August 2019 White Coat Ceremony, Blackwell & Curie Colleges, School of Medicine | SGU

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good half good afternoon and welcome to the 2019 Vols st. George's white coat ceremony I would like to recognize the presence of Honorable Nicholas Steele Minister of Health social security and international business honourable pamela moses Minister with responsibility for tertiary development skills development and educational outreach senator the Honourable Simon Steele Minister for climate resilience the environment forestry fisheries disaster management and information doctors our Yong Cheng ambassador for the People's Republic of China to Grenada mr. cherrick wing Monserrat deputy chief mission to Barbados the Eastern Caribbean and the OECS Embassy of the United States of America dr. Anthony Tobiah keynote speaker dr. Richard olds Provost dr. Richard olds president dr. Glen Jacobs Provost mr. Brandon Legrand the grenade vice provost for institutional advancement dr. Steve a row Dean of Students mr. Marcus Dane of basic sciences School of Medicine dr. Neil Olsen Dean of the School veterinary medicine doctor will see you Jean Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences dr. Kelly McPherson Dean of Graduate Studies faculty staff specially invited guests parents students ladies and gentlemen I am Schreiber to a proud st. George's University School of Medicine alum and your master of ceremonies today I currently practice palliative medicine at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Florida administration aspect of my career it's an incredible honor to welcome to this education years ago choices I made because as individuals understand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] medical practice in education hosted dr. gold and his wife Sandra as keynote speakers for 2005 white coat ceremony s Gia's chapter the gold humanism Honor Society is based in the bioethics division of the department of clinical skills and supported by the Dina medicines office in New York our chapter established the humanitarian student organization in 2009 there which basic science students continue to promote humanism across the SGA and Grenadian communities chapter members are nominated by their peers and inducted during their clinical training when they participate in ongoing shop chapter projects now it is my pleasure to welcome to the podium dr. Glenn Jacobs Provost of st. George's University [Applause] thank you Thank You honorable pamela moses senator the Honourable Simon Steele mr. Chow Yuen shame mr. Yokum Monserrat dance faculty and staff good afternoon good afternoon I would like to welcome all of you to sin George's University and the island of Grenada a special word of welcome to all the parents family and friends present yet today students I'm very happy to welcome you in person I will not be addressing you that often the next time I probably speak to you as a group will be during your graduation he will be amazed how quickly there will be you have come here with great intellect you have and will gain lots of knowledge while being erased to you but I trust that during your time here you will also develop your wisdom John is Oh best-selling author explains it so on in his book the five secrets you must discover before you die wisdom is different and fundamentally more important than knowledge knowledge is the accumulation effects whereas wisdom is the ability to discern what matters and what does not matter unless we can discover what really matters we cannot find the true meaning in life so I will encourage you to take time to explore Grenada and get to know this great community I am looking forward to interacting with many of you during the barbecue on Sunday and it is now my pleasure to introduce to you the president of st. George's University dr. Richard [Applause] well I was introduced by Glen I've been president of st. George's University for about five years prior to that I is actually a Dean of a u.s. medical school in Riverside California and I've been in the medical profession my entire career now I as a result of that I've been in many white coat been in many can you guys hear me usually no trouble hearing me but okay been to many white coat ceremonies and today I want to tell you a little good news and bad news first I guess I'll start with the bad news in a few minutes each of you are going to Don that white coat and unfortunately you won't be one lick smarter as soon as you put on that coat but when you put on that white coat you assume a great deal of responsibility because Society has allowed particularly medical students but also other health professional students a unique opportunity to do things that if you will normal people don't do you will listen to the problems of your patients intimate secrets you'll be allowed to examine their bodies you will be present during some of the most stressful and tragic times in their proof in their lives that is a rare privilege that is deemed to you as health professional students and the white coat if you will is a reminder of that responsibility that you carry with you from this day forward even though none of you will know any more medicine than you do today probably for many years now in my brief remarks today I'd like to comment on a few additional aspects of donning the white coat I'm not sure what our speaker will be speaking about but generally we'll talk about professionalism and various issues related to being a good doctor but I want to