podcast in the mcdonalds drive thru - The TryPod Ep. 209

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ramble thank you to Rosetta Stone netsuite and better help for sponsoring today's episode here we are yet again in a car with your friends it's the plug get it now here we go holy cow oh my I loved that good morning everyone good morning Los Angeles good morning Los Angeles the adventure du jour yes is around breakfast sandwiches yeah that's right I walked in this morning with a big old healthy juice we said my co-workers my my peers my friends said no you're gonna go have some sausage stay in your lane and don't you try to get help I feel like I've been in my Lane a little too hard this month I've I've shot three eat the menus and an eat with Keith and I had just like Passover and like other things that are indulgent meals so I'd say three out of the seven meals a week have been really bad for me and I was just on tour which means I was eating chicken wings yeah three eat the menus in a month what does that do to one's body what is one eat the menu do to one's body one normally makes me very very tired sleepy boy fall asleep as your body is exerting so much energy to keep you alive yes and and that's also like it actually um you know like food drunk how people get food drunk you know what that actually is what is it it's your body trying to put you to sleep so you'll stop eating is that true that's so funny yes it's like you won't stop eating for some reason so I'm Gonna Make You incredibly tired it literally releases like your sleep hormone so you'll go to sleep because it doesn't understand why you won't stop that's amazing yeah so food truck is a real thing and it really is your brain secreting goofy juices so you become Delirious because it wants you to sleep because it doesn't know why you won't stop goofy juice that'd be cool if all of the the seven deadly sins came with a goofy juice oh yeah it's like you're you're coveting Thy Neighbor that's not as that's hard to get a juice that's a commandment I bet you get it uh well that's still like isn't one of those is like um you get a little goofy juice when you're talking around okay when you cover your neighbor I mean I'm definitely getting some goofy shoes definitely because you know it's exciting yeah and then you get sleepy covet what a word guys I'm amped up as hell right now can I tell you why please first of all UPS truck just pulled in front of us yeah oh yeah oh man honestly look at those packages that's not a bad way to decide our route for the day I don't know where it's going to end up going though what kind of package do you think uh you just dropped driving up yeah do you think it's gonna be a big one I think it's gonna be medium I think it's gonna be one of those bags this is sort of like a package bag I can't tell if this is Warehouse or or uh storage units that we're next to seems like Automotive stories too little those are little oh this is turning to like a pi Stakeout just following one person okay he's crossing the streets in the street he's got the nice Brown I always notice that UPS workers seem to wear uh long shorts no matter the weather yeah Mad TV sketch when they had short shorts and then they didn't want to be you remember that no the over excited UPS guy who everybody wanted to [ __ ] oh kinda yeah I do remember this but it's never pants no he had really short shorts though so probably after that sketch came out they're like okay you're gonna make sure they're long so nobody thinks we're [ __ ] their wife which was the Mad TV sketch I mean this guy could definitely take down a wife or two oh yeah Knock knock hello he's just walking in hey what's up I never had a UPS guy not gonna open my door yeah usually they just put it on the grounds yeah yeah they must have a relationship he probably comes here often he must it did seem like they had a little bit of a or he did a head nod he didn't even say anything looking both ways very good I only looked one way to be honest and then now he looked halfway the other way he looked the other way after he was in the street but before the lane yeah he has a Bluetooth in another UPS staple yeah this getting played in court when he gets it by car okay um Keith I'm gonna take your mic because he's about to be on the move and we're gonna have to we're gonna follow him I'm just gonna I'm gonna get it let him get about you know 100 feet yeah we gotta keep it distance yeah we don't wanna we don't want to Spook him and for those following along at home the license plate is nine zero g Alpha it's eight zero zero eight okay he's going he's going he's going he's turning on that street here we go all right he's making it right and now he's turning into a residential neighborhood that was this was more uh uh Commerce now we're on a lovely residential street yeah yeah okay oh he has no idea that we're behind him I feel like he's already onto it it's a beautiful Street the trees on this are they're all the same and they're growing over wow this is gorgeous wow the lighting Alone look at how wide this street is I'm driving in the center of it yeah this is luxury driving wow it's like but okay he's gonna be turning he's turning left what a crazy man wait a minute oh he's turned right right oh my freaking God wait he literally yeah I think he's on to us now okay and he is peeling he's peeling through traffic this can't be a felony right okay I'm allowed to he's a private it's a private company I can follow a private company why couldn't you follow a public one I know it just seems more like nefarious I'll tell you I got my car got hit by a up or uh USPS truck once and that [ __ ] took about eight months to get them to pay for it yeah Jesus that's a nightmare it was uh I was just I was parked not even parked I was at a stop sign and the car the truck came peeling around the corner and he's turning left I gotta get behind him in the lane no he's gonna see you in the rear it's gonna be awesome well you won't know it's going to be so obvious man Rainey picked a hell of a day to get sick thank you I am surprised that the uh the drop-offs are this far apart for this UPS truck yeah I feel like normally it'd be like oh a bunch on that street a bunch on a different street but we're right behind him yeah we're right [ __ ] nervous I think we're in his blind Zone though right I don't know I can't see the mirrors which means the mirrors can't see you yeah okay you know what I mean so maybe okay you know what this means instead of being 100 feet behind him you just need to stay on his ass all right I need to be like I need to Hitch hitch onto his little tow rig you need to be so tight behind him that he doesn't even know that we're there yeah I'll slowly climb onto the hood of the car yeah and then you leap into the back open it up and start taking packages out all right we are like right behind him he just gotta know at this point I don't think he's got to know why would why would he ever care because what a stupid route we're taking why would anyone else look he tried to shake us before are you signaling right okay I'm gonna drive by don't even look don't even like don't even like no it's good it's good it's good what are you doing and I'm gonna flip around and watch when he moves oh my God what this is fine we just drove by him and yeah I'm the one next to him so his peripheral he looked at me he must have oh he must have already did he must have well Zach's so famous that this is why we had to do it I disguise organic competition because people are gonna recognize me Keith you are and what are you even doing around I'm kneeling around the block yes oh and then you're gonna just be behind him again yes you're nuts yes you're not right around them you've got to do it oh I'm nauseous Keith well while we're appealing around the block you said you had a story from uh from Canada that you went on a tour about so I was in Vancouver recently yeah um and it