KCU - 2018 Kansas City Campus White Coating Ceremony

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ladies and gentlemen please rise for the singing of the national anthem so proud [Music] the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight o'er the ramparts we watched were so again [Music] the bombs bursting in gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star-spangled banner [Music] [Music] [Applause] please welcome dr. Darren D'Agostino executive Dean for the College of Osteopathic Medicine and vice president for Health Affairs I have to say it it's the first line please be seated welcome to the white coat ceremony for the Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine what a great turnout family and friends this really is it's just amazing look around so round of applause for everybody that came in thank you for joining us this morning to recognize the 270 women and men of the class of 2022 who will soon wear the traditional and symbolic white coat of a physician before we begin it is our tradition to join in a moment of silence to honor the brave military men and women who through their service around the world defend our freedoms that we hold so dear once again welcome to Kansas City University and your new profession of osteopathic medicine we are proud to have each and every one of you as a new KCU student at this time I'd like to take a moment to recognize two additional guests who are in sitting on the platform party who share an interest in your success please stand when I say your name dr. David Tannehill president of the Missouri Association of osteopathic physicians and surgeons and dr. James de Rena jr. president-elect of the Missouri State Medical Association thank you for both for being class of 2022 there is great meaning in the white coats you hold now and will soon be wearing it is a universal symbol of integrity selflessness compassion honesty and dedication to service the principles on which osteopathic medicine was founded throughout today's ceremony you will hear more about what this white coat signifies and I would ask you to pay attention to that symbolism and to how its described by the people who will be speaking with you keep these attributes in mind not only for the next four years but for your entire career the white coating ceremony we are participating in this morning has been established by dr. Arnold gold in 1993 and this was really to foster humanism in medicine and was first celebrated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University the ceremony is designed to impress upon students physicians and the public the important symbolic role of the white coat in the physician patient relationship dr. Gould believed that the relationships he's developed with his patients during his practice of medicine taught him more about the human spirit and that role in the healing process more than any other venue of learning and so we are very pleased to honor and share this tradition with our income students and instill those important values in the next generation of KCU physicians ladies and gentlemen it is now my privilege to introduce you to our president and chief executive officer dr. mark Hahn hey thanks dr. D'Agostino you know it's great to be here today to celebrate with the KCU College of Osteopathic Medicine class of 2022 you know congratulations to all these incoming students since opening our doors in 1916 KCU has become one of the leading colleges of osteopathic medicine we have graduated more than 11,000 physicians and more than 8,000 alums currently practice medicine all throughout the United States and the world you know as a student of KCU you're now part of the ninth largest medical school in the United States you're also part of a leading educator of primary care physicians for the entire Midwest and as of this month the number one producer of physicians for the state of Missouri you know in addition this month KCU was recognized by the Chronicle of Higher Education as one of the nation's great colleges to work for in the United States we're proud of this distinction and grateful to you do your faculty and your staff because they've built this world-class institution how about a round of applause for our faculty you know in addition last fall we opened our new Medical School campus in Joplin Missouri to address the primary care and rural health needs of this state you know it also began a new program in clinical psychology last summer to help address the growing demand for behavioral health care all across the nation this spring we also celebrated the groundbreaking of our new 56,000 square foot Center for medical education innovation that Center is going to provide the latest technology and simulated clinical experiences for educating physicians around the city around the state and really around the country this class of medical students you'll be some of the first students to use this state-of-the-art facility you know today the white coat that you receive is both a literal and a symbolic mantle it represents the skill and the professionalism of a very select group of individuals individuals who commit themselves to the practice of medicine and service to humankind you know we're proud to welcome each and every one of you into this very select profession through this symbolic donning of the white coat we're proud of you were proud that you're here one more round of applause for our students you know it's now my pleasure to introduce dr. John P Smith who's chair of the Kansas City University Board of Trustees and he's going to offer his welcome as well to the class of 2020 - thanks good morning KCU class of 2021 but it sounds strange doesn't it to him it's my honor to bring you greetings from and behalf of all of the board of trustees of KCU and to welcome you not only to this white coat ceremony but also to welcome you to the profession for many years KCU has been a strong force in my life I began my medical career much like you in 1971 and I enjoyed it along and very gratifying career as a general surgeon in Wichita and have been proud to live out the university's mission statement of improving the well-being of the communities that we serve it is always a special experience for me to participate in this traditional rite of passage in which you receive your white coat a symbol of the acceptance into the practice of medicine but also a recognition that your class represents the next generation of osteopathic physicians family and friends thank you for being here to witness this momentous occasion these student doctors would not be here without your support they will continue to need your support as well and your presence here today at this ceremony just reinforces that concept and lets them know that they can count on you they can count on us as well and at this time I'd like to introduce dr. G Michael Johnston the campus dean for the KC