talk a little bit more about larger responsibilities now most of you don't know this but I'm actually a tropical disease specialist in fact in contrast with the Provost you probably will see me again because I actually teach in this medical school as the tropical disease specialists I spent much of my professional career in developing countries often third world countries and I was struck by the fact that many of these countries have among their national heroes physicians very prominent for instance in South America I'll use the Philippines as an example that's a country that I have worked in personally for over 30 years the national hero of the Philippines is dr. Jose Rizal now to be honest with you I have no idea whether dr. Rizal was a good doctor or not I have I don't think anybody to this day knows whether he was a good physician or not but he's the national hero of the Philippines because during the 400 year occupation of his country by Spain he spoke out against the atrocities of that occupying power and for that he was put in front of a firing squad and killed now I'm not expecting any of you in this room to stand up to a firing squad for your principles but the idea is that you have a larger responsibility not just for your patients not just for their families but for your community your country and yes a responsibility to the world to make it a better place in your role as physicians I want to congratulate all of you the class of 2023 god bless and I'll see you later today [Applause] thank you dr. olds it is now my pleasure to introduce dr. Anthony Tobiah our keynote speaker dr. Tobiah is a professor of psychiatry and clinical professor of internal medicine at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson medical school he earned his medical degree from st. George's University School of Medicine in 1996 and completed postgraduate training in internal medicine and psychiatry his embraced clinical practice and academic medicine serving in leadership capacities in education and consultation psychiatry please join me in welcoming my fellow alumnus dr. Anthony Tobiah all right thank you so again the Honorable Nicholas Steele honorable pamela moses senator the Honourable Simon Steele mr. young chen and mr. montserrat as well as university leadership distinguished guests faculty staff family and foremost the unconventional conventionalist the 2023 class abstain George's University welcome mouth fart so today I'm here this weekend first and foremost for you to enlist as well as convince you to welcome and be part of a mission a mission that I hope to introduce over the next 15 or 20 minutes or so my journey of course that changed as st. George's was embarked exactly 27 years ago this summer when the wheels of that American Airlines jet touched down the bush the Bishop International Airport just like many of you this summer quickly I realized a couple of things first and foremost I did not want to be here I have to own up to that I certainly did not I was met with over two dozen letters that began with the words we regret to inform you and I quickly met others although we didn't have white coats at the time that had the same types of letters and I actually instantly had very formidable formidable friendships with six others that became a very close knit group we called ourselves the losers Club I was one of seven I and I wore that but like a badge and it's certainly shaped and motivated a lot of what we did not only in the two years on the island but certainly our two clinical years as well and for all of us our future residences and future careers and profession as physicians so to you are you surrounded by people shoulder shoulder donning those white coats today I do have to mention that if it weren't for some of these people family and friends alike I would not have made it off of Grenada two years later I would not have graduated in 1996 there's no doubt about that so at this point I like to acknowledge and mention my wife who was here with me today she actually visited only a few short weeks after that infamous American Airlines flight landed at that Airport to visit me and I know one thing for sure if Roseanne did not visit me about a month and a half later and she did not come to this island would have left and come to her island in Massapequa I would have stopped I would have ended this career and I've no doubt that we would have been engaged two years later uh definitely asking her to marry me nonetheless in when Colonial Williamsburg I know for a fact that about a year after that we would have married and I know that we would have three beautiful kids those things would have been the same what would indifferent is that I would not be standing before you today because as an alum there's no way I would have graduated if she had not visited me that September there's no doubt about that the friends that I met the 7 of us as a whole meant everything to me with regard to making sure that I crossed that finish line now they were a little bit different than I though we did share common interests because they were at the top of the class only one of us can boast graduating in the bottom 20th percentile of the class in 1996 and it wasn't any of them none of them failed their step - none of them failed their formative Oskie but we were alike in another way and you talk about professionalism talk about ethics you talk about compassion after failing it was someone named Kelly doe Bryn ski that actually snuck away from a clinical rotation one day and drove to