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It was an epic day's work for Keanu, but for Keanu it was Tuesday...

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/DarkKitarist 📅︎︎ May 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I just realized that I like keanu’s hair in the first two john wick. But whatever I love him with any hairstyle he has 😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yagirlisweak 📅︎︎ May 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
how you doing my name is Jose Medina I'm an active 26 year law enforcement veteran primarily focused on my career in law enforcement tactics and SWAT training with that being said I also have training company team APC where we conduct high-end training for police SWAT teams on our kind of units and Special Operations teams such as in the military today we're going to talk a little bit about some of the really cool stuff that was in the original John wick one movie and going right into it we're gonna talk about the different tactics that we use so the first scene in the John wick movie where they talk about when he gets into the attack mode where the Russian mob hit the team coming up they're moving in a really good tactical shooting platform meaning their feet toes towards this red area which is always a great positive for instructors like me to see you could say hey man they really did a good job having these guys moving towards the house similar to what we do in Swat the guys make their entry covertly quietly what's waiting for him he engages into the Han Han combat into shooting platform mode and right out of the box he starts wasting some dudes really fast as the shootouts going I'm sitting at calculating okay what type of gun is using compared to when when is he gonna reload or if he's ever gonna reload and at one point he goes into about eight rounds and all sudden you see him do a combat reload where he pulls out another mag inserts a new mag and his agent a pistol and usually those those round handguns are about thirteen and one thirteen rounds and one in a chamber so clearly he definitely had enough ammo to can continue shooting but he did a great job so that was a good a plus in my opinion to do that reload then is another scene where he actually rolls with a guy he drags a guy and he shoots a guy down the hallway with one handed shot the big key here is that most of the time a lot of these movies they'll do a gangster style type of Flint shoot where they turn the gun and the sights are off on the horizontal plane and it just kind of pop it off rounds like just Flint shooting you can tell he actually trained straight across one arm platform stabilized arm platform and accurate shots which was really good to see he did jump on a guy's back even his arm reach extension was perfect put it out there punch shot the guy right through the glass window area whereas I guess it was hallway in a dining room so that was great then going into the second shooting scene combative scene is where they go into the nightclub and that was where I was really impressed he's tossing guys he's actually shooting guys at close range shooting guys at long range when they're moving through the crowds he's kind of pushing through and as he's doing high blocks which is basically Webber intention the term weapon retention is is if someone's going for your gun or going for your whatever weapon you have in your hand you're trying to retain that weapon so you have to do whatever it takes so what happens is a high block comes because someone's trying to throw a punch at you or it may hit you what about you can protect your head so you can protect your head and actually your elbow can be part of a weapon tool so if it comes up you can actually strike the person at close range create that space just enough to simply just get that weapon out so you pull it away say they have their hand on the gun you could trap CreateSpace fire that round multiple shots into the abdomen or the upper torso and upward fashion then you could push that person off and go to back to two-handed hole which a lot of the John wick movie you can see at one point he even punches a guy in the throat some people say oh my god that's not realistic reality is yes it is like actually from in a CQB environment where I go to a high block and a fire now set up stepping back to shoot and then the guy keeps coming I might just throw strike them just like with a rifle I'll barrel strike a person if they're coming at me if they're unarmed but they come at me I can barrel strike it and wrap it wrapped the bow and take them down with it and at one point he does another combat reload reload his gun he realizes at one point that his uncle gun goes empty and reality is there's actually in that area of the scene he'll look down at one point look down his gun and some people will say and wide he looked down hit his gun you know well cuz you realized he's empty and ask any great SWAT cop any police officer that's out there shoots a lot even to some of these NRA shooters and stuff like that you know sometimes they just realistically they're popping off in a zone so many rounds and they forget and a lot of time I called tactical CPR to look down and you know hit the gun like oh my god it's not not firing but they realize I should crap it's empty in that same scene he's actually moving down the hallway and he's actually moving with his weapon properly just below his line of sight he's actually what we call it's called railing where they rail the gun close to the body for CQB so become approaching doors to the left or right you want to rail that gunk close to your body so you don't over penetrate the view of a bad guy and at one point he's moving down that hallway he's doing a great job doing that so a lot of kudos in that area I mean he was basically was just taught how to move with that weapon properly where a lot of people do the old those young old enough to know - Andy Dickinson you know the cops down below here and moving down a hallway leaving upper extremities open he's close contact with his gun ready to fire at all times there's another area of a scene where he's actually back to back with a guy against uh like a sheetrock wall and he actually just turns his gun and actually flinched shoots a couple rounds down towards the right side where he sees the guy and he hits him in the foot realistically you can shoot through sheetrocking and kill somebody or wound somebody the same time you can actually flinch shot down below and those rounds could actually hurt somebody so again these are techniques that we actually teach in a law enforcement world we don't go that off the chains because obviously well fortunately on Hollywood but again the tactics go back to the tactics a lot of them were really right on point so that scene was really good there then we move it to the next shootout scene where he goes into the church and I can tell you from that was one another impressive scene where he comes right at the priest shoots to wound him to drop him to basically