College of Osteopathic Medicine dr. Smith thank you very much sir it's a pleasure to be here and to celebrate with the newest class of osteopathic medical students and I'm deeply honored to participate in this ceremony class of 2022 sounds good we're very committed to providing you with all the tools that you're going to need to successfully complete your osteopathic medical education at Kansas City University and to prepare you for graduate medical education and career pathways for the future you have the support of this team and these are highly dedicated faculty members that are here on the stage and you also have the entire devoted staff serving KCU for one reason and that's because of you I like to brag when I know I'm right about something and what I'm right about is your faculty I would like to ask you our faculty from Casey you and both campuses both Kansas City and Joplin to please stand and to be recognized this is the group of faculty that are going to take you across the finish line the famous writer Leo Tolstoy tells us that we all reach our place in life by standing on the shoulders of those who came before us on behalf of your loved ones in our audience I want to extend a special thank you to your immediate family your significant others and all who have participated and helped you get to this point in your career to practice medicine demands an intellectual acumen and a servant's heart it signifies the willingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of others but it also signifies your willingness to put others first both in thought and in action medical practice historically holds the place of respect respecting our culture and every generation of physicians has to earn that respect this is the greatest job there is on the planet this is not an entitlement that you get this is not a right that you get but you have to earn the privilege to care for patients so today marks the beginning of this transformation process from an individual to becoming a professional you're going to be held to a higher standard and you must continually demonstrate that you deserve the privilege of caring for your patients we have no doubt that this class of 2022 will honor the traditions and honor the obligations of the generations of osteopathic physicians that have preceded you and we feel strongly that you will conduct yourselves with honor and distinction during your time you're at our University and throughout pursuit of your medical careers so I want to say welcome and congratulations and it's my privilege to introduce our current our next president elect of KCU Alumni Association and my dear friend dr. Ross Shara thank you I want to thank dr. hon dr. Johnston dr. D'Agostino I was going to thank the entire staff but they've already been think twice and I don't want them to get a big head so we're gonna forego that I'm just gonna talk for a couple of minutes my wife says I talk too much but I don't believe her I want to welcome the class of 2020 to KCU I want to congratulate you and all the hard work that you performed has allowed you to arrive at this point your education I want to thank your parents and your extended family for all the assistance encouragement that they've provided for you as president-elect of the Kansas City University of Health Sciences Alumni Association with more than nine thousand living members want to welcome you into our family and it is truly a family because we're pulling for you wanting you to succeed in your education and later on in your practice we are here to assist you in any way we can to achieve this noble goal many of the alumni will be teaching you in your classes and later on in your preceptor ships it's important to us that you are totally successful and all that you do in serving your patients and the communities in which they live the Alumni Association is here solely for the success of its members and the success of our alma mater KCU in so many ways your success is our success I want to let you know that you're about to join an amazing profession and it's not just a one-time thing because this is a journey it's starting now it will continue for your entire lives as you will continue to learn new treatments new processes new ways in general to help your patients overcome illnesses both physical and mental in 1967 I sat with my freshman classmates we were 113 strong we had only seven girls things have changed and for the better my wife says anyway we were wondering what we're going to get into you I can tell you what we found was a wonderful fulfilling profession but it's more than just a profession as I said before it's a journey it's a lifetime journey and it's an amazing journey so don't blink because it goes by just that fast enjoy every single mile of it and my hope is that when you graduate you will become strong members of our Alumni Association and someday about 50 years from now one of you will stand here as president-elect of the Alumni Association welcoming the class of twenty seventy two and I'll be in the audience to grade your performance good luck and Godspeed thank you dr. Shira I now invite student dr. Michael quartz to the podium Michael is a member of our class of 2021 and serves as your Student Government Association president thank you dr. D'Agostino class of 2020 to friends and family distinguished colleagues and mentors I actually think I saw a dog walking in so to the dog as well my name is Michael quartz and I'm the student government president for the 2018-19 school year before I get started I just need to have a confession I'm having a little bit of a freakout for two reasons one it's really intimidating to sit up here with all of these very prestigious people and two it's really weird to be talking all of you when about a year ago that's exactly where I was so I need to sit down and figure out where the last year went no I'm really honored to be speaking today especially the friends and family this was a really special event for me last year my my family came my best friend and his wife came down from Des Moines and then my 95 year old grandparents actually drove from Denver Colorado many Colorado people out there come talk to me afterwards we're gonna take a trip we're gonna watch the Broncos beat the Chiefs but it was really it was a really special moment for me having them there my grandpa's a retired surgeon and World War two vet and my grandma is a cancer survivor and so it was really fervent and surreal and I don't remember all the moments you know I'm still trying to figure out how to hold your white coat and all that stuff but it was one of the top five most reverent moments of my life and so spend as much time with your friends and family this weekend as you can Monday's gonna hit the ground running pretty quickly right and if you guys need suggestions on where to eat I've got some really good places you can't find anywhere else Qdoba