my house to meet with my wife to make sure that Roseann understood that they had my back I'll never forget that matter of fact Kelly never told me she did it Roseanne's would tell me days later that Kelly paid her a visit and was really worried about me and making sure that she it as well as the rest of the group we're gonna be there for me there's no doubt about that and they were and we graduated together and we still keep in touch to this day very intimately especially between September and January as we still play in the same fantasy football league the first draft of which 27 years ago was right on this island right now the trash-talking has has definitely changed whereas they were all focused on me and making sure that the last or the bottom 20th percent would actually graduate with them they are now in a situation that was very similar since I'm boasting about eight world championships in the last 15 years so none of them accepted my invitation to be here today so I told them that if they didn't I would drag their names through the mud as those perennial losers so I'll leave it up to you who is this group starting with Karl Spector Darrin Bloomberg Kelly Dubinski robbed a prince key Joe Pernod and Taj Neider are they the same people that are sitting with you today with regard to who will get you over that finish line or are they the perennial losers in the Jerry Garcia memorial fantasy football league that same group I hope you find your group today and I hope that upon your graduating you can reflect back on them and how important these relationships in fact are after graduation I ended up at West Virginia University largely recruited by a professor that I met here Don fiddler who was teaching in the behavioral science module 1996 has been very meaningful for me of course that was my graduation year it was all so that's that year that my son was born and the only two weeks later did we watch our Super Bowl together where the Dallas Cowboys meet the Pittsburgh Steelers later on something else resonated very significantly with me and it really does impact exactly what everything about today is all about and that is the idea of this white coat and how we respect the laundry how donning that white coat after I get done and shut my mouth you will actually be part of a fraternity that will be bounded together forever because in 1996 there was a player that I could despised up until that your name Wade Boggs and only after his celebration and right field at Yankee Stadium that 96 year after her clinching the 2006 World Series coming back to Oh against the Atlanta Braves that I actually cheer him on up until then I couldn't stand him as a player of course not as a person it's because I was a die-hard Yankee fan but here Wade Boggs was donning the pinstripes donning the laundry donning the home White's celebrating out in right field on a horse that image emblazoned with regard to the 96 World Championship what is it about laundry that binds us together it's pretty incredible of course the segue here too is in 96 and please I know this this message will resonate with many of us here today that was the same year that Mariano Rivera yeah the same Mariano that was the first unanimous inductee to the Baseball Hall of Fame just last year that Mariano Rivera was told that he is a failure as a starting pitcher everybody in here will have a synonymous okay a very parallel type of Hall of Fame career albeit not as a closer but instead as a physician I think a profession much much more important with regard to the future of medicine so in nineteen actually I take it back now in 1996 there was another major development for me and that is in the welcoming picnic that we that we attended in the summer I met with a fellow peer a classmate that graduated with me and he turned to me and said that he was really excited to start his internal medicine residency at WVU because of the night float situation so I turned to him and said well we talking with an i float he said oh my float the graveyard shift it comes on an eight P they stay until 8 a.m. so that when you take call you only take a long call up until eight o'clock isn't it gonna be great that's how what you're talking about any see you know when I float and then he paused and looked at me and said this is Sanjeev Nanda again graduating class of 1996 turned to me and said you mean to tell me you chose to do your residency in West Virginia and you didn't know about the night flow system so I had no idea what you're talking about so I vetted it with a couple of other residents that were there today are welcoming us as the new class as the interim class and on the way home like I always do I turn to my best friend in the world my wife along with my infant son in the car said you know we have a night float system here this is gonna be pretty cool I mean I get to come home after call by about nine o'clock to spend with my family I didn't know this is an incredible surprise so we're seeing reminding me oh by the way you did take a letter home it's still sealed it's on the it's on our cabinet you should probably open up when we get home said yeah I'll do that but this is it's incredible I can't believe what I could be looking forward to right here so I get home I open up that letter and sure enough there is a knife load for internal medicine and our first months of the combined program are an internal medicine so I open up that letter and guess who is on knife float starting July 1st which means tomorrow night yours truly and I turn to