you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the player who became [Music] you [Music] Echo's echo dr. Soto likud pravara disease and I posted a Lafayette I believe in a silo [Music] eat my red Jisoo a bar [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] ebrill [Music] hibari [Music] [Applause] thank you bread spirit thank you sovereign spirit thank you holy sleep on before you this evening knocks you to show us mess it is written almost everything needed to be sprinkled in the blood of Jesus Christ and without the shedding of the blood there's no remission of sin it is equally written anyone that comes to me I will not in any ways cuss him out and it is written come boldly to the throne of Greece that you might obtain mercy and find grace that will help you in time of need that your heart might be sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ against every evil conscience so we come tonight the advantage of the precious blood of Jesus we oxido grant us access oxi to grant us audience accede to gratis attention the oxido do not miss this evening what only you can do relax you to exercise your unlimited jurisdiction over every one of us and enforce that which is your original verdict RESPA to decision a concern in our lives Jesus mighty name we pray amen please turn down the volume a bit amen amen I would like to do it teaching briefly this evening then we are going to pray about that like we know already we are in this strategic season and the requirement for the season is a requirement concentration on secretion sanctification purification funny tsch insisting we are is a seasoned are it pious us go into sanctification into purification to sanitation sanitation of our lives I am going to talk briefly the regard I would like you to open to Joshua chapter 3 verse 5 Joshua Tree verse 5 listen to me carefully you can look up while the media slippering to open the place listing as I read it he says I said Joshua after three verse 5 that please sanctify yourself sanctify yourself for tomorrow a Lord will do amazing things among you are we ready together sanctify your ownself hoody because tomorrow nobody no time to do that sanctify yourself 2d because tomorrow there is 22 - there is something that God is going to do NIV I Ching is a scientific surfer tomorrow the Lord we do amazing teens you're missed [Music] in karate Lord we do amazing team a monkey morale Lord we do a missing teens amazing things jeans that are full of amazement not only that we defy science that will defy intelligence that will defy capacity and ability it will be amazing it will be bewildering it will be overwhelming baby cost price the cost price the price tag the cost price of what warned us God is going to do among you tomorrow is sanctification inside today so if you feed sanctification in thought today the harvest that we are going to rip tomorrow is called amazing teens what was the wonder that God did in their midst of course you know that God was talking about having to pack river Jordan for them to go across there were almost face to face today I have attacked with the inheritance there were almost face-to-face with all that God had been doing and had started for about forty years ago and when he took them across the Red Sea there was almost no demand no requirement he exercised his sovereign jurisdiction to pack the Red Sea bet on this ground at this moment he told them that this one that I'm going to do now is not going to depend on me alone anymore there is the country butchery there is a team that you will contribute also and it is called your sanctification amen so and the actually--can consecrated and sanctified themselves to look at what God did in the mist I am going to make attempt to analyze this so that that's done what I'm saying what he was going to do was do party risky for them to cross I went there consecrated themselves God actually did they warned us that he promised he was going to do and what was the wonder what was the wonder what was the wonder that God did I want us to analyze it carefully so when you make plan to consecrate yourself know that they are going to be raw attack on this plan that you have meat I will begin to doubt the attack is going to be so intense that even they till that you preached against sometimes you begin to wonder are distance actually the actually wrong amen [Music] when you resolve that I'm going to consecrate myself to God enesta you should think about it that it is going to come in under intense attack going to make preparation on how to handle this attack amen so it is time I will read one more portion of the Bible then I am going to go into the discussion open for me Matthew after 15 but you 15 [Music] you do nineteen or less read from I was 18 last week I was reading the Bible and suddenly we got to perceive God became strongly about the issue of the heart you know the prophecy that came during last contact was that we should prepare our hearts right personally I took it as a general prophecy rebel issue prepare his heart then I was reading the Bible and then the issue of the heart jumped at me personally it came with a very strong emphasis while I was meditating on what this matter is about I came that evening and then this is how that was leading the worship Hill she led this song that constant about the matter of the heart but I give you my heart give you my soul and then we're event done gong to talk he concentrated all his talk around the mattress why knew clearly that is the emphasis on ground what we are going to be dealing with right now this few days in the issue of our heart what the heart is capable and then how to provide remedy for each Amen what the heart is capable of and how what we should do to safeguard attendances and the possibilities that the hot sauce team in order to safeguard our sanctification onto God in view of the imminent station amen so let's read from verse 18 but those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile the man part of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false witness las famous oh that Matthew 15 verse it not you fifteen go back to verse it these people draw near to me with their heart with their mouth on me with their lips but their heart is far away from me amen please listen to me carefully the people does what they draw close to me with the mouth and with the water then do you know what it means to drop clothes I feel drawn water from the word before do you know the labor that is involved distress that is involved so difficult they took much pain they took pain they took much stress and pressure and painful draw it wasn't about their dream day they drill nigh on to him they drew close and if you look at the lip of drawing that we are doing I will conclude the reading the Jew nigh unto me with their lives and their heart and and the mouth and honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me and another version says that they are worship and everything they did is hinged on tradition so imagine so if you look at them physically if you examine them if you evaluate them they are give dancers to high-profile activities high-profile high-profile activities of worship of reference and everything that defines define real worship they took only the law to examine them carefully Isak I he looked at them here we are round there they had perfected the act everything that is needed to do with the mouse who gained credence with the Lord they have perfected the art of printing Tom they are perfected the latest worship songs they have done everything but the Lord looked carefully at them and they their heart was he didn't say their heart we waited there half was away it was fine so one of the team you need to guide against is that your heart has capacity to be far away your heart has capacity to be far away your heart has capacity to be far away if a heart is far away it is not devoid of of the lingo the register everything that mouth amount and lip can do forescore hold represent in the worship of the Lord is not cast on needs so if you look at the mouth if you look at