was so fun but the most fun part was that I went to the second act of a final fantasy in concert concert that's so cool Final Fantasy the video game yes so they had like um okay wait [ __ ] [ __ ] yourself oh you know he noticed he noticed he noticed that's it why did you honesty this is why you should have just turned around you should have been no no you can't leave yet Keith no you can't move please kidding what are you doing because he's gonna think that we're like a private investigator investing UPS or something we just abandoned the plan we're doing yeah breakfast sandwiches okay so you're telling me that we're just gonna let one gaze into our soul look straight at us and we're holding microphones in the call so it was fine when he spotted me peripherally but now he looks at you saw the whole show Keith Douglas harrisburger pulled the car over Zach Attack I have priors I can't go back to prison I will bear a chance we're going to McDonald's if we happen to see him again we'll follow him again that's right if we if oh man he pulls into McDonald's he walks into our car excuse me Knox I have a package for you oh my god service with a smile all right we're going to McDonald's to get a little breakfast sandwich and um by the way some people in the last one said why don't you guys go to a non-coffee chain and I want it to be clear that that was the first time we ever been to a Starbucks that's the first time yeah in our free time well actually and I mean we've sort of talked a little bit about this before and then I want to get right into Keith's story because we're gonna be the drive through for an hour um but uh chain restaurants do well in thumbnails Etc that's why I often there what do we think we're gonna get here at Mickey D's that's a great question I'm gonna need to have a hash brown yeah hash browns are good oh and the biscuits also um fine okay well let's see they've got two for five breakfast deal you can fill the morning with flavor um we're gonna need to fill the morning with flavor I think oh should we get the McMuffin Egg McMuffin oh that's so interesting there's a very slight static I think because of the radio frequency of the McDonald's that's fun so right now you're hearing the hiss not even a hiss it's like a little are you sure it's radio interference or is it the sound of the hash browns sizzling in the uh yeah I think I want a sausage biscuit I think I want you to take your mic yeah that is exactly I don't want any egg because egg has been tough on my tummy lately really egg yeah I mean that comes from a chicken am I wrong you're not wrong well it can come from all birds and lizards they're basically all non-mammals for the most part have eggs the sausage and fish egg uh even though spiders have eggs that's true even we have eggs even we have eggs within us oh it's a really good point it's a really good point wow so Keith was the concert good the concert was very good it was a the Vancouver Symphony or sorry can I interrupt real quick something caught my eye there's a fox mask singer try me only at happymeal.com there's a mask singer well we already have other ads on the show so we shouldn't for mask singer you don't want to give the mask singer hey there uh one second what do you guys want um can I have a hash brown and a sausage egg and cheese biscuit ask them if they have a little vegan treat uh first can I get a sausage egg and cheese biscuit and a hash brown can I get another just sausage and cheese biscuit no egg with a hash brown and then do you have like any little vegan treats or anything like that away with painted breath do you have any vegan treats little like uh I don't know a little vegan something I'll do a hash brown uh I guess a hash brown is kind of close enough let's just do one more hat uh so yeah a total of three hash browns the Troy isn't making Keith say it and then that's it people hear it yeah yeah great thank you oh I'm really stoked hash browns cost a fortune what happens they used to they were like three dollars a piece no way yeah it used to be two for a dollar then they were one for a dollar and that was one for three dollars that's crazy this country man inflation I hate it now um the sauce the sauce of chicken cheese biscuit it's actually near and dear to my heart because when I worked at BuzzFeed there's that McDonald's really close to it yeah and so I would always get a sausage egg and cheese biscuit uh because it was a cheap little breakfast that reminded me of the South same I wish that uh we lived in a Southern state for McDonald's because they have really good chicken biscuits down there oh yeah they [ __ ] do and they're so good so Keith let's hear your story The Man He's got to pay the man okay Pay The Man Pay The Man well first Lou Berger was on tour yeah with Brian well we're having a wonderful time we had a night off in Vancouver we went to a very nice microphone we went to a very nice restaurant had a wonderful meal oh and our plan was that we were going to we wanted to go to this concert but it started and we missed the beginning we're like oh well we'll just go five pin bowling because they had five pin bowling in Vancouver because Canada's wild oh but when we got out of our Uber we were dropped out right in front of the theater that the concert was happening at because the bowling alley was across the street and when we were dropped off everyone was outside and people were smoking cigarettes and hanging out I'm like it's intermission oh [ __ ] so we walked in and fully we just walked all the way into the theater nobody stopped us and we were like oh wow it's packed we need to see if there's actually seats so we went down to will call and Huey was like hey ah we missed the first half of this but we really wanted to see the concert is either way there's any tickets left and then I strolled up perfect timing the two young ladies working the will call said oh hi did they say hi good morning and good thank you appreciate it thank you that was it right awesome wonderful have a good one have a good one um we I loved the look of she was expecting to get pranked and she just got a us being sweethearts yeah okay so oh we gotta go Raising Cane's after they open for breakfast Raising Canes oh they just made their way into an American spot if you want to chill here I love Raising Canes no no okay going to Raising Canes why don't we turn around and see if we can find the UPS driver no okay it's possible we'll find him it's like I said I have priors I can't go back to prison so they let you just come in so they they printed us off four tickets and then we walked in and the ushers are like hey where you know where your seats are we're like no actually we missed the first half and they're like you missed the first half oh uh okay well oh no we've already moved people into your seats but let me find you some other seats and then they found us some good seats and I sat and watched this uh concert where they had the screen up top where they were playing clips of Final Fantasy from the beginning to Final Fantasy 15 or 16 and then the orchestra was playing live along to it and uh it was kind of sometimes getting like out of sync but it was really fun and I tell you I have never been to anything geekier than that because the the conductor would be like okay so we've been touring around and then when we came to Vancouver I was really excited to be here in Vancouver and I thought you know what Vancouver needs to hear they need to hear the battle song from Final Fantasy VII and the entire crowd will go oh my gosh wait that's so awesome it's like the end of tar I love it it was like they were so it wasn't like they were going whoa they were going oh my gosh I can't believe this like they were speechless that's amazing oh can you roll up your window and then I want to yeah and then let's pull over and we'll eat yeah let's see um that's so cool I also you told me that you went I didn't know they were playing