chick-fil-a's grade Raising Cane's and you Louisiana folks out there and that's a good segue into what I want to ask of you today and I am talking with students and that's the prioritize relationships the first relationship that I do want you to prioritize is with your friends and family back home you know I'm not I can't claim any success that I've had to this point it's been on the shoulder as much like dr. J said of other people and so you're gonna be hard pressed to find significant inconsistent time with these people that have gotten you to this point right and but it's not so much the quantity of times the quality and the consistency that I think is important and so whether that's spending every Wednesday night on the phone with your mom I'm a Sunday guy so I spend Sunday mornings on the phone with my mom although she just figured out FaceTime and so there's no such thing as a phone call anymore I don't know if she just wants to make sure my beard isn't gross or what but or maybe that's every other Friday designating that to be the date night with your significant other because it's that consistency that is key the second relationship that I want to ask you to prioritize you know their classmates sitting next to you and me too I'm your classmate so be my friend when you look to your left and your right you know these are gonna be your best friends whether you like them or not you could very well not even like your best friend and because you need them and they need you right and you're gonna realize pretty quickly that you need them to get to that finish line and the finish line isn't just the do I just become an excellent doctor okay these might be some of the hardest and maybe not the best years of your life but they're gonna be I've only got one year of experience so take it with a grain of salt but they're gonna be pretty amazing if you can cultivate the mentorships and the friendships with the people around you okay and the third relationship that I want you to prioritize and the most important that I want you to take away with you today is really not a relationship at all and that's with yourself okay you're not just a medical student I said it again you were not just a medical student I wish I had realized that earlier okay the towel and the personality that you bring to KC you are gonna be this is gonna be a support beams that upon which we build the foundation for the University for years to come okay it's not just the technical skills that you learn and I say all this I'm asking you to prioritize these relationships for two reasons one it's gonna go by quickly I told you I don't know where the last year went I need to not go to class for the first week and just sit down and reflect on what happened but to you know medical students and doctors are at an increased risk for depression and anxiety and we need to talk about that and it cannot be taboo because it is incredibly important to realize that and these relationships that you build with the people around you the foundation that you built to this point and with yourself the things that you enjoy I'm gonna help you to handle that stress better so don't forget to look around every once in a while instead of always down at your iPad and your books and always forward to the future because it's gonna go about quickly and you're gonna want to take in every part of this is that you can okay I want to say thank you to all the friends and family again please save travels on the ride home I'd need I say that with sincerity because my 95 year old grandparents their 95 their car caught on fire at the very end of their Drive back so please get help they're fine by the way they might be watching I love you guys please get home safely and thank you it'll be a pleasure to get to meet all of you so thanks thank you Michael so Michael and 430 of his Coast students set a very high bar for you guys so we're gonna be watching you that was great really appreciate it we're pleased to have as our keynote speaker today kamila Rahman Russell do a 2014 Casey eucom graduate dr. Roman Russell currently works as an inpatient corrections psychiatrist at the Harris Center for mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities and the Harris County Jail in Houston Texas she also serves as an adjunct faculty at Baylor College of Medicine dr. Roman Russell left her mark on kc u by creating two programs that enhance education and career prospects for at-risk teens both of which continue at our school today she was the recipient of Casey used 2014 medallion award in recognition of noteworthy contributions to our institution into our community please join me in welcoming dr. Camilla Roman Russell all right good morning everyone all right so I want to start by saying it is really an honor to be here it's an honor to share this moment with the class of 2022 with your family your friends and the people who care about you I know that you probably mistakenly believe that this is the beginning of your medical education but it is not you got here years ago and today is just a manifestation of your hard work dedication and belief in yourself make no mistake that each of you each and every one of you belong here well everyone's journey to get here was different you have all arrived and that is something to celebrate this is truly a dream come true I know we've congratulated you guys all already but please take a moment to applaud yourselves and the people who helped you get here all right so if you allow me for a few moments I'd like to take your time and briefly tell you my story then we will talk a little bit about an important skill that I hope you will take along this journey for the next four years and hopefully through the rest of your life then we'll get on to what you all came here for okay sound like a plan all right so my story begins with the moment that occurred maybe about 17 years ago I was 19 years old I was a high school dropout I was working a minimum-wage job and I was sitting in a hospital bed alone with my newborn daughter I remember looking at this beautiful infant and wanting the world for her I made a decision like in that moment hours after giving birth to her that I wouldn't expect anything from her that I wasn't willing to do for myself I knew that investing in my own education was the only way that I could change the course of our lives so that's what I did so one week later I enrolled in a community college and I signed up to take the GED exam so what am I can't claim to fame ziz that I have a medical degree and a GED [Laughter] it's actually pretty sad like I never went to grad night in high school and as my daughter approaches senior year I'm like I'm gonna go to your grandma I think that would be awesome she doesn't think so all right so fast forward eight years there was a lot of hard work and dedication to get to where you guys are right now for me I had to work there