the lips the problem is not really lives on the map where you will find the problem is with depth is with what with the heart now that is one possibility of heart where we read previously devices out of heart comes mother so there's another kind of Hut that can produce Mada that can produce and about the summaries that demanded all these things proceed from the hat and the eye intention they are singular intention is to defy a man so everything that is happening to you is prominent intention is to define your heart is to define you amen are you following me I am going to bring in the reason for the statement that I made previously I said it is not enough to plan that you want to stand you should also anticipate the attack on your plan so that you can stand you know there are people that make plan to fall and therefore Judea we are fall is not strange that and that is not a problem the appeal that are not serious if you look at them you know that this one don't have plan to go far and that of course as I said is not a problem but my problem is the people that really have plan to stand they have plan to stunt and they don't have sufficient intelligence to deal with the dynamics of a sort that we commonly resort to stand in order to prove true this term that will come at them because the part that you have good intention is not enough the fact that I be praying to stand is not enough so you need to address your mind to the fact that there's going to be an attack on your risotto to stand and then mix efficient for that plan to stand for instance amen do you know that you can beyond our dispel of envy and jealousy you don't like it Beatty's dear do you know that you know that you know that somebody come beyond a dispel of jealousy and envy he don't like it he wants to be free from it but is not going away and the fact that you want to be free from it and it is not going to because Marvin you be elated you be you be granted a verdict of innocence will be granted you simply because you don't like it you are to know what to do to break free from those things I had about a guy who was under the spell of immorality and then he went to play he did three days dry fasting to be free from immorality and when he was breaking the fast he broke the fast with another such high morality you are laughing that many of you that is your story the amenities you are battling with the reason is because you don't you don't have sufficient intelligence to deal with those things I had an experience sometimes this year something was happening to me oh I began to analyze it and I said god this thing that is happening to me like this is called MV MV this is angry I was I took myself clearly to the presence of God after I have read many days and the team was T affecting me I went to God as a god this thing that is happening now like this that I am bothered I am troubled I am agitated and I am inconvenienced because of what you are doing in somebody's life wrong it is wrong your world says that it is wrong and I am on the same page with you that is wrong if it is wrong I do know clearly that I am on the same page with you why I use the align me to link I my life and I thought I tell you it was a long back to a very long one compresses when they enter control situation they are in that kind of situation but they don't think they don't know that is the problem you know somebody because they can't speak in tongue nope well for one consult and somebody speak in tongues became tongue you've all seen guys they speaking Hana speaking don't you and then the people say sitting tall speak in tongues is a cost they can't speak in tongue they don't know that there is a big issue they see there is a serious problem listing if you are if something is wrong you can still speaking pong you are not free from trouble you are in big trouble let me tell you something Satan did devil he don't know how to give up that is the ability to give up his irreversibly devoid of ability to give up he don't know how to give up if you give him a blow he force if we rise up again have you ever kept a good at one before if you keep so you keep am you which a city will it will do like this and then it will come back again Satan is more resolved and he good so because of that is Mitchell he will not want you to do something they're artists that he will never want you to do it but if you break the jinx and you begin to do it his message and ice to make sure you don't do it right you don't do it correctly so number one he will do everything to prevent you from doing it at all if you break Tran you begin to do it if we make sure you don't do it correctly you don't do it rightly and in short if he succeeds in making you to do it wrongly he is even better than allowing you preventing you from doing it at all there is a dystopian episode that I found in the Old Testament now I am saying this because listening carefully listening don't think that whatever comment I am going to make is with inter to denigrate the power of prayer decoding the irreversible commitment to prayer that is not what I am about you mean that I am saying that prayer is not an end in itself priya is like money please like what prayer is like money what money does is that when you have it you can convert it to whatever you need so what trio does is that when you have become informed about your deficiency of your bankruptcy in a particular area what you do is that you invest prayer against that thing that you have discovered as your deficiency until by the instrumental prayer you trade your way out of it are you following so but when you are praying and you are satisfied with a father to a brain and we're not good as to whether this transaction the Priya transaction your twin is resulting into dealing with issues around your life and in your life that is offensive to the original tenets of course requirement for your life you are you are it is like you are keeping money and we're happy that you keep money but your roof is leaking I am not using the money to convert to trade away they lick roof away what I'm saying is that when you notice your deficiency what priya is meant to do is that you use prayer to trade it away you stick in the plea so Priya with your eye on that issue until it is handled but when you pray you are not bother to stay back and do it and see whether your life is improving this area of your life is improving or not but you are satisfied lis father you are free you don't bother whether there is an instruction of God that we are violating but you are happy with the father to APRI that is Satan sourced a certain have succeeded in making you to clear wrongly you are in prayer malpractice now I want to show you something that can shock you very I want you to open for me Zechariah 7 Zachariah 7 Zacarias even opened it very fast please can you open to the courier seven all right I will tell you I will tell you the story that is contained here why we are waiting for the media to open it amen amen Media please open to Zakariya 7 on this one these people they believed in the power of prayer is a lotta credit is a lot of kudos that is a big kudos because plane means you are convinced number one you know that is this Charlie that you have and number two you know also that that challenge you have can be handled by a supernatural power but you know so that the supernatural power you week or so to handle the issue in your life is not the wrong to punish repetier I supernatural so that is why you went to God amen that is why you did what so the fact that they believe in prayer and they began to pray is commendable but that was not going to be commendable enough to yield any benefit for them in their malpractice so these people whose story is contained in this version of the Bible they were praying they were prayer warriors they kept praying and praying and praying and praying and praying there were plenty that became wearied with their prayers because the prayer was not synonymous the experience of their life was not synonymous with the testimony that is written the Bible concerning prayer then