clips of the game oh they were playing clips and they were playing like cut scenes and then they also had like montages of like different random like battles and like showing probably everyone's favorite spells or moves or characters they're so fun it was so fun wow I love that and now it's time for the hashy brown Showdown we went to McDonald's we ordered breakfast they gave us napkins now I've got a Miffy side one sausage biscuit add American cheese that's for Keith now you added American cheese I wanted a little cheese because it's not real it's also this the regular sausage biscuit doesn't come with cheese correct and I wanted a little more flavor and I have the sausage egg biscuit add American cheese is that for Miles that's for Miles um and now I have three hash browns You're Gonna Wanna eat these fast before the oil gets you yeah yeah I mean McDonald's hash browns our voices are going to be a different nightmare that's a gummy but you're gonna hear the crunch on the microphone oh it's so hot I love this hash brown more than any other fast food item in the world well you know what we here's what we gotta do for the thumb is uh Zach I want you to hold the hash browns Keith and I will hold our sandwiches also up yeah you guys are seeing it up real behind the scenes juice right now [ __ ] in my butt thumbnail blog blogging cool plug all right challenge oh yeah that's so good oh that crunch I've sort of been on a potato Renaissance recently a Renaissance yeah I was intimidated by potatoes for a while just because I kept buying them and then they immediately grow the little horns yeah and I'd be like oh God and the devil's Spud yeah but now I was like honestly there's nothing that brings me more like visceral Joy than having a big Boiling Pot of potatoes on the stove in fact I want to get one of those glass pots so I can really look at those puppies cook you know what I mean you seen the glass pot or just a pot with a glass lid no there's glass pots that you can buy on [ __ ] Pinterest or whatever I feel like they would it would conduct heat differently it probably would it probably would be less efficient but it'd be more aesthetic for the gram we like Aesthetics yeah you guys look at this house we're next to look at that it's [ __ ] fanciest [ __ ] oh yeah why is it fancy what's going on I can't really can't see the fountain but there's a whole Fountain there's a oh [ __ ] [Music] let's talk about netsuite netsuite gives you the visibility and control you need to make Better Business decisions faster and for the first time in netsuite's 22 years as the number one Cloud Financial system you can defer payments of a full netsuite implementation for six months that's no payment and no interest for six months and you can take advantage of this special financing offer today netsuite is number one because they give your business everything you need in real time all in one place to reduce manual processes boost efficiency build forecasts and increase productivity across every Department running a business is chaotic right 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BuzzFeed because again every morning I'd have that and I would kind of have a greasy little hands and I'd go to my desk and I'd slap slap slap on the laptop you kind of like just slip your way through editing your fingers glided along and gliding yeah keyboard shortcuts while you guys Munch down can I tell a story please because I am amped the hell up because we got a little new fashion Monday over here Keith has a new shirt it's cute it's from Old Navy it's who could who would have guessed it's it's adorable this is good advice for you miles they have medium tall that's so good huge Keith can I tell you something I'm currently a medium tall I think I'd like to be a tall large I'm a large tall but sometimes large talls they think you're like a basketball player yeah which I'm trying to go down to your like mid thigh how much do you weigh how much I weigh like almost 200 pounds now oh really yeah I'm like 209. it's the eat the menus yeah I actually know I think I weigh over 200 pounds but I normally I like to believe that I'm 185 pounds well in my head I'm 185 but I looked at pictures of when I first met Sarah and I was 185 and I looked a little gaunt so now I'm kind of like what happens if I just put on mass we'll climb a mass I'm I'm thinking two like what a pack of blvs I'm thinking what if I go 220 and I start exercising a lot more but I start like just sort of bulking up because then I'll look like a gentleman I'll look like a man turn treat your son like a kettlebell yeah I mean I definitely like my back hurts because of lifting him so much do you guys eat protein stuff yeah um I don't what you do is that how you do it yeah how do you do it like okay how do you do it let me tell you this is huge did I tell this on the Pod stop me I got my protein powder that story is a fan favorite people are even if they've already heard it they're clamoring they're dreaming yeah this is a new one because I have my protein powder every morning in my smoothie I love it here we go it means the world to me it is I look forward to my smoothie every day yeah for four over four years in the back oh your ears I have ran out ran out I run out I head on over to the Amazon Bezos app and I they say new and improved yeah and I approved and I go whoa they got a new packaging that's what I thought and usually new and improved means new and improved packaging doesn't mean the inside go on they changed the flavor no and it tastes like ass oh no it has taken my favorite thing and and changed it and I looked online everyone's pissed and I bought four of them at once whoa you're buying bulk because you're trying to bulk up right bulky bolts three more of these [ __ ] things and I don't know what to do oh yeah I do baby so that's how you do it you get a protein powder and you get hopelessly connected to it and then they change it on you and there's nothing you can do how do I how much powder do I need and I also people that use like the creatine what the [ __ ] does that do that's uh post workout it's with for Muscle Recovery that's like a drug though like people who are like creatine is gonna make you but here's my thought of protein go ahead I always thought that protein like if you didn't exercise then protein you don't need it as much so it's like eating protein powder unless you're working out is sort of like a moot point it's just going right to your butt probably right to your butt is that true Zach that it's true it goes it's a direct line to your butt to the wagon um yeah I mean uh protein is energy and uh if you're not working out then it just gets stored as fat Walter White over here all right I think that it would be fine if we did a video or like for a week we hung out with someone who's just really good at getting big and we just do everything he does and then hopefully that's enough to set us on a path to do it ourselves but I have a feeling we'll do it for two weeks so then fall right off yeah it's just so hard to live life and go see Final Fantasy concerts and work out big time Keith how am I supposed to do it yeah I mean I think to me I think the answers probably work out in the morning but I'm so I have so much stuff to do in the morning like sit around and have coffee and like wake up wake up I'm a nighttime workout or I work out during secession wow while you watch successions does that motivate you in a different way than you've ever done for whatever reason it's one of my favorite shows to work out too that's true I mean you're like I too want a billion dollars no it has nothing to do with the show it's really just the Habit stacking of connecting something I love with something I don't actually want to do so now I just associate them with one another it's like oh [ __ ] I get to work out and watch the session tonight oh yeah yeah so I used to watch a lot of YouTube is on the treadmill yeah and