The ULTIMATE Guide to KeePass

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to tech lore today I am going to be covering a very popular piece of software that's commonly talked about in the privacy community which is KeePass I'll leave a timestamp here if you are looking for a specific thing some of you might already know a little bit about it and just want to learn how to install it some of you might want to learn how to use it and some of you might want the whole video so I will leave the timestamps for whatever you need so keepass is an open source local password manager there are many variations of it since it's open-source and anyone can take the code and make its own user interface today will be just the normal one that you can find on the main keepass websites which is key pass info key pass is very proven and it's probably one of the most secure passing managers that we can possibly use as well as also being one of the most private ones and the fact that everything's offline is another huge benefit the way this works is it creates a local database which is just a file with a KD BX extension so just imagine there was a file here that said my passwords dot k DB X as long as you have that file you can move this file wherever you want in the world and as long as someone doesn't know the password to get into it it's theoretically secure we're gonna go through how this actually looks throughout the tutorial so yes I'm just briefly explaining this for now this is recommended for a few different reasons one it's open source so people can verify the code and make sure that it is properly secured and we can also verify there's no backdoors and there are no privacy issues you don't have to trust a cloud service to handle security the issue with a lot of things like LastPass is you're counting on LastPass to essentially control your data and control your encryption keys and make sure that well they're handling that properly some providers are a little bit better like one password seems to be a little bit better than last pass and a bit warden seems to be at the top of the cloud game a cool thing with key paths is you can make it cloud based as well but much more securely because like I said that file is theoretically secure on its own so you can just upload it anywhere you want lastly KeePass is very versatile and it allows you to control the security and however you wanna customize database and your passwords and you're gonna see in the tutorial how powerful it can be there are so many different things you can configure and there's really no limits to what you can do with key pass especially since it's open source and someone can make a new interface or a new program tomorrow that does something that it didn't do beforehand so to install key pass this is going to be just the standard key pass I will briefly cover key pass XC which you'll see down here but for this normal key pass you're gonna go to key pass info you're gonna go to downloads and then you're going to download just the main installer for Windows this tutorial will be done on Windows since most of you are likely using Windows however the UI is the same across all platforms even if you use one of these other alternatives they're all more or less the same if you understand this one it's not very hard to transfer over that information to the other ones as you'll see when I compare this to keep sxe they are almost identical on this list you'll find all the recommended alternatives to key pass these are overall very good except iOS support is very lacking I think you'll find that there's really only good paid options as my previous favorite key pass client has now been discontinued so the executable is going to install it onto your system like we have here you're going to get that desktop client you're going to be able to add it to your taskbar you can technically do that as well at the portable version but the portable version is mostly just for portable usage if you're going to be using this as your main password manager I'm not sure I could fully recommend it using the portable version as for actually installing it it's just like any other program I didn't see a reason to walk you through the entire process because it's extremely straightforward at least for this client so you just installed key pass what do you do now well you're gonna open the program and just ignore that cuz I stood my own thing beforehand so you're going to see this it's blank and you're gonna ask well what the hell's going on here first thing you're going to do is you're gonna go to file and you're gonna click new and is gonna create a new database so remember I said a database is like a file well that's essentially what we're gonna be doing we're going to be creating that file just gonna function as your database so you're gonna select where you want to save that file for demonstration purposes I'll be using the desktop so I can demonstrate where that file goes but you probably don't want this on your desktop next you're gonna need a master password this is what you're going to have to type in to open that database so like I said before a database is pretty secure as is and you can pretty much have it anywhere you want because people are going to need this master password to unlock it so I'm going to type test test now there are more options you can have a key file as well so a key file is pretty much two-factor authentication but for a database so you someone would have to type in the test master password and they would need to have this second file on them so a possible scenario is you have a key file stored on a flash drive so someone has to know the password and they have to have the flash drive plugged into the computer with this file on the flash drive in order to unlock the database so that's an additional security precaution for some people I won't be demonstrating with this but it's pretty simple to setup as long as you have this key file check I will point it out in the future as well these two are your go-to options and for most people I'd say a master password is enough now you're gonna assign a name so I might just to test their database you can add a description so you can just outline what the database is going to include this is just for you and for your own