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yes [Music] me [Music] [Music] my [Applause] you're my and we give you praise we give you glory because you are excellent in majesty full of splendor and glory and your ways and your works are perfect we worship you without reservation indeed you are mighty on your throne thank you father in jesus mighty god what is it that god intends to gain how does the kingdom of god profit by our consecration to serve the lord's will hallelujah come with me to the book of well i need to refresh you before we take the text for the night there are four major chapters of the bible five major chapters of the bible that have to do with the subject of consecration from genesis to revelation the first is exodus chapter 28 second is exodus chapter 29 third is leviticus chapter eight fourth is romans chapter six and the fifth is romans chapter 12. these scriptures provide premise for us to understand the concept of consecration and how that is an inevitable aspect of the christian life if we intend to be useful to heaven and when we see abraham's journey after that he had accepted the call of god the first thing that he did was that he had to raise an altar and to offer his sacrifice if you see the circumstances around that altar in the book of genesis chapter 12 you're going to see that the first thing that abraham did when he accepted the call to respond to the voice of god was that he built an altar of consecration if the father of faith had to operate that way then all his descendants because we are all recipients carriers of the dna of abraham and so there's an expression of abraham in your life the pattern that god has used his faith to establish becomes an insight into the journey of every believer having said this i would like to take us to the book of romans chapter 6 and we are going to do a study of the bible for those of us that are participating online i just want to say that you are much a part of this service as those that are physically present the spirit of christ in our midst will minister life to you anywhere you are participating in this meeting turn your bible to the book of romans chapter six we want to do something in romans 6 then we touch romans chapter 12. then after that we'll draw up a chat so we are ending this lecture today with a chat and this our chat has two columns romans chapter 6 this way romance of the 12th that way and then we'll see the perspective the aim of consecration from the book of romans chapter 6 we see the aim of consecration from the book of romans 12. the reason why we are doing this analysis is because what we'll be describing in romans 6 and romans 12 is supposed to be the testimony of your life it is such people that have acknowledged recognized the authority of the christ so much so that they have submitted to service will that are part of his end time army those are the people he calls this battle axe see so we must understand that um the fact that someone is born again doesn't mean he's profitable to god doesn't mean his life is adding anything to the agenda of god only consecrated men can bring about a change romans chapter 6 from verse 12 to 19 [Music] romans chapter 6 from verse 12 to 19. hallelujah he said let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should amen all right romans chapter 6 let me do my reading myself is it let not seen rain in your mortal body that you should obey eat in his lost thereof let not sin it means you can be born again and sin can be the ruling principle of your life and the proof that sin is the ruling principle of your life is that you are a victim you are a slave to its lusts now it means that are you with me sin has a bait a bait through which it makes captive its victims and that debate is called lost it is true this debate that sin gets to govern it is true this debate that sin gets to rule even in territories that are not within the scope of its jurisdiction let me give you an idea before we continue amen now the thing about seeing is this seeing uh it is a very clever operation what sin does is that um it takes advantage of your appetites are you with me all right so for instance it is legitimate for you to want to eat food when you are hungry because hunger is one of the appetites that your body sustains is that true it is also legitimate for you to want to drink when you are tested because test is one of the appetites that your body is capable of that rule is test the sin good for instance it is legitimate for you to want to sleep because you have had a busy day and you are tired his tiredness is sin it's just an appetite at some point your body is going to register a concern that i need this i need that i need this i need that which are legitimate things that are required to keep the body in shape but the problem is there is something that we inherited from eden is the seed of rebellion and it's a nature and this nature has its roots according to the bible in our soul whereas the nature of god has his roots in your spirit the nature of adam has its roots in our soul number two this scene we are talking about operates its place of abode is in your body how did i come about all this my talk i came about this my talk from romans chapter seven i'm just analyzing romans chapter 7 for you this is what sin does meanwhile the nature of adam that i spoke about which has his roots in your soul in my soul transform this soul that is supposed to be a neutral organ that is submitted to the transmission of your spirit it transformed that organ to become an independent self-centered self-seeking element are you here so the mutation that befell humankind on the account of the fall is that it made man self-centered so the orientation of the fallen man is a self-seeking self-centered agent are you here meanwhile the example that jesus gave us when he came was that he was selfless and because he was selfless it was obvious that his objective for existence was to save the will of his father but the fall had already created the situation that makes it difficult for you to save another because the orientation the perception the consciousness of the fallen man is a self-seeking consciousness you say with me now this thing sin is in nature and this nature has its abode in the body so the christian is a complex personality he has the life of god in his spirit he has a life of man in his soul and he has the nature of the serpent in his body very complex person that's hallelujah are you with me okay now this life of man that he has in his soul has undergone a mutation making him a self-centered personality self-seeking entity the power of sin which has its abode in the body what it does is that it takes advantage of the appetites do you still remember the temptation of jesus jesus was driven into the wilderness can you reduce this volume so that the echo will stop jesus was driven into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil because he had prior knowledge the fact that he was going to face temptation he decided to equip himself with fasting in order for him to starve his flesh and stuff his spirit so that when satan comes the flesh will be too weak to respond to him and he will respond to satan from his spirit you see when satan showed up it was the hunger he detected right now meanwhile it is legitimate for jesus to be hungry after 40 days of fasting then he now gave him an idea that you actually have the ability to undo your challenge if you are the son of god turn these stones make them what but if you obey satan what it means that is that he has exalted his own personal need above the instruction of god do you understand that and because of the prevalence of his personal need and the suggestion that came from the devil instead of him to be godward he will now operate self-worth are you here so jesus now told him that man right now i am in the suit of man i'm wearing the garment of man and i was privileged to be there when the godhead came together to decide upon what man would be and based on what was in the fire after the end of the meeting man was designed to be a creature that will not live by bread alone but by every word that prophet proceeds out of the mouth of god he was an agent that was supposed to be manipulated by the voice of god by the instructions of god so jesus was saying my hunger is prevalent but i was designed to respond to god's voice and not my hunger exactly now just like we have tests we have hunger we have the need to sleep we have sex we have all these things are neutral things god ordained but what sin would do is that he will highlight sex and interpret to you sin is very intelligent you interpret to you how you need sex now apart from the allowance that is in the laws of god you understand that and then it will give you an advertisement that kai if you don't partake of this possibility yeah you guys so what that nature has done is that it has set you in motion all of your wisdom you read engineering all every all the intelligence that you use in uniagric you have gathered it