were times where when I transferred I went to UCLA and when I transferred to UCLA I was commuting sometimes six hours a day public transportation and then working at night you know just to make it but I got here right and I remember sitting at my white coating ceremony and it could have been graduation for me I was like super excited it was like I can't believe I am actually here and it was such a beautiful moment and at that time I was then married and had another child so I started medical school with an 8 year old and a six month old and so for me I was just like I'm gonna kill this right like medical school I've worked hard I'm gonna be at the top of my class because I know like what determination looks like and this is going to be a breeze so I was very wrong [Music] there were in particular my children weren't with me my first year of med school which I thought would be a little bit easier but it was actually really really difficult and there were a lot of times that so the faculty aren't just teaching you medicine they are actually significant support systems right so there was a time that dr. parrot called me on the phone and I'm falling apart crying and where I was I've cried in offices and just like you know in real life how much more these people were to me than just people who were educating me that they meant a lot to me in this process so needless to say there were times where I was probably suffering from clinical depression I was overwhelmed and exhausted pretty much all the time I never worked so hard just to be average I remember one day sitting in my car after a test that I didn't do so well on but I passed barely and I was incredibly disappointed in myself and as I said in my car kind of overwhelmed with emotion it it was like right after a few days where it had been snowing and I watched this woman walking down the street and just in that moment I just decided to watch her and she was pushing a stroller while walking with a small child and I realized that my life experience was more similar to that woman than it was to most of my peers in that watching her I was reminded that no matter how hard this thing was that I was right here where I was supposed to be it wasn't supposed to be easy and there were so many things that really are much more difficult than medical school and as you work with patients you will soon discover that and so I sat and watched her disappear down the street and that day I drove over to the community behind the school I walked into the leasing Center and I asked them what they needed and what we could do what I could do with my fellow classmates to help the children of the community surrounding the school and that was the day that the Riverview tutoring project was created so during my second year I began to work with the group of students at Northeast high school my family was here then and somehow it was like Oh have more responsibilities keep doing more stuff so this worked for me and I was assisting in a biology class and I went there weekly after lectures it helped me just get a little bit of time about an hour to everyday away from school and just to kind of have some moments where I was actively in the community and helping students but one day I arrived in the classroom and the mood was very different I found out that the night before one of the students from the class I have been working with was killed in a drive-by shooting and I sat there devastated with the kids mostly in silence and not really sure what to do or say just feeling very emotionally overwhelmed by really the senselessness of the whole thing and I listened to the students talk with themes of community violence and hopelessness because of where they lived and after some inquiry I realized that these students actually had no idea where I came from and what our school was right in their own backyards and yet our campus could have been in a different universe from them sitting and being still in that moment I knew that I had to do more I knew that these kids needed to know what was accessible to them right in their own backyards and this was the day that the idea for a medical student for a day was created so the moment right now for you all is a beautiful moment take joy in that but make no mistake that this will not be an easy journey for everyone for some of you it will be a breeze and for others it will be very challenging and even if you do amazingly well as a student that does not mean that there will not be other challenges in your life during your time here some of the greatest lessons you will learn in medical school will not come from the classroom the interesting thing about many of you myself included is that I naively believed that life stopped for the rest of the world just because I was in med school life continues and I learned this lesson in a very difficult way at the end of my second year when my brother was murdered and I remember thinking I'm supposed to be studying for step not one not helping to plan a funeral and I want to remind you guys don't get so wrapped and worried about studying for step one that you forget the importance of getting through day one week one again this is just the beginning you all belong here the person who's ranked 270 is just as important as the person who will be ranked number one in the class your patients need you and furthermore the student who will be ranked 270 is still higher rank than the person who didn't get in and this is where the skill comes from the skill of mindfulness and being in the moment allows us to observe and attend to our thoughts feelings events and behaviors without trying to change them we just simply collect data about what is going on in the moment be still and observe this moment sit here and appreciate it after we become aware through observations we can describe our experience the more accurately and richly we describe our experience the more empathy and self-control we will have it is important to separate our experience from reality and understand that feelings or thoughts are just that they are not facts try your best to focus on what it is that you were here for if you believe that not doing well on one test makes you a failure you are very inaccurate because you didn't get here because you're a failure you got here because you were successful you are here to become a healer and you can't help anyone if you first can't take care of yourself try to become more present in alive in each moment of our lives finally remember to check on each other you're going to make lifelong friends here some of you are going to meet your spouse's and other people who would change the course of your life right here amongst your cohort check in with your friends and families as much as possible you'd be surprised how important it is just to be present with one another someone very important to me recently told me that the fastest route to depression