2019 White Coat Ceremony - Class of 2021 (Full length)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon everyone my name is Edward Farkas and I am the vice dean at the Toro College of Dental Medicine it is with great pleasure that we welcome you all to our second annual white coat ceremony I would like to start by thanking the students for their hard work which made the ceremony possible I would also like to thank their friends and family for being here to support them and helping me illustrate a point I make with the students every day which is that 90% of success in life is showing up please extend a warm welcome to our guest speaker dr. Richard Lipton Thal our distinguished visitor dr. Thomas Connelly who is president of the American College of dentists and to dr. Mitra Patel chairwoman of the new membership for the 9th district Dental Society thank you all for being here as some of you might remember on the first day of orientation you were given a set of scrubs and barbeque for lunch in the two years since you have received approximately 1500 hours of classroom instruction which includes lectures simulated work on mannequins dozens of exams and hands-on practicals for this successful accomplishment you will today receive your white coat two years from now we look forward to completing the rest of the outfit with a well-deserved and well-earned cap and gown as one of the most significant milestones in a dental students education the white coat ceremony not only welcomes the newest clinicians to practical study in the clinic it also marks the beginning of two years of intense hands-on experience on live human beings that will ultimately prepare you for a successful career in dentistry the training wheels are officially off and we want you to know that we are proud of you we look forward to great things from each and every one of you and we are ready to welcome you as colleagues and work side-by-side with you good luck to you all to start today's program I would like to call to the stage the Toro College of Dental Medicine is very own a cappella group the chromatic scale is who will perform the star-spangled banner' please rise [Applause] oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight [Music] oh man parts we watched were so gallantly streaming [Music] the bombs bursting gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star-spangled [Music] [Music] and [Laughter] [Music] please remain standing to the invitation thank you for that lovely performance next we have with us a dear friend of mine and a dear friend of the dental school since its inception for my Moshe Krupp the executive vice president of the taro college and university system Rob iopa will deliver today's invocation good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is a day of accomplishment a milestone day in the education and training of these fine young dental students in our faith tradition when you reach a milestone you take a moment to offer thanks and a prayer for continued success and blessings parents spouses dear ones sitting in the audience right now facing this wonderful group of students feel free to join with me in offering up a prayer of thanksgiving and requests for future divine guidance and intervention Aviva Shibata my and my Heavenly Father bless all of those were assembled here today to rejoice in this white coat ceremony of the turo College of Dental Medicine class of 2021 Almighty God Rifai colbus our uma Flula sews you are the healer of all flesh wondrous in your acts you have instructed an empowered humanity to cure the ill and provide comfort and aid to all of your children we and all who are involved in this outstanding Citadel of dental education are your agents in your divine work of healing may your abundant blessings always be showered on those who enter the halls of this Dental College may he give strength courage and fortitude to the men and women who are about to begin their direct patient care training grant them the wisdom and the strength to maintain to restore and to heal those that are in need and dear God we ask that you shower your blessings upon the families of these students parents spouses children and other dear ones who have been there for support and encouragement and I've sacrificed so much so that these dental students can persevere and succeed we seek your blessings and sustaining support for the administration faculty and students of the turo College of Dental Medicine grant them the wisdom resolve and fortitude to continue our noble mission our mission to serve strengthen and improve your world dear God with its rich diversity an ever increasing potential for good we ask for your continued divine guidance so that we together can achieve our collective great potential individually and as a dental community Thank You rabbi Kripke it now gives me great pleasure to welcome to the podium our dean dr. Roddy Meyers thank you Thank You ed welcome to this important day in the life and times of the Torah College of Dental Medicine class of 2021 today marks an incredible milestone in the development of you the students of T C diem as well as the loved ones who are here and have been there every step of the way to support you on this journey that milestone that one giant leap of going from library simulation lab Rekluse to clinic oral health care provider will be remembered throughout your entire professional career so we mark this day with great celebration and remarkable anticipation as you begin the second half of your education I and the entirety CDM faculty are proud of each and every one of you for having worked as hard as you have to reach this demarcating point in the time of your professional career please accept my personal warmest wishes and continued success thank you it's my pleasure now to introduce Thomas J Connolly Tom received his DDS from Columbia University's School of Dental and oral