together what are you looking for you're looking for sex and that can only be the case if you have exalted your own pleasure higher in authority than the word of god you have inverted the provision because according to the provision we should live by the word of god over and above the knees that we have in the realm of bread so sin makes you conscious of needs that are bound to your flesh as a more important expression of your life than the position of the word of god in your life the issue at stake here is what governs you what controls you what is responsible for your life that's the need here are you here now the holy spirit can be calling you to the place of prayer when you are very tired and the only thing your body needs is sleep if you go ahead with the sleep without responding to the holy ghost that day that sleep was seen that day because that sleep you were able to subscribe to sleep to sleep that day in opposition to the instruction that came from the holy spirit in that day sleep was seen the devil would want to use all your appetites to make you a rebel to god with legitimate reasons why you need to subscribe to the appetite as of greater necessity than subscribing to the word of god the hunger that jesus had was a legitimate hunger however if he had satisfied that hunger he would have gone the way of the self-centered nature of the fallen man and he would have become satan's victim are you with me if we find people that can exhort the word of god much more than their perceived appetites we have seen people that are not under the dominion of sin those kind of people sin cannot manipulate them even though sin projects this bait which is called lost it is true lost that sin seduces people to undermine the word of god and to maintain the self-seeking self-centered orientation as long as that is your orientation you are going to be a slave of sin you see the issue of matthew chapter 6 is mastery what gains mastery over you what controls you what is the government that regulates your life somebody say oh this my this my love for women the moment i get married that one will finish i assure you i assure you by the time you get married you will now discover a kind of lust that will undermine all the covenants that you made at the pulpit at the altar a strange lust will appear and sin is a great educator it will come and begin to give you insight that you have you have not tasted a very black damsel sin is an educator then he sells his vision and then he uses his bit of lust to make you suspend you in a state of unrest and all of that pursuit is on the plane of the flesh and the more if it comes naturally to you the more it comes easy to you to violate the loss of god in order for you to satisfy appetite that are god ordained but yet you satisfy them outside of the regulations of god it means you are a slave you are not free these guys live and unfortunately you are a slave to the wrong master because i am also a slave hallelujah what consecration is designed to do as you come to see later is that it will make you wise leave to jesus it will become natural the same way lost will give you a very slippery ground to gliding to sin without your full consciousness so also consecration will provide so much grace that it will be so easy for you to be able to serve the will of god and when satan comes to you bringing his products because you have gone so far in service it your wiring has been altered in such a way that is no longer natural for you to respond to the flesh but at the end of the day whether you yield to sin you become a slave because you will sin to a point where your own expression of sin will become supernatural such that you cannot use your will or your new year resolution to change the direction of your life because a spirit is involved the other day in abuja it was rush hour people were leaving the offices and trying to rush home then one hunter came with his his volvo and what was he looking for he a pregnant woman that he doesn't sleep with normal people he's pregnant so when the woman is heavy under the weight of pregnancy they say oh you look good because helicopter that one is spiritual you don't okay okay let me not take you let's let's go back to the bible that's the creature that sin wants to make you as if you keep yielding to it it will begin to open all that chambers of abomination it will be from one level of abomination to another level of abomination the day i knew that nigeria we need deliverance for our salvation to come was when i saw one of our leaders he imports the ladies that he sleeps with he imports them oh you don't understand what i'm talking about he imported them from a country that he cannot speak their language so he was paying a young man big money for interpretation you see that one is you don't understand a spirit is what when you commit the affairs of a nation into such a man that has been mastered by sin have you heard what the bible says is his righteousness exalsa nation but what seeing is what is a reproach to any people whether they are white or black all your robot people sin is what may the lord give you understand we have been struggling to buy a land and the person we're supposed to pay to because he is supposed to be signatory of the land the family considered him that if that money should enter his account he is as if they put it anywhere but but didn't but the right thing to do according to the law is that since his name is the name in the account when we go to the bank to do the transaction we should have a document that that confirms that we sent money to the account bearing his name that's supposed to be so that we can claim that if you take us to court we'll provide evidence then they now brought us an he said pay the money into his other brother's account which is contrary to the law we will not accept that but the reason was because a reproach has been found in this young man and we are trying to manage it probably through spiritual means to go to satan to see how we can manage this appetite even satan doesn't have care for it sin is a reproach for any people see in our chambers once you glide into his territory he will welcome you and then open chambers upon chambers of abomination so that if you dwell there for 12 years and you look at yourself in the mirror you will not recognize yes to make a beast out of you and you know what satan is the one that has lingered in sin longer than any creature oh i don't want to i don't want to break your heart let's leave that matter are you still with me in romans chapter 6 you see remember when satan was brought out in the book of revelation and the question was is this are you the one that has trouble you know what he has degenerated so much that his his action his activity is bigger than what he became because he lingered where in sin all right let's go verse 12 says vesta 10 says neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield your members unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness what we this scripture is talking about the operating system god can be operating system using your body as instruments of righteousness sin can be your operating system and it uses your the same your body as instruments so the question is what is the operating system unto whom you have dedicated your potential hallelujah in the year 1947 a very intelligent man rose and this man founded a new order of witchcraft called weaker see you know witchcraft is established on a premise and the premise upon which witchcraft is established is what we call politician that is in witchcraft human beings can become mediums instruments through which spirits can be known if they present themselves as vessels all right this man now said it is not good for you to be a medium to so many spirits that that witches should be subject to one spirit and he gave his reasons this man i'm talking about has written very detailed literature in witchcraft all right so he's called the father of wiccan witchcraft name withheld meanwhile there is another tributary of witchcraft called paganism which is the most ancient tributary of witchcraft and the basic definition of paganism is the expression of any form of spiritual worship that is not abrahamic do you understand that no need for me to explain that definition so anything other than the abrahamic expressions of worship is what because we find out that offsuits of abrahamic worship believe in one god and paganism believes in many gods then in this paganism we have some tributaries branches and part of the branches is the one they practice in your village but this man came out with new insight and then the modern which is subscribed to his heritage as the purest vine of witchcraft studies so the current name of witchcraft in the western world is called wicca because of the details in the deliveries that this man gave this thing i'm talking about is very intellectual there are books there are signs there are all kinds of stuff on this matter then i was now wondering that man yielded his faculties he's brilliantly