they became tired when they became tired and they went to the prophet Isaiah we are being pray for so long and we are not seeing anything what is the issue you suck by the response of the Lord that the escapade lasted 70s nominees so 70 years of proactive prayerfulness betty narrow so it means somebody koala live is the entire lifespan Priya few bad prayer few narrow I want you to read the story that is there and find out whether what I'm saying is true or not so is it one of you why have we been praying for this long we are not seen anything so we prefer to be a prayer directly i issue to god i see god this supposedly happen pray for so long and the irony their life is a graphic paint and picture of irony first nothing is happening so as soon as they prophet the peace drop the ax prayer before God it was as if God loves it have they been praying to me actually so this player Delaplane that or they have been praying to me this 70 is the man they re praying to me but I give them instruction there by a little bit who amen where you are pre insensitive to instruction insensitive to what if you are praying and you are you are crazy you are crazy about differ that you are pretty long and you are not bothered whether God is saying anything and even if he says anything you are you still leave it on you are plain that is prayer my practice you know you know one of the prophet one the one of the is he is on one of the sons of the Prophet or he went to a life was a lash I went to Elijah's tea opened the window and begin to shoot then he's shot okay he shot Rita is shot one yeah shot another one yeah my father my father at his childhood of Israel he sauce made the fact that data was what connected me to the amount that I'm operating with today does not meet will connect you to demand with the instruction I gave you is clay shoot arrow you left the error I call him my father my father the Chara to vision I saw Smith so if you are praying they stay hard at it kind of hard also that is crazy about Priya with nothing more where that is an instruction to follow whether there is a direction from God to follow or whether there's even an a an instruction that he should use the prayer to find out from God is no product all is bothered about is the fact that his dream whether pride and arrogance is growing side by side with a player that his brain is not bothered whether lost and Elvia jealousy is the growing even though his brain is no product always what about is what is pre that is wrong that is wrong that is wrong it ought not to be sue we use prayer to trade to trade a will our anything in our lives that is injurious to the prescription to the prescription of the Bible like I told you this year I labeled so much with jealousy and envy there was somebody I saw and I felt that something was happening in that person's life I was not happening in my own life It was as if the team began to come up come up like that I was even wondering that I was capable of that kind of team but when I knew it I began to pray ie I wasn't closing my eyes to do since I put the Lord handle this team this one and do it because your war says it is wrong if you pray but you notice that there was a time also in my life it was so bad a long time ago I came all that the heavy spell of lost homage that if I see if I see a Liddy around it is acid as an involuntary movements that was directing my hand to her to touch her in distantly oh so I said God why should this thing be like this I think I recognized myself and I told the Lord I think I am running low in your fear they did your fear I am running low in the supply of your fear in my life I am running low on it and I want you to attend to it it was very serious in short it was so no some point that I have to go to Africa and the Lord and I told him that this is what is happening I have to tell the Lord that I am running low did the credit unit my credit load on your fear in my life is reducing and I shot do you know why this thing amen that is how to now don't worry so they say hot they say heart they have also has tendency to mix those kind of things together you both days are there but you don't bother to deal with it you are still running you are going the heart also has that tendency because the Bible says it is out of heart that it is from the heart that sexual immorality comes so they offered at the overt act they this what is called covert covert and overt Bacolod is the unseen aspect of what is committed and the effect is the same as that of what is committed so the Bible says they had that forms the breeding ground for every acts that is committed in law we call it men three men three an actus reus immensely as the mental element while actus reus is the act practical art of doing it amen [Music] as they have that has capacity to mix all those things together and is wrong in our ruling like that [Music] if you have that kind of heart you'll need it that's it care unit [Music] Easton I want you to open two first Corinthians chapter 10 I will show you something that will shock you we are in there was is this time that was very high students with me in the party she was in a particular City and it passed Oh now what I'm saying is that don't don't contribute to the problem that is on ground don't contribute to it there is a no problem don't contribute to it by not giving attention to your hearts by not watching your hard to know what is it is capable and not dealing with it the name of Christ had been injured a bad reputation had been imposed on Christianity enough don't contribute more to it maybe you are the last card that somebody somebody will look at and say oh so there is a difference they they are different people like that anyway so this sister that I'm telling you her story a pastor a top high-ranking pastor from one of current Pentecostal church in this country came to the city to preach and then he told a lady to visit him in the hotel room and then when she went the way when she went the first thing the pastor did was to do like this so so she said when it happened is it what is this is is this one correct so she began to to rationalize what demand is you know this is Amanda hood I'm not sure maybe they say diamond da da and I mean they passed away the only program three days program until she went beyond that until the past or now called her that issue she should meet him in the hotel evening and she thought it was the council in session when she went down the first was not a talking guy I bought it I am under fire please help me please help me out help me out help me deliciously happy Wow then see the ladies you know it can happen it can happen we can't have sex it is okay even if you cannot have sex we can ask just one dress just one dress let me look at you so that I can come I come I can be reading I can't get rid of the pressure that I am under that was how they label through the whole night because I don't know by what means she okay that was hard the whole drama continuity bull night I she was compared eventually to undress for the past oh but she said she insisted that they must not have sex what so do you know what happen then the following money they passed owner told her please go quickly go because people be coming for counseling in the morning you have to leave very early in the morning do you understand what I'm saying look I wanna see she saw one of our sister a Shizuka I like the fire you are cutting I like your walk with God I want to be like you you want to be like me why do you think you are not like me and then she said that there is a bishop not be me hard life that they have been erroneous or Peru I say visual as in Reba shop or nickname are you talking about Bishop as a nickname or react and Episcopal bishop he says no Bishop Assyria Episcopal bishop la Ronda Peru for zebras then when she encountered the Lord I wanted to pick out recently again the Bischoff's it come and see me now and then she thought she had gained enough strength to resist the urge and then she went and et repeated dtdt repeated I said let me show you something Who I am saying that