is to compare yourself to others he said that training yourself to appreciate without assessment is very helpful so I want to remind you that the white coat you will receive today marks the beginning of a wonderful journey where with pride you earned it but also remember to wear it with humility you now have a great responsibility to the life and well-being of others even as a medical student your white coat carries significance while others see you in it and as a proud member of the medical profession I welcome you to the rest of this journey now let's go be great thank you [Applause] Wow between Michael and Camila I think I want to go back to medical school dr. Winslow you in the audience can I enroll so thank you dr. Ramon Russell for your inspiring words to our new students and now it's time for our ceremony five individuals who have been introduced to you throughout today's program will have the privilege of presenting the members of the class of 2020 to with their white coats they are dr. G Michael Johnston dr. Camila Ramon Russell dr. David Tannehill dr. Carol korilla and dr. James de Rena please join us on the stage [Applause] all right student dr. Alexander Adler from Oconomowoc Wisconsin graduate of the University of Wisconsin Madison student dr. Chris Albertson from Akron Ohio graduate of the University of Pittsburgh student doctors Arielle Cazalas graduate of University of Nevada Las Vegas from Las Vegas Nevada student dr. Meena le he from Baltimore and a graduate of the University of Maryland student dr. Pedro Maya I'm from Columbus Ohio and I graduated from The Ohio State University student dr. Kevin ampler from Prairie Village Kansas graduate of Benedictine college student dr. Jacob Andrews from Roanoke Virginia Rhona college student dr. Jeffrey Applebaum from Leawood Kansas graduate from the University of Kansas student dr. Caitlin Aquino from Norfolk Virginia graduate of Old Dominion University student dr. Christina soft from st. Louis Missouri graduated from st. Louis University student dr. Ann asked from Conway springs Kansas University of st. Mary student dr. Taylor Atkinson from Wattana Minnesota graduate of the University of Kansas student dr. Aviva Schuler from Omaha Nebraska graduated from the University of Nebraska Lincoln student dr. zubeidaa sorry I'm from Spirit Lake Iowa and I graduated from Wartburg College student dr. Colin Baker from Iowa City Iowa graduate of the University of Iowa student dr. Sophia Barbour from Hickory North Carolina graduate of the University of North Carolina student dr. Andrea Bartlett from Waterloo Iowa and University of Northern Iowa student dr. Jesse basher from Wichita Kansas and Oklahoma State University student doctor Bernadette Bautista from Lancaster for me Lancaster California graduated from UC Berkeley student dr. Samantha Baxter from Garnett Valley Pennsylvania I graduated from the University of Arizona student dr. who share Bubba honey from Brooklyn Ontario graduated from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology dr. Vanessa Belknap from Rockford Illinois graduate of University of Illinois at urbana-champaign student dr. Ian Bell from El Paso Texas graduated from the University of Kansas student dr. Kaiser Bundy potti I'm from Carmel Indiana and I graduated from Washington University in st. Louis student dr. Nebel anja from Milwaukee Wisconsin graduated from University of Wisconsin Milwaukee student dr. Sara Bigelow from Las Vegas Nevada graduated San Francisco State University student dr. Fatima Bilal from West gloom field Michigan graduated from University of Michigan student dr. Madison Baum card from manchester maryland a graduate of Temple University student dr. Benjamin Booher from Honolulu Hawaii graduated Seattle University student dr. Elyse bowler from Orlan Hills Illinois graduate of Lewis University student dr. Austin Boyd from San Diego California graduated from UC San Diego student dr. Garrett Braeburn from West Haven Utah graduated from Dixie State University student dr. Kanter Breidenbach from Oglesby Illinois graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University student dr. Dylan Birdwell from Wichita Kansas graduated Baylor University student dr. Blake Brown from Hampton Iowa graduate of Simpson College student dr. Rajesh Marella from Monroe New York graduated from Binghamton University student dr. Alden Burrage Kent Washington Northern Arizona University student dr. Kara soon from Cedar Rapids Iowa graduate of Olivet Nazarene University student dr. Jesse cable from Palm Beach Florida graduate of the University of Florida student dr. Christian camp at from Ventura California graduate of UC Santa Barbara student dr. Abigail Carlson from Baldwin City Kansas I'm a graduate of Simpson College student dr. Michelle Chang from Taiwan and I graduated from Georgetown University student dr. Tobin Chambal Voe from Naperville Illinois graduate of st. Louis University student dr. Kevin Chen from Danville California graduate of Case Western Reserve University student dr. Evan Shipley from st. Louis Missouri graduate of University of missouri-columbia student dr. Boden Christensen from Provo Utah graduate of Brigham Young University student dr. Justin Chuang from Plano Texas the University of Arkansas woo pig student dr. Michael Chun from Houston Texas and the loudest and the proudest member of the fightin Texas Aggie class of 2018 student dr. Austin Carlson from Kalamazoo Michigan graduate of the University of Michigan go blue student dr. Michael Constance from Columbus Ohio from the Ohio State University go bucs student dr. Eric Bailey Cox from Mooresville Indiana graduate of Indiana University Bloomington student dr. Matt Cox from Crystal Lake Illinois graduate of Marquette University student dr. Paul Krager from Lincoln Nebraska graduate of Minnesota State University Mankato student dr. David cooties from Pittsburgh PA graduate of University of Pittsburgh student dr. Eric Dahlquist from Shoreview Minnesota graduate from Carleton College student dr. Darin rippy from Kansas City Missouri graduated from Cleveland University Kansas City student dr. Justin dasa from Kansas City Missouri graduate of Brigham Young University I'm student dr. Frank de Stefano from Des Moines Iowa I graduated from the University of Iowa from Marshfield Wisconsin and I graduated from uw-madison students after a mere Lou from Kim TT Missouri and I'm a graduate of the University of Kansas student doctor cuando from Anaheim California graduate from UC Santa Barbara student doctor reading from Vietnam graduate from University of Utah student dr. Edward Dorfman from Los Angeles California and graduated UC San Diego student dr. taryn Douglas from Cleveland Ohio graduate of the Ohio State University student dr. Stephen doxy from Salt Lake City Utah graduate of Brigham Young University student dr. Brooke Drebin stem from Hannibal Missouri graduate of Columbia