intelligent he yielded his faculties as instruments to be used by the devil and he developed volumes upon volumes of literature with diagrams with hexis with all kinds of things and that is where you will see the bar from it and it gives very detailed insight into how you can use signs and symbols to take spells that was a product of one man yielding himself as an instrument you know the you're not here the instruction here is need to yield your members as an instrument of unrighteousness so that man had a lot of endowment but you see because he yielded his faculties to settle satan had so much intelligence to play around with satan had so much possibility on that man's life if that guy was a preacher an evangelical and all of that creativity was delivered into the hands of the holy spirit a mighty highway of truth and revelatory power would have been captured within our heritage on spiritual matters but he yielded those members yielded those members what to the devil my my cry this night i've seen people that look pious sacramental and sanctimonious use their members to sit i'm sick you don't understand what i'm talking about people that in terms of the way they are outlook they look extremely pious but that was just a regalia to enter into the community unnoticed unchecked and direct mighty havoc what we are talking about here is who controls your members to whom have you yielded your powers who is the lord of your intelligence who has access to your potential this guy came up with what this modern witchcraft that they draw stuff on the ground and put a candle it was the discovery the ancient paganist did didn't operate by signs the there is a more in your village it doesn't he communicates with the spirit not by science on the ground but it was when that man came that those pentagons those things now was included and people that who call themselves natural people can cast pears that open the door of possibility such that when i went to england i was told that the people studying witchcraft has a course the first set will graduate this year all of that was tied to that man's works because his literature on the subject was so educative that he became a an approved line of study that's what can happen when a man heals himself to a spirit and when i read the chronicles of this man i say oh my god that my life will produce this kind of product from the divine side i'm telling you it's a determination the volumes that he wrote obviously was in communion with the spirit he had to sort himself out with the spirit to come up with that kind of product for him to publish a book he takes four years of him refusing to circulate among mundane men and after four years he comes out with a classic how many of you know that oh i don't want to mention the name i would describe the person if we have enlightened people here you will know who i'm talking about this person is a singer the music singer is a musician and she doesn't mingle herself with the population she stays in a castle from that castle she would do her music and come out and win nobody complete existed alive nobody competes with her in a line of music all these are you with me those of you that still watch movies there are some movies called medieval movies those ones are there they have kingdom settings they have they fight with swords and shields if i must watch a movie those are the types because it gives me an idea of the kingdom context and god is not a president he's not a prime minister he's a king so i want to understand kingdom all right so that's my motivation those songs that they sing when the act medieval movies are from her catalogue those emotions have some kind of songs they call it melancholy songs hallelujah from a catalog from from the old days of robin hood she was the one making some of those classic tunes you will not know that those tunes are inspirations from deep darkness why is it so she yielded her members as what as an instrument i even went to church somewhere name of the city with her and they were playing some of her tunes as part of and they could not descend at the place they had welcomed demons someone healed herself so much to because her reference is um you know the celts you know the celtic people what don't don't worry you don't okay let me let me not let me not afflict you you see i read i study not just the bible so that i can engage my world i can understand the depths of things that find expression you will see a riot in america and you think the what they are rioting for is what they are rioting for you not know that there is a depth behind it and you think you find truth when you read the newspapers the best truths that there is is the bible let's go back to the compendium of light that god gave us for our navigation upon the face of the earth these people became resourceful because they yielded their members so the extent to which we get to yield is the degree to which god can use us to change the paradigm are you with me as we read on the star world of matthew chapter 6 is yield that's the star word of matthew 6. you know in other translations it is present now who can tell me okay your own translation what is it your own translation what's translation is that what new king james version is present yes any other different translation in the house so the golden word of romans chapter 6 is yield your members and those same members satan is going to take a shot at those members through the instrument of loss just if that day will catch you off guard and you'll be willing to yield because it doesn't have jurisdiction around your life until you decide to indulge the prescription and the seduction that is coming by lust so those guys were closed up to the spirits that they served and the product of their service to that spirit was seen there was a supernatural dimension of knowledge of insight or performance that was spiritual that came out do you understand that so the redeem of your life can become brilliant if you focus on god squarely there will be brilliant expression of the tributaries of the grace of god so strong that it will be evident that no school produced this man he had been with jesus right so that's the golden word of the book of romans chapter six it is yield your members yes next verse for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace so grace was the resource that heaven made available to ensure that we were not victims of sin grace meanwhile that's the same grace that people think they are teaching when they present grace as line sense and most of them do not understand what grace is hallelujah so grace was made available to ensure that we do not become victims of the tyranny of sin that's the purpose of grace so that we can live up to the standards of god because in grace it is god that pays the price for what he wants in your life grace becomes the energy that god uses to administer sufficiency to you to be able to disarm sin and his power and for you to experience what we call the victorious christian life hallelujah there was an observation there was an observation that ancestors in my village stumbled upon you know what the observation is are you okay because you're not interested you're not just it was after many years of adventure they stumbled on an observation our ancestors you know what the observation is that a man can never have power over the need to commit adultery is from the book of the earth can never have power over the need to what commit adultery so in the justice system in that location if the only crime is adultery that's it that one that was men have not been given but if it's killing they say no you can you can enjoy your poverty and still be a man of interest but when he comes to adultery they are lenient because they have discovered that it is not giving to man too that is why grace was made available so that what man cannot do through the resource called grace you can be empowered to live beyond the scope of falling man and that's what we call the victorious living is when we begin to live by grace there is a life that paul lived and that life which he lived made him make a statement like this i am what i am by the grace of god there was something that he was without grace and something that he became with grace and he was sharing a testimony that these my new statuses as a result of the grace of god so grace was introduced to ensure that we live beyond the limitations of the flesh as long as we do not have grace there is no way we can conquer sin sin is a bad tyrant and so when um many of you run and come for cancer and you say hey this my uncle treated me terribly you see the thing is you don't understand you expect so much from an unregenerated man your understanding is faulty that's his default mode if he has not found grace don't expect so much may the lord give you understanding if he has not found grace you need to get ready because his inclination are almost always in darkness wickedness is the most convenient atmosphere i for such a fellow it is greece that makes us capable to operate