Keith Eats Everything At Carl's Jr.

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- In 1941, Carl Karcher and his wife borrow $311 and then added $15 of their own savings to open a hot dog cart in California. That would grow to four hot dog carts, and then they opened Carl's Drive-In Barbecue Restaurant. Then 10 years after that, they opened two Carl's Jr. Drive-In Barbecue Restaurants, a year after that, they started selling burgers 'cause that makes way more sense. And today, we're gonna eat everything from Carl's Jr. Which is also Hardee's, but Hardee's was its own thing, then in 1997, Carl came in and said, "I'm buying you out, baby. "Get rid of the fried chicken, "get rid of the roast beef sandwiches, "burgers, burgers, burgers." And that's the Carl's Jr. we know today. And as always, "Eat The Menu" is brought to you by Keith's Not Too Hot Sauces, just like me, they're not too hot, but just hot enough to bring home to your family. Now they all come with this sticker, it's a holographic Keith face. What more could you want? Link in the description. Let's start the video. (upbeat music) Can I just say that I actually really like Hardee's and Carl's Jr. I like never eat there. But I used to occasionally. I think their chicken tenders, I'm very excited, 'cause from my memory, in the late ots, early '10s of the 2000th... What am I saying? Guys, I'm excited for Carl's Jr, I don't know how we haven't had it yet. Let's start with the breakfast. Just like every day does. What better place to start than the breakfast burger? I love it when places have breakfast burgers. Let's see how this beautiful lady looks. Oh, I love it. One of my favorite things is when the bacon sticks out like a tongue. The breakfast burger. Whoa, that was a chew fest. I was chewing. There's hash browns in there. Buns are plenty of carbs for a burger. You don't need to put a potato in there. I kind of like it in the sense that you know, I like burgers. I think burger sauce is best on all breakfast items and all burgers. Get in there, girl. Way better. And I don't know what it tastes like, 'cause the potatoes are really trying to be heard. The potatoes are like, I'm here too, don't forget about me, I'm like, I don't really wanna taste you. But they're demanding you remember. Let's get ready for the first mystery of the day, the star of the show. Yeah, this what I thought it was gonna feel like, feels like a Sourdough Jack. This is just a sandwich. Breakfast sandwich on bread, and there's a bunch of white goo. The grilled cheese breakfast sandwich. That makes sense, 'cause there's a lot of cheese on it. Let's go for it. Thick and heavy. There's multiple swallows per bite just to get through it. That's good. The amount of cheese is totally overwhelming, which is kind of a fun experience. The bread, it's still got a little too much in the chew department, if you ask me, but I think it's quite tasty. I think that could be a thing you could make at home and be quite good. Just make yourself a breakfast sandwich, but like grilled cheese-ifying it. Grilled cheese-ifying it, frying cheese grilled, grilled cheese-ifrying it. Grilled cheese-ifying it. Here's something normal. Do you risk it for the biscuit? Sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit, a classic. It's typically what I get anywhere I go if I'm getting a breakfast sandwich. I think it has all that you want. Look at the smooth edge of this sausage. Can we see the smoothness? Like an old stage coach. Put this on your stage, coach. Coach, put me on stage. I remember the biscuits used to be really good from Hardee's. Used to be. I think this biscuit sat under the heater just a little too long. It's hard. Let me start a different side of the biscuit. Let's just take the bottom biscuit off real quick. Oh, so much chewing. It tastes like McDonald's. It tastes exactly like McDonald's, but the biscuit is a little more buttery. I think it's exactly what you want. You're waking up at five in the morning, you're headed to the construction site, you gotta stop through and get a breakfast sandwich, this is gonna power you through your day. The Monster Biscuit. I love the Monster Burger. The Monster Burger was one of the first burgers I had from a fast food place, I was like holy damn, what's going on there? The Monster Biscuit. It smells good. This sausage looks different than the previous one. Looks thicker. I'm having to inhale very deeply. It's just that everything's so thick. Thick, thick, thick. But I don't think you need to go for this over the other one. However, if you like spooky breakfast, a Monster Biscuit's gonna do it. And last, but not least, the bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. You can't have the sausage without its bacon sister. Bacon does seem more feminine, right? The curves, the sultry smell, and the cartoons, it's bacon that's wafting through and waking everyone up. It's not sausage. I'm usually pretty underwhelmed by bacon biscuits, but this one's pretty good. I think it's 'cause the biscuit's so good. The biscuit's really good, it's buttery. It's a little on the dry side, but the flavors are all very present. The bacon does shine through the egg. It's not one way or another, but it's a nice presence, and the biscuit is delicious. The biscuit here is quite good, very buttery. I think this is a pretty okay breakfast spread. Nothing was too dumbfounding, except for maybe the one that had potatoes in it. That's the only one I don't think you want. Let's move on to the breakfast burritos. You know I love a breakfast burrito. Now it's time for some breakfast burritos and a couple other items. Joining me for this, please welcome to the Eat The Menu table stage, Jonathan! - How's it going? - Jonathan, did you grow up with Hardee's or Carl's Jr? - I grew up with Hardee's. - Same. - East coast boy. - East coast. - I have to say I learned today that they don't sell fried chicken anymore. - I can't believe you didn't know