surgery now the college dental medicine he did a general practice residency program at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and then went back to Columbia to receive his postgraduate training in periodontics dr. Connolly has held teaching positions at both Columbia and NYU being actively involved in humanitarian mission work and has received numerous awards throughout his professional career however most impressive is the list of his leadership positions the most current being president of the American College of dentists so why did we select Thomas to come and speak to you today for a few minutes history of the American College of dentists it's the oldest major honorary organization for dentistry founded or for dentists founded in 1920 and I quote it was founded to elevate the standards of Dentistry to encourage graduate study and to grant fellowship to those who have done meritorious work and quote its mission is to advance excellence ethics professionalism and leadership in dentistry the members of which have exemplified excellence through understand outstanding leadership and contributions to dentistry and society working tirelessly to improve the ethical climate of Dentistry the American College which is exemplified in what is being passed on to our great students today the white coat a true symbol of the trust that the public has put in the hands of these future oral health care providers I now invite to the podium to bring greetings from this prestigious organization the current president of the American College of dentists my colleague and most important my friend dr. Thomas J Connolly [Applause] [Music] good afternoon everyone and I'd like to welcome you to Toros white coat ceremony and to dr. Ronnie Myers the faculty and staff thank you for inviting me to join you today and letting me be part of this very special event and to the family and friends who are here congratulations these students have worked extremely hard to get to this point in their education and surely due to your love support and guidance and students we are proud of you today you begin a new segment of your journey to become a dentist and you're probably meeting it with equal parts of excitement and apprehension excitement because you've been training for years for this moment when you begin to direct the patient's care and that largely the reason you are entering the profession in the first place an apprehension because this part of the journey comes with a host of new responsibilities and considerations some of which you have prepared for and some that will test you but that's okay dentistry can be unpredictable and challenging but it can be so very rewarding you're entering this profession at an incredible point in our history our base of knowledge is growing exponentially right before our eyes new technology is paving the way for advancements that haven't even been dreamed up yet we're becoming more knowledgeable and with more and more information available at our fingertips the number of choices we have to make in a day is growing larger too with more choice comes more responsibility as dentists and future dentists there's a lot at stake when we make choices we make them every day about where to invest our time how to serve our communities and the ways big and small that we treat our patients and one another and the stakes are high aren't they there's so much to lose when the choices we make don't live up the standards that we set for ourselves because in our work the consequences of bad decision-making can be life-altering that's why you're working hard to acquire not only a solid base of knowledge but also a solid grounding and what's right and wrong you're shaping your conscience and that's why organizations like the American College of dentists are more valuable and editor ever the ACD is often described as the conscious of the dental profession as dr. Meyers mentioned it's the oldest national honorary organization of dentists founded in 1920 in response to very serious challenges facing dentistry which came about during a period of tremendous growth and change not unlike what you're witnessing today the college was started by a group of visionary leaders who believe that dentistry must be looked beyond the now and planned for the future and those founders understood that as their knowledge about dentistry grew so did their impact on society and they believed that as their impact grew so did their responsibility to be ethical upstanding members of their communities the college mission is more is about more than supporting the clinical aspects of the profession but about supporting the very heart of Dentistry and that's the people like you and me that practice it over the last 100 years the ACD has been instrumental in shaping dental education research journalism and ethics education it is our mission to advance ethics excellence professionalism and leadership in dentistry the college is comprised of dentist who have demonstrated leadership and made exceptional contributions to dentistry the dental profession and to society fewer than three and a half percent of dentists are invited to be fellows many of your faculty are Fellows of the college and I hope one day to you also aspire to fellowship but what does this all mean for us today you're learning the clinical aspects of dentistry but your journey is just beginning your career will be a process of lifelong learning and so the question I ask you to think about is what kind of professional will you be dentistry isn't simply an exchange of goods and services and your white coat while a very important symbol is not what makes you a professional dentistry requires a strong conscience a compass that knows right from wrong a true professional places patients interests first and foremost is honest is competent strives to improve both personally and professionally strives to improve the