beyond the limits of the falling man and to conquer what the elders of my community have concluded that no man has power over it it's a supernatural life and such supernatural living is made available because of the facility called the grace of god i don't know many times when i begin to teach them time becomes a challenge time becomes a challenge time becomes a challenge let's okay jump to verse 16. verse 16 is what we call the first law of the spirit first law of the spirit and this is an education that paul brings through the spirit of wisdom and revelation he says know ye not that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness there are still two possibilities because i told you that a believer a christian hallelujah that believes in jesus and has experienced regeneration is a complex fellow there are many tributaries through which his life can be defined dependent on what he decides to yield himself to the first law of the spirit is the law of servitude that anything you yield yourself to obey as a servant you become a slave of that thing a spiritual dimension of that thing will begin to aid you in that area that you have yielded yourself when somebody starts fornication it doesn't become bound to fornication initially you can still decide not to fornicate on wednesday i'm going to keep wednesday different his his will can still influence his operation until the spirit now comes to aid him the spirit of fornication comes to aid him in the enterprise then even on wednesday he doesn't have control anymore because it has gone beyond the scope of what his will can influence if you decide to yield yourself as a servant of sin the bible says a servant of sin you will indeed become because you will receive hell and if you yield yourself to practice righteousness eventually you become what a slave of righteousness and that's the safest place to be and i told you people that if if someone comes and tempts a slave of righteousness with sexual sin that's when that slave will realize what god has done in his heart all this while he is his wiring has been altered such that he cannot bring himself to consider it is a different creature grace as we wired him he becomes a slave of righteousness he can't bring himself to sin even if the opportunity is before him [Music] you know what i'm saying you will have something all of you here you will serve something man was created a a being of service you will serve something when i choose to serve jesus i choose to serve jesus when i read the chronicle of that man and the mileage he gave witchcraft that witchcraft today is cognitive it can be studied and one of the greatest teachers of witchcraft is the man's disciple a lady when she begins to give you open your mind to antichrist philosophies because i know that if we are going to take the gospel to the west we need to know what has polluted the ground if you are totally total ignoramus you are not likely going to be effective then you begin to see philosophies people that yielded their minds to think freestyle without the buffer without the restrictions of the government of righteousness the kind of thinking that came from them you will know that if you decide to release yourself as a vehicle in the hands of god the holy spirit will will release tributaries of unimaginable possibilities through your life imagine me i was born in stamina for god's sake there's something god that can quicken things that have died and give them expression and give them life the the issue is we don't submit we don't heal the power lord of the book of romans chapter six is yield your members healed yield yield hallelujah now i don't i i need to jump i know the reason why i'm not going to the book of romans chapter 12 is because it's a very popular corridor i beseech you brethren by the message of god to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is a reasonable act of service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed that you knew of your mind that you improve that which is the good and the acceptable and the perfect will of god i didn't go there because i know he's a common corridor hallelujah and so the law of sufficient says if i yield myself as an instrument of righteousness i become a slave of righteousness i become a servant of righteousness it is either i become a servant of righteousness unto holy living or i become a servant of sin and the result will be death [Music] meanwhile this apostle was talking about the possibility of death not to unbelievers [Music] but to believers and the meaning of death to a believer is not the cessation of life but the separation from god who is the life source this is the first scripture with which paul begins to suggest that it's possible for a believer that has found spiritual life in jesus christ to lose it it's the first scripture that is suggestive of that in the entire scope of the gospel of god which is the texture of the truth that apostle paul preached are you still with me all right okay because of time let's do the chat i didn't have time to build to build today last if you read and understand the context of content of matthew of romans chapter 6 you will never ever want to have another experience of sin never never run away from a pastor a preacher that trivializes this thing and makes it look comfortable run away even if it's a bishop it's a messenger of satan and i'll show you one you can start as a righteous preacher and become a messenger of satan at any point in time when the objective is to make it makes sense comfortable it means you are insulting jesus and his redemptive power and if you are a preacher that is facilitating that kind of movement you will not know how grievous such such arm and offenses their fruit the fruit of holiness consecration is the starting position for the life of holiness which is god's will are you with me you are not with me you are not with me i say consecration what is what i need to show you the chatter of the eternal purpose and in that chapter i will show you that god's intention god saved you with the hope that you will be holy so easy in salvation god exercise exercise the greatest kind of faith because he knows that you can be saved and refuse to consecrate and then you are a believer that is sinning hoping that you will take advantage of the blood of jesus and wash and cleanse and and secure forgiveness and be living a life of the flesh deliberately he knows that that possibility exists before he saved you but the reason for which he saved you is so that you can eventually become what holy and meanwhile anyone that is playing a game because part of the potential that the blood has committed to us is that we have access to forgiveness of sins in him in him we have in whom we have redemption the bible says even the forgiveness of sins and forgiveness of sins is according to the riches of his grace so his grace has opened up a possibility and the possibility that we have by his grace is that we can experience the forgiveness of sins and on the count on the account of the potential of grace in this wise many people that are deceived by sin can be hoping to sin and expecting the grace of god to abound and the forgiveness and anger to be actualized in dealing with their errors even though they are committing these errors deliberately such a person that is playing this game are you with me has pitched himself against the immortal called god and there are eight consequences of this kind of life it is so risky that i plead with you that you confirm with what is captured in god's eternal purpose in the book of ephesians chapter 1 that god saved you with the hope that what you'll be holding consecration according to the book of romans chapter 6 verse 19 is the pathway through which we can begin our work of holiness and i'm going to explain to us what our work of holiness is about first of all i need 45 more minutes if you can give me 45 more minutes so let's vote let's vote 45 more minutes hallelujah now stay with me stay with me okay so one of the aims of consecration as we have said is that we we have this opportunity to bear the fruit of holiness which is god's expectation in his eternal purpose now you know i made a statement there i need to show you a scripture to confirm it the chapter of god said turn up was what god set out to achieve a great prophet was able to give us perspective on those issues and according to him in the book of ephesians chapter one we can see what god had in mind before he began the project that involved man ephesians 1 ephesians one verse four so that i don't waste your time reading so many scriptures he said according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world it means before you were formed in your mother's womb you existed as a seed of eternity and if the bible says god chose you it means there were many options available there were tens of trillions of options that were available and god by an act of his authority decided to choose you so it's a privilege to be chosen and the reason for which you were