Keanu Reeves and The Machado Brothers -John Wick 2 Training

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I love how every person is just like “Keanu is awesome, the man is just a machine”

And Keanu is just like “I’m 50. I feel like I could be better but I’m getting older”

The guy is so humble and it’s so refreshing to see that. It’s so common to see actors just get into the mindset where they think that whatever they do is good enough.

Seeing him get to the point where he’s putting in more effort than pretty much everybody else and still working harder to be even better is just so inspiring.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/rosstipper 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

He a pimp fo sho

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/hongkongfooeee 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

There’s some good videos of him rigorously training for John wick especially with guns cause he wanted it to be as real as possible. Mad respect to the amount of work he’s put in to make it look the way it does on screen

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/_LVOA_ 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

He is John Wick.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DMMDestroyer 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
the tone of the action it's such a great part of John wick longer takes perplexity footwork we wanted Isaac that let us do something a little bit more from the human side of thing instead of just training act to do choreography we just made can of pretty much one of the choreographers one of our stuntmen we pushed them harder than I think we've ever fished anybody you'll Santa Kazan fall to enroll the same G's on reload to seeing unjam and Sam 11 the cioms do all along do some see him drivers caught in pickings for the car when it's really generates if we kind of true way the actor thing in this train them is a sentence that was always the mantra he's going to roll the camera it's going to roll for 30 seconds and see how many people you can hold it down with a pistol in 30 seconds that's demanding it's really demanding as movie fighting goes we talk a lot about how can we make this one bigger and meaner and we settled on the idea that we need to make county better hence the long training period for Keanu Reeves so as I put the suit back on I went back into training their son teen has a lot of experience training actors whatever it is he embraces it full heartedly he just goes full throttle the whole way I would find it difficult to get a 50 year old man in that kind of combat ready state except Keanu I think giotto's wants to live that life of this is who I am and I think he brings up every time we rehearse and every time we train yeah I'm older so it's hard sure and you have more technique some that helps keep bouncing it out the age is winning of course techniques are helping getting the more I can do and the more confidence that Chad and son team has of me then they go okay now it's giving some more responsibility oh you can do that oh cool okay well what about that shoot I can't play through that Tran and who trains on the weekends you trade four or five months before the movie star tuning I don't mean like once a week like every day four or five hours a day the great thing about Keanu is he's super committed when there's training to be done he's going to do it and he shows up early to train and work as hard as possible as you get deeper and deeper into training you get less and less normal life-- which i've enjoyed the focus of it friends are like where did you go I'm in the training paradigm I really enjoyed the physical side of it I'm a Virgo I like tasks I like the puzzle I like trying to get good at something so it's fun to do the physicals figure it out and trying to be great at it I started training two years after the release of the first one so the weapons stuff came back pretty quick that muscle memory the judo not so much I've gone out to some of the best instructors to enrich Keanu Reeves to getting better at what it is we're going to do in the movie we just went to town training him on 14 or 15 great judo moves Aki Jitsu moves and then really upped his jujitsu game and spent a lot of time grappling so we brought the masters in the Machado brothers just so we can get the best knowledge they'd come in and see his jujitsu training a great honor to have the Machado brothers come to 8711 I love them we think was one of the best like things everything I believe for me was the first movie which you see the leaks of good muffins so well put together what we did is can I start to his knowledge he's a very very sharp e technique and we start try to improve that transition like somebody came etapa he escaped quick and go grab the neck boot break every position he know how to escape how to set up how to counter pack how to do this relation they have their focus that determination everything perfect it's basically just like an hour with them and they each taught me one technique everything was pret and slow when are you slow when are you fast does your breath while that's happening that's why I'm here today bring you what we know best that's always with me like you know that's part of how he's taught now what's gonna flow we want the audience watching our recast who actually went through the training and got to do the action itself the stunt team is built on mastery they want a plus level work and that's what I strive for it I strive for excellence it's really kind of neat he's meeting these wonderful performers and artists who were like yeah we want to play Gaston was another one of those great parts that had a couple great character moments and had a lot of action so we didn't want to go out and cast just a stuntman or a counselor that's really defined action we'd rather find someone very interesting who had a great character attribute to them and then train them as we did with Gianna I knew that these are start guys are the best in the industry it's just really great at what they do so if the opportunity to work with Keanu Reeves and once they put Rome on the map - feels like I need to do it John we - Cummings like let's train man we got to do John wick style and I'm like yeah right on so he's been training and training training guns and she just - going through the WIC program I've been learning a whole lot and I have