that. - [Jonathan] I didn't. - It hasn't happened since 1997. - That was a while ago. - A while ago. The French toast. Wow, perfect, really, great job. Some table syrup. - Oh, the best kind of syrup. - Not to be confused with any other kind of syrup. I had these from Sonic and they were pretty good. My hometown only had Hardee's and Sonic and Pizza Hut until about 1997. - That's exactly what I was expecting it to taste like. - It doesn't really taste like French toast, per se. - No. The outside to inside ratio is off. - When are they gonna start having breakfast fish. - Definitely don't want that from a fast food place. - What if they just mixed up the French toast sticks with the fish sticks? I think these rounds are pretty good. In the Chris and Keith Hashbrown Huntdown 2K15, these were good. They're basically a lot like the Dunkin Donuts ones. Dunkin Donuts have these, but they have like herbs. But these are just like little good hash brown bites. Let's try the little hash rounds. - Hash rounds. - They're way better outside of a burger. - I can see that. Oh, that is really good. - [Keith] It's really good on potatoes. - Absolutely. - I don't know why, but it is. Considering how long ago we bought these, they're incredible. - I mean, you can kind of tell from the transparency of the cardboard how long it's been sitting here. - I was thinking that "Simpsons" scene where he puts a burger on the wallpaper and it makes it so clear a bird flies into it. That's a great scene. Anyway, watch old "Simpsons" on Disney+. Let's get these out of here so we're not distracted. Loaded breakfast burrito. Oh, not bad. I mean, not great. I wasn't expecting red. - Yeah, I kind of shuddered a little bit. - It's kind of Christmas-y in here. - A little bit. - Season's greetings. - Yeah. - It smells okay. - Yeah, it smells like breakfast. - Somehow I thought I almost heard the word raccoon. - I'm getting notes of raccoon there. - The loaded breakfast burrito. - The eggs are what I would call slimy. - I think it's a slimy little treat. - [Jonathan] It's very slimy. - I think it's a good slimy little treat. If you like this texture, you're gonna love it. There's ham in it. - No shit. - There's ham. That's a piece of ham. Gotta ham it to them. Gotta ham it to them. Let's move on to the steak and egg burrito. It's an American classic. You know what's crazy is they don't have hot dogs. They've forgotten their roots. - [Jonathan] Keith, you and I did a hot dog eating contest not too long ago. I have not had one sense. - [Keith] You're not ready? Oh, I've had one. - I'm not ready. I don't know if I'll ever be. - I have a pretty wild relationship with bad food, so there's not much it can do to me at this point. Smell it. What do you think it smells like? - Raccoon, definitely. - A garbage can. And now it smells like beef stroganoff. - Oh, yeah, beef stroganoff for sure. - It smells like beef stroganoff. - That's what it is. Yeah, like microwaved beef stroganoff. - Yeah, okay, well let's try it, the steak and egg burrito. - I'm sorry, I don't like that. Oh, it's kind of like spicy too, what the? - It's very spicy. - Why? - What is in it that wasn't in the last one? I like that it has more texture, it's less slime. - It's a different kind of slime. That bite I took was all beef. I don't think there was any eggs in it. - Yeah, the second bite was not good. - But I already had the eggs, so I know what I'm missing. - The eggs are pretty good. I'm looking for nice things to say. - [Jonathan] I'm not. - It's like a roll of tape. - There it is. - I couldn't find the end there for a second, I was like, this is one whole tortilla. I mean, it looks kind of festive. This one looks like it's gonna be better. - [Jonathan] You ever butterflied a burrito before? - But this one is just the bacon, egg burrito, so it should taste like the first one without potatoes. It also looks like the tortilla's not cooked all the way in the middle. You see that one? You see that tortilla that's almost translucent. - [Jonathan] Oh yeah, how did that happen? - Oh, it's the cheese, the cheese is in the shell and it's congealed a bit. Let's try the bacon, egg, cheese burrito. A five year old could make this. - The bottom level added something adjacent to crunch. - Normally they chop up bacon for burritos, but this is still slab bacon, which I like. It really though does taste like your five year old said, "Mom, look, I made breakfast." I don't know why they're calling me Mom. And you're like, "Oh honey, that's a nice try, "very good, you did good." It's very basic. Well Jonathan, what else is going on with you? Right now we're filming this right before the holidays. - So I went to Hawaii recently. On my flight back, I had a 10 hour layover in Maui, and I was like, I'm gonna rent a car, and I'm gonna drive around the island. I start going into the mountains and the road gets a little more narrow, and I'm like, okay, well, this is a little intense, and then it gets a little more narrow, and I reach a point that's like on the side of a cliff, very, very narrow, cars start coming towards me. I'm like okay, well, I guess I'll turn around and back up, but there's cars behind me. I decide, I can pull over just enough to let people by and so I pull over just enough, people do indeed get by, but then I'm stuck. - The car is like this. - Yeah, my car is like that on the side of the road, one wheel is not touching the pavement, the other wheel is spinning in space. I ended up having to walk back to a store that had Wi-Fi and I used the Wi-Fi to call my brother, I waited for three hours, I paid $800. Men who were not super happy to see me came and pulled my rental car back on the road. And for that, I sincerely apologize to the state of Hawaii. I am the problem. - Would you say that your time there was a Maui wowie? - It was indeed a Maui wowie. - Just send Jonathan a, hey, glad you didn't fall off that mountain though. - Send me 800 bucks. - Hey, send him 800 