chosen was that you should be holy without blame before him in love what will motivate your holy living is because somewhere in your adventure with god you have you have loved him holy living is not motivated by the fear of hair holy living is a function of the fact that you you actually stumbled on the love of god you you love god and that's why you don't want to hurt him that's why you want to keep his commandments because jesus said if ye love me [Music] is not to cry the proof that you love him he's not tears some people can't try and they don't keep his commandment so jesus said if you love me keep my commandment i'm not saying don't cry cry but when you finish crying keep the command and if you are the type like me that doesn't cry after you have not cried keep please come on may the lord help us in jesus name now so you see that in the chat of the eternal purpose god saved us in hope and the hope that god exercised was that we will be holy so go back to consecration in romans chapter 6 one of the aims of consecration is that it is a pathway to holy leave now i want to define what is holiness before i do so before i do so i need to get responses from the congregation and maybe from the congregation online and on ground what is the definition of holiness yes you have a microphone there if you have something a contribution to make and for those online just send it in and then we'll get to read it to the congregation it's a bible study meeting so we can as well get a few responses from the congregation before we begin to establish the truth of the word of god consecration is the pathway that will make us bear the fruit of holiness so as definite as the day you gave your life to christ was that's how definite the day you consecrated yourself as god's property should also be if you have a date for which you gave your life to christ there should be a date from whence you became reasonable and decided by an act of your will to go into complete committal to god of your members so if you go out and use your mind to insult people conductor when you come back to god in the evening you repent for using your mouth that way because that is an instrument in his hands and you deployed it to give ventilation to the flesh so you need to come back and say um i'm sorry and if you keep doing that it means you are responsible you you know that the mouth is his own you know we saw yesterday some things that the blood touched and sanctified so you cannot use it for mundane reasons you can't use it to touch those things you like to talk it has been excluded so you come back to him and then you apologize for using your mouth like that the next day when there's an opportunity for you to use your mind like that you remind you of your apology and then you'll be able to make a choice quickly and then before you know it that thing that moves your mind would have been dealt with because you didn't choose it so you cannot remain that is a journey towards wholesomeness where every aspect of your vessel is an instrument in the hands of god to do his business and the time will come where the same amount you used to fight with conductors you can speak to dead bodies and it becomes an instrument you know anything that is already an instrument in the hand of god is a is a tributary a canal through which god can extend his only potent power how much we have resisted god how much we have forced him out of the stage the cancer tonight is yield your members yes find anybody at random and let's hear their definition of what holiness is holiness [Music] you are going to fight you left so many okay okay let's not trouble the people if you have a comment you can you can um say it through the microphone praise the lord hallelujah and holiness is to set see yourself apart solely and only for the lord's service what's the meaning of that holiness only living okay you use the word there set yourself accepted can you explain what that means okay actually it's a department of consecration holiness you see you are correct but your definition is not life applicable is cerebral in teaching what we are trying to do is to migrate from the concept and migrate into the organic pool where the revelation that is coming affords the hero life applicable possibilities is this kind of definition that gave us those days we were the most wicked people on it but we knew we knew what by definition is separation unto god it means that the definition did not open the faculties of application so all we knew was the cerebral aspect but we were wicked men we can instrument the hand upset may the lord help us in the name of jesus now what i'm trying to do is to demystify the logic so that it can become a life applicable possibility and then it becomes a good ride when grace is how he is available all right okay someone help us with what we're talking about you are right to if it's an exam you have past mark but this one is not an exam it is a life sorry yes um romans 12 1 says i beseech you there for brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice so by consequence of that presentation of that yielding then you now become holy youtube is what is holiness so holiness is the state of absolutely belonging to the lordship of god hundred percent you're also very cerebral those are the things we had all right okay let's let's holy separate [Music] you know why we need to get it right you're also right if it's an exam you have a pass mark and you'll give it you'll be giving all these calls for that definition but in bible study what we're talking about my mentor we call it what money will call it reality doctrine if if people can can can't um find a handle to travel into reality from what you are teaching you are wasting their time that's what my mentor said and we have had so much teaching that is not reality teaching so it's just cerebral but there's no life if you do real bible study you don't even need to meet me for cancer you should be able to do it yourself if it is true bible study and that's why we discourage this reckless seeking for counseling come if there is a real issue not that i dreamt i dreamt 60 percent of people that come for cancer in these dreams that they they come with dreams so i'm i'm i'm an interpreter now [Music] your definitions are correct i'm not trying to undermine what you just said please please get me right and the purpose of my wanting you to contribute is not so that i can find location with your answer you understand i want us to know what it means to walk in holiness so many definitions of holiness came so many and because it looked pious and sanctimonious it appealed to our fleshly religious mind and that is what holiness is but i tell you i also did that kind of holiness too i'm a first hand let me not go far all right so holiness you were on the track then you now went to a lebron [Music] what consecration is is that i have come to god it's not something you do once and for all it's something you do every day you wake up in the morning as you end your morning devotion it should end this way father i want to obey you i yield myself to obey you today if you pray that prayer tomorrow you will fight before evening satan will provoke you don't understand his authority over your life will begin to diminish when you become an instrument of righteousness so he will react instantly why so that he can confuse you that you are not that ambition of yours is not going to be accomplished at all you will get people to provoke you so that you say you insult your ancestors come back in the evening i say you know i'm your own but i use my mouth to do what you didn't send me forgive me tomorrow again you wake up and then you tell him i want to serve you i offer my body off of my mouth that this my mouth that is is so stubborn can you do something to it so that it will line up the next day will be better but you used to fight but the fight will not be like the first one those aspects of your body your your operation your your civilization that are not yet held up under the government of god and those aspects that will react when you are making a conscious effort towards consecrating all your members as instruments in his hand you see the picture of what god is saying through your life will not be clear if you don't obey the requirement of consecration every loose end that has not yet recognized the authority of christ will have to be brought into order so that you become wholly separated and there is no no faculty of yours that satan can borrow to do his bidding are you falling if you continue that every day because if we check the two people that gave us definition of holiness now and we check 32 days in their life you must have insulted some you must have talked to somebody you moved in anger so you see that's why we need to go from cerebral knowledge and going to live in by grace exactly when you do this consistently you do it consistently do it for two weeks three weeks you wake up by the time you have done it for three months it will be doing itself the auto run has been set up