that's actually what's called dopamine Boolean where you give yourself a treat while you do something you don't really want to do you fool it so you fool it so your brain thinks oh I get the treat when I do that we'll see if Raising Cane's has breakfast I can't imagine why look it up just go Keith it's right there turn around I think actually if you go down exactly how to get there you're gonna be able to get turn around turn around [Music] okay here's the thing it I don't know if it opens soon but not yet eight minutes till it opens we got it okay there's that's time for us to do something else I have my story that I didn't get to because I thought you did the one about the protein powder oh that's it again we're looking out with this great protein Barry I loved it you went to Daddy okay give me badge Monday I was talking about your shirt me yeah I do this bit on the weekends where I don't want to get out of bed and Maggie tries to get me out of bed and I'm a big old cranky baby and I roll over and I I complain and we have we laugh we laugh it's fun oh we laugh we laugh and we have fun and then I get in the shower and then I get dressed and then I go right back in the bed and she goes no Zachary silly goose so anyway I was rolling and laughing and loving and I get a question for you go ahead you get a shower together Miles because I that's not like that pervert of a question because I'm like look I wonder about that sometimes with couples because like I could shower with Sarah every day no I don't no we're on different shower schedules we use different soaps also I wouldn't dare see my wife naked I wouldn't dare like staring at the sun no it's not good for you you gotta leave something secret it's not good for you okay you're back in bed clean I rolled over right onto my glasses and not only did one lens pop out not only did two lenses pop out both lenses popped out and I bent the side and I go oh Fiddlesticks so now I have to drive into Hollywood and go to my glasses Place spoiler alert they fixed them they're on my face right now they look great luckily I got the titanium model but it made me think what would happen if these broke I would freak out and they have a new model but the different the the bridge distance which is the distance between your two eyes and the new model is wider apart so they have exactly one model left of these glasses in existence but they're in a different color they're rose gold and I don't know if I want that so I'm thinking about getting them anyway and then seeing if I can stain them mild has a little DIY project for you do you want sorry you want me to stain you guys it doesn't stain so you're gonna have to figure that out I must interject I am not at the part yet okay well I just want to interject maybe a court a course change for us we drive yes my new glasses are ready to be picked up oh let's go get them they're in low speed lights I can't wait to see them we gotta go they're different wait Los Feliz is pretty that's a little far away I think we can make it we're in Beverly Hills so that's a little far away we can make it you think we can make it there and back in 30 minutes if we're like all on the same [ __ ] team doesn't sound like you're on my team okay I'm gonna pull back over in front of the same house again real quick they've called the police or like someone is chasing our house this has to see how long it'll take it's definitely looking like here's the thing it's not just going there and picking them up and getting them now you're gonna fit them on your face 14 minutes yeah they're gonna fit them on your face but do you just have to pick them up yeah they'd put them on my face oh okay it should be ready hopefully they're gonna pop my face say like that's good fit them on his face I'm gonna fit him in your face that is pretty good Keith got new glasses on the show yeah all right let's go all right there we go I'm not happy about it but we're gonna do it we're definitely gonna do it but if we could stop by Raising Cane's on the way uh we'll see we'll I don't know all the time it's also not even open yet oh yeah that's right we're waiting for it to open so we follow the bring some security instead no we'll seriously get killed if we do these we're gonna follow the bank truck so there's a there's a um a store right across the street from my glasses place it's on a fashion block okay and so I'm going up and down and Maggie recently had told me I need new pants because I wear my one pair of pants to death all the time and specifically this pair of pants I'd been looking for for years the the brand that does it I'm not gonna name them because I don't want you [ __ ] to know okay but they don't even sell these pants online well you can't even find them you can't no they have they sell different models but like these pants are like a rarity they're just like because they they they're such a hot commod you're wearing rare pants so I walk into this store that I've been literally every year I go in for the last four years I walk into the store looking for pants as good as these pants and not only do they have them they have them in every [ __ ] color yeah Zach so I you got new pants stocked up I bought them in purple oh I bought them in Green Oh I bought them in blue blue I bought them in Navy other blue I bought them in a different stitch in black and I want you to be honest about something here yeah so what's the store called I'm not telling you okay if you're not gonna tell me the story you just told me just you described buying eight pairs of pants I bought five pairs of pants five pairs of pants yeah how much are these pants how much are these pants running yeah premium they're they're premium yeah I dropped a lot good amount of money 135 a pant they're 270 they're between 100 and 200 whoa I love that you gave a range but you're like it's unprofessional to be too specific I couldn't dare say a hundred and seven dollars I couldn't dare but they are uh uh and I also got 10 off I don't actually know how much they were that's awesome but when you find that perfect unit and you're like I'm gonna get this and every it's perfect the pants the pants have lasted me over four years I wear them and I wear them the [ __ ] to death oh yeah and they look if you look at them right here they got this nice little Stitch these are really nice pants they're really nice pants are nice curtain can I get a feel yeah get a feel they're made here in Los Angeles oh they're thick like nice and thick they're made in Los Angeles they're slacks they sit nice on me and I know like that these are perfect for me and it was funny because the other day I was so sick of my pants that I put on a pair of jeans I came into the office and I walked out and uh Becky was in the office Erica um and Desiree all turned to me at the same time and they went like all of them made a noise and then they went you're wearing jeans I'm like yeah and they're like you don't do that that's so funny I didn't notice the sight of me and jeans would be so weird do they make them in bigger than a 22 waist they they do because I'm kind of like I want to cop a pair you wanna cop bear they look really good I mean would you be offended if I took your special pant I I'm not sure it's for you I'm not sure if I would be uh if I walked in I'm wearing your pants identical I think that I think that I'm gatekeeping them to be honest yeah yeah okay because I because I talked to the guy the man the man who worked there his name was Dana he was a sweetheart and he he was like oh I know these are good right and I'm like yeah I'm like I'm so excited that they're back and he's like they never send me enough and I'm like what wow he's like get them while you can and I said you know what sir I will and I know that this isn't a great story no I actually think it was good but I think you should tell it the protein one again yeah it wasn't as good it would have been better if like they had changed