KeePass Password Manager Tutorial - Detailed Step by Step Guide | NEVER FORGET YOUR PASSWORDS AGAIN

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what's up friends it's Valentin kochenko and in today's video you'll learn how you can keep track of all your passwords on by the way all of this is free since keepass is an open source software and if you do it like me you'll be able to connect it with cloud storage and access all your passwords from every single device you have which is so comfortable so let's get started ok so the first thing we have to do is open our browser and go to key pass info / download HTML but I'll also leave the links in the description below the next thing you have to do is download the portable version right now we're at version 2.44 I'll download it as soon as you've downloaded it you'll have to unzip it then open the folder and open key pass that executable enable automatic update checks and now we can create our database where you'll store all your passwords and even other information if you'd like to the first thing you have to do is click on file and then click on new then it gives you a quick reminder that you should also keep backups of your database so in case it gets lost you still have all your passwords click on OK and choose a place where you want to save your database I'll say if mine on the same folder as KeePass and I'll tell you later why I do this way ok so the next thing we have to do is choose a strong password and let me give you some tips on this one because I think that some people are still struggling with good passwords I would try to think of a sentence that I can memorize easily and then modify it so that no brute force attacks are possible and yeah let me just make an example first click here so that you can see your password let's for example say hello underscore this underscore is underscore my powerful underscore database underscore key phrase exclamation mark so as you can see we already have a very strong password with 45 characters which is also quite easy to remember since it's just one sentence and the next thing to do is replace some of the letters with numbers and I would do the following and just replace all the es with a three so hello this is my powerful database key phrase and as you can see we have 45 characters 177 bits of estimated quality which is the quality rating of this password and this is pretty strong you probably won't have to worry about brute-force attacks with this kind of password now of course you should not be using the exact same password just think of your favorite things and I'm sure you'll get a hang of it but before we click on okay let's show the expert options because we still have some more advanced options here let's talk about the one that I would not recommend which is the Windows user account if you check this then you'll have to be in the windows account that you're currently using and no one else will be able to access that database but if you for whatever reason use your windows account because you have to format your drive and reinstall windows then you'll have no chance to open up your database which is horrible but there is another way and that's what we'll be doing we'll create another key file let's do that here then we'll be saving this not in the same folder but we'll be saving it into downloads for now and I'll tell you why in a moment now you have to make a quick entropy collection by moving your mouse around here and typing a few random letters and by the way the reason that you have to do this is pretty simple it's because computers cannot produce real random passwords and explaining that would take way too much time so you have to make it random by moving your mouse in very different ways and putting some numbers in here so that your password has a random components to it and yeah as soon as we've done that click on OK and now we have a posit masterkey which means that we'll have to use this file as well as our master password to open up our database so you don't want to lose that database key because if you do then even if you still have your password you'll not be able to access your database but this is still important if you're going to upload your database into something like Dropbox later on because then you'll be able to save your database key on your PC or smartphone and so on and no one that gets access to your Dropbox for example will be able to access your database even if they have your password because they don't have the database key so this is the reason why you can upload your database to something like Dropbox without the fear of losing your data ok then click on OK and now we have to give it a database name let's just call it passwords if you want you can specify a description here and you can also use a default username for new entries which would normally be your email let's just say user at mail com now if you click on the security tab you'll be able to define the number of iterations for your database key and this depends on your computer if you have a lot of performance then you can increase the number here and test it and as you can see the tests exceeded our key transformation took 0.04 2 seconds which is really really fast and if we wanted to we could put another 0 here and as you can see it's still only 0.04 4 seconds so let's just go with that many iterations next go to the recycle bin where you will be able to use a recycle bin for all your database files and in case you delete something you'll still be able to get that information and only if you delete the files inside your recycle bin it will be gone this can be useful if you do it by accident or something so you should definitely use that feature then click on advanced and here you can set up a reminder for yourself if you want to change your master key after a certain amount of days in this case will not be doing that and we'll click on OK now this is important KeePass gives you an option to print a emergency sheet in case you lose your password or something and you should really print that because if something happens to a master password you'll still be able to access your database let's do that and now let's take a look at the key pass user interface on the left side you have different groups which are used for organizing your passwords let me just quickly show you how you can add another group right click Add group let's call this test and as you can see it's now a part of home banking if you want you can drag it over here and if you want to move it you have to press alt and use the arrow keys and this way you'll be able to quickly organize all of your passwords now let's say I wanted to add a new entry inside this folder you have two options to do that you can either click on the key right here or you can press ctrl I on your keyboard then this window will pop up where you'll be able to specify a title I will be calling it notepad and I'll explain in a moment why we'll leave it the way it is right now and as you can see it has chosen a random password for us but we could also click here and then use a hex key with 40 128 or 256 bits or we can open the password generator and here you'll be able to choose options for your password you can specify the length of the generated password and choose whether you want to use any symbols or letters or digits and so on now let's say I want a password with a length of 30 characters I want uppercase and lowercase letters as well as digits and I also would like to include exclamation marks and question marks if you click on advanced they'll have a few more options each character must secure at most once let's check that and let's also check