you can change your life in nine months you spend nine months in the womb before you came out there is no habit that you cannot break in nightmares no habit no habit that you cannot break enough the thing is are you presenting yourself to god if you present yourself to god he will discern the powers of the flesh and he will make that faculty of yours to line up you will see the power of his government you will know that there is only one thing that can defeat the flesh is the hand of god only one thing any other thing you try you will arrive at the conclusion of the elders they love you only the hand of god can defeat the flesh it's an ancient matter our ancestors couldn't deal with it and and in these days when the gospel was preached we found salvation in the gospel in jesus name so you need to practice deliberate consecration as a daily routine to give god the right of way what you are doing is that you are making him king and if you give god half a chance you will see how powerful he is you say you are you you smoke to weed and steal oh my god just go to god i say you know me now i've explored this appetite to a point that it is a god now it has a truth in my life but just be doing it every day he will disarm [Music] smoking and it it will if you will be free for many months before you cause you that i'm not no longer i'm free many months of liberty you will not know because you have been inducted not into a bible study you have been inducted into life by grace so the more you do that routine of consecration the more god becomes king in every area of your life a time we come the lord will put his satellite on your pocket you know it's dead with your tongue because that's the most vicious instrument in the end of darkness when you open your tongue and you describe somebody's head how oblong it is like this you you killed the person before before firing squad your tongue is is more deadly than the firing so he will alight on that tongue and you begin to walk there and discern the tongue hallelujah the most vicious instrument that you yielded to the devil and what the devil is making out of that instrument he's making a very strange tool to adorn his kingdom that's where god will focus first when he has dishonest and then you will see the chains satan put everywhere on the tongue you will break and disarm it the tongue will become obedient when you say again oh help me help me then the next day lost we come we will stand up he is showing you territories that he has not conquered within your own enclave it's a very it's an adventure [Music] then you remember that there was an open door that was created in the sexual lane you go and beg him again you see this thing you know then he begins to deal with it a time we come you'll find out that that is no longer an issue and when even though you are tempted you know what to do to disarm it you are making progress after a while you will come and flash the torch on your pocket i mean while you have been telling the story that you lack you don't have enough all then you will begin to command this demand that in that your lack you'll learn how to give because the journey is a journey to establish selflessness the fullness will never rest on a man that is self-centered and self-seeking service in the kingdom will make you a creature that is selfless if if you become selfless even your prayers will be selfless your lifestyle will be selfless do you know what i'm talking about like jesus's prayers was empty of self full of god our own prayers is full of self empty of god we want to use god to do our thing hallelujah god we have come now and then all the prayers have self-centered so you want to use god as an iron boy those kind of expressions of the christian life exist because of lack of consecration god will conquer every territory and we conquer every station he will conquer every terrain when he has fully conquered this great great island which your life is then he begins to fill you with himself holiness has two parts sanctification he begins to conquer the territories that were yielded previously to the devil and the devil has has raised booster stations in those territories he has raised for some of you is your eyes your eyes are very intelligent when you look on someone you can you know how the person looks like without clothes he's called the electromagnetic satan has raised a pump station there's a pump station that he built around that island and god will need to disam it you need to send commandos there to take over the place this is sick it's a it's a gradual walk that is continuous are you are you with me grad one and i can tell you with all sincerity that god has not finished on me there are still territories is still concrete those place are there are more tanks of satanic influence still hanging there you will need the underside if we need great power and only the hand of god can fight this but one way and i must tell you also that looking back there are territories god has already conquered and it's only those territories that he has conquered that he has saturated with his presence [Music] when he saturates a particular sector of your life that sector will become expressive of his will when he saturates another sector of your life that sector becomes what expressing kissing [Music] that sector begins to reveal him because that sector is owned and is governed by the holy ghost do you understand that then it keeps getting better as i keep yielding you know sometimes you feel oh my god this thing is hard all those feelings are part of the package it's a process it's not a miracle then it begins to conquer more charities and then the time will come when those your electronic eyes they are disarmed and the binoculars that we were fixed on it and gives it infrared capacity it is also disarmed the powers and potentials the the booby traps that satan has built in those places to ensure that recovery of those territories will be very terrible very very difficult the hand of god knows where to touch and then a vessel is rising unto god the vessel that god can trust a vessel that if god wants to speak he needs to wake him up and transmit frequencies into his vocal cords he becomes a pathway to which god can have expression upon the face of the earth consecration is the first entry point for the possibility of bearing fruit unto what holiness so i decided to explain you i hope this explanation is don't ever say i am i am there every time people say we got it in god they lost it i'm a walk in progress i'm not where i should be but i am also not where i was there's migration it's migration yes god has dealt with my anger my anger was a serpent i need that which is hallelujah the other day i was looking for it i didn't find it it was a miracle hallelujah and then you know sharla used to he used to wonder we went somewhere something happened and i was supposed to be angry and no that charity conquered it conquered and the story of the gospel that i bring to you tonight is that the violence of men can become the greatest of priests and it doesn't matter where you are coming from and the unique expression the unique dimensions of darkness that your vessel expressed before now i came to tell you of a god whose hands are so strong and he can disarm every territory that was once a pump station for the devil and all the equipment that was installed all the earth moving equipment installed there that gave it substitute tenacity can be dismantled and then you find saul that once persecuted the church becoming an apostle of light and truth [Music] with so much strength it brings the council of god and people uh in galatians what's in galatians after 1 verse 24 okay galatians 1 24 please give me galatians 1 24 this was paul's testimony in the same poll that crucified crucified that debt with people that brought people to jerusalem for them to be dealt with he said what and they glorified god in me it means that in the vessel of paul god was visible this was the poor that was an agent of darkness he had gone through cleansing and the empires that satan had his strongholds have been dismantled and through the same faculties the kingdom of light found occasion to bring truth and revelation to a generation that was facing severe crisis and confusion the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the life of this man was what gave us two thirds of the holy book so it doesn't matter where you're coming from consecration is a foundational entry point through which you can bear fruit unto holiness i know when we look at the past the mistakes we make all of us have mistakes in the past but god is not concerned about your past it's a concern about the possibilities that you have in him as astronauts explore space that's how we were called to explore god there are realities in him that we need to look upon we need to handle and we need to touch and consecration is the entry point through which we can bear fruit unto what holiness on the romance at that website consecration prophets god in that his will is carried