the recipe for your baby I would have been serious they changed the denim recipe but I can't tell you how [ __ ] amped up I was yeah that's awesome it was and I realized that I am my Father's son because he buys he finds something he likes and he just buys a million of it that's what you got to do but like and this is like the pants and the glasses I just like I feel like it's the same thing like where I just want to find the thing I love Yeah and buy enough to last me a freaking lifetime I feel like a whole new [ __ ] I really do I threw away so much stuff I threw away three bags of clothes I not throw away I donated them you set them on fire because you you actually have said before you don't like it you don't want to like have your other people wearing your clothes yeah yeah especially not at a discount um no actually I did drop off um a couple bags of stuff at Goodwill yeah which apparently people told me not to do anymore because they don't like Goodwill but I tried to go to a different donation center and they said no oh I went to I went to two donation centers yeah and they were like we're at capacity I'm like what does it mean I you I can't donate no that's funny I've seen people in my hometown I remember drop we always drop off our old stuff at Goodwill and I would see people wearing my clothes sometimes like once or twice because I knew there in my clothes because my uncle had a motorcycle shop and they were all closed from there and we'd be like all right we're not gonna wear these everywhere where you keep getting these Christmas gifts and we drop them off at Goodwill and then I would see like locals in the town wearing my clothes well I know you had you donated the vagina one once or you saw a vagina you know I saw that one actually a lot on tour a lot of people came to see blueberger were wearing that shirt and that hoodie specifically well here's a question is that a Gorilla Marketing tactic instead so you know that water gorilla there's a water company gorilla um Guerrilla so there's that water bottle company or whatever that's like the water's free but people pay for the advertising what if we print a bunch of stupid shirts for really cheap and we donate like a thousand shirts to Goodwills across Los Angeles in nice neighborhoods that's a clever plan and that way people are wearing the brand ever with just you know over I would like to make a shirt for the tripod and I'm wondering if it should just be a shirt that says plug that's not bad I also think that making a Zack's shark shirt oh my gosh it's like incredible Zach's shark shirt shirt yeah exactly oh it just says shark shirt yeah oh that's not bad and has a pic maybe it has a picture of your shirt on the shirt yeah I like that that's pretty freaking lit it's kind of sick that's like probably the best one to one brand integration we could do yeah and on the back it just says in text um it's cool because it has rips on the side parentheses it looks like the shark attacked you yeah and then we can also do a shirt that's called I love Zack's protein powder story yeah no big time I'll never get tired of it I would like to hear it again now if you know it please approach me I do like that yeah I'm so [ __ ] pissed about the protein powder and it tastes yucky now right it mild it's night and day Jesus why do they change the flaves I do because it's probably cheaper and now they can put freaking asbestos in it hey a shout out to a fellow YouTuber Blogilates I know that she just launched a new matcha protein powder that people really like and I was I thought of you Zack because I thought you might like that well she hasn't sent me any well but you could probably hit her up and say hey can I try it I would like that sure she's got a lot of she's got a lot of cool products she's a really good product designer probably one of the best YouTube product creators she's making she makes a lot of like way better Fitness outfits especially for like women and stuff and then she has like matcha powder she doesn't make any mail stuff for women and stuff he does my throat is gunked up with oil it was such a good breakfast I feel right I don't know that I I have some regrets you don't like that you had it I don't like that I had it plugged you don't want to plug with a oily throat because you're worried that it'll affect the audio quality the Fidelity yeah I already affected it I can I I'm living in the effect yeah what are you doing what are you doing oh [ __ ] you see what I see what do I see FedEx truck Rippy UE no up there too oh yeah there's so many Oh I thought it was UPS truck it was just a garbage truck apparently my grandma used to when he was she was in the car no no in front of it there's like a like a metal collection well no the uh my grandma used to fight I want a fire truck who chased fire trucks we would chase them when they'd go woo and then go through like Rochester New York where she's from she would be in the car with the kids and be like let's go and they would chase them if you say something cool yeah see if they see a fire okay hold on two nights ago I guess a few nights ago now for the listeners uh the phantasmic so at Disneyland is a big fantastic thing and there's this big uh dragon in the show and it breathes fire and it's sick as [ __ ] well the whole thing just caught on fire the whole thing oh my God the entire Dragon just burned to Crisp that's crazy yeah someone got hurt no one got hurt but it was sad because he's an old animatronic now he's dead wow that's kind of like wow serendipitous in a way I know the dragons 25 miles well because if the people there got a great show for the night oh they were like whoa does this usually happen and the whole thing's like on fire this sort of like a Disney moment that's your Mickey moment Mickey moment big time I've been back to Disney in a long time we're supposed to go as a company and then we keep not going oh man remember we were gonna go and then I told Nick like hey let's really get it going and he did and then I think he put it on the calendar and I think people were like I can't go there we have to shoot a video yeah I don't know when it'll happen but someday guys it'll be so we could go to freaking yeah Marvel town I guess we want to do California Adventure because that's where you can drink we could I want to do both that'd be fun I'm gonna go am didn't he PM Cali that sounds fantasmus my uh best man and I we didn't get each other wedding gifts and instead are just gifting each other a day to Disney together oh a Disney date Disney day but we gotta figure out when to go and we're like trying to figure find a good time to go there's no good time to go no there's no such thing today it's gray and it's a it's a Monday and it's not too hot yet today would be a good day damn but it's gonna get real tight should we go honestly bringing the plug to Disney holy cow we could record like 17 episodes it's truly we could like all right we're still at Disney post up at the incredi coaster that would actually not be a like a pretty good idea and maybe Financial financially beneficial we did the podcast at Disney it's like gonna go vibing it's gonna go Vivi is it illegal like would they yeah would we get in trouble that's what I'm wondering how about the GoPro if we're doing commentary it's not illegal it's more like it's private property and do they like people recording that my audio though you think that if we're just like oh we're just recording some sounds and then Jonathan's [ __ ] sniping with a 270 millimeter lens from across from a place he's from the parking garage yeah tell me about these glasses yeah yeah okay they are a thinner Rim than I have worn in my entire notoriety is Keith are you are you coming from my brand I don't think so but they're dark maroon oh old it might even be more normal maroon that's really interesting yeah I basically I tried on all these glasses and I didn't like them and problem for me and any other