profession by giving back through teaching through professional organizations to the community and yes even someday through financial support but above all a professional is ethical you know right from wrong you treat people with respect and you do your absolute best always you follow your conscience students it is my personal pleasure to welcome you as my professional colleagues a new moment in this lifelong process begins today and I look forward to you joining me on this journey thank you for your kind attention [Applause] it's my great pleasure to introduce Sara Rosen president of the class of 2021 I'd like to first personally think Geraldo for reminding me that I'm sure and I need to step stool unfortunately there's no step stool and also Julius please no questions for this one moment on behalf of the class of 2021 I'd like to thank you all for commemorating this special occasion that marks our transition it's the clinical part of being a practicing student doctor our most important lessons are not learned in the classroom but on our time spent with patients and developing relationships with the people around us this is a milestone we've spent most of our time thus far in lecture halls labs or libraries we will be throttled and so situations involving real people real treatments and unfortunately real halitosis so in my class I'd like to address a list of these four things you must not connect with our patients and the people around us simply for the sake of saying that we did so we must connect in exchange with each other for the sake of truly understanding one another to become better people for ourselves for those around us and especially for our patients number two many of you have faced the Charles and tribulations of dental school while you or your loved ones have battled depression car accidents cancer and yet you're still standing here you have all lost in one battles you are all fighters number three we mustn't deceive ourselves regarding our shunts and our weaknesses being able to acknowledge what we're good at it's a great thing however you must be able to humble ourselves and learn from those that know and do better than us this not only applies to hands in class two preps but in social psychological and interpersonal skills as well you must use a healthy mixture of internal and external validation taking into account different perspectives other than in our own and how we were trained to think especially when it comes to how we can improve ourselves a silly human flaw is that we can think this is the way we are we can't change we can't improve how self-limiting is that there will always be a helping hand for us when we need it in the words of Albus Dumbledore help will always be given at Toro to those who ask for it number four this white coat this ceremony it's super fancy am i right I'm sure it makes you all feel really really great but we mustn't forget that we can be the one sitting in that exam chair solemnly looking up at someone else in a white coat after all we do all have teeth now to the administration and faculty your guidance has been invaluable and unsurmountable yeah provide us all with the knowledge to be professionals in our career in your own distinct and sometimes hilarious ways you have left your doors open to us and have gone above and beyond to make sure that we succeed because of you we have discipline becoming ingrained at us as well as the notion that what was that you should always mark your caste one half to two thirds off the retromolar pad see what friends and family you are the reasons we are here you challenge us to be better people which at times of course can be awfully frustrating your love and support have been our fuel and for that we are eternally grateful class of 2021 you are glowing and what do we learn if it glows it goes can't wait to go these two years in our clinic with you best of luck to all of you and thank you all in the audience once again and now it's my pleasure to introduce our vice president Zachary Brock Thank You Sara one of the aspects that makes the turo College of Dental Medicine so special is our outstanding faculty and administration many of whom are standing behind me when I was giving tours of the sim lab earlier in the year to the interviewees on their interview day or just talking one on one with my sister we'll be entering the class of 2023 in just a few short weeks I constantly found myself going back to that point our faculty constantly and consistently go above and beyond for their students I would give examples such as one of the d1 professors coming in on Sundays to give his students extra help in lab or one of our professors saying after school hours to give supplementary lectures or the professors that gave review classes before our national board exams I tell them about how Dean Myers has an open-door policy for any student to come by with their questions or concerns on a daily basis our faculty and administration show how much they care about and are invested in our education and future success I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge three individuals who truly exemplify what it means to go above and beyond I'd first like to mention the two individuals who organize this day and to be honest every day in school Karen Longo and Dulce the class of 2021 would like to thank you for all that you do for us and for making this day possible and now to talk about the one individual that I was actually supposed to speak about at last year's white coat ceremony for the class of 2020 the tradition began to recognize one member of our outstanding preclinical faculty as the faculty of the year or ordi as was voted upon by the d1 and d2 students the recipient of this year's award is dr. Golda our farm under normal circumstances okay you all jumped the gun because I was about to say that under normal circumstances I would turn around have her