resident I said we gotta leave I said I can't do this I mean I just graduated and it's June 30th so I am still a medical student big guy they can have a code page Rodney oh these people crazy there's no way I'm going in to work tomorrow associate oh you can't be the only one a night float said yeah it's true I'm with another intern and some upper level resident there's three of us in the hospital there's no way I'm doing this so she convinced me to go in the letter did have a personalized note saying that I should be in around 6 o'clock to meet with the team to take the handoffs at 7 o'clock and I went in for 5 I certainly didn't feel like eating dinner that night so I mean I 5 o'clock I'm twirling around 9 West Ruby Memorial Hospital just waiting for the other residents to come in and the first to come in was a resident that of course I will never forget her name was Kim hunka Lee and to this day I swear that when she entered that room there was a halo over her head because not only did she get me through that night the medicine gods were also looking down on me she was part of five for the first six rotations that I was assigned at the hospital as an IM resident so she got me to New Year's in 2000 in 1997 remarkable and I can't spend any more time than I'm allotted with regard to the other stories and anecdotes about Kim and what she meant to me but suffice it to say I could be up here for hours just for those six months alone extraordinary person terrific doctor but extraordinary person and mentor January 1997 things changed I'm over six months now in psychiatry and two things hit me like a sledgehammer first was that I was six months behind every one of my psychiatry peers with regard to the fund of knowledge of psychiatry I had no idea what I was doing and number two socially they were all calling each other by first names and I had no idea when anybody was so I knew the knowledge base would work it's way out or at least I hope they did but that social thing was really eating at me about about a month later Don fiddler comes up to me and says Anthony the clothes of the current clerkship is coming up and I have the clerkships the course of students back to my house for dinner and a movie every six weeks and there's always an open invitation for residents and spouses so you and Rosie and have an open invite this is great so I came home I said Roseanne listen I am socially inept and she very kindly inter looted of course you are I knew that so no that's not my point I said in just one week this Friday we have to get a babysitter we have to go to this we have to go to this dinner in a movie so we did after the movie 1979 sci-fi horror classic alien I have seen it before we are eating Chinese food and Don who was a psychoanalyst begins his interpretation of what we just saw he tells us that this movie is about an infant's wish I don't even know infants wished it's about an infant's wish to crawl back up in its mother's womb and destroy her OVA so as to remain an only child I looked at Roseanne I said watch us a movie because I didn't see any of this and my wife who was more traditional than I am didn't even make eye contact with me so again I'll spare you the other gory details but suffice it to say that we came full 360 and we were the first to always arrive at Don fillers house cue six weeks and we were they always last to leave and as soon as or as recently as length excuse me 2009 we have been able to integrate his very idea into a comprehensive curriculum back at our medical school that teaches through film and other forms of pop culture many of which you probably heard alluded to over the first 10 minutes of this speech with regard to this curriculum ever since 2009 and its implementation we've been working to do two things which i think is going to make everybody here front and center first is expansion we look to expand it to other levels of education other than medical students and today I'm proud to say that we have educational tools in place for K through 12 high school undergraduate universities graduate school we actually have two electives in graduate school at the Graduate School of biomedical sciences in New Brunswick one that's going to start about a week from now where we teach addiction medicine through analysis of animated Disney classics that's followed by our three credit course in the fall that teaches psychopathology through the horror genre or we call the Masters of Horror beyond that of course medical school we do it for residency training and we also do it for faculty development where twice a year faculty of mine at my university goes to Broadway and then following the musical play etc we actually meet with the cast and that talk back that discussion allows our CNE office to award us a certificate for continuing education credits so if there's anybody any parents out there who are in the medical field that live in the Northeast and are interested we should talk it's actually in a particular interest that in a couple of weeks that is September 12th we're actually going in for our fall event and the reason why this is extremely special to me is that we're going to see the play called wookie bum and the reason why this is special is because boogie bon was written and is directed by none other than Don fiddler so this is really exciting for me to mention his name now now a couple of times in this speech again a former professor here at st. George's University what this all means in terms of current practice and how this really does import