exclude look-alike characters like capital I and L or something like that then let's go on preview and as you can see here are a few examples of what your password could look like now let's go back to settings and save the current settings as a profile we'll call it 30 characters with letters digits and exclamation and question mark click on OK press ok again and now you'll be able to generate passwords based on this new password we've just created and as you can see it works perfectly next up you can also specify an icon for your password you can even use some custom ones and by the way there are also some plugins where you can scrape data from websites so if for example you'd like to use the Facebook logo or the Instagram icon or whatever you'll be able to do that I'll also paste the links in the description below for that but you can also add your own icons by clicking on add and as you can see there are some supported file formats which you can choose here but I'll leave the customisation to you since I think you're creative enough to do that on your own okay so now let's click cancel now if we wanted to use this password on a specific website we'd be entering the URL here but for our testing purposes I'll not be doing it and by the way if you also want to put some notes down here you can do that which is a great thing because no one will be able to read these except for if they have the composite master key which I hope they don't but you can never be safe enough so yeah let's go on talking about safety in some cases you might want your password to expire and if you do then you can click here and specify either an exact state or let's say a month from now but it will not be doing that so that's hats to auto top and this is where the magic comes into play because you'll be able to access all your data by pressing ctrl alt and a and we'll do that in a short moments but let me first explain what options you have here the first thing of course we want to enable auto type for this entry and also there's something called two-channel auto type obfuscation which will check this might not work with all windows you'll have to test this but the thing is if you activate this then your password will not be written normally and I think the best way to explain this is by showing you how it actually works so let's click on OK to save this entry and now let's open up North Pat for demonstration purposes so as I said on your keyboard you have to press ctrl alt and a and then keepass will write your password down so let's just do that and as you can see KeePass has not written your password normally it has pasted some of the characters then it went back and put some more characters and that's what the two-channel auto type of gestation is so that's just quickly disabled is so that you see the difference and as you can see this time it wrote the password normally so you might be asking yourself why is this useful you might have heard the term key loggers in past and if you don't don't worry it's nothing complicated this is some sort of virus which locks all the things you type into your keyboard so if we were not using the two-channel auto type obfuscation the key logger would track the entire password but if we use to channel auto type obfuscation then even if we have a key logger on our device password will still be safe because it's not written in the real order so this way you can make sure that your passwords are safe even if your PC is infected okay so let's go back to keep us and open our entry once again and go to auto type and now let's take a look here it says username tap password enter so what does that mean if we go into notepad once again and press ctrl alt a as you can see the first thing it does is tag the user name then press tab and then enter the password and then press ENTER for a new line so in some cases it might be that this kind of default sequence is not working for your website because sometimes you first have to enter your user name and then you press a mentor and a new site opens up and only then you can paste your password and press Enter so you might want to change that and if you do you just click on override default sequence click on edit and then you can choose a few more options from this list down here let me just quickly show you one way to do it let's remove tap right here and then type delay 1000 for a 1 second delay then open up two more brackets type enter password enter so let's save this oh and by the way let's enable to channel Auto obfuscation again click on ok let's go back to notepad and if we press ctrl alt a again see what happens so as you've seen Kip has first wrote down our username then it waited for a second the pressed enter for a new line and then pasted our password and press enter again so in some cases you might want to do that if your website requires that and this right here is the setting that you'll have to modify so now you know how to do it so now that we know how to create new entries and how you can modify your password generator use dual channel Auto obfuscation and that kind of stuff let's take a look at some of the options that keepass offers now let's go into integration and if you take a look here the standard key combination is ctrl alt 8 just as I've said and if you only want to paste the password you'll have to press ctrl alt shift a let's try that out Anissa can see it works out perfectly this might be useful if you've already pasted your username but yourself and you just want to paste your password so that's where this comes in handy next let's click on advanced and I'll show you one more option which i think is quite useful you'll see one option right here which says always show global auto-type entry selection dialog let's check it click on OK and now if we go to our note that again and we press ctrl alt a it will show this Auto tab entry selection where we'll be able to choose our password from our database and this is useful if you have multiple accounts and also in some cases when keepass does not recognize your window you'll be able to choose the password yourself and it will make sure that key pass does not pass anything into the browser that does not belong there so this is very useful now let's take a look at our entry again and as you can see for our title I have chosen notepad if this was a website like Facebook for example I'd be typing Facebook in here instead if you wanted to know what you have to write inside the title you can just look at the title bar of your window and you'll know what to do so for a notepad it's just notepad in some cases though this might not be enough so that's where URL comes into play and if you do that normally everything will be fine but if in some case keepass is not able to find your the entry then you'll go on to properties and add a few more tags so that then KeePass can check if these tags are included in the title and this way showed up in your auto type entry selection as soon as you press the key combination so if for whatever reason your password is not shown is probably because of this and if we want keepass to check the title for these tags then we also have to go into tools options once again go on advanced and then if we scroll down here we should also check an entry matches if one of its text is contained in the target window title so let's do that and let's also check the other two options and this option right here which says an entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title this is something that browsers normally don't do but if you use a plug-in you'll be able to paste that web address into the title and this way KeePass will be able to