stand up wait to the crowd and everyone would give her a round of applause but unfortunately she was not able to be here today but that still won't stop me from speaking about her and acknowledging all that she does for us from our first day in the sim lab as d1 students dr. Farb has gone above and beyond and has shown all of us her love of teaching starting in the first year of the dental school when she was only a part-time professor to serving as a row instructor in lab she devoted many extra hours to giving review sessions to the now d3 students to help them before their exams when we entered the school she became a full-time member of the faculty and took on the role of course director of for our dental Anatomy course in our first semester her lectures were always clear she would not stop until every student's questions were answered and would use their artistic talents to draw pictures of what our lab prep should look like so that everyone can clearly understand and see what we're supposed to be learning and as this teaching one course wasn't enough this year she took on the year-long d1 operative dentistry course and I am honestly jealous of her students as she has put together a phenomenal course dr. Rob loves nothing more than to take time in lab and work one-on-one with a student helping them perfect their skills personally with her help I have gone from a d1 student struggling to get a good wax up to just a few weeks ago having my lab work praised by another faculty member work that I attribute 100% to the extra time dr. Farb devoted to working with me until I perfected I'm sure many of my fellow classmates have had similar experiences and can attest can and can attest to her love of teaching I however had additional experience and privilege to work for dr. Farb this past summer as a TA for the current d1 students I had the chance to see firsthand her true devotion to her students I saw the countless hours she puts in behind the scenes - preparing and perfecting her lectures meeting with her students to go over exams and practicals and to making sure each and every student is learning and succeeding once again it is my honor and privilege to acknowledge dr. Goldfarb as this year's Faculty of the Year award II thank you Sarah and Zachary today we are honored by having dr. Richard Liston Thal here dr. Lifton Thor was the James Winson Benfield associate professor of operative dentistry at Columbia University Medical Center he served as the director of the division of operative dentistry from 1990 to 2016 and his chair of the section of carry ology and restorative sciences from 1992 to 2016 dr. Lipton so has been an associate attending dentist at New York Presbyterian Hospital since 1987 he has also served as a captain the United States Army Dental Corps president of the Dental Alumni Association for four years and he became the director of the division of operative dentistry at Columbia University he has led the transition from discipline based patient care to comprehensive clinical care as a standard in the Columbia dental school curriculum this principle was shortly thereafter adopted by many of the dental schools across the country please give a warm welcome to dr. Richard let them thaw [Applause] somebody left a speech here maybe this is better than mine I'm gonna give this one thank you very much for that kind introduction just to give you an example of what the third year is gonna be like today is June the 2nd the sun is shining brightly it's 83 degrees and today they're gonna make you put on a coat that's what you have in store for you when I started dental school at Columbia there were 40 in my class we didn't look like you I think we were older than you we were not as good-looking as you we all looked alike in my class all of us looked the same there were no women in my class the extent of our diversity was that some were tall some was short and some were medium height that was the extent of it the tuition was five hundred dollars a semester less than my mobile phone bill much of our time in the first two years like you was spent in the basic medical sciences we were taught and practiced technique on type adults on the bench stop we had no mannequins or simulation directly from the bench top to the oral cavity people were our mannequins when we moved from the third-year clinic you could smell the fear our firsthand pieces were belt-driven whose speed was measured at 5,000 rpm you could actually see the bird turn amalgam the filling of choice was made a chair side by dropping silver powder into a mortar and pestle with liquid mercury hand mixing until it was smooth placing them into a cloth filter is squeezing the mercury out on to wherever it fell halfway through my third year the belt-driven handpiece was replaced by the air turbine it took a little getting used to you could hear the word whoops used a lot in the clinic I think my class itself was responsible for the growth of the onion knowledge department at Columbia a mountain finally became available in pre-measured disposable capsules that's why today I still have fingers the technology materials and science associated with dentistry that you have learned and will continue to learn have advanced far more in the generations as I began treating patients than they did in the entire history of the profession before me today the public's increased awareness of the benefits of modern dentistry via the Internet has never been higher and the desire for wanted dentistry now often replaces need dentistry as to why a patient seeks treatment our desire to look and feel better and younger has created an entirely new arena in dentistry that wasn't explored very often before the kardashians came on the scene the digital revolution that is transforming every aspect of a world dentistry and medicine in a multitude of ways from record-keeping to data analysis new diagnostic tools