sorting benefits up next you can see a default username for new entries this essentially is just the user name when you're creating a new account so a lot of times people will use the same email as their username so if you have a personal email I would just put that personal email into this so that it automatically inputs that if we go into security for the most part you don't normally need to touch these things the defaults are extremely good but you can mess with them what I like to do and this is just for myself I like to click the one-second delay this is going to evaluate how fast your computer is and it's going to automatically assign iterations based on that one-second delay as for compression I wouldn't touch this for a recycle bin I recommend an a this because if you delete something it won't be permanently deleted for a certain amount of time so that's always good and as for advanced the only thing most people here are going to probably need to touch is the bottom you can have keith has either recommend you to change your master key after a certain amount of days or force you to change your master key after a certain amount of days and this would be an additional security precaution if you want to make sure that you're changing your passwords frequently so after you enable all that and you set all your settings you can even do a color just click OK you this emergency sheet to be honest you can print it I'll show you what it looks like but it's pretty useless if you ask me here I'll show you what's included this is it it gives you the database file location it doesn't give you the master key obviously and that's it honestly I'm not super sure what the use case for that is maybe it's for other people to know but yeah so now we're inside key pass it's going to give you some default entries obviously these are fake but they're a great introduction so you're going to see our first password entry so these are each individual services so you have sample service 1 if you double click it you're going to get the Edit entry field so you're going to have the title so this could be Anna's on you're going to have the username which like I said you could have set a default so it would automatically apply user name here so this is likely going to be an email for a lot of services you have your password so you can reveal the password by showing and hiding right here and one of the coolest things is you can just generate a password here so you can open the password generator and they have some presets I don't normally use the presets I normally select uppercase lowercase digits special and then I normally just crank this up to at least 2000 shale do 37 why not there are other settings here for the most part this is all you really need to touch once you do that you just click OK and you're gonna see it generates a super long password for you and just to note some services don't like special characters and if they don't well you just deselect special let me generate a new password and there now you have a password without special characters so that's an easy way to generate passwords there's also a URL and I would actually implement this URL and I'll tell you why later and I'll go more into that there's also notes so if you want to add security questions here that's how I do my security questions I put a security question and I just put random digits because I don't normally answer this truthfully and you can add an expiration date for this password so if you want to change your password every month or so well that's how you do it there are some advanced settings as well but for the most part I don't touch these but you can't actually had file attachments into this field as well there are other properties like colors and tags and lots of other things that I don't really find too useful but they are there you can have Auto type set up and then there's also some history information as well and now you have your first entry so now you have Amazon and that's that's essentially how you modify an entry and creating a new one is just right here so add entry and it's the same exact process except you just start from scratch but if you did have that preset user name and you can implement that as well I forgot to mention there's also icons so I actually like to group up icons by folders so you're gonna see here there are folders so what I can do is I can drank Amazon into general right so you can have maybe administrative you could have school you could have work it's nice to have folders and break things up like that but you can add icons per group so you can edit group you can add an icon to the group and yeah you can also add notes to groups behavior for groups Auto typing in plugins I will not be covering plug-ins for this tutorial but just know KeePass does have plugins and I definitely encourage you to look into those because some of those are very powerful so that covers all the basics into creating and modifying entries if you want to delete an entry just go here and I'm gonna click delete on my keyboard or you can just do fleet entry now since we enabled the recycle bin it's gonna move it to the recycle bin so just created this new group and there it is so if you want to restore it you can just move it right back to general and it's not gone if you look here at database KDB X with an asterisk that asterisk means there are unsaved changes now we have never actually saved this database so if we were to close out of the program everything we've done would have been lost so I'm gonna do ctrl s on my keyboard or you can go to save and as you can see there is database here this is now updated and saved so remember I told you earlier there is a file that you can move anywhere you want and it's just fully secure and you don't have to worry about it that's it okay so if I close out of KeePass and I open this file see it's gonna ask you for that master key you're gonna type in that master key we originally created and there you go there's also the key file which I said you could set up so if you did set up a key file you would need both a master password and the key file and then you would be able to get in there you go one final thing what exactly does actually inputting your passwords into a website look like well you have a couple