out if you check romans chapter 12 he says i beseech you therefore brethren by the message of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be he transformed by the renewing of your mind that he may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god from the eyes of romans chapter 12 consecration is an adventure that affords us the opportunity to see the will of god as the ultimate preoccupation of your life that you are not here for anything else other than to prosecute the council of god thank god for your education thank god for the schools you attended in the country and outside of the country thank god for your dexterity your capacity and the talents that are available to you but all of these resources were made available so that we could serve the will of god whereas romans chapter 6 centers on a life that is absolutely surrendered to god romans chapter 12 is concerned about prosecuting what is on the heart of god second number two in romans chapter six one of the aims of consecration as we see in verse 8 18 is that we are made free from sin and and that's not all so that we could become servants of righteousness we're not just made free from sin many times when people teach about becoming free from sin they don't add the other aspects that we are not just set free and kept in limbo we are set free and empowered for service are you with me then on the other side romance of the 12 side number two that you may prove what is the good acceptable perfect will of god a consecrated man wants to live within the scope of the perfect will and that's where all the blessings of god promising the new covenant find expression full strength vagabond believers can never have access to the best things that god has in his kingdom many vagabond believers celebrate some things called blessing those things are the very snares that their soul will have to contend with for the supremacy for supremacy because those things are called blessings because they are not consecrated will become a snail to their soul and a hindrance for their complete committer to the will of god number three romans chapter 6 side consecration has in view what we call personal holiness romance of that website it has in view the lord's work so there are two things we can deduce in this our study tonight there is a certain kind of man that is fit for the lord's work and this man is a consecrated man not everybody should be involved in the lost work not everybody qualifies because when you find a man that is not consecrated to god doing the lord's work that investment is creating investments for satan's exploitation of the destinies of the people he's speaking to his only consecrated man that is fit to attend to the lord's work like the words of romans 12 says i say to you be ye not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind if your bible is not borrowed underline the word transformation transformed there is only one way in the entire scripture only one way by which we can achieve transformation transformation is not reformation because just in case there is a bomb blast and this part of this building none collapses and then when i say okay we need our worship place back in shape and we build it back that's reformation why reforming it transformation is that it becomes something new that has no relationship with what it was before the only means by which transformation can be achieved it's by the spirit of god that's the only mess there is no transformation if there is no spirit of god and the proof that your ministry is authentic is life transformation that you cannot trace what people are to what they were before if that evidence is not on ground we are not in ministry it is with the unit the unit of transformation that we measure the impact of ministry the unit of transformation this was how he was before when he came and when the ministry impacted him he he doesn't look we cannot describe him in the light of what he was that's the kind of change that finds expression when the spirit of god be not is to this world but be here transform by the renewing of your mind how does it do it sometimes let me show you some transformation by the renewing of the mind can you go with me to um is it first corinthians after two or second current chapter two let me try second corinthians is second corinthians 1 from verse 8 transformation by the renewing of your mind there is a whole weekend that we are going to put down and what will be starting is the renewing of your mind the what if the devil wants to make you his captive he does so by establishing scars or previous experiences of defeat and then you accept that to become your reality you will be in that state forever but if god wants to change your life what he does is that he he takes you outside of the box and he gets you to believe gets you to interface with that's how victory finds expression he said for we will not present have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in asia that we were pressed out of measure above strengthening so much that we despaired even of life why was it that god allowed a great apostle to go through a near death circumstance a near-death situation he hid it before but after a long while now say no we cannot you shouldn't be ignorant even though we are fed preachers there was a an experience we had in asia and what was experienced we were pressed on every side until the point came with this period of life we prayed to die we felt that death will be better than our condition have you ever been there before next verse he said for we have the sentence of death in ourselves why now this knowledge is what we call spiritual knowledge this knowledge he's talking about we have the debt of of the sentence of debt in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in god that raises the debt god wanted paul to come to a point that there were possibilities of grace on his life just if he could stop trusting in himself and that's what happens to someone that is very cerebral the you will not know that you are his confidence in yourself that is your motivation most times and god wanted to break that and to release paul into a higher realm of operation but there was no way god could do it without allowing a terrible circumstance to visit him many times most of you don't know the reason behind some storms sometimes is to defeat your confidence in yourself and then when paul began to meditate on the circumstance he now found out why is it this happened so that we would not trust in what hours this is how the renewing of mind takes place but in god that raises the dead now because of the nature of the experience that god allowed him to encounter he can no longer try to trust in himself he has gone beyond that so he has entered into another civilization entirely that's how god that's one of the ways he can administer that stubborn people that will not let go you just allow a circumstance to come then he breaks your will then you are released not every part of transformation is peaceful you understand not every part but the hand of god is behind it hallelujah sometimes if you believe that you are the most intelligent entity upon the face of the earth while you feel feel not because your intelligence has gone failed because you're trusted in your intelligence until you come to a point where you cannot trust your intelligence again then a new lease of life is released once and again god will defeat your intelligence your confidence your trust until your intelligence becomes his he becomes your intelligence he becomes your power he becomes the reinforcement in your system and then you become unlimited because as the storms hit you you jump on him and then you give him an occasion to advertise his glory that man that is yielded to god becomes a tool through which god can be made manifest god can be put upon the sin god can be on display that's what your life is about god wants to make a statement but he decides that he must ride on you but except you are consecrated the power of this reality will be far-fetched we have two prayer points for the night hallelujah those days when i preach the gospel you know what they call me they say i preach the law what i'm preaching is not christianity it's judaism my own delivery is too difficult it's too hard i have studied the bible and i found jesus's message i found it i understood it god made it clear to me that the message of the book is the kingdom of god the dominion of god that the bible happens to be a book of the kingdom and we are functionaries in that kingdom in fact when jesus came for casually to educate the apostles about the business of the church upon the face of the earth the subject of the seminar that jesus had was things pertaining to the kingdom of god god is a king hallelujah and in order for you to be powerful in him you must be a functionary that is held under his government i found out that the reason why god saved us is not for salvation he saved us so that we can serve him and we see a prototype of that scenario in the story of