hyperscript badies out there you don't know what you look like because when you look at me my my I have a high prescription so it shrinks my look of my eyes yeah so I don't know what when I try on glasses there's just no way to know what it actually is going to look like so I picked the ones that I thought were gonna look the best at the were most complementary to my face and I was also like excited to have a little daring change yeah because I've been sort of a wide you know thick frame boy since 2014 2013. as long as I've known you really yeah and now were you did you get glasses because you felt it was time or were you forced into it by a prescription change uh no I just I like I have to get my eyes checked once a year anyway we have a you know the thing at our um uh company for the eyeballs oh yeah eyeballs so like I might as well just use it because I have to do they have to check my eye pressure and all this business oh they haven't done my eye pressure I haven't had my eyes dilated in maybe like I haven't done that but uh I have um they blow air at your eye yeah they actually hit it with a tiny little Hammer now no way it's actually better than the error I don't think I've been to an optometrist that's scary before the paniner why are they and yeah here's a question as you see that partner that was incredible that's really good mile should we go with it that's a really good question I'm guessing you could sit outside yeah that's not bad I think we should go [Music] this episode is brought to you by betterhelp getting to know yourself is a lifelong process especially because we're always growing and changing look the core of us stays the same but as we grow as we age we change and getting to know yourself is one of the great Honors that we have in this life uh it's a lifelong process that work is never done and it really is a treat to carve out time for yourself to to get to know yourself that is the deepest and most intimate relationship that you could ever have better help connects you with a licensed therapist who can take you on that journey of self-discovery from wherever you are that is my favorite part about it and why I use it is because it is as flexible as I need it to be I can schedule video conferences wherever I am I can go on a walk I can do it in my car I could do at the office I could do it at home if you're thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it's entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and look you can switch therapist at any time sometimes it takes a few times to find someone that you click with they make it easy to go through and find someone who is a perfect match discover your potential with better help visit betterhelp.com tripod today to get 10 off your first month that's better help help.com tripod so we are getting out of the car and Keith you're in the middle of explaining why you felt it was time uh yes I I always have to get my eyes checked and I always figure like hey why not get new glasses also I don't like the glasses I have I didn't like them when I got like them from the beginning no I didn't like them so I'm excited to have new ones how is this gonna work probably you guys should hand these to me this gopro's on fire yeah well it's recording in 1080. so then Keith you can take this thank you plug on though it's just past Encanto the restaurant not the movie I know nice I think I could have parked right out front right by that motorcycle you want to go get the car and move it no no this is better here's Zach do you want to be right here where is he going wait where's the glass one more one more one more this is a good butcher oh I do like this butcher actually they also have good mustards I'm just enjoying walking they also that had Turtle kid energy all right I'll go in right here all right so you can go in we're just gonna be here chilling here you go okay guys so next time you see me I'll see you differently okay Keith you said it was the same prescription though okay bye I'm excited for Keisha's new look I'm a little nervous about it you're nervous yeah what is that you know I feel like we've had this uh delicate balance where yeah he's maybe encroaching on your brand a little and you feel a little nervous about that I feel a little nervous maybe I'm gonna have to go thick ooh I feel like your face Maybe couldn't support I feel like my face could support whatever it wants and I feel like your face needs to back the [ __ ] off my face okay yeah well I do feel like I'm already encroaching on your territory now that I got glasses about two years ago right you know what I mean right well you kind of got your own thing going on is looking as like a dog that needs to go to the bathroom um but what do you think is my thing that I've got going on here like cool chic handsome I like that I'll take it I'll definitely take that it's bright it's one of those days where it's overcast and so you wouldn't think it's sunny oh yeah but it's now everything's bright and I don't like it yeah I wouldn't understand my people's dilate kind of pretty quick right because you have those yeah because you have those poopy brown eyes as opposed to my beautiful Blues I was gonna say muck water for you it's like I guess it's the ocean but it's a stormy day or something it's like that Lake that you don't want to put dive into oh that's standing water we don't want to go we don't want to go in there are you a lake kid was I a lake kid um you know what we did at one point own a pontoon boat and we would go up to we would go up to a lake called car lake in North Carolina and it was just a little it was a houseboat to be honest that we got gifted because this guy passed away and this family was like we don't want to sell this but we just want to give it to someone who's going to use it and they gave it to us and our neighbor and so we go up to the lake and uh at one point Keith's got his new glasses already oh I can tell by the sides oh Keith these are thinner here's your mic whoa whoa totally different whoa that's crazy new man look at that Heath you look like a [ __ ] fashionable old lesbian yes thank you I really like them I like them too I think they're actually surprising I know they're they're very fresh I can see so well are they cleaner than your other glasses way cleaner there's no scratches or anything wow they've got a fun okay if people are not watching they've got a fun angle yeah but don't worry if you're not watching you will see this face and thumbnails all over you see them soon enough oh yeah soon enough um they they they're not they're squarish yeah but then they angle out they kind of have like a superhero like you know what they look like they look like Iron Man glasses if you put sunglasses in those you'd be freaking Iron Man wow they make you you know what it is it's Keith 2.0 it's like when Tony Stark gets a new suit ooh there's a guy behind you um in one of those big baskets on a crane and he's hugging wires [Music] oh that's sick how's it going Keith waved to him kind of like kind of sexually like what I don't think glasses the glasses we should go but I really wish we could talk to them huh I know we are gonna have to walk into the street I do think yeah it's gonna get the most dangerous we've ever been on the plug our most dangerous Vlog yet Bird Box challenge let's see it he's catching wires we should probably yeah let's uh let's get back to the car okay are we gonna Walk This Way I'm just gonna kind of walk around here sorry thank you thank you a lot of slack oh so I'm sorry man now I'm curious Keith because this is a boulder glasses look and this is now your everyday have you considered being a multiple glasses [ __ ] I I actually have yeah because I have all basically my prescription hasn't changed in the last four sets of classes and I have all my glasses yeah so this I thought I would get this is a more fancy glasses but I'd still use some old glasses from time to time I