bucks. - Yeah, why not? - Send him 800 bucks. - All right, I'll be right over there. - Yeah, Jonathan, he's not leaving. Let's see what's next. Sides, sides, everywhere some sides, I'm gonna eat all the Carl Jr's sides, hey! Sides time. There's so much happening here, we got some fries, some waffle fries, some onion rings, and some fried pickles, or zucchini, could be. It is zucchini? Are you fucking me right now? No way. Let's start with these fried zucchinis. They really are just trying to dive out of their shell. Fried zucchinis, this is exciting. Okay, let's try the fried zucchini plain first. I'm gonna eat the whole thing. Now that's a slimy little treat. Wow! So wet. It kind of is like fried pickles without the vinegary part of a pickle. It's very mushy on the inside though. There you are, girl. Get out of that. Slip into something a little more comfortable. It is goo. The zucchini becomes goo in your mouth so fast. But it's good fried food. Zucchini, zucchin-you. I like waffle fries, but these are called Crisscut Fries, they're not trying to infringe on the waffle territory. Crisscut? Not crisscross cut? Criss, like is this like some guy named Chris cut it? The Crisscut potato. Shout out to Chris. I like the flavor. That flavor is a mild Arby's curly fry, which we all know are the best fries in the biz. It's not as flavorful as that, but it's trying to be that flavor, and I appreciate the attempt. With ranch, it's good. Yum, yum. A natural fry isn't bad, it's just not my favorite style of fry. It's just like anyone can do that, but only Chrises can do this. Chrises, sound off in the comments. Let's try the fries. They taste like Lay's Potato Chips. That is a Lay's Potato Chip flavor. Alexandria, eat one of these fries. Tell me if you think it tastes like Lay's potatoes. - It does. - [Keith] How'd they achieve that? - Like not in a good way. - Maybe they use the same oil. I normally don't really care much about fries, but these fries are delightful. Wendy's take note. It's easy. Who are we kidding? We love onion rings. I rarely get onion rings. When the onion rings, will you answer it? And these have an interesting sort of Panko-y texture to them. They're very light in color for an onion ring. I'm used to onion rings being really bold and dark. The onion rings. My stomach's screaming. It tastes like oil. I taste the onion in there, but I really taste the fryer. Don't get me wrong, I like eating oil. I don't like when we drill the ground for oil, but I do understand it is a necessity, perhaps we could do less of it. We should start looking for better ways. That's a different oil than this oil. That's crude oil. I know how to be crude every now and then. Fuck yeah. I liked them all. I'd eat any of these sides. These sides could be my side piece. Sorry, Becky. Let's move on to what's next. Now it's time to try some of the chicken. To help me peck my way through these things that only cost a few bocks, please welcome everybody's favorite, Lewberger! (men cheering) - I'm going this way. Hello. - What you got there? - Well, it's time for everyone's favorite segment, Alex Brought Some Cookies To The All You Can Eat Eating The Menu Time. Back with a vengeance. Today Hughie helped, can you tell which part he did? - It's another desperate plea for people to book us to perform, I love that. I love that, it says Book Lewberger. - Of course it does. - Tell me about the dessert. - Well, I will. This is a one bowl chocolate cake. - Let's try Alex's cake. Only one bowl. This is probably one of the best things you've brought me. It's a good, wet, chocolate cake. Now it's time to move on to the chicken treats. Hey, this looks like Buffalo Wild Wings. - I would like to just point out- - Oh, boy. I was like, we got a lot to get through, so let's start, but then you have a but first? - I just wanna say, chicken nuggets at Carl's Jr. were always my favorite as a kid. - I think I've probably eaten at Carl's Jr. Twice. - Wow. Have you ever ate at a Hardee's? - Not really. - All right, let's actually start with Alex's favorite, little Chicken Stars. - [Alex] Keith, you're my little Chicken Star. - I am a Chicken Star. They look like elementary cafeteria food. - [Alex] Wow, they're little starfish. - They're very similar to chicken rings in my opinion. Have you ever had a chicken ring? - Like an onion ring with chicken? - No. - It's like a chicken bagel. - No. (all laughing) It's a chicken ring. It's sort of its own thing, it's kind of flat. - I love how badly you wanna get through these, and we're keep delaying. - Let's try the Chicken Stars. - You eat them one at a time. - So what do we think of the stars? - I would get them to eat condiments with. - I got to tell you- (Alexandria coughing) - Please Alex, don't choke. - Oh God, Alexandria, I know that joke was hilarious. - Don't choke. - Comedy, it's a powerful tool. - Those chicken nuggets bring me back- - [Keith] They're not nuggets. - They're stars, bro. They're not Os, they're not tiny little- - They're not dinosaurs. - They're not bagels. - They're stars, they're the logo of the brand. The Hand-Breaded Chicken Tenders. - Oh, wow. - It's good. It's probably like 10% drier than I'd like. It's a little dry, but with the sauces, immediately makes up for it. It's so good, there's so much flavor in this. I feel like this is one of the most overlooked items in fast food history. - Wow. - I think it's damn fine. Skip the stars. - Whoa. - Yeah, skip the stars. - Whoa. - You don't need the stars. - The bacon and Swiss hand-breaded chicken sandwich. It looks pretty good. And once again, we've got the bacon tongue, which you know I love. I don't know if I'm gonna like the bacon on this, because I really just wanna experience this chicken, but let's try it. - Wow, don't mind if I do. - [Keith] It's salty. - I'll take a little no bacon bite. - Yeah, see if you can. - And listen, last time I was on "Eat The Menu," not eating pork, a lot of people tried to tell me how to be