novel prevention methods and revolutionary treatment methods for the future our that future is our gift to all of you it's our gift and you will surely help develop the things that we never dreamed of so class of 2021 a gentle pat on the back for finishing year two I would like now to offer my warnings about year three the transition to clinical practice may be one of the most difficult experience you will have ever had some of you will be instantly awesome in the clinic some of you will struggle some of you will adapt to the administrative protocols and some will be overwhelmed a few of you will hit the ground running and have several restorations completed while the others are still looking for their first restorative pace there may be an air of anxiety about school that you have never felt before in your academic lives I've been there I've seen it I've had to deal with it relax give it time I guarantee he will get better then in time it will get to be awesome for each of you all it takes is that first success and it will happen talk to each other share your experiences and your feelings with your classmates and your instructors don't suffer alone get together help each other encourage each each other most of you will learn more from your classmates than from anybody else the jangled nerves the butterflies thinking what am I doing here is it too late to leave those are just the thoughts that your patients will have another thing hasn't changed another thing has not changed and that's the need for personal honesty and integrity unlike new technology which is handed to you as a finished product integrity must be developed and maintained at a personal level you won't find it in a catalog or online there is no C e course to teach you integrity truth does matter character does count as the clinician you'll be afforded an extraordinary amount of trust if patients will be in no position to second-guess your treatment plans and that means you and only you will decide how fickle you want to be in your clinical practice the Faculty of hirotaro would be a good external reality check depend and welcome their help even when it may not be exactly what you want to hear you are and will continue to we will prepare it more than you realize to handle the technical side of patient care you will only get better and faster the patients will come you're in the right place this is much more than a good dental school that has the promise to be a great one it's the part that goes on on your head that needs work first pay attention to what your patients say take time to talk and understand what people are trying to tell you let them finish their story regardless of how far behind you are will ankle however anxious you are to get to the new competency exam pay attention to your patients like the story of the construction worker he walked up to the reception desk in the doctor's office the receptionist asked him why he was there he said with an accent I have - ingles the receptionist and in the usual clipboard and said sit down fill out this form bring it back when it's through name address medical insurance history etc then the PA showed him to an examining room took his height weight blood pressure he got a urine specimen told him take off his clothes to sit down on the cold table with the crinkly paper and wait for the doctor an hour later the doctor came in and said what are you here for he replied I have your shingles doctor asked where are they on your back on your stomach the man said no around the truck [Applause] let the patients talk let the patient's finish get to know them ask them questions usually they will help you identify the problem lay out their options in plain language explain pros and cons the cost help them to make the decision never come into clinic without a plan but an instructor asks you what are you going to be doing today never a shrug your shoulders to say I don't know because you get a shortened neck that way no what you are doing to each patient review your treatment before the patient sits down on your chair go over in your mind the night before picture the entire procedure from start to finish access instrumentation finished be prepared for the outset have the right instruments ready don't go for a spoon excavator in the middle of an excavation take your time but don't waste your time get help when you're unsure never be afraid to ask for advice when you're up against something new don't avoid the easy cases because you're anxious to get to the advanced stuff starting out do small things that are good because good small things stick together and become great things in time I have no doubt knowing a little about you and a lot about your faculty that you will do great things each of us is unique among all the others and each of you will make a contribution unlike anyone else finally I must warn you that there will be stress tremendous stress there'll be days of indeterminate mental anguish let me offer a coping skill that has provided successful treatment when you have one of those take this school and stick it dazes you've had them right after a particularly bad day in the clinic stop by your local pharmacy on the way home and purchase a rectal thermometer made by q-tip when you get home pour a glass of wine sit down open the package containing a thermometer take out the written instruction material as you read it you will notice small print on the bottom that says every rectal thermometer made by q-tip is personally tested then take a sip of wine close your eyes and say out loud several times I am so glad that I do not work in quality control at the q-tip corporation good luck and do good thank you very much Thank You dr. Lifton thoug I'm glad I don't work in quality control and now for the moment you've been waiting for the donning of the white coats for that I will ask our our Director of Student Affairs and the primary