options the first one you can just go here and ctrl C on your keyboard and you can see that you have a certain amount of time to type in that password so if I go here and paste it's gonna paste if I remove that and I wait for the screen bar to go away and I paste you see nothing happens you also have an option of copying the username which is control B and it's the same thing here so control B boom if you don't want to use keyboard shortcuts you have copy user name and copy password as well now the much easier way of doing this which is what I recommend everybody does you can click here click here then you can do alt tab so this is how you can cycle between pages and most operating systems write Alt + tab so I click inside the first field alt tab click and then I paste control V and as you can see it's gonna automatically paste your username and password and you never have to do the control copy paste ever again it's extremely simple this is why I said earlier I recommend you add a URL here because what you can do is you can simply double click the URL once you've logged into your password manager and let's say I just selected a field boom ctrl V and then it would paste the whole password into here right and then what we can do is we can just leave this pass or manager open while we're doing our browsing and we can just double click URLs and access websites and we don't need to save our passwords into our browser and it's actually still pretty convenient again KeePass works for you not against you there are plenty of other features that you can explore such as finding things and they also has a duplicate password feature it has similar passwords it has what qualities expiring in it's a very powerful tool and we could probably go on for a whole 20 minutes about this maybe we'll save that for an advanced tutorial everything I've shown you is pretty much all you need to get started now let me show you key pass XC which is kind of considered the updated version of key pass so let's just do passwords test continue you're gonna see it's pretty similar you have the decryption time it's just things are laid out a little bit differently continue password you can add additional protection see so you can this one has you Becky instead of the Windows user account there's also the key file and the same thing we get to save a database and there we go it's almost identical if we move them side by side you have create a new database create a new database folder folder it's more or less the same it just has a more updated UI and personally I've found keep a sexy to have better support especially on linux i have tried using just keep ass on linux and it just does not work for me now your mileage may vary i'm not saying you're gonna have the same experience but overall i use keep a sexy on all of my devices and i recommend it more than keep ass one final thing and this is is not going to be the tutorial for it i'll leave a card up on the top right of the screen but you can sync this file to any cloud provider of your choice and i have a tutorial that i just said will show how to do that you just drag this into google drive and as long as you signed in on google drive on all of your devices and the program is able to find this database file in the same location this will sync perfectly across all of your devices it's wonderful and this setup enables you to do so many more things versus a service like maybe bit warden where you absolutely have to sign in in order to access your passwords on to a site what I personally do I actually have this database file on my flash drive that I carry with me in my backpack everywhere I go so even if I lose my phone if I lose my laptop and I can't get into them for whatever reason I still have that database file on my flash drive and as long as I can get that plugged in into a public computer and I can get a portable version of keepass which I also have on that flash drive so remember I showed you that portable version on the website if you put that on a flash drive with your database file you can essentially open your database file from any computer so the cloud syncing and the flash drive configuration are just two great examples of how you have a freedom to do whatever you want with this database file I'm sure there are thousands of other possibilities that you can utilize this kind of setup but those are just a couple that I've utilized in the past I hope it demonstrates the power of the database one last clarification it doesn't matter where you created the database it doesn't matter if you use to keep a sexy doesn't matter if you use KeePass as long as it's using the same a version of the database every KeePass client should be opening that file and that my friends is the finale of the KeePass tutorial I hope that helped a little bit kind of clear up key paths I know it's a little bit of a confusing tool for beginners but once you figure it out and you learn all the ins and outs and you realize how great of a tool it is it's really hard not to recommend it to people because it really is just fantastic I really have nothing but great things to say about KeePass if you have any questions about key pass please leave them below I know it's kind of a complex tool and I might have missed one or two things so definitely leave a comment below I'll try to get back to you if not hopefully someone else does and yeah I hope this helps some people out thank you all for watching thank you to our patrons who support us every month it is absolutely phenomenal and that is all I have to say thank you everybody have a li Mauritius day [Music]
Channel: Techlore
Views: 85,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: password manager, password managers, password security, keepass password manager, free password manager, how to, how to mine bitcoins, best vpn, nordvpn review, free vpn, go incognito, surveillance report, the hated one, vpn for pc, switched to linux, edward snowden, tor browser, open source, deep web, brave browser, secure, privacy, security, database, Keepass, keepassxc, keepass tutorial, keepass vs bitwarden, keepass review, windows, linux, best password manager, dashlane
Id: sePT9AZauWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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