is why I told you from the beginning that is only food not think that when they make resort to stand that is all we not be attacked when you make resolve I am NOT talking about people that are not already to stand the iron is not an issue well it is an issue but in a different classification but I'm talking about people that really have plan to stand and they don't have sufficient intelligence on how to walk out they are standing even if that person is spitting fire flow is marked there is no demon that he can cast out from your backside by by that kind of pattern it is wrong if you have not had anybody telling you before I hereby bring it to you life is wrong it is wrong and we are toward is this from MIT you are to desist from it let me show you something open to first Corinthians 10 verse 1 it is a longer read moreover brethren I do not want you to meet no runt why this thing moreover brethren I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud all passed through DC continued all we are baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea continue all it descents ritual food must keep continue until I ask you to stop I know drank the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ but with most of them God was not well pleased God was not what I know you have heard it before bet hear it again God loves everybody but is not pleased with everybody and the fact that God gives you a high-profile supply and provision is not a proof that is pleased with you continue read most of them God now these things became my examples to the intent that mission this is where I want to pay attention now that we should not lost after he butenes as they also lusted continued and do not become idolaters as we assume of them as it is really people it if you sat down to eat and drink and resort to plea no electrons commit sexual morality as some of them did and in one day 23000 fell I want to paint a picture for you to see now the Bible said they're committed sexual immorality and what happen in one day 23,000 persons were destroyed 23,000 we got a nice room are we up to 1000 I will up to 1000 I will up to 500 okay let's assume we are 500 let's assume we have 500 [Music] 23 divided by 500 is what 46 so as we are now if we assume that we are 500 then 46 of us did non-binary hall currently x 46 can you imagine the number can you imagine can you paint a mental picture of it mostly the number people that got in safe killed one day one day and this way the people that he did my teachings to bring them out he expended a very large budget of power of supply of provision of secret secret supply to bring them out of that that entanglement and yoke and this way the same presence that they brought belong to costs and belong which is prophetic dexterity he could not be able to affect a course on them then suddenly they dared into a practice and these people that a high profile priest or sorcerer could not cause God himself killed Amy destroy them because of immorality 23,000 were destroyed one day now I know you are green deities it happened in the Old Testament the argument is unfounded because the mother wrote more than half of the New Testament is the same person that is quoting what happened that says we should that refers to that episode that we fed us to eat he said we should never do that he was the author the New Testament was the work more than half of the New Testament was the one that found it relevant and imperative to cite that instance there was somebody that began to tempt me very badly very very badly recently so when the President started tempting me very terribly I brought out this portion of the Bible and I read it to myself I read it and then I preached it to myself I analyzed it to myself and I said God destroyed 3:23 choice is realized so are you the one that is more sacred that you will not destroy if you begin you will find yourself if corporate of what took the life of 23,000 persons now what I'm saying is this who is more anointed who is anointed who is sacred who is more special who is special very special maybe by virtue of the beauty of the present Akari age of the person the intelligence of the person the charisma the present the investment of God upon the person's life and many teens many good things that God has done in the life of the person that will be more important to God than 23-thousand that what he destroyed 23,000 I am NOT talking about 23,000 Egyptians I am talking about 23,000 Israelites and if you think that we have no value for their life he was the one that he hewed the two great kings for he was the one that he put down the wall of Jericho for he was the one that they were the one he brought down ingest food for them to eat you open heaven he supplied them with the food of India he brought his presents we have a loop them in the daytime he brought a cloud of fire to protect them in the nighttime he gave them ingest food if not that God is sovereign and is inexhaustible because of this no mama bean they have that means custody in Angelica a location in heaven where because maybe because he is inexhaustible even though he gave them the food he kept you know in your house they are sometimes they are food you keep in your house that even if the present is faint if it is for the husband in one special flips if the guests like let infinity we're not tossed up but so in jelly food there was such a lament for India but God had to take it and feed these people with it the diversity destroyed and 23,000 I want you to think about what I'm saying is that who no matter who is who is involved in it don't think that God the passing the passing will not go free the person will not die when the pressing will not end well and because the person will not end well we are here to discourage you that he should not it should not form a basis of motivation or you to go into laxity no matter what the person preaches no matter degrease the dimension of Greece is pitiful because Paul the author of the of the matter of Greece 10% out is saying this who what we are saying in essence is don't contribute to the statistics of defilements don't contribute to eat [Music] to everything and because you must not contribute to it the Bible says if anybody preaches a view other than the one we preached to you depress the even if is a ninja let in big cost what we are saying is that even if it is an Episcopal bishop anything that any kind of preaching or teaching that makes it possible for you to begin to do stuff it is and walk to disease from each home our CI here so that you don't say do you know why these things are very important I've been receiving calls in recent time yes one there's a guy maybe he's listening to me nobody know you so don't say don't think that what is good me I'm saying it sorry little people I mean nobody nobody knows you here so he says he has a pose whose message you went down was preaching when Reverend John was preaching the Oh daddy I began to think that oh so it is not only me I used to think like that people are continentally combining opposed to listening to opposes message talking porters talking rim which defilements we don't cleanliness so the guy told me that yes we have initial girls don't know what to do by toting what are we I don't know you I don't know you I don't know how serious he was I am NOT going to with my wisdom talking to also I don't know whether we holy water will tell you as I am going to talk to you hat Oh a virtue of his discourse subsequent discourse and I was able to establish sufficient seriousness from his part but we got to problem you know buy one get one go and separate because he began to see whether again God now wants into Maria as a number go and separate from her then he said after he had a issue with a lady he still had God tell him to go and preach and the people all of the people he went to preach to we're gears so I say from today henceforth every area of your evangelism to us guest he is hereby cut off don't do that again until you are - to do so that is foolishness you have issues with gears you have issues with men and you are not