egypt and the great deliverance he said let my people go that day lives happen many people have exalted salvation and they have lost the purpose for which god did it it ends with self agenda self gain self and so it's as if god now is he's a philanthropist indeed god is a philanthropist but god has a goal he has a vision and we are the vehicle true which is vision will come to pass so in salvation god meets your need but when you yield to god to become his instrument you meet his own need god has a need and you have the answer to the need of god but only consecrated believers our instruments through which god's need can be met he needs legs and eyes and hands and a mouth upon the face of the earth that will speak his testimony do his will and go where he lives he needs you and that's why he did not spare his son to get you into the household because you were supposed to operate under his government and serve his will god conquers territories with power but when he has conquered the territory he rules with his authority we have been called into that space where god is king and the things i teach are the things that have to do with his rulership his dominion and his dynasty you are part of the royal line and all of us are called to operate in the dominion mandate the dominion mandate is not something that men should do it is something that is given to us because we are in alignment yielded to the ultimate king in heaven and there will become functionaries through which authority can be experienced can be felt in that places where satan a speech the state then you become the reason why light was shined to the people of zebulun and natalie that seat in darkness you become that pathway through which they can experience a great light i studied the bible and i found out that jesus preached about a kingdom salvation has a historical part because the bible says that jesus died according to the scriptures the death of jesus is a historical fact if there were newspapers in those days if jesus when jesus died you will see it registered in history that jesus died so there's a historical part and are you with me historical partner can be validated [Music] so there's a historical part of salvation there is a legal part atonement there is an administrative part the government of god so you were saved the legal part that is jesus dying on the cross to satisfy the claims of divine justice to release you into the administrative part which is operating under the government of god church is not a place for fun fair if we take authority out of the church we are a social club and that's why the bible says that brother that did something bad and they sent another brother to talk to him and he refused didn't know that story and then the prescription was that send two people to talk to him he still refused they said all right send the elders of the church to talk to him he refused he said that brother has violated authority you cannot be part of the body of christ and not be subject to authority it means you you are like a king so the bible prescription for that brother was that cast him out and it is after that statement that a very strange statement was made whatsoever is bound on death shall be bound i don't know the meaning of that it's a customer that person that doesn't want to operate on that authority the kingdom is about authority i want to pray tonight as the lord will yield him it is when you have yielded to him that he is indeed your god [Music] my body is my body is yourself my body is is foreign me is sing in my party me my [Music] me me shaking my body [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] foreign one more time [Music] is oh oh thank you [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i'm giving to you my body i'm giving to you my body i'm giving to you my body giving to you my body giving to you my body my body my body i'm giving to you to you my body [Applause] oh my body i'm giving to you one more time my body [Music] we practice what we are being taught can you consciously begin to give your body to him lord i give you my mouth i give you my tongue i give you my eyes i give you my ears [Music] i give you my legs i give you my appetite take it dominate it regulate it control it influence it i subject myself to your control i subject myself to your government i subject myself to your remote i subject myself to your influence i subject myself to you i bring myself under your control under your government under your plan under your counsel under your regulation i subject my regulatory framework and procedure and i ask that you become the absolute government your parallel government [Music] [Music] [Music] lord i give you my eyes lord i give you my ears lord i give you my ears lord i give you my thoughts lord i give you my reasoning lord i give you my evaluation pattern lord i give you my taste lord i give you my tongue lord i give you my sex lord i give you my heart i give you my tongue i give you my earlobes [Music] for some few minutes close your eyes open your heart don't mind the necessary to you can you consolidate the instruction disabling as you pray pray consciously pray consciously every one of us in [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you father to your government to your influence to your control we submit ourselves our eyes our ears our tongues our taste buds our legs our hands our hearts and the very depths and resources of our realities we commit to you we ask you to exercise your prerogative your mastery your supremacy your sovereignty and insist until the full scale the full-blown scale of your intention is accomplished in the name of jesus thank you father jesus mighty name please take your seat bring out an offering consciously amen please bring out an offering from your pocket and cast it today to the unknown and worship of the lord and for those of us following online we wish to invite you to be part of the critical component of this service which of course is this is the offering that we are talking about as the account number is displayed on the screen you can [Music] lay hold on the account number and transmit your desire to participate in the offering into reality sometimes [Music] songs are given to drive some emphasis when you pray and your prayer god is getting exhausted switch it into prayer switch into songs and drive the prayer point when you read things like i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord that was the word that was given to the prophet to demand at that season d remember so after he received the award in order to generate the frequency that is needed to release the energy necessary to handle that matter he turned it into a song because you need to confess and say it much sometimes to release the power so he began to say i shall not die but live and declare the works of god from other times you need to pray the consecration of prayer in songs i give you my heart when you hear some lord i give you my heart i give you my soul that is the user friendly format it is converted into user-friendly capsules so that you can easily release it and those are the intelligence behind those kind of songs when you wake up sing those songs long lord i give you my heart i give you my soul i live for you alone every step that i will take today and every thought have your way tomorrow sing it like that again amen amen tomorrow will be here again from 6 a.m to pray it's one thing to teach people to pray and it is another thing to create environment for them to pray so an environment is created tomorrow for us to come and practicalize the things we've been hearing about prayer so that it will not remain at the level of teaching alone not remain at the level of lead touch and summons alone but there will be practical ground for people who come and pray six hours about six hours of uninterrupted prayer in tongue some things will open up so because of the prayer cell tomorrow we'll pray from 6 a.m to 12 p.m and then we dispass for the prayer cell which is 5 o'clock and then on friday we'll be back to this place by three o'clock for our regular contact contract is this weekend and it will start by three o'clock i also have the monday to bring you to your notice that if you are one of the prayer cell coordinators you are to mobilize all the people that will come under the influence of your operation there towards the contact and bring them do that the lord bless you jesus name pending any other information that is not yet captured that will be brought to your notice before you leave here eventually i wish to invite you to rise up as we make attempt to close for that is the kingdom find the glory forever please when you go home take time to listen to this message all over again and the emphasis will crystallize thank you [Music] you
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 19,585
Rating: 4.9326425 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 43sec (7423 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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