think that's nice to have multiple looks for multiple occasions these might be your business classes yes this is when I'm doing a fancy meeting down in Beverly Hills hi Lululemon I'm hi hi it's me I'm here to talk about your three million dollar sponsorship I'm gonna eat all your pants I'm gonna eat everything in Lululemon his lemons right honestly that's a great idea I eat about to do this to you and go the other way yeah that's good I bought a bunch of lemons at Lululemon's I bought two additional pairs of glasses but frankly I found that I just still like these ones the most and so I never wear them they do look like Iron Man yeah look at me [Music] most of my glasses have stuck out further but I kind of wanted them to be thinner but yeah I think they're pretty cool once you go thin it's going to be hard for you to go back once again you never go back it's just it feels very different on your face it looks so different yeah I wonder what Becky will say let's see yeah wow I think they look sharp I really like they look cool yeah they're different yeah they take up so much less uh real estate okay wait now give me your let's go back back and forth okay because I feel like it's going to be hard to recognize yourself when you change something such as drastic as glasses it is deciding your face oh wow okay so there's Keith there I am there's Keith Keith yeah and now sexy Keith oh he changes his name too Steve I think Audi Steve wow wow there's regular old Keith it's so dirty his glasses are filthy there's farting Keith's face oh my God Steve Steve it's cute it looks good when I smile it does I like him a lot I think you're in a sort of a new Keith era it's new Keith everything you want to see miles in them yeah oh that's interesting prescriptions are really yours is gonna be way more mine's like point I might get a 0.75 oh oh you look too small for you miles do you have a wider face than Keith oh my God I feel like I'm gonna throw up I gotta close my eyes and now Keith you try my glasses yeah your prescription is so severe compared to mine whoa that's so interesting I see you oh yeah you actually look really good in those yeah I don't feel bad and honestly like your prescription in my prescription is Not So Different oh wait I want to try them out I can I can see I'm gonna try yours I I I wouldn't want to drive in your glasses I could but it'd be way better than no glasses way better oh wow the honestly those are not disabled because of the color of your old brand yeah remember I like these more on you than I do on me I like these on me although I hate how they feel around my ears well because they're shorter and then wait miles now we want to try and you're going oh yeah try them on well for a long time I thought Zach had a little earring because of his glasses because they loop around the yeah I never realized you have a wider wider so wide but I'm also kind of like your prescription does nothing first no it's nothing it's negative 0.78 yeah they do look good on you actually they're very similar to the frames I normally would wear I would say they're sort of History glasses which is kind of my bride my brand I'm going for a hipster look yeah you look like me I look like you you look like uh we're sort of hipsters together oh yeah um but yeah well glass is really I do need a second pair keys so this kind of inspiring me because I was thinking about getting the same because these are a little scratch but I think I'm gonna get new WoW different one Live It Up fresh change your life I'll I'll what if I I'll have a podcast specific pair of glasses oh you only wear them on the Pod I can do that it's gonna take some getting used to Keith no definitely because it's gonna do it you can do it be brave I'm brave all right should we go back let's go back to work I also love when glasses have the lens sticking out the side yeah stop for Korean Barbecue on the way back um now did you max out all of the uh all the upgrades yeah anti-glare HDR Vision damn thing except I don't do one of the things that they do where they like build in kind of like a corner it's no it's like um having bifocals but they make it a smooth transition so that the bottom is magnified because it makes me super nauseous well yeah they did that on my last glasses and I was like no no I like put them on for like five minutes and I thought I was gonna puke everywhere yeah and they were like it's not for everyone and I was like yeah let's not do that again although I got yeah well for apparently you know how blue block or not blue blockers blue light like is not really a thing that we need to worry that much about yeah because it's like you get it from everywhere but my blue light glasses I got from Warby p and unfortunately there's like a slight yellow tint to them very slightly it's kind of annoying to me that's why I also want to get new glasses because I don't like the yellow tint yeah you look like a guy trying to be in like a 90s Rave yeah I'm trying to go to the nicest Rave quasi's been rocking the uh the transition lenses oh yeah I used to think they were kind of square but he's been selling me on them there's a vacancy in my old building you used to think they were kind of square you know like not that hip they reminded me of a dad thing interesting you thought they were you always thought they were cool the transition lenses I think that they are shocking to me all right they can't my my eye doctor was like you should get the transition glance I'm like I don't think I want that it's like oh people love it like I feel like people talk about how uncool it is exclusively that's what I'm saying yeah and they always seem to be caught in between yeah uh but crazy he never seems caught in between that man knows exactly who he is oh my God he's a very fashionable proof so I don't know I like him on him yeah I do need to get some prescription sunglasses because I don't have any and they're changing so helpful I've heard that's Game Changer big time you'd be able to see them somewhere sunglasses thing up there but if I did that's where I'd keep them yeah by the way Keith I bet this car in a car wash is really fun too you can see through the roof yeah you're right yeah I do need a car wash yeah you ever gotten this car washed not in a car wash machine whoa they buy humans wow humans yeah typically just human only by man just a guy you have a fleet I need 40 people I need to call the guy actually though he's so good at it and I I just haven't had my car cleaned because I haven't been here is your guy my guy yep oh yeah he's a great guy he's still the same guy yeah we got I gave him my guy it's Jack [Laughter] Jack could be a guy like guy you go to look at the triangles in that that's kind of a fun little pack this is an interesting kind of visual it's a visual Feast I used to like walking by this um well what else is grinding your gears guys um did I tell the protein powder Story one more time no you didn't actually yeah you did you know no you didn't you got it again um Keith are you going into organ are you done for a little bit done for a while actually not until November nice just we got too many things to film here at the second try and also we're gearing up to our album release in June so the album for Wizard of friendships so we just have a lot more of the that kind of work to be doing in the luberger town yeah that the that and uh you know everything's been going kind of good lately to be honest that's great I had really good Chinese food in Vancouver as well that was nice in Seattle I we made we shot a video in Pike's Place and I caught a fish spoilers oh and um yeah it was just [ __ ] I don't know I'm happy he's crushing I'm happy that's so good chicken are you happy uh pretty miserable uh things are falling apart uh no I I'm also quite happy I was productive this weekend really I was I don't know what it was maybe it was a little micro dose I took maybe it was just being nice no just kidding