wise enough to know that anything that is telling you to go preach to men is not God yeah I read something do that I said why are people why is it that people is in offside down somebody went to do evangelism and then the person who told her that if you sleep with me I will give my life to Christ and the foolish gear did it and then she thought she did the walk of God there are many there are many things no matches we need to begin to tell people because people are not wise before I'm not as wise as we think they are so when you have issue if your own issue is with gives what that mean is that if you are battling with lost if your issue is with gears you are in that you are forbidden you are this allowed from advancing evangelical any claim any claim of Angelica escapade that is directing YouTube gears you are here in flying the same category you are hereby banned I received mandate from a propaganda Lord in the house to issue to issue a disclaimer knock-knock-knock evangelism is not of God I told you that this guy I told it is not enough to make resolve that you want to start there are some practical things you need to put in place because your site your site influences your seen your site what you see influences what you see seeing as I am what you see influences what you've seen and the people who associate meet in flame your ease of falling interesting or not you know the man called inaudible [Music] you had a friend called okay unknown our dear friend called unidad and I am of the opinion that his name is not supposed to because you not have a unit but he had an inclination to sleep with his sister and he had no ability to bring the purpose and what he have been laboring with for long that he could not bring to pass he had a friend that taught him how to do it there are some issues in your life they are wrong and they will die except a wrong passing constant to your life to teach you how to execute them I know the tragedy when the man did what his friend he was the one that died for it Absalon Varna is your head if we go down and then he tree if he's wondering is it as you are something these people know that the essence of this is that I organized is not just to entertain people I hope can I trio this party in order to get at one man it is one man that is my focus Oh give me a choice wine giving a choice meat and getting drunk and as soon as is drunk go and cut his head off sweetie [Music] when he was drunk I went down again same person that advised him to do that him since the days left the Tama absalons I are not good ASIMO that was the same person that can set him to do that platforms today that are preaching people in put the money possibilities the tilde could not have been possible to do they are preaching them into the e by which those things can be practiced but when the repercussion is coming it is the practitioner that we lost his head for it me so what that code is emphasizing cleaning unity Thank You sunny and our hops even if you are in a place of prayers so why you see all those things happening in your life don't play many players amen well you see these things happening in your life maybe all may not be lost Iommi know be jealousy like me document hardened spell of which recently but maybe one of your sister is maybe you are not so happy about it why is she the one that is supposed to be married what about this when you notice those things don't keep I don't think that nothing is wrong take time and deal with it those are the things you should fast about those are the things you should pray about I am insist on it deal with it pray about it until it is destroyed if they are talking break through pretend as if they are not preaching to you and do it and don't come to the point like a father said the other day don't come to a point that you begin to think that you are not capable of those things because this um is there is no time I would've shown you out all right I will conclude on that look let me show you show you some 139 go to the last [Music] he lost two versus media go to the last two verses amen amen look at what this salmon is a such me O God and know my heart because the trouble is this there are some aspect that you are aware of like I was aware that I began to live on the zeros yellow sea disagree but they are so modest with that you don't even know about the iron in the seed level we see well you don't and the troop we are going to walk go to them I will not use these people and you know the reason God gave if I give them victory tomorrow tomorrow they are not saying it not that tomorrow day we say that it is their strength I'll give them the beach so the ground of that disqualification is not what they we're doing about what they were capable of doing in the future that was what God God used a telescope to zoom or the various compartments of their heart and his heart this team is capable and and look at it those thousands of people that came it was only three hundred they passed the screaming that we're not harboring those tendencies who I am saying they are so you may know there are some others may not know so take yourself to the Lord every once and again another Lord bring your telescope and such know there's something that is called electron microscope electron microscope is a stronger version of ordinary microscope and in microbes that normal microscope cannot peak you need electron microscope to pick it amen [Music] ask the Lord to put his telescopic such on your life and find out so the salmon says such me and know me and know my heart try me and know my this one is not it give me the real engines I see if there is any wicked way in me and leave me he told a lot dude as such do it and as soon as you discover anything now amen and she doesn't even cut with me if you find out anything like that begin to organize a special leading that is peculiar to me that will lead me from it and lead me lead me away from it and lead me in the path of Allah that is the boström of any man that is zero because as I round graphic encounters with God doesn't guarantee longevity of philosophers that you have graphic encounter with God graphic encounters mighty encounters on common encounter big encounters it doesn't from Billy Mays Abraham like who knew Genesis 15 to suffer MIT encounter very mighty encounter not God in self concentrated on him for so long they were talking more to mark it was after that encounter that he went streets haha immediately after I have been Liberation's to share my protein with you if it that we'll begin to bring ourselves to the Lord anything that is in our lives that is couple of Makino's is shame ridic one embarrassments and iater on me it is Greece life and what is planning because it is coming he said he's coming when the load is coming yeah let me know when you are taking some antibiotics some signals that are not there before they begin to come up he showed the side effect of the drug is even more terrible are the sicknesses there are some Olivia drug that are sickness on their own the malaria so when God is coming that is high everything with everything we will be resurrected to be resurrected before he comes I like we have been hearing I threw my one lord yes I am boo given all that clear I don't have in your dumpling but if you have touched me carefully and you found out that I actually have another plan even though I said I don't have another plan then you have the fully body to begin to lead me lead me in a way that is far from those things so can we pray and begin to commit ourselves to God not a lot to help us to bring out this telescope to bring out his such engine letting bill got in such engine I let him assume it into every compartment of our heart every area of our had every components of a hat and find out if there is anything wrong if there is anything that violates his standard if there's anything that we fancy if as energy that is not happy with it has any tendency the possibility in a proclivity an inclination any disposition that may be lying in its infancy in any form let him please remove those things let him you are