led by the spirit it took Phyllis and I two or three years seeking and waiting on God to have faith to come down here and start a church didn't say why I had to hear from him I said I had to hear from him and not just generally I realized later we could've bought a bigger place for less money about 20 miles from here but it would have been the wrong place we found out later where the head problems would have had challenges you how many know you got to hear from God every day you got to hear from him every day and you start you trying to have faith when you haven't heard from him you're gonna have trouble you go you're gonna have failures but when we finally got it settled now I can believe it I can express it to the our partners and the folks in Branson they can believe it you could hear it you could believe it right you could believe it and when you hear it and it's him and it's anointed you know it I said you know it it's living it quickens you and faith has come by hearing the anointed word and now that you got faith it's time to rise and walk I said it's time to rise and walk it's time to step out it's time to do not just pulling something out of the air so I'm gonna believe for this that's why we're saying take some time get your vision list check your heart and then ask the Lord about it he knows where you are he knows where your faith is is that right he knows what the plan is for you and as you pray about it there might be some things that sound good but you just know nod I don't know about that you got you got to hear from him right and then when you get it settled in your heart and that takes some time that's why a lot of folks don't do it when you get it settled in your heart then you put it on there then you release your faith now you can believe for it hallelujah that's plenty for tonight should I known you feed everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
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Id: sgPWCLqCjaw
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Length: 76min 45sec (4605 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2014
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