a Jew. I'm not gonna eat the bacon, I know that there's some juices on it, I get it, I've thought it all. It's my observance, my Judaism, much love to all my people. - Damn straight. - Right? - Damn straight. - I don't even think that touches the Popeye's Chick-Fil-A breakfast chicken sandwich contest. - No, of course it doesn't touch, but it's still really good. - I wouldn't know about Chick-Fil-A, 'cause I don't eat there. (men vocalizing) - The hot honey breaded chicken sandwich. It's like the bacon's holding the sandwich for you. - I feel like it looks like bacon feet if you flipped it upside-down. - Or bacon walrus teeth. - It tastes like a breakfast item. - [Hughie] Yeah, it looks like a breakfast item. - It sounds like a breakfast item, I mean, it's got bacon and honey. - I'm like okay on hot honey, but all the hot honeys I've had have been too hot, honey and I haven't been able to eat them, but this one is like a nice medium honey. - This is the chicken sandwich to get. - Yeah, you like that? Well, you're a little candy boy. I love this one, I've never seen something wrapped in a navy blue wrapper. Have you ever seen a sandwich in a navy blue wrapper? I mean, it's really more royal navy. - Why do you keep doing that? - That's how I do it. - Oh. - It's like a spicy little McChicken baby. It's boring. I hate these sandwiches. - It's an interesting name for the sandwich. - Mm-hmm. (Keith imitates siren) It's Taco Bell lettuce. Some shitty lettuce. - My fiance says that fast food places kind of taste like a bathroom sometimes, that sandwich tasted like a bathroom. - That's disgusting to say after I took a bite. - What difference does it make? - Poop sandwich is in my mouth still. - Not a poop sandwich, more like a urinal cake. - Yeah. - Why do they call it a urinal cake? A urinal cake? - Well, you have to bake it. - No, you don't. You marinate it, maybe. Whoa! - [Alex] Oh my god. - [Keith] The chicken looks gross. - [Alex] Yeah, this looks disgusting. - The chicken looks wet. Doesn't it kind of look like an old white guy who just finished working out? Like a little? And he's sort of like, I don't know, we don't wanna say it, but you can kind of see the outline of his balls, and I don't want this. That's how the sandwich makes me feel right now. Let's try it. - [Alex] Oh, god. - It's wet. - [Hughie] It sweat all over you. - All right, I'm gonna eat his head. Oh, god. Oh! - [Hughie] Oh, it's so good going down. - Are you trying to make a little tower? - [Hughie] Mm-hmm. - [Keith] You're gonna spit out on the show? - I'm sorry? - On the show? - I have a life to lead, you know what I mean? I'm trying to find joy in my life. - There's not many food products that Hughie Stone Fish has ever spit out in his life. - Unless it's spoiled beef. - This is the actually one they're bringing to compete, 'cause this is the southern presentation which means just mayo and pickles and chicken. Mother mayo? Yes, you mayo. - Wow, what a bite. - Guys, I think this is really good. - What? Okay, all right, get over here. - It kind of tastes like the Shake Shack chicken sandwich, not as good as Shake Shack, but that's what it reminds me of. That is a great entry into the chicken wars. I'm mostly happy about the chicken wars, 'cause they made everybody have at least a good fried chicken sandwich. It brought up the floor. Help me. - [Hughie] It fell off. - The chicken club. Pay your dues if you wanna attend the chicken club. - [Alex] I gotta tell you, when they're not frying their chicken with breading, it does not look appealing. - Very bland. - I can't do it, I just can't. - You're just not even gonna- - It's the mayo, and I spit out one of these chickens already today. I didn't come here to spit out food, to let millions of people see me spit out food. - There's stuff in this that I hate, and I'm still gonna fucking take a bite. - [Hughie] Fucking character growth- - Oh! - I don't like it, but I like it better than the other one that was like this. - It squished the juice into my mouth. - [Hughie] Imagine you're me. - [Keith] I wanna say, what's happening here? - [Alex] Oh no, what is that? - It's cheese. - Oh, it looks terrible. - It's just cheese on a tomato, which really creates an awful texture. Santa Fe, New Mexico. - [Alex] It's my favorite song from "The Newsies." No! Oh, what is that? What the fuck is that? - [Hughie] I'll do it. - I'm gonna eat it, because I'm a team player, Hugh. - Do you see what I have to put up with? - He's not being a team player when he doesn't eat the sandwich. - I'm gonna try the Santa Fe chicken sandwich. Mom and Dad are gonna keep fighting about it. - [Alex] Oh, boy. - It's green pepper. - It's just a green pepper? - Tastes like a fajita. I mean, compared to the other ones, it's pretty good. But the texture's still gross. - [Alex] It's a really bad texture. - But compared- - [Alex] The pepper is very slimy. - Did you get any of the pepper? - I woke up today and I just knew something was gonna be wrong. I just knew it, I had a feeling. I was like, something's gonna be off about today. It was these charbroiled chickens. - Well, Lewberger what's going on with you guys nowadays? - My non-profit that y'all been following, we got a Syracuse coordinator who's coordinating teachers from all over Syracuse going into work with elementary school students at the Boys and Girls Club, so thank you all for your support. It's going great. - Go to book... Email- - Go to - Don't go to that website. Just email - And I'm probably going to read your emails. - We'll just see you later. - Let's get out of this shot. - Thanks, everyone. - To a fresh new slate. Pizza Hut keeps emailing me. Pizza Hut's like Keith, you're almost to a free medium pizza. But then the next day, they're like Keith you've earned free Cinnabon rolls. But I'm like, yeah, but if I cash in on the cinnamon rolls I'm no longer gonna be close to the medium pizza. You can only pick one. - [Alexandria] You order a lot of Pizza