professionalism a compassion in making the narrative of one's personal story mainstream has everything to do with what I would like to read and share with you now this is a letter that I got and I really wasn't intending to do anything pertaining to this until I received this just this Monday dear dr. Tobia last week my daughter had surgery at U of Penn for a thoracic outlet syndrome the medical student on her case was a lovely young man named Chris when he learned I married a psychiatrist he started to tell me about his psychiatry rotation and how you taught him during the rotation through film he clearly enjoyed your teaching in return I told them about my days and medical television at UNC Chapel Hill and how there was a psychiatrist there who used to write scripts and we would watch video scenarios for the medical students to analyze and learn they'd have looked you on look you up online noting that you completed your residency at West Virginia University of Morgantown I told Chris that you undoubtedly trained with the same person I work with a UNC Donna fiddler so I had to write to find out again this all starts at st. George's University and in Grenada it's just remarkable that I get this letter that very week I'm invited back for the first time in 27 years to provide this speech it's crazy another article I want to quickly reference is one that was written in den of geek anybody here familiar with den of geek you guys don't want to admit it I know I know half of you guys want to stand up erasure thank you thank you it's an article on ready player one this is a movie that was adapted to film by Spielberg originally a book and the reason why I want to bring it up is because there are well over 100 references made to 80s pop culture in this movie and after I read the article just one read over I actually underlined 64 of those references find having found their way into our comprehensive curriculum back at the medical school and again the reason why I want to bring this up just to give you any idea how expansive it is is what I alluded to earlier and that is how we're trying to expand this yes it started with medical student education and we've expanded it to additional levels of education but I also want to extended remaining medical student but to other universities and guess what university I want to partner with like nobody else everybody right now who has a white coat on their lap please take out this take out your cell phones I'm gonna ask you to do something that I would suggest that no other speaker has ever asked you do empower them up do not para-power them up I want you to get on Twitter and I want you to follow me because what we're good because what we're gonna do right right now is we're gonna make you connected to an alum that has your career in his best interests like every other alum through here and how passionate they are towards medicine they're just as passionate with regard to teaching an education and the teaching of education with these students comes first in four months before most scuse me I pronounced it at my first initial a Anthony Tobia my last name he hasn't Tom OBS and boy I a at Anthony Tobia and then MD yes those initials that you will have at the end of your name in just four years at a Toby MD well we started just a few weeks ago well a few months ago Sahil and Tim third and fourth year medical students I've seen George's is to jumpstart a curriculum and they have already 30 students who are stateside involved in this a curriculum and psychiatry between these two medical schools to teach through pop culture and while with Tim and what's the he'll have done trailblaze this this class times for hopefully will boost it and get it to the straight next stratosphere we're gonna make this happen so to that end contact me tell me how we're gonna do this ask me all questions around the table we need to develop this at the hashtag SGU s o mission the M stands for mission SG USO mission I will be checking daily and we'll continue this conversation beyond today in closing I want to make a couple of final points number one I get that this is the road not taken I get the motivation that this class has that is unlike any medical student who is currently stateside at their white coat ceremonies and nobody gets that more than the very people in here alum and other administrators professors instructors who have invested their livelihood to making sure that other admissions counselors be proven wrong you will make it in four years and that's only the beginning because after that you will come the future leaders of this field if I had to do it all over again and I'll say this very simply and if I had to choose between some administrators and some admissions offices stateside versus the people that are in this room right now the people that you are standing or sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with right now I choose us I'm actually choosing that word very cautiously again another pop culture reference so one final thought today and the idea that I was here last or at least my career started here exactly 27 years ago and it chapter two is premiering just a week from today it's not lost with me that 27 years cycle in a creepy way really is apropos for me coming back and providing this and as much as we use this we use Stephen King ad nauseam with regard to teaching psychiatry so to today memorialized as the passing of Wes Craven yet another co-author of our curriculum in as much as we focus on that slasher film 1987a Nightmare