not a fantasy here there are many persons that are faster displaced that is cleaning lens of God has poured them away take a lot to go ahead and show Messi and take out of your life la fête eco paratha cke burritos is an apostate Olivetti dominic ask Anita free Riley katomina Gascony table Nagas go to mondo burritos easily Cassidy Akuma sutala free discount to paratus go dominic ask Anita brew I liket Roberto Susannah Costa Rica's candelabra disco or a hospital I gave you my heart listen to this one forgive you my soul why you I want to also sing this song lord I give you my heart I give in my soup I live for you in every moment don't don't trust the every moment I have my wig city people I like whether you are or not every moment I have every moment I am I would say every moment of my life Oh me [Music] Egham I believe you [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] lord No I'll live me [Music] we acknowledge that an announcement of the fact that you want to visit a people confess upon them a great responsibility responsibilities that include asking for the such facility of God to brood over your heart and discover any juvenile tendency of wickedness as a congregation we ask that you purchase and prepare us for the days to come that our weaknesses and I families meet with the strength of your grace in the name of Jesus thank you Father in Jesus name you may be seated the emphasis of the Lord in this time is a call to sanctification in view of the fact that he has disclosed his intention to visit with his people my way of rounding up are likely to turn your Bible to the book of Proverbs chapter 4 how many of you have had this experience before you were fast in maybe would dry fast but the spirit of lost visited you right in the mix of your fasting exercise okay when you begin to advance towards grow the Bible says that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all the possible went further to tell us more about this facility called light and he revealed that light is docked which makes manifest so since God is light when it begins to shine in your heart many times he makes tendencies he makes possibilities he makes inclinations he makes them manifest and the reason why he makes them manifest is so that you can deal with this cycle of searching of asking God on veil is something that you never graduate from as a Christian nozzle go with me to the book of product of the for-profits for verse 23 quickly proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 he said keep your heart with all diligence for out of it oddly she's of life if you if you check the way God created you will find that the most sensitive faculties of our napped opening are protected by bones see your brain is protected by the small your heart is protected by the ribcage your heart and lungs protected by the ribcage your spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column what God is saying build protective infrastructure around your heart there is no burglary no preordained burglary for it that will be on jurisdiction of of security maintenance so you cannot be an enterprising Christian if you are not concerned about this state your heart we did it teaching the other time we tried to identify the functions of the house one of the functions of the Hat is that the Hat is is the entry poker I used me is that what for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation is the entry oka because it is the entry organ it is a very delicate facility are you with me you are safe until you now discover that there's a certain dancer that you're sensitive too alan lee and if that is the case the implication is that something as entered and the entry organ is one it means you were caught of God and something has been smuggled into that organ of life I need to let's do some linguistic recovery quickly so that you will understand the import of this verse those of you that have an electronic Bible you can click on the word issues click on that world if you have an electronic Bible Wow it's very quite complicated to pronounce in Aramaic but the meaning of issues is a complicated world but the meaning of the word is bungee keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the boundaries of life I'm gonna explain down there with me you know the heart is the entry ocher and if anything is going to begin to inflames your possibility it is because nothing has secured an entrance into your heart anything that has not dealt at your heart cannot influence your life in order for Jesus to begin to influence your life you had to allow him into the entry organ then he was able to set up his command tower from ways he will begin to govern and influence you until his authority and influence in your life supersedes every other influence at that point it becomes Lord of the ecosystem and then he becomes your unique goal because his influence are spread across your terrain the heart is critical because when Jesus was living what he gave us was his life that was the spiritual capital that he gave us and this creature is saying if you are not diligent in keeping your heart the boundaries of your possibility already defined by several things that gain access into that very delicate and very sensitive place alright let me explain if a woman conceives the day she conceives that is a kind of timing that begins upon conception such that if he goes for his car the scanning machine can actually predicts the expected day of delivery because timing began to find expression from the time of what conception there are several things that we enter into your heart and it will generate timing and if it might cause within the cycle of that time it is going to produce an evidence that something has been incubated are you with me if that timing has not been consummated you will still have some form of resistance the time if that time is allowed to call me Nick's imperfection your resistance your so-called resistance we'll be weak because there must be a delivery of that which happening convicted in the facility of the heart so the heart is an entry organ the Hat is a law of Boca we have don't distinction before it's a law of Agha most of them of that there's one there's one channel you people like watch Telemundo is the telemundo z wall even you yourself you were not aware when did he end up your heart and the proof that he enters your heart is that there is a an emotional attraction to it because the heart is in love oka they had kind of something that is living and non-living change they can love it the heart can't just his no source control is is a love unit many lord give us understand you see lavaca you can just wake up and they need us gone like a doof it has loved something you will need to fight it to commit a potion that it had conceived you will need to subject it to divine sterilization to kill them thing if you don't kill it if you don't go through is appropriate just a short period and there's going to be a delivery but that one is natural that's the cycle of life now so a believer that is not careful to discern the state of his hat it's likely to be a victim of his potential and according to scripture they are packed in different modes that the heart can sustain tatting yes different and the best mood the mood that reveals that you are number three the Hat or four they had operates like chromosomes I I was looking for another word but there's no reward sister Ruth do you have any strand of white a are you sure that when they do notice it is it recently you notice it or not is it recently according to biology because the chromosomes actually just like God wrote on the tablets of stone God also wrote on your chromosomes and the writings on your chromosomes are prophetic how the am part of your chromosomes that have to do with all of the characters that manages your head it was already encoded the age that you are going to be four white strands to begin to find expression are you with me whether your hair's black brown or blonde it was already written on your chromosomes epic emotions are prophetic because they carry the