recognize your database entry which is also useful if you run into any problems now if we scroll down a little bit more we'll also be able to choose two options in case our window or our title changes this can be useful if you accidentally click on something else so that it does not send your password and you should make sure to click on these two once again though if your website or software or whatever requires that you first enter your username then click enter and it changes the title then you'll have to disable this option because it might lead to a problem where keep house will just stop typing your password but for now I'll just leave this activated okay so next I want to show you a few more options you have with KeePass if your right click on one entry you can duplicate that entry and a parent copy to the entry title then click on OK and now I want to show you one tool which is really helpful if you use the same password in different places which is something that you definitely should not do so let's go and find and then click on duplicate passwords and as you can see key paths now show us the duplicate passwords right here which is really useful if you have many many entries in your database so that you can keep track of everything and in case you have to flick its you can just quickly go inside here click on 30 characters with lettuce creating a new password click OK then go into find again duplicate passwords and as you can see now we have no more duplicate passwords if you click on find you also have a few more options like similar passwords or password quality let's check that out and as you can see some of our entries have a similarity of around 6.67 percent which is not a lot so you shouldn't be worrying about this but if you click on find and click on password quality you'll see that our passwords have a quality of one hundred and eighty four and a hundred and eighty eight bits well the two sampler entries that were already inside of this database only have a quality of six and 14 bits which is due to the very short password length and yeah you should never use password as your passwords because I don't even know and then also you can quickly move your entries around just select them drag them over into a new folder you can select multiple entries and delete all of them and as you can see now the two sample entries are inside the recycle bin and you can also empty the recycle bin if you want to so then your data is lost forever but I like to just leave them there in case I need it because I did not change my password or something so you still have that option okay so I have only shown you how it works inside notepad but of course we want to use it on a real website and that's why I'll be opening up my main database now and I'll show you how it works for Google for example let's just quickly say flip database exit now once again what I have done is I have taken that keep house folder and I have pasted it inside my Dropbox so that I have access to my key pass everywhere and if you remember that's where I put my database file but our database key should not go into our Dropbox in case someone gets inside our Dropbox even if they know our password they'll not be able to access our database oh and once again I'd like to you should make backups off your database so in case something happens - you'll still have a duplicate and yeah just stay on the safe side with this okay now let me quickly open up my database and as you can see we have our key file here which is saved on my local computer and we have our master password here let me just quickly type that in now I can enter in my database and as you can see I have a huge folder structure but let me show you how I can quickly login into something like Google so I could once again press ctrl alt a and then the auto type entry selection will pop up and I'll be able to click on my entry and as you can see it first entered my username then it pressed enter then I had a delay of around one second then it pasted my password in a press ENTER again so that's why in some cases you have to change that default sequence now when it comes to Facebook you have a normal layout where you just have to paste your username then press tab then paste your password and press Enter II let's do that and as you can see in this case it shows Google and Facebook entries so that's the reason why you should go into your options and enable the feature so that you always see the auto type entry selection and yeah I'll choose Facebook and we'll paste my username and password once again and I can log in so now that we've talked about the desktop version of keep house let's take a look at key pasta info /downloads dot HTML once again because if you take a look at the website you have a few more download links at the bottom and you'll find different versions for both Androids your iPhone or iPad whatever even for Mac OS X so this is great and once again KeePass is open source so this is totally free it's such an awesome piece of software and I've been using it for the past few years and it never let me down it makes my life so much easier go ahead and install that masterpiece of a software and by the way since keepass is open-source software please go ahead and make if you can to help the developers out because they're doing it for free and that's just a small way of saying thank you so yeah I'll also go ahead and make a quick donation now and by the way this does not need to be a huge amount of money it's just a small way to say thank you let's put a message here as well thank you for creating such an awesome piece of software all the best I don't think I think oh okay and that's tonight's let's go back to the key past page once again and the last thing I want to show you are the plugins and other extensions and if you take a look here there are quite a few extensions for KeePass and as I've already told you before you can get things like your LM title bar or you can download icons directly using key paths which is great for organizing different entries and there are also a few more things like keep a sync so that you can synchronize between different devices if you're not using Dropbox or something like that there are also options for Google Drive or onedrive or yeah you'll find many more extensions here at this point I think everything has been set if you've got any more questions concerning key pass please let me know if you'd like to see another tutorial for Android then please let me know in the comments below other than that I really hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to leave a comment for the algorithm and maybe even though thumbs up if you liked it that much and if you didn't of course give me a thumbs down yeah and I guess I'm done then shout out to Gerald I'm done by the way this melody never losing it you should really make sure to check out his channel because he's doing awesome videos I guess I'm done [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Valentin Kossenko
Views: 49,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keepass tutorial, how to use keepass, keepass password manager, free password manager, keepass 2, keypass, best free password manager, best password manager 2020, password manager review, master password, keepassxc, keepass2android, keepassium, keepass android, keepass ios, keepass review, keepass 2 tutorial, free password manager 2020, free password manager all devices, keepass tutorial for the absolute newbie, keepass setup tutorial, keepass portable tutorial, keepass 2 cloud
Id: rB-VqKJGHsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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