incapacitate him temporarily and then he knows that these other guys in the pews are waiting for him and basically what he does he does a lot of turning into the known territories what we call it basically you're pivoting if you're gonna go right you always pivot on your right foot and you turn towards this is where I want to go pivots again backwards the opposite direction he hits the second guy at one point there's a scene in that pew shootout where he's moving and pivoting and turning and reacting it's the same thing in his training steel target poppers come up from different levels they're coming up and that's what he was trained to to react one comes up ding hit steal second one ding so when you put in life and you see bad guys coming at you you can actually turn your body in different directions and that's how he was taught to engage threats that's why his gun muzzle discipline was just below line-of-sight so you can acquire his targets in no matter where he turned where a lot of people they look with the squinting eye in real time and they squint with that eye and then they have to present that gun up to their eye which is pretty good it's not hard to do it's just you have half a visual where two eyes open you see you pivot ding pivoting the pivoting and then the parking lot seen very impressed with the tactical movements elbows nice and tight that's one of the key thing a lot of times you'll see a lot of these shooting platforms with the rifles and elbows out which is our old military down Wayne style shooting and it has its place when it comes to CQB close quarter battle movement and going after attack mode people having their elbows tight to the body almost like a support element just moving from left to right scanning left and right he's moving his footwork it's an it's a nice speed motion basically it's a natural walking platform which is what we call like a warrant service B where we just you naturally walk and he's walking with the gun without without the barrel of the gun bouncing and he's engaging at his reactionary targets which are the bad guys in this movie the bad guys are firing he's reacting and isn't even seeing where he's actually taking both multiple rounds through a vehicle and he's and the rounds are going through the glass the doors and he actually gets low as he's moving he's constantly moving so he's doing a great job he's staying low because around to going through the glass of the vehicle and he gets to the back portion of the driver's side rear so he does a good job avoiding again the tracking mechanism where he's moving and it's hard to hit him moving target and that's where he engages back and forth and although that you know I throw a little gig where he he steps out with his legs wide open and he's engaging these guys even though he did that his stance if you look at his stance and people who watch this video you can say to yourself watch his stance his stance is in a fighting stance so like if he if you stopped and took the picture him standing next to that vehicle and you take the rifle out of his hand and you just put his hands there he's in a normal fighting stance which is what that's how most combative people that's how many SWAT operator of Special Forces or just a homeowner who's trying to defend himself you get a better shot off by standing the way he did so that's a great kudos there from de la créme the final finale where they're in the pier and the Russian boss are trying to escape with his guys and John becomes ballistic on them with his car and chasing him down he does a 90 degree spin on his vehicle and he shoots the guy although that's almost an impossible shot to take again I just talked about the shooting platform anything he did with his gun whether it's the the scene where he's inside his car and he's shooting people from the vehicle they made sure that his arm extension when he punched that weapon out of his vehicle his arm his arm was stabilized so realistically you good one handed shooters to tell you they can get good shot off with a good stable platform if his arm was bent in and he was doing like a candid gangster-style chances are you know it might have gotten maybe a couple of flailing rounds coming at him but reality accurate shots come when you have a good stable platform so again all those scenes where he's in his vehicle and he's shooting the stable platform was really good for his arm so I give him kudos on that so again that's kind of where I can see the movie was well thought out when it comes to special weapons and tactics so let's talk about just like Keanu Reeves like you look at an actor like that where would you like how would you greet him just seeing that training that he did and then just doing some follow-up on his background cuz he's obviously in real life he's a very low-key guy I think if I was able to take him to some of our SWAT training classes and specialty classes I think he'd he'd hang with the best of all I just think just by watching a lot of intense drills that he did and adding the MMA component to it but just the tactics of the weapon handling and stuff he definitely has you know I give him at least a good you know I'd like to give a guy an A+ but because he's not in our business I give at least a b-plus you know and with time and if you had more time because of lodgers last while operators and obviously Special Forces guys that you know they lead this stuff and he knows that and he respects all of what we do and we respect him for all the hard work you know he's willing to sweat for umpteen hours a day to get it right where we in law enforcement even a Special Forces guys and gals like you know you can't make any mistakes in movies he knows and just his interviews he knows that he can make his mistakes and get better at it where for us we want to make our mistakes in training but in real life when we go out there we only get one shot and if it doesn't work for us we may not be coming home alive so he knows that that's why I give them a good b-plus you know or like an a-minus just for his heart you know forty showed thinking thanks again for watching if you have any information or any question you want to ask our social media handle and my company business information will be listed below and if you're interested we also did a handle on the the cons of the movie John wick some of the negative things that we picked that as well so again to check that out also
Channel: Generation Films
Views: 11,803,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Wick, John wick 2, John Wick 3, Keanu, Keanu Reeves Training, tactical Training, Swat officer, Best shoot out john wick, John wick nightclub scene, John wick home scene, John wick action, Jose Medina, Aareness Protective Consultant, John wick dog, john wick martial arts, john wick training, how realistic is John Wick, Swat officer Anaylzes John Wick, Police Officer, Movie Tactics, How REalistic is John Wick
Id: 5J5vQnxJf3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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