College student dr. vitaly douche now from jasmine I graduate Avila University of Illinois urbana-champaign student dr. drew dye from Poplar Bluff Missouri graduate of the University of Missouri Kansas City student dr. Harlan Egan from Nappanee Indiana graduated Ball State University student dr. Jonathan eller from Ankeny Iowa I graduated from Iowa State University student dr. Cynthia Evangelista from Los Angeles California I'm a graduate from UC Irvine student dr. Mitchell Fagan from Oconomowoc Wisconsin graduated from the University of Wisconsin Madison student dr. Ryan Fairfield from Kansas City Missouri graduate from University of Missouri Columbia student dr. Carter Farrell from Russell Pennsylvania graduate a Penn State student dr. Nicholas Foust from Stila Kansas and graduated from the University of Kansas student dr. Todd's afia's from Barrie Ontario Canada graduated from the University of Western Ontario student dr. Patrick Foley from Chicago graduate of Denison University student dr. Dylan Forsythe from Frisco Texas graduate of the University of Oklahoma student dr. Zachary Foust from Plainfield Illinois and I graduated from the University of Illinois in urbana-champaign student dr. Reed Campbell from Minneapolis Minnesota graduate of the University of Minnesota student dr. Ryan Garwood I'm from Melbourne Florida and I graduated from the University of Central Florida student dr. Victoria Glass got from aughts Ville PA graduate of Penn State student dr. Mateus and Jana Seguin from Toronto Canada and I graduated from Western University student dr. Matthew Godin from Boston Mass graduated Yukon student dr. Brittany comer from Harker Heights Texas Sam Houston State University student dr. Paula Gomez from Los Angeles California and I graduated from UCLA student dr. Anika Kumar from Kerala India graduated from Mississippi State University hi everyone I'm student dr. Katherine Grabowski from Clarendon Hills Illinois and I'm a graduate of the University of Iowa student dr. Andrew Griffin from Tyler Texas I'm a graduate of will turn on University student dr. Forrest Gupta from Alchemist Michigan and graduate of Michigan State University student dr. Kenneth Hackbarth I'm from Rockford Illinois I graduated from the University of Iowa student dr. Hanna Haddad from New Orleans Louisiana graduate of Louisiana State University student dr. Emily Hahn from st. Louis Missouri graduate of Truman State University student dr. Madison Hahn from Maple Grove Minnesota a graduate of the University of Minnesota student dr. Jeremy Hale from Rochester Minnesota Winona State University student dr. Jack Halverson from Orono Minnesota graduate of the University of Minnesota student dr. Chad Hamilton from Denver Colorado graduate of Brigham Young University student dr. Brian Hankey graduate of Liberty University from Lynchburg Virginia student dr. Andrew Herold from Blue Springs Missouri the University of Missouri Kansas City student dr. iris Hart from Spokane Washington graduate of Montana State University student dr. Marisa do proof from Brooklyn New York graduated from City University of New York hunter college student dr. Rhonda Hashem from Chicago Illinois graduate of University of Illinois at Chicago happy birthday mom student dr. Hirata when Heder from Toronto Canada and I graduated from York University student dr. Ayman hay from Dallas Texas graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas whoosh dr. Monika honey from Rochester Hills Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan student dr. Nicholas Heyman from Belleville Illinois and the University of Illinois urbana-champaign student dr. Colin hemmin from Chicago Illinois graduate of Goucher College student dr. hawa Henderson from Knoxville Tennessee and I graduated from the University of Tennessee student dr. Jonathan header Zach from Apopka Florida Creighton University student dr. hunter hoops from Mesa Arizona and graduate of Arizona State University Mankato area from Toronto Canada graduated of University of Toronto student Kevin wah from Orange California and graduate from the University of Southern California student dr. Chloe Holmes from Scottsdale Arizona graduate of Arizona State University student doctor of Samana Shane from Plainfield Illinois and graduate of University of Illinois urbana-champaign I am student doctor Jed I jeez awake I from Woodbury Minnesota and I graduated from Case Western Reserve University [Applause] student dr. Kevin izquierdo from Lemont Illinois Marquette University student dr. Rob salata from Rancho Cucamonga California and I graduated from UC San Diego stood in dr. gene Jiang from Toronto Canada I graduated from the University of Western Ontario student dr. semir Javad from Fairfax Station Virginia and graduate from and oddly the greatest University of Virginia Virginia Tech student dr. Alexis joy King from Columbia South Carolina a graduate of Spellman college student dr. Navia kartha from San Antonio Texas graduate of the University of Houston student dr. Varsha Qatari from Long Island New York I graduated from the New York Institute of Technology student dr. Monica Corps from Tracy California graduated from University of California Santa Cruz dr. Mallory Kahn from st. Louis Missouri I'm a graduate of the University of Missouri Columbia hi I'm student doctor shabam Costa from Jacksonville Florida graduated from the University of Miami student dr. Justin King from Visalia California I graduated from California State University Fresno student dr. Megan kielbasa from Kansas City Missouri graduate of Missouri State University I'm student dr. vino decoder from Fairfax Virginia I graduated from University of Virginia student dr. Sam Konigsberg from Oak Park Illinois graduated from the University of Illinois urbana-champaign student dr. URI krub Chuck from Carter Springs Colorado University of Colorado Boulder steamed dr. Joseph Kovac from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania graduate of the University of Pittsburgh student dr. Tyler kee from Honolulu Hawaii graduated from the university of hawaii at manoa student dr. Karen Leigh I'm from Lake Zurich Illinois and I graduated from the University of Illinois champaign-urbana student dr. Ross Larson from Fremont California from UC San Diego student during our from Sacramento California UC San Diego student dr. Jenny Lee from st. Louis Missouri and I graduated from st. Louis University student dr. Linda Lee from st. Louis Missouri and I graduated from st. Louis University student dr. Ellie from San Jose California and I graduated from UC Davis student doctors generally from South Korea I graduated from Loyola University Chicago student dr. sunny Lee from South Korea and I graduate Purdue University Vincent Lee Irvine California UCI student dr. Joe Lee from Brooklyn New York graduate of Columbia University student I went in Lee from Singapore I graduated from Rice University