Hut? - Mm-hmm. - [Alexandria] You like it better than Dominos? - Yeah, oh, yeah. Dominos, boo, Pizza Hut, woo. I'm gonna take a moment to talk about Pizza Hut. I have started eating the thin and crispy again, and damn, it's good. And it doesn't make you feel like garbage as much as the pan pizza, which I love. I love the pan pizza. The hand-tossed is trash. They should discontinue it. But the pan, oh, yum. Anyhow, it's time for the value burgers, AKA, the double double toil and trouble burgers. What are they called? The charbroiled double deals, and they come in Pokemon colors. You can get the Bulbasaur burger, the Charmander burger, or wait... This is the Squirtle burger. You can get the Squirtle burger, Charmander burger, or the Bulbasaur burger. This is the double burger. I bet it's a normal equivalent to like a McDouble. Yep, that is a McDouble right there. So let us try the Carl's Jr. variety. Honestly, that tastes like a backyard burger. That tastes like you're over at somebody's house and their dad made some pretty good burgers and you're like, oh, can I get a burger? And they're like, yeah, and they set it up, and it tastes perfect. I choose you, Squirtle. The jalapeno one, Charmander. Oh, I get it too, 'cause Charmander, it's hot. This is a treat for a value item. The jalapeno double char burger deal. Charmander. Oh, it's hotter than I expected. That's a hot burger. It's good, the flavor's tremendous, and the heat is strong. Whoa, his tail's flame is not extinguished, baby. That's almost a Charmeleon burger, if you ask me. That got me lit up. I got fuel, that woke up, my tongue is hot. Woo! Woo-wee, woo-wee, it's hot! (Keith inhaling) That's hotter than I expected. Bulbasaur, I choose you now. It's the California burger. It's got like an eyebrow. It's like doing The Rock move. Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? Let's go for it, the California Bulbasaur burger. I like it the least, but only because the onions somehow are too sweet. Maybe they caramelized Vidalia onions, which are already super sweet. They're good. But this one, just this classic, that's exactly what you want. That's excellent. The Pokemon burgers are good. If I were gonna choose one, I would probably... Maybe I'd choose the spicy one, it was hot, but it was a ride. Well, that's it for the value burgers, but it's time to move on to some bigger, beefier boys. Let's see what other burgers are in store for us. Listen to my voice, I'm like Liam Neeson, almost. Now I know that Carl's Jr's team is watching this, say hi, tweet at me, say hi. Say something, don't pretend you didn't see it, it doesn't have to be weird. We're not in a relationship, but you can say hi. All right, we got a big burger with cheese. This is actually one of the smaller burgers offered to me. Oh, it's a big patty, it's onions and ketchup. Basically this is just a big version of the discount burger, but instead of two patties, it's one patty. My mom's name is Patty. This isn't gonna be the thumbnail burger, it's not hot enough, sorry. Whoa, that's a lot of mustard. I just fully inhaled straight mustard. That was a very strong moment for my nasal passages. Oh, update to everyone who knows about my eardrum energy. I went to the ear doctor this morning, guess whose eardrums are 100% healed? Now doesn't that sound nice? The big burger with cheese. - [Alexandria] No. - Oh, fuck, what is it? - [Alexandria] It's the big hamburger. - It's the big hamburger? I can't believe it, this is just a big hamburger. Where do I want to... Here. It has a little too much gumness to it, but I do think this again tastes like a good backyard burger. I love the flame-broiled taste. I know it sounds like I didn't, I was just trying to annunciate. I love the flame-broiled taste, I do. The Famous Star with cheese. Maybe. We'll see, won't we? Oh, look at that lettuce. Look at that. That looks kind of like a fancy burger, kind of. God, they put the whole farm on this one. This looks pretty good. I mean, it's a little disheveled, but it does look like their commercial burgers, right? They're commercial burger is like a little bit messy. They're one of the brands that present the burgers as a cascade of falling wet ingredients that land perfectly stacked and bounce. At no point do I want my sandwich to be cascading with all the ingredients separate. I just wanna eat it. I mean, it's fine. This one especially tastes like a burger my dad would make for my mom. At Burger King, a lot of the burgers didn't taste good. They were like too much, too meh. These are not to meh, they're yum. They smell good too. I'd get a candle like that. - [Alexandria] What would the candle be called? - The candle would be called The Famous Star With Cheese Burger Candle. God, we gotta do it. Ready, Johnny? It's the Super Star with cheese. It's the Super Star with cheese. It's Super Star coming to you. Super Star with cheese. Normally burgers don't have a front or a back, but I gotta say this is the front. This is the bite I want. Look how much cheese is pouring out of it. It looks exactly like the width of your mouth. It's the doorknob of the burger. You think I could take a bite of this burger as half of the burger? What do we think, audience? Woo, all right, let's go for it. I'm trying to be Sam Ramsdell right now, she's got the record for the biggest mouth for a lady. She does, I know her, hi Sam. This is what she does for a living. Pretty good. Carl, you've done it again. That was delicious. There's so much burger stored in my cheeks, like a squirrel. Okay, let's back it up a little bit, it's time for a little yee-haw. Western bacon cheeseburger. Yee-haw, ride them cowboy. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that half burger in one bite. That really slowed me down. This has got a little tongue though. The Western barbecue bacon burger with onion rings on it. This actually tastes like what I remember Hardee's tasting like. I don't know if I like it, but it's very meat forward. I've had these flavors and I've had them better so far, so I'm not excited about it. But maybe I just need to eat twice the beef. What's better than one cowboy? A double cowboy, Cowboy with a cowboy on his shoulders. We call that a double cowboy. That actually looks kind of thumbnail-y a little bit. Sometimes I feel like that when I'm doing thumbnails that I'm a children show's host and like even though I'm an adult, I don't know things, 'cause that's how children show's work. Like, what's this? Do you guys know what this is called? A burger? Oh, right, a burger. What do we do with burgers? Eat them. We eat them, that's right. Guys, let's eat the double barbecue bacon burger. (chuckles) Did you guys see that bacon like going back? You know what, I like this one better than the single. You know what, there's more barbecue sauce, 'cause there's so much extra beef. It's got way more barbecue sauce, and it balances it really well. Really well. Should we open it up like a saloon door? That was fun. These burgers are great. I got nothing bad to say about these burgers and I really thought I would have many bad things to say about the burgers. Anyway, it's time to raise the beef bar. It's time to see what a big daddy thinks of this beef buckle bonanza. Let's get Ned in here. As we continue on to burgers, these are some of the biggest and the fanciest, I like to call them Big Daddy burgers and to help me eat them is our own Big Daddy, Ned Fulmer. - Oh god, chair's on the ground. - All right, Ned, how's it going? - Let's eat some Big Daddy burgers. I got a big appetite. Flavor lit by fire. Just like the best swords. - Yeah, it's true, they get foraged. - They should've said flavor foraged by fire. - Foraged in fire. This is The Big Carl. - [Ned] That's a hefty burger. - [Keith] This is a big burger. What's going on? Let's peel him up. - It's melty, it's slathered, it's thick. - It is huge. - If this burger were my ass, it would be thick. - Your ass? - Yeah. It kind of looks like packing peanuts. - It is a little gray. - I don't know if I'm doing them too dirty like that. - Are these little pickle flecks? Okay, let's try it, the Big Carl. Doesn't it taste like a backyard barbecue burger? - It tastes good. - It tastes fucking good. - Mm-hmm. Honestly, it's like up there with Shake Shack. - I've been saying the same thing about the burgers before and you just coming in saying it on your own, what validation. - Validation. We didn't rehearse this. - There's no rehearsals for this. - There's no script. - Can you imagine doing this twice? Before we get into the boxed burgers, we have this special promo burger and what's the promo you ask, well, I'll tell you. The promo for this is gonna go beyond your expectations. I don't love Beyond Beef, so this might be the only one that disappoints me, but hey, you know what, maybe they didn't. Maybe they made it work. - It surprisingly tastes a lot like burger. It looks pretty fake. - [Keith] I feel like when I make the Impossibles at my house, they look pretty real. - [Ned] Maybe we're getting fancy stuff. - The Beyond Famous Star with cheese. So it's not vegan. (both chuckling) Cool, whatever. - That's how they get you. - That's how they get you. All right, let's try it. - [Ned] I don't like it. - Also, it just kind of looks like an eraser. - I mean, to be fair, the other one also did, but there was something a little more, kind of just a hint of pliability. - Just a better tasting eraser, I guess. - [Ned] Well, that's true. - I'm happy that they do it. I think it's important for fast food companies to offer fake meats, I think it's the right move. - Absolutely. - And I still think there are people who do love the flavor of Beyond, and for them, they'll probably love this burger. I'm not one of those people. Let's back on the real beef train. Moo, moo. Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, moo, moo! - [Ned] Here's one. - [Keith] 100% Black Angus Beef. - [Ned] Hey, look at that. Oh, okay. - [Keith] The burger has humps. - She had humps like a truck, truck, truck. - I'm like what, huh, what? Baby move your buns, buns, buns. (Keith and Ned vocalizing) Oh my lord, there's a lot. - [Ned] Oh, I don't have that many. - I'm straight, I don't need that many. Thank you. - I do like a good jalapeno. - Let's try it. - All right. It's kind of falling apart. The sauce isn't there. The jalapenos cut like jalapenos, but that was a whole experience. I just kind of wish I were eating nachos. - They were trying to swing to make an impressive burger, but their other burgers were already impressive. And this is somehow missing the mark. This is like what people think the moral of "Grease" is, change who you are for the people that already love you. I don't like it. - No. Look at the thud on that one. Saucy. - This actually looks like a thumbnail burger. - [Ned] Snapshot. - It's like a sea. - Mustard, ketchup, mayo, but a lot of it. What's this one called? - A burger. The original Angus burger. If you like ketchup and mustard, Ned, you're gonna love it. - I do. - It tastes like mustard. I mean, it tastes too cooked, it tastes too well done. - Did we order it well done? No? - It's not 1990's Jack In The Box. - [Ned] 1990s, where you kind of roll the dice. - No, that's when they rolled the dice too far and then they had to stop rolling the dice at all. Remember Mad Cow Disease? - Remember? Do you remember Mad Cow Disease? - You are younger than us, huh? I guess seven or eight years can make quite the difference. - I mean, I don't really- - [Alexandria] I'm not that young. - I don't know, you might be. - Well, you learn something new every day. - Learn something new every day. We're not legally allowed to ask. (both laughing) Okay, we got one more burger, it must be the guacamole one, which is gonna be the worst one to try last. Nothing's worst than lightly warmed avocado. The guacamole Angus burger. (Ned exclaims) Mm-hmm, that's how I feel. - Catching up to