to say it's like learning a new language and I love getting to do the work and it's hard work you know some days you go home and your neck is messed up for a week but you know there's no time to cry a whiner when you working ladies daily living I could remember be like hey you know I messed up my neck huh it's a strain or something going on and I can barely turn it okay cool stretch it out to me we got back into putting in a headlock and stuff all the bites okay what we're doing Ruby's going through the WIC program welcome to WIC I said chatted how much of each am I going to do and how much is going to be spent doubling like you can do as much for as little as you want I think he knew then already that I was signing out to do as much as humanly possible we really just look at what her background was so we worked with my strengths which are boxing martial arts and so we really use her skill set and that way it was a little easier when you're training somebody to not start from the beginning he was live with the planets teaching you something you've never done before and we can teach you with your boxing how to just take that to another level and Heidi knew all the choreography and then we'd work together and she will teach me the safety kind of elements of our fight scenes it's common sense and there were so many different moves and we choreographed at three different styles and we're in a mirror room and of course Chad wanted to keep revising it so it was almost like an improv it really was like we were fighting because half the time we were like are we going with uppercut are we done with all I know let's do this with the training you learn about the cooperation how to fake fight and how to do long takes and like there's a kind of reality to it but it's also a dance it's sort of a pleasure when you get to work with one of the guys are used to working with it's sort of like a dance when you do a fight and if someone's a tiny bit off the other person makes up for it a little bit and you work together some of the guys you know Jax and Danny all these guys I mean I know if I ever fight them we're always going to be on because we'll make up for each other's mistakes and I realized that Keanu has picked that up I could tell that he was dancing with me from the beginning I was so impressed car's gone I'm just basic stuff you got to know how to make it all right when you open up the Reeves chest it's like okay we got that with the guns we got this with the throws we have this on the floor these are the choke technique the knives techniques so the more that he has to play with can work that into the choreography everything's a weapon for him with a hands on or firearms or his car whatever you have you can be using your weapon you have the first film you would use one kind of weapon all the time so it was very linear now we have the three different weapons they're using at one time we to add the completely different aspect I've done a lot more training on this film than the first one in terms of guns we took Keanu through a lot of three gun training speed draws transition fast trigger bowls something that kind of gunplay and fighting interesting like gun Jitsu up to snuff is that this mission so we brought the Masters in just so we can get the best knowledge we wanted to be faster and be able to up his target acquisition make them faster pulling up on targets faster out of the holster getting faster on the reloads be able to correct malfunctions yeah I'm good subrata intern Butler who is the National International 3-gun champion it's about speed precision and time moving target stationary targets and the ability to transition between a pistol a rifle and a shotgun and back and forth I brought Keanu here Caron Butler shooting ranch up in Simi Valley but for a reason because Taryn is the fastest guy out there he is the best a love story that I've ever had out here his intensity his desire to get good is really what pushes me as a trainer to just get him in better with him you know I've had guys out in their grade come under the basics kind of go and they're good to go they look good enough for the camera life stuff but he wants to take the next level for me I enjoy the mechanics of it and figuring stuff out and then trying to apply it he's never satisfied and he wants it to be the best approximation but on the other hand you look back at the videos that kind of thing that's an amazing run you start getting into how fast was your draw how fast was your first pole what was the time between the trigger pulls out fast to reload how fast can you run this course and it's all about shooting while you're moving and every time we returns we can change the course almost like choreography shoots one course pistol rifle shotgun and then the next time we change it in each session he is firing anywhere from a thousand to fifteen hundred rounds but it just builds in so much precision in so much muscle memory and we thought it was a good idea there is something to the mindset and it does it to your body you know you have to be in it you have to attack if that gets ingrained in my body and it's going to be second nature for me just to go into that position our stuff came back pretty quick through some 90s for the 180s we're not going to dust off with mr. Reaves getting them back in the saddle and gliding Mustangs around a bit he wanted to take him back to the basics they just did from 90 into mark and 180s to mark we started drifting a little bit nice they weary that see how much he remembered the 90s were right there 45s are right there the drifting was pretty right there so reverse 180 was a little moon so that was fun the Train counted specifically to the move that we photograph in the chase but we're not so much building car chases in this film as much as we are car through what we take for par and mastering the people usually how to hit people who use the car to knock people over this one more brutal so this training helps when someone says action let go and you're like on it fraid so
Channel: John Machado
Views: 4,052,595
Rating: 4.9512782 out of 5
Keywords: keanu reeves, machado, machado brothers, john machado, allen, texas, hollywood, john wick, john wick 2, action, fight, choreography, bjj, movie, cinema, brasil, brasileiros, brazilian, joe rogan
Id: p98lf_QzHxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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