student dr. Mike Lim from Fremont California graduate of University of California San Diego student dr. Chanti major Lin from Taiwan graduated from University Iowa student after question Alice leo from Cary North Carolina I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Co Hills student dr. Catherine Liu from San Diego California and I graduated from UCI student doctor Clara Liu from Las Vegas Nevada graduate of University of Nevada Las Vegas student dr. Michele livets from River woods Illinois a graduate from the University of Iowa go Hawks student dr. Gillian long from Leawood Kansas graduate of Kansas State University soon dr. Natalie Longley from Portland Oregon graduate of Seattle Pacific University student dr. Caitlyn games from McKinney Texas graduate from Oklahoma State University still a doctor said you'll open up from Sterling Heights Michigan graduate of Wayne State University soon dr. Jim Lee from Vietnam in Texas and I'm a writer of Austin college student dr. Matthew malanga I'm from Matawan New Jersey and a graduate of Rutgers University student dr. danielle Mangini from st. paul minnesota graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College student dr. Angela manova from Columbus Ohio the Ohio State University I'm student dr. Joshua May from Topeka Kansas and a graduate of Kansas State University student dr. Tim Mayo from st. Louis Missouri graduate of st. Louis University student dr. Holly moszer from Dearborn Michigan graduated from the University of Michigan go blue student dr. Lauren Mason from Rockville Maryland graduate from the University of Michigan go blue student dr. Wickham is under from Memphis Tennessee Rhodes College student dr. Elizabeth Johnston from San Diego California graduate of San Francisco State University soon dr. Justin McGee from Overland Park Kansas graduated University of Kansas student dr. Addison acquire from Higby Missouri and Central Methodist University student dr. Anthony McKeever from Grand Rapids Michigan graduate the University of Michigan go blue student dr. Laura McClean from Ontario Canada and I graduated from the College of Charleston student dr. Scott McMann from Kansas City Missouri graduated from Truman State University student doctor am i through Mehta from Schaumburg Illinois I graduated a st. Louis University student dr. Michael Mercurio from Buffalo New York graduate of the University of Pittsburgh student dr. Stephanie moderate from Mount Vernon Illinois graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University student dr. Yasmin Chelsea Mohammed II from California graduate of the University of California Berkeley I am student dr. Daniel Moore from Tallahassee Florida and I graduated from the University of Florida student doctor abbiamo true from Arnold Maryland graduated from Nova Southeastern University student dr. Poonam og from Spartanburg South Carolina and I graduated from Wofford College student dr. Nicholas Murphy from Jacksonville Florida Florida State University student dr. Judy Nene from Elmhurst Illinois from the University of Illinois at champaign-urbana student dr. Louie nastasi I'm from Lees Summit Missouri and I graduated from the University of Missouri student dr. Perez Lobby from Overland Park Kansas graduate from William Jewell college student dr. Nicholas Nelson from Fresno California graduate of Brigham Young University student dr. Christine in from Andover Kansas I graduated from nume university soon dr. downwind I'm from Diane Vietnam graduate from Pacific your organ student dr. Andrew Neiman from Lombard Illinois graduated from Arizona State University student in dr. Anita from Houston Texas and I graduated from the University of Houston student dr. Benjamin knife from Chino Valley Arizona and a graduate of the University of Arizona student dr. a Nina fleur from Columbus Nebraska graduate from Nebraska Wesleyan University student dr. Molly O'Brien Overland Park Kansas graduate from University of Nebraska Kearney student dr. Connor Rossum from Grosse Pointe Woods Michigan graduate of Michigan State University student dr. Martin Ostrow from st. Louis Missouri graduate of Miami University student October lumba from Houston Texas and graduate of B Ohio State University [Music] student dr. marina panting from Anchorage Alaska graduated at Case Western Reserve University student dr. Kathleen Parker from Elmhurst Illinois graduated from Elmhurst College student dr. fought the muppet L from Bloomingdale Illinois graduated from Elmhurst College student dr. payal Patel from Lubbock Texas graduate of the University of Texas in Austin student dr. Lucille Patel from South Brunswick New Jersey graduate of UC Berkeley student dr. Bhushan Patel from Downers Grove Illinois graduate from here solenoid Chicago student dr. Yash Patel from Los Angeles California graduate from University of California Irvine student dr. yogi Patel from Cincinnati Ohio graduate of University of Cincinnati student dr. John Angelo Perry from Twain Harte California and graduate of UC Davis student dr. Benson Peters from Dallas Texas University of Texas at Dallas student dr. tiana peterson from Grafton Nebraska graduate of Nebraska Wesleyan University student dr. t-top epillow qualm from Thailand graduated from Rice University student dr. Aaron Phillips from Saratoga Springs New York graduate of SUNY Oneonta student dr. Carly Pinkett from st. Paul Minnesota and August Anna University student dr. Scott Prince Elana from ERISA California University ever beside California student dr. Ella Popova from Overland Park Kansas graduated from Kansas State University student dr. Kevin Pugh from st. Louis Missouri graduate of Rockhurst University student doctor I'm a dragon from orland park illinois and I graduated from University of Illinois urbana-champaign student dr. Leah rainmakers I'm from Carroll Iowa and I'm a graduate of st. Mary's College in Indiana student dr. Joel rockin yo I'm from one apart California graduate of UC Riverside student dr. alia Rasheed from Calgary Alberta Canada and I graduated from McGill University student dr. sandy prasada from Orlando Florida graduate of the University of Central Florida from college student dr. David Rendon from Houston Texas and graduate of Baylor University [Music] student student dr. ADA Reyes from Honduras graduated from Oral Roberts University Oklahoma student dr. max rich from Deerfield Illinois graduated from the University of Kansas student dr. Landon Riggs from Janesville Wisconsin graduate from the University of Wisconsin Madison student dr. Zachary Rocca from Tampa Florida University of Florida student dr. mark rose from Millersville Maryland and I'm a graduate of the University of Maryland College Park student dr. our mean reunion from Overland Park Kansas I'm a graduate of the University of Kansas student dr. Sara Ruthie from Annapolis Maryland and I graduated from Columbia University student dr. Austin Sabah