am I maybe uh I uh I just was an organizational machine I cleaned out a closet and then I put new stuff in that closet yeah and I got rid of a bunch of [ __ ] and I just was I was like just organizing wow I got more organizing to do still but uh and then Elliot our editors is coming he doesn't live in Los Angeles anymore but he's flying in for two days and we're gonna be sitting sitting in the editing Bay together working on uh my short film so excited for that and just just making stuff spending lots of time with my grandma respect thy elders and hang out with your fam Gam I didn't have any good Chinese food lately oh no I'd like something that's such good Chinese food you know so I thought my life was going pretty well but compared to Keith's it sounds like I I'm now reconsidering and maybe it isn't going as well as I thought yeah it might not be uh Chinese food that I had um in Vancouver it was good and Miles how's your life my life is good baby's good baby's healthy uh been doing a lot of um Pilates a lot of a lot I wish I would love to use Pilates I'm trying to get my body in Shack I'd like to not eat better but just eat more consistently I feel like I want to have a method to the madness I'm going to a nice restaurant I'm gonna pig out or whatever the [ __ ] it's hard at home I want to have like an order to like oh it's like actually not so hard to make a salad if I use scissors to cut the salad into little chunks what you've never done that I never I never heard about it I thought that was the solution oh [ __ ] about to love this okay so okay maybe I should save this for the advice to be honest maybe yeah well if you're you want to do that now yeah well if you want to know about miles of scissors perhaps you should listen to this segment it's scissor time with Miles scissor time a scissor time with miles Nation [Music] miles Nation girl four miles it'll go four miles what's up miles Nation how's everybody doing tonight yeah are you guys out there and you're ready to scissor yeah um everybody put your legs in the air because it's time to sizzy and guess worst I'm gonna tell you a hack that's gonna get your sack whacked what cover me in oil and slide me on in because this is a little life crack that you're gonna peel open with your finger like it's a whole Orange scissor your salads I've been making a salad for the past couple days really wow uh and the way I've been doing it is this sometimes salads like Ugh they suck at home look at this big [ __ ] piece of lettuce yeah how yucky yuck the thing to Cape in mind is you want a lot of different Crunchies You're Gonna Want a lot of different leafies red onions you want a lot of red onions pick it oh my God I love red onions and salad and then you're gonna want a dressing that it's to die for that is to cry for and then probably gonna be ranch or a nice vinaigrette so different could be more different a nice vinaigrette or just Ranch it's delicious it is delicious but I'll say what I've been doing is get all your [ __ ] Greenies in there sometimes it's arugula a little bit of a spice sometimes it's uh like a blend that has a little bit of that purple one oh yeah masculine masculine and or it's uh just spinach I'll answer out or it's Iceberg and spinach but either way get your leafies in there get some kitchen shears slash scissors that are made for foods and not for paper and you're going to put them in a bowl and then you're going to cut them with the scissors so that way you have a lot of small bites to chopped salad but you don't have to like get a cutting board dirty you don't do all this [ __ ] it's gonna be much smaller bites it's easier to eat and that way like the pieces of green are the same size as the pieces of cucumbers pieces of red onion yes Keith are you putting all the ingredients in the bowl and then just putting the scissors in the bowl and going willy-nilly choppy chop or do you like as you go in the bowl are you chopping them over the bowl so they drop into the bowl going for a grid mentality where let's call the bowl let's divide the bowl let's call the bowl frame let's call it a bowl let's call the bowl all the bowl a bowl hey all the bowl I'm going for a good that is on the bowl calling a bowl a bowl or I am slicing with the scissors up and down north to south in two inch increments and then I'm turning them horizontal east to west and going two inch increments up from up to down so I'm cutting it in a grid which is like yeah you're wondering are they gonna be the exact same size well no Keith how are you doing that with an onion I'd be very impressed to see you've got an onion like a piece of paper I love that idea but no I'm only preparing the leafies like that and then the other stuff the Cucumber The Red Onion sometimes a carrot if you're nasty whatever the [ __ ] else really that's gonna be good with that ranch is gonna be put into the thing afterwards once I have like the uniform size you should fold your lettuce like a piece of paper and then cut it like a snowflake that's also not a bad idea considering Iceberg so wait are you still using a cutting board for the onion um yes um guys but the thing is that there's not little pieces of spinach everywhere that's true it might be something I agree that is it all gets stuck on The Cutting Board it's nowhere near me it's right into your neck finish isn't that big no I know but it's better it's I've been just trust me a drop salads better like you're being like Oh yeah exactly you look like a [ __ ] buffoon putting all that spinach in your mouth I yes I do but if you have like a oh look at this cute little bite and it's like just a perfect little bite of salad you know what you should do yeah take your salad sometimes that's good but sometimes I want the fiby um you think that you blend the fiber away I resent the question but I also yes is that true is that how it works no if you shop up if you chop if you well to me a fiber Zach would be like a blanket that's a good yeah I get what you're saying you know if you chop up fiber is it still is good I think that I your job it's like dethreading a blanket and you don't get the fiber anymore now it's just mush you think that I don't know now you're now you're asking a question well let me put it down I feel stupid let me put in a different way if you take athletic greens are you getting fiber no whoa whoa they sponsor I mean I do have athletic greens you better miles the more you say it the deeper the whole I do like athletic greens miles I've had it a bunch of times and ritual multivitamin well miles please there's something about the overcast day that's making me very sleepy yeah it does that how does weather affect us so it's so great it was so pathetic you know what it is too is we're doing a plug without I didn't you guys got your little Treats but I didn't get no Cha-Cha they also don't have the energy of Youth with Rainey in the car who's sort of the missing link yeah the missing link where Rainey has this sort of um Randy's sick yeah she's sick she had a cold well join us next time on the plug when we play ding dong ditch at the Smosh offices until next time this has been a plug and don't forget to check your pockets for clings bear crunch they might be surprised what you find Keith his with the official tripod theme song hash browns biscuits put it in your mouth are you sing so much and you have lots of fun and then you go and get yourself some things so you can see yeah just as well as you did but now you look differently is the tripod have a good ass week everybody your face is different so different it is really different it's so different foreign
Channel: The TryPod
Views: 324,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, commentary, garrick bernard, kelsey darragh, movies, tv
Id: 0Xf2D1uHpAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 27sec (4047 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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