writings of God I even me when is fringe love and does not hurt Etan balances the teens that are there and it also has the implication of that Strangelove also has a prophetic possibility because they had is a championship with the wound so because this machine is greedy greed is part of the walking mechanism of the heart it is already captured prophetically that only a count of discrete if it's not if it's not deadly his hat is going to shift towards money and everything about his ministry would be morning Jenna Santa and but meanwhile as the grid and that is not evident that that has got to be the ad comedy natural what God that can see the boundary because anything that goes on your heart already already already already predicts the possibility of you ending up in his setting boundary and that's why crystals that I enter prizing are concerned about instead sometimes I walk with God and it is impossible for me to see my error until I leave the puppets and go on three and then God we call a roni test then you begin to see teens who begin to come back because light is that which what makes so when you begin to see these siblings of the things that have roots in your heart as a man that understands that the heart is the wellspring of life you will begin to seek how to approve some things that have already gained entrance because if you leave it there it has a futuristic implication because the heart is like a womb the heart is like chromosomes it will manifest with time so when you see a man leave on to the end of his days and there is no standard that he touched a woman that was not his it took money that was not his it defrauded people he he swindled people such a man is the personality that was diligent to ensure that wrong teens don't find expression in her so when you begin to seek God one of the privileges it makes available to you is that it creates the constancies to unveil your tendencies is an act of mercy because you will never know if it doesn't set you up and that's why David said such my heart is it me that means create circumstances that we project siblings whereas people can be healing you God will not heal you God will show you the seedlings so you can when they heard you shake them go go back and begin business with God in the closet don't allow people's healing and time if it enters is an entry organ you will not be expecting healing there very soon you find out that you are stopping yourself not God and the devil has his tricks is he has his packet on your heart Alleluia and if you are coming into the line of ministry I need to tell you whether you're male of him we are not exempted the day you say you want to be ministry let me tell you how to be in ministry you will wake up one day and the love of one sister we enter into your heart you were not looking for ittle it will come when you see it if you want to be a genuine minister won't kill it and as long as that got teens the vibrating they're still far away from the system if she Greece you don't respond oh you don't understand your nose you are not radical certain host meetings which is what meetings about you about your family you don't hold meetings about you on with yourself you have to call yourself out of the action and say we do I'm on the otaku you eat at me you will talk to Dawson they make genuine Minister requires that once and again when you notice something in a bit that is in the heart you'd implanted there but it has entered how it entered you may not fully know what it has been that avoid that sister she might be wanting to be greeting you every morning don't answer when you have found deliverance you can rest for all the greeting count them if they are catty form the heart out of it a lot God wanted to run on me one day sigh Rondo hallelujah I'm even checking whether to tell you this or no okay no not today yes they had I prayed somewhere God healed somebody healed the best and then when I was now going to that place the moment I came faster for the passenger on and I was trying to come down from the Canada passing lay down the ground so that'll be much higher and calm down and people relying on Deidre then you know what I knowledge are the relying me too I went on a little bit and all of them had to stand up on back before now though us is it [Applause] if the owner if he does here oh the first in our happen to you is when you come back to Michael you see you don't appreciate your man up John don't allow it and that's why sometimes you need to remove my job before you share some testimonies I lived on the ground when they stood up and this that's why nice yesterday night someone booked a room for me in Transco transcode healed so they the with us will pick your stuff you know carry your bags and so this is my office bang this black buggy and I normally carried myself so the Witter wanted to take take it as it is he the problem it means that with my upbringing I miss haven't I'm not used to people sadly me so just don't worry let doc let's just go but this bad is mine Alleluia don't allow it and yeah if you are in the ministry what our preoccupation is as Minister is that we are servants of God God has called us and given us Greece so that out of the pool of grace that he has bestowed upon us we can save our generation the even if we we pray and people that have died six months ago are raised from the day our status does not change we are still suffer so anything that we help you maintain that frame of mind will help you finish where are you with me one of the boys that listen to my tips and true my tips he began to preach something similar to what our spirit so how many people thought maybe I raced him you know when you invite him it gives you what are they call those things for your meeting and you would do nasty things to break my heart but once God has said I am involved what you do can't distract me I've been to meetings before because God said I should go I was in Lagos I paid my way to sort oh and that's two flights and those days if light was my return trip was a hundred thousand does this the only thing I had from the people is don't allow me calm I'll be waiting for you when I go to Abuja I switch on my phone I call them I'm in Abuja night would take like fifty five minutes for me to get to the airport just try and be there when I came how to wait for 45 minutes before they came what was it about the people I invited me had moved in the flesh Yanis honor to break my heart so that I wouldn't forget that it is God has sent me I prayed the moment to pray and God sends you is no longer an invitation is an errand and the person that invited you can be the greatest obstacle most obstruction to what God wants you must match or be on that level so I refuse to allow they flesh that they manifested to and because if it enters you have lost the reason for which you're traveled all the way you were as foreign according to what end because ministry is a flowing river what will flow out of you will be ducting that enter so you need to know how to keep your heart when I went when we go to the police my accommodation was somebody's boys quarters you don't know the kind of heat in that city okay you have an idea and the place was infested with mosquitoes heat and mosquitoes is the closest relative to the possibilities in air fire oh the devil was trying to blow us or get my hat I refused because I knew what was at stake this is surface to God because God permitted my movement we came for the mitt because I was diligent to remain in alignment the hand of God that came down was tough I went back and I fulfilled my days for the conference without complaining because it was God that said to me you don't look at the profit off because the profit offering was not sufficient to cover one of my flights I had four flights each flight for twenty five thousand and the profit offering was twenty thousand now if it is Jesus that sent you because the profit offering can become an issue if if your heart is not trained if your heart is not trimmed you can become for 12 years most of the preaching that I preached was at my expense