organizer of this event to come to the podium to read the names of our white coat recipients I would also ask the faculty you were acting as white coat investors to take their places the class of twenty twenty-one please rise come forward Sara al-khatib George Bard Daniel brown Marnie Blumenthal Jeremy brand wine Zachary Barack Alden Cal and hog investors please don their coats thank you [Applause] Thank You Samantha Calderon Shan Shan Winnie sin min cha new Chao lily Chen so Joe Guidice Amma Stephen Chung investors pleased on their coats [Applause] thank you Masuka Dalila Aviva Danziger makandal raha Meena loop de coeur Aviva diamond Maggie Eason Omar l estas investors please don their coats [Applause] thank you [Applause] when bin Fang Daniel Freedman Nathaniel Freedman Justin girl Michael gentle a Julius curse by Andrew gives investors pleased on their coats thank you Simona gorgeous my yard but rocks Jessie Halpern Cody Hellman Jason vitamin Matthew Hernandez Safari Sofia Hara investors please don their coats [Applause] thank you Chung Jae Justin ho Diane who seen Miriam ivory Rena cats Abraham cats Frank Kennedy who maricon investors please don their codes beyond thank you the young chick Kim Han Kim Jade Kim soo-hyun Kim Meyer kleiner Sofia coos Jesse chorus investors please don their codes thank you don't you go hyung Lee Renee learner Jonathan Lewis Samantha Lee Monaco Liang Douglas are no on DeBerg Ling Li the second Jimmy lo investors please don their coats thank you well the second set of investors please come forward Madeline Moss Travis Mackey Mohit Mehrotra the awesome Eddie yahudim Mira Thai Lamoille Richard Mowgli Daniel nazarov investors please don their codes thank you [Applause] Liz Elizabeth as Gandalf an inept all ova Troy new writer Jessica Park Jae Dev Patel Natasha Patel near all a Patel Gaza Leah paranoid investor is pleased on their coats thank you Nicholas Pham for although Polanco Olivia print Sarika Ramaswamy song gyro Sara Rosen [Music] Jordana Rothenberg pnina's Saphir [Applause] investors please don their coats thank you Shane Solomon Paul Samia annum Schwartz Knutson Roman Sarnia knew all shake my Haase Deeping Adam Smith investors please don their coats thank you June sun-lee it's her Verdi very tight Ave total pop landtran mimi tran Eamonn Tran Amanda O'Hara and Bester's pleased on their coats [Applause] thank you [Applause] Quincy Wang Michelle Weinberg Diana yang Victoria yang Benjamin Yi Jaden Eun McHale soccer he does a wiki [Music] [Applause] [Music] investors please don their coats thank you [Applause] thank you Karen similar to the Hippocratic oath at medical schools white coat ceremonies the dental student oath serves as a reminder for our students that the modern practice of Dentistry is part of a meaningful and long tradition of patient centric care as our students begin working in Turrell dental health the school state-of-the-art 109 chair clinical training facility these careful words take on new meaning and responsibility please welcome our dean emeritus dr. jay goldsmith to the podium as he will lead our students in the recitation of the class of 2021 dental student [Applause] good afternoon and thank you well the students rise please and repeat after me please class of 2020 one student oath I do you have a name your name I was try it again I as a member of the Toro College of Dental Medicine class of 2021 shall keep this pledge and these stipulations I understand and accept that my primary responsibility is to my patients and I shall dedicate myself to render to the best of my ability the highest standard of oral healthcare and to maintain a relationship of respect and confidence therefore let all come to me safe in the knowledge that their total health and well-being are my first considerations I shall accept the responsibility that as a professional my confidence rests on continuing the attainment of knowledge and skills in the Arts and Sciences of my profession I acknowledge my obligation to support and sustain and the honor and integrity of the profession and to conduct myself in all endeavors such that I shall merit the respect of patients colleagues and my community I pledge to continue to serve diverse populations and focus on service to my community as a living example of the principles set forth by the Toro College of Dental Medicine I further commit myself to the betterment of my community for the benefit of all of society I shall faithfully observe the principles of ethics and code of Professional Conduct set forth by the profession all this I pledge with pride in my commitment to the profession and the public it serves congratulations [Applause] so in closing once again let us extend our congratulations to the class of 2021 and wish you well on your journey into dentistry please know that we are always here to help and that long after you graduate you can call on us for advice and counsel I would also like to thank all the people behind the scenes who not only gave a great effort for the deans breakfast and the white coat ceremony but helped make the school run every single day they know who they are and finally to the class of 2021 we are proud of these young men and women who stand before us today we will see you in clinic and please give a round of applause for them [Applause] I have two announcements everyone is now invited to the lobby where light refreshments are being served and please wait until the faculty and the students are off the stage before you get up in the leaf okay thank you very much thank you for coming [Music] [Music]
Channel: Touro College of Dental Medicine
Views: 1,761
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: dental students, white coat, dental school
Id: UskoZHE-W8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 14sec (3974 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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