me. - The guacamole really gooshed out as he bit it. - [Ned] I don't mind that one. - Actually, the guacamole's pretty good. - The guacamole's pretty good. - For a burger restaurant. They don't even sell tacos here. - It counteracts any dryness in the patty, 'cause it's just soaking wet in your mouth. - It overwhelms the flavor. I wouldn't mind just trying this guacamole on its own. - The jalapenos on their own were pretty good too. I think they should move into nachos. - Carl's Jr. nacho platter. - Nacho your average burger nacho platter. - They would probably would be a brand who would do like, Carlos' Jr. And we'd be like no, no, no. Whoa, what you got there? - Whoa, it's my cookbook. - Oh, the "Date Night Cookbook?" - The "Date Night Cookbook," available at - No, at - Oh, I always mess that up. - is a very different place. - It's very taken. It's very taken. Yeah, Yeah, over 80 recipes, from my kitchen to yours. - [Keith] Look at that Shakshuka. It's Moroccan, right? - [Keith] Yeah, it's from North Africa and we do a version with a bunch of Italian flavors. In Italy they call it Eggs and Purgatory. - Those Catholics, they're crazy. Actually probably right now we are on the road shooting the Food Network show, so check out our Instagrams for probably some cool behind the scenes stuff and check out our Patreon, I'm sure we're putting some stuff there as well. All right, Ned, we'll see you next time. - All right, bye. - Bye, Ned! And now it's time for our just desserts. Wow, we made it already? And now it is time for our just desserts. Joining me to help finish this part of the video is the man who finishes all of the videos, Will Witwer! - [Will] Hello. - Oh, there's the little baby. - It's gonna be fun up here, Melly, I promise. Excited to be here. Didn't know I was gonna be on camera today. Would maybe trim my beard, maybe put a little more effort into my appearance. - [Keith] I didn't shave my face. - But see, here's the thing, you can look like shit sometimes. - I do, I sure do. - Like, that should be something we talk about. It's okay to look like shit sometimes. - Hell yeah. - You don't have to look hot all the time. - No. - That's too much pressure. - It's impossible. Putting on a mask, just like my water bottle wears a mask to look hotter. Look how much hotter this water bottle looks. - Oh, it's much hotter. - It's way hotter. - Yeah. - The cookie. Here's the thing about these kind of cookies, sometimes they're amazing. - I agree. - Even though they're like individually wrapped, and they must be full of preservatives, they're good. - They're like made in a factory, basically. - But then sometimes they suck. And guess which one this is? Is it the kind that's good, or is it the kind that sucks? I'll give you two guesses. - You hate it. - I think it's bad. But you have coffee, it might be good with the coffee, because it has such little flavor. The dog is like, I'll try it, I'll let you know what I think. - Let's see what Melly thinks. - I saw the piece, it didn't have a chip in it. - And it wouldn't kill her anyway, it's probably just gonna give her diarrhea. - Exactly. - [Man] Will, you're gonna be canceled. - No, he won't. People like Will. Strawberry swirl cheesecake. Look at this cheesecake. - You don't like sweets in general, right? - I don't, but I like cheesecake, because it's a little bit savory. The sweets that I like are, chocolate cake/brownies, pie, good cookies. - [Will] Yeah, not that one. - Not that cookie. Okay, cheesecake. - That ain't bad. - [Keith] It ain't good. - If you're expecting good cheesecake from a fast food place, what are you doing, man? - Strawberry Creme Savers. - Not familiar. - Most people aren't. But some people are, shout out to the Creme Saver crew. Chocolate cake. Now we've already had real chocolate cake today from Aly Lew. This one has less Lewberger promotion. - Well, it's still some though. - Still some. This is the chocolate cake cake. It's not as good as Alex's but it's okay. - It's okay. It's pretty moist, it's got like chocolate chips in the center, so there's a variety of textures. At least I got a chocolate chip. - [Keith] I didn't get a fucking chocolate chip. - I swear to God I got a chocolate chip or some sort of chocolate piece. I'm not seeing any though. - I'm not seeing any. I don't know, maybe you got one though, just 'cause I don't see it, doesn't mean you didn't eat one. Sweet dog with her head on the table. - [Will] Like please. - [Keith] No, maybe not this one. - I believe I've already been canceled, so I don't know that I should. - I don't know what this is. Should we find out? - Yeah, we have to find out. It can't be a sandwich, but it looks like a sandwich. - It could be like sweet sticks. This is also the container they put their stick food in. Oh, it's a cinnamon bun. You said they didn't have the cinnamon bun. - [Alexandria] Desiree said they didn't have it. - Desiree lied. She's trying to take the show over. The cinnamon roll. - I mean like, I love sweet stuff, so I'd probably eat this. - [Keith] Will, don't. - Yeah, I know, I went to the doctor, they're like, your cholesterol is high, I'm like, this is bullshit, you can't eat whatever you want forever? - I went to the doctor and my cholesterol was low. - [Will] What? - I was like are you (beep) me right now? And she's like, yeah, you seem pretty healthy. I was like, I don't know how. Hey, I got a question for you. - No, I'm sure. - Do you wanna stay still, or do you wanna shake? - I guess I wanna shake. - Yeah, okay. Cookies and cream. - [Will] It looks like gravy. - It does look a little bit like gravy. Cookies and cream milkshake, cookies and cream milkshake. It tastes like Oreos and butter a little bit. - Yeah, I know what you mean. It's got like a richness. - It's got a really rich butter-ness. - I like this a lot. - It's too heavy. I think one sip of that and I'm thirsty for a gallon of water. This one's got moxie. This is the chocolate milkshake. You wanna do like