for 12 ease and when I got there I get this kind of abuses 4:12 is and what was watching it was when he became 17 years that and I said Lord we look for me that I should not preach on this platform again so it was by COS permission and i stopped you know the platform i talked about after 70 years of abuses and none of those days in those 17 years that I reacted because I was diligent to ensure that it does not work and many is little the person that invited me to that list they put me in mosquito room that could not be there at the airport when I came now had destiny challenges and he wanted me to pray for him and I not in my debt here you know where we are no colony that's a you still remember it is because of that that my blessing come for me even if I politically pray for you it will be a cause when you see my home bunny sister here don't size him by his looks his dressing his it might be God my he might be trying your heart to know if Yuri despised it and me that's my trick I would come very lowly you must despise me and if you can't despise me because of my deliberate intention to be lowly that day God will anoint me in a way that you have never known when people despise me I do it deliberately so they despise me then that's that's my best day would come don't joke with yours I went for a meeting now when the people that bring food assistance that bring food as they stand outside drop the food outside and go it was an instruction don't it thank you drop meats outside it and go you will see the place outside as a works great choices what creature what kind of man you know why at that time something had entered and I was trying to preserve my little life so I now say you drop it cousin we died people understand you when you're managing your heart or not is not your business drop the droplet us drop it outside in fact the chaos in my hat was so much that I had to call one of my sons whose ministry is close to that place to come that we have a crusade here come come and stay with me so Mia he announced the dinner it was hot management but I'm telling you today he doesn't even know why I called him a man that wants to finish strong in the eyes of God he can never forget this instruction keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it the issues of life who went for one meeting in Legos and when I was to come the law said there was one of my clothes I don't like because it's not fine and I was looking at disparate in looking for her to give it up but before I did God say this clothes you don't like that's what you are going to get it it is not as if the Holy Spirit is folks like that every day sigh protocol I came for the meeting do you know that I was a guest minister in this meeting and because of the way I came they cleaned my name from Denise [Music] meanwhile the reason why God said I should wear that quote was because the ministry was going to preach him it was like that quote that is glory outfitted and that conference was the last opportunity for that ministry to come on track so go say we're these and the plot was prophetic it was speaking to the condition but it ain't me an exit from the minister's slot and I came for four days and because they could not handle what we happen if they don't give me the microphone there none give me for 15 minutes to to just round off so that they can share the grace and and accounts it was in that 15 minutes that Jesus is ready for his/her 15 minutes and I took 12 minutes and spoke in parables and what I said came to us it was many years later that the eyes of the pasta open to what happened and he came to back but it at that time are finished you know why someone can wear a garment as instructed by the Lord and nobody will know the message they had as we come draws I saw I see a many times I think I move out I to stand and be a spectator at some moments of my life to judge it in the light of the Word of God have I been a wicked man so you hear David says such my heart try me if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the path everlasting so how would I cooperate I pray oh my god you see what I'm saying is true that's why the only goes ask her besides my heart trying me if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the park Everlast [Music] see a compressor coca pursue play press DeVito Kamala [Music] let it not be that we will minister toward us [Music] I'm the castaway that we may be Troy's songs and daughters of the kingdom of God man thank you to bring your presses to bring your glory I saw Scylla Prescott bedlama Jacob is insulting less or preocupada shechem bhai - Oprah salmon salmon accomplice essa son this kept rustavi saben allah sheikh osama so blame and eat [Music] Kousaka Pisa sunny sets me Oh my buddy for Allah I am a suffragette Asuka Oh in Jesus mighty can we pray finally before I sit down are there issues that God is risen already can we deal with us in a sec God can you help me out you see [Music] when a righteous man begins to pray heartfelt prayers prayers that are illustrative of the fact that he realizes that he cannot flow through destiny by his strength such prayers attract God are there issues is reason because I found some issues that he wants me to deal with indices are there issues when you are dealing with issues don't millstones talk about telling the issue television so that you can you can involve him can we tell him in a moment of time in a moment of time in a moment of time nasi lemak impressive alot Oskaloosa lamont sahib rock Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus she's jeez [Applause] Jesus have my so comprehensive Kaplan okay bharat abhiyan acadia massa Ilan compromise acaba I love complain but almost caecus anymore they'll also sock a button thank you long finally can we accept God will give us the simplicity of heart that we need to have a seventh you might be mighty in the world you might be mighty in scriptures like Apollo's with great utterance you might be mighty in miracles the influence would remember we're servants by servants to a great king if there is any who should become popular it is the name of that King and we aren't gonna give us the simplicity of heart that'll make us accurate servants in the kingdom of God [Music] Oh with the hot thank you Father we give you praise the Bible says that in him was life and that life is the light of men and the Bible also went ahead to say that that this is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world and the Bible say that that this light shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it our Father said that light is worth so ever make manifest very briefly can you propose was the father shine your light for my hat [Music] you see are obscene we have seen some things in this saloon somebody can be in error everybody around him knows his Elena doesn't know you can be going in the wrong direction everybody knows this only unit asana except Australians is light father we thank you give you praise we give you glory Thank You mighty father in Jesus they were afraid please Teresa don't as [Music] that your friend basket [Music] so this weekend is a contact weekend but that would say be here tomorrow tomorrow and next tomorrow as usual so tomorrow is prayer meeting we hereby for three o clock and then next Maurice our usual power and prophetic service [Music] then Thursday is are going to be prayer cell as usual so prepare prepare your spirit for this weekend I perceive that this weekend is going to be heavy so please prepare for this weekend contact service invite your friends your neighbors let them come and be part of it and I'm very sure that God will bless you in the mighty name of Jesus so can we arises we closed a meeting Conyers are the presence of God we go with you at this body we go go home with this body precipitate attend to it attend to it this weekend is going to be heavy sum of force the reason why God has not been able to reach us is because of our hearts us not going to prepare your heart father we thank we give you glory we give you glory in Jesus mighty name we pray see it's born [Music]