on Elm Street in teaching sleep pathology at our medical school but there's something else about today memorializing Craven that is I think less spoken of than teaching Sleep Disorders I'm not going to give you the answer we'll talk about it if you really want to know all right so in closing class of 2023 let's keep in touch okay and good luck thank you [Applause] thank you dr. Tobiah for those inspiring words and I want to reiterate what you said about the alums every single st. George's alone will help a future graduate you just have to reach out and ask now st. George's University School of Medicine will present to you a white coat symbolizing your entry into the profession and your commitment to uphold the duties and trust associated with medicine and medical training to assist our keynote speaker and myself with coding you I now invite several faculty to join us on stage our coders include dr. crystal Ron Prasad director of Galen dr. Rohit Gupta director Blackwell [Applause] dr. Deon Forrester Associate Director Metro Dora doctor in you world marshal director Peabody dr. dr. Elena Wade assistant dean of students dr. ana cyrus Merdan assistant professor clinical skills doctor of the hinder Singh Associate Director for me dr. Hamada Sawa associate director Creagh [Applause] in recognition of our international enrollment the grand marshal dr. Barbra Landon will call each student by name and state their country of birth in addition to our faculty coders myself and dr. Tobias we're excited to welcome physician family members who requested to coat their loved ones please hold your applause until all students have been coded and keep the aisles clear for the duration of the activity Julia Pennoyer Florida to posi oh sure air Florida ding you in New York Justin pain Georgia Maybelline new guy Massachusetts Luke Leggett Florida semi-hollow gawah Virginia Michelle Maloney New York and eluate owe me a lot a New York [Applause] was Stephanie or Shoji New York Jeremy mulch on New York Alexis Smith New York Barbara ok gay Georgia John seal Abu Texas Carrie McCarter Illinois coded by her mother dr. krishna das USA Reshma John New Jersey be fob Jagannath North Carolina Chaney outlaw Baltimore Timothy Malone New Jersey Jaclyn beyond or Montecito new journey New Jersey [Applause] Jacqueline Theodore Montesano New Jersey Amelia Alvarez Texas kimchi canoe each new aqui Texas Rachel Castillo Maryland sayyida Sultana Connecticut grace fitting Florida Omar al hasami Ohio Mohammed Vedran California coated by his brother dr. smell Padron as to you class of 2011 [Applause] Jarrett's maiden New York and Christopher Taleo New Jersey [Applause] Maya Wayne Florida Bush Robin gosh Texas Bosma Rana California Talia Parra Bassam Farah California Bianca few solo Florida Lindsey Callahan New York Alexis pain Michigan Kaylee Stefanski Arizona and John Todd surgeon New Jersey [Applause] [Applause] Samantha Watkins from the great state of Maine same Kedar California sod Norden Florida Nicholas Samui Missouri Faisal Kassim California coded by his mother dr. Kassim USA Patricia Rihanna Rivero Florida Aditi pond ray Florida Adia shenoy India Helena buoy California and Emily terremoto California [Applause] Alexandra Peterman New York Kobe Cochino Montana coated by her father dr. Newton Cuttino Chloe Johnson mud Pennsylvania zahaan mystery California Sarang thermal Texas haneish Polavaram ooh New Jersey Anthony Petrillo Georgia da Jun a jean Ohio Luis Aaron Thomas Michigan Josh Patel Georgia [Applause] Benjamin baleen coated by his father dr. Arthur Balu Linden Nicholas Robby ready coated by his mother dr. Amy Rebbe United States Michelle Parikh new jersey john amato new jersey ideal ideal lewis saguni Nigeria Harris Harrison costs Florida James goin Texas Rachel Underwood California Aaron Rodriguez California Christine when California and Justin George California [Applause] Amanda hi dozen California Melanie simorgh Ontario Canada Brianna Crilley coded by her mother dr. Teresa Coralie obvious to you class of 1985 Evan Demonte Texas coated by his father dr. Franco Demonte Houston pooja Shah New Jersey Dean MELAS Missouri Miriam a Chavira California Sahana Prabhu died of Prabhudeva Florida mo goe Enola federa New York and chica voice' Nebraska [Applause] Nadia Maqsood New York Nikolas Aunt Alice Ohio coded by his father dr. John and Telus USA Joshua shemtob New York Stephen Kwang Michigan mayor Suleiman Pennsylvania Albert Hannah Texas coded by his father dr. Albert Christian dr. George Hannah the United States William Peterson Florida and across New York Andrew Andrew vanilla Maryland and reball Salaam Oregon [Applause] Jason star New York Neil Anderson Utah and a Constance Dominica Victorian mening Louisiana serene Ammar Florida Mark Skaggs West Virginia Eric Lam California Herman augurs Arion coded by his mother dr. erosion young USA thank you corrosion Jabari on jabya Ryan California Courtney Collins coated by her uncle dr. Tom Martin's USA [Applause] [Applause] Sara medley Florida Timmy dong Ohio Edwina alog New Jersey Megan Foley Kentucky Emily Esposito New York taylor-brady Connecticut hailey blend Florida Lauren O'Laughlin Connecticut's Christopher Boyett New Jersey [Applause] Nicholas capella Connecticut Michele edita New Jersey reg oh c'mon Penner moody Florida coded by my mother dr. Poole Apanui USA i Sweeney ready Illinois and the sense Florida rockin Haddad in California Felicia Masuria New Jersey Tiffany Vanderlip California serene kijani California abhilasha romani Toronto Canada [Applause] Hannah tarrif Maryland Sarika tokati New Jersey Javita Anthony New Jersey nazaneen-e Fleck California syrup back for California eileen.tan eaten one Kentucky Kristina's need Indiana Joey Jackson Texas Theodora Conover New Jersey [Applause] or jig bhatia India I'm Ron IRA I'm Ron amun-re Ullman Ronnie New Jersey Victor race California the pond oh no a samoto Maryland Deshawn Patel Michigan Saeed mubashir New Jersey Carlos Sanchez Florida Jessica Savola California and Mexico Kyle Weinstein Texas coated by his father dr. Gary Weinstein and Ricardo Elmo Texas [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Howard sabka Trinidad and Tobago Jonathan Solanas Egypt Yasha Zion lo de Indias Shagun who are Canada with rah rah ji coda Georgia Jervis Livingstone India Joshua Wright Virginia ginger Sanders Maryland Tiffany Smith Georgia [Applause] Neely Palatino Colorado Braga cannot come Florida Ryan Hawken New York chicane Lottie New York chicka unknown yay United Kingdom Tiffany Maya's New York Eden orto New York autumn Rochelle New Jersey and sat min londoño Florida [Applause] Jimmy Dean Jimmy Sonic gene gene Medina Gonzalez fulness Florida Berta I OSA New Jersey Kyle Polhemus Florida Jeanne Aurora India and Ontario quoted by her mother dr. Menil Aurora Canada John Friedman God British Columbia Salani Ron Paul North Carolina Ramallah Lamar California Sanskrit II Saxena Colorado Nikita Singh Sweden Neil a Kumar Maryland [Applause] it's one I can bury California moza Hammoud Kenya may Anika Fernandez India Matata 12 your pillow what's wanna Navdeep Gill Wisconsin Davi Mahadeo Trinidad and Tobago Vicki Fletcher Grenada Muhammad Bhutto Pakistan 3 a bhakta Arizona [Applause] [Applause] looks me Andhra Illinois Timothy shots Minnesota my son Abraham Texas Fatima Alam New York Josh Lewis Maine Sofia in California Pia Panesar British Columbia coated by her brother dr. Darcy Panesar Christopher Leslie Crum Christopher Michael Wisconsin David collie mendick Illinois Shannon's in New York [Applause] Arsen cocky John California Briana Dade Pennsylvania Eugene Kim Republic of South Korea boot Karsh vaishnav India Caroline of Pharaoh Maryland Danielle now Pennsylvania Alexandra Stanford coated by her father dr. Greg Stanford Virginia John McGuire Michigan Dennis Ramdas New Jersey and Ronnie Sala Michigan [Applause] [Applause] amber Richardson Pennsylvania Maxwell dirty Wisconsin Chandi Patel New York Mina Oh Mary New Jersey John Salama New Jersey sama Timur California marina Habib California Helena awara California Chantal wobba California [Applause] tecna's Sharma Ontario Noel Messina Florida Sara Syed New Jersey Emily yen coated by her father dr. home young good thank you Anjali rusher hot Nam New Jersey Kristin Natoli New Jersey so lucious Donny Pennsylvania ball King occupy OB Nigerian Deena Deena Sonic New Jersey and moyen Oliver Femi gage Nigeria [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] congratulations to all at this time I invite the students to stand and recite aloud with me the professional commitment listed in your programs this commitment was written by a student taskforce in 1995 and has been recited at each of our school of medicine white coat ceremonies today is the beginning of my medical education and training as a physician I acknowledge my responsibility to continue the pursuit of knowledge and understanding until that day when I will cease to be a practicing physician I am entering training for a noble profession in which my interest must always be subservient to those who may seek my assistance I must be ever conscious of the value of my fellow health professionals and treat them with respect at all times my classmates at st. George's University are now my colleagues and I owe to them the same support and encouragement to achieve their goals as I hope to receive from them I will work alongside my colleagues and professors with tolerance compassion and honesty I acknowledge my obligation to adhere to the University honor code and to conduct myself with integrity and in an ethical manner at all times henceforth I shall do all within my power to show in myself an example of all that is honorable and good throughout my medical career it is a privilege to have been given the opportunity to become a physician maybe ever conscious of that privilege and never abuse it please be seated [Applause] on behalf of st. George's University I would like to thank the Arnold Gould foundation for the humanism in medicine pins placed on each student's white coat Thank You students families faculty staff and administrators for your support and presence at the ceremony you are all invited to a reception at the Lewis and Marian madoka hall please remain seated and keep the aisles clear until directed by the ushers thank you again for joining us today [Applause]
Channel: StGeorgesU
Views: 3,871
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: White Coat Ceremony, St. George's University, Grenada, Caribbean, Medical School, Outreach, st georges medical school, sgu, med school, medical student, caribbean medical school, med student, doctor, medicine, medical, medical school vlog, premed, medical student vlog, student, physician, white coat, travel, clinicals, school, caribbean, school of medicine, international medical school, international medical graduate, residency, doctorgoals
Id: i9-lbEUkWww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 38sec (4298 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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