a cute little diner? - Absolutely. It's worse. - Oh, I think it's better. I don't think it's good. It didn't make me as thirsty as the butter shake. - Do you think that I could get Melly to drink out of a straw? - Yeah, but she shouldn't drink this one. - [Will] It's fine, she's have a good time. - Every ounce. Every last drop for me. Melly. The strawberry milkshake. Strawberry, strawberry, strawberry. Let's go for it. - Oh, boy. Pretty good. - Pretty good. - [Will] I mean, it's really sweet, as they all are. - I like that one. - That one's good. I think it's sort of like simulacrum of a strawberry. Like it's we've gotten used to the artificial flavor. - It's a what strawberry? - Well, I'm not gonna explain, this is a complicated literary term. - Can you just say the word again? - Simulacrum. Downtown Disney is the best example of a simulacrum I can give you, 'cause it's styled after old-timey American small towns, but it is in fact just a construction of a giant mega corporation. So a simulacrum is when a replica stands in and influences people's idea of what the original is. This is gonna cut for sure. - No, it's not, not if I have any say in it. I think people like to learn here, and people never know what they're gonna learn on "Eat The Menu." Simulacrum. - I mean, you're getting closer. - I say that all vanilla is simulacrum. - Yeah, that's true. Do you feel vanilla is a flavor that stands on its own? - Hell yeah. - 'Cause I agree. Some people don't think vanilla's a real flavor. - I know, people are like, oh, that's vanilla, but vanilla's good. You mean, oh, that's water. Water is the flavorless thing that we consume a lot of. The vanilla milkshake. - I like vanilla milkshakes a lot. - I like vanilla milkshakes. I used to make a vanilla milkshake, my dad would take a big old spoon, scoop some ice cream in, pour the milk in, stir it up, done. That's a milkshake. - [Will] You okay, Keith? - I wanna be like Melly. - Yeah, here name is Melanie Griffith, I call her Melly for short. - Yeah, I'm making fun of you. Yeah, I'm doing my impression of you. Did I just peg you? Like, I got you so hard? - [Will] Well, she's scared of everything. - Well, that's fear. - Yeah. - What'd you do for the holidays? - I went home and I took this dog with me, and that's the first time taking her on a plane. - Is she gonna meet the captain? The captain wanted to know if he could meet your dog and we wanted to bump you to first class. - That would be awesome. - That'd be pretty cool. Hey, if anyone out there works on an airplane look out for Will Witwer next time he's flying, give him a little bump. Huh? And how about me too while we're at it? Bye Melly, bye Will. See you later, don't forget your coffee. - [Will] Oh yeah, I need that. - Well, that was the desserts and now it's time for the best and the least best. I'm gonna go out here and say that I'm being honest, I thought this was not going to be good, and overall, it was great. And something I just realized, there were no salads, nice. Disclaimer, there were a couple of items we didn't not try today because they did not have them at that store. What we missed are, the biscuits and gravy, the Big Country Breakfast Burrito, the jalapeno poppers, the fish sandwich, and of course, The Really Big Carl, which was the most confusing, because The Really Big Carl is just the Big Carl with an extra patty, so I'm not sure how they didn't have it. Seems like they could've made it, but you know what, we're just customers, what the fuck do we know? Now we didn't eat the kid's menu 'cause the kid's menu just has a repeat of some other burgers that we already had, but otherwise, we tried everything today. Let's start with the least best. The least best were definitely some of those grilled chicken sandwiches. Something about them, the amount of gooey moisture in it, bleh, yuck, yuck, yuck. Those were bad. I think the desserts are clearly an afterthought. If I were to make any recommendations, I would say Carl's Jr. make a dessert. Make one. But the best overall I think are just like the simpler burgers. That bargain burger trio was great. The first half of burgers I tried before Ned came in, they were all great. They really just tasted like a backyard barbecue. They tasted simple yet satisfying and for me, there's something nice and refreshing and honestly truly American about a very simple burger and I think an American fast food restaurant should have simple burgers and crush it, and you did. I really thought that Carl's Jr. was quite good. I know they've had some ostracizing marketing campaigns in the past, but in terms of the food, I think it's pretty good for a fast food restaurant, and I don't know if we give it enough credit. Thanks to everybody who dropped by, thanks to Lewberger, thanks to Jonathan, thanks to Will, thanks to Ned, and of course thanks to me. Make sure you get yourself your own little versions of me in the form of my hot sauce, and when you do it, remember you get a cool sticker of my face, and you can put that sticker on anything you want. Maybe it's Keith's water, maybe it's Keith's ketchup, maybe it's Keith's milk. That last one's a little grosser, but you know what, do what you want, I can't stop you, I don't live with you. Bye! Bye! Bye! (upbeat music) Whoa, wee, woo, woo. - Miles like to pick her up like "The Lion King." Simba. She doesn't like it. - Simba. - She doesn't like it. She's not a fan. - I can tell.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,181,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, carls jr mukbang, carls jr review, carls jr menu, carls jr hardees, fast food, mukbang carls jr, carls jr burger, carls jr chicken sandwich, eat the menu, keith eats, keith eats everything, mukbang, eating competition, eating show, keith eats everything at carl's jr., carl's jr., hardee's, hardees burger
Id: ptI6TWstKQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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