in Sacramento California and UCSC student in dr. Tori cellar and so from Long Island New York graduate of Tulane University student dr. swender massamba from Fremont California graduated UC Davis student dr. Ariel shove-its from Fort Lauderdale Florida and Florida Atlantic University student dr. Lydia Sharpe from Altoona Iowa graduate of University of Iowa student dr. corey scherer meadow from absurd British Columbia Canada graduate of the University of the Fraser Valley student dr. Olivia Steve from almond Iowa graduate of the University of Iowa go Hawks student dr. Stephanie so I go from Floss Merle anoi graduate from University of Michigan go blue happy birthday mom student doctor says signs from Grinnell Iowa graduate of Central College student dr. Ashman Singh from Ashburn Virginia and I graduated to get tagged go Hokies student dr. Bain veer Singh from Toronto Canada graduated from McMaster University student dr. harsh Singh from Logan Utah graduated from Utah State University student dr. Soni Singh from Omaha Nebraska graduate of Creighton University student dr. Huff's s Raja Deen from West by Illinois and a graduate of Benedictine University student dr. David Slough Peck from Stafford Virginia and the University of Mary Washington student dr. Nicole Smith from Grand Rapids Michigan graduate from Southern Adventist University student dr. Stevenson hockey from Canton Michigan and I graduated from Michigan State University student dr. Isaac Springer from Omaha Nebraska graduate of Missouri State University student dr. Michael Stan chick from Lenexa Kansas and a graduate of the University of Kansas student dr. Nicholas steer from Minneapolis Minnesota University of st. Thomas student dr. Madison stylin from st. Joseph Missouri and I went to Missouri State University go bears student dr. Umar's sighted from Dallas Texas and the University of Texas at Dallas student dr. Ryan ton from Calgary Alberta in Canada graduate from the University of Calgary student dr. su un tan from Marietta Georgia graduated University of Georgia Gold Dogs student dr. Tom Tran from San Francisco California graduated from UC Irvine student dr. Tyler Tryon from Allen Texas and a graduate of Brigham Young University student dr. Austin Vaughn from Plano Texas graduate of the University of Oklahoma student dr. Zach visi Nonis from Paradise California and a graduate of Colorado State University of Pueblo Stu and dr. Nicholas Boston Berg from FedEx Burt Virginia graduate of Eastern Kentucky University student doctor fumble from Vietnam pressure from Worcester Polytechnic Institute student dr. grant Walker from battleground Washington graduate of Brigham Young University student dr. Caleb Ward from Idaho Falls Idaho Idaho State University student dr. Reid Wasserman from Fort Lauderdale Florida graduated from Hofstra University student dr. Jamie Webber from San Francisco California graduate from UC Santa Cruz student dr. Peter Witkin from st. Petersburg Florida graduated from the Florida State University student dr. Jacob weepin from Omaha Nebraska Rockers University student dr. Brooklyn Williams from Clinton Missouri graduated from the University of Missouri Kansas City [Applause] student dr. Dana Williams I'm sure miss about the Kansas a graduate of the University of Kansas student dr. Paige Kowski Elizabeth town Pennsylvania Penn State University student dr. Addison wit from Bolivar Missouri graduate of Missouri State University go bears Stephen dr. Kevin Wu from Naperville Illinois graduate of University of Illinois urbana-champaign student dr. Maria Anna Skye ago from Northbrook Illinois graduate of the University of Illinois urbana-champaign I'm student dr. Jessica Yemm I'm from Los Angeles California I graduated from UCLA student dr. Bing Ron you from Baltimore Maryland graduated from the University of Maryland student dr. Michels ahead from st. Louis Missouri graduated from st. Louis University student dr. Batool Zeljko from Dallas Texas to graduated the University of Texas at Dallas student dr. Williams Bukowski from Baltimore Maryland graduate of the Johns Hopkins University I would invite our coders to take a seat about a round of applause for 270 new KCU students [Music] that that was awesome and I just want to let you know this will be the whitest your white coats will be for the rest of your life so now class of 2022 just as the faculty has made this symbolic pledge to you by placing this white coat on your shoulders we ask you in turn to make a pledge to exhibit ethical and honorable behaviors as a student and to maintain the trust expected of a physician by taking the osteopathic oath I'm going to invite any physician in the audience and on the podium to stand and join you in this oath so please stand raise your right hand and repeat after me I do hereby affirm my loyalty to the profession I am about to enter I will be mindful always of my great responsibility to preserve the health and life of my patients to retain their confidence and respect both as a physician and a friend who will guard their secrets with scrupulous honor and fidelity to perform faithfully my professional duties to employ only those recognized methods of treatment consistent with good judgment and with my skill and ability keeping in mind always nature's laws and the body's inherent capacity for recovery I will be ever vigilant in aiding in the general welfare of the community sustaining its laws and institutions not engaging in those practices which will in any way bring shame or discredit upon myself or my profession I will give no drugs for deadly purposes to any person though it be asked of me I will endeavor to work in accord with my colleagues in a spirit of progressive cooperation and never by word or by act cast imputations upon them or their rightful practices I will look with this respect and esteem upon all those who have taught me my art to my college I will be loyal and strive always for its best interests and for the interests of the students who will come after me I will be ever alert to further the applications of basic biologic truths to the healing arts and to develop the principles of Osteopathy which were first enunciated by andrew taylor still class of 2022 please turn and face the audience ladies and gentlemen it's my honor [Applause] ladies and gentlemen it's my honor to present the class of 2022 I'd also like to let you know this brings our ceremony to an end and we invite you back to campus for a light lunch and we hope to meet everybody there have a great day [Applause]
Channel: Kansas City University
Views: 6,054
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: KCU, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, Osteopathic School, White Coating
Id: eFCtWG3Nvec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 15sec (4995 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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