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okay so everybody wants to know how you fuel your training Caroline show me how it's done [Music] you seem to be at approximately 7,000 19 feet 503 our run a little over 21 miles eight days away I'm leaning for Sweden [Music] let me explain a little over a week ago I traveled up to Lake Tahoe actually Donner Lake specifically for a two-day very intense high altitude training camp with my coach Chris health and Olympics from her Caroline Buerkle and the intention was to put in two really hard really long solid days of training in preparation for the upcoming Otilio as we say in the United States below or I think is how you pronounce it in Swedish I'm sure I'm butchering it it is a swim rod ultra that entails approximately 40 miles of running and about six miles of swimming over the course of the day very long race that will probably take us eight or nine hours to complete it but what's interesting is there are 40 transitions so you're constantly switching it up between swimming and running swimming across these little inlets and very cold water climbing up on a rocks running across small islands jumping back in the water rinse and repeat what's super unique about this race is you do the entire thing in a customized modified wetsuit you swim in running shoes you run with a pull buoy strapped to your thigh you're allowed to wear hand paddles as long as you carry them with you throughout the course of the entire race so it's very unique and part of the experience and what I wanted to get out of this weekend was what it's like to Train and sort of where all this gear was about like getting comfortable with all of these accoutrements so I thought it would be fun to bring a camera along take you a little bit behind the scenes of what this two-day experience was all about give you a peek into what our preparation and what our training looks like so it was really fun it was really hard and with that said enjoy my second I feel for for Olympic success it all starts with a little head of romaine pick a nice one like so seven points hold it step two instead she was gonna do her the with Hillary miss Kay but they had to back out because of her key Elvis she still is a trooper drove all the way up from LA just to swim in the lake with us I might hang out a bike in there it's about 6:30 in the morning day one of our two-day 48-hour training camp here up in Lake Tahoe Donner Lake the water is pretty warm though right Tomas he's gonna be photographing us that's the great Chris Mader that's the great Chris out he's he's in charge today so we've all been training for this out till errol race for Boogaloo for months and months and months but we've been doing it in the desert of Los Angeles and now with three weeks out we figured hey maybe it would be a good idea to get in some cold water and see what it's like to swim in these crazy funky wetsuits know what does it feel like to swim in our running shoes and with our hand paddles these are called hand paddles and get to use them in the race [Music] meanwhile in the back Chuey oh hey just been finished for a while [Laughter] are they working out I'm not today so much harder than running 34 miles the other day way harder but that's how we did that in 72 hours now you now you see the load as I like to say right tomorrow we're gonna run up there to 8,000 we gonna touch the snow we got a Texas snow to time chased him all day and me like and I just got further and further behind sunflower greens that's also not very exciting I have like 700 bars back in the shop all right so we put in a big day of training today down at Donner Lake we swam we ran we did it like 10 times I'm exhausted we got a little grub that we got a little rest and now we're gonna do a podcast another Coach's Corner podcast with Chris dude I'm exhausted yeah it was a fun day it was a learning experience but the good thing is is that you went through the same struggles that I did the first time I came up here by myself oh so it's comforting emotions yeah we swam with the paddles with the pole buoys with the shoes on the whole time getting out of the water and then running with all this this gear in what quickly turned into 80 degree weather running in wetsuits at altitude Donner Lake and it was it started out comical then it became excruciating ly painful going through the difficulties of a steady 5 hour day five and a half hour day like today is important because it just puts you back into that mindset of just keep trucking right let just keep moving forward don't overanalyze the pace don't overanalyze the heart rate just keep moving forward right yeah start doing a little bit of self-talk and there's times today we're on top for a reason I ran ahead of you because I wanted you to reacquaint yourself with that j2 back at the lake in 45 minutes we're gonna go here to the Pacific Crest Trail a day like today I would say is why you're fit you're gonna get this spots where it's so beautiful that you're gonna say you know what this is why I like being fit so we got separated I didn't you say like it's about 35 minutes of running yep and then we'll turn around exactly so I'd gone about 35 minutes and so I was like I don't know you know so if he's way over there pass further than I can see your whole body is a fine-tuned machine that everything has to work in sync to do the volume that we're talking about we're not talking about a two-hour workout [Music] it might be a really good thing for everybody just to consider what do I need to get myself motivated human brain will consistently maybe a event with a partner or a challenge with a partner because it does help it's like I got to do this I love to do it for myself but there's a little extra you know with that hey I'm racing with somebody right and I want to do well with them for them as a team alright I hope you guys enjoyed that little look behind the scenes in my preparation for this crazy upcoming swim run ultra World Championship event for those that are interested the will be on September 4th and it will be broadcast live online if you want to track and follow the fun go to utter lo swim rom-com /live I'm trying to create a team and surround myself with some talented people so that I can get more regular with making videos like this including filming the podcast so I'm really excited about stepping into that in the near future in the meantime if you enjoyed this video if you'd like to see more of these kinds of things from me let me know in the comment section below don't forget to subscribe I appreciate you guys watching I'm excited to go to Sweden and I'm definitely bringing my camera I'm gonna take you behind the scenes on that so until then peace plants [Music]
Channel: Rich Roll
Views: 99,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rich roll, podcast, vegan, fitness, endurance, diet, finding ultra, the plantpower way, rrp, triathlon, otillo, swimrun, running, swimming, open water swimming, human performance, mindset, trail running, ultrarunning, ultramarathon, pacific crest trail, ironman, ultraman, tahoe, donner, altitude training, olympics, chris hauth, caroline burckle, #ThisIs50, roka, sweden, training, athlete, sports, nutrition, wellness, health, self-